MongoDB Driver Specifications
The modern MongoDB driver consists of a number of components, each of which are thoroughly documented in this repository. Though this information is readily available and extremely helpful, what it lacks is a high level overview to tie the specs together into a cohesive picture of what a MongoDB driver is.
Architecturally an implicit hierarchy exists within the drivers, so expressing drivers in terms of an onion model feels appropriate.
Layers of the Onion
The "drivers onion" is meant to represent how various concepts, components and APIs can be layered atop each other to build a MongoDB driver from the ground up, or to help understand how existing drivers have been structured. Hopefully this representation of MongoDB’s drivers helps provide some clarity, as the complexity of these libraries - like the onion above - could otherwise bring you to tears.
At their lowest level all MongoDB drivers will need to know how to work with BSON. BSON (short for "Binary JSON") is a binary-encoded serialization of JSON-like documents, and like JSON, it supports the nesting of arrays and documents. BSON also contains extensions that allow representation of data types that are not part of the JSON spec.
Specifications: BSON, ObjectId, Decimal128, UUID, DBRef, Extended JSON
Once BSON documents can be created and manipulated, the foundation for interacting with a MongoDB host process has been laid. Drivers communicate by sending database commands as serialized BSON documents using MongoDB’s wire protocol.
From the provided connection string and options a socket connection is established to a host, which an initial handshake verifies is in fact a valid MongoDB connection by sending a simple hello
. Based on the response to this first command a driver can continue to establish and authenticate connections.
, Command Execution, Connection String, URI Options, OCSP, Initial Handshake, Wire Compression, SOCKS5, Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery
Now that a valid host has been found, the cluster’s topology can be discovered and monitoring connections can be established. Connection pools can then be created and populated with connections. The monitoring connections will subsequently be used for ensuring operations are routed to available hosts, or hosts that meet certain criteria (such as a configured read preference or acceptable latency window).
Specifications: SDAM, CMAP, Load Balancer Support
Establishing and monitoring connections to MongoDB ensures they’re available, but MongoDB server processes typically will require the connection to be authenticated before commands will be accepted. MongoDB offers many authentication mechanisms such as SCRAM, x.509, Kerberos, LDAP, OpenID Connect and AWS IAM, which MongoDB drivers support using the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) framework.
Specifications: Authentication
All client operations will be serialized as BSON and sent to MongoDB over a connection that will first be checked out of a connection pool. Various monitoring processes exist to ensure a driver’s internal state machine contains an accurate view of the cluster’s topology so that read and write requests can always be appropriately routed according to MongoDB’s server selection algorithm.
Specifications: Server Monitoring,
Polling for mongos Discovery, Server Selection, Max Staleness
At their core, database drivers are client libraries meant to facilitate interactions between an application and the database. MongoDB’s drivers are no different in that regard, as they abstract away the underlying serialization, communication, connectivity, and availability functions required to programmatically interact with your data.
To further enhance the developer experience while working with MongoDB, various resilience features can be added based on logical sessions such as retryable writes, causal consistency, and transactions.
Specifications: Retryability (Reads, Writes), CSOT, Consistency (Sessions, Causal Consistency, Snapshot Reads, Transactions, Convenient Transactions API)
Now that we can serialize commands and send them over the wire through an authenticated connection we can begin actually manipulating data. Since all database interactions are in the form of commands, if we wanted to remove a single document we might issue a delete
command such as the following:
delete: "orders",
deletes: [ { q: { status: "D" }, limit: 0 } ]
Though not exceedingly complex, a better developer experience can be achieved through more single-purpose APIs. This would allow the above example to be expressed as:
db.orders.deleteMany({ status: "D" })
To provide a cleaner and clearer developer experience, many specifications exist to describe how these APIs should be consistently presented across driver implementations, while still providing the flexibility to make APIs more idiomatic for each language.
Advanced security features such as client-side field level encryption are also defined at this layer.
Specifications: Resource Management (Databases, Collections, Indexes), Data Management (CRUD, Collation, Write Commands, Bulk API, Bulk Write, R/W Concern), Cursors (Change Streams,
), GridFS, Stable API, Security (Client Side Encryption, BSON Binary Subtype 6)
With database commands being serialized and sent to MongoDB servers and responses being received and deserialized, our driver can be considered fully functional for most read and write operations. As MongoDB drivers abstract away most of the complexity involved with creating and maintaining the connections these commands will be sent over, providing mechanisms for introspection into a driver’s functionality can provide developers with added confidence that things are working as expected.
The inner workings of connection pools, connection lifecycle, server monitoring, topology changes, command execution and other driver components are exposed by means of events developers can register listeners to capture. This can be an invaluable troubleshooting tool and can help facilitate monitoring the health of an application.
const { MongoClient, BSON: { EJSON } } = require('mongodb');
function debugPrint(label, event) {
console.log(`${label}: ${EJSON.stringify(event)}`);
async function main() {
const client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017", { monitorCommands: true });
client.on('commandStarted', (event) => debugPrint('commandStarted', event));
client.on('connectionCheckedOut', (event) => debugPrint('connectionCheckedOut', event));
await client.connect();
const coll = client.db("test").collection("foo");
const result = await coll.findOne();
Given the example above (using the Node.js driver) the specified connection events and command events would be logged as they’re emitted by the driver:
connectionCheckedOut: {"time":{"$date":"2024-05-17T15:18:18.589Z"},"address":"localhost:27018","name":"connectionCheckedOut","connectionId":1}
commandStarted: {"name":"commandStarted","address":"","connectionId":1,"serviceId":null,"requestId":5,"databaseName":"test","commandName":"find","command":{"find":"foo","filter":{},"limit":1,"singleBatch":true,"batchSize":1,"lsid":{"id":{"$binary":{"base64":"4B1kOPCGRUe/641MKhGT4Q==","subType":"04"}}},"$clusterTime":{"clusterTime":{"$timestamp":{"t":1715959097,"i":1}},"signature":{"hash":{"$binary":"base64":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","subType":"00"}},"keyId":0}},"$db":"test"},"serverConnectionId":140}
The preferred method of observing internal behavior would be through standardized logging once it is available in all drivers (DRIVERS-1204), however until that time only event logging is consistently available. In the future additional observability tooling such as Open Telemetry support may also be introduced.
Specifications: Command Logging and Monitoring, SDAM Logging and Monitoring, Standardized Logging, Connection Pool Logging
Ensuring existing as well as net-new drivers can be effectively tested for correctness and performance, most specifications define a standard set of tests using YAML tests to improve driver conformance. This allows specification authors and maintainers to describe functionality once with the confidence that the tests can be executed alike by language-specific test runners across all drivers.
Though the unified test format greatly simplifies language-specific implementations, not all tests can be represented in this fashion. In those cases the specifications may describe tests to be manually implemented as prose. By limiting the number of prose tests that each driver must implement, engineers can deliver functionality with greater confidence while also minimizing the burden of upstream verification.
Specifications: Unified Test Format, Atlas Data Federation Testing, Performance Benchmarking, BSON Corpus, Replication Event Resilience, FAAS Automated Testing, Atlas Serverless Testing
Most (if not all) the information required to build a new driver or maintain existing drivers technically exists within the specifications, however without a mental mode of their composition and architecture it can be extremely challenging to know where to look.
Peeling the "drivers onion" should hopefully make reasoning about them a little easier, especially with the understanding that everything can be tested to validate individual implementations are "up to spec".
Driver Mantras
When developing specifications -- and the drivers themselves -- we follow the following principles:
Strive to be idiomatic, but favor consistency
Drivers attempt to provide the easiest way to work with MongoDB in a given language ecosystem, while specifications attempt to provide a consistent behavior and experience across all languages. Drivers should strive to be as idiomatic as possible while meeting the specification and staying true to the original intent.
No Knobs
Too many choices stress out users. Whenever possible, we aim to minimize the number of configuration options exposed to users. In particular, if a typical user would have no idea how to choose a correct value, we pick a good default instead of adding a knob.
Topology agnostic
Users test and deploy against different topologies or might scale up from replica sets to sharded clusters. Applications should never need to use the driver differently based on topology type.
Where possible, depend on server to return errors
The features available to users depend on a server's version, topology, storage engine and configuration. So that drivers don't need to code and test all possible variations, and to maximize forward compatibility, always let users attempt operations and let the server error when it can't comply. Exceptions should be rare: for cases where the server might not error and correctness is at stake.
Minimize administrative helpers
Administrative helpers are methods for admin tasks, like user creation. These are rarely used and have maintenance costs as the server changes the administrative API. Don't create administrative helpers; let users rely on "RunCommand" for administrative commands.
Check wire version, not server version
When determining server capabilities within the driver, rely only on the maxWireVersion in the hello response, not on the X.Y.Z server version. An exception is testing server development releases, as the server bumps wire version early and then continues to add features until the GA.
When in doubt, use "MUST" not "SHOULD" in specs
Specs guide our work. While there are occasionally valid technical reasons for drivers to differ in their behavior, avoid encouraging it with a wishy-washy "SHOULD" instead of a more assertive "MUST".
Defy augury
While we have some idea of what the server will do in the future, don't design features with those expectations in mind. Design and implement based on what is expected in the next release.
Case Study: In designing OP_MSG, we held off on designing support for Document Sequences in Replies in drivers until the server would support it. We subsequently decided not to implement that feature in the server.
The best way to see what the server does is to test it
For any unusual case, relying on documentation or anecdote to anticipate the server's behavior in different versions/topologies/etc. is error-prone. The best way to check the server's behavior is to use a driver or the shell and test it directly.
Drivers follow semantic versioning
Drivers should follow X.Y.Z versioning, where breaking API changes require a bump to X. See for more.
Backward breaking behavior changes and semver
Backward breaking behavior changes can be more dangerous and disruptive than backward breaking API changes. When thinking about the implications of a behavior change, ask yourself what could happen if a user upgraded your library without carefully reading the changelog and/or adequately testing the change.
Server Wire version and Feature List
Server version | Wire version | Feature List |
2.6 | 1 | Aggregation cursor Auth commands |
2.6 | 2 | Write commands (insert/update/delete) Aggregation $out pipeline operator |
3.0 | 3 | listCollections listIndexes SCRAM-SHA-1 explain command |
3.2 | 4 | (find/getMore/killCursors) commands currentOp command fsyncUnlock command findAndModify take write concern Commands take read concern Document-level validation explain command supports distinct and findAndModify |
3.4 | 5 | Commands take write concern Commands take collation |
3.6 | 6 | Supports OP_MSG Collection-level ChangeStream support Retryable Writes Causally Consistent Reads Logical Sessions update "arrayFilters" option |
4.0 | 7 | ReplicaSet transactions Database and cluster-level change streams and startAtOperationTime option |
4.2 | 8 | Sharded transactions Aggregation $merge pipeline operator update "hint" option |
4.4 | 9 | Streaming protocol for SDAM ResumableChangeStreamError error label delete "hint" option findAndModify "hint" option createIndexes "commitQuorum" option |
5.0 | 13 | $out and $merge on secondaries (technically FCV 4.4+) |
5.1 | 14 | |
5.2 | 15 | |
5.3 | 16 | |
6.0 | 17 | Support for Partial Indexes Sharded Time Series Collections FCV set to 5.0 |
6.1 | 18 | Update Perl Compatible Regular Expressions version to PCRE2 Add |
6.2 | 19 | Collection validation ensures BSON documents conform to BSON spec Collection validation checks time series collections for internal consistency |
7.0 | 21 | Atlas Search Index Management
Compound Wildcard Indexes Support large change stream events via
Slot Based Query Execution |
7.1 | 22 | Improved Index Builds Exhaust Cursors Enabled for Sharded Clusters New Sharding Statistics for Chunk Migrations Self-Managed Backups of Sharded Clusters |
7.2 | 23 | Database Validation on
Default Chunks Per Shard |
7.3 | 24 | Compaction Improvements New |
8.0 | 25 | Range Encryption GA OIDC authentication mechanism New
In server versions 5.0 and earlier, the wire version was defined as a numeric literal in src/mongo/db/wire_version.h. Since server version 5.1 (SERVER-58346), the wire version is derived from the number of releases since 4.0 (using src/mongo/util/version/releases.h.tpl and src/mongo/util/version/releases.yml).
Latest version of the specification can be found at
Specification Version 1.1
BSON is a binary format in which zero or more ordered key/value pairs are stored as a single entity. We call this entity a document.
The following grammar specifies version 1.1 of the BSON standard. We've written the grammar using a pseudo-BNF syntax. Valid BSON data is represented by the document non-terminal.
Basic Types
The following basic types are used as terminals in the rest of the grammar. Each type must be serialized in little-endian format.
byte 1 byte (8-bits)
signed_byte(n) 8-bit, two's complement signed integer for which the value is n
unsigned_byte(n) 8-bit unsigned integer for which the value is n
int32 4 bytes (32-bit signed integer, two's complement)
int64 8 bytes (64-bit signed integer, two's complement)
uint64 8 bytes (64-bit unsigned integer)
double 8 bytes (64-bit IEEE 754-2008 binary floating point)
decimal128 16 bytes (128-bit IEEE 754-2008 decimal floating point)
The following specifies the rest of the BSON grammar. Note that we use the * operator as shorthand for repetition (e.g. (byte*2) is byte byte). When used as a unary operator, * means that the repetition can occur 0 or more times.
document ::= int32 e_list unsigned_byte(0) BSON Document. int32 is the total number of bytes comprising the document.
e_list ::= element e_list
| ""
element ::= signed_byte(1) e_name double 64-bit binary floating point
| signed_byte(2) e_name string UTF-8 string
| signed_byte(3) e_name document Embedded document
| signed_byte(4) e_name document Array
| signed_byte(5) e_name binary Binary data
| signed_byte(6) e_name Undefined (value) — Deprecated
| signed_byte(7) e_name (byte*12) ObjectId
| signed_byte(8) e_name unsigned_byte(0) Boolean - false
| signed_byte(8) e_name unsigned_byte(1) Boolean - true
| signed_byte(9) e_name int64 UTC datetime
| signed_byte(10) e_name Null value
| signed_byte(11) e_name cstring cstring Regular expression - The first cstring is the regex pattern, the second is the regex options string. Options are identified by characters, which must be stored in alphabetical order. Valid option characters are i for case insensitive matching, m for multiline matching, s for dotall mode ("." matches everything), x for verbose mode, and u to make "\w", "\W", etc. match Unicode.
| signed_byte(12) e_name string (byte*12) DBPointer — Deprecated
| signed_byte(13) e_name string JavaScript code
| signed_byte(14) e_name string Symbol — Deprecated
| signed_byte(15) e_name code_w_s JavaScript code with scope — Deprecated
| signed_byte(16) e_name int32 32-bit integer
| signed_byte(17) e_name uint64 Timestamp
| signed_byte(18) e_name int64 64-bit integer
| signed_byte(19) e_name decimal128 128-bit decimal floating point
| signed_byte(-1) e_name Min key
| signed_byte(127) e_name Max key
e_name ::= cstring Key name
string ::= int32 (byte*) unsigned_byte(0) String - The int32 is the number of bytes in the (byte*) plus one for the trailing null byte. The (byte*) is zero or more UTF-8 encoded characters.
cstring ::= (byte*) unsigned_byte(0) Zero or more modified UTF-8 encoded characters followed by the null byte. The (byte*) MUST NOT contain unsigned_byte(0), hence it is not full UTF-8.
binary ::= int32 subtype (byte*) Binary - The int32 is the number of bytes in the (byte*).
subtype ::= unsigned_byte(0) Generic binary subtype
| unsigned_byte(1) Function
| unsigned_byte(2) Binary (Old)
| unsigned_byte(3) UUID (Old)
| unsigned_byte(4) UUID
| unsigned_byte(5) MD5
| unsigned_byte(6) Encrypted BSON value
| unsigned_byte(7) Compressed BSON column
| unsigned_byte(8) Sensitive
| unsigned_byte(128)—unsigned_byte(255) User defined
code_w_s ::= int32 string document Code with scope — Deprecated
- Array - The document for an array is a normal BSON document with integer values for the keys, starting with 0 and continuing sequentially. For example, the array ['red', 'blue'] would be encoded as the document {'0': 'red', '1': 'blue'}. The keys must be in ascending numerical order.
- UTC datetime - The int64 is UTC milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
- Timestamp - Special internal type used by MongoDB replication and sharding. First 4 bytes are an increment, second 4 are a timestamp.
- Min key - Special type which compares lower than all other possible BSON element values.
- Max key - Special type which compares higher than all other possible BSON element values.
- Generic binary subtype - This is the most commonly used binary subtype and should be the 'default' for drivers and tools.
- Compressed BSON Column - Compact storage of BSON data. This data type uses delta and delta-of-delta compression and run-length-encoding for efficient element storage. Also has an encoding for sparse arrays containing missing values.
- The BSON "binary" or "BinData" datatype is used to represent arrays of bytes. It is somewhat analogous to the Java notion of a ByteArray. BSON binary values have a subtype. This is used to indicate what kind of data is in the byte array. Subtypes from 0 to 127 are predefined or reserved. Subtypes from 128 to 255 are user-defined.
- unsigned_byte(2) Binary (Old) - This used to be the default subtype, but was deprecated in favor of subtype 0. Drivers and tools should be sure to handle subtype 2 appropriately. The structure of the binary data (the byte* array in the binary non-terminal) must be an int32 followed by a (byte*). The int32 is the number of bytes in the repetition.
- unsigned_byte(3) UUID (Old) - This used to be the UUID subtype, but was deprecated in favor of subtype 4. Drivers and tools for languages with a native UUID type should handle subtype 3 appropriately.
- unsigned_byte(128)—unsigned_byte(255) User defined subtypes. The binary data can be anything.
- Code with scope - Deprecated. The int32 is the length in bytes of the entire code_w_s value. The string is JavaScript code. The document is a mapping from identifiers to values, representing the scope in which the string should be evaluated.
BSON Binary Subtype 9 - Vector
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
This document describes the subtype of the Binary BSON type used for efficient storage and retrieval of vectors. Vectors here refer to densely packed arrays of numbers, all of the same type.
These representations correspond to the numeric types supported by popular numerical libraries for vector processing, such as NumPy, PyTorch, TensorFlow and Apache Arrow. Storing and retrieving vector data using the same densely packed format used by these libraries can result in significant memory savings and processing efficiency.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
This specification introduces a new BSON binary subtype, the vector, with value 9
Drivers SHOULD provide idiomatic APIs to translate between arrays of numbers and this BSON Binary specification.
Data Types (dtypes)
Each vector can take one of multiple data types (dtypes). The following table lists the dtypes implemented.
Vector data type | Alias | Bits per vector element | Arrow Data Type (for illustration) |
0x03 | INT8 | 8 | INT8 |
0x27 | FLOAT32 | 32 | FLOAT |
0x10 | PACKED_BIT | 1 * | BOOL |
A Binary Quantized (PACKED_BIT) Vector is a vector of 0s and 1s (bits), but it is represented in memory as a list of
integers in [0, 255]. So, for example, the vector [0, 255]
would be shorthand for the 16-bit vector
. The idea is that each number (a uint8) can be stored as a single byte. Of course,
some languages, Python for one, do not have an uint8 type, so must be represented as an int in memory, but not on disk.
Byte padding
As not all data types have a bit length equal to a multiple of 8, and hence do not fit squarely into a certain number of bytes, a second piece of metadata, the "padding" is included. This instructs the driver of the number of bits in the final byte that are to be ignored. The least-significant bits are ignored.
Binary structure
Following the binary subtype 9
, a two-element byte array of metadata precedes the packed numbers.
The first byte (dtype) describes its data type. The table above shows those that MUST be implemented. This table may increase. dtype is an unsigned integer.
The second byte (padding) prescribes the number of bits to ignore in the final byte of the value. It is a non-negative integer. It must be present, even in cases where it is not applicable, and set to zero.
The remainder contains the actual vector elements packed according to dtype.
All values use the little-endian format.
Let's take a vector [238, 224]
of dtype PACKED_BIT (\x10
) with a padding of 4
In hex, it looks like this: b"\x10\x04\xee\xe0"
: 1 byte for dtype, 1 for padding, and 1 for each uint8.
We can visualize the binary representation like so:
1st byte: dtype (from list in previous table) | 2nd byte: padding (values in [0,7]) | 1st uint8: 238 | 2nd uint8: 224 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Finally, after we remove the last 4 bits of padding, the actual bit vector has a length of 12 and looks like this!
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
API Guidance
Drivers MUST implement methods for explicit encoding and decoding that adhere to the pattern described below while following idioms of the language of the driver.
Function from_vector(vector: Iterable<Number>, dtype: DtypeEnum, padding: Integer = 0) -> Binary
# Converts a numeric vector into a binary representation based on the specified dtype and padding.
# :param vector: A sequence or iterable of numbers (either float or int)
# :param dtype: Data type for binary conversion (from DtypeEnum)
# :param padding: Optional integer specifying how many bits to ignore in the final byte
# :return: A binary representation of the vector
Declare binary_data as Binary
# Process each number in vector and convert according to dtype
For each number in vector
binary_element = convert_to_binary(number, dtype)
End For
# Apply padding to the binary data if needed
If padding > 0
apply_padding(binary_data, padding)
End If
Return binary_data
End Function
Note: If a driver chooses to implement a Vector
type (or numerous) like that suggested in the Data Structure
subsection below, they MAY decide that from_vector
that has a single argument, a Vector.
Function as_vector() -> Vector
# Unpacks binary data (BSON or similar) into a Vector structure.
# This process involves extracting numeric values, the data type, and padding information.
# :return: A BinaryVector containing the unpacked numeric values, dtype, and padding.
Declare binary_vector as BinaryVector # Struct to hold the unpacked data
# Extract dtype (data type) from the binary data
binary_vector.dtype = extract_dtype_from_binary()
# Extract padding from the binary data
binary_vector.padding = extract_padding_from_binary()
# Unpack the actual numeric values from the binary data according to the dtype = unpack_numeric_values(binary_vector.dtype)
Return binary_vector
End Function
Drivers MUST validate vector metadata and raise an error if any invariant is violated:
- Padding MUST be 0 for all dtypes where padding doesn’t apply, and MUST be within [0, 7] for PACKED_BIT.
- A PACKED_BIT vector MUST NOT be empty if padding is in the range [1, 7].
- When unpacking binary data into a FLOAT32 Vector structure, the length of the binary data following the dtype and padding MUST be a multiple of 4 bytes.
Drivers MUST perform this validation when a numeric vector and padding are provided through the API, and when unpacking binary data (BSON or similar) into a Vector structure.
Data Structures
Drivers MAY find the following structures to represent the dtype and vector structure useful.
Enum Dtype
# Enum for data types (dtype)
# FLOAT32: Represents packing of list of floats as float32
# Value: 0x27 (hexadecimal byte value)
# INT8: Represents packing of list of signed integers in the range [-128, 127] as signed int8
# Value: 0x03 (hexadecimal byte value)
# PACKED_BIT: Special case where vector values are 0 or 1, packed as unsigned uint8 in range [0, 255]
# Packed into groups of 8 (a byte)
# Value: 0x10 (hexadecimal byte value)
# Documentation:
# Each value is a byte (length of one), a convenient choice for decoding.
End Enum
Struct Vector
# Numeric vector with metadata for binary interoperability
# Fields:
# data: Sequence of numeric values (either float or int)
# dtype: Data type of vector (from enum BinaryVectorDtype)
# padding: Number of bits to ignore in the final byte for alignment
data # Sequence of float or int
dtype # Type: DtypeEnum
padding # Integer: Number of padding bits
End Struct
Reference Implementation
Test Plan
See the README for tests.
- What MongoDB Server version does this apply to?
- Files in the "specifications" repository have no version scheme. They are not tied to a MongoDB server version.
- In PACKED_BIT, why would one choose to use integers in [0, 256)?
- This follows a well-established precedent for packing binary-valued arrays into bytes (8 bits), This technique is widely used across different fields, such as data compression, communication protocols, and file formats, where you want to store or transmit binary data more efficiently by grouping 8 bits into a single byte (uint8). For an example in Python, see numpy.unpackbits.
2025-03-07: Update tests to use Extended JSON representation of +/-Infinity. (DRIVERS-3095)
2025-02-04: Update validation for decoding into a FLOAT32 vector.
2024-11-01: BSON Binary Subtype 9 accepted DRIVERS-2926 (#1708)
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
This specification documents the format and data contents of ObjectID BSON values that the drivers and the server
generate when no field values have been specified (e.g. creating an ObjectID BSON value when no _id
field is present
in a document). It is primarily aimed to provide an alternative to the historical use of the MD5 hashing algorithm for
the machine information field of the ObjectID, which is problematic when providing a FIPS compliant implementation. It
also documents existing best practices for the timestamp and counter fields.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
The ObjectID BSON type is a 12-byte value consisting of three different portions (fields):
- a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch in the highest order bytes,
- a 5-byte random number unique to a machine and process,
- a 3-byte counter, starting with a random value.
4 byte timestamp 5 byte process unique 3 byte counter
0 4 8 12
Timestamp Field
This 4-byte big endian field represents the seconds since the Unix epoch (Jan 1st, 1970, midnight UTC). It is an ever increasing value that will have a range until about Jan 7th, 2106.
Drivers MUST create ObjectIDs with this value representing the number of seconds since the Unix epoch.
Drivers MUST interpret this value as an unsigned 32-bit integer when conversions to language specific date/time values are created, and when converting this to a timestamp.
Drivers SHOULD have an accessor method on an ObjectID class for obtaining the timestamp value.
Random Value
A 5-byte field consisting of a random value generated once per process. This random value is unique to the machine and process.
Drivers MUST NOT have an accessor method on an ObjectID class for obtaining this value.
The random number does not have to be cryptographic. If possible, use a PRNG with OS supplied entropy that SHOULD NOT block to wait for more entropy to become available. Otherwise, seed a deterministic PRNG to ensure uniqueness of process and machine by combining time, process ID, and hostname.
A 3-byte big endian counter.
This counter MUST be initialised to a random value when the driver is first activated. After initialisation, the counter MUST be increased by 1 for every ObjectID creation.
When the counter overflows (i.e., hits 16777215+1), the counter MUST be reset to 0.
Drivers MUST NOT have an accessor method on an ObjectID class for obtaining this value.
The random number does not have to be cryptographic. If possible, use a PRNG with OS supplied entropy that SHOULD NOT block to wait for more entropy to become available. Otherwise, seed a deterministic PRNG to ensure uniqueness of process and machine by combining time, process ID, and hostname.
Test Plan
Drivers MUST:
- Ensure that the Timestamp field is represented as an unsigned 32-bit representing the number of seconds since the
Epoch for the Timestamp values:
: To match"Jan 1st, 1970 00:00:00 UTC"
: To match"Jan 19th, 2038 03:14:07 UTC"
: To match"Jan 19th, 2038 03:14:08 UTC"
: To match"Feb 7th, 2106 06:28:15 UTC"
- Ensure that the Counter field successfully overflows its sequence from
. - Ensure that after a new process is created through a fork() or similar process creation operation, the "random number unique to a machine and process" is no longer the same as the parent process that created the new process.
Motivation for Change
Besides the specific exclusion of MD5 as an allowed hashing algorithm, the information in this specification is meant to align the ObjectID generation algorithm of both drivers and the server.
Design Rationale
Timestamp: The timestamp is a 32-bit unsigned integer, as it allows us to extend the furthest date that the timestamp can represent from the year 2038 to 2106. There is no reason why MongoDB would generate a timestamp to mean a date before 1970, as MongoDB did not exist back then.
Random Value: Originally, this field consisted of the Machine ID and Process ID fields. There were numerous divergences between drivers due to implementation choices, and the Machine ID field traditionally used the MD5 hashing algorithm which can't be used on FIPS compliant machines. In order to allow for a similar behaviour among all drivers and the MongoDB Server, these two fields have been collated together into a single 5-byte random value, unique to a machine and process.
Counter: The counter makes it possible to have multiple ObjectIDs per second, per server, and per process. As the counter can overflow, there is a possibility of having duplicate ObjectIDs if you create more than 16 million ObjectIDs per second in the same process on a single machine.
Endianness: The Timestamp and Counter are big endian because we can then use memcmp
to order ObjectIDs, and we
want to ensure an increasing order.
Backwards Compatibility
This specification requires that the existing Machine ID and Process ID fields are merged into a single 5-byte value. This will change the behaviour of ObjectID generation, as well as the behaviour of drivers that currently have getters and setters for the original Machine ID and Process ID fields.
Reference Implementation
Currently there is no full reference implementation yet.
2024-07-30: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2019-01-14: Clarify that the random numbers don't need to be cryptographically secure. Add a test to test that the unique value is different in forked processes.
2018-10-11: Clarify that the Timestamp and Counter fields are big endian, and add the reason why.
2018-07-02: Replaced Machine ID and Process ID fields with a single 5-byte unique value
2018-05-22: Initial Release
BSON Decimal128
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.4
MongoDB 3.4 introduces a new BSON type representing high precision decimal ("\x13"
), known as Decimal128. 3.4
compatible drivers must support this type by creating a Value Object for it, possibly with accessor functions for
retrieving its value in data types supported by the respective languages.
Round-tripping Decimal128 types between driver and server MUST not change its value or representation in any way. Conversion to and from native language types is complicated and there are many pitfalls to represent Decimal128 precisely in all languages
While many languages offer a native decimal type, the precision of these types often does not exactly match that of the
MongoDB implementation. To ensure error-free conversion and consistency between official MongoDB drivers, this
specification does not allow automatically converting the BSON Decimal128
type into a language-defined decimal type.
Language drivers will wrap their native type in value objects by default and SHOULD offer accessor functions for
retrieving its value represented by language-defined types if appropriate. A driver that offers the ability to configure
mappings to/from BSON types to native types MAY allow the option to automatically convert the BSON Decimal128
type to
a native type. It should however be made abundantly clear to the user that converting to native data types risks
incurring data loss.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
IEEE 754-2008 128-bit decimal floating point (Decimal128)
The Decimal128 specification supports 34 decimal digits of precision, a max value of approximately 10^6145
, and min
value of approximately -10^6145
. This is the new BSON Decimal128
type ("\x13"
Clamping happens when a value's exponent is too large for the destination format. This works by adding zeros to the coefficient to reduce the exponent to the largest usable value. An overflow occurs if the number of digits required is more than allowed in the destination format.
Binary Integer Decimal (BID)
MongoDB uses this binary encoding for the coefficient as specified in IEEE 754-2008
section 3.5.2 using method 2
"binary encoding" rather than method 1 "decimal encoding". The byte order is little-endian, like the rest of the BSON
Value Object
An immutable container type representing a value (e.g. Decimal128). This Value Object MAY provide accessors that
retrieve the abstracted value as a different type (e.g. casting it). double x = valueObject.getAsDouble();
BSON Decimal128 implementation details
The BSON Decimal128
data type implements the
Decimal Arithmetic Encodings specification, with certain exceptions
around value integrity and the coefficient encoding. When a value cannot be represented exactly, the value will be
The coefficient MUST be stored as an unsigned binary integer (BID) rather than the densely-packed decimal (DPD) shown in
the specification. See either the IEEE Std 754-2008
spec or the driver examples for further detail.
The specification defines several statuses which are meant to signal exceptional circumstances, such as when overflowing occurs, and how to handle them.
BSON Decimal128
Value Objects MUST implement these actions for these exceptions:
- When overflow occurs, the operation MUST emit an error and result in a failure
- When underflow occurs, the operation MUST emit an error and result in a failure
- Since clamping does not change the actual value, only the representation of it, clamping MUST occur without emitting an error.
- When the coefficient requires more digits then Decimal128 provides, rounding MUST be done without emitting an error, unless it would result in inexact rounding, in which case the operation MUST emit an error and result in a failure.
Conversion Syntax
- Invalid strings MUST emit an error and result in a failure.
It should be noted that the given exponent is a preferred representation. If the value cannot be stored due to the value
of the exponent being too large or too small, but can be stored using an alternative representation by clamping and or
rounding, a BSON Decimal128
compatible Value Object MUST do so, unless such operation results in an inexact rounding
or other underflow or overflow.
Reading from BSON
A BSON type "\x13"
MUST be represented by an immutable Value Object by default and MUST NOT be automatically converted
into language native numeric type by default. A driver that offers users a way to configure the exact type mapping to
and from BSON types MAY allow the BSON Decimal128
type to be converted to the user configured type.
A driver SHOULD provide accessors for this immutable Value Object, which can return a language-specific representation
of the Decimal128 value, after converting it into the respective type. For example, Java may choose to provide
All drivers MUST provide an accessor for retrieving the value as a string. Drivers MAY provide other accessors, retrieving the value as other types.
Serializing and writing BSON
Drivers MUST provide a way of constructing the Value Object, as the driver representation of the BSON Decimal128
is an
immutable Value Object by default.
A driver MUST have a way to construct this Value Object from a string. For example, Java MUST provide a method similar
to Decimal128.valueOf("2.000")
A driver that has accessors for different types SHOULD provide a way to construct the Value Object from those types.
Reading from Extended JSON
The Extended JSON representation of Decimal128 is a document with the key $numberDecimal
and a value of the Decimal128
as a string. Drivers that support Extended JSON formatting MUST support the $numberDecimal
type specifier.
When an Extended JSON $numberDecimal
is parsed, its type should be the same as that of a deserialized
BSON Decimal128
, as described in Reading from BSON.
The Extended JSON $numberDecimal
value follows the same stringification rules as defined in
From String Representation.
Writing to Extended JSON
The Extended JSON type identifier is $numberDecimal
, while the value itself is a string. Drivers that support
converting values to Extended JSON MUST be able to convert its Decimal128 value object to Extended JSON.
Converting a Decimal128 Value Object to Extended JSON MUST follow the conversion rules in To String Representation, and other stringification rules as when converting Decimal128 Value Object to a String.
Operator overloading and math on Decimal128 Value Objects
Drivers MUST NOT allow any mathematical operator overloading for the Decimal128 Value Objects. This includes adding two Decimal128 Value Objects and assigning the result to a new object.
If a user wants to perform mathematical operations on Decimal128 Value Objects, the user must explicitly retrieve the native language value representations of the objects and perform the operations on those native representations. The user will then create a new Decimal128 Value Object and optionally overwrite the original Decimal128 Value Object.
From String Representation
For finite numbers, we will use the definition at It has been modified to account for a different NaN representation and whitespace rules and copied here:
Strings which are acceptable for conversion to the abstract representation of
numbers, or which might result from conversion from the abstract representation
to a string, are called numeric strings.
A numeric string is a character string that describes either a finite
number or a special value.
* If it describes a finite number, it includes one or more decimal digits,
with an optional decimal point. The decimal point may be embedded in the
digits, or may be prefixed or suffixed to them. The group of digits (and
optional point) thus constructed may have an optional sign ('+' or '-')
which must come before any digits or decimal point.
* The string thus described may optionally be followed by an 'E'
(indicating an exponential part), an optional sign, and an integer
following the sign that represents a power of ten that is to be applied.
The 'E' may be in uppercase or lowercase.
* If it describes a special value, it is one of the case-independent names
'Infinity', 'Inf', or 'NaN' (where the first two represent infinity and
the second represent NaN). The name may be preceded by an optional sign,
as for finite numbers.
* No blanks or other whitespace characters are permitted in a numeric string.
sign ::= '+' | '-'
digit ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' |
'8' | '9'
indicator ::= 'e' | 'E'
digits ::= digit [digit]...
decimal-part ::= digits '.' [digits] | ['.'] digits
exponent-part ::= indicator [sign] digits
infinity ::= 'Infinity' | 'Inf'
nan ::= 'NaN'
numeric-value ::= decimal-part [exponent-part] | infinity
numeric-string ::= [sign] numeric-value | [sign] nan
where the characters in the strings accepted for 'infinity' and 'nan' may be in
any case. If an implementation supports the concept of diagnostic information
on NaNs, the numeric strings for NaNs MAY include one or more digits, as shown
above.[3] These digits encode the diagnostic information in an
implementation-defined manner; however, conversions to and from string for
diagnostic NaNs should be reversible if possible. If an implementation does not
support diagnostic information on NaNs, these digits should be ignored where
necessary. A plain 'NaN' is usually the same as 'NaN0'.
Drivers MAY choose to support signed NaN (sNaN), along with sNaN with
diagnostic information.
Some numeric strings are:
"0" -- zero
"12" -- a whole number
"-76" -- a signed whole number
"12.70" -- some decimal places
"+0.003" -- a plus sign is allowed, too
"017." -- the same as 17
".5" -- the same as 0.5
"4E+9" -- exponential notation
"0.73e-7" -- exponential notation, negative power
"Inf" -- the same as Infinity
"-infinity" -- the same as -Infinity
"NaN" -- not-a-Number
1. A single period alone or with a sign is not a valid numeric string.
2. A sign alone is not a valid numeric string.
3. Significant (after the decimal point) and insignificant leading zeros
are permitted.
To String Representation
For finite numbers, we will use the definition at It has been copied here:
The coefficient is first converted to a string in base ten using the characters
0 through 9 with no leading zeros (except if its value is zero, in which case a
single 0 character is used).
Next, the adjusted exponent is calculated; this is the exponent, plus the
number of characters in the converted coefficient, less one. That is,
exponent+(clength-1), where clength is the length of the coefficient in decimal
If the exponent is less than or equal to zero and the adjusted exponent is
greater than or equal to -6, the number will be converted to a character form
without using exponential notation. In this case, if the exponent is zero then
no decimal point is added. Otherwise (the exponent will be negative), a decimal
point will be inserted with the absolute value of the exponent specifying the
number of characters to the right of the decimal point. '0' characters are
added to the left of the converted coefficient as necessary. If no character
precedes the decimal point after this insertion then a conventional '0'
character is prefixed.
Otherwise (that is, if the exponent is positive, or the adjusted exponent is
less than -6), the number will be converted to a character form using
exponential notation. In this case, if the converted coefficient has more than
one digit a decimal point is inserted after the first digit. An exponent in
character form is then suffixed to the converted coefficient (perhaps with
inserted decimal point); this comprises the letter 'E' followed immediately by
the adjusted exponent converted to a character form. The latter is in base ten,
using the characters 0 through 9 with no leading zeros, always prefixed by a
sign character ('-' if the calculated exponent is negative, '+' otherwise).
This corresponds to the following code snippet:
var adjusted_exponent = _exponent + (clength - 1);
if (_exponent > 0 || adjusted_exponent < -6) {
// exponential notation
} else {
// character form without using exponential notation
For special numbers such as infinity or the not a number (NaN) variants, the below table is used:
Value | String |
Positive Infinite | Infinity |
Negative Infinite | -Infinity |
Positive NaN | NaN |
Negative NaN | NaN |
Signaled NaN | NaN |
Negative Signaled NaN | NaN |
NaN with a payload | NaN |
Finally, there are certain other invalid representations that must be treated as zeros, as per IEEE 754-2008
. The
tests will verify that each special value has been accounted for.
The server log files as well as the Extended JSON Format for Decimal128 use this format.
Motivation for Change
BSON already contains support for double
), but this type is insufficient for certain values that require
strict precision and representation, such as money, where it is necessary to perform exact decimal rounding.
The new BSON type is the 128-bit IEEE 754-2008
decimal floating point number, which is specifically designed to cope
with these issues.
Design Rationale
For simplicity and consistency between drivers, drivers must not automatically convert this type into a native type by default. This also ensures original data preservation, which is crucial to Decimal128. It is however recommended that drivers offer a way to convert the Value Object to a native type through accessors, and to create a new BSON type from native types. This forces the user to explicitly do the conversion and thus understand the difference between the MongoDB type and possible language precision and representation. Representations via conversions done outside MongoDB are not guaranteed to be identical.
Backwards Compatibility
There should be no backwards compatibility concerns. This specification merely deals with how to encode and decode BSON/Extended JSON Decimal128.
Reference Implementations
See the BSON Corpus for tests.
Most of the tests are converted from the General Decimal Arithmetic Testcases.
Is it true Decimal128 doesn't normalize the value?
- Yes. As a result of non-normalization rules of the Decimal128 data type, precision is represented exactly. For example, '2.00' always remains stored as 200E-2 in Decimal128, and it differs from the representation of '2.0' (20E-1). These two values compare equally, but represent different ideas.
How does Decimal128 "2.000" look in the shell?
- NumberDecimal("2.000")
Should a driver avoid sending Decimal128 values to pre-3.4 servers?
- No
Is there a wire version bump or something for Decimal128?
- No
- 2024-02-08: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter.
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
The Java, C#, and Python drivers natively support platform types for UUID, all of which by default encode them to and decode them from BSON binary subtype 3. However, each encode the bytes in a different order from the others. To improve interoperability, BSON binary subtype 4 was introduced and defined the byte order according to RFC 4122, and a mechanism to configure each driver to encode UUIDs this way was added to each driver. The legacy representation remained as the default for each driver.
This specification moves MongoDB drivers further towards the standard UUID representation by requiring an application relying on native UUID support to explicitly specify the representation it requires.
Drivers that support native UUID types will additionally create helpers on their BsonBinary class that will aid in conversion to and from the platform native UUID type.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
A Universally Unique IDentifier
An object that wraps an instance of a BSON binary value
Naming Deviations
All drivers MUST name operations, objects, and parameters as defined in the following sections.
The following deviations are permitted:
- Drivers can use the platform's name for a UUID. For instance, in C# the platform class is Guid, whereas in Java it is UUID.
- Drivers can use a "to" prefix instead of an "as" prefix for the BsonBinary method names.
Explicit encoding and decoding
Any driver with a native UUID type MUST add the following UuidRepresentation enumeration, and associated methods to its BsonBinary (or equivalent) class:
enum UuidRepresentation {
* An unspecified representation of UUID. Essentially, this is the null
* representation value. This value is not required for languages that
* have better ways of indicating, or preventing use of, a null value.
* The canonical representation of UUID according to RFC 4122,
* section 4.1.2
* It encodes as BSON binary subtype 4
* The legacy representation of UUID used by the C# driver.
* In this representation the order of bytes 0-3 are reversed, the
* order of bytes 4-5 are reversed, and the order of bytes 6-7 are
* reversed.
* It encodes as BSON binary subtype 3
* The legacy representation of UUID used by the Java driver.
* In this representation the order of bytes 0-7 are reversed, and the
* order of bytes 8-15 are reversed.
* It encodes as BSON binary subtype 3
* The legacy representation of UUID used by the Python driver.
* As with STANDARD, this representation conforms with RFC 4122, section
* 4.1.2
* It encodes as BSON binary subtype 3
class BsonBinary {
* Construct from a UUID using the standard UUID representation
* [Specification] This constructor SHOULD be included but MAY be
* omitted if it creates backwards compatibility issues
constructor(Uuid uuid)
* Construct from a UUID using the given UUID representation.
* The representation must not be equal to UNSPECIFIED
constructor(Uuid uuid, UuidRepresentation representation)
* Decode a subtype 4 binary to a UUID, erroring when the subtype is not 4.
Uuid asUuid()
* Decode a subtype 3 or 4 to a UUID, according to the UUID
* representation, erroring when subtype does not match the
* representation.
Uuid asUuid(UuidRepresentation representation)
Implicit decoding and encoding
A new driver for a language with a native UUID type MUST NOT implicitly encode from or decode to the native UUID type. Rather, explicit conversion MUST be used as described in the previous section.
Drivers that already do such implicit encoding and decoding SHOULD support a URI option, uuidRepresentation, which controls the default behavior of the UUID codec. Alternatively, a driver MAY specify the UUID representation via global state.
Value | Default? | Encode to | Decode subtype 4 to | Decode subtype 3 to |
unspecified | yes | raise error | BsonBinary | BsonBinary |
standard | no | BSON binary subtype 4 | native UUID | BsonBinary |
csharpLegacy | no | BSON binary subtype 3 with C# legacy byte order | BsonBinary | native UUID |
javaLegacy | no | BSON binary subtype 3 with Java legacy byte order | BsonBinary | native UUID |
pythonLegacy | no | BSON binary subtype 3 with standard byte order | BsonBinary | native UUID |
For scenarios where the application makes the choice (e.g. a POJO with a field of type UUID), or when serializers are strongly typed and are constrained to always return values of a certain type, the driver will raise an exception in cases where otherwise it would be required to decode to a different type (e.g. BsonBinary instead of UUID or vice versa).
Note also that none of the above applies when decoding to strictly typed maps, e.g. a Map<String, BsonValue>
like Java
or .NET's BsonDocument class. In those cases the driver is always decoding to BsonBinary, and applications would use the
asUuid methods to explicitly convert from BsonBinary to UUID.
Implementation Notes
Since changing the default UUID representation can reasonably be considered a backwards-breaking change, drivers that implement the full specification should stage implementation according to semantic versioning guidelines. Specifically, support for this specification can be added to a minor release, but with several exceptions:
The default UUID representation should be left as is (e.g. JAVA_LEGACY for the Java driver) rather than be changed to UNSPECIFIED. In a subsequent major release, the default UUID representation can be changed to UNSPECIFIED (along with appropriate documentation indicating the backwards-breaking change). Drivers MUST document this in a prior minor release.
Test Plan
The test plan consists of a series of prose tests. They all operate on the same UUID, with the String representation of "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff".
Explicit encoding
- Create a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID
- Assert that the BsonBinary instance's subtype is equal to 4 and data equal to the hex-encoded string "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"
- Create a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID and UuidRepresentation equal to STANDARD
- Assert that the BsonBinary instance's subtype is equal to 4 and data equal to the hex-encoded string "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"
- Create a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID and UuidRepresentation equal to JAVA_LEGACY
- Assert that the BsonBinary instance's subtype is equal to 3 and data equal to the hex-encoded string "7766554433221100FFEEDDCCBBAA9988"
- Create a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID and UuidRepresentation equal to CSHARP_LEGACY
- Assert that the BsonBinary instance's subtype is equal to 3 and data equal to the hex-encoded string "33221100554477668899AABBCCDDEEFF"
- Create a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID and UuidRepresentation equal to PYTHON_LEGACY
- Assert that the BsonBinary instance's subtype is equal to 3 and data equal to the hex-encoded string "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"
- Create a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID and UuidRepresentation equal to UNSPECIFIED
- Assert that an error is raised
Explicit Decoding
- Create a BsonBinary instance with subtype equal to 4 and data equal to the hex-encoded string
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid() returns the given UUID
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(STANDARD) returns the given UUID
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(UNSPECIFIED) raises an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(JAVA_LEGACY) raises an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(CSHARP_LEGACY) raises an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(PYTHON_LEGACY) raises an error
- Create a BsonBinary instance with subtype equal to 3 and data equal to the hex-encoded string
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid() raises an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(STANDARD) raised an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(UNSPECIFIED) raises an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(JAVA_LEGACY) returns the given UUID
- Create a BsonBinary instance with subtype equal to 3 and data equal to the hex-encoded string
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid() raises an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(STANDARD) raised an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(UNSPECIFIED) raises an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(CSHARP_LEGACY) returns the given UUID
- Create a BsonBinary instance with subtype equal to 3 and data equal to the hex-encoded string
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid() raises an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(STANDARD) raised an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(UNSPECIFIED) raises an error
- Assert that a call to BsonBinary.asUuid(PYTHON_LEGACY) returns the given UUID
Implicit encoding
- Set the uuidRepresentation of the client to "javaLegacy". Insert a document with an "_id" key set to the given
native UUID value.
- Assert that the actual value inserted is a BSON binary with subtype 3 and data equal to the hex-encoded string "7766554433221100FFEEDDCCBBAA9988"
- Set the uuidRepresentation of the client to "charpLegacy". Insert a document with an "_id" key set to the given
native UUID value.
- Assert that the actual value inserted is a BSON binary with subtype 3 and data equal to the hex-encoded string "33221100554477668899AABBCCDDEEFF"
- Set the uuidRepresentation of the client to "pythonLegacy". Insert a document with an "_id" key set to the given
native UUID value.
- Assert that the actual value inserted is a BSON binary with subtype 3 and data equal to the hex-encoded string "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"
- Set the uuidRepresentation of the client to "standard". Insert a document with an "_id" key set to the given native
UUID value.
- Assert that the actual value inserted is a BSON binary with subtype 4 and data equal to the hex-encoded string "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"
- Set the uuidRepresentation of the client to "unspecified". Insert a document with an "_id" key set to the given
native UUID value.
- Assert that a BSON serialization exception is thrown
Implicit Decoding
Set the uuidRepresentation of the client to "javaLegacy". Insert a document containing two fields. The "standard" field should contain a BSON Binary created by creating a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID and the STANDARD UuidRepresentation. The "legacy" field should contain a BSON Binary created by creating a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID and the JAVA_LEGACY UuidRepresentation. Find the document.
- Assert that the value of the "standard" field is of type BsonBinary and is equal to the inserted value.
- Assert that the value of the "legacy" field is of the native UUID type and is equal to the given UUID
Repeat this test with the uuidRepresentation of the client set to "csharpLegacy" and "pythonLegacy".
Set the uuidRepresentation of the client to "standard". Insert a document containing two fields. The "standard" field should contain a BSON Binary created by creating a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID and the STANDARD UuidRepresentation. The "legacy" field should contain a BSON Binary created by creating a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID and the PYTHON_LEGACY UuidRepresentation. Find the document.
- Assert that the value of the "standard" field is of the native UUID type and is equal to the given UUID
- Assert that the value of the "legacy" field is of type BsonBinary and is equal to the inserted value.
Set the uuidRepresentation of the client to "unspecified". Insert a document containing two fields. The "standard" field should contain a BSON Binary created by creating a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID and the STANDARD UuidRepresentation. The "legacy" field should contain a BSON Binary created by creating a BsonBinary instance with the given UUID and the PYTHON_LEGACY UuidRepresentation. Find the document.
- Assert that the value of the "standard" field is of type BsonBinary and is equal to the inserted value
- Assert that the value of the "legacy" field is of type BsonBinary and is equal to the inserted value.
Repeat this test with the uuidRepresentation of the client set to "csharpLegacy" and "pythonLegacy".
Note: the assertions will be different in the release prior to the major release, to avoid breaking changes. Adjust accordingly!
Q & A
What's the rationale for the deviations allowed by the specification?
In short, the C# driver has existing behavior that make it infeasible to work the same as other drivers.
The C# driver has a global serialization registry. Since it's global and not per-MongoClient, it's not feasible to override the UUID representation on a per-MongoClient basis, since doing so would require a per-MongoClient registry. Instead, the specification allows for a global override so that the C# driver can implement the specification.
Additionally, the C# driver has an existing configuration parameter that controls the behavior of BSON readers and writers at a level below the serializers. This configuration affects the semantics of the existing BsonBinary class in a way that doesn't allow for the constructor(UUID) mentioned in the specification. For this reason, that constructor is specified as optional.
- 2024-08-01: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter.
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
DBRefs are a convention for expressing a reference to another document as an embedded document (i.e. BSON type 0x03). Several drivers provide a model class for encoding and/or decoding DBRef documents. This specification will both define the structure of a DBRef and provide guidance for implementing model classes in drivers that choose to do so.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
This specification presents documents as Extended JSON for readability and expressing special types (e.g. ObjectId). Although JSON fields are unordered, the order of fields presented herein should be considered pertinent. This is especially relevant for the Test Plan.
DBRef Structure
A DBRef is an embedded document with the following fields:
: required string field. Contains the name of the collection where the referenced document resides. This MUST be the first field in the DBRef.$id
: required field. Contains the value of the_id
field of the referenced document. This MUST be the second field in the DBRef.$db
: optional string field. Contains the name of the database where the referenced document resides. If specified, this MUST be the third field in the DBRef. If omitted, the referenced document is assumed to reside in the same database as the DBRef.- Extra, optional fields may follow after
(if specified). There are no inherent restrictions on extra field names; however, older server versions may impose their own restrictions (e.g. no dots or dollars).
DBRefs have no relation to the deprecated DBPointer BSON type (i.e. type 0x0C).
Examples of Valid DBRefs
The following examples are all valid DBRefs:
// Basic DBRef with only $ref and $id fields
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": { "$oid": "60a6fe9a54f4180c86309efa" } }
// DBRef $id is not necessarily an ObjectId
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1 }
// DBRef with optional $db field
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0" }
// DBRef with extra, optional fields (with or without $db)
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0", "foo": "bar" }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "foo": true }
// Extra field names have no inherent restrictions
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$foo": "bar" }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "": 0 }
Examples of Invalid DBRefs
The following examples are all invalid DBRefs:
// Required fields are omitted
{ "$ref": "coll0" }
{ "$id": { "$oid": "60a6fe9a54f4180c86309efa" } }
// Invalid types for $ref or $db
{ "$ref": true, "$id": 1 }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": 1 }
// Fields are out of order
{ "$id": 1, "$ref": "coll0" }
Implementing a DBRef Model
Drivers MAY provide a model class for encoding and/or decoding DBRef documents. For those drivers that do, this section defines expected behavior of that class. This section does not prohibit drivers from implementing additional functionality, provided it does not conflict with any of these guidelines.
Constructing a DBRef model
Drivers MAY provide an API for constructing a DBRef model directly from its constituent parts. If so:
- Drivers MUST solicit a string value for
. - Drivers MUST solicit an arbitrary value for
. Drivers SHOULD NOT enforce any restrictions on this value; however, this may be necessary if the driver is unable to differentiate between certain BSON types (e.g.null
) and the parameter being unspecified. - Drivers SHOULD solicit an optional string value for
. - Drivers MUST require
(if specified) to be strings but MUST NOT enforce any naming restrictions on the string values. - Drivers MAY solicit extra, optional fields.
Decoding a BSON document to a DBRef model
Drivers MAY support explicit and/or implicit decoding. An example of explicit decoding might be a DBRef model constructor that takes a BSON document. An example of implicit decoding might be configuring the driver's BSON codec to automatically convert embedded documents that comply with the DBRef Structure into a DBRef model.
Drivers that provide implicit decoding SHOULD provide some way for applications to opt out and allow DBRefs to be decoded like any other embedded document.
When decoding a BSON document to a DBRef model:
- Drivers MUST require
to be present. - Drivers MUST require
(if present) to be strings but MUST NOT enforce any naming restrictions on the string values. - Drivers MUST accept any BSON type for
and MUST NOT enforce any restrictions on its value. - Drivers MUST preserve extra, optional fields (beyond
, and$db
) and MUST provide some way to access those fields via the DBRef model. For example, an accessor method that returns the original BSON document (including$ref
, etc.) would fulfill this requirement.
If a BSON document cannot be implicitly decoded to a DBRef model, it MUST be left as-is (like any other embedded document). If a BSON document cannot be explicitly decoded to a DBRef model, the driver MUST raise an error.
Since DBRefs are a special type of embedded document, a DBRef model class used for decoding SHOULD inherit the class used to represent an embedded document (e.g. Hash in Ruby). This will allow applications to always expect an instance of a common class when decoding an embedded document (if desired) and should also support the requirement for DBRef models to provide access to any extra, optional fields.
Encoding a DBRef model to a BSON document
Drivers MAY support explicit and/or implicit encoding. An example of explicit encoding might be a DBRef method that returns its corresponding representation as a BSON document. An example of implicit encoding might be configuring the driver's BSON codec to automatically convert DBRef models to the corresponding BSON document representation as needed.
If a driver supports implicit decoding of BSON to a DBRef model, it SHOULD also support implicit encoding. Doing so will allow applications to more easily round-trip DBRefs through the driver.
When encoding a DBRef model to BSON document:
- Drivers MUST encode all fields in the order defined in DBRef Structure.
- Drivers MUST encode
. If$db
was specified, it MUST be encoded after$id
. If any extra, optional fields were specified, they MUST be encoded after$id
. - If the DBRef includes any extra, optional fields after
, drivers SHOULD attempt to preserve the original order of those fields relative to one another.
Test Plan
The test plan consists of a series of prose tests. These tests are only relevant to drivers that provide a DBRef model class.
The documents in these tests are presented as Extended JSON for readability; however, readers should consider the field order pertinent when translating to BSON (or their language equivalent). These tests are not intended to exercise a driver's Extended JSON parser. Implementations SHOULD construct the documents directly using native BSON types (e.g. Document, ObjectId).
These tests are only relevant to drivers that allow decoding into a DBRef model. Drivers SHOULD implement these tests for both explicit and implicit decoding code paths as needed.
Valid documents MUST be decoded to a DBRef model. For each of the following:
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": { "$oid": "60a6fe9a54f4180c86309efa" } }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1 }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": null }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0" }
Assert that each document is successfully decoded to a DBRef model. Assert that the
, and$db
(if applicable) fields have their expected value. -
Valid documents with extra fields MUST be decoded to a DBRef model and the model MUST provide some way to access those extra fields. For each of the following:
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0", "foo": "bar" }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "foo": true, "bar": false }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "meta": { "foo": 1, "bar": 2 } }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$foo": "bar" }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "": 0 }
Assert that each document is successfully decoded to a DBRef model. Assert that the
, and$db
(if applicable) fields have their expected value. Assert that it is possible to access all extra fields and that those fields have their expected value. -
Documents with out of order fields that are otherwise valid MUST be decoded to a DBRef model. For each of the following:
{ "$id": 1, "$ref": "coll0" }
{ "$db": "db0", "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1 }
{ "foo": 1, "$id": 1, "$ref": "coll0" }
{ "foo": 1, "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0" }
{ "foo": 1, "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0", "bar": 1 }
Assert that each document is successfully decoded to a DBRef model. Assert that the
(if applicable), and any extra fields (if applicable) have their expected value. -
Documents missing required fields MUST NOT be decoded to a DBRef model. For each of the following:
{ "$ref": "coll0" }
{ "$id": { "$oid": "60a6fe9a54f4180c86309efa" } }
{ "$db": "db0" }
Assert that each document is not decoded to a DBRef model. In the context of implicit decoding, the document MUST be decoded like any other embedded document. In the context of explicit decoding, the DBRef decoding method MUST raise an error.
Documents with invalid types for
MUST NOT be decoded to a DBRef model. For each of the following:{ "$ref": true, "$id": 1 }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": 1 }
Assert that each document is not decoded to a DBRef model. In the context of implicit decoding, the document MUST be decoded like any other embedded document. In the context of explicit decoding, the DBRef decoding method MUST raise an error.
These tests are only relevant to drivers that allow encoding a DBRef model. Drivers SHOULD implement these tests for both explicit and implicit encoding code paths as needed.
Drivers MAY use any method to create the DBRef model for each test (e.g. constructor, explicit decoding method).
Drivers MAY skip tests that cannot be implemented as written (e.g. DBRef model constructor does not support extra, optional fields and the driver also does not support explicit/implicit decoding).
Encoding DBRefs with basic fields.
For each of the following:
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": { "$oid": "60a6fe9a54f4180c86309efa" } }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1 }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": null }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0" }
Assert that each DBRef model is successfully encoded to a BSON document. Assert that the
, and$db
(if applicable) fields appear in the correct order and have their expected values.
Encoding DBRefs with extra, optional fields.
For each of the following:
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0", "foo": "bar" }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "foo": true, "bar": false }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "meta": { "foo": 1, "bar": 2 } }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$foo": "bar" }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "": 0 }
Assert that each DBRef model is successfully encoded to a BSON document. Assert that the
(if applicable), and any extra fields appear in the correct order and have their expected values.
Encoding DBRefs re-orders any out of order fields during decoding. This test MUST NOT use a constructor that solicits fields individually.
For each of the following:
{ "$id": 1, "$ref": "coll0" }
{ "$db": "db0", "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1 }
{ "foo": 1, "$id": 1, "$ref": "coll0" }
{ "foo": 1, "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0" }
{ "foo": 1, "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0", "bar": 1 }
Assert that each document is successfully decoded to a DBRef model and then successfully encoded back to a BSON document. Assert that the order of fields in each encoded BSON document matches the following, respectively:
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1 }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0" }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "foo": 1 }
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0", "foo": 1}
{ "$ref": "coll0", "$id": 1, "$db": "db0", "foo": 1, "bar": 1 }
Design Rationale
In contrast to always encoding DBRefs with the correct field order, decoding permits fields to be out of order (provided the document is otherwise valid). This follows the robustness principle in having the driver be liberal in what it accepts and conservative in what it emits. This does mean that round-tripping an out of order DBRef through a driver could result in its field order being changed; however, this behavior is consistent with existing behavior in drivers that model DBRefs (e.g. C#, Java, Node, Python, Ruby) and applications can opt out of implicit decoding if desired.
- 2024-02-26: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter.
Extended JSON
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
MongoDB Extended JSON is a string format for representing BSON documents. This specification defines the canonical format for representing each BSON type in the Extended JSON format. Thus, a tool that implements Extended JSON will be able to parse the output of any tool that emits Canonical Extended JSON. It also defines a Relaxed Extended JSON format that improves readability at the expense of type information preservation.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Acceptable naming deviations should fall within the basic style of the language. For example, CanonicalExtendedJSON
would be a name in Java, where camel-case method names are used, but in Ruby canonical_extended_json
would be
Type wrapper object - a JSON value consisting of an object with one or more $
-prefixed keys that collectively encode
a BSON type and its corresponding value using only JSON value primitives.
Extended JSON - A general term for one of many string formats based on the JSON standard that describes how to represent BSON documents in JSON using standard JSON types and/or type wrapper objects. This specification gives a formal definition to variations of such a format.
Relaxed Extended JSON - A string format based on the JSON standard that describes BSON documents. Relaxed Extended JSON emphasizes readability and interoperability at the expense of type preservation.
Canonical Extended JSON - A string format based on the JSON standard that describes BSON documents. Canonical Extended JSON emphasizes type preservation at the expense of readability and interoperability.
Legacy Extended JSON - A string format based on the JSON standard that describes a BSON document. The Legacy Extended JSON format does not describe a specific, standardized format, and many tools, drivers, and libraries implement Extended JSON in conflicting ways.
Extended JSON Format
The Extended JSON grammar extends the JSON grammar as defined in section 2 of the JSON specification by augmenting the possible JSON values as defined in Section 3. This specification defines two formats for Extended JSON:
- Canonical Extended JSON
- Relaxed Extended JSON
An Extended JSON value MUST conform to one of these two formats as described in the table below.
Notes on grammar
- Key order:
- Keys within Canonical Extended JSON type wrapper objects SHOULD be emitted in the order described.
- Keys within Relaxed Extended JSON type wrapper objects are unordered.
- Terms in italics represent types defined elsewhere in the table or in the JSON specification.
- JSON numbers (as defined in Section 6 of the JSON specification)
include both integer and floating point types. For the purpose of this document, we define the following subtypes:
- Type integer means a JSON number without frac or exp components; this is expressed in the JSON spec grammar
[minus] int
. - Type non-integer means a JSON number that is not an integer; it must include either a frac or exp component or both.
- Type pos-integer means a non-negative JSON number without frac or exp components; this is expressed in the
JSON spec grammar as
- Type integer means a JSON number without frac or exp components; this is expressed in the JSON spec grammar
- A hex string is a JSON string that contains only hexadecimal digits
. It SHOULD be emitted lower-case, but MUST be read in a case-insensitive fashion. - < Angle brackets > detail the contents of a value, including type information.
- [Square brackets] specify a type constraint that restricts the specification to a particular range or set of values.
Conversion table
BSON 1.1 Type or Convention | Canonical Extended JSON Format | Relaxed Extended JSON Format |
ObjectId | {"$oid": < ObjectId bytes as 24-character, big-endian hex string > } | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Symbol | {"$symbol": string } | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
String | string | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Int32 | {"$numberInt": < 32-bit signed integer as a string > } | integer |
Int64 | {"$numberLong": < 64-bit signed integer as a string > } | integer |
Double [finite] | {"$numberDouble": < 64-bit signed floating point as a decimal string > } | non-integer |
Double [non-finite] | {"$numberDouble": < One of the strings: "Infinity" , "-Infinity" , or "NaN" . > } | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Decimal128 | {"$numberDecimal": < decimal as a string1 > } | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Binary | {"$binary": {"base64": < base64-encoded (with padding as = ) payload as a string > , "subType": < BSON binary type as a one- or two-character hex string > }} | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Code | {"$code": string } | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
CodeWScope | {"$code": string , "$scope": Document } | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Document | object (with Extended JSON extensions) | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Timestamp | {"$timestamp": {"t": pos-integer , "i": pos-integer }} | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Regular Expression | {"$regularExpression": {pattern: string , "options": < BSON regular expression options as a string or "" 2 > }} | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
DBPointer | {"$dbPointer": {"$ref": < namespace3 as a string > , "$id": ObjectId }} | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Datetime [year from 1970 to 9999 inclusive] | {"$date": {"$numberLong": < 64-bit signed integer giving millisecs relative to the epoch, as a string > }} | {"$date": ISO-8601 Internet Date/Time Format as described in RFC-33394 with maximum time precision of milliseconds5 as a string } |
Datetime [year before 1970 or after 9999] | {"$date": {"$numberLong": < 64-bit signed integer giving millisecs relative to the epoch, as a string > }} | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
DBRef6 Note: this is not technically a BSON type, but it is a common convention. | {"$ref": < collection name as a string > , "$id": < Extended JSON for the id > } If the generator supports DBRefs with a database component, and the database component is nonempty: {"$ref": < collection name as a string > , "$id": < Extended JSON for the id > , "$db": < database name as a string > } DBRefs may also have other fields, which MUST appear after $id and $db (if supported). | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
MinKey | {"$minKey": 1} | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
MaxKey | {"$maxKey": 1} | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Undefined | {"$undefined": true} | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Array | array | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Boolean | true or false | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Null | null | < Same as Canonical Extended JSON > |
Representation of Non-finite Numeric Values
Following the Extended JSON format for the Decimal128 type, non-finite numeric values are encoded as follows:
Value | String |
Positive Infinity | Infinity |
Negative Infinity | -Infinity |
NaN (all variants) | NaN |
For example, a BSON floating-point number with a value of negative infinity would be encoded as Extended JSON as follows:
{"$numberDouble": "-Infinity"}
An Extended JSON parser (hereafter just "parser") is a tool that transforms an Extended JSON string into another representation, such as BSON or a language-native data structure.
By default, a parser MUST accept values in either Canonical Extended JSON format or Relaxed Extended JSON format as described in this specification. A parser MAY allow users to restrict parsing to only Canonical Extended JSON format or only Relaxed Extended JSON format.
A parser MAY also accept strings that adhere to other formats, such as Legacy Extended JSON formats emitted by old versions of mongoexport or other tools, but only if explicitly configured to do so.
A parser that accepts Legacy Extended JSON MUST be configurable such that a JSON text of a MongoDB query filter containing the regex query operator can be parsed, e.g.:
{ "$regex": {
"$regularExpression" : { "pattern": "foo*", "options": "" }
"$options" : "ix"
{ "$regex": {
"$regularExpression" : { "pattern": "foo*", "options": "" }
A parser that accepts Legacy Extended JSON MUST be configurable such that a JSON text of a MongoDB query filter containing the type query operator can be parsed, e.g.:
{ "zipCode" : { $type : 2 } }
{ "zipCode" : { $type : "string" } }
A parser SHOULD support at least 200 levels of nesting in an Extended JSON document but MAY set other limits on strings it can accept as defined in section 9 of the JSON specification.
When parsing a JSON object other than the top-level object, the presence of a $
-prefixed key indicates the object
could be a type wrapper object as described in the Extended JSON Conversion table. In such a case,
the parser MUST follow these rules, unless configured to allow Legacy Extended JSON, in which case it SHOULD follow
these rules:
Parsers MUST NOT consider key order as having significance. For example, the document
{"$code": "function(){}", "$scope": {}}
must be considered identical to{"$scope": {}, "$code": "function(){}"}
. -
If the parsed object contains any of the special keys for a type in the Conversion table (e.g.
) then it must contain exactly the keys of the type wrapper. Any missing or extra keys constitute an error.DBRef is the lone exception to this rule, as it is only a common convention and not a proper type. An object that resembles a DBRef but fails to fully comply with its structure (e.g. has
but missing$id
) MUST be left as-is and MUST NOT constitute an error. -
If the keys of the parsed object exactly match the keys of a type wrapper in the Conversion table, and the values of the parsed object have the correct type for the type wrapper as described in the Conversion table, then the parser MUST interpret the parsed object as a type wrapper object of the corresponding type.
If the keys of the parsed object exactly match the keys of a type wrapper in the Conversion table, but any of the values are of an incorrect type, then the parser MUST report an error.
If the
-prefixed key does not match a known type wrapper in the Conversion table, the parser MUST NOT raise an error and MUST leave the value as-is. See Restrictions and limitations for additional information.
Special rules for parsing JSON numbers
The Relaxed Extended JSON format uses JSON numbers for several different BSON types. In order to allow parsers to use language-native JSON decoders (which may not distinguish numeric type when parsing), the following rules apply to parsing JSON numbers:
- If the number is a non-integer, parsers SHOULD interpret it as BSON Double.
- If the number is an integer, parsers SHOULD interpret it as being of the smallest BSON integer type that can represent the number exactly. If a parser is unable to represent the number exactly as an integer (e.g. a large 64-bit number on a 32-bit platform), it MUST interpret it as a BSON Double even if this results in a loss of precision. The parser MUST NOT interpret it as a BSON String containing a decimal representation of the number.
Special rules for parsing $uuid
As per the UUID specification, Binary subtype 3 or 4 are used to represent UUIDs in BSON.
Consequently, UUIDs are handled as per the convention described for the Binary
type in the
Conversion table, e.g. the following document written with the MongoDB Python Driver:
{"Binary": uuid.UUID("c8edabc3-f738-4ca3-b68d-ab92a91478a3")}
is transformed into the following (newlines and spaces added for readability):
{"Binary": {
"$binary": {
"base64": "yO2rw/c4TKO2jauSqRR4ow==",
"subType": "04"}
[!NOTE] The above described type conversion assumes that UUID representation is set to
. See the UUID specification for more information about UUID representations.
While this transformation preserves BSON subtype information (since UUIDs can be represented as BSON subtype 3 or 4), base64-encoding is not the standard way of representing UUIDs and using it makes comparing these values against textual representations coming from platform libraries difficult. Consequently, we also allow UUIDs to be represented in extended JSON as:
{"$uuid": <canonical textual representation of a UUID>}
The rules for generating the canonical string representation of a UUID are defined in RFC 4122 Section 3. Use of this format result in a more readable extended JSON representation of the UUID from the previous example:
{"Binary": {
"$uuid": "c8edabc3-f738-4ca3-b68d-ab92a91478a3"
Parsers MUST interpret the $uuid
key as BSON Binary subtype 4. Parsers MUST accept textual representations of UUIDs
that omit the URN prefix (usually urn:uuid:
). Parsers MAY also accept textual representations of UUIDs that omit the
hyphens between hex character groups (e.g. c8edabc3f7384ca3b68dab92a91478a3
An Extended JSON generator (hereafter just "generator") produces strings in an Extended JSON format.
A generator MUST allow users to produce strings in either the Canonical Extended JSON format or the Relaxed Extended JSON format. If generators provide a default format, the default SHOULD be the Relaxed Extended JSON format.
A generator MAY be capable of exporting strings that adhere to other formats, such as Legacy Extended JSON formats.
A generator SHOULD support at least 100 levels of nesting in a BSON document.
Transforming BSON
Given a BSON document (e.g. a buffer of bytes meeting the requirements of the BSON specification), a generator MUST use the corresponding JSON values or Extended JSON type wrapper objects for the BSON type given in the Extended JSON Conversion table for the desired format. When transforming a BSON document into Extended JSON text, a generator SHOULD emit the JSON keys and values in the same order as given in the BSON document.
Transforming Language-Native data
Given language-native data (e.g. type primitives, container types, classes, etc.), if there is a semantically-equivalent
BSON type for a given language-native type, a generator MUST use the corresponding JSON values or Extended JSON type
wrapper objects for the BSON type given in the Extended JSON Conversion table for the desired
format. For example, a Python datetime
object must be represented the same as a BSON datetime type. A generator SHOULD
error if a language-native type has no semantically-equivalent BSON type.
Format and Method Names
The following format names SHOULD be used for selecting formats for generator output:
(references Canonical Extended JSON as described in this specification)relaxedExtendedJSON
(references Relaxed Extended JSON as described in this specification)legacyExtendedJSON
(if supported: references Legacy Extended JSON, with implementation-defined behavior)
Generators MAY use these format names as part of function/method names or MAY use them as arguments or constants, as needed.
If a generator provides a generic to_json
or to_extended_json
method, it MUST default to producing Relaxed Extended
JSON or MUST be deprecated in favor of a spec-compliant method.
Restrictions and limitations
Extended JSON is designed primarily for testing and human inspection of BSON documents. It is not designed to reliably round-trip BSON documents. One fundamental limitation is that JSON objects are inherently unordered and BSON objects are ordered.
Further, Extended JSON uses $
-prefixed keys in type wrappers and has no provision for escaping a leading $
elsewhere in a document. This means that the Extended JSON representation of a document with $
-prefixed keys could be
indistinguishable from another document with a type wrapper with the same keys.
Extended JSON formats SHOULD NOT be used in contexts where $
-prefixed keys could exist in BSON documents (with the
exception of the DBRef convention, which is accounted for in this spec).
Test Plan
Drivers, tools, and libraries can test their compliance to this specification by running the tests in version 2.0 and above of the BSON Corpus Test Suite.
Canonical Extended JSON Example
Consider the following document, written with the MongoDB Python Driver:
"_id": bson.ObjectId("57e193d7a9cc81b4027498b5"),
"String": "string",
"Int32": 42,
"Int64": bson.Int64(42),
"Double": 42.42,
"Decimal": bson.Decimal128("1234.5"),
"Binary": uuid.UUID("c8edabc3-f738-4ca3-b68d-ab92a91478a3"),
"BinaryUserDefined": bson.Binary(b'123', 80),
"Code": bson.Code("function() {}"),
"CodeWithScope": bson.Code("function() {}", scope={}),
"Subdocument": {"foo": "bar"},
"Array": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"Timestamp": bson.Timestamp(42, 1),
"RegularExpression": bson.Regex("foo*", "xi"),
"DatetimeEpoch": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0),
"DatetimePositive": datetime.datetime.max,
"DatetimeNegative": datetime.datetime.min,
"True": True,
"False": False,
"DBRef": bson.DBRef(
"collection", bson.ObjectId("57e193d7a9cc81b4027498b1"), database="database"),
"DBRefNoDB": bson.DBRef(
"collection", bson.ObjectId("57fd71e96e32ab4225b723fb")),
"Minkey": bson.MinKey(),
"Maxkey": bson.MaxKey(),
"Null": None
The above document is transformed into the following (newlines and spaces added for readability):
"_id": {
"$oid": "57e193d7a9cc81b4027498b5"
"String": "string",
"Int32": {
"$numberInt": "42"
"Int64": {
"$numberLong": "42"
"Double": {
"$numberDouble": "42.42"
"Decimal": {
"$numberDecimal": "1234.5"
"Binary": {
"$binary": {
"base64": "yO2rw/c4TKO2jauSqRR4ow==",
"subType": "04"
"BinaryUserDefined": {
"$binary": {
"base64": "MTIz",
"subType": "80"
"Code": {
"$code": "function() {}"
"CodeWithScope": {
"$code": "function() {}",
"$scope": {}
"Subdocument": {
"foo": "bar"
"Array": [
{"$numberInt": "1"},
{"$numberInt": "2"},
{"$numberInt": "3"},
{"$numberInt": "4"},
{"$numberInt": "5"}
"Timestamp": {
"$timestamp": { "t": 42, "i": 1 }
"RegularExpression": {
"$regularExpression": {
"pattern": "foo*",
"options": "ix"
"DatetimeEpoch": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "0"
"DatetimePositive": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "253402300799999"
"DatetimeNegative": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "-62135596800000"
"True": true,
"False": false,
"DBRef": {
"$ref": "collection",
"$id": {
"$oid": "57e193d7a9cc81b4027498b1"
"$db": "database"
"DBRefNoDB": {
"$ref": "collection",
"$id": {
"$oid": "57fd71e96e32ab4225b723fb"
"Minkey": {
"$minKey": 1
"Maxkey": {
"$maxKey": 1
"Null": null
Relaxed Extended JSON Example
In Relaxed Extended JSON, the example document is transformed similarly to Canonical Extended JSON, with the exception of the following keys (newlines and spaces added for readability):
"Int32": 42,
"Int64": 42,
"Double": 42.42,
"DatetimeEpoch": {
"$date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Motivation for Change
There existed many Extended JSON parser and generator implementations prior to this specification that used conflicting formats, since there was no agreement on the precise format of Extended JSON. This resulted in problems where the output of some generators could not be consumed by some parsers.
MongoDB drivers needed a single, standard Extended JSON format for testing that covers all BSON types. However, there were BSON types that had no defined Extended JSON representation. This spec primarily addresses that need, but provides for slightly broader use as well.
Design Rationale
Of Relaxed and Canonical Formats
There are various use cases for expressing BSON documents in a text rather that binary format. They broadly fall into two categories:
- Type preserving: for things like testing, where one has to describe the expected form of a BSON document, it's helpful to be able to precisely specify expected types. In particular, numeric types need to differentiate between Int32, Int64 and Double forms.
- JSON-like: for things like a web API, where one is sending a document (or a projection of a document) that only uses ordinary JSON type primitives, it's desirable to represent numbers in the native JSON format. This output is also the most human readable and is useful for debugging and documentation.
The two formats in this specification address these two categories of use cases.
Of Parsers and Generators
Parsers need to accept any valid Extended JSON string that a generator can produce. Parsers and generators are permitted to accept and output strings in other formats as well for backwards compatibility.
Acceptable nesting depth has implications for resource usage so unlimited nesting is not permitted.
Generators support at least 100 levels of nesting in a BSON document being transformed to Extended JSON. This aligns with MongoDB's own limitation of 100 levels of nesting.
Parsers support at least 200 levels of nesting in Extended JSON text, since the Extended JSON language can double the level of apparent nesting of a BSON document by wrapping certain types in their own documents.
Of Canonical Type Wrapper Formats
Prior to this specification, BSON types fell into three categories with respect to Legacy Extended JSON:
- A single, portable representation for the type already existed.
- Multiple representations for the type existed among various Extended JSON generators, and those representations were in conflict with each other or with current portability goals.
- No Legacy Extended JSON representation existed.
If a BSON type fell into category (1), this specification just declares that form to be canonical, since all drivers, tools, and libraries already know how to parse or output this form. There are two exceptions:
The form {"$regex: <string>, $options: <string>"}
has until this specification been canonical. The change to
{"$regularExpression": {pattern: <string>, "options": <string>"}}
is motivated by a conflict between the previous
canonical form and the $regex
MongoDB query operator. The form specified here disambiguates between the two, such that
a parser can accept any MongoDB query filter, even one containing the $regex
The form {"$binary": "AQIDBAU=", "$type": "80"}
has until this specification been canonical. The change to
{"$binary": {"base64": "AQIDBAU=", "subType": "80"}}
is motivated by a conflict between the previous canonical form
and the $type
MongoDB query operator. The form specified here disambiguates between the two, such that a parser can
accept any MongoDB query filter, even one containing the $type
Reconciled type wrappers
If a BSON type fell into category (2), this specification selects a new common representation for the type to be canonical. Conflicting formats were gathered by surveying a number of Extended JSON generators, including the MongoDB Java Driver (version 3.3.0), the MongoDB Python Driver (version 3.4.0.dev0), the MongoDB Extended JSON module on NPM (version 1.7.1), and each minor version of mongoexport from 2.4.14 through 3.3.12. When possible, we set the "strict" option on the JSON codec. The following BSON types had conflicting Extended JSON representations:
Some implementations write the Extended JSON form of a Binary object with a strict two-hexadecimal digit subtype (e.g.
they output a leading 0
for subtypes < 16). However, the NPM mongodb-extended-json module and Java driver use a
single hexadecimal digit to represent subtypes less than 16. This specification makes both one- and two-digit
representations acceptable.
Mongoexport 2.4 does not quote the Code
value when writing out the extended JSON form of a BSON Code object. All other
implementations do so. This spec canonicalises the form where the Javascript code is quoted, since the latter form
adheres to the JSON specification and the former does not. As an additional note, the NPM mongodb-extended-json module
uses the form {"code": "<javascript code>"}
, omitting the dollar sign ($
) from the key. This specification does not
accommodate the eccentricity of a single library.
In addition to the same variants as BSON Code types, there are other variations when turning CodeWithScope objects into
Extended JSON. Mongoexport 2.4 and 2.6 omit the scope portion of CodeWithScope if it is empty, making the output
indistinguishable from a Code type. All other implementations include the empty scope. This specification therefore
canonicalises the form where the scope is always included. The presence of $scope
is what differentiates Code from
Mongoexport 2.4 and the Java driver always transform a Datetime object into an Extended JSON string of the form
{"$date": <ms since epoch>}
. This form has the problem of a potential loss of precision or range on the Datetimes that
can be represented. Mongoexport 2.6 transforms Datetime objects into an extended JSON string of the form
{"$date": <ISO-8601 date string in local time>}
for dates starting at or after the Unix epoch (UTC). Dates prior to the
epoch take the form {"$date": {"$numberLong": "<ms since epoch>"}}
. Starting in version 3.0, mongoexport always turns
Datetime objects into strings of the form {"$date": <ISO-8601 date string in UTC>}
. The NPM mongodb-extended-json
module does the same. The Python driver can also transform Datetime objects into strings like
{"$date": {"$numberLong": "<ms since epoch>"}}
. This specification canonicalises this form, since this form is the
most portable. In Relaxed Extended JSON format, this specification provides for ISO-8601 representation for better
readability, but limits it to a portable subset, from the epoch to the end of the largest year that can be represented
with four digits. This should encompass most typical use of dates in applications.
Mongoexport 2.4 and 2.6 use the form{"$ref": <namespace>, "$id": <hex string>}
. All other implementations studied
include the canonical ObjectId
form:{"$ref": <namespace>, "$id": {"$oid": <hex string>}}
. Neither of these forms are
distinguishable from that of DBRef, so this specification creates a new format:
{"$dbPointer": {"$ref": <namespace>, "$id": {"$oid": <hex string>}}}
Newly-added type wrappers .
If a BSON type fell into category (3), above, this specification creates a type wrapper format for the type. The following new Extended JSON type wrappers are introduced by this spec:
- See above. -
- This is used to preserve the "int32" BSON type in Canonical Extended JSON. Without using$numberInt
, this type will be indistinguishable from a double in certain languages where the distinction does not exist, such as Javascript. -
- This is used to preserve thedouble
type in Canonical Extended JSON, as some JSON generators might omit a trailing ".0" for integral types.It also supports representing non-finite values like NaN or Infinity which are prohibited in the JSON specification for numbers.
- The use of the$symbol
key preserves the symbol type in Canonical Extended JSON, distinguishing it from JSON strings.
Reference Implementation
Canonical Extended JSON format reference implementation needs to be updated
PyMongo implements the Canonical Extended JSON format, which must be chosen by selecting the right option on the
from bson.json_util import dumps, DatetimeRepresentation, CANONICAL_JSON_OPTIONS
dumps(document, json_options=CANONICAL_JSON_OPTIONS)
Relaxed Extended JSON format reference implementation is TBD
Implementation Notes
JSON File Format
Some applications like mongoexport may wish to write multiple Extended JSON documents to a single file. One way to do
this is to list each JSON document one-per-line. When doing this, it is important to ensure that special characters like
newlines are encoded properly (e.g.n
Duplicate Keys
The BSON specification does not prohibit duplicate key names within the same BSON document, but provides no semantics for the interpretation of duplicate keys. The JSON specification says that names within an object should be unique, and many JSON libraries are incapable of handling this scenario. This specification is silent on the matter, so as not to conflict with a future change by either specification.
Future Work
This specification will need to be amended if future BSON types are added to the BSON specification.
Q. Why was version 2 of the spec necessary?
A. After Version 1 was released, several stakeholders raised concerns that not providing an option to output BSON numbers as ordinary JSON numbers limited the utility of Extended JSON for common historical uses. We decided to provide a second format option and more clearly distinguish the use cases (and limitations) inherent in each format.
Q. My BSON parser doesn't distinguish every BSON type. Does my Extended JSON generator need to distinguish these types?
A. No. Some BSON parsers do not emit a unique type for each BSON type, making round-tripping BSON through such
libraries impossible without changing the document. For example, a DBPointer
will be parsed into a DBRef
by PyMongo.
In such cases, a generator must emit the Extended JSON form for whatever type the BSON parser emitted. It does not need
to preserve type information when that information has been lost by the BSON parser.
Q. How can implementations which require backwards compatibility with Legacy Extended JSON, in which BSON regular
expressions were represented with $regex
, handle parsing of extended JSON test representing a MongoDB query filter
containing the $regex
A. An implementation can handle this in a number of ways: - Introduce an enumeration that determines the behavior of
the parser. If the value is LEGACY, it will parse $regex
and not treat $regularExpression
specially, and if the value
is CANONICAL, it will parse $regularExpression
and not treat $regex
specially. - Support both legacy and canonical
forms in the parser without requiring the application to specify one or the other. Making that work for the $regex
query operator use case will require that the rules set forth in the 1.0.0 version of this specification are followed
for $regex
; specifically, that a document with a $regex
key whose value is a JSON object should be parsed as a
normal document and not reported as an error.
Q. How can implementations which require backwards compatibility with Legacy Extended JSON, in which BSON binary
values were represented like {"$binary": "AQIDBAU=", "$type": "80"}
, handle parsing of extended JSON test representing
a MongoDB query filter containing the $type
A. An implementation can handle this in a number of ways:
Introduce an enumeration that determines the behavior of the parser. If the value is LEGACY, it will parse the new
binary form and not treat the legacy one specially, and if the value is CANONICAL, it will parse the new form and not
treat the legacy form specially. - Support both legacy and canonical forms in the parser without requiring the
application to specify one or the other. Making that work for the $type
query operator use case will require that the
rules set forth in the 1.0.0 version of this specification are followed for $type
; specifically, that a document with
a $type
key whose value is an integral type, or a document with a $type
key but without a $binary
key, should be
parsed as a normal document and not reported as an error.
Q. Sometimes I see the term "extjson" used in other specifications. Is "extjson" related to this specification?
A. Yes, "extjson" is short for "Extended JSON".
- 2024-05-29: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
- 2021-05-26:
- Remove any mention of extra dollar-prefixed keys being prohibited in a DBRef. MongoDB 5.0 and compatible drivers no longer enforce such restrictions.
- Objects that resemble a DBRef without fully complying to its structure should be left as-is during parsing. -
2020-09-01: Note that
-prefixed keys not matching a known type MUST be left as-is when parsing. This is patch-level change as this behavior was already required in the BSON corpus tests ("Document with keys that start with$
- 2020-09-08:
- Added support for parsing
fields as BSON Binary subtype 4. - Changed the example to using the MongoDB Python Driver. It previously used the MongoDB Java Driver. The new example
excludes the following BSON types that are unsupported in Python -
, andUndefined
. Transformations for these types are now only documented in the Conversion table
- Added support for parsing
- 2017-07-20:
Bumped specification to version 2.0.
Added "Relaxed" format.
Changed BSON timestamp type wrapper back to
{"t": *int*, "i": *int*}
for backwards compatibility. (The change in v1 to unsigned 64-bit string was premature optimization) -
Changed BSON regular expression type wrapper to
{"$regularExpression": {pattern: *string*, "options": *string*"}}
. -
Changed BSON binary type wrapper to
{"$binary": {"base64": <base64-encoded payload as a *string*>, "subType": <BSON binary type as a one- or two-character *hex string*>}}
Added "Restrictions and limitations" section.
Clarified parser and generator rules.
- 2017-02-01: Initial specification version 1.0.
This MUST conform to the Decimal128 specification
BSON Regular Expression options MUST be in alphabetical order.
See the docs manual
Fractional seconds SHOULD have exactly 3 decimal places if the fractional part is non-zero. Otherwise, fractional seconds SHOULD be omitted if zero.
See the docs manual
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.6
is a bi-directional wire protocol opcode introduced in MongoDB 3.6 with the goal of replacing most existing
opcodes, merging their use into one extendable opcode.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
is only available in MongoDB 3.6 (maxWireVersion >= 6
) and later. MongoDB drivers MUST perform the MongoDB
handshake using OP_MSG
if an API version was declared on the client.
If no API version was declared, drivers that have historically supported MongoDB 3.4 and earlier MUST perform the
handshake using OP_QUERY
to determine if the node supports OP_MSG
. Drivers that have only ever supported MongoDB 3.6
and newer MAY default to using OP_MSG
If the node supports OP_MSG
, any and all messages MUST use OP_MSG
, optionally compressed with OP_COMPRESSED
Authentication messages MUST also use OP_MSG
when it is supported, but MUST NOT use OP_COMPRESSED
Types used in this document
Type | Meaning |
document | A BSON document |
cstring | NULL terminated string |
int32 | 4 bytes (32-bit signed integer, two's complement) |
uint8 | 1 byte (8-bit unsigned integer) |
uint32 | 4 bytes (32-bit unsigned integer) |
union | One of the listed members |
Elements inside brackets ([
) are optional parts of the message.
- Zero or more instances:
- One or more instances:
The new opcode, called OP_MSG
, has the following structure:
struct Section {
uint8 payloadType;
union payload {
document document; // payloadType == 0
struct sequence { // payloadType == 1
int32 size;
cstring identifier;
document* documents;
struct OP_MSG {
struct MsgHeader {
int32 messageLength;
int32 requestID;
int32 responseTo;
int32 opCode = 2013;
uint32 flagBits;
Section+ sections;
[uint32 checksum;]
MUST NOT exceed the maxMessageSizeBytes
as configured by the MongoDB Handshake.
MUST have one section with Payload Type 0
, and zero or more Payload Type 1
. Bulk writes SHOULD use
Payload Type 1
, and MUST do so when the batch contains more than one entry.
Sections may exist in any order. Each OP_MSG
MAY contain a checksum, and MUST set the relevant flagBits
when that
field is included.
Field | Description |
flagBits | Network level flags, such as signaling recipient that another message is incoming without any other actions in the meantime, and availability of message checksums |
sections | An array of one or more sections |
checksum | crc32c message checksum. When present, the appropriate flag MUST be set in the flagBits. |
flagBits contains a bit vector of specialized network flags. The low 16 bits declare what the current message contains, and what the expectations of the recipient are. The high 16 bits are designed to declare optional attributes of the current message and expectations of the recipient.
All unused bits MUST be set to 0.
Clients MUST error if any unsupported or undefined required bits are set to 1 and MUST ignore all undefined optional bits.
The currently defined flags are:
Bit | Name | Request | Response | Description |
0 | checksumPresent | x | x | Checksum present |
1 | moreToCome | x | x | Sender will send another message and is not prepared for overlapping messages |
-16 | exhaustAllowed | x | Client is prepared for multiple replies (using the moreToCome bit) to this request |
This is a reserved field for future support of crc32c
message is essentially a request-response protocol, one message per turn. However, setting the moreToCome
flag indicates to the recipient that the sender is not ready to give up its turn and will send another message.
moreToCome On Requests
When the moreToCome
flag is set on a request it signals to the recipient that the sender does not want to know the
outcome of the message. There is no response to a request where moreToCome
has been set. Clients doing unacknowledged
writes MUST set the moreToCome
flag, and MUST set the writeConcern to w=0
If, during the processing of a moreToCome
flagged write request, a server discovers that it is no longer primary, then
the server will close the connection. All other errors during processing will be silently dropped, and will not result
in the connection being closed.
moreToCome On Responses
When the moreToCome
flag is set on a response it signals to the recipient that the sender will send additional
responses on the connection. The recipient MUST continue to read responses until it reads a response with the
flag not set, and MUST NOT send any more requests on this connection until it reads a response with the
flag not set. The client MUST either consume all messages with the moreToCome
flag set or close the
When the server sends responses with the moreToCome
flag set, each of these responses will have a unique messageId
and the responseTo
field of every follow-up response will be the messageId
of the previous response.
The client MUST be prepared to receive a response without moreToCome
set prior to completing iteration of a cursor,
even if an earlier response for the same cursor had the moreToCome
flag set. To continue iterating such a cursor, the
client MUST issue an explicit getMore
Setting this flag on a request indicates to the recipient that the sender is prepared to handle multiple replies (using
the moreToCome
bit) to this request. The server will never produce replies with the moreToCome
bit set unless the
request has the exhaustAllowed
bit set.
Setting the exhaustAllowed
bit on a request does not guarantee that the responses will have the moreToCome
bit set.
MongoDB server only handles the exhaustAllowed
bit on the following operations. A driver MUST NOT set the
bit on other operations.
Operation | Minimum MongoDB Version |
getMore | 4.2 |
hello (including legacy hello) | 4.4 (discoverable via topologyVersion) |
Each message contains one or more sections. A section is composed of an uint8 which determines the payload's type, and a separate payload field. The payload size for payload type 0 and 1 is determined by the first 4 bytes of the payload field (includes the 4 bytes holding the size but not the payload type).
Field | Description |
type | A byte indicating the layout and semantics of payload |
payload | The payload of a section can either be a single document, or a document sequence. |
When the Payload Type is 0, the content of the payload is:
Field | Description |
document | The BSON document. The payload size is inferred from the document's leading int32. |
When the Payload Type is 1, the content of the payload is:
Field | Description |
size | Payload size (includes this 4-byte field) |
identifier | A unique identifier (for this message). Generally the name of the "command argument" it contains the value for |
documents | 0 or more BSON documents. Each BSON document cannot be larger than maxBSONObjectSize . |
Any unknown Payload Types MUST result in an error and the socket MUST be closed. There is no ordering implied by payload types. A section with payload type 1 can be serialized before payload type 0.
A fully constructed OP_MSG
MUST contain exactly one Payload Type 0
, and optionally any number of Payload Type 1
where each identifier MUST be unique per message.
Command Arguments As Payload
Certain commands support "pulling out" certain arguments to the command, and providing them as Payload Type 1
, where
the identifier
is the command argument's name. Specifying a command argument as a separate payload removes the need to
use a BSON Array. For example, Payload Type 1
allows an array of documents to be specified as a sequence of BSON
documents on the wire without the overhead of array keys.
MongoDB 3.6 only allows certain command arguments to be provided this way. These are:
Command Name | Command Argument |
insert | documents |
update | updates |
delete | deletes |
Global Command Arguments
The new opcode contains no field for providing the database name. Instead, the protocol now has the concept of global command arguments. These global command arguments can be passed to all MongoDB commands alongside the rest of the command arguments.
Currently defined global arguments:
Argument Name | Default Value | Description |
$db | The database name to execute the command on. MUST be provided and be a valid database name. | |
$readPreference | { "mode": "primary" } | Determines server selection, and also whether a secondary server permits reads or responds "not writable primary". See Server Selection Spec for rules about when read preference must or must not be included, and for rules about when read preference "primaryPreferred" must be added automatically. |
Additional global arguments are likely to be introduced in the future and defined in their own specs.
User originating commands
Drivers MUST NOT mutate user provided command documents in any way, whether it is adding required arguments, pulling out arguments, compressing it, adding supplemental APM data or any other modification.
Command Arguments As Payload Examples
For example, an insert can be represented like:
"insert": "collectionName",
"documents": [
{"_id": "Document#1", "example": 1},
{"_id": "Document#2", "example": 2},
{"_id": "Document#3", "example": 3}
"writeConcern": { w: "majority" }
Or, pulling out the "documents"
argument out of the command document and Into Payload Type 1
. The Payload Type 0
would then be:
"insert": "collectionName",
"$db": "databaseName",
"writeConcern": { w: "majority" }
And Payload Type 1
identifier: "documents"
documents: {"_id": "Document#1", "example": 1}{"_id": "Document#2", "example": 2}{"_id": "Document#3", "example": 3}
Note that the BSON documents are placed immediately after each other, not with any separator. The writeConcern is also
left intact as a command argument in the Payload Type 0
section. The command name MUST continue to be the first key of
the command arguments in the Payload Type 0
An update can for example be represented like:
"update": "collectionName",
"updates": [
"q": {"example": 1},
"u": { "$set": { "example": 4} }
"q": {"example": 2},
"u": { "$set": { "example": 5} }
Or, pulling out the "update"
argument out of the command document and Into Payload Type 1
. The Payload Type 0
would then be:
"update": "collectionName",
"$db": "databaseName"
And Payload Type 1
identifier: updates
documents: {"q": {"example": 1}, "u": { "$set": { "example": 4}}}{"q": {"example": 2}, "u": { "$set": { "example": 5}}}
Note that the BSON documents are placed immediately after each other, not with any separator.
A delete can for example be represented like:
"delete": "collectionName",
"deletes": [
"q": {"example": 3},
"limit": 1
"q": {"example": 4},
"limit": 1
Or, pulling out the "deletes"
argument out of the command document and into Payload Type 1
. The Payload Type 0
would then be:
"delete": "collectionName",
"$db": "databaseName"
And Payload Type 1
identifier: delete
documents: {"q": {"example": 3}, "limit": 1}{"q": {"example": 4}, "limit": 1}
Note that the BSON documents are placed immediately after each other, not with any separator.
Test Plan
- Create a single document and insert it over
, ensure it works - Create two documents and insert them over
, ensure each document is pulled out and presented as document sequence. - hello.maxWriteBatchSize might change and be bumped to 100,000
- Repeat the previous 5 tests as updates, and then deletes.
- Create one small document, and one large 16mb document. Ensure they are inserted, updated and deleted in one roundtrip.
Motivation For Change
MongoDB clients are currently required to work around various issues that each current opcode has, such as having to
determine what sort of node is on the other end as it affects the actual structure of certain messages. MongoDB 3.6
introduces a new wire protocol opcode, OP_MSG
, which aims to resolve most historical issues along with providing a
future compatible and extendable opcode.
Backwards Compatibility
The hello.maxWriteBatchSize is being bumped, which also affects OP_QUERY
, not only OP_MSG
. As a sideeffect, write
errors will now have the message truncated, instead of overflowing the maxMessageSize, if the server determines it would
overflow the allowed size. This applies to all commands that write. The error documents are structurally the same, with
the error messages simply replaced with empty strings.
Reference Implementations
- mongoc
- .net
Future Work
In the near future, this opcode is expected to be extended and include support for:
- Message checksum (crc32c)
- Output document sequences
can also be used for other commands, such askillCursors
behaviour as currently any errors/replies are ignored.
Q & A
Has the maximum number of documents per batch changed ?
- The maximum number of documents per batch is dictated by the
value returned during the MongoDB Handshake. It is likely this value will be bumped from 1,000 to 100,000.
- The maximum number of documents per batch is dictated by the
Has the maximum size of the message changed?
- No. The maximum message size is still the
value returned during the MongoDB Handshake.
- No. The maximum message size is still the
Is everything still little-endian?
- Yes. As with BSON, all MongoDB opcodes must be serialized in little-endian format.
How does fire-and-forget (w=0 / unacknowledged write) work over
?- The client sets the
flag on the request. The server will not send a response to such requests. - Malformed operation or errors such as duplicate key errors are not discoverable and will be swallowed by the server.
- Write errors due to not-primary will close the connection, which clients will pickup on next time it uses the connection. This means at least one unacknowledged write operation will be lost as the client does not discover the failover until next time the socket is used.
- The client sets the
Should we provide
helpers? Since the protocol allows any command to be tagged withmoreToCome
, effectively allowing any operation to becomefire & forget
, it might be a good idea to add such helper, rather then adding wire protocol headers as options to the existingrunCommand
- 2024-04-30: Convert from RestructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter.
- 2022-01-13: Clarify that
must be used when using stable API - 2021-12-16: Clarify that old drivers should default to OP_QUERY handshakes
- 2021-04-20: Suggest using OP_MSG for initial handshake when using stable API
- 2021-04-06: Updated to use hello and not writable primary
- 2017-11-12: Specify read preferences for OP_MSG with direct connection
- 2017-08-17: Added the
User originating command
section - 2017-07-18: Published initial version
Run Command
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
This specification defines requirements and behaviors for drivers' run command and related APIs.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
A structure representing a BSON document that has a shape matching a supported MongoDB operation.
Implementation requirements
All drivers MAY offer the operations defined in the following sections. This does not preclude a driver from offering more.
Please refer to The CRUD specification's Guidance on how APIs may deviate between languages.
Cursor iterating APIs MAY be offered via language syntax or predefined iterable methods.
The following represents how a runCommand API SHOULD be exposed.
interface Database {
* Takes an argument representing an arbitrary BSON document and executes it against the server.
runCommand(command: BSONDocument, options: RunCommandOptions): BSONDocument;
interface RunCommandOptions {
* An optional readPreference setting to apply to server selection logic.
* This value MUST be applied to the command document as the $readPreference global command argument if not set to primary.
* @defaultValue ReadPreference(mode: primary)
* @see ../server-selection/
readPreference?: ReadPreference;
* An optional explicit client session.
* The associated logical session id (`lsid`) the driver MUST apply to the command.
* @see ../sessions/
session?: ClientSession;
* An optional timeout option to govern the amount of time that a single operation can execute before control is returned to the user.
* This timeout applies to all of the work done to execute the operation, including but not limited to server selection, connection checkout, and server-side execution.
* @ see
timeoutMS?: number;
RunCommand implementation details
RunCommand provides a way to access MongoDB server commands directly without requiring a driver to implement a bespoke helper. The API is intended to take a document from a user and apply a number of common driver internal concerns before forwarding the command to a server. A driver MUST not inspect the user's command, this includes checking for the fields a driver MUST attach to the command sent as described below. Depending on a driver's BSON implementation this can result in these fields being overwritten or duplicated, a driver SHOULD document that using these fields has undefined behavior. A driver MUST not modify the user's command, a clone SHOULD be created before the driver attaches any of the required fields to the command.
Drivers that have historically modified user input SHOULD strive to instead clone the input such that appended fields do not affect the user's input in their next major version.
The $db
global command argument MUST be set on the command sent to the server and it MUST equal the database name
RunCommand was invoked on.
- See OP_MSG's section on Global Command Arguments
For the purposes of server selection RunCommand MUST assume all commands are read operations. To facilitate server
selection the RunCommand operation MUST accept an optional readPreference
- See Server Selection's section on Use of read preferences with commands
If the provided ReadPreference is NOT {mode: primary}
and the selected server is NOT a standalone, the command sent
MUST include the $readPreference
global command argument.
- See OP_MSG's section on Global Command Arguments
Driver Sessions
A driver's RunCommand MUST provide an optional session option to support explicit sessions and transactions. If a
session is not provided the driver MUST attach an implicit session if the connection supports sessions. Drivers MUST NOT
attempt to check the command document for the presence of an lsid
Every ClientSession has a corresponding logical session ID representing the server-side session ID. The logical session
ID MUST be included under lsid
in the command sent to the server without modifying user input.
- See Driver Sessions' section on Sending the session ID to the server on all commands
The command sent to the server MUST gossip the $clusterTime
if cluster time support is detected.
- See Driver Sessions' section on Gossipping the cluster time
If RunCommand is used within a transaction the read preference MUST be sourced from the transaction's options. The command sent to the server MUST include the transaction specific fields, summarized as follows:
- If
is executing within a transaction:autocommit
- The autocommit flag MUST be set to false.txnNumber
- MUST be set.
- If
is the first operation of the transaction:startTransaction
- MUST be set to true.readConcern
- MUST be set to the transaction's read concern if it is NOT the default.
- See Generic RunCommand helper within a transaction in the Transactions specification.
ReadConcern and WriteConcern
RunCommand MUST NOT support read concern and write concern options. Drivers MUST NOT attempt to check the command
document for the presence of a readConcern
and writeConcern
Additionally, unless executing within a transaction, RunCommand MUST NOT set the readConcern
or writeConcern
in the command document. For example, default values MUST NOT be inherited from client, database, or collection options.
If the user-provided command document already includes readConcern
or writeConcern
fields, the values MUST be left
- See Read Concern's section on Generic Command Method
- See Write Concern's section on Generic Command Method
All commands executed via RunCommand are non-retryable operations. Drivers MUST NOT inspect the command to determine if
it is a write and MUST NOT attach a txnNumber
- See Retryable Reads' section on Unsupported Read Operations
- See Retryable Writes' section on Behavioral Changes for Write Commands
Stable API
The command sent MUST attach stable API fields as configured on the MongoClient.
- See Stable API's section on Generic Command Helper Behaviour
Client Side Operations Timeout
RunCommand MUST provide an optional timeoutMS
option to support client side operations timeout. Drivers MUST NOT
attempt to check the command document for the presence of a maxTimeMS
field. Drivers MUST document the behavior of
RunCommand if a maxTimeMS
field is already set on the command (such as overwriting the command field).
- See Client Side Operations Timeout's section on runCommand
- See Client Side Operations Timeout's section on runCommand behavior
Drivers MAY expose a runCursorCommand API with the following syntax.
interface Database {
* Takes an argument representing an arbitrary BSON document and executes it against the server.
runCursorCommand(command: BSONDocument, options: RunCursorCommandOptions): RunCommandCursor;
interface RunCursorCommandOptions extends RunCommandOptions {
* This option is an enum with possible values CURSOR_LIFETIME and ITERATION.
* For operations that create cursors, timeoutMS can either cap the lifetime of the cursor or be applied separately to the original operation and all subsequent calls.
* To support both of these use cases, these operations MUST support a timeoutMode option.
* @defaultValue CURSOR_LIFETIME
* @see
* See the `cursorType` enum defined in the crud specification.
* @see
* Identifies the type of cursor this is for client side operations timeout to properly apply timeoutMode settings.
* A tailable cursor can receive empty `nextBatch` arrays in `getMore` responses.
* However, subsequent `getMore` operations may return documents if new data has become available.
* A tailableAwait cursor is an enhancement where instead of dealing with empty responses the server will block until data becomes available.
* @defaultValue NON_TAILABLE
cursorType?: CursorType;
* The following are the configurations a driver MUST provide to control how getMores are constructed.
* How the options are controlled should be idiomatic to the driver's language.
* See Executing ``getMore`` Commands.
interface RunCursorCommandGetMoreOptions {
/** Any positive integer is permitted. */
batchSize?: int;
/** Any non-negative integer is permitted. */
maxTimeMS?: int;
comment?: BSONValue;
RunCursorCommand implementation details
RunCursorCommand provides a way to access MongoDB server commands that return a cursor directly without requiring a
driver to implement a bespoke cursor implementation. The API is intended to be built upon RunCommand and take a document
from a user and apply a number of common driver internal concerns before forwarding the command to a server. A driver
can expect that the result from running this command will return a document with a cursor
field and MUST provide the
caller with a language native abstraction to continue iterating the results from the server. If the response from the
server does not include a cursor
field the driver MUST throw an error either before returning from runCursorCommand
or upon first iteration of the cursor.
High level RunCursorCommand steps:
- Run the cursor creating command provided by the caller and retain the ClientSession used as well as the server the command was executed on.
- Create a local cursor instance and store the
, andid
from the response. - When the current batch has been fully iterated, execute a
using the same server the initial command was executed on. - Store the
from thegetMore
response and update the cursor'sid
. - Continue to execute
commands as needed when the caller empties local batches until the cursor is exhausted or closed (
is zero).
Driver Sessions
A driver MUST create an implicit ClientSession if none is provided and it MUST be attached for the duration of the
cursor's lifetime. All getMore
commands constructed for this cursor MUST send the same lsid
used on the initial
command. A cursor is considered exhausted or closed when the server reports its id
as zero. When the cursor is
exhausted the client session MUST be ended and the server session returned to the pool as early as possible rather than
waiting for a caller to completely iterate the final batch.
- See Drivers Sessions' section on Sessions and Cursors
Server Selection
RunCursorCommand MUST support a readPreference
option that MUST be used to determine server selection. The selected
server MUST be used for subsequent getMore
Load Balancers
When in loadBalanced
mode, a driver MUST pin the connection used to execute the initial operation, and reuse it for
subsequent getMore
- See Load Balancer's section on Behaviour With Cursors
Iterating the Cursor
Drivers MUST provide an API, typically, a method named next()
, that returns one document per invocation. If the
cursor's batch is empty and the cursor id is nonzero, the driver MUST perform a getMore
Executing getMore
The cursor API returned to the caller MUST offer an API to configure batchSize
, maxTimeMS
, and comment
that are sent on subsequent getMore
commands. If it is idiomatic for a driver to allow setting these options in
, the driver MUST document that the options only pertain to getMore
commands. A driver MAY
permit users to change getMore
field settings at any time during the cursor's lifetime and subsequent getMore
commands MUST be constructed with the changes to those fields. If that API is offered drivers MUST write tests asserting
commands are constructed with any updated fields.
- See Find, getMore and killCursors commands' section on GetMore
Tailable and TailableAwait
- See first: Find, getMore and killCursors commands's section on Tailable cursors
It is the responsibility of the caller to construct their initial command with awaitData
and tailable
flags as
well as inform RunCursorCommand of the cursorType
that should be constructed. Requesting a cursorType
that does
not align with the fields sent to the server on the initial command SHOULD be documented as undefined behavior.
Resource Cleanup
Drivers MUST provide an explicit mechanism for releasing the cursor resources, typically a .close()
method. If the
cursor id is nonzero a KillCursors operation MUST be attempted, the result of the operation SHOULD be ignored. The
ClientSession associated with the cursor MUST be ended and the ServerSession returned to the pool.
- See Driver Sessions' section on When sending a killCursors command
- See Find, getMore and killCursors commands' section on killCursors
Client Side Operations Timeout
RunCursorCommand MUST provide an optional timeoutMS
option to support client side operations timeout. Drivers MUST NOT
attempt to check the command document for the presence of a maxTimeMS
field. Drivers MUST document the behavior of
RunCursorCommand if a maxTimeMS
field is already set on the command. Drivers SHOULD raise an error if both timeoutMS
and the getMore
-specific maxTimeMS
option are specified (see:
Executing getMore Commands). Drivers MUST document that attempting to set both options
can have undefined behavior and is not supported.
When timeoutMS
and timeoutMode
are provided the driver MUST support timeout functionality as described in the CSOT
- See Client Side Operations Timeout's section on Cursors
- 2024-09-02: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2023-05-10: Add runCursorCommand API specification.
- 2023-05-08:
is not sent to standalone servers - 2023-04-20: Add run command specification.
Connection String Spec
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
The purpose of the Connection String is to provide a machine readable way of configuring a MongoClient, allowing users to configure and change the connection to their MongoDB system without requiring any application code changes.
This specification defines how the connection string is constructed and parsed. The aim is not to list all of connection string options and their semantics. Rather it defines the syntax of the connection string, including rules for parsing, naming conventions for options, and standard data types.
It should be noted that while the connection string specification is inspired by the URI specification as described in RFC 3986 and uses similar terminology, it does not conform to that specification.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
General Syntax
In general we follow URI style conventions, however unlike a URI the connection string supports multiple hosts.
\_____/ \_______________/ \_________/ \__/ \_______________________________________/ \______/ \_/ \___/
| | | | | | | |
Scheme | Host Port Alternative host identifiers | Key Value
Userinfo \_____________/ | \_______/
| Auth database |
Host Identifier Key Value Pair
\_______________________________________________________/ \___________________/
| |
Host Information Connection Options
The scheme mongodb
represents that this is a connection string for a MongoClient.
Other schemes are also possible and are introduced through additional specifications. These additional schemes build on top of the connection string as documented in this specification.
For example the mongodb+srv
specification, introduced with
Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery, obtains
information from DNS in addition to just the connection string.
Userinfo (optional)
The user information if present, is followed by a commercial at-sign ("@") that delimits it from the host.
A password may be supplied as part of the user information and is anything after the first colon (":") up until the end of the user information.
RFC 3986 has guidance for encoding user information in Section 2.1 ("Percent-Encoding"), Section 2.2 ("Reserved Characters"), and Section 3.2.1 ("User Information").
Specifically, Section 3.2.1 provides for the following allowed characters:
userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
If the user information contains an at-sign ("@"), more than one colon (":"), or a percent-sign ("%") that does not match the rules for "pct-encoded", then an exception MUST be thrown informing the user that the username and password must be URL encoded.
Above and beyond that restriction, drivers SHOULD require connection string user information to follow the "userinfo" encoding rules of RFC 3986 and SHOULD throw an exception if disallowed characters are detected. However, for backwards-compatibility reasons, drivers MAY allow reserved characters other than "@" and ":" to be present in user information without percent-encoding.
Host Information
Unlike a standard URI, the connection string allows for identifying multiple hosts. The host information section of the connection string MAY be delimited by the trailing slash ("/") or end of string.
The host information must contain at least one host identifier but may contain more (see the alternative hosts / ports in the general syntax diagram above). Multiple host identifiers are delimited by a comma (",").
Host Identifier
A host identifier consists of a host and an optional port.
Identifies a server address to connect to. It can identify either a hostname, IP address, IP Literal, or UNIX domain socket. For definitions of hostname, IP address and IP Literal formats see RFC 3986 Section 3.2.2 .
UNIX domain sockets MUST end in ".sock" and MUST be URL encoded, for example:
The host information cannot contain an unescaped slash ("/"), if it does then an exception MUST be thrown informing users that paths must be URL encoded. For example:
Unsupported host '/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock', UNIX socket domain paths must be URL encoded.
Support for UNIX domain sockets and IP Literals is OPTIONAL.
Unsupported host types MUST throw an exception informing the user they are not supported.
This specification does not define how host types should be differentiated (e.g. determining if a parsed host string is a socket path or hostname). It is merely concerned with extracting the host identifiers from the URI.
Port (optional)
The port is an integer between 1 and 65535 (inclusive) that identifies the port to connect to. See RFC 3986 3.2.3.
Auth Database (optional)
The database to authenticate against. If provided it is everything after the Host Information (ending with "/") and up to the first question mark ("?") or end of string. The auth database MUST be URL decoded by the parser.
The following characters MUST NOT appear in the database name, once it has been decoded: slash ("/"), backslash (""), space (" "), double-quote ("""), or dollar sign ("$"). The MongoDB Manual says that period (".") is also prohibited, but drivers MAY allow periods in order to express a namespace (database and collection name, perhaps containing multiple periods) in this part of the URL.
The presence of the auth database component without other credential data such as Userinfo or authentication parameters in connection options MUST NOT be interpreted as a request for authentication.
Connection Options (optional)
Any extra options to configure the MongoClient connection can be specified in the connection options part of the connection string. If provided, it is everything after the Host Information (ending with "/"), optional auth database, and first question mark ("?") to the end of the string. Connection Options consist of an ordered list of Key Value Pairs that are delimited by an ampersand ("&"). A delimiter of a semi colon (";") MAY also be supported for connection options for legacy reasons.
Key Value Pair
A key value pair represents the option key and its associated value. The key is everything up to the first equals sign ("=") and the value is everything afterwards. Key values contain the following information:
- Key:
The connection option's key string. Keys should be normalised and character case should be ignored.
- Value: (optional)
The value if provided otherwise it defaults to an empty string.
Defining connection options
Connection option key values MUST be defined in the relevant specification that describes the usage of the key and value. The value data type MUST also be defined there. The value's default value SHOULD also be defined if it is relevant.
Keys are strings and the character case must be normalized by lower casing the uppercase ASCII characters A through Z; other characters are left as-is.
When defining and documenting keys, specifications should follow the camelCase naming convention with the first letter in lowercase, snake_case MUST not be used. Keys that aren't supported by a driver MUST be ignored.
Keys that aren't supported by a driver MUST be ignored. A WARN level logging message MUST be issued for unsupported keys. For example:
Unsupported option 'connectMS'.
Keys should be descriptive and follow existing conventions:
Time based keys
If a key represents a unit of time it MUST end with that unit of time.
Key authors SHOULD follow the existing convention of defaulting to using milliseconds as the unit of time (e.g.
The values in connection options MUST be URL decoded by the parser. The values can represent the following data types:
Strings: The value
Integer: The value parsed as a integer. If the value is the empty string, the key MUST be ignored.
Boolean: "true" and "false" strings MUST be supported. If the value is the empty string, the key MUST be ignored.
- For legacy reasons it is RECOMMENDED that alternative values for true and false be supported:
- true: "1", "yes", "y" and "t"
- false: "0", "-1", "no", "n" and "f".
Alternative values are deprecated and MUST be removed from documentation and examples.
If any of these alternative values are used, drivers MUST log a deprecation notice or issue a logging message at the WARNING level (as appropriate for your language). For example:
Deprecated boolean value for "journal" : "1", please update to "journal=true"
- For legacy reasons it is RECOMMENDED that alternative values for true and false be supported:
Lists: Repeated keys represent a list in the Connection String consisting of the corresponding values in the same order as they appear in the Connection String. For example:
Key value pairs: A value that represents one or more key and value pairs. Multiple key value pairs are delimited by a comma (","). The key is everything up to the first colon sign (":") and the value is everything afterwards.
For example:
Drivers MUST handle unencoded colon signs (":") within the value. For example, given the connection string option:
the driver MUST interpret the key as
and the value asmongodb://foo
.For any option key-value pair that may contain a comma (such as
), drivers MUST document that: a value containing a comma (",") MUST NOT be provided as part of the connection string. This prevents use of values that would interfere with parsing.
Any invalid Values for a given key MUST be ignored and MUST log a WARN level message. For example:
Unsupported value for "fsync" : "ifPossible"
Repeated Keys
If a key is repeated and the corresponding data type is not a List then the precedence of which key value pair will be used is undefined except where defined otherwise by the URI options spec.
Where possible, a warning SHOULD be raised to inform the user that multiple options were found for the same value.
Deprecated Key Value Pairs
If a key name was deprecated due to renaming it MUST still be supported. Users aren't expected to be vigilant on changes to key names.
If the renamed key is also defined in the connection string the deprecated key MUST NOT be applied and a WARN level message MUST be logged. For example:
Deprecated key "wtimeout" present and ignored as found replacement "wtimeoutms" value.
Deprecated keys MUST log a WARN level message informing the user that the option is deprecated and supply the alternative key name. For example:
Deprecated key "wtimeout" has been replaced with "wtimeoutms"
Legacy support
Semi colon (";") query parameter delimiters and alternative string representations of Boolean values MAY be supported only for legacy reasons.
As these options are not standard they might not be supported across all drivers. As such, these alternatives MUST NOT be used as general examples or documentation.
Language specific connection options
Connection strings are a mechanism to configure a MongoClient outside the user's application. As each driver may have language specific configuration options, those options SHOULD also be supported via the connection string. Where suitable, specifications MUST be updated to reflect new options.
Keys MUST follow existing connection option naming conventions as defined above. Values MUST also follow the existing, specific data types.
Any options that are not supported MUST raise a WARN log level as described in the keys section.
Connection options precedence
If a driver allows URI options to be specified outside of the connection string (e.g. dictionary parameter to the
MongoClient constructor) it MUST document the precedence rules between all such mechanisms. For instance, a driver MAY
allow a value for option foo
in a dictionary parameter to override the value of foo
in the connection string (or
vice versa) so long as that behavior is documented.
Test Plan
See the README for tests.
Motivation for Change
The motivation for this specification is to publish how connection strings are formed and how they should be parsed. This is important because although the connection string follows the terminology of a standard URI format (as described in RFC 3986) it is not a standard URI and cannot be parsed by standard URI parsers.
The specification also formalizes the standard practice for the definition of new connection options and where the responsibility for their definition should be.
Design Rationale
The rationale for the Connection String is to provide a consistent, driver independent way to define the connection to a MongoDB system outside of the application. The connection string is an existing standard and is already widely used.
Backwards Compatibility
Connection Strings are already generally supported across languages and driver implementations. As the responsibility for the definitions of connections options relies on the specifications defining them, there should be no backwards compatibility breaks caused by this specification with regards to options.
Connection options precedence may cause some backwards incompatibilities as existing driver behaviour differs here. As such, it is currently only a recommendation.
Reference Implementation
The Java driver implements a ConnectionString
class for the parsing of the connection string; however, it does not
support UNIX domain sockets. The Python driver's uri_parser
module implements connection string parsing for both hosts
and UNIX domain sockets.
The following example parses a connection string into its components and can be used as a guide.
Given the string mongodb://,%2Ftmp%2Fmongodb-27018.sock/admin?w=1
- Validate and remove the scheme prefix
- Split the string by the first, unescaped
(if any), yielding:- User information and host identifiers:,%2Ftmp%2Fmongodb-27018.sock
. - Auth database and connection options:
- User information and host identifiers:
- Split the user information and host identifiers string by the last, unescaped
, yielding:- User information:
. - Host identifiers:,%2Ftmp%2Fmongodb-27018.sock
- User information:
- Validate, split (if applicable), and URL decode the user information. In this example, the username and password
would be
, respectively. - Validate, split, and URL decode the host identifiers. In this example, the hosts would be
["", "/tmp/mongodb-27018.sock"]
. - Split the auth database and connection options string by the first, unescaped
, yielding:- Auth database:
. - Connection options:
- Auth database:
- URL decode the auth database. In this example, the auth database is
. - Validate the database contains no prohibited characters.
- Validate, split, and URL decode the connection options. In this example, the connection options are
{w: 1}
Q: What about existing Connection Options that aren't currently defined in a specification
Ideally all MongoClient options would already belong in their relevant specifications. As we iterate and produce more specifications these options should be covered.
Q: Why is it recommended that Connection Options take precedence over application set options
This is only a recommendation but the reasoning is application code is much harder to change across deployments. By making the Connection String take precedence from outside the application it would be easier for the application to be portable across environments. The order of precedence of MongoClient hosts and options is recommended to be from low to high:
- Default values
- MongoClient hosts and options
- Connection String hosts and options
Q: Why WARN level warning on unknown options rather than throwing an exception
It is responsible to inform users of possible misconfigurations and both methods achieve that. However, there are conflicting requirements of a Connection String. One goal is that any given driver should be configurable by a connection string but different drivers and languages have different feature sets. Another goal is that Connection Strings should be portable and as such some options supported by language X might not be relevant to language Y. Any given driver does not know is an option is specific to a different driver or is misspelled or just not supported. So the only way to stay portable and support configuration of all options is to not throw an exception but rather log a warning.
Q: How long should deprecation options be supported
This is not declared in this specification. It's not deemed responsible to give a single timeline for how long deprecated options should be supported. As such any specifications that deprecate options that do have the context of the decision should provide the timeline.
Q: Why can I not use a standard URI parser
The connection string format does not follow the standard URI format (as described in RFC 3986) we differ in two key areas:
The connection string allows for multiple hosts for high availability reasons but standard URI's only ever define a single host.
Query Parameters / Connection Options
The connection string provides a concreted definition on how the Connection Options are parsed, including definitions of different data types. The RFC 3986 only defines that they are
pairs and gives no instruction on parsing. In fact different languages handle the parsing of query parameters in different ways and as such there is no such thing as a standard URI parser.
Q: Can the connection string contain non-ASCII characters
The connection string can contain non-ASCII characters. The connection string is text, which can be encoded in any way appropriate for the application (e.g. the C Driver requires you to pass it a UTF-8 encoded connection string).
Q: Why does reference implementation check for a .sock
suffix when parsing a socket path and possible auth database
To simplify parsing of a socket path followed by an auth database, we rely on MongoDB's
naming restrictions), which do not allow
database names to contain a dot character, and the fact that socket paths must end with .sock
. This allows us to
differentiate the last part of a socket path from a database name. While we could immediately rule out an auth database
on the basis of the dot alone, this specification is primarily concerned with breaking down the components of a URI
(e.g. hosts, auth database, options) in a deterministic manner, rather than applying strict validation to those parts
(e.g. host types, database names, allowed values for an option). Additionally, some drivers might allow a namespace
(e.g. "db.collection"
) for the auth database part, so we do not want to be more strict than is necessary for parsing.
Q: Why throw an exception if the userinfo contains a percent sign ("%"), at-sign ("@"), or more than one colon (":")
This is done to help users format the connection string correctly. Although at-signs ("@") or colons (":") in the username must be URL encoded, users may not be aware of that requirement. Take the following example:
Is the username anne
and the password bob:pass
or is the username anne:bob
and the password pass
? Accepting this
as the userinfo could cause authentication to fail, causing confusion for the user as to why. Allowing unescaped at-sign
and percent symbols would invite further ambiguity. By throwing an exception users are made aware and then update the
connection string so to be explicit about what forms the username and password.
Q: Why must UNIX domain sockets be URL encoded
This has been done to reduce ambiguity between the socket name and the database name. Take the following example:
Is the host /tmp/mongodb.sock
and the auth database mongodb.sock
or does the connection string just contain the host
and no auth database? By enforcing URL encoding on UNIX domain sockets it makes users
be explicit about the host and the auth database. By requiring an exception to be thrown when the host contains a slash
("/") users can be informed on how to migrate their connection strings.
Q: Why must the auth database be URL decoded by the parser
On Linux systems database names can contain a question mark ("?"), in these rare cases the auth database must be URL encoded. This disambiguates between the auth database and the connection options. Take the following example:
In this case the auth database would be admin?
and the connection options w=1
Q: How should the space character be encoded in a connection string
Space characters SHOULD be encoded as %20
rather than +
, this will be portable across all implementations.
Implementations MAY support decoding +
into a space, as many languages treat strings as x-www-form-urlencoded
by default.
2024-05-29: Clarify handling of key-value pairs and add specification test.
2024-02-15: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2016-07-22: In Port section, clarify that zero is not an acceptable port.
2017-01-09: In Userinfo section, clarify that percent signs must be encoded.
2017-06-10: In Userinfo section, require username and password to be fully URI encoded, not just "%", "@", and ":". In Auth Database, list the prohibited characters. In Reference Implementation, split at the first "/", not the last.
2018-01-09: Clarified that space characters should be encoded to
. -
2018-06-04: Revised Userinfo section to provide an explicit list of allowed characters and clarify rules for exceptions.
2019-02-04: In Repeated Keys section, clarified that the URI options spec may override the repeated key behavior described here for certain options.
2019-03-04: Require drivers to document option precedence rules
2019-04-26: Database name in URI alone does not trigger authentication
2020-01-21: Clarified how empty values in a connection string are parsed.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-12-27: Note that host information ends with a "/" character in connection options description.
2023-08-02: Make delimiting slash between host information and connection options optional and update tests
URI Options Specification
Status: Accepted
Minimum Server Version: N/A
Historically, URI options have been defined in individual specs, and drivers have defined any additional options independently of one another. Because of the frustration due to there not being a single place where all of the URI options are defined, this spec aims to do just that—namely, provide a canonical list of URI options that each driver defines.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Conflicting TLS options
Per the Connection String spec, the behavior of duplicates of most URI options is undefined. However, due to the security implications of certain options, drivers MUST raise an error to the user during parsing if any of the following circumstances occur:
- Both
appear in the URI options. - Both
appear in the URI options. - Both
appear in the URI options. - Both
appear in the URI options. - Both
appear in the URI options. - Both
appear in the URI options. - Both
appear in the URI options. - All instances of
in the URI options do not have the same value. If all instances oftls
have the same value, an error MUST NOT be raised.
directConnection URI option with multiple seeds or SRV URI
The driver MUST report an error if the directConnection=true
URI option is specified with multiple seeds.
The driver MUST report an error if the directConnection=true
URI option is specified with an SRV URI, because the URI
may resolve to multiple hosts. The driver MUST allow specifying directConnection=false
URI option with an SRV URI.
srvServiceName and srvMaxHosts URI options
For URI option validation pertaining to srvServiceName
and srvMaxHosts
, please see the
Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery spec
for details.
Load Balancer Mode
For URI option validation in Load Balancer mode (i.e. loadBalanced=true
), please see the
Load Balancer spec for details.
SOCKS5 options
For URI option validation pertaining to proxyHost
, proxyPort
, proxyUsername
and proxyPassword
please see the
SOCKS5 support spec for details.
List of specified options
Each driver option below MUST be implemented in each driver unless marked as optional. If an option is marked as optional, a driver MUST meet any conditions specified for leaving it out if it is not included. If a driver already provides the option under a different name, the driver MAY implement the old and new names as aliases. All keys and values MUST be encoded in UTF-8. All integer options are 32-bit unless specified otherwise. Note that all requirements and recommendations described in the Connection String spec pertaining to URI options apply here.
Name | Accepted Values | Default Value | Optional to implement? | Description |
appname | any string that meets the criteria listed in the handshake spec | no appname specified | no | Passed into the server in the client metadata as part of the connection handshake |
authMechanism | any string; valid values are defined in the auth spec | None; default values for authentication exist for constructing authentication credentials per the auth spec, but there is no default for the URI option itself. | no | The authentication mechanism method to use for connection to the server |
authMechanismProperties | comma separated key:value pairs, e.g. "opt1:val1,opt2:val2" | no properties specified | no | Additional options provided for authentication (e.g. to enable hostname canonicalization for GSSAPI) |
authSource | any string | None; default values for authentication exist for constructing authentication credentials per the auth spec, but there is no default for the URI option itself. | no | The database that connections should authenticate against |
compressors | comma separated list of strings, e.g. "snappy,zlib" | defined in compression spec | no | The list of allowed compression types for wire protocol messages sent or received from the server |
connectTimeoutMS | non-negative integer; 0 means "no timeout" | 10,000 ms (unless a driver already has a different default) | no | Amount of time to wait for a single TCP socket connection to the server to be established before erroring; note that this applies to SDAM hello and legacy hello operations |
directConnection | "true" or "false" | defined in SDAM spec | no | Whether to connect to the deployment in Single topology. |
heartbeatFrequencyMS | integer greater than or equal to 500 | defined in SDAM spec | no | the interval between regular server monitoring checks |
journal | "true" or "false" | no "j" field specified | no | Default write concern "j" field for the client |
loadBalanced | "true" or "false" | defined in Load Balancer spec | no | Whether the driver is connecting to a load balancer. |
localThresholdMS | non-negative integer; 0 means 0 ms (i.e. the fastest eligible server must be selected) | defined in the server selection spec | no | The amount of time beyond the fastest round trip time that a given server’s round trip time can take and still be eligible for server selection |
maxIdleTimeMS | non-negative integer; 0 means no minimum | defined in the Connection Pooling spec | required for drivers with connection pools | The amount of time a connection can be idle before it's closed |
maxPoolSize | non-negative integer; 0 means no maximum | defined in the Connection Pooling spec | required for drivers with connection pools | The maximum number of clients or connections able to be created by a pool at a given time. This count includes connections which are currently checked out. |
maxConnecting | positive integer | defined in the Connection Pooling spec | required for drivers with connection pools | The maximum number of Connections a Pool may be establishing concurrently. |
maxStalenessSeconds | -1 (no max staleness check) or integer >= 90 | defined in max staleness spec | no | The maximum replication lag, in wall clock time, that a secondary can suffer and still be eligible for server selection |
minPoolSize | non-negative integer | defined in the Connection Pooling spec | required for drivers with connection pools | The number of connections the driver should create and maintain in the pool even when no operations are occurring. This count includes connections which are currently checked out. |
proxyHost | any string | defined in the SOCKS5 support spec | no | The IPv4/IPv6 address or domain name of a SOCKS5 proxy server used for connecting to MongoDB services. |
proxyPort | non-negative integer | defined in the SOCKS5 support spec | no | The port of the SOCKS5 proxy server specified in proxyHost . |
proxyUsername | any string | defined in the SOCKS5 support spec | no | The username for username/password authentication to the SOCKS5 proxy server specified in proxyHost . |
proxyPassword | any string | defined in the SOCKS5 support spec | no | The password for username/password authentication to the SOCKS5 proxy server specified in proxyHost . |
readConcernLevel | any string (to allow for forwards compatibility with the server) | no read concern specified | no | Default read concern for the client |
readPreference | any string; currently supported values are defined in the server selection spec, but must be lowercase camelCase, e.g. "primaryPreferred" | defined in server selection spec | no | Default read preference for the client (excluding tags) |
readPreferenceTags | comma-separated key:value pairs (e.g. "dc:ny,rack:1" and "dc:ny) can be specified multiple times; each instance of this key is a separate tag set | no tags specified | no | Default read preference tags for the client; only valid if the read preference mode is not primary The order of the tag sets in the read preference is the same as the order they are specified in the URI |
replicaSet | any string | no replica set name provided | no | The name of the replica set to connect to |
retryReads | "true" or "false" | defined in retryable reads spec | no | Enables retryable reads on server 3.6+ |
retryWrites | "true" or "false" | defined in retryable writes spec | no | Enables retryable writes on server 3.6+ |
serverMonitoringMode | "stream", "poll", or "auto" | defined in SDAM spec | required for multi-threaded or asynchronous drivers | Configures which server monitoring protocol to use. |
serverSelectionTimeoutMS | positive integer; a driver may also accept 0 to be used for a special case, provided that it documents the meaning | defined in server selection spec | no | A timeout in milliseconds to block for server selection before raising an error |
serverSelectionTryOnce | "true" or "false" | defined in server selection spec | required for single-threaded drivers | Scan the topology only once after a server selection failure instead of repeatedly until the server selection times out |
socketTimeoutMS | non-negative integer; 0 means no timeout | no timeout | no | NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS Amount of time spent attempting to send or receive on a socket before timing out; note that this only applies to application operations, not SDAM. |
srvMaxHosts | non-negative integer; 0 means no maximum | defined in the Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery spec | no | The maximum number of SRV results to randomly select when initially populating the seedlist or, during SRV polling, adding new hosts to the topology. |
srvServiceName | a valid SRV service name according to RFC 6335 | "mongodb" | no | the service name to use for SRV lookup in initial DNS seedlist discovery and SRV polling |
ssl | "true" or "false" | same as "tls" | no | alias of "tls"; required to ensure that Atlas connection strings continue to work |
tls | "true" or "false" | TLS required if "mongodb+srv" scheme; otherwise, drivers may may enable TLS by default if other "tls"-prefixed options are present Drivers MUST clearly document the conditions under which TLS is enabled implicitly | no | Whether or not to require TLS for connections to the server |
tlsAllowInvalidCertificates | "true" or "false" | error on invalid certificates | required if the driver’s language/runtime allows bypassing hostname verification | Specifies whether or not the driver should error when the server’s TLS certificate is invalid |
tlsAllowInvalidHostnames | "true" or "false" | error on invalid certificates | required if the driver’s language/runtime allows bypassing hostname verification | Specifies whether or not the driver should error when there is a mismatch between the server’s hostname and the hostname specified by the TLS certificate |
tlsCAFile | any string | no certificate authorities specified | required if the driver's language/runtime allows non-global configuration | Path to file with either a single or bundle of certificate authorities to be considered trusted when making a TLS connection |
tlsCertificateKeyFile | any string | no client certificate specified | required if the driver's language/runtime allows non-global configuration | Path to the client certificate file or the client private key file; in the case that they both are needed, the files should be concatenated |
tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword | any string | no password specified | required if the driver's language/runtime allows non-global configuration | Password to decrypt the client private key to be used for TLS connections |
tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck | "true" or "false" | false i.e. driver will reach check a certificate's revocation status | Yes | Controls whether or not the driver will check a certificate's revocation status via CRLs or OCSP. See the OCSP Support Spec for additional information. |
tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck | "true" or "false" | false i.e. driver will reach out to OCSP endpoints if needed. | Yes | Controls whether or not the driver will reach out to OCSP endpoints if needed. See the OCSP Support Spec for additional information. |
tlsInsecure | "true" or "false" | No TLS constraints are relaxed | no | Relax TLS constraints as much as possible (e.g. allowing invalid certificates or hostname mismatches); drivers must document the exact constraints which are relaxed by this option being true |
w | non-negative integer or string | no "w" value specified | no | Default write concern "w" field for the client |
waitQueueTimeoutMS | positive number | defined in the Connection Pooling spec | required for drivers with connection pools, with exceptions described in the Connection Pooling spec | NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS Amount of time spent attempting to check out a connection from a server's connection pool before timing out |
wTimeoutMS | non-negative 64-bit integer; 0 means no timeout | no timeout | no | NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS Default write concern "wtimeout" field for the client |
zlibCompressionLevel | integer between -1 and 9 (inclusive) | -1 (default compression level of the driver) | no | Specifies the level of compression when using zlib to compress wire protocol messages; -1 signifies the default level, 0 signifies no compression, 1 signifies the fastest speed, and 9 signifies the best compression |
Test Plan
Tests are implemented and described in the tests directory.
Design Rationale
Why allow drivers to provide the canonical names as aliases to existing options?
First and foremost, this spec aims not to introduce any breaking changes to drivers. Forcing a driver to change the name of an option that it provides will break any applications that use the old option. Moreover, it is already possible to provide duplicate options in the URI by specifying the same option more than once; drivers can use the same semantics to resolve the conflicts as they did before, whether it's raising an error, using the first option provided, using the last option provided, or simply telling users that the behavior is not defined.
Why use "tls" as the prefix instead of "ssl" for related options?
Technically speaking, drivers already only support TLS, which supersedes SSL. While SSL is commonly used in parlance to refer to TLS connections, the fact remains that SSL is a weaker cryptographic protocol than TLS, and we want to accurately reflect the strict requirements that drivers have in ensuring the security of a TLS connection.
Why use the names "tlsAllowInvalidHostnames" and "tlsAllowInvalidCertificates"?
The "tls" prefix is used for the same reasons described above. The use of the terms "AllowInvalidHostnames" and "AllowInvalidCertificates" is an intentional choice in order to convey the inherent unsafety of these options, which should only be used for testing purposes. Additionally, both the server and the shell use "AllowInvalid" for their equivalent options.
Why provide multiple implementation options for the insecure TLS options (i.e. "tlsInsecure" vs. "tlsAllowInvalidHostnames"/"tlsAllowInvalidCertificates"?
Some TLS libraries (e.g. Go's standard library implementation) do not provide the ability to distinguish between allow invalid certificates and hostnames, meaning they either both are allowed, or neither are. However, when more granular options are available, it's better to expose these to the user to allow them to relax security constraints as little as they need.
Why leave the decision up to drivers to enable TLS implicitly when TLS options are present?
It can be useful to turn on TLS implicitly when options such as "tlsCAFile" are present and "tls" is not present. However, with options such as "tlsAllowInvalidHostnames", some drivers may not have the ability to distinguish between "false" being provided and the option not being specified. To keep the implicit enabling of TLS consistent between such options, we defer the decision to enable TLS based on the presence of "tls"-prefixed options (besides "tls" itself) to drivers.
Reference Implementations
Ruby and Python
Security Implication
Each of the "insecure" TLS options (i.e. "tlsInsecure", "tlsAllowInvalidHostnames", "tlsAllowInvalidCertificates", "tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck", and "tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck") default to the more secure option when TLS is enabled. In order to be backwards compatible with existing driver behavior, neither TLS nor authentication is enabled by default.
Future Work
This specification is intended to represent the current state of drivers URI options rather than be a static description of the options at the time it was written. Whenever another specification is written or modified in a way that changes the name or the semantics of a URI option or adds a new URI option, this specification MUST be updated to reflect those changes.
2024-05-08: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2023-08-21: Add serverMonitoringMode option.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-01-19: Add the timeoutMS option and deprecate some existing timeout options
2021-12-14: Add SOCKS5 options
2021-11-08: Add maxConnecting option.
2021-10-14: Add srvMaxHosts option. Merge headings discussing URI validation for directConnection option.
2021-09-15: Add srvServiceName option
2021-09-13: Fix link to load balancer spec
2021-04-15: Adding in behaviour for load balancer mode.
2021-04-08: Updated to refer to hello and legacy hello
2020-03-03: Add tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck option
2020-02-26: Add tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck option
2019-09-08: Add retryReads option
2019-04-26: authSource and authMechanism have no default value
2019-02-04: Specified errors for conflicting TLS-related URI options
2019-01-25: Updated to reflect new Connection Monitoring and Pooling Spec
OCSP Support
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 4.4
This specification is about the ability for drivers to to support OCSP—Online Certificate Status Protocol (RFC 6960)—and two of its related extensions: OCSP stapling (RFC 6066) and Must-Staple (RFC 7633).
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Required Server Versions
The server supports attaching a stapled OCSP response with versions ≥ 4.4. Future backports will bring stapling support to server versions ≥ 3.6. Drivers need not worry about the version of the server as a driver's TLS library should automatically perform the proper certificate revocation checking behavior once OCSP is enabled.
Enabling OCSP Support by Default
Drivers whose TLS libraries utilize application-wide settings for OCSP MUST respect the application's settings and MUST NOT change any OCSP settings. Otherwise:
- If a driver's TLS library supports OCSP, OCSP MUST be enabled by default whenever possible (even if this also enables Certificate Revocation List (CRL) checking).
- If a driver's TLS library supports verifying stapled OCSP responses, this option MUST be enabled by default whenever possible (even if this also enables CRL checking).
Suggested OCSP Behavior
Drivers SHOULD implement the OCSP behavior defined below to the extent that their TLS library allows. At any point in the steps defined below, if a certificate in or necessary to validate the chain is found to be invalid, the driver SHOULD end the connection.
- If a driver's TLS library supports Stapled OCSP, the server has a Must-Staple certificate and the server does not present a stapled OCSP response, a driver SHOULD end the connection.
- If a driver's TLS library supports Stapled OCSP and the server staples an OCSP response that does not cover the certificate it presents or is invalid per RFC 6960 Section 3.2, a driver SHOULD end the connection.
- If a driver's TLS library supports Stapled OCSP and the server staples an OCSP response that does cover the certificate it presents, a driver SHOULD accept the stapled OCSP response and validate all of the certificates that are presented in the response.
- If any unvalidated certificates in the chain remain and the client possesses an OCSP cache, the driver SHOULD attempt to validate the status of the unvalidated certificates using the cache.
- If any unvalidated certificates in the chain remain and the driver has a user specified CRL, the driver SHOULD attempt to validate the status of the unvalidated certificates using the user-specified CRL.
- If any unvalidated certificates in the chain remain and the driver has access to cached CRLs (e.g. OS-level/application-level/user-level caches), the driver SHOULD attempt to validate the status of the unvalidated certificates using the cached CRLs.
- If the server's certificate remains unvalidated, that certificate has a list of OCSP responder endpoints, and
is false (if the driver supports these options), the driver SHOULD send HTTP requests to the responders in parallel. The first valid response that concretely marks the certificate status as good or revoked should be used. A timeout should be applied to requests per the Client Side Operations Timeout specification, with a default timeout of five seconds. The status for a response should only be checked if the response is valid per RFC 6960 Section 3.2 - If any unvalidated intermediate certificates remain and those certificates have OCSP endpoints, for each certificate, the driver SHOULD NOT reach out to the OCSP endpoint specified and attempt to validate that certificate.*
- If any unvalidated intermediate certificates remain and those certificates have CRL distribution points, the driver SHOULD NOT download those CRLs and attempt to validate the status of all the other certificates using those CRLs.*
- Finally, the driver SHOULD continue the connection, even if the status of all the unvalidated certificates has not been confirmed yet. This means that the driver SHOULD default to "soft fail" behavior, connecting as long as there are no explicitly invalid certificates—i.e. the driver will connect even if the status of all the unvalidated certificates has not been confirmed yet (e.g. because an OCSP responder is down).
*: See Design Rationale: Suggested OCSP Behavior
Suggested OCSP Response Validation Behavior
Drivers SHOULD validate OCSP Responses in the manner specified in RFC 6960: 3.2 to the extent that their TLS library allows.
Suggested OCSP Caching Behavior
Drivers with sufficient control over their TLS library's OCSP behavior SHOULD implement an OCSP cache. The key for this cache SHOULD be the certificate identifier (CertID) of the OCSP request as specified in RFC 6960: 4.1.1. For convenience, the relevant section has been duplicated below:
hashAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
issuerNameHash OCTET STRING, -- Hash of issuer's DN
issuerKeyHash OCTET STRING, -- Hash of issuer's public key
serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber }
If a driver would accept a conclusive OCSP response (stapled or non-stapled), the driver SHOULD cache that response. We define a conclusive OCSP response as an OCSP response that indicates that a certificate is either valid or revoked. Thus, an unknown certificate status SHOULD NOT be considered conclusive, and the corresponding OCSP response SHOULD NOT be cached.
In accordance with RFC: 6960: 3.2, a cached response SHOULD be
considered valid up to and excluding the time specified in the response's nextUpdate
field. In other words, if the
current time is t, then the cache entry SHOULD be considered valid if thisUpdate ⩽ t < nextUpdate.
If a driver would accept a stapled OCSP response and that response has a later nextUpdate
than the response already in
the cache, drivers SHOULD replace the older entry in the cache with the fresher response.
MongoClient Configuration
This specification introduces the client-level configuration options defined below.
Drivers that can, on a per MongoClient basis, disable non-stapled OCSP while keeping stapled OCSP enabled MUST implement this option.
This boolean option determines whether a MongoClient should refrain from reaching out to an OCSP endpoint i.e. whether non-stapled OCSP should be disabled. When set to true, a driver MUST NOT reach out to OCSP endpoints. When set to false, a driver MUST reach out to OCSP endpoints if needed (as described in Specification: Suggested OCSP Behavior).
For drivers that pass the "Soft Fail Test", this option MUST default to false.
For drivers that fail the "Soft Fail Test" because their TLS library exhibits hard-fail behavior when a responder is unreachable, this option MUST default to true, and a driver MUST document this behavior. If this hard-failure behavior is specific to a particular platform (e.g. the TLS library hard-fails only on Windows) then this option MUST default to true only on the platform where the driver exhibits hard-fail behavior, and a driver MUST document this behavior.
Drivers whose TLS libraries support an option to toggle general certificate revocation checking must implement this option if enabling general certificate revocation checking causes hard-fail behavior when no revocation mechanisms are available (i.e. no methods are defined or the CRL distribution points/OCSP endpoints are unreachable).
This boolean option determines whether a MongoClient should refrain checking certificate revocation status. When set to true, a driver MUST NOT check certificate revocation status via CRLs or OCSP. When set to false, a driver MUST check certificate revocation status, reach out to OCSP endpoints if needed (as described in Specification: Suggested OCSP Behavior).
For drivers that pass the "Soft Fail Test" , this option MUST default to false.
If a driver does not support tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck
and that driver fails the "Soft Fail Test" because their TLS
library exhibits hard-fail behavior when a responder is unreachable, then that driver must default
to true. Such a driver also MUST document this behavior. If this hard-failure
behavior is specific to a particular platform (e.g. the TLS library hard-fails only on Windows) then this option MUST
default to true only on the platform where the driver exhibits hard-fail behavior, and a driver MUST document this
Naming Deviations
Drivers MUST use the defined names of tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck
and tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck
for the
connection string parameters to ensure portability of connection strings across applications and drivers. If drivers
solicit MongoClient options through another mechanism (e.g. an options dictionary provided to the MongoClient
constructor), drivers SHOULD use the defined name but MAY deviate to comply with their existing conventions. For
example, a driver may use tls_disable_ocsp_endpoint_check
instead of tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck
How OCSP interacts with existing configuration options
The following requirements apply only to drivers that are able to enable/disable OCSP on a per MongoClient basis.
- If a connection string specifies
then the driver MUST disable OCSP. - If a connection string contains both
then the driver MUST throw an error. - If a driver supports
, and a connection string specifiestlsAllowInvalidCertificates=true
, then the driver MUST disable OCSP. - If a driver supports
, and a connection string specifies bothtlsAllowInvalidCertificates
, then the driver MUST throw an error.
The remaining requirements in this section apply only to drivers that expose an option to enable/disable certificate revocation checking on a per MongoClient basis.
- Driver MUST enable OCSP support (with stapling if possible) when certificate revocation checking is enabled unless their driver exhibits hard-fail behavior (see tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck). In such a case, a driver MUST disable OCSP support on the platforms where its TLS library exhibits hard-fail behavior.
- Drivers SHOULD throw an error if any of
is specified alongside the option to enable certificate revocation checking. - If a connection string contains both
then the driver MUST throw an error. - If a driver supports
and a connection string specifies bothtlsAllowInvalidCertificates
, then the driver MUST throw an error. - If a driver supports
, and a connection string specifiestlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck
, then the driver MUST throw an error.
TLS Requirements
Server Name Indication (SNI) MUST BE used in the TLS connection that obtains the server's certificate, otherwise the server may present the incorrect certificate. This requirement is especially relevant to drivers whose TLS libraries allow for finer-grained control over their TLS behavior (e.g. Python, C).
Documentation Requirements
Drivers that cannot support OCSP MUST document this lack of support. Additionally, such drivers MUST document the following:
- They MUST document that they will be unable to support certificate revocation checking with Atlas when Atlas moves to OCSP-only certificates.
- They MUST document that users should be aware that if they use a Certificate Authority (CA) that issues OCSP-only certificates, then the driver cannot perform certificate revocation checking.
Drivers that support OCSP without stapling MUST document this lack of support for stapling. They also MUST document their behavior when an OCSP responder is unavailable and a server has a Must-Staple certificate. If a driver is able to connect in such a scenario due to the prevalence of "soft-fail" behavior in TLS libraries (where a certificate is accepted when an answer from an OCSP responder cannot be obtained), they additionally MUST document that this ability to connect to a server with a Must-Staple certificate when an OCSP responder is unavailable differs from the mongo shell or a driver that does support OCSP-stapling, both of which will fail to connect (i.e. "hard-fail") in such a scenario.
If a driver (e.g. Python, C) allows the user to provide their own certificate revocation list (CRL), then that driver MUST document their TLS library's preference between the user-provided CRL and OCSP.
Drivers that cannot enable OCSP by default on a per MongoClient basis (e.g. Java) MUST document this limitation.
Drivers that fail either of the "Malicious Server Tests" (i.e. the driver connects to a test server without TLS constraints being relaxed) as defined in the test plan below MUST document that their chosen TLS library will connect in the case that a server with a Must-Staple certificate does not staple a response.
Drivers that fail "Malicious Server Test 2" (i.e. the driver connects to the test server without TLS constraints being relaxed) as defined in the test plan below MUST document that their chosen TLS library will connect in the case that a server with a Must-Staple certificate does not staple a response and the OCSP responder is down.
Drivers that fail "Soft Fail Test" MUST document that their driver's TLS library utilizes "hard fail" behavior in the case of an unavailable OCSP responder in contrast to the mongo shell and drivers that utilize "soft fail" behavior. They also MUST document the change in defaults for the applicable options (see MongoClient Configuration).
If any changes related to defaults for OCSP behavior are made after a driver version that supports OCSP has been released, the driver MUST document potential backwards compatibility issues as noted in the Backwards Compatibility section.
Test Plan
See tests/README for tests.
Motivation for Change
MongoDB Atlas intends to use LetsEncrypt, a Certificate Authority (CA) that does not use CRLs and only uses OCSP. (Atlas currently uses DigiCert certificates which specify both OCSP endpoints and CRL distribution points.) Therefore, the MongoDB server is adding support for OCSP, and drivers need to support OCSP in order for applications to continue to have the ability to verify the revocation status of an Atlas server's certificate. Other CAs have also stopped using CRLs, so enabling OCSP support will ensure that a customer's choice in CAs is not limited by a driver's lack of OCSP support.
OCSP stapling will also help applications deployed behind a firewall with an outbound allowList. It's a very natural mistake to neglect to allowList the CRL distribution points and the OCSP endpoints, which can prevent an application from connecting to a MongoDB instance if certificate revocation checking is enabled but the driver does not support OCSP stapling.
Finally, drivers whose TLS libraries support OCSP stapling extension will be able to minimize the number of network round trips for the client because the driver's TLS library will read an OCSP response stapled to the server's certificate that the server provides as part of the TLS handshake. Drivers whose TLS libraries support OCSP but not stapling will need to make an additional round trip to contact the OCSP endpoint.
Design Rationale
We have chosen not to force drivers whose TLS libraries do not support OCSP/stapling "out of the box" to implement OCSP support due to the extra work and research that this might require. Similarly, this specification uses "SHOULD" more commonly (when other specs would prefer "MUST") to account for the fact that some drivers may not be able to fully customize OCSP behavior in their TLS library.
We are requiring drivers to support both stapled OCSP and non-stapled OCSP in order to support revocation checking for server versions in Atlas that do not support stapling, especially after Atlas switches to Let's Encrypt certificates (which do not have CRLs). Additionally, even when servers do support stapling, in the case of a non-"Must Staple" certificate (which is the type that Atlas is planning to use), if the server is unable to contact the OCSP responder (e.g. due to a network error) and staple a certificate, the driver being able to query the certificate's OCSP endpoint allows for one final chance to attempt to verify the certificate's validity.
Malicious Server Tests
"Malicious Server Test 2" is designed to reveal the behavior of TLS libraries of drivers in one of the worst case scenarios. Since a majority of the drivers will not have fine-grained control over their OCSP behavior, this test case provides signal about the soft/hard fail behavior in a driver's TLS library so that we can document this.
A driver with control over its OCSP behavior will react the same in "Malicious Server Test 1" and "Malicious Server Test 2", terminating the connection as long as TLS constraints have not been relaxed.
Atlas Connectivity Tests
No additional Atlas connectivity tests will be added because the existing tests should provide sufficient coverage (provided that one of the non-free tier clusters is upgraded ≥ 3.6).
Suggested OCSP Behavior
For drivers with finer-grain control over their OCSP behavior, the suggested OCSP behavior was chosen as a balance between security and availability, erring on availability while minimizing network round trips. Therefore, in order to minimize network round trips, drivers are advised not to reach out to OCSP endpoints and CRL distribution points in order to verify the revocation status of intermediate certificates.
Backwards Compatibility
An application behind a firewall with an outbound allowList that upgrades to a driver implementing this specification
may experience connectivity issues when OCSP is enabled. This is because the driver may need to contact OCSP endpoints
or CRL distribution points1 specified in the server's certificate and if these OCSP endpoints and/or CRL distribution
points are not accessible, then the connection to the server may fail. (N.B.: TLS libraries
typically implement "soft fail"
such that connections can continue even if the OCSP server is inaccessible, so this issue is much more likely in the
case of a server with a certificate that only contains CRL distribution points.) In such a scenario, connectivity may be
able to be restored by disabling non-stapled OCSP via tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck
or by disabling certificate
revocation checking altogether via tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck
An application that uses a driver that utilizes hard-fail behavior when there are no certificate revocation mechanisms available may also experience connectivity issue. Cases in which no certificate revocation mechanisms being available include:
- When a server's certificate defines neither OCSP endpoints nor CRL distribution points
- When a certificate defines CRL distribution points and/or OCSP endpoints but these points are unavailable (e.g. the points are down or the application is deployed behind a restrictive firewall).
In such a scenario, connectivity may be able to be restored by disabling non-stapled OCSP via
or by disabling certificate revocation checking via
Reference Implementation
The .NET/C#, Python, C, and Go drivers will provide the reference implementations. See CSHARP-2817, PYTHON-2093, CDRIVER-3408 and GODRIVER-1467.
Security Implications
Customers should be aware that if they choose to use CA that only supports OCSP, they will not be able to check certificate validity in drivers that cannot support OCSP.
In the case that the server has a Must-Staple certificate and its OCSP responder is down (for longer than the server is able to cache and staple a previously acquired response), the mongo shell or a driver that supports OCSP stapling will not be able to connect while a driver that supports OCSP but not stapling will be able to connect.
TLS libraries may implement "soft-fail" in the case of non-stapled OCSP which may be undesirable in highly secure contexts.
Drivers that fail the "Malicious Server" tests as defined in Test Plan will connect in the case that server with a Must-Staple certificate does not staple a response.
Testing Against Valid Certificate Chains
Some TLS libraries are stricter about the types of certificate chains they're willing to accept (and it can be difficult to debug why a particular certificate chain is considered invalid by a TLS library). Clients and servers with more control over their OCSP implementation may run into fewer up front costs, but this may be at the cost of not fully implementing every single aspect of OCSP.
For example, the server team's certificate generation tool generated X509 V1 certificates which were used for testing OCSP without any issues in the server team's tests. However, while we were creating a test plan for drivers, we discovered that Java's keytool refused to import X509 V1 certificates into its trust store and thus had to modify the server team's certificate generation tool to generate V3 certificates.
Another example comes from .NET on Linux, which currently enforces the CA/Browser forum requirement that while a leaf certificate can be covered solely by OCSP, "public CAs have to have CRL[s] covering their issuing CAs". This requirement is not enforced with Java's default TLS libraries. See also: Future Work: CA/Browser Forum Requirements Complications.
Future Work
When the server work is backported, drivers will need to update their prose tests so that tests are run against a wider range of compatible servers.
Automated Atlas connectivity tests (DRIVERS-382) may be updated with additional OCSP-related URIs when 4.4 becomes available for Atlas; alternatively, the clusters behind those URIs may be updated to 4.4 (or an earlier version where OCSP has been backported). Note: While the free tier cluster used for the Automated Atlas connectivity tests will automatically get updated to 4.4 when it is available, Atlas currently does not plan to enable OCSP for free and shared tier instances (i.e. Atlas Proxy).
Options to configure failure behavior (e.g. to maximize security or availability) may be added in the future.
CA/Browser Forum Requirements Complications
The test plan may need to be reworked if we discover that a driver's TLS library strictly implements CA/Browser forum requirements (e.g. .NET on Linux). This is because our current chain of certificates does not fulfill the following requirement: while a leaf certificate can be covered solely by OCSP, "public CAs have to have CRL[s] covering their issuing CAs." This rework of the test plan may happen during the initial implementation of OCSP support or happen later if a driver's TLS library implements the relevant CA/Browser forum requirement.
Extending the chain to fulfill the CA/Browser requirement should solve this issue, although drivers that don't support manually supplying a CRL may need to host a web server that serves the required CRL during testing.
Can we use one Evergreen task combined with distinct certificates for each column in the test matrix to prevent OCSP caching from affecting testing?
No. This is because Evergreen may reuse a host with an OCSP cache from a previous execution, so using distinct certificates per column would not obviate the need to clear all relevant OCSP caches prior to each test run. Since Evergreen does perform some cleanup between executions, having separate tasks for each test column offers an additional layer of safety in protecting against stale data in OCSP caches.
Should drivers use a nonce when creating an OCSP request?
A driver MAY use a nonce if desired, but including a nonce in an OCSP request is not required as the server does not explicitly support nonces.
Should drivers utilize a tolerance period when accepting OCSP responses?
No. Although
RFC 5019, The Lightweight Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Profile for High-Volume Environments,
allows for the configuration of a tolerance period for the acceptance of OCSP responses after nextUpdate
, this spec is
not adhering to that RFC.
Why was the decision made to allow OCSP endpoint checking to be enabled/disabled via a URI option?
We initially hoped that we would be able to not expose any options specifically related to OCSP to the user, in accordance with the "No Knobs" drivers mantra However, we later decided that users may benefit from having the ability to disable OCSP endpoint checking when applications are deployed behind restrictive firewall with outbound allowLists, and this benefit is worth adding another URI option.
OS-Level OCSP Cache Manipulation
On Windows, the OCSP cache can be viewed like so:
certutil -urlcache
To search the cache for "Lets Encrypt" OCSP cache entries, the following command could be used:
certutil -urlcache | findstr
On Windows, the OCSP cache can be cleared like so:
certutil -urlcache * delete
To delete only "Let's Encrypt" related entries, the following command could be used:
certutil -urlcache delete
On macOS 10.14, the OCSP cache can be viewed like so:
find ~/profile/Library/Keychains -name 'ocspcache.sqlite3' \
-exec sqlite3 "{}" 'SELECT responderURI FROM responses;' \;
To search the cache for "Let's Encrypt" OCSP cache entries, the following command could be used:
find ~/profile/Library/Keychains \
-name 'ocspcache.sqlite3' \
-exec sqlite3 "{}" \
'SELECT responderURI FROM responses WHERE responderURI LIKE "";' \;
On macOS 10.14, the OCSP cache can be cleared like so:
find ~/profile/Library/Keychains -name 'ocspcache.sqlite3' \
-exec sqlite3 "{}" 'DELETE FROM responses ;' \;
To delete only "Let's Encrypt" related entries, the following command could be used:
find ~/profile/Library/Keychains -name 'ocspcache.sqlite3' \
-exec sqlite3 "{}" \
'DELETE FROM responses WHERE responderURI LIKE "";' \;
Optional Quick Manual Validation Tests of OCSP Support
These optional validation tests are not a required part of the test plan. However, these optional tests may be useful for drivers trying to quickly determine if their TLS library supports OCSP and/or as an initial manual testing goal when implementing OCSP support.
Optional test to ensure that the driver's TLS library supports OCSP stapling
Create a test application with a connection string with TLS enabled that connects to any server that has OCSP-only certificate and supports OCSP stapling.
For example, the test application could connect to CV, one of the special testing Atlas clusters with a valid OCSP-only certificate. see Future Work for additional information).
Alternatively, the test application can attempt to connect to a non-mongod server that supports OCSP-stapling and
has a valid an OCSP-only certificate. The connection will fail of course, but we are only interested in the TLS
handshake and the OCSP requests that may follow. For example, the following connection string could be used:
Run the test application and verify through packet analysis that the driver's ClientHello message's TLS extension
section includes the status_request
extension, thus indicating that the driver is advertising that it supports OCSP
Note: If using WireShark as your chosen packet analyzer, the tls
display filter may be useful in this endeavor.
OCSP Caching and the optional test to ensure that the driver's TLS library supports non-stapled OCSP
The "Optional test to ensure that the driver's TLS library supports non-stapled OCSP" is complicated by the fact that OCSP allows the client to cache the OCSP responses, so clearing an OCSP cache may be needed in order to force the TLS library to reach out to an OCSP endpoint. This cache may exist at the OS-level, application-level and/or at the user-level.
Optional test to ensure that the driver's TLS library supports non-stapled OCSP
Create a test application with a connection string with TLS enabled that connects to any server with an OCSP-only certificate.
Alternatively, the test application can attempt to connect to a non-mongod server that does not support OCSP-stapling and has a valid an OCSP-only certificate. The connection will fail of course, but we are only interested in the TLS handshake and the OCSP requests that may follow.
Alternatively, if it's known that a driver's TLS library does not support stapling or if stapling support can be toggled off, then any non-mongod server that has a valid an OCSP-only certificate will work, including the example shown in the "Optional test to ensure that the driver's TLS library supports OCSP stapling."
Clear the OS/user/application OCSP cache, if one exists and the TLS library makes use of it.
Run the test application and ensure that the TLS handshake succeeds. connection succeeds. Ensure that the driver's TLS library has contacted the OCSP endpoint specified in the server's certificate. Two simple ways of checking this are:
- Use a packet analyzer while the test application is running to ensure that the driver's TLS library contacts the OCSP
endpoint. When using WireShark, the
(case-sensitive) display filters may be useful in this endeavor. - If the TLS library utilizes an OCSP cache and the cache was cleared prior to starting the test application, check the OCSP cache for a response from an OCSP endpoint specified in the server's certificate.
2024-08-20: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-01-19: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout spec.
2021-04-07: Updated terminology to use allowList.
2020-07-01: Default tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck or tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck to true in the case that a driver's TLS library exhibits hard-fail behavior and add provision for platform-specific defaults.
2020-03-20: Clarify OCSP documentation requirements for drivers unable to enable OCSP by default on a per MongoClient basis.
2020-03-03: Add tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck URI option. Add Go as a reference implementation. Add hard-fail backwards compatibility documentation requirements.
2020-02-26: Add tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck URI option.
2020-02-19: Clarify behavior for reaching out to OCSP responders.
2020-02-10: Add cache requirement.
2020-01-31: Add SNI requirement and clarify design rationale regarding minimizing round trips.
2020-01-28: Clarify behavior regarding nonces and tolerance periods.
2020-01-16: Initial commit.
Since this specification mandates that a driver must enable OCSP when possible, this may involve enabling certificate revocation checking in general, and thus the accessibility of CRL distribution points can become a factor.
MongoDB Handshake
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.4
MongoDB 3.4 has the ability to annotate connections with metadata provided by the connecting client. The intent of this
metadata is to be able to identify client level information about the connection, such as application name, driver name
and version. The provided information will be logged through the mongo[d|s].log
and the profile logs; this should
enable sysadmins to easily backtrack log entries the offending application. The active connection data will also be
queryable through aggregation pipeline, to enable collecting and analyzing driver trends.
After connecting to a MongoDB node a hello command (if Stable API is requested) or a legacy hello command is issued, followed by authentication, if appropriate. This specification augments this handshake and defines certain arguments that clients provide as part of the handshake.
This spec furthermore adds a new connection string argument for applications to declare its application name to the server.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
hello command
The command named hello
. It is the preferred and modern command for handshakes and topology monitoring.
legacy hello command
The command named isMaster
. It is the deprecated equivalent of the hello
command. It was deprecated in MongoDB 5.0.
isMaster / ismaster
The correct casing is isMaster
, but servers will accept the alternate casing ismaster
. Other case variations result
in CommandNotFound
. Drivers MUST take this case variation into account when determining which commands to encrypt,
redact, or otherwise treat specially.
Connection handshake
MongoDB uses the hello
or isMaster
commands for handshakes and topology monitoring. hello
is the modern and
preferred command. hello
must always be sent using the OP_MSG
protocol. isMaster
is referred to as "legacy hello"
and is maintained for backwards compatibility with servers that do not support the hello
If a server API version is requested or loadBalanced: True
, drivers MUST use the
command for the initial handshake and use the OP_MSG
protocol. If server API version is not requested and
loadBalanced: False
, drivers MUST use legacy hello for the first message of the initial handshake with the OP_QUERY
protocol (before switching to OP_MSG
if the maxWireVersion
indicates compatibility), and include helloOk:true
the handshake request.
ASIDE: If the legacy handshake response includes helloOk: true
, then subsequent topology monitoring commands MUST use
the hello
command. If the legacy handshake response does not include helloOk: true
, then subsequent topology
monitoring commands MUST use the legacy hello command. See the
Server Discovery and Monitoring spec
for further information.
The initial handshake MUST be performed on every socket to any and all servers upon establishing the connection to MongoDB, including reconnects of dropped connections and newly discovered members of a cluster. It MUST be the first command sent over the respective socket. If the command fails the client MUST disconnect. Timeouts MUST be applied to this command per the Client Side Operations Timeout specification.
and legacy hello commands issued after the initial connection handshake MUST NOT contain handshake arguments.
Any subsequent hello
or legacy hello calls, such as the ones for topology monitoring purposes, MUST NOT include this
Example Implementation
Consider the following pseudo-code for establishing a new connection:
conn = Connection()
conn.connect() # Connect via TCP / TLS
if stable_api_configured or client_options.load_balanced:
cmd = {"hello": 1}
conn.supports_op_msg = True # Send the initial command via OP_MSG.
cmd = {"legacy hello": 1, "helloOk": 1}
conn.supports_op_msg = False # Send the initial command via OP_QUERY.
cmd["client"] = client_metadata
if client_options.compressors:
cmd["compression"] = client_options.compressors
if client_options.load_balanced:
cmd["loadBalanced"] = True
creds = client_options.credentials
if creds:
# Negotiate auth mechanism and perform speculative auth. See Auth spec for details.
if not creds.has_mechanism_configured():
cmd["saslSupportedMechs"] = ...
cmd["speculativeAuthenticate"] = ...
reply = conn.send_command("admin", cmd)
if reply["maxWireVersion"] >= 6:
# Use OP_MSG for all future commands, including authentication.
conn.supports_op_msg = True
# Store the negotiated compressor, see OP_COMPRESSED spec.
if reply.get("compression"):
conn.compressor = reply["compression"][0]
# Perform connection authentication. See Auth spec for details.
negotiated_mechs = reply.get("saslSupportedMechs")
speculative_auth = reply.get("speculativeAuthenticate")
conn.authenticate(creds, negotiated_mechs, speculative_auth)
Hello Command
The initial handshake, as of MongoDB 3.4, supports a new argument, client
, provided as a BSON object. This object has
the following structure:
hello: 1,
helloOk: true,
client: {
/* OPTIONAL. If present, the "name" is REQUIRED */
application: {
name: "<string>"
/* REQUIRED, including all sub fields */
driver: {
name: "<string>",
version: "<string>"
os: {
type: "<string>", /* REQUIRED */
name: "<string>", /* OPTIONAL */
architecture: "<string>", /* OPTIONAL */
version: "<string>" /* OPTIONAL */
platform: "<string>",
env: {
name: "<string>", /* OPTIONAL */
timeout_sec: 42, /* OPTIONAL */
memory_mb: 1024, /* OPTIONAL */
region: "<string>", /* OPTIONAL */
container: {
runtime: "<string>", /* OPTIONAL */
orchestrator: "<string>" /* OPTIONAL */
This value is application configurable.
The application name is printed to the mongod logs upon establishing the connection. It is also recorded in the slow query logs and profile collections.
The recommended way for applications to provide this value is through the connection URI. The connection string key is
Example connection string:
This option MAY also be provided on the MongoClient itself, if normal for the driver. It is only valid to set this
attribute before any connection has been made to a server. Any attempt to set
MUST result in
an failure when doing so will either change the existing value, or have any connection to MongoDB reporting inconsistent
Drivers MUST NOT provide a default value for this key.
This value is required and is not application configurable.
The internal driver name. For drivers written on-top of other core drivers, the underlying driver will typically expose a function to append additional name to this field.
- "pymongo"
- "mongoc / phongo"
This value is required and is not application configurable.
The internal driver version. The version formatting is not defined. For drivers written on-top of other core drivers, the underlying driver will typically expose a function to append additional name to this field.
- "1.1.2-beta0"
- "1.4.1 / 1.2.0"
This value is required and is not application configurable.
The Operating System primary identification type the client is running on. Equivalent to uname -s
on POSIX systems.
This field is REQUIRED and clients must default to unknown
when an appropriate value cannot be determined.
- "Linux"
- "Darwin"
- "Windows"
- "BSD"
- "Unix"
This value is optional, but RECOMMENDED, it is not application configurable.
Detailed name of the Operating System's, such as fully qualified distribution name. On systemd systems, this is
typically PRETTY_NAME
of os-release(5)
lsb_release(1) --description
) on LSB systems. The exact value and method to determine this value is undefined.
- "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"
- "macOS"
- "CygWin"
- "FreeBSD"
- "AIX"
This value is optional, but RECOMMENDED, it is not application configurable. The machine hardware name. Equivalent to
uname -m
on POSIX systems.
- "x86_64"
- "ppc64le"
This value is optional and is not application configurable.
The Operating System version.
- "10"
- "8.1"
- "16.04.1"
This value is optional and is not application configurable.
Driver specific platform details.
- clang 3.8.0 CFLAGS="-mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -mcmodel=medium"
- "Oracle JVM EE 9.1.1"
This value is optional and is not application configurable.
Information about the execution environment, including Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) identification and container runtime.
The contents of client.env
MUST be adjusted to keep the handshake below the size limit; see
Limitations for specifics.
If no fields of client.env
would be populated, client.env
MUST be entirely omitted.
FaaS details are captured in the name
, timeout_sec
, memory_mb
, and region
fields of client.env
. The name
field is determined by which of the following environment variables are populated:
Name | Environment Variable |
vercel | VERCEL |
If none of those variables are populated the other FaaS values MUST be entirely omitted. When variables for multiple
values are present, vercel
takes precedence over aws.lambda
; any other combination MUST cause the
other FaaS values to be entirely omitted.
Depending on which
has been selected, other FaaS fields in client.env
SHOULD be populated:
Name | Field | Environment Variable | Expected Type |
aws.lambda | client.env.region | AWS_REGION | string |
client.env.memory_mb | AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_MEMORY_SIZE | int32 | |
gcp.func | client.env.memory_mb | FUNCTION_MEMORY_MB | int32 |
client.env.timeout_sec | FUNCTION_TIMEOUT_SEC | int32 | |
client.env.region | FUNCTION_REGION | string | |
vercel | client.env.region | VERCEL_REGION | string |
Missing variables or variables with values not matching the expected type MUST cause the corresponding client.env
field to be omitted and MUST NOT cause a user-visible error.
Container runtime information is captured in client.env.container
MUST be set to "docker"
if the file .dockerenv
exists in the root directory.
MUST be set to "kubernetes"
if the environment variable KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST
is populated.
If no fields of client.env.container
would be populated, client.env.container
MUST be entirely omitted.
If the runtime environment has both FaaS and container information, both must have their metadata included in
Speculative Authentication
- Since: 4.4
The initial handshake supports a new argument, speculativeAuthenticate
, provided as a BSON document. Clients
specifying this argument to hello
or legacy hello will speculatively include the first command of an authentication
handshake. This command may be provided to the server in parallel with any standard request for supported authentication
mechanisms (i.e. saslSupportedMechs
). This would permit clients to merge the contents of their first authentication
command with their initial handshake request, and receive the first authentication reply along with the initial
handshake reply.
When the mechanism is MONGODB-X509
, speculativeAuthenticate
has the same structure as seen in the MONGODB-X509
conversation section in the Driver Authentication spec.
When the mechanism is SCRAM-SHA-1
or SCRAM-SHA-256
, speculativeAuthenticate
has the same fields as seen in the
conversation subsection of the SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256 sections in the
Driver Authentication spec with an additional db
field to specify
the name of the authentication database.
When the mechanism is MONGODB-OIDC
, speculativeAuthenticate
has the same structure as seen in the MONGODB-OIDC
conversation section in the Driver Authentication spec.
If the initial handshake command with a speculativeAuthenticate
argument succeeds, the client should proceed with the
next step of the exchange. If the initial handshake response does not include a speculativeAuthenticate
reply and the
field in the initial handshake response is set to 1, drivers MUST authenticate using the standard authentication
The speculativeAuthenticate
reply has the same fields, except for the ok
field, as seen in the conversation sections
for MONGODB-X509, SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256 in the
Driver Authentication spec.
Drivers MUST NOT validate the contents of the saslSupportedMechs
attribute of the initial handshake reply. Drivers
MUST NOT raise an error if the saslSupportedMechs
attribute of the reply includes an unknown mechanism.
If an authentication mechanism is not provided either via connection string or code, but a credential is provided,
drivers MUST use the SCRAM-SHA-256 mechanism for speculative authentication and drivers MUST send saslSupportedMechs
Older servers will ignore the speculativeAuthenticate
argument. New servers will participate in the standard
authentication conversation if this argument is missing.
Supporting Wrapping Libraries
Drivers MUST allow libraries which wrap the driver to append to the client metadata generated by the driver. The following class definition defines the options which MUST be supported:
class DriverInfoOptions {
* The name of the library wrapping the driver.
name: String;
* The version of the library wrapping the driver.
version: Optional<String>;
* Optional platform information for the wrapping driver.
platform: Optional<String>;
Note that how these options are provided to a driver is left up to the implementer.
If provided, these options MUST NOT replace the values used for metadata generation. The provided options MUST be
appended to their respective fields, and be delimited by a |
character. For example, when
Motor wraps PyMongo, the following fields are updated to include Motor's
"driver info":
client: {
driver: {
name: "PyMongo|Motor",
version: "3.6.0|2.0.0"
NOTE: All strings provided as part of the driver info MUST NOT contain the delimiter used for metadata concatention. Drivers MUST throw an error if any of these strings contains that character.
Some drivers have already implemented such functionality, and should not be required to make breaking changes to comply with the requirements set forth here. A non-exhaustive list of acceptable deviations are as follows:
- The name of
is non-normative, implementers may feel free to name this whatever they like. - The choice of delimiter is not fixed,
is the recommended value, but some drivers currently use/
. - For cases where we own a particular stack of drivers (more than two), it may be preferable to accept a list of strings for each field.
The entire client
metadata BSON document MUST NOT exceed 512 bytes. This includes all BSON overhead. The
cannot exceed 128 bytes. MongoDB will return an error if these limits are not adhered to,
which will result in handshake failure. Drivers MUST validate these values and truncate or omit driver provided values
if necessary. Implementers SHOULD cumulatively update fields in the following order until the document is under the size
- Omit fields from
. - Omit fields from
. - Omit the
document entirely. - Truncate
Additionally, implementers are encouraged to place high priority information about the platform earlier in the string, in order to avoid possible truncating of those details.
Motivation For Change
Being able to annotate individual connections with custom data will allow users and sysadmins to easily correlate events happening on their MongoDB deployment to a specific application. For support engineers, it furthermore helps identify potential problems in drivers or client platforms, and paves the way for providing proactive support via Cloud Manager and/or Atlas to advise customers about out of date driver versions.
Design Rationale
Drivers run on a multitude of platforms, languages, environments and systems. There is no defined list of data points that may or may not be valuable to every system. Rather than specifying such a list it was decided we would report the basics; something that everyone can discover and consider valuable. The obvious requirement here being the driver itself and its version. Any additional information is generally very system specific. Scala may care to know the Java runtime, while Python would like to know if it was built with C extensions - and C would like to know the compiler.
Having to define dozens of arguments that may or may not be useful to one or two drivers isn't a good idea. Instead, we
define a platform
argument that is driver dependent. This value will not have defined value across drivers and is
therefore not generically queryable -- however, it will gain defined schema for that particular driver, and will
therefore over time gain defined structure that can be formatted and value extracted from.
Backwards Compatibility
The legacy hello command currently ignores arguments. (i.e. If arguments are provided the legacy hello command discards them without erroring out). Adding client metadata functionality has therefore no backwards compatibility concerns.
This also allows a driver to determine if the hello
command is supported. On server versions that support the hello
command, the legacy hello command with helloOk: true
will respond with helloOk: true
. On server versions that do not
support the hello
command, the helloOk: true
argument is ignored and the legacy hello response will not contain
helloOk: true
Reference Implementation
The 128 bytes limit, does that include BSON overhead
- No, just the string itself
The 512 bytes limit, does that include BSON overhead?
- Yes
The 512 bytes limit, does it apply to the full initial handshake document or just the
subdocument- Just the subdocument
Should I really try to fill the 512 bytes with data?
- Not really. The server does not attempt to normalize or compress this data in anyway, so it will hold it in memory as-is per connection. 512 bytes for 20,000 connections is ~ 10mb of memory the server will need.
What happens if I pass new arguments in the legacy hello command to previous MongoDB versions?
- Nothing. Arguments passed to the legacy hello command to prior versions of MongoDB are not treated in any special way and have no effect one way or another.
Are there wire version bumps or anything accompanying this specification?
- No
Is establishing the handshake required for connecting to MongoDB 3.4?
- No, it only augments the connection. MongoDB will not reject connections without it
Does this affect SDAM implementations?
- Possibly. There are a couple of gotchas. If the is not in the URI...
- The SDAM monitoring cannot be launched until the user has had the ability to set the application name because the application name has to be sent in the initial handshake. This means that the connection pool cannot be established until the first user initiated command, or else some connections will have the application name while other won't
- The initial handshake must be called on all sockets, including administrative background sockets to MongoDB
- Possibly. There are a couple of gotchas. If the is not in the URI...
My language doesn't have
, but does instead provide its own variation of these values, is that OK?- Absolutely. As long as the value is identifiable it is fine. The exact method and values are undefined by this specification
- 2024-11-05: Move handshake prose tests from spec file to prose test file.
- 2024-10-09: Clarify that FaaS and container metadata must both be populated when both are present.
- 2024-08-16: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2019-11-13: Added section about supporting wrapping libraries
- 2020-02-12: Added section about speculative authentication
- 2021-04-27: Updated to define
and legacy hello - 2022-01-13: Updated to disallow
- 2022-01-19: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout spec.
- 2022-02-24: Rename Versioned API to Stable API
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
- 2023-03-13: Add
document - 2023-04-03: Simplify truncation for metadata
- 2023-05-04:
must start with"AWS_Lambda_"
- 2023-08-24: Added container awareness
- 2024-04-22: Clarify that driver should not validate
must start with the string "AWS_Lambda_"
Wire Compression in Drivers
Status: Accepted
Minimum Server Version: 3.4
This specification describes how to implement Wire Protocol Compression between MongoDB drivers and mongo[d|s].
Compression is achieved through a new bi-directional wire protocol opcode, referred to as OP_COMPRESSED.
Server side compressor support is checked during the initial MongoDB Handshake, and is compatible with all historical versions of MongoDB. If a client detects a compatible compressor it will use the compressor for all valid requests.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Compressor - A compression algorithm. There are currently three supported algorithms: snappy, zlib, and zstd.
MongoDB Handshake Amendment
The MongoDB Handshake Protocol describes an argument passed to the handshake
command, client
. This specification adds an additional argument, compression
, that SHOULD be provided to the
handshake command if a driver supports wire compression.
The value of this argument is an array of supported compressors.
hello: 1,
client: {}, /* See MongoDB Handshake */
compression: ["snappy", "zlib", "zstd"]
When no compression is enabled on the client, drivers SHOULD send an empty compression argument.
hello: 1,
client: {}, /* See MongoDB Handshake */
compression: []
Clients that want to compress their messages need to send a list of the algorithms - in the order they are specified in the client configuration - that they are willing to support to the server during the initial handshake call. For example, a client wishing to compress with the snappy algorithm, should send:
{ hello: 1, ... , compression: [ "snappy" ] }
The server will respond with the intersection of its list of supported compressors and the client's. For example, if the server had both snappy and zlib enabled and the client requested snappy, it would respond with:
{ ... , compression: [ "snappy" ], ok: 1 }
If the client included both snappy and zlib, the server would respond with something like:
{ ... , compression: [ "snappy", "zlib" ], ok: 1 }
If the server has no compression algorithms in common with the client, it sends back a handshake response without a compression field. Clients MAY issue a log level event to inform the user, but MUST NOT error.
When MongoDB server receives a compressor it can support it MAY reply to any and all requests using the selected compressor, including the reply of the initial MongoDB Handshake. As each OP_COMPRESSED message contains the compressor ID, clients MUST NOT assume which compressor each message uses, but MUST decompress the message using the compressor identified in the OP_COMPRESSED opcode header.
When compressing, clients MUST use the first compressor in the client's configured compressors list that is also in the servers list.
Connection String Options
Two new connection string options:
Comma separated list of compressors the client should present to the server. Unknown compressors MUST yield a warning, as per the Connection String specification, and MUST NOT be included in the handshake. By default, no compressor is configured and thus compression will not be used. When multiple compressors are provided, the list should be treated as a priority ordered list of compressors to use, with highest priority given to the first compressor in the list, and lowest priority to the last compressor in the list.
Integer value from -1
- 9
. This configuration option only applies to the zlib compressor. When zlib is not one of
the compressors enumerated by the compressors
configuration option then providing this option has no meaning, but
clients SHOULD NOT issue a warning.
Level | Description |
-1 | Default Compression (usually 6) |
0 | No compression |
1 | Best Speed |
9 | Best Compression |
Note that this value only applies to the client side compression level, not the response.
The new opcode, called OP_COMPRESSED, has the following structure:
struct MsgHeader {
int32 messageLength;
int32 requestID;
int32 responseTo;
int32 opCode = 2012;
int32_t originalOpcode;
int32_t uncompressedSize;
uint8_t compressorId;
char *compressedMessage;
Field | Description |
originalOpcode | Contains the value of the wrapped opcode. |
uncompressedSize | The size of the deflated compressedMessage, which excludes the MsgHeader |
compressorId | The ID of the compressor that compressed the message |
compressedMessage | The opcode itself, excluding the MsgHeader |
Compressor IDs
Each compressor is assigned a predefined compressor ID.
compressorId | Handshake Value | Description |
0 | noop | The content of the message is uncompressed. This is realistically only used for testing |
1 | snappy | The content of the message is compressed using snappy. |
2 | zlib | The content of the message is compressed using zlib. |
3 | zstd | The content of the message is compressed using zstd. |
4-255 | reserved | Reserved for future use. |
Compressible messages
Any opcode can be compressed and wrapped in an OP_COMPRESSED
is strictly a wire protocol
without regards to what opcode it wraps, be it OP_QUERY
or any other future or past opcode. The
contains the original opcode, excluding the standard MsgHeader
. The originalOpcode
therefore effectively replaces the standard MsgHeader
of the compressed opcode.
There is no guarantee that a response will be compressed even though compression was negotiated for in the handshake. Clients MUST be able to parse both compressed and uncompressed responses to both compressed and uncompressed requests.
MongoDB 3.4 will always reply with a compressed response when compression has been negotiated, but future versions may not.
A client MAY choose to implement compression for only OP_QUERY
, and OP_MSG
, and perhaps for future
opcodes, but not to implement it for OP_INSERT
Note that certain messages, such as authentication commands, MUST NOT be compressed. All other messages MUST be compressed, when compression has been negotiated and the driver has implemented compression for the opcode in use.
Messages not allowed to be compressed
In efforts to mitigate against current and previous attacks, certain messages MUST NOT be compressed, such as authentication requests.
Messages using the following commands MUST NOT be compressed:
- hello
- legacy hello (see MongoDB Handshake Protocol for details)
- saslStart
- saslContinue
- getnonce
- authenticate
- createUser
- updateUser
- copydbSaslStart
- copydbgetnonce
- copydb
Test Plan
There are no automated tests accompanying this specification, instead the following is a description of test scenarios clients should implement.
In general, after implementing this functionality and the test cases, running the traditional client test suite against a server with compression enabled, and ensuring the test suite is configured to provide a valid compressor as part of the connection string, is a good idea. MongoDB-supported drivers MUST add such variant to their CI environment.
The following cases assume a standalone MongoDB 3.4 (or later) node configured with:
mongod --networkMessageCompressors "snappy" -vvv
Create an example application which connects to a provided connection string, runs ping: 1
, and then quits the program
Connection strings, and results
mongod should have logged the following (the exact log output may differ depending on server version):
{"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.885-06:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22943, "ctx":"listener","msg":"Connection accepted","attr":{"remote":"","uuid":"03961627-aec7-4543-8a17-9690f87273a6","connectionId":2,"connectionCount":1}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.886-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"EXECUTOR", "id":22983, "ctx":"listener","msg":"Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode"} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.887-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"-", "id":5127801, "ctx":"thread27","msg":"Setting the Client","attr":{"client":"conn2"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.887-06:00"},"s":"D2", "c":"COMMAND", "id":21965, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"About to run the command","attr":{"db":"admin","commandArgs":{"hello":1,"client":{"application":{"name":"MongoDB Shell"},"driver":{"name":"MongoDB Internal Client","version":"4.9.0-alpha7-555-g623aa8f"},"os":{"type":"Darwin","name":"Mac OS X","architecture":"x86_64","version":"19.6.0"}},"compression":["snappy"],"apiVersion":"1","apiStrict":true,"$db":"admin"}}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.888-06:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":51800, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"client metadata","attr":{"remote":"","client":"conn2","doc":{"application":{"name":"MongoDB Shell"},"driver":{"name":"MongoDB Internal Client","version":"4.9.0-alpha7-555-g623aa8f"},"os":{"type":"Darwin","name":"Mac OS X","architecture":"x86_64","version":"19.6.0"}}}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.889-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22934, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Starting server-side compression negotiation"} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.889-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22937, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"supported compressor","attr":{"compressor":"snappy"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.889-06:00"},"s":"I", "c":"COMMAND", "id":51803, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Slow query","attr":{"type":"command","ns":"admin.$cmd","appName":"MongoDB Shell","command":{"hello":1,"client":{"application":{"name":"MongoDB Shell"},"driver":{"name":"MongoDB Internal Client","version":"4.9.0-alpha7-555-g623aa8f"},"os":{"type":"Darwin","name":"Mac OS X","architecture":"x86_64","version":"19.6.0"}},"compression":["snappy"],"apiVersion":"1","apiStrict":true,"$db":"admin"},"numYields":0,"reslen":351,"locks":{},"remote":"","protocol":"op_query","durationMillis":1}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.890-06:00"},"s":"D2", "c":"QUERY", "id":22783, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Received interrupt request for unknown op","attr":{"opId":596,"knownOps":[]}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.890-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"-", "id":5127803, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Released the Client","attr":{"client":"conn2"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.890-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"-", "id":5127801, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Setting the Client","attr":{"client":"conn2"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.891-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22927, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Decompressing message","attr":{"compressor":"snappy"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.891-06:00"},"s":"D2", "c":"COMMAND", "id":21965, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"About to run the command","attr":{"db":"admin","commandArgs":{"whatsmyuri":1,"apiStrict":false,"$db":"admin","apiVersion":"1"}}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.892-06:00"},"s":"I", "c":"COMMAND", "id":51803, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Slow query","attr":{"type":"command","ns":"admin.$cmd","appName":"MongoDB Shell","command":{"whatsmyuri":1,"apiStrict":false,"$db":"admin","apiVersion":"1"},"numYields":0,"reslen":63,"locks":{},"remote":"","protocol":"op_msg","durationMillis":0}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.892-06:00"},"s":"D2", "c":"QUERY", "id":22783, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Received interrupt request for unknown op","attr":{"opId":597,"knownOps":[]}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.892-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22925, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Compressing message","attr":{"compressor":"snappy"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.893-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"-", "id":5127803, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Released the Client","attr":{"client":"conn2"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.893-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"-", "id":5127801, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Setting the Client","attr":{"client":"conn2"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.895-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22927, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Decompressing message","attr":{"compressor":"snappy"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.895-06:00"},"s":"D2", "c":"COMMAND", "id":21965, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"About to run the command","attr":{"db":"admin","commandArgs":{"buildinfo":1.0,"apiStrict":false,"$db":"admin","apiVersion":"1"}}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.896-06:00"},"s":"I", "c":"COMMAND", "id":51803, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Slow query","attr":{"type":"command","ns":"admin.$cmd","appName":"MongoDB Shell","command":{"buildinfo":1.0,"apiStrict":false,"$db":"admin","apiVersion":"1"},"numYields":0,"reslen":2606,"locks":{},"remote":"","protocol":"op_msg","durationMillis":0}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.896-06:00"},"s":"D2", "c":"QUERY", "id":22783, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Received interrupt request for unknown op","attr":{"opId":598,"knownOps":[]}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.897-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22925, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Compressing message","attr":{"compressor":"snappy"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.897-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"-", "id":5127803, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Released the Client","attr":{"client":"conn2"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.897-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"-", "id":5127801, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Setting the Client","attr":{"client":"conn2"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.898-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22927, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Decompressing message","attr":{"compressor":"snappy"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.899-06:00"},"s":"D2", "c":"COMMAND", "id":21965, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"About to run the command","attr":{"db":"admin","commandArgs":{"endSessions":[{"id":{"$uuid":"c4866af5-ed6b-4f01-808b-51a3f8aaaa08"}}],"$db":"admin","apiVersion":"1","apiStrict":true}}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.899-06:00"},"s":"I", "c":"COMMAND", "id":51803, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Slow query","attr":{"type":"command","ns":"admin.$cmd","appName":"MongoDB Shell","command":{"endSessions":[{"id":{"$uuid":"c4866af5-ed6b-4f01-808b-51a3f8aaaa08"}}],"$db":"admin","apiVersion":"1","apiStrict":true},"numYields":0,"reslen":38,"locks":{},"remote":"","protocol":"op_msg","durationMillis":0}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.900-06:00"},"s":"D2", "c":"QUERY", "id":22783, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Received interrupt request for unknown op","attr":{"opId":599,"knownOps":[]}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.900-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22925, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Compressing message","attr":{"compressor":"snappy"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.900-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"-", "id":5127803, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Released the Client","attr":{"client":"conn2"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.901-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"-", "id":5127801, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Setting the Client","attr":{"client":"conn2"}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.901-06:00"},"s":"D2", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22986, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Session from remote encountered a network error during SourceMessage","attr":{"remote":"","error":{"code":6,"codeName":"HostUnreachable","errmsg":"Connection closed by peer"}}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.902-06:00"},"s":"D1", "c":"-", "id":23074, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"User assertion","attr":{"error":"HostUnreachable: Connection closed by peer","file":"src/mongo/transport/service_state_machine.cpp","line":410}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.902-06:00"},"s":"W", "c":"EXECUTOR", "id":4910400, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Terminating session due to error","attr":{"error":{"code":6,"codeName":"HostUnreachable","errmsg":"Connection closed by peer"}}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.902-06:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":5127900, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Ending session","attr":{"error":{"code":6,"codeName":"HostUnreachable","errmsg":"Connection closed by peer"}}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.903-06:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22944, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Connection ended","attr":{"remote":"","uuid":"03961627-aec7-4543-8a17-9690f87273a6","connectionId":2,"connectionCount":0}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.903-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"-", "id":5127803, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Released the Client","attr":{"client":"conn2"}}
The result of the program should have been:
{ "ok" : 1 }
mongod should have logged the following:
{"t":{"$date":"2021-04-20T09:57:26.823-06:00"},"s":"D2", "c":"COMMAND", "id":21965, "ctx":"conn5","msg":"About to run the command","attr":{"db":"admin","commandArgs":{"hello":1,"client":{"driver":{"name":"mongo-csharp-driver","version":""},"os":{"type":"macOS","name":"Darwin 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Tue Jan 12 22:13:05 PST 2021; root:xnu-6153.141.16~1/RELEASE_X86_64","architecture":"x86_64","version":"19.6.0"},"platform":".NET 5.0.3"},"compression":[],"$readPreference":{"mode":"secondaryPreferred"},"$db":"admin"}}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-20T09:57:26.823-06:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":51800, "ctx":"conn5","msg":"client metadata","attr":{"remote":"","client":"conn5","doc":{"driver":{"name":"mongo-csharp-driver","version":""},"os":{"type":"macOS","name":"Darwin 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Tue Jan 12 22:13:05 PST 2021; root:xnu-6153.141.16~1/RELEASE_X86_64","architecture":"x86_64","version":"19.6.0"},"platform":".NET 5.0.3"}}} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-20T09:57:26.824-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22934, "ctx":"conn5","msg":"Starting server-side compression negotiation"} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-20T09:57:26.824-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22936, "ctx":"conn5","msg":"No compressors provided"} {"t":{"$date":"2021-04-20T09:57:26.825-06:00"},"s":"I", "c":"COMMAND", "id":51803, "ctx":"conn5","msg":"Slow query","attr":{"type":"command","ns":"admin.$cmd","command":{"hello":1,"client":{"driver":{"name":"mongo-csharp-driver","version":""},"os":{"type":"macOS","name":"Darwin 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Tue Jan 12 22:13:05 PST 2021; root:xnu-6153.141.16~1/RELEASE_X86_64","architecture":"x86_64","version":"19.6.0"},"platform":".NET 5.0.3"},"compression":[],"$readPreference":{"mode":"secondaryPreferred"},"$db":"admin"},"numYields":0,"reslen":319,"locks":{},"remote":"","protocol":"op_query","durationMillis":1}}
e.g., empty compression: [] array. No operations should have been compressed.
The results of the program should have been:
WARNING: Unsupported compressor: 'snoopy' { "ok" : 1 }
mongod should have logged the following:
{"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.898-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22927, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Decompressing message","attr":{"compressor":"snappy"}}
The results of the program should have been:
{ "ok" : 1 }
mongod should have logged the following:
{"t":{"$date":"2021-04-08T13:28:38.898-06:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22927, "ctx":"conn2","msg":"Decompressing message","attr":{"compressor":"zlib"}}
The results of the program should have been:
{ "ok" : 1 }
Create example program that authenticates to the server using SCRAM-SHA-1, then creates another user (MONGODB-CR), then runs hello followed with serverStatus.
Reconnect to the same server using the created MONGODB-CR credentials. Observe that the only command that was decompressed on the server was
, while the server replied with OP_COMPRESSED for at least the serverStatus command.
Motivation For Change
Drivers provide the canonical interface to MongoDB. Most tools for MongoDB are written with the aid of MongoDB drivers. There exist a lot of tools for MongoDB that import massive datasets which could stand to gain a lot from compression. Even day-to-day applications stand to gain from reduced bandwidth utilization at low cpu costs, especially when doing large reads off the network.
Not all use cases fit compression, but we will allow users to decide if wire compression is right for them.
Design rationale
Snappy has minimal cost and provides a reasonable compression ratio, but it is not expected to be available for all
languages MongoDB Drivers support. Supporting zlib is therefore important to the ecosystem, but for languages that do
support snappy we expected it to be the default choice. While snappy has no knobs to tune, zlib does have support for
specifying the compression level (tuned from speed to compression). As we don’t anticipate adding support for
compression libraries with complex knobs to tune this specification has opted not to define a complex configuration
structure and only define the currently relevant zlibCompressionLevel
. When other compression libraries are supported,
adding support for configuring that library (if any is needed) should be handled on a case by case basis.
More recently, the MongoDB server added Zstandard (zstd) support for another modern alternative to zlib.
Backwards Compatibility
The new argument provided to the MongoDB Handshake has no backwards compatible implications as servers that do not expect it will simply ignore it. This means a server will therefore never reply with a list of acceptable compressors which in turns means a client CANNOT use the OP_COMPRESSED opcode.
Reference Implementation
Future Work
Possible future improvements include defining an API to determine compressor and configuration per operation, rather than needing to create two different client pools, one for compression and one without, when the user is expecting only needing to (not) compress very few operations.
Q & A
- See serverStatus in the server
How to try this/enable it?
mongod --networkMessageCompressors "snappy"
The server MAY reply with compressed data even if the request was not compressed?
- Yes, and this is in fact the behaviour of MongoDB 3.4
Can drivers compress the initial MongoDB Handshake/hello request?
- No.
Can the server reply to the MongoDB Handshake/hello compressed?
- Yes, yes it can. Be aware it is completely acceptable for the server to use compression for any and all replies, using any supported compressor, when the client announced support for compression - this includes the reply to the actual MongoDB Handshake/hello where the support was announced.
This is billed a MongoDB 3.6 feature -- but I hear it works with MongoDB3.4?
- Yes, it does. All MongoDB versions support the
argument to the initial handshake and all MongoDB versions will reply with an intersection of compressors it supports. This works even with MongoDB 3.0, as it will not reply with any compressors. It also works with MongoDB 3.4 which will reply withsnappy
if it was part of the driver's list. MongoDB 3.6 will likely include zlib support.
- Yes, it does. All MongoDB versions support the
Which compressors are currently supported?
- MongoDB 3.4 supports
- MongoDB 3.6 supports
- MongoDB 4.2 supports
, andzstd
- MongoDB 3.4 supports
My language supports xyz compressor, should I announce them all in the handshake?
- No. But you are allowed to if you really want to make sure you can use that compressor with MongoDB 42 and your current driver versions.
My language does not support xzy compressor. What do I do?
- That is OK. You don’t have to support xyz.
No MongoDB supported compressors are available for my language
- That is OK. You don’t have to support compressors you can’t support. All it means is you can’t compress the request, and since you never declared support for any compressor, you won’t be served with compressed responses either.
Why did the server not support zlib in MongoDB 3.4?
- Snappy was selected for its very low performance hit, while giving reasonable compression, resulting in quite significant bandwidth reduction. Zlib characteristics are slightly different out-of-the-box and did not make sense for the initial goal of reducing bandwidth between replica set nodes.
If snappy is preferable to zlib, why add support for zlib in MongoDB 3.6?
- Zlib is available on every platform known to man. Snappy is not. Having zlib support makes sense for client traffic, which could originate on any type of platform, which may or may not support snappy.
- 2024-02-16: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
- 2021-04-06: Use 'hello' command
- 2019-05-13: Add zstd as supported compression algorithm
- 2017-06-13: Don't require clients to implement legacy opcodes
- 2017-05-10: Initial commit.
SOCKS5 Support
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
SOCKS5 is a standardized protocol for connecting to network services through a separate proxy server. It can be used for connecting to hosts that would otherwise be unreachable from the local network by connecting to a proxy server, which receives the intended target host's address from the client and then connects to that address.
This specification defines driver behaviour when connecting to MongoDB services through a SOCKS5 proxy.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
The SOCKS protocol, version 5, as defined in RFC1928, restricted to either no authentication or username/password authentication as defined in RFC1929.
MongoClient Configuration
To specify to the driver to connect using a SOCKS5 proxy, a connection string option of proxyHost=host
MUST be added
to the connection string or passed through an equivalent MongoClient
option. This option specifies a domain name or
IPv4 or IPv6 address on which a SOCKS5 proxy is listening. This option MUST only be configurable at the level of a
To specify to the driver to connect using a SOCKS5 proxy listening on a non-default port, a connection string option of
MUST be added to the connection string or passed through an equivalent MongoClient
option. This
option specifies a TCP port number. The default for this option MUST be 1080
. This option MUST only be configurable at
the level of a MongoClient
. Drivers MUST error if this option was specified and proxyHost
was not specified.
To specify to the driver to connect using a SOCKS5 proxy requiring username/password authentication, a connection string
option of - Code:proxyUsername=username
MUST be added to the connection string or passed through an equivalent
option. This option specifies a string of non-zero length. Drivers MUST ignore this option if it specifies
a zero-length string. Drivers MUST error if this option was specified and proxyHost
was not specified or
was not specified.
To specify to the driver to connect using a SOCKS5 proxy requiring username/password authentication, a connection string
option of - Code:proxyPassword=password
MUST be added to the connection string or passed through an equivalent
option. This option specifies a string of non-zero length. Drivers MUST ignore this option if it specifies
a zero-length string. Drivers MUST error if this option was specified and proxyHost
was not specified or
was not specified.
Connection Pooling
Connection Establishment
When establishing a new outgoing TCP connection, drivers MUST perform the following steps if proxyHost
was specified:
Connect to the SOCKS5 proxy host, using
as specified. -
Perform a SOCKS5 handshake as specified in RFC1928.
were passed, drivers MUST indicate in the handshake that both "no authentication" and "username/password authentication" are supported. Otherwise, drivers MUST indicate support for "no authentication" only.Drivers MUST NOT attempt to perform DNS A or AAAA record resolution of the destination hostname and instead pass the hostname to the proxy as-is.
Continue with connection establishment as if the connection was one to the destination host.
Drivers MUST use the SOCKS5 proxy for connections to MongoDB services and client-side field-level encryption KMS servers.
Drivers MUST NOT use the SOCKS5 proxy for connections to - Code:mongocryptd
processes spawned for automatic
client-side field-level encryption.
Drivers MUST treat a connection failure when connecting to the SOCKS5 proxy or a SOCKS5 handshake or authentication
failure the same as a network error (e.g. ECONNREFUSED
SOCKS5 proxies are fully transparent to connection monitoring events. In particular, in CommandStartedEvent
, and - Code:CommandFailedEvent
, the driver SHOULD NOT reference the SOCKS5 proxy as part of
the connectionId
field or other fields.
Why not include DNS requests in the set of proxied network communication?
While SOCKS5 as a protocol does support UDP forwarding, using this feature has a number of downsides. Notably, only a subset of SOCKS5 client libraries and SOCKS5 server implementations support UDP forwarding (e.g. the OpenSSH client's dynamic forwarding feature does not). This would also considerably increase implementation complexity in drivers that do not use DNS libraries in which the driver is in control of how the UDP packets are sent and received.
Why not support other proxy protocols, such as Socks4/Socks4a, HTTP Connect proxies, etc.?
SOCKS5 is a powerful, standardized and widely used proxy protocol. It is likely that almost all users which require tunneling/proxying of some sort will be able to use it, and those who require another protocol or a more advanced setup like proxy chaining, can work around that by using a local SOCKS5 intermediate proxy.
Why are the connection string parameters generic, with no explicit mention of SOCKS5?
In the case that future changes will enable drivers using other proxy protocols, keeping the option names generic allows their re-use. In that case, another option would specify the protocol and SOCKS5 would be the implied default. However, since there is no reason to believe that such additions will be made in the foreseeable future, no option for specifying the proxy protocol is introduced here.
Why is support for authentication methods limited to no authentication and username/password authentication?
This matches the set of authentication methods most commonly implemented by SOCKS5 client libraries and thus reduces implementation complexity for drivers. This advantage is sufficient to ignore the possible advantages that would come with enabling other authentication methods.
Design Rationales
Alternative Designs
- 2024-09-04: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter
Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
Presently, seeding a driver with an initial list of ReplicaSet or MongoS addresses is somewhat cumbersome, requiring a comma-delimited list of host names to attempt connections to. A standardized answer to this problem exists in the form of SRV records, which allow administrators to configure a single SRV record to return a list of host names. Supporting this feature would assist our users by decreasing maintenance load, primarily by removing the need to maintain seed lists at an application level.
This specification builds on the Connection String specification. It adds a new protocol scheme and modifies how the Host Information is interpreted.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Connection String Format
The connection string parser in the driver is extended with a new protocol mongodb+srv
as a logical pre-processing
step before it considers the connection string and SDAM specifications. In this protocol, the comma separated list of
host names is replaced with a single host name. The format is:
refers to the optional elements from the Connection String
specification following the Host Information
. This includes the Auth database
and Connection Options
For the purposes of this document, {hostname}
will be divided using the following terminology. If an SRV {hostname}
Three or more
separated parts, then the left-most part is the{subdomain}
and the remaining portion is the{domainname}
.- Examples:
- Examples:
One or two
separated part(s), then the{hostname}
is equivalent to the{domainname}
, and there is no subdomain.- Examples:
- Examples:
Only {domainname}
is used during SRV record verification and {subdomain}
is ignored.
MongoClient Configuration
This option is used to limit the number of mongos connections that may be created for sharded topologies. This option
limits the number of SRV records used to populate the seedlist during initial discovery, as well as the number of
additional hosts that may be added during
SRV polling. This option
requires a non-negative integer and defaults to zero (i.e. no limit). This option MUST only be configurable at the level
of a MongoClient
This option specifies a valid SRV service name according to
RFC 6335, with the exception that it may exceed 15
characters as long as the 63rd (62nd with prepended underscore) character DNS query limit is not surpassed. This option
requires a string value and defaults to "mongodb". This option MUST only be configurable at the level of a
URI Validation
The driver MUST report an error if either the srvServiceName
or srvMaxHosts
URI options are specified with a non-SRV
URI (i.e. scheme other than mongodb+srv
). The driver MUST allow specifying the srvServiceName
and srvMaxHosts
options with an SRV URI (i.e. mongodb+srv
If srvMaxHosts
is a positive integer, the driver MUST throw an error in the following cases:
- The connection string contains a
option. - The connection string contains a
option with a value oftrue
When validating URI options, the driver MUST first do the SRV and TXT lookup and then perform the validation. For
drivers that do SRV lookup asynchronously this may result in a MongoClient
being instantiated but erroring later
during operation execution.
Seedlist Discovery
Validation Before Querying DNS
It is an error to specify a port in a connection string with the mongodb+srv
protocol, and the driver MUST raise a
parse error and MUST NOT do DNS resolution or contact hosts.
It is an error to specify more than one host name in a connection string with the mongodb+srv
protocol, and the driver
MUST raise a parse error and MUST NOT do DNS resolution or contact hosts.
If mongodb+srv
is used, a driver MUST implicitly also enable TLS. Clients can turn this off by passing tls=false
either the Connection String, or options passed in as parameters in code to the MongoClient constructor (or equivalent
API for each driver), but not through a TXT record (discussed in a later section).
Querying DNS
In this preprocessing step, the driver will query the DNS server for SRV records on the hostname, prefixed with the SRV
service name and protocol. The SRV service name is provided in the srvServiceName
URI option and defaults to
. The protocol is always tcp
. After prefixing, the URI should look like: _{srvServiceName}._tcp.{hostname}
This DNS query is expected to respond with one or more SRV records.
The priority and weight fields in returned SRV records MUST be ignored.
If the DNS result returns no SRV records, or no records at all, or a DNS error happens, an error MUST be raised indicating that the URI could not be used to find hostnames. The error SHALL include the reason why they could not be found.
A driver MUST verify that the host names returned through SRV records share the original SRV's {domainname}
. In
addition, SRV records with fewer than three .
separated parts, the returned hostname MUST have at least one more
domain level than the SRV record hostname. Drivers MUST raise an error and MUST NOT initiate a connection to any
returned hostname which does not fulfill these requirements.
The driver MUST NOT attempt to connect to any hosts until the DNS query has returned its results.
If srvMaxHosts
is zero or greater than or equal to the number of hosts in the DNS result, the driver MUST populate the
seedlist with all hosts.
If srvMaxHosts
is greater than zero and less than the number of hosts in the DNS result, the driver MUST randomly
select that many hosts and use them to populate the seedlist. Drivers SHOULD use the
Fisher-Yates shuffle for
Default Connection String Options
As a second preprocessing step, a Client MUST also query the DNS server for TXT records on {hostname}
. If available, a
TXT record provides default connection string options. The maximum length of a TXT record string is 255 characters, but
there can be multiple strings per TXT record. A Client MUST support multiple TXT record strings and concatenate them as
if they were one single string in the order they are defined in each TXT record. The order of multiple character strings
in each TXT record is guaranteed. A Client MUST NOT allow multiple TXT records for the same host name and MUST raise an
error when multiple TXT records are encountered.
Information returned within a TXT record is a simple URI string, just like the {options}
in a connection string.
A Client MUST only support the authSource
, replicaSet
, and loadBalanced
options through a TXT record, and MUST
raise an error if any other option is encountered. Although using mongodb+srv://
implicitly enables TLS, a Client MUST
NOT allow the ssl
option to be set through a TXT record option.
TXT records MAY be queried either before, in parallel, or after SRV records. Clients MUST query both the SRV and the TXT records before attempting any connection to MongoDB.
A Client MUST use options specified in the Connection String, and options passed in as parameters in code to the MongoClient constructor (or equivalent API for each driver), to override options provided through TXT records.
If any connection string option in a TXT record is incorrectly formatted, a Client MUST throw a parse exception.
This specification does not change the behaviour of handling unknown keys or incorrect values as is set out in the
Connection String spec. Unknown keys or
incorrect values in default options specified through TXT records MUST be handled in the same way as unknown keys or
incorrect values directly specified through a Connection String. For example, if a driver that does not support the
option finds authSource=db
in a TXT record, it MUST handle the unknown option according to the rules in
the Connection String spec.
CNAME not supported
The use of DNS CNAME records is not supported. Clients MUST NOT check for a CNAME record on {hostname}
. A system's DNS
resolver could transparently handle CNAME, but because of how clients validate records returned from SRV queries, use of
CNAME could break validation. Seedlist discovery therefore does not recommend or support the use of CNAME records in
concert with SRV or TXT records.
If we provide the following URI:
The driver needs to request the DNS server for the SRV record
. This could return:
Record TTL Class Priority Weight Port Target 86400 IN SRV 0 5 27317 86400 IN SRV 0 5 27017
The returned host names (
) must share the same domainname
) as the provided host name (
The driver also needs to request the DNS server for the TXT records on
. This could return:
Record TTL Class Text 86400 IN TXT "replicaSet=replProduction&authSource=authDB"
From the DNS results, the driver now MUST treat the host information as if the following URI was used instead:
If we provide the following URI with the same DNS (SRV and TXT) records:
Then the default in the TXT record for authSource
is not used as the value in the connection string overrides it. The
Client MUST treat the host information as if the following URI was used instead:
Test Plan
Prose Tests
See in the accompanying test directory.
Spec Tests
See in the accompanying test directory.
Additionally, see the mongodb+srv
test invalid-uris.yml
in the
Connection String Spec tests.
Several of our users have asked for this through tickets:
Design Rationale
The design specifically calls for a pre-processing stage of the processing of connection URLs to minimize the impact on existing functionality.
Why Are Multiple Key-Value Pairs Allowed in One TXT Record?
One could imagine an alternative design in which each TXT record would allow only one URI option. No &
character would
be allowed as a delimiter within TXT records.
In this spec we allow multiple key-value pairs within one TXT record, delimited by &
, because it will be common for
all options to fit in a single 255-character TXT record, and it is much more convenient to configure one record in this
case than to configure several.
Secondly, in some cases the order in which options occur is important. For example, readPreferenceTags can appear both multiple times, and the order in which they appear is significant. Because DNS servers may return TXT records in any order, it is only possible to guarantee the order in which readPreferenceTags keys appear by having them in the same TXT record.
Why Is There No Mention of UTF-8 Characters?
Although DNS TXT records allow any octet to exist in its value, many DNS providers do not allow non-ASCII characters to be configured. As it is unlikely that any option names or values in the connection string have non-ASCII characters, we left the behaviour of supporting UTF-8 characters as unspecified.
Reference Implementation
None yet.
Backwards Compatibility
There are no backwards compatibility concerns.
Future Work
In the future we could consider using the priority and weight fields of the SRV records.
2024-09-24: Removed requirement for URI to have three '.' separated parts; these SRVs have stricter parent domain matching requirements for security. Create terminology section. Remove usage of term
. The{hostname}
now refers to the entire hostname, not just the{subdomain}
. -
2024-03-06: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2022-10-05: Revise spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2021-10-14: Add
MongoClient option and restructure Seedlist Discovery section. Improve documentation for thesrvServiceName
MongoClient option and add a new URI Validation section. -
2021-09-15: Clarify that service name only defaults to
, and should be defined by thesrvServiceName
URI option. -
2021-04-15: Adding in behaviour for load balancer mode.
2019-03-07: Clarify that CNAME is not supported
2018-02-08: Clarify that
in the Specification section includes all the optional elements from the Connection String specification. -
2017-11-21: Add clause that using
implies enabling TLS. Add restriction that onlyauthSource
are allows in TXT records. Add restriction that only one TXT record is supported share the same parent domain name as the given host name. -
2017-11-17: Add new rule that indicates that host names in returned SRV records MUST share the same parent domain name as the given host name. Remove language and tests for non-ASCII characters.
2017-11-07: Clarified that all parts of listable options such as readPreferenceTags are ignored if they are also present in options to the MongoClient constructor. Clarified which host names to use for SRV and TXT DNS queries.
2017-11-01: Clarified that individual TXT records can have multiple strings.
2017-10-31: Added a clause that specifying two host names with a
URI is not allowed. Added a few more test cases. -
2017-10-18: Removed prohibition of raising DNS related errors when parsing the URI.
2017-10-04: Removed from Future Work the line about multiple MongoS discovery. The current specification already allows for it, as multiple host names which are all MongoS servers is already allowed under SDAM. And this specification does not modify SDAM. Added support for connection string options through TXT records.
2017-09-19: Clarify that host names in
URLs work like normal host specifications. -
2017-09-01: Updated test plan with YAML tests, and moved prose tests for URI parsing into invalid-uris.yml in the Connection String Spec tests.
Server Discovery And Monitoring
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 2.4
This spec defines how a MongoDB client discovers and monitors one or more servers. It covers monitoring a single server, a set of mongoses, or a replica set. How does the client determine what type of servers they are? How does it keep this information up to date? How does the client find an entire replica set from a seed list, and how does it respond to a stepdown, election, reconfiguration, or network error?
All drivers must answer these questions the same. Or, where platforms' limitations require differences among drivers, there must be as few answers as possible and each must be clearly explained in this spec. Even in cases where several answers seem equally good, drivers must agree on one way to do it.
MongoDB users and driver authors benefit from having one way to discover and monitor servers. Users can substantially understand their driver's behavior without inspecting its code or asking its author. Driver authors can avoid subtle mistakes when they take advantage of a design that has been well-considered, reviewed, and tested.
The server discovery and monitoring method is specified in four sections. First, a client is configured. Second, it begins monitoring by calling hello or legacy hello on all servers. (Multi-threaded and asynchronous monitoring is described first, then single-threaded monitoring.) Third, as hello or legacy hello responses are received the client parses them, and fourth, it updates its view of the topology.
Finally, this spec describes how drivers update their topology view in response to errors, and includes generous implementation notes for driver authors.
This spec does not describe how a client chooses a server for an operation; that is the domain of the Server Selection Spec. But there is a section describing the interaction between monitoring and server selection.
There is no discussion of driver architecture and data structures, nor is there any specification of a user-facing API. This spec is only concerned with the algorithm for monitoring the server topology.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
General Requirements
Direct connections: A client MUST be able to connect to a single server of any type. This includes querying hidden replica set members, and connecting to uninitialized members (see RSGhost) in order to run "replSetInitiate". Setting a read preference MUST NOT be necessary to connect to a secondary. Of course, the secondary will reject all operations done with the PRIMARY read preference because the secondaryOk bit is not set, but the initial connection itself succeeds. Drivers MAY allow direct connections to arbiters (for example, to run administrative commands).
Replica sets: A client MUST be able to discover an entire replica set from a seed list containing one or more replica set members. It MUST be able to continue monitoring the replica set even when some members go down, or when reconfigs add and remove members. A client MUST be able to connect to a replica set while there is no primary, or the primary is down.
Mongos: A client MUST be able to connect to a set of mongoses and monitor their availability and round trip time. This spec defines how mongoses are discovered and monitored, but does not define which mongos is selected for a given operation.
A mongod or mongos process, or a load balancer.
One or more servers: either a standalone, a replica set, or one or more mongoses.
The state of the deployment: its type (standalone, replica set, or sharded), which servers are up, what type of servers they are, which is primary, and so on.
Driver code responsible for connecting to MongoDB.
Seed list
Server addresses provided to the client in its initial configuration, for example from the connection string.
Data-Bearing Server Type
A server type from which a client can receive application data:
- Mongos
- RSPrimary
- RSSecondary
- Standalone
- LoadBalanced
Round trip time
Also known as RTT.
The client's measurement of the duration of one hello or legacy hello call. The round trip time is used to support the "localThresholdMS"1 option in the Server Selection Spec.
hello or legacy hello outcome
The result of an attempt to call the hello or legacy hello command on a server. It consists of three elements: a boolean indicating the success or failure of the attempt, a document containing the command response (or null if it failed), and the round trip time to execute the command (or null if it failed).
The client checks a server by attempting to call hello or legacy hello on it, and recording the outcome.
The process of checking all servers in the deployment.
A server is judged "suitable" for an operation if the client can use it for a particular operation. For example, a write requires a standalone, primary, or mongos. Suitability is fully specified in the Server Selection Spec.
The hostname or IP address, and port number, of a MongoDB server.
network error
An error that occurs while reading from or writing to a network socket.
network timeout
A timeout that occurs while reading from or writing to a network socket.
Defined in the Server Monitoring spec. This value MUST be 500 ms, and it MUST NOT be configurable.
pool generation number
The pool's generation number which starts at 0 and is incremented each time the pool is cleared. Defined in the Connection Monitoring and Pooling spec.
connection generation number
The pool's generation number at the time this connection was created. Defined in the Connection Monitoring and Pooling spec.
error generation number
The error's generation number is the generation of the connection on which the application error occurred. Note that when a network error occurs before the handshake completes then the error's generation number is the generation of the pool at the time the connection attempt was started.
State Change Error
A server reply document indicating a "not writable primary" or "node is recovering" error. Starting in MongoDB 4.4 these errors may also include a topologyVersion field.
Data structures
This spec uses a few data structures to describe the client's view of the topology. It must be emphasized that a driver is free to implement the same behavior using different data structures. This spec uses these enums and structs in order to describe driver behavior, not to mandate how a driver represents the topology, nor to mandate an API.
clientMinWireVersion and clientMaxWireVersion
Integers. The wire protocol range supported by the client.
Single, ReplicaSetNoPrimary, ReplicaSetWithPrimary, Sharded, LoadBalanced, or Unknown.
See updating the TopologyDescription.
Standalone, Mongos, PossiblePrimary, RSPrimary, RSSecondary, RSArbiter, RSOther, RSGhost, LoadBalancer or Unknown.
See parsing a hello or legacy hello response.
[!NOTE] Single-threaded clients use the PossiblePrimary type to maintain proper scanning order. Multi-threaded and asynchronous clients do not need this ServerType; it is synonymous with Unknown.
The client's representation of everything it knows about the deployment's topology.
: a TopologyType enum value. See initial TopologyType.setName
: the replica set name. Default null.maxElectionId
: an ObjectId or null. The largest electionId ever reported by a primary. Default null. Part of the (electionId
) tuple.maxSetVersion
: an integer or null. The largest setVersion ever reported by a primary. It may not monotonically increase, as electionId takes precedence in ordering Default null. Part of the (electionId
) tuple.servers
: a set of ServerDescription instances, one for each of the servers in the topology.stale
: a boolean for single-threaded clients, whether the topology must be re-scanned. (Not related to maxStalenessSeconds, nor to stale primaries.)compatible
: a boolean. False if any server's wire protocol version range is incompatible with the client's. Default true.compatibilityError
: a string. The error message if "compatible" is false, otherwise null.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes
: integer or null. Default null. See logical session timeout.
The client's view of a single server, based on the most recent hello or legacy hello outcome.
Again, drivers may store this information however they choose; this data structure is defined here merely to describe the monitoring algorithm.
: the hostname or IP, and the port number, that the client connects to. Note that this is not theme
field in the server's hello or legacy hello response, in the case that the server reports an address different from the address the client uses. -
: information about the last error related to this server. Default null. MUST contain or be able to produce a string describing the error. -
: the duration of the hello or legacy hello call. Default null. -
: the minimum RTT for the server. Default null. -
: a 64-bit BSON datetime or null. ThelastWriteDate
from the server's most recent hello or legacy hello response. -
: an opTime or null. An opaque value representing the position in the oplog of the most recently seen write. Default null. (Only mongos and shard servers record this field when monitoring config servers as replica sets, at least until drivers allow applications to use readConcern "afterOptime".) -
: a ServerType enum value. Default Unknown. -
: the wire protocol version range supported by the server. Both default to 0. Use min and maxWireVersion only to determine compatibility. -
: The hostname or IP, and the port number, that this server was configured with in the replica set. Default null. -
: Sets of addresses. This server's opinion of the replica set's members, if any. These hostnames are normalized to lower-case. Default empty. The client monitors all three types of servers in a replica set. -
: map from string to string. Default empty. -
: string or null. Default null. -
: an ObjectId, if this is a MongoDB 2.6+ replica set member that believes it is primary. See using electionId and setVersion to detect stale primaries. Default null. -
: integer or null. Default null. -
: an address. This server's opinion of who the primary is. Default null. -
: when this server was last checked. Default "infinity ago". -
: integer or null. Default null. -
: A topologyVersion or null. Default null. The "topologyVersion" from the server's most recent hello or legacy hello response or State Change Error. -
: boolean indicating if the server is a mongocryptd server. Default null.
"Passives" are priority-zero replica set members that cannot become primary. The client treats them precisely the same as other members.
Fields marked (=) are used for Server Description Equality comparison.
No breaking changes
This spec does not intend to require any drivers to make breaking changes regarding what configuration options are available, how options are named, or what combinations of options are allowed.
Initial TopologyDescription
The default values for TopologyDescription fields are described above. Users may override the defaults as follows:
Initial Servers
The user MUST be able to set the initial servers list to a seed list of one or more addresses.
The hostname portion of each address MUST be normalized to lower-case.
Initial TopologyType
If the directConnection
URI option is specified when a MongoClient is constructed, the TopologyType must be
initialized based on the value of the directConnection
option and the presence of the replicaSet
option according to
the following table:
directConnection | replicaSet present | Initial TopologyType |
true | no | Single |
true | yes | Single |
false | no | Unknown |
false | yes | ReplicaSetNoPrimary |
If the directConnection
option is not specified, newly developed drivers MUST behave as if it was specified with the
false value.
Since changing the starting topology can reasonably be considered a backwards-breaking change, existing drivers SHOULD
stage implementation according to semantic versioning guidelines. Specifically, support for the directConnection
option can be added in a minor release. In a subsequent major release, the default starting topology can be changed to
Unknown. Drivers MUST document this in a prior minor release.
Existing drivers MUST deprecate other URI options, if any, for controlling topology discovery or specifying the
deployment topology. If such a legacy option is specified and the directConnection
option is also specified, and the
values of the two options are semantically different, the driver MUST report an error during URI option parsing.
The API for initializing TopologyType using language-specific native options is not specified here. Drivers might already have a convention, e.g. a single seed means Single, a setName means ReplicaSetNoPrimary, and a list of seeds means Unknown. There are variations, however: In the Java driver a single seed means Single, but a list containing one seed means Unknown, so it can transition to replica-set monitoring if the seed is discovered to be a replica set member. In contrast, PyMongo requires a non-null setName in order to begin replica-set monitoring, regardless of the number of seeds. This spec does not cover language-specific native options that a driver may provide.
Initial setName
It is allowed to use directConnection=true
in conjunction with the replicaSet
URI option. The driver must connect in
Single topology and verify that setName matches the specified name, as per
verifying setName with TopologyType Single.
When a MongoClient is initialized using language-specific native options, the user MUST be able to set the client's initial replica set name. A driver MAY require the set name in order to connect to a replica set, or it MAY be able to discover the replica set name as it connects.
Allowed configuration combinations
Drivers MUST enforce:
- TopologyType Single cannot be used with multiple seeds.
cannot be used with multiple seeds.- If setName is not null, only TopologyType ReplicaSetNoPrimary, and possibly Single, are allowed. (See verifying setName with TopologyType Single.)
cannot be used in conjunction withdirectConnection=true
Handling of SRV URIs resolving to single host
When a driver is given an SRV URI, if the directConnection
URI option is not specified, and the replicaSet
option is not specified, the driver MUST start in Unknown topology, and follow the rules in the
TopologyType table for transitioning to other topologies. In particular, the driver MUST NOT use
the number of hosts from the initial SRV lookup to decide what topology to start in.
The interval between server checks, counted from the end of the previous check until the beginning of the next one.
For multi-threaded and asynchronous drivers it MUST default to 10 seconds and MUST be configurable. For single-threaded drivers it MUST default to 60 seconds and MUST be configurable. It MUST be called heartbeatFrequencyMS unless this breaks backwards compatibility.
For both multi- and single-threaded drivers, the driver MUST NOT permit users to configure it less than minHeartbeatFrequencyMS (500ms).
(See heartbeatFrequencyMS defaults to 10 seconds or 60 seconds and what's the point of periodic monitoring?)
Client construction
Except for initial DNS seed list discovery when
given a connection string with mongodb+srv
scheme, the client's constructor MUST NOT do any I/O. This means that the
constructor does not throw an exception if servers are unavailable: the topology is not yet known when the constructor
returns. Similarly if a server has an incompatible wire protocol version, the constructor does not throw. Instead, all
subsequent operations on the client fail as long as the error persists.
See clients do no I/O in the constructor for the justification.
Multi-threaded and asynchronous client construction
The constructor MAY start the monitors as background tasks and return immediately. Or the monitors MAY be started by some method separate from the constructor; for example they MAY be started by some "initialize" method (by any name), or on the first use of the client for an operation.
Single-threaded client construction
Single-threaded clients do no I/O in the constructor. They MUST scan the servers on demand, when the first operation is attempted.
Client closing
When a client is closing, before it emits the TopologyClosedEvent
as per the
Events API, it SHOULD remove all
servers from its TopologyDescription
and set its TopologyType
to Unknown
, emitting the corresponding
See the Server Monitoring spec for how a driver monitors each server. In summary, the client monitors each server in the topology. The scope of server monitoring is to provide the topology with updated ServerDescriptions based on hello or legacy hello command responses.
Parsing a hello or legacy hello response
The client represents its view of each server with a ServerDescription. Each time the client checks a server, it MUST replace its description of that server with a new one if and only if the new ServerDescription's topologyVersion is greater than or equal to the current ServerDescription's topologyVersion.
(See Replacing the TopologyDescription for an example implementation.)
This replacement MUST happen even if the new server description compares equal to the previous one, in order to keep client-tracked attributes like last update time and round trip time up to date.
Drivers MUST be able to handle responses to both hello
and legacy hello commands. When checking results, drivers MUST
first check for the isWritablePrimary
field and fall back to checking for an ismaster
field if isWritablePrimary
was not found.
ServerDescriptions are created from hello or legacy hello outcomes as follows:
The new ServerDescription's type field is set to a ServerType. Note that these states do not exactly correspond to replica set member states. For example, some replica set member states like STARTUP and RECOVERING are identical from the client's perspective, so they are merged into "RSOther". Additionally, states like Standalone and Mongos are not replica set member states at all.
State | Symptoms |
Unknown | Initial, or after a network error or failed hello or legacy hello call, or "ok: 1" not in hello or legacy hello response. |
Standalone | No "msg: isdbgrid", no setName, and no "isreplicaset: true". |
Mongos | "msg: isdbgrid". |
PossiblePrimary | Not yet checked, but another member thinks it is the primary. |
RSPrimary | "isWritablePrimary: true" or "ismaster: true", "setName" in response. |
RSSecondary | "secondary: true", "setName" in response. |
RSArbiter | "arbiterOnly: true", "setName" in response. |
RSOther | "setName" in response, "hidden: true" or not primary, secondary, nor arbiter. |
RSGhost | "isreplicaset: true" in response. |
LoadBalanced | "loadBalanced=true" in URI. |
A server can transition from any state to any other. For example, an administrator could shut down a secondary and bring up a mongos in its place.
RSGhost and RSOther
The client MUST monitor replica set members even when they cannot be queried. These members are in state RSGhost or RSOther.
RSGhost members occur in at least three situations:
- briefly during server startup,
- in an uninitialized replica set,
- or when the server is shunned (removed from the replica set config).
An RSGhost server has no hosts list nor setName. Therefore the client MUST NOT attempt to use its hosts list nor check its setName (see JAVA-1161 or CSHARP-671.) However, the client MUST keep the RSGhost member in its TopologyDescription, in case the client's only hope for staying connected to the replica set is that this member will transition to a more useful state.
For simplicity, this is the rule: any server is an RSGhost that reports "isreplicaset: true".
Non-ghost replica set members have reported their setNames since MongoDB 1.6.2. See only support replica set members running MongoDB 1.6.2 or later.
[!NOTE] The Java driver does not have a separate state for RSGhost; it is an RSOther server with no hosts list.
RSOther servers may be hidden, starting up, or recovering. They cannot be queried, but their hosts lists are useful for discovering the current replica set configuration.
If a hidden member is provided as a seed, the client can use it to find the primary. Since the hidden member does not appear in the primary's host list, it will be removed once the primary is checked.
If the client experiences any error when checking a server, it stores error information in the ServerDescription's error field. The message contained in this field MUST contain the substrings detailed in the table below when the ServerDescription is changed to Unknown in the circumstances outlined.
circumstance | error substring |
RSPrimary with a stale electionId/setVersion is discovered | 'primary marked stale due to electionId/setVersion mismatch, <stale tuple> is stale compared to <max tuple>' |
New primary is elected/discovered | 'primary marked stale due to discovery of newer primary' |
Drivers MUST record the server's round trip time (RTT) after each successful call to hello or legacy hello. The Server Selection Spec describes how RTT is averaged and how it is used in server selection. Drivers MUST also record the server's minimum RTT per Server Monitoring (Measuring RTT).
If a hello or legacy hello call fails, the RTT is not updated. Furthermore, while a server's type is Unknown its RTT is null, and if it changes from a known type to Unknown its RTT is set to null. However, if it changes from one known type to another (e.g. from RSPrimary to RSSecondary) its RTT is updated normally, not set to null nor restarted from scratch.
lastWriteDate and opTime
The hello or legacy hello response of a replica set member running MongoDB 3.4 and later contains a lastWrite
subdocument with fields lastWriteDate
and opTime
(SERVER-8858). If
these fields are available, parse them from the hello or legacy hello response, otherwise set them to null.
Clients MUST NOT attempt to compensate for the network latency between when the server generated its hello or legacy
hello response and when the client records lastUpdateTime
Clients SHOULD set lastUpdateTime with a monotonic clock.
Hostnames are normalized to lower-case
The same as with seeds provided in the initial configuration, all hostnames in the hello or legacy hello response's "me", "hosts", "passives", and "arbiters" entries MUST be lower-cased.
This prevents unnecessary work rediscovering a server if a seed "A" is provided and the server responds that "a" is in the replica set.
Domain Name System (DNS) names are "case insensitive".
MongoDB 3.6 and later include a logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes
field if logical sessions are enabled in the deployment.
Clients MUST check for this field and set the ServerDescription's logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes field to this value, or
to null otherwise.
MongoDB 4.4 and later include a topologyVersion
field in all hello or legacy hello and
State Change Error responses. Clients MUST check for this field and set the ServerDescription's
topologyVersion field to this value, if present. The topologyVersion helps the client and server determine the relative
freshness of topology information in concurrent messages. (See
What is the purpose of topologyVersion?)
The topologyVersion is a subdocument with two fields, "processId" and "counter":
topologyVersion: {processId: <ObjectId>, counter: <int64>},
( ... other fields ...)
topologyVersion Comparison
To compare a topologyVersion from a hello or legacy hello or State Change Error response to the current ServerDescription's topologyVersion:
- If the response topologyVersion is unset or the ServerDescription's topologyVersion is null, the client MUST assume the response is more recent.
- If the response's topologyVersion.processId is not equal to the ServerDescription's, the client MUST assume the response is more recent.
- If the response's topologyVersion.processId is equal to the ServerDescription's, the client MUST use the counter field to determine which topologyVersion is more recent.
See Replacing the TopologyDescription for an example implementation of topologyVersion comparison.
MongoDB 5.0 and later, as well as any mongos-like service, include a serviceId
field when the service is configured
behind a load balancer.
Other ServerDescription fields
Other required fields defined in the ServerDescription data structure are parsed from the hello or legacy hello response in the obvious way.
Server Description Equality
For the purpose of determining whether to publish SDAM events, two server descriptions having the same address MUST be considered equal if and only if the values of ServerDescription fields marked (=) are respectively equal.
This specification does not prescribe how to compare server descriptions with different addresses for equality.
Updating the TopologyDescription
Each time the client checks a server, it processes the outcome (successful or not) to create a ServerDescription, and then it processes the ServerDescription to update its TopologyDescription.
The TopologyDescription's TopologyType influences how the ServerDescription is processed. The following subsection specifies how the client updates its TopologyDescription when the TopologyType is Single. The next subsection treats the other types.
TopologyType Single
The TopologyDescription's type was initialized as Single and remains Single forever. There is always one ServerDescription in TopologyDescription.servers.
Whenever the client checks a server (successfully or not), and regardless of whether the new server description is equal to the previous server description as defined in Server Description Equality, the ServerDescription in TopologyDescription.servers MUST be replaced with the new ServerDescription.
Checking wire protocol compatibility
A ServerDescription which is not Unknown is incompatible if:
, ormaxWireVersion
If any ServerDescription is incompatible, the client MUST set the TopologyDescription's "compatible" field to false and fill out the TopologyDescription's "compatibilityError" field like so:
:"Server at
requires wire versionminWireVersion
, but this version ofdriverName
only supports up toclientMaxWireVersion
." -
:"Server at
reports wire versionmaxWireVersion
, but this version ofdriverName
requires at leastclientMinWireVersion
Replace mongoVersion
with the appropriate MongoDB minor version, for example if clientMinWireVersion
is 2 and it
connects to MongoDB 2.4, format the error like:
"Server at reports wire version 0, but this version of My Driver requires at least 2 (MongoDB 2.6)."
In this second case, the exact required MongoDB version is known and can be named in the error message, whereas in the first case the implementer does not know which MongoDB versions will be compatible or incompatible in the future.
Verifying setName with TopologyType Single
A client MAY allow the user to supply a setName with an initial TopologyType of Single. In this case, if the ServerDescription's setName is null or wrong, the ServerDescription MUST be replaced with a default ServerDescription of type Unknown.
TopologyType LoadBalanced
See the Load Balancer Specification for details.
Other TopologyTypes
If the TopologyType is not Single, the topology can contain zero or more servers. The state of topology containing zero servers is terminal (because servers can only be added if they are reported by a server already in the topology). A client SHOULD emit a warning if it is constructed with no seeds in the initial seed list. A client SHOULD emit a warning when, in the process of updating its topology description, it removes the last server from the topology.
Whenever a client completes a hello or legacy hello call, it creates a new ServerDescription with the proper ServerType. It replaces the server's previous description in TopologyDescription.servers with the new one.
Apply the logic for checking wire protocol compatibility to each ServerDescription in the topology. If any server's wire protocol version range does not overlap with the client's, the client updates the "compatible" and "compatibilityError" fields as described above for TopologyType Single. Otherwise "compatible" is set to true.
It is possible for a multi-threaded client to receive a hello or legacy hello outcome from a server after the server has been removed from the TopologyDescription. For example, a monitor begins checking a server "A", then a different monitor receives a response from the primary claiming that "A" has been removed from the replica set, so the client removes "A" from the TopologyDescription. Then, the check of server "A" completes.
In all cases, the client MUST ignore hello or legacy hello outcomes from servers that are not in the TopologyDescription.
The following subsections explain in detail what actions the client takes after replacing the ServerDescription.
TopologyType table
The new ServerDescription's type is the vertical axis, and the current TopologyType is the horizontal. Where a ServerType and a TopologyType intersect, the table shows what action the client takes.
"no-op" means, do nothing after replacing the server's old description with the new one.
TopologyType Unknown | TopologyType Sharded | TopologyType ReplicaSetNoPrimary | TopologyType ReplicaSetWithPrimary | |
ServerType Unknown | no-op | no-op | no-op | checkIfHasPrimary |
ServerType Standalone | updateUnknownWithStandalone | remove | remove | remove and checkIfHasPrimary |
ServerType Mongos | Set topology type to Sharded | no-op | remove | remove and checkIfHasPrimary |
ServerType RSPrimary | Set topology type to ReplicaSetWithPrimary then updateRSFromPrimary | remove | Set topology type to ReplicaSetWithPrimary then updateRSFromPrimary | updateRSFromPrimary |
ServerType RSSecondary | Set topology type to ReplicaSetNoPrimary then updateRSWithoutPrimary | remove | updateRSWithoutPrimary | updateRSWithPrimaryFromMember |
ServerType RSArbiter | Set topology type to ReplicaSetNoPrimary then updateRSWithoutPrimary | remove | updateRSWithoutPrimary | updateRSWithPrimaryFromMember |
ServerType RSOther | Set topology type to ReplicaSetNoPrimary then updateRSWithoutPrimary | remove | updateRSWithoutPrimary | updateRSWithPrimaryFromMember |
ServerType RSGhost | no-op2 | remove | no-op | checkIfHasPrimary |
TopologyType explanations
This subsection complements the TopologyType table with prose explanations of the TopologyTypes (besides Single and LoadBalanced).
TopologyType Unknown
A starting state.
- If the incoming ServerType is Unknown (that is, the hello or legacy hello call failed), keep the server in TopologyDescription.servers. The TopologyType remains Unknown.
- The TopologyType remains Unknown when an RSGhost is discovered, too.
- If the type is Standalone, run updateUnknownWithStandalone.
- If the type is Mongos, set the TopologyType to Sharded.
- If the type is RSPrimary, record its setName and call updateRSFromPrimary.
- If the type is RSSecondary, RSArbiter or RSOther, record its setName, set the TopologyType to ReplicaSetNoPrimary, and call updateRSWithoutPrimary.
TopologyType Sharded
A steady state. Connected to one or more mongoses.
- If the server is Unknown or Mongos, keep it.
- Remove others.
TopologyType ReplicaSetNoPrimary
A starting state. The topology is definitely a replica set, but no primary is known.
- Keep Unknown servers.
- Keep RSGhost servers: they are members of some replica set, perhaps this one, and may recover. (See RSGhost and RSOther.)
- Remove any Standalones or Mongoses.
- If the type is RSPrimary call updateRSFromPrimary.
- If the type is RSSecondary, RSArbiter or RSOther, run updateRSWithoutPrimary.
TopologyType ReplicaSetWithPrimary
A steady state. The primary is known.
- If the server type is Unknown, keep it, and run checkIfHasPrimary.
- Keep RSGhost servers: they are members of some replica set, perhaps this one, and may recover. (See RSGhost and RSOther.) Run checkIfHasPrimary.
- Remove any Standalones or Mongoses and run checkIfHasPrimary.
- If the type is RSPrimary run updateRSFromPrimary.
- If the type is RSSecondary, RSArbiter or RSOther, run updateRSWithPrimaryFromMember.
This subroutine is executed with the ServerDescription from Standalone when the TopologyType is Unknown:
if description.address not in topologyDescription.servers:
if settings.seeds has one seed:
topologyDescription.type = Single
remove this server from topologyDescription and stop monitoring it
See TopologyType remains Unknown when one of the seeds is a Standalone.
This subroutine is executed with the ServerDescription from an RSSecondary, RSArbiter, or RSOther when the TopologyType is ReplicaSetNoPrimary:
if description.address not in topologyDescription.servers:
if topologyDescription.setName is null:
topologyDescription.setName = description.setName
else if topologyDescription.setName != description.setName:
remove this server from topologyDescription and stop monitoring it
for each address in description's "hosts", "passives", and "arbiters":
if address is not in topologyDescription.servers:
add new default ServerDescription of type "Unknown"
begin monitoring the new server
if description.primary is not null:
find the ServerDescription in topologyDescription.servers whose
address equals description.primary
if its type is Unknown, change its type to PossiblePrimary
if description.address !=
remove this server from topologyDescription and stop monitoring it
Unlike updateRSFromPrimary, this subroutine does not remove any servers from the TopologyDescription based on the list of servers in the "hosts" field of the hello or legacy hello response. The only server that might be removed is the server itself that the hello or legacy hello response is from.
The special handling of description.primary ensures that a single-threaded client scans the possible primary before other members.
See replica set monitoring with and without a primary.
This subroutine is executed with the ServerDescription from an RSSecondary, RSArbiter, or RSOther when the TopologyType is ReplicaSetWithPrimary:
if description.address not in topologyDescription.servers:
# While we were checking this server, another thread heard from the
# primary that this server is not in the replica set.
# SetName is never null here.
if topologyDescription.setName != description.setName:
remove this server from topologyDescription and stop monitoring it
if description.address !=
remove this server from topologyDescription and stop monitoring it
# Had this member been the primary?
if there is no primary in topologyDescription.servers:
topologyDescription.type = ReplicaSetNoPrimary
if description.primary is not null:
find the ServerDescription in topologyDescription.servers whose
address equals description.primary
if its type is Unknown, change its type to PossiblePrimary
The special handling of description.primary ensures that a single-threaded client scans the possible primary before other members.
This subroutine is executed with a ServerDescription of type RSPrimary:
if serverDescription.address not in topologyDescription.servers:
if topologyDescription.setName is null:
topologyDescription.setName = serverDescription.setName
else if topologyDescription.setName != serverDescription.setName:
# We found a primary but it doesn't have the setName
# provided by the user or previously discovered.
remove this server from topologyDescription and stop monitoring it
# Election ids are ObjectIds, see
# see "Using electionId and setVersion to detect stale primaries"
# for comparison rules.
if serverDescription.maxWireVersion >= 17: # MongoDB 6.0+
# Null values for both electionId and setVersion are always considered less than
if serverDescription.electionId > topologyDescription.maxElectionId or (
serverDescription.electionId == topologyDescription.maxElectionId
and serverDescription.setVersion >= topologyDescription.maxSetVersion
topologyDescription.maxElectionId = serverDescription.electionId
topologyDescription.maxSetVersion = serverDescription.setVersion
# Stale primary.
# The error field MUST include the substring "primary marked stale due to electionId/setVersion mismatch"
replace serverDescription with a default ServerDescription of type "Unknown"
# Maintain old comparison rules, namely setVersion is checked before electionId
if serverDescription.setVersion is not null and serverDescription.electionId is not null:
if (
topologyDescription.maxSetVersion is not null
and topologyDescription.maxElectionId is not null
and (
topologyDescription.maxSetVersion > serverDescription.setVersion
or (
topologyDescription.maxSetVersion == serverDescription.setVersion
and topologyDescription.maxElectionId > serverDescription.electionId
# Stale primary.
# The error field MUST include the substring "primary marked stale due to electionId/setVersion mismatch"
replace serverDescription with a default ServerDescription of type "Unknown"
topologyDescription.maxElectionId = serverDescription.electionId
if serverDescription.setVersion is not null and (
topologyDescription.maxSetVersion is null
or serverDescription.setVersion > topologyDescription.maxSetVersion
topologyDescription.maxSetVersion = serverDescription.setVersion
for each server in topologyDescription.servers:
if server.address != serverDescription.address:
if server.type is RSPrimary:
# See note below about invalidating an old primary.
# the error field MUST include the substring "primary marked stale due to discovery of newer primary"
replace the server with a default ServerDescription of type "Unknown"
for each address in serverDescription's "hosts", "passives", and "arbiters":
if address is not in topologyDescription.servers:
add new default ServerDescription of type "Unknown"
begin monitoring the new server
for each server in topologyDescription.servers:
if server.address not in serverDescription's "hosts", "passives", or "arbiters":
remove the server and stop monitoring it
A note on invalidating the old primary: when a new primary is discovered, the client finds the previous primary (there
should be none or one) and replaces its description with a default ServerDescription of type "Unknown". Additionally,
the error
field of the new ServerDescription
object MUST include a descriptive error explaining that it was
invalidated because the primary was determined to be stale. A multi-threaded client MUST
request an immediate check for that server as soon as possible.
If the old primary server version is 4.0 or earlier, the client MUST clear its connection pool for the old primary, too: the connections are all bad because the old primary has closed its sockets. If the old primary server version is 4.2 or newer, the client MUST NOT clear its connection pool for the old primary.
See replica set monitoring with and without a primary.
If the server is primary with an obsolete electionId or setVersion, it is likely a stale primary that is going to step down. Mark it Unknown and let periodic monitoring detect when it becomes secondary. See using electionId and setVersion to detect stale primaries. Drivers MAY additionally specify whether this was due to an electionId or setVersion mismatch as described in the ServerDescripion.error section.
A note on checking "me": Unlike updateRSWithPrimaryFromMember
, there is no need to remove the server if the address is
not equal to "me": since the server address will not be a member of either "hosts", "passives", or "arbiters", the
server will already have been removed.
Set TopologyType to ReplicaSetWithPrimary if there is an RSPrimary in TopologyDescription.servers, otherwise set it to ReplicaSetNoPrimary.
For example, if the TopologyType is ReplicaSetWithPrimary and the client is processing a new ServerDescription of type Unknown, that could mean the primary just disconnected, so checkIfHasPrimary must run to check if the TopologyType should become ReplicaSetNoPrimary.
Another example is if the client first reaches the primary via its external IP, but the response's host list includes only internal IPs. In that case the client adds the primary's internal IP to the TopologyDescription and begins monitoring it, and removes the external IP. Right after removing the external IP from the description, the TopologyType MUST be ReplicaSetNoPrimary, since no primary is available at this moment.
Remove the server from TopologyDescription.servers and stop monitoring it.
In multi-threaded clients, a monitor may be currently checking this server and may not immediately abort. Once the check completes, this server's hello or legacy hello outcome MUST be ignored, and the monitor SHOULD halt.
Logical Session Timeout
Whenever a client updates the TopologyDescription from a hello or legacy hello response, it MUST set TopologyDescription.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes to the smallest logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes value among ServerDescriptions of all data-bearing server types. If any have a null logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes, then TopologyDescription.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes MUST be set to null.
See the Driver Sessions Spec for the purpose of this value.
Connection Pool Management
For drivers that support connection pools, after a server check is completed successfully, if the server is determined to be data-bearing or a direct connection to the server is requested, and does not already have a connection pool, the driver MUST create the connection pool for the server. Additionally, if a driver implements a CMAP compliant connection pool, the server's pool (even if it already existed) MUST be marked as "ready". See the Server Monitoring spec for more information.
Clearing the connection pool for a server MUST be synchronized with the update to the corresponding ServerDescription (e.g. by holding the lock on the TopologyDescription when clearing the pool). This prevents a possible race between the monitors and application threads. See Why synchronize clearing a server's pool with updating the topology? for more information.
Error handling
Network error during server check
See error handling in the Server Monitoring spec.
Application errors
When processing a network or command error, clients MUST first check the error's generation number. If the error's generation number is equal to the pool's generation number then error handling MUST continue according to Network error when reading or writing or "not writable primary" and "node is recovering". Otherwise, the error is considered stale and the client MUST NOT update any topology state. (See Why ignore errors based on CMAP's generation number?)
Error handling pseudocode
Application operations can fail in various places, for example:
- A network error, network timeout, or command error may occur while establishing a new connection. Establishing a connection includes the MongoDB handshake and completing authentication (if configured).
- A network error or network timeout may occur while reading or writing to an established connection.
- A command error may be returned from the server.
- A "writeConcernError" field may be included in the command response.
Depending on the context, these errors may update SDAM state by marking the server Unknown and may clear the server's connection pool. Some errors also require other side effects, like cancelling a check or requesting an immediate check. Drivers may use the following pseudocode to guide their implementation:
def handleError(error):
address = error.address
topologyVersion = error.topologyVersion
with client.lock:
# Ignore stale errors based on generation and topologyVersion.
if isStaleError(client.topologyDescription, error)
if isStateChangeError(error):
# Don't mark server unknown in load balanced mode.
if type != LoadBalanced
# Mark the server Unknown
unknown = new ServerDescription(type=Unknown, error=error, topologyVersion=topologyVersion)
onServerDescriptionChanged(unknown, connection pool for server)
if isShutdown(code) or (error was from <4.2):
# the pools must only be cleared while the lock is held.
if type == LoadBalanced:
clear connection pool for serviceId
clear connection pool for server
if multi-threaded:
request immediate check
# Check right now if this is "not writable primary", since it might be a
# useful secondary. If it's "node is recovering" leave it for the
# next full scan.
if isNotWritablePrimary(error):
check failing server
elif isNetworkError(error) or (not error.completedHandshake and (isNetworkTimeout(error) or isAuthError(error))):
if type != LoadBalanced
# Mark the server Unknown
unknown = new ServerDescription(type=Unknown, error=error)
onServerDescriptionChanged(unknown, connection pool for server)
clear connection pool for server
if serviceId
clear connection pool for serviceId
# Cancel inprogress check
cancel monitor check
def isStaleError(topologyDescription, error):
currentServer = topologyDescription.servers[server.address]
currentGeneration = currentServer.pool.generation
generation = get connection generation from error
if generation < currentGeneration:
# Stale generation number.
return True
currentTopologyVersion = currentServer.topologyVersion
# True if the current error's topologyVersion is greater than the server's
# We use >= instead of > because any state change should result in a new topologyVersion
return compareTopologyVersion(currentTopologyVersion, error.commandResponse.get("topologyVersion")) >= 0
The following pseudocode checks a response for a "not master" or "node is recovering" error:
recoveringCodes = [11600, 11602, 13436, 189, 91]
notWritablePrimaryCodes = [10107, 13435, 10058]
shutdownCodes = [11600, 91]
def isRecovering(message, code):
if code:
if code in recoveringCodes:
return true
# if no code, use the error message.
return ("not master or secondary" in message
or "node is recovering" in message)
def isNotWritablePrimary(message, code):
if code:
if code in notWritablePrimaryCodes:
return true
# if no code, use the error message.
if isRecovering(message, None):
return false
return ("not master" in message)
def isShutdown(code):
if code and code in shutdownCodes:
return true
return false
def isStateChangeError(error):
message = error.errmsg
code = error.code
return isRecovering(message, code) or isNotWritablePrimary(message, code)
def parseGle(response):
if "err" in response:
handleError(CommandError(response, response["err"], response["code"]))
# Parse response to any command
def parseCommandResponse(response):
if not response["ok"]:
handleError(CommandError(response, response["errmsg"], response["code"]))
else if response["writeConcernError"]:
wce = response["writeConcernError"]
handleError(WriteConcernError(response, wce["errmsg"], wce["code"]))
def parseQueryResponse(response):
if the "QueryFailure" bit is set in response flags:
handleError(CommandError(response, response["$err"], response["code"]))
The following sections describe the handling of different classes of application errors in detail including network errors, network timeout errors, state change errors, and authentication errors.
Network error when reading or writing
To describe how the client responds to network errors during application operations, we distinguish two phases of connecting to a server and using it for application operations:
- Before the handshake completes: the client establishes a new connection to the server and completes an initial handshake by calling "hello" or legacy hello and reading the response, and optionally completing authentication
- After the handshake completes: the client uses the established connection for application operations
If there is a network error or timeout on the connection before the handshake completes, the client MUST replace the server's description with a default ServerDescription of type Unknown when the TopologyType is not LoadBalanced, and fill the ServerDescription's error field with useful information.
If there is a network error or timeout on the connection before the handshake completes, and the TopologyType is LoadBalanced, the client MUST keep the ServerDescription as LoadBalancer.
If there is a network timeout on the connection after the handshake completes, the client MUST NOT mark the server Unknown. (A timeout may indicate a slow operation on the server, rather than an unavailable server.) If, however, there is some other network error on the connection after the handshake completes, the client MUST replace the server's description with a default ServerDescription of type Unknown if the TopologyType is not LoadBalanced, and fill the ServerDescription's error field with useful information, the same as if an error or timeout occurred before the handshake completed.
When the client marks a server Unknown due to a network error or timeout, the Unknown ServerDescription MUST be sent through the same process for updating the TopologyDescription as if it had been a failed hello or legacy hello outcome from a server check: for example, if the TopologyType is ReplicaSetWithPrimary and a write to the RSPrimary server fails because of a network error (other than timeout), then a new ServerDescription is created for the primary, with type Unknown, and the client executes the proper subroutine for an Unknown server when the TopologyType is ReplicaSetWithPrimary: referring to the table above we see the subroutine is checkIfHasPrimary. The result is the TopologyType changes to ReplicaSetNoPrimary. See the test scenario called "Network error writing to primary".
The client MUST close all idle sockets in its connection pool for the server: if one socket is bad, it is likely that all are.
Clients MUST NOT request an immediate check of the server; since application sockets are used frequently, a network error likely means the server has just become unavailable, so an immediate refresh is likely to get a network error, too.
The server will not remain Unknown forever. It will be refreshed by the next periodic check or, if an application operation needs the server sooner than that, then a re-check will be triggered by the server selection algorithm.
"not writable primary" and "node is recovering"
These errors are detected from a write command response or query response. Clients MUST check if the server error is a "node is recovering" error or a "not writable primary" error.
If the response includes an error code, it MUST be solely used to determine if error is a "node is recovering" or "not writable primary" error. Clients MUST match the errors by the numeric error code and not by the code name, as the code name can change from one server version to the next.
The following error codes indicate a replica set member is temporarily unusable. These are called "node is recovering" errors:
Error Name | Error Code |
InterruptedAtShutdown | 11600 |
InterruptedDueToReplStateChange | 11602 |
NotPrimaryOrSecondary | 13436 |
PrimarySteppedDown | 189 |
ShutdownInProgress | 91 |
And the following error codes indicate a "not writable primary" error:
Error Name | Error Code |
NotWritablePrimary | 10107 |
NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk | 13435 |
LegacyNotPrimary | 10058 |
Clients MUST fallback to checking the error message if and only if the response does not include an error code. The error is considered a "node is recovering" error if the substrings "node is recovering" or "not master or secondary" are anywhere in the error message. Otherwise, if the substring "not master" is in the error message it is a "not writable primary" error.
Additionally, if the response includes a write concern error, then the code and message of the write concern error MUST be checked the same way a response error is checked above.
Errors contained within the writeErrors field MUST NOT be checked.
See the test scenario called "parsing 'not writable primary' and 'node is recovering' errors" for example response documents.
When the client sees a "not writable primary" or "node is recovering" error and the error's topologyVersion is strictly greater than the current ServerDescription's topologyVersion it MUST replace the server's description with a ServerDescription of type Unknown. Clients MUST store useful information in the new ServerDescription's error field, including the error message from the server. Clients MUST store the error's topologyVersion field in the new ServerDescription if present. (See What is the purpose of topologyVersion?)
Multi-threaded and asynchronous clients MUST request an immediate check of the server. Unlike in the "network error" scenario above, a "not writable primary" or "node is recovering" error means the server is available but the client is wrong about its type, thus an immediate re-check is likely to provide useful information.
For single-threaded clients, in the case of a "not writable primary" or "node is shutting down" error, the client MUST mark the topology as "stale" so the next server selection scans all servers. For a "node is recovering" error, single-threaded clients MUST NOT mark the topology as "stale". If a node is recovering for some time, an immediate scan may not gain useful information.
The following subset of "node is recovering" errors is defined to be "node is shutting down" errors:
Error Name | Error Code |
InterruptedAtShutdown | 11600 |
ShutdownInProgress | 91 |
When handling a "not writable primary" or "node is recovering" error, the client MUST clear the server's connection pool if and only if the error is "node is shutting down" or the error originated from server version < 4.2.
(See when does a client see "not writable primary" or "node is recovering"?, use error messages to detect "not master" and "node is recovering", and other transient errors and Why close connections when a node is shutting down?.)
Authentication and Handshake errors
If the driver encounters errors when establishing application connections (this includes the initial handshake and authentication), the driver MUST mark the server Unknown and clear the server's connection pool if the TopologyType is not LoadBalanced. (See Why mark a server Unknown after an auth error?)
Monitoring SDAM events
The required driver specification for providing lifecycle hooks into server discovery and monitoring for applications to consume can be found in the SDAM Monitoring Specification.
Implementation notes
This section intends to provide generous guidance to driver authors. It is complementary to the reference implementations. Words like "should", "may", and so on are used more casually here.
See also, the implementation notes in the Server Monitoring spec.
Multi-threaded or asynchronous server selection
While no suitable server is available for an operation, the client MUST re-check all servers every minHeartbeatFrequencyMS. (See requesting an immediate check.)
Single-threaded server selection
When a client that uses single-threaded monitoring fails to select a suitable server for any operation, it scans the servers, then attempts selection again, to see if the scan discovered suitable servers. It repeats, waiting minHeartbeatFrequencyMS after each scan, until a timeout.
Giant seed lists
Drivers' manuals should warn against huge seed lists, since it will slow initialization for single-threaded clients and generate load for multi-threaded and asynchronous drivers.
Warning about the maxWireVersion from a monitor's hello or legacy hello response
Clients consult some fields from a server's hello or legacy hello response to decide how to communicate with it:
- maxWireVersion
- maxBsonObjectSize
- maxMessageSizeBytes
- maxWriteBatchSize
It is tempting to take these values from the last hello or legacy hello response a monitor received and store them in the ServerDescription, but this is an anti-pattern. Multi-threaded and asynchronous clients that do so are prone to several classes of race, for example:
- Setup: A MongoDB 3.0 Standalone with authentication enabled, the client must log in with SCRAM-SHA-1.
- The monitor thread discovers the server and stores maxWireVersion on the ServerDescription
- An application thread wants a socket, selects the Standalone, and is about to check the maxWireVersion on its ServerDescription when...
- The monitor thread gets disconnected from server and marks it Unknown, with default maxWireVersion of 0.
- The application thread resumes, creates a socket, and attempts to log in using MONGODB-CR, since maxWireVersion is now reported as 0.
- Authentication fails, the server requires SCRAM-SHA-1.
Better to call hello or legacy hello for each new socket, as required by the Auth Spec, and use the hello or legacy hello response associated with that socket for maxWireVersion, maxBsonObjectSize, etc.: all the fields required to correctly communicate with the server.
The hello or legacy hello responses received by monitors determine if the topology as a whole is compatible with the driver, and which servers are suitable for selection. The monitors' responses should not be used to determine how to format wire protocol messages to the servers.
Immutable data
Multi-threaded drivers should treat ServerDescriptions and TopologyDescriptions as immutable: the client replaces them, rather than modifying them, in response to new information about the topology. Thus readers of these data structures can simply acquire a reference to the current one and read it, without holding a lock that would block a monitor from making further updates.
Process one hello or legacy hello outcome at a time
Although servers are checked in parallel, the function that actually creates the new TopologyDescription should be synchronized so only one thread can run it at a time.
Replacing the TopologyDescription
Drivers may use the following pseudocode to guide their implementation. The client object has a lock and a condition variable. It uses the lock to ensure that only one new ServerDescription is processed at a time, and it must be acquired before invoking this function. Once the client has taken the lock it must do no I/O:
def onServerDescriptionChanged(server, pool):
# "server" is the new ServerDescription.
# "pool" is the pool associated with the server
if server.address not in client.topologyDescription.servers:
# The server was once in the topologyDescription, otherwise
# we wouldn't have been monitoring it, but an intervening
# state-change removed it. E.g., we got a host list from
# the primary that didn't include this server.
newTopologyDescription = client.topologyDescription.copy()
# Ignore this update if the current topologyVersion is greater than
# the new ServerDescription's.
if isStaleServerDescription(td, server):
# Replace server's previous description.
address = server.address
newTopologyDescription.servers[address] = server
# for drivers that implement CMAP, mark the connection pool as ready after a successful check
if (server.type in (Mongos, RSPrimary, RSSecondary, Standalone, LoadBalanced))
or (server.type != Unknown and newTopologyDescription.type == Single):
take any additional actions,
depending on the TopologyType and server...
# Replace TopologyDescription and notify waiters.
client.topologyDescription = newTopologyDescription
def compareTopologyVersion(tv1, tv2):
"""Return -1 if tv1<tv2, 0 if tv1==tv2, 1 if tv1>tv2"""
if tv1 is None or tv2 is None:
# Assume greater.
return -1
pid1 = tv1['processId']
pid2 = tv2['processId']
if pid1 == pid2:
counter1 = tv1['counter']
counter2 = tv2['counter']
if counter1 == counter2:
return 0
elif counter1 < counter2:
return -1
return 1
# Assume greater.
return -1
def isStaleServerDescription(topologyDescription, server):
# True if the new ServerDescription's topologyVersion is greater than
# or equal to the current server's.
currentServer = topologyDescription.servers[server.address]
currentTopologyVersion = currentServer.topologyVersion
return compareTopologyVersion(currentTopologyVersion, server.topologyVersion) > 0
Notifying the condition unblocks threads waiting in the server-selection loop for a suitable server to be discovered.
[!NOTE] The Java driver uses a CountDownLatch instead of a condition variable, and it atomically swaps the old and new CountDownLatches so it does not need "client.lock". It does, however, use a lock to ensure that only one thread runs onServerDescriptionChanged at a time.
Clients do no I/O in the constructor
An alternative proposal was to distinguish between "discovery" and "monitoring". When discovery begins, the client checks all its seeds, and discovery is complete once all servers have been checked, or after some maximum time. Application operations cannot proceed until discovery is complete.
If the discovery phase is distinct, then single- and multi-threaded drivers could accomplish discovery in the constructor, and throw an exception from the constructor if the deployment is unavailable or misconfigured. This is consistent with prior behavior for many drivers. It will surprise some users that the constructor now succeeds, but all operations fail.
Similarly for misconfigured seed lists: the client may discover a mix of mongoses and standalones, or find multiple replica set names. It may surprise some users that the constructor succeeds and the client attempts to proceed with a compatible subset of the deployment.
Nevertheless, this spec prohibits I/O in the constructor for the following reasons:
Common case
In the common case, the deployment is available and usable. This spec favors allowing operations to proceed as soon as possible in the common case, at the cost of surprising behavior in uncommon cases.
It is simpler to omit a special discovery phase and treat all server checks the same.
Asynchronous clients cannot do I/O in a constructor, so it is consistent to prohibit I/O in other clients' constructors as well.
If clients can be constructed when the deployment is in some states but not in other states, it leads to an unfortunate scenario: When the deployment is passing through a strange state, long-running clients may keep working, but any clients restarted during this period fail.
Say an administrator changes one replica set member's setName. Clients that are already constructed remove the bad member and stay usable, but if any client is restarted its constructor fails. Web servers that dynamically adjust their process pools will show particularly undesirable behavior.
heartbeatFrequencyMS defaults to 10 seconds or 60 seconds
Many drivers have different values. The time has come to standardize. Lacking a rigorous methodology for calculating the best frequency, this spec chooses 10 seconds for multi-threaded or asynchronous drivers because some already use that value.
Because scanning has a greater impact on the performance of single-threaded drivers, they MUST default to a longer frequency (60 seconds).
An alternative is to check servers less and less frequently the longer they remain unchanged. This idea is rejected because it is a goal of this spec to answer questions about monitoring such as,
- "How rapidly can I rotate a replica set to a new set of hosts?"
- "How soon after I add a secondary will query load be rebalanced?"
- "How soon will a client notice a change in round trip time, or tags?"
Having a constant monitoring frequency allows us to answer these questions simply and definitively. Losing the ability to answer these questions is not worth any minor gain in efficiency from a more complex scheduling method.
The client MUST re-check all servers every minHeartbeatFrequencyMS
While an application is waiting to do an operation for which there is no suitable server, a multi-threaded client MUST re-check all servers very frequently. The slight cost is worthwhile in many scenarios. For example:
- A client and a MongoDB server are started simultaneously.
- The client checks the server before it begins listening, so the check fails.
- The client waits in the server-selection loop for the topology to change.
In this state, the client should check the server very frequently, to give it ample opportunity to connect to the server before timing out in server selection.
No knobs
This spec does not intend to introduce any new configuration options unless absolutely necessary.
The client MUST monitor arbiters
Mongos 2.6 does not monitor arbiters, but it costs little to do so, and in the rare case that all data members are moved to new hosts in a short time, an arbiter may be the client's last hope to find the new replica set configuration.
Only support replica set members running MongoDB 1.6.2 or later
Replica set members began reporting their setNames in that version. Supporting earlier versions is impractical.
TopologyType remains Unknown when an RSGhost is discovered
If the TopologyType is Unknown and the client receives a hello or legacy hello response from anRSGhost, the TopologyType could be set to ReplicaSetNoPrimary. However, an RSGhost does not report its setName, so the setName would still be unknown. This adds an additional state to the existing list: "TopologyType ReplicaSetNoPrimary and no setName." The additional state adds substantial complexity without any benefit, so this spec says clients MUST NOT change the TopologyType when an RSGhost is discovered.
TopologyType remains Unknown when one of the seeds is a Standalone
If TopologyType is Unknown and there are multiple seeds, and one of them is discovered to be a standalone, it MUST be removed. The TopologyType remains Unknown.
This rule supports the following common scenario:
- Servers A and B are in a replica set.
- A seed list with A and B is stored in a configuration file.
- An administrator removes B from the set and brings it up as standalone for maintenance, without changing its port number.
- The client is initialized with seeds A and B, TopologyType Unknown, and no setName.
- The first hello or legacy hello response is from B, the standalone.
What if the client changed TopologyType to Single at this point? It would be unable to use the replica set; it would have to remove A from the TopologyDescription once A's hello or legacy hello response comes.
The user's intent in this case is clearly to use the replica set, despite the outdated seed list. So this spec requires clients to remove B from the TopologyDescription and keep the TopologyType as Unknown. Then when A's response arrives, the client can set its TopologyType to ReplicaSet (with or without primary).
On the other hand, if there is only one seed and the seed is discovered to be a Standalone, the TopologyType MUST be set to Single.
See the "member brought up as standalone" test scenario.
Replica set monitoring with and without a primary
The client strives to fill the "servers" list only with servers that the primary said were members of the replica set, when the client most recently contacted the primary.
The primary's view of the replica set is authoritative for two reasons:
- The primary is never on the minority side of a network partition. During a partition it is the primary's list of servers the client should use.
- Since reconfigs must be executed on the primary, the primary is the first to know of them. Reconfigs propagate to non-primaries eventually, but the client can receive hello or legacy hello responses from non-primaries that reflect any past state of the replica set. See the "Replica set discovery" test scenario.
If at any time the client believes there is no primary, the TopologyDescription's type is set to ReplicaSetNoPrimary. While there is no known primary, the client MUST add servers from non-primaries' host lists, but it MUST NOT remove servers from the TopologyDescription.
Eventually, when a primary is discovered, any hosts not in the primary's host list are removed.
Using electionId and setVersion to detect stale primaries
Replica set members running MongoDB 2.6.10+ or 3.0+ include an integer called "setVersion" and an ObjectId called "electionId" in their hello or legacy hello response. Starting with MongoDB 3.2.0, replica sets can use two different replication protocol versions; electionIds from one protocol version must not be compared to electionIds from a different protocol.
Because protocol version changes require replica set reconfiguration, clients use the tuple (electionId, setVersion) to detect stale primaries. The tuple order comparison MUST be checked in the order of electionId followed by setVersion since that order of comparison is guaranteed monotonicity.
The client remembers the greatest electionId and setVersion reported by a primary, and distrusts primaries from older electionIds or from the same electionId but with lesser setVersion.
- It compares electionIds as 12-byte sequence i.e. memory comparison.
- It compares setVersions as integer values.
This prevents the client from oscillating between the old and new primary during a split-brain period, and helps provide read-your-writes consistency with write concern "majority" and read preference "primary".
Prior to MongoDB server version 6.0 drivers had the logic opposite from the server side Replica Set Management logic by
ordering the tuple by setVersion
before the electionId
. In order to remain compatibility with backup systems, etc.
drivers continue to maintain the reversed logic when connected to a topology that reports a maxWireVersion less than
. Server versions 6.0 and beyond MUST order the tuple by electionId
then setVersion
Requirements for read-your-writes consistency
Using (electionId, setVersion) only provides read-your-writes consistency if:
- The application uses the same MongoClient instance for write-concern "majority" writes and read-preference "primary" reads, and
- All members use MongoDB 2.6.10+, 3.0.0+ or 3.2.0+ with replication protocol 0 and clocks are less than 30 seconds skewed, or
- All members run MongoDB 3.2.0 and replication protocol 1 and clocks are less skewed than the election timeout
, which defaults to 10 seconds), or - All members run MongoDB 3.2.1+ and replication protocol 1 (in which case clocks need not be synchronized).
Consider the following situation:
- Server A is primary.
- A network partition isolates A from the set, but the client still sees it.
- Server B is elected primary.
- The client discovers that B is primary, does a write-concern "majority" write operation on B and receives acknowledgment.
- The client receives a hello or legacy hello response from A, claiming A is still primary.
- If the client trusts that A is primary, the next read-preference "primary" read sees stale data from A that may not include the write sent to B.
See SERVER-17975, "Stale reads with WriteConcern Majority and ReadPreference Primary."
Detecting a stale primary
To prevent this scenario, the client uses electionId and setVersion to determine which primary was elected last. In this case, it would not consider "A" a primary, nor read from it because server B will have a greater electionId but the same setVersion.
The electionId is an ObjectId compared bytewise in order.
(ie. 000000000000000000000001 > 000000000000000000000000, FF0000000000000000000000 > FE0000000000000000000000 etc.)
In some server versions, it is monotonic with respect to a particular servers' system clock, but is not globally monotonic across a deployment. However, if inter-server clock skews are small, it can be treated as a monotonic value.
In MongoDB 2.6.10+ (which has SERVER-13542 backported), MongoDB 3.0.0+ or MongoDB 3.2+ (under replication protocol version 0), the electionId's leading bytes are a server timestamp. As long as server clocks are skewed less than 30 seconds, electionIds can be reliably compared. (This is precise enough, because in replication protocol version 0, servers are designed not to complete more than one election every 30 seconds. Elections do not take 30 seconds--they are typically much faster than that--but there is a 30-second cooldown before the next election can complete.)
Beginning in MongoDB 3.2.0, under replication protocol version 1, the electionId begins with a timestamp, but the
cooldown is shorter. As long as inter-server clock skew is less than the configured election timeout
, which defaults to 10 seconds), then electionIds can be reliably compared.
Beginning in MongoDB 3.2.1, under replication protocol version 1, the electionId is guaranteed monotonic without relying on any clock synchronization.
Using me field to detect seed list members that do not match host names in the replica set configuration
Removal from the topology of seed list members where the "me" property does not match the address used to connect prevents clients from being able to select a server, only to fail to re-select that server once the primary has responded.
This scenario illustrates the problems that arise if this is NOT done:
- The client specifies a seed list of A, B, C
- Server A responds as a secondary with hosts D, E, F
- The client executes a query with read preference of secondary, and server A is selected
- Server B responds as a primary with hosts D, E, F. Servers A, B, C are removed, as they don't appear in the primary's hosts list
- The client iterates the cursor and attempts to execute a getMore against server A.
- Server selection fails because server A is no longer part of the topology.
With checking for "me" in place, it looks like this instead:
- The client specifies a seed list of A, B, C
- Server A responds as a secondary with hosts D, E, F, where "me" is D, and so the client adds D, E, F as type "Unknown" and starts monitoring them, but removes A from the topology.
- The client executes a query with read preference of secondary, and goes into the server selection loop
- Server D responds as a secondary where "me" is D
- Server selection completes by matching D
- The client iterates the cursor and attempts to execute a getMore against server D.
- Server selection completes by matching D.
Ignore setVersion unless the server is primary
It was thought that if all replica set members report a setVersion, and a secondary's response has a higher setVersion than any seen, that the secondary's host list could be considered as authoritative as the primary's. (See Replica set monitoring with and without a primary.)
This scenario illustrates the problem with setVersion:
- We have a replica set with servers A, B, and C.
- Server A is the primary, with setVersion 4.
- An administrator runs replSetReconfig on A, which increments its setVersion to 5.
- The client checks Server A and receives the new config.
- Server A crashes before any secondary receives the new config.
- Server B is elected primary. It has the old setVersion 4.
- The client ignores B's version of the config because its setVersion is not greater than 5.
The client may never correct its view of the topology.
Even worse:
- An administrator runs replSetReconfig on Server B, which increments its setVersion to 5.
- Server A restarts. This results in two versions of the config, both claiming to be version 5.
If the client trusted the setVersion in this scenario, it would trust whichever config it received first.
mongos 2.6 ignores setVersion and only trusts the primary. This spec requires all clients to ignore setVersion from non-primaries.
Use error messages to detect "not master" and "node is recovering"
When error codes are not available, error messages are checked for the substrings "not master" and "node is recovering". This is because older server versions returned unstable error codes or no error codes in many circumstances.
Other transient errors
There are other transient errors a server may return, e.g. retryable errors listed in the retryable writes spec. SDAM does not consider these because they do not imply the connected server should be marked as "Unknown". For example, the following errors may be returned from a mongos when it cannot route to a shard:
Error Name | Error Code |
HostNotFound | 7 |
HostUnreachable | 6 |
NetworkTimeout | 89 |
SocketException | 9001 |
When these are returned, the mongos should not be marked as "Unknown", since it is more likely an issue with the shard.
Why ignore errors based on CMAP's generation number?
Using CMAP's generation number solves the following race condition among application threads and the monitor during error handling:
- Two concurrent writes begin on application threads A and B.
- The server restarts.
- Thread A receives the first non-timeout network error, and the client marks the server Unknown, and clears the server's pool.
- The client re-checks the server and marks it Primary.
- Thread B receives the second non-timeout network error and the client marks the server Unknown again.
The core issue is that the client processes errors in arbitrary order and may overwrite fresh information about the server's status with stale information. Using CMAP's generation number avoids the race condition because the duplicate (or stale) network error can be identified (changes in bold):
- Two concurrent writes begin on application threads A and B, with generation 1.
- The server restarts.
- Thread A receives the first non-timeout network error, and the client marks the server Unknown, and clears the server's pool. The pool's generation is now 2.
- The client re-checks the server and marks it Primary.
- Thread B receives the second non-timeout network error, and the client ignores the error because the error originated from a connection with generation 1.
Why synchronize clearing a server's pool with updating the topology?
Doing so solves the following race condition among application threads and the monitor during error handling, similar to the previous example:
- A write begins on an application thread.
- The server restarts.
- The application thread receives a non-timeout network error.
- The application thread acquires the lock on the TopologyDescription, marks the Server as Unknown, and releases the lock.
- The monitor re-checks the server and marks it Primary and its pool as "ready".
- Several other application threads enter the WaitQueue of the server's pool.
- The application thread clears the server's pool, evicting all those new threads from the WaitQueue, causing them to return errors or to retry. Additionally, the pool is now "paused", but the server is considered the Primary, meaning future operations will be routed to the server and fail until the next heartbeat marks the pool as "ready" again.
If marking the server as Unknown and clearing its pool were synchronized, then the monitor marking the server as Primary after its check would happen after the pool was cleared and thus avoid putting it an inconsistent state.
What is the purpose of topologyVersion?
topologyVersion solves the following race condition among application threads and the monitor when handling State Change Errors:
- Two concurrent writes begin on application threads A and B.
- The primary steps down.
- Thread A receives the first State Change Error, the client marks the server Unknown.
- The client re-checks the server and marks it Secondary.
- Thread B receives a delayed State Change Error and the client marks the server Unknown again.
The core issue is that the client processes errors in arbitrary order and may overwrite fresh information about the server's status with stale information. Using topologyVersion avoids the race condition because the duplicate (or stale) State Change Errors can be identified (changes in bold):
- Two concurrent writes begin on application threads A and B.
- The primary's ServerDescription.topologyVersion == tv1
- The primary steps down and sets its topologyVersion to tv2.
- Thread A receives the first State Change Error containing tv2, the client marks the server Unknown (with topologyVersion: tv2).
- The client re-checks the server and marks it Secondary (with topologyVersion: tv2).
- Thread B receives a delayed State Change Error (with topologyVersion: tv2) and the client ignores the error because the error's topologyVersion (tv2) is not greater than the current ServerDescription (tv2).
Why mark a server Unknown after an auth error?
The Authentication spec requires that when authentication fails on a server, the driver MUST clear the server's connection pool. Clearing the pool without marking the server Unknown would leave the pool in the "paused" state while the server is still selectable. When auth fails due to invalid credentials, marking the server Unknown also serves to rate limit new connections; future operations will need to wait for the server to be rediscovered.
Note that authentication may fail for a variety of reasons, for example:
- A network error, or network timeout error may occur.
- The server may return a State Change Error.
- The server may return a AuthenticationFailed command error (error code 18) indicating that the provided credentials are invalid.
Does this mean that authentication failures due to invalid credentials will manifest as server selection timeout errors? No, authentication errors are still returned to the application immediately. A subsequent operation will block until the server is rediscovered and immediately attempt authentication on a new connection.
Clients use the hostnames listed in the replica set config, not the seed list
Very often users have DNS aliases they use in their seed list instead of the hostnames in the replica set config. For example, the name "host_alias" might refer to a server also known as "host1", and the URI is:
When the client connects to "host_alias", its hello or legacy hello response includes the list of hostnames from the replica set config, which does not include the seed:
hosts: ["host1:27017", "host2:27017"],
setName: "rs",
... other hello or legacy hello response fields ...
This spec requires clients to connect to the hostnames listed in the hello or legacy hello response. Furthermore, if the response is from a primary, the client MUST remove all hostnames not listed. In this case, the client disconnects from "host_alias" and tries "host1" and "host2". (See updateRSFromPrimary.)
Thus, replica set members must be reachable from the client by the hostnames listed in the replica set config.
An alternative proposal is for clients to continue using the hostnames in the seed list. It could add new hosts from the hello or legacy hello response, and where a host is known by two names, the client can deduplicate them using the "me" field and prefer the name in the seed list.
This proposal was rejected because it does not support key features of replica sets: failover and zero-downtime reconfiguration.
In our example, if "host1" and "host2" are not reachable from the client, the client continues to use "host_alias" only. If that server goes down or is removed by a replica set reconfig, the client is suddenly unable to reach the replica set at all: by allowing the client to use the alias, we have hidden the fact that the replica set's failover feature will not work in a crisis or during a reconfig.
In conclusion, to support key features of replica sets, we require that the hostnames used in a replica set config are reachable from the client.
Backwards Compatibility
The Java driver 2.12.1 has a "heartbeatConnectRetryFrequency". Since this spec recommends the option be named "minHeartbeatFrequencyMS", the Java driver must deprecate its old option and rename it minHeartbeatFrequency (for consistency with its other options which also lack the "MS" suffix).
Reference Implementation
- Java driver 3.x
- PyMongo 3.x
- Perl driver 1.0.0 (in progress)
Future Work
MongoDB is likely to add some of the following features, which will require updates to this spec:
- Eventually consistent collections (SERVER-2956)
- Mongos discovery (SERVER-1834)
- Put individual databases into maintenance mode, instead of the whole server (SERVER-7826)
- Put setVersion in write-command responses (SERVER-13909)
Questions and Answers
When does a client see "not writable primary" or "node is recovering"?
These errors indicate one of these:
- A write was attempted on an unwritable server (arbiter, secondary, ghost, or recovering).
- A read was attempted on an unreadable server (arbiter, ghost, or recovering) or a read was attempted on a read-only server without the secondaryOk bit set.
- An operation was attempted on a server that is now shutting down.
In any case the error is a symptom that a ServerDescription's type no longer reflects reality.
On MongoDB 4.0 and earlier, a primary closes its connections when it steps down, so in many cases the next operation causes a network error rather than "not writable primary". The driver can see a "not writable primary" error in the following scenario:
- The client discovers the primary.
- The primary steps down.
- Before the client checks the server and discovers the stepdown, the application attempts an operation.
- The client's connection pool is empty, either because it has never attempted an operation on this server, or because all connections are in use by other threads.
- The client creates a connection to the old primary.
- The client attempts to write, or to read without the secondaryOk bit, and receives "not writable primary".
See "not writable primary" and "node is recovering", and the test scenario called "parsing 'not writable primary' and 'node is recovering' errors".
Why close connections when a node is shutting down?
When a server shuts down, it will return one of the "node is shutting down" errors for each attempted operation and eventually will close all connections. Keeping a connection to a server which is shutting down open would only produce errors on this connection - such a connection will never be usable for any operations. In contrast, when a server 4.2 or later returns "not writable primary" error the connection may be usable for other operations (such as secondary reads).
What's the point of periodic monitoring?
Why not just wait until a "not writable primary" error or "node is recovering" error informs the client that its TopologyDescription is wrong? Or wait until server selection fails to find a suitable server, and only scan all servers then?
Periodic monitoring accomplishes three objectives:
- Update each server's type, tags, and round trip time. Read preferences and the mongos selection algorithm require this information remains up to date.
- Discover new secondaries so that secondary reads are evenly spread.
- Detect incremental changes to the replica set configuration, so that the client remains connected to the set even while it is migrated to a completely new set of hosts.
If the application uses some servers very infrequently, monitoring can also proactively detect state changes (primary stepdown, server becoming unavailable) that would otherwise cause future errors.
Why is auto-discovery the preferred default?
Auto-discovery is most resilient and is therefore preferred.
Why is it possible for maxSetVersion to go down?
and maxSetVersion
are actually considered a pair of values Drivers MAY consider implementing
comparison in code as a tuple of the two to ensure their always updated together:
// New tuple old tuple
{ electionId: 2, setVersion: 1 } > { electionId: 1, setVersion: 50 }
In this scenario, the maxSetVersion goes from 50 to 1, but the maxElectionId is raised to 2.
Jeff Yemin's code for the Java driver 2.12, and his patient explanation thereof, is the major inspiration for this spec. Mathias Stearn's beautiful design for replica set monitoring in mongos 2.6 contributed as well. Bernie Hackett gently oversaw the specification process.
2015-12-17: Require clients to compare (setVersion, electionId) tuples.
2015-10-09: Specify electionID comparison method.
2015-06-16: Added cooldownMS.
2016-05-04: Added link to SDAM monitoring.
2016-07-18: Replace mentions of the "Read Preferences Spec" with "Server Selection Spec", and "secondaryAcceptableLatencyMS" with "localThresholdMS".
2016-07-21: Updated for Max Staleness support.
2016-08-04: Explain better why clients use the hostnames in RS config, not URI.
2016-08-31: Multi-threaded clients SHOULD use hello or legacy hello replies to update the topology when they handshake application connections.
2016-10-06: In updateRSWithoutPrimary the hello or legacy hello response's "primary" field should be used to update the topology description, even if address != me.
2016-10-29: Allow for idleWritePeriodMS to change someday.
2016-11-01: "Unknown" is no longer the default TopologyType, the default is now explicitly unspecified. Update instructions for setting the initial TopologyType when running the spec tests.
2016-11-21: Revert changes that would allow idleWritePeriodMS to change in the future.
2017-02-28: Update "network error when reading or writing": timeout while connecting does mark a server Unknown, unlike a timeout while reading or writing. Justify the different behaviors, and also remove obsolete reference to auto-retry.
2017-06-13: Move socketCheckIntervalMS to Server Selection Spec.
2017-08-01: Parse logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes from hello or legacy hello reply.
2017-08-11: Clearer specification of "incompatible" logic.
2017-09-01: Improved incompatibility error messages.
2018-03-28: Specify that monitoring must not do mechanism negotiation or authentication.
2019-05-29: Renamed InterruptedDueToStepDown to InterruptedDueToReplStateChange
2020-02-13: Drivers must run SDAM flow even when server description is equal to the last one.
2020-03-31: Add topologyVersion to ServerDescription. Add rules for ignoring stale application errors.
2020-05-07: Include error field in ServerDescription equality comparison.
2020-06-08: Clarify reasoning behind how SDAM determines if a topologyVersion is stale.
2020-12-17: Mark the pool for a server as "ready" after performing a successful check. Synchronize pool clearing with SDAM updates.
2021-01-17: Require clients to compare (electionId, setVersion) tuples.
2021-02-11: Errors encountered during auth are handled by SDAM. Auth errors mark the server Unknown and clear the pool.
2021-04-12: Adding in behaviour for load balancer mode.
2021-05-03: Require parsing "isWritablePrimary" field in responses.
2021-06-09: Connection pools must be created and eventually marked ready for any server if a direct connection is used.
2021-06-29: Updated to use modern terminology.
2022-01-19: Add iscryptd and 90th percentile RTT fields to ServerDescription.
2022-07-11: Convert integration tests to the unified format.
2022-09-30: Update
to include logic before and after 6.0 servers -
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter, move footnote, and reformat changelog.
2022-11-17: Add minimum RTT tracking and remove 90th percentile RTT.
2024-01-17: Add section on expected client close behaviour
2024-05-08: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2024-08-09: Updated wire versions in tests to 4.0+.
2024-08-16: Updated host b wire versions in
tests -
2024-11-04: Make the description of
consistent with the spec tests. -
2024-11-11: Removed references to
2025-01-22: Add error messages when a new primary is elected or a primary with a stale electionId or setVersion is discovered.
"localThresholdMS" was called "secondaryAcceptableLatencyMS" in the Read Preferences Spec, before it was superseded by the Server Selection Spec.
Connection Monitoring and Pooling
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
Drivers currently support a variety of options that allow users to configure connection pooling behavior. Users are confused by drivers supporting different subsets of these options. Additionally, drivers implement their connection pools differently, making it difficult to design cross-driver pool functionality. By unifying and codifying pooling options and behavior across all drivers, we will increase user comprehension and code base maintainability.
This specification does not apply to drivers that do not support multitasking.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
A Connection (when linked) refers to the Connection
type defined in the
Connection Pool Members section of this specification. It does not refer to an actual TCP
connection to an Endpoint. A Connection
will attempt to create and wrap such a TCP connection over the course of its
existence, but it is not equivalent to one nor does it wrap an active one at all times.
For the purposes of testing, a mocked Connection
type could be used with the pool that never actually creates a TCP
connection or performs any I/O.
For convenience, an Endpoint refers to either a mongod or mongos instance.
For convenience, a Thread refers to:
- A shared-address-space process (a.k.a. a thread) in multi-threaded drivers
- An Execution Frame / Continuation in asynchronous drivers
- A goroutine in Go
Behavioral Description
Which Drivers this applies to
This specification is solely concerned with drivers that implement a connection pool. A driver SHOULD implement a connection pool, but is not required to.
Connection Pool Options
All drivers that implement a connection pool MUST implement and conform to the same MongoClient options. There can be slight deviation in naming to make the options idiomatic to the driver language.
Connection Pool Behaviors
All driver connection pools MUST provide an API that allows the driver to check out a connection, check in a connection back to the pool, and clear all connections in the pool. This API is for internal use only, and SHOULD NOT be documented as a public API.
Connection Pool Monitoring
All drivers that implement a connection pool MUST provide an API that allows users to subscribe to events emitted from the pool. Conceptually, event emission is instantaneous, i.e., one may talk about the instant an event is emitted, and represents the start of an activity of delivering the event to a subscribed user.
Detailed Design
Connection Pool Options
Drivers that implement a Connection Pool MUST support the following ConnectionPoolOptions:
interface ConnectionPoolOptions {
* The maximum number of Connections that may be associated
* with a pool at a given time. This includes in use and
* available connections.
* If specified, MUST be an integer >= 0.
* A value of 0 means there is no limit.
* Defaults to 100.
maxPoolSize?: number;
* The minimum number of Connections that MUST exist at any moment
* in a single connection pool.
* If specified, MUST be an integer >= 0. If maxPoolSize is > 0
* then minPoolSize must be <= maxPoolSize
* Defaults to 0.
minPoolSize?: number;
* The maximum amount of time a Connection should remain idle
* in the connection pool before being marked idle.
* If specified, MUST be a number >= 0.
* A value of 0 means there is no limit.
* Defaults to 0.
maxIdleTimeMS?: number;
* The maximum number of Connections a Pool may be establishing concurrently.
* Establishment of a Connection is a part of its life cycle
* starting after a ConnectionCreatedEvent and ending before a ConnectionReadyEvent.
* If specified, MUST be a number > 0.
* Defaults to 2.
maxConnecting?: number;
Additionally, Drivers that implement a Connection Pool MUST support the following ConnectionPoolOptions UNLESS that driver meets ALL of the following conditions:
- The driver/language currently has an idiomatic timeout mechanism implemented
- The timeout mechanism conforms to the aggressive requirement of timing out a thread in the WaitQueue
interface ConnectionPoolOptions {
* NOTE: This option has been deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
* The maximum amount of time a thread can wait for
* either an available non-perished connection (limited by `maxPoolSize`),
* or a pending connection (limited by `maxConnecting`).
* If specified, MUST be a number >= 0.
* A value of 0 means there is no limit.
* Defaults to 0.
waitQueueTimeoutMS?: number;
These options MUST be specified at the MongoClient level, and SHOULD be named in a manner idiomatic to the driver's language. All connection pools created by a MongoClient MUST use the same ConnectionPoolOptions.
When parsing a mongodb connection string, a user MUST be able to specify these options using the default names specified above.
Deprecated Options
The following ConnectionPoolOptions are considered deprecated. They MUST NOT be implemented if they do not already exist in a driver, and they SHOULD be deprecated and removed from drivers that implement them as early as possible:
interface ConnectionPoolOptions {
* The maximum number of threads that can simultaneously wait
* for a Connection to become available.
waitQueueSize?: number;
* An alternative way of setting waitQueueSize, it specifies
* the maximum number of threads that can wait per connection.
* waitQueueSize === waitQueueMultiple * maxPoolSize
waitQueueMultiple?: number
Connection Pool Members
A driver-defined wrapper around a single TCP connection to an Endpoint. A Connection has the following properties:
- Single Endpoint: A Connection MUST be associated with a single Endpoint. A Connection MUST NOT be associated with multiple Endpoints.
- Single Lifetime: A Connection MUST NOT be used after it is closed.
- Single Owner: A Connection MUST belong to exactly one Pool, and MUST NOT be shared across multiple pools
- Single Track: A Connection MUST limit itself to one request / response at a time. A Connection MUST NOT multiplex/pipeline requests to an Endpoint.
- Monotonically Increasing ID: A Connection MUST have an ID number associated with it. Connection IDs within a Pool MUST be assigned in order of creation, starting at 1 and increasing by 1 for each new Connection.
- Valid Connection: A connection MUST NOT be checked out of the pool until it has successfully and fully completed a MongoDB Handshake and Authentication as specified in the Handshake, OP_COMPRESSED, and Authentication specifications.
- Perishable: it is possible for a Connection to become Perished. A Connection is
considered perished if any of the following are true:
- Stale: The Connection 's generation does not match the generation of the parent pool
- Idle: The Connection is currently "available" (as defined below) and has been for longer than maxIdleTimeMS.
- Errored: The Connection has experienced an error that indicates it is no longer recommended for
use. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Network Error
- Network Timeout
- Endpoint closing the connection
- Driver-Side Timeout
- Wire-Protocol Error
interface Connection {
* An id number associated with the Connection
id: number;
* The address of the pool that owns this Connection
address: string;
* An integer representing the "generation" of the pool
* when this Connection was created.
generation: number;
* The current state of the Connection.
* Possible values are the following:
* - "pending": The Connection has been created but has not yet been established. Contributes to
* totalConnectionCount and pendingConnectionCount.
* - "available": The Connection has been established and is waiting in the pool to be checked
* out. Contributes to both totalConnectionCount and availableConnectionCount.
* - "in use": The Connection has been established, checked out from the pool, and has yet
* to be checked back in. Contributes to totalConnectionCount.
* - "closed": The Connection has had its socket closed and cannot be used for any future
* operations. Does not contribute to any connection counts.
* Note: this field is mainly used for the purposes of describing state
* in this specification. It is not required that drivers
* actually include this field in their implementations of Connection.
state: "pending" | "available" | "in use" | "closed";
A concept that represents pending requests for Connections. When a thread requests a Connection from a Pool, the thread enters the Pool's WaitQueue. A thread stays in the WaitQueue until it either receives a Connection or times out. A WaitQueue has the following traits:
- Thread-Safe: When multiple threads attempt to enter or exit a WaitQueue, they do so in a thread-safe manner.
- Ordered/fair: When Connections are made available, they SHOULD be issued out to threads in the order that the threads entered the WaitQueue. If this is behavior poses too much of an implementation burden, then at the very least threads that have entered the queue more recently MUST NOT be intentionally prioritized over those that entered it earlier.
- Timeout aggressively: Members of a WaitQueue MUST timeout if they are enqueued for longer than the computed timeout and MUST leave the WaitQueue immediately in this case.
The implementation details of a WaitQueue are left to the driver. Example implementations include:
- A fair Semaphore
- A Queue of callbacks
Connection Pool
A driver-defined entity that encapsulates all non-monitoring Connections associated with a single Endpoint. The pool has the following properties:
- Thread Safe: All Pool behaviors MUST be thread safe.
- Not Fork-Safe: A Pool is explicitly not fork-safe. If a Pool detects that is it being used by a forked process, it MUST immediately clear itself and update its pid
- Single Owner: A Pool MUST be associated with exactly one Endpoint, and MUST NOT be shared between Endpoints.
- Emit Events and Log Messages: A Pool MUST emit pool events and log messages when dictated by this spec (see Connection Pool Monitoring). Users MUST be able to subscribe to emitted events and log messages in a manner idiomatic to their language and driver.
- Closeable: A Pool MUST be able to be manually closed. When a Pool is closed, the following behaviors change:
- Checking in a Connection to the Pool automatically closes the Connection
- Attempting to check out a Connection from the Pool results in an Error
- Clearable: A Pool MUST be able to be cleared. Clearing the pool marks all pooled and checked out Connections as stale and lazily closes them as they are checkedIn or encountered in checkOut. Additionally, all requests are evicted from the WaitQueue and return errors that are considered non-timeout network errors.
- Pausable: A Pool MUST be able to be paused and resumed. A Pool is paused automatically when it is cleared, and it
can be resumed by being marked as "ready". While the Pool is paused, it exhibits the following behaviors:
- Attempting to check out a Connection from the Pool results in a non-timeout network error
- Connections are not created in the background to satisfy minPoolSize
- Capped: a pool is capped if maxPoolSize is set to a non-zero value. If a pool is capped, then its total number of Connections (including available and in use) MUST NOT exceed maxPoolSize
- Rate-limited: A Pool MUST limit the number of Connections being established concurrently via the maxConnecting pool option.
interface ConnectionPool {
* The Queue of threads waiting for a Connection to be available
waitQueue: WaitQueue;
* A generation number representing the SDAM generation of the pool.
generation: number;
* A map representing the various generation numbers for various services
* when in load balancer mode.
serviceGenerations: Map<ObjectId, [number, number]>;
* The state of the pool.
* Possible values are the following:
* - "paused": The initial state of the pool. Connections may not be checked out nor can they
* be established in the background to satisfy minPoolSize. Clearing a pool
* transitions it to this state.
* - "ready": The healthy state of the pool. It can service checkOut requests and create
* connections in the background. The pool can be set to this state via the
* ready() method.
* - "closed": The pool is destroyed. No more Connections may ever be checked out nor any
* created in the background. The pool can be set to this state via the close()
* method. The pool cannot transition to any other state after being closed.
state: "paused" | "ready" | "closed";
// Any of the following connection counts may be computed rather than
// actually stored on the pool.
* An integer expressing how many total Connections
* ("pending" + "available" + "in use") the pool currently has
totalConnectionCount: number;
* An integer expressing how many Connections are currently
* available in the pool.
availableConnectionCount: number;
* An integer expressing how many Connections are currently
* being established.
pendingConnectionCount: number;
* Returns a Connection for use
checkOut(): Connection;
* Check in a Connection back to the Connection pool
checkIn(connection: Connection): void;
* Mark all current Connections as stale, clear the WaitQueue, and mark the pool as "paused".
* No connections may be checked out or created in this pool until ready() is called again.
* interruptInUseConnections specifies whether the pool will force interrupt "in use" connections as part of the clear.
* Default false.
clear(interruptInUseConnections: Optional<Boolean>): void;
* Mark the pool as "ready", allowing checkOuts to resume and connections to be created in the background.
* A pool can only transition from "paused" to "ready". A "closed" pool
* cannot be marked as "ready" via this method.
ready(): void;
* Marks the pool as "closed", preventing the pool from creating and returning new Connections
close(): void;
Connection Pool Behaviors
Creating a Connection Pool
This specification does not define how a pool is to be created, leaving it up to the driver. Creation of a connection pool is generally an implementation detail of the driver, i.e., is not a part of the public API of the driver. The SDAM specification defines when the driver should create connection pools.
When a pool is created, its state MUST initially be set to "paused". Even if minPoolSize is set, the pool MUST NOT begin being populated with Connections until it has been marked as "ready". SDAM will mark the pool as "ready" on each successful check. See Connection Pool Management section in the SDAM specification for more information.
set generation to 0
set state to "paused"
emit PoolCreatedEvent and equivalent log message
Closing a Connection Pool
When a pool is closed, it MUST first close all available Connections in that pool. This results in the following behavior changes:
- In use Connections MUST be closed when they are checked in to the closed pool.
- Attempting to check out a Connection MUST result in an error.
mark pool as "closed"
for connection in availableConnections:
close connection
emit PoolClosedEvent and equivalent log message
Marking a Connection Pool as Ready
Connection Pools start off as "paused", and they are marked as "ready" by monitors after they perform successful server checks. Once a pool is "ready", it can start checking out Connections and populating them in the background.
If the pool is already "ready" when this method is invoked, then this method MUST immediately return and MUST NOT emit a PoolReadyEvent.
mark pool as "ready"
emit PoolReadyEvent and equivalent log message
allow background thread to create connections
Note that the PoolReadyEvent MUST be emitted before the background thread is allowed to resume creating new connections, and it must be the case that no observer is able to observe actions of the background thread related to creating new connections before observing the PoolReadyEvent event.
Creating a Connection (Internal Implementation)
When creating a Connection, the initial Connection is in a "pending" state. This only creates a "virtual" Connection, and performs no I/O.
connection = new Connection()
increment totalConnectionCount
increment pendingConnectionCount
set connection state to "pending"
tConnectionCreated = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCreatedEvent and equivalent log message
return connection
Establishing a Connection (Internal Implementation)
Before a Connection can be marked as either "available" or "in use", it must be established. This process involves performing the initial handshake, handling OP_COMPRESSED, and performing authentication.
connect connection via TCP / TLS
perform connection handshake
perform connection authentication
tConnectionReady = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionReadyEvent(duration = tConnectionReady - tConnectionCreated) and equivalent log message
return connection
except error:
close connection
throw error # Propagate error in manner idiomatic to language.
Closing a Connection (Internal Implementation)
When a Connection is closed, it MUST first be marked as "closed", removing it from being counted as "available" or "in use". Once that is complete, the Connection can perform whatever teardown is necessary to close its underlying socket. The Driver SHOULD perform this teardown in a non-blocking manner, such as via the use of a background thread or async I/O.
original state = connection state
set connection state to "closed"
if original state is "available":
decrement availableConnectionCount
else if original state is "pending":
decrement pendingConnectionCount
decrement totalConnectionCount
emit ConnectionClosedEvent and equivalent log message
# The following can happen at a later time (i.e. in background
# thread) or via non-blocking I/O.
Marking a Connection as Available (Internal Implementation)
A Connection is "available" if it is able to be checked out. A Connection MUST NOT be marked as "available" until it has been established. The pool MUST keep track of the number of currently available Connections.
increment availableConnectionCount
set connection state to "available"
add connection to availableConnections
Populating the Pool with a Connection (Internal Implementation)
"Populating" the pool involves preemptively creating and establishing a Connection which is marked as "available" for use in future operations.
Populating the pool MUST NOT block any application threads. For example, it could be performed on a background thread or via the use of non-blocking/async I/O. Populating the pool MUST NOT be performed unless the pool is "ready".
If an error is encountered while populating a connection, it MUST be handled via the SDAM machinery according to the Application Errors section in the SDAM specification.
If minPoolSize is set, the Connection Pool MUST be populated until it has at least minPoolSize total Connections. This MUST occur only while the pool is "ready". If the pool implements a background thread, it can be used for this. If the pool does not implement a background thread, the checkOut method is responsible for ensuring this requirement is met.
When populating the Pool, pendingConnectionCount has to be decremented after establishing a Connection similarly to how it is done in Checking Out a Connection to signal that another Connection is allowed to be established. Such a signal MUST become observable to any Thread after the action that marks the established Connection as "available" becomes observable to the Thread. Informally, this order guarantees that no Thread tries to start establishing a Connection when there is an "available" Connection established as a result of populating the Pool.
wait until pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting and pool is "ready"
create connection
establish connection
mark connection as available
except error:
# Defer error handling to SDAM.
Checking Out a Connection
A Pool MUST have a method that allows the driver to check out a Connection. Checking out a Connection involves submitting a request to the WaitQueue and, once that request reaches the front of the queue, having the Pool find or create a Connection to fulfill that request. Requests MUST be subject to a timeout which is computed per the rules in Client Side Operations Timeout: Server Selection.
To service a request for a Connection, the Pool MUST first iterate over the list of available Connections, searching for a non-perished one to be returned. If a perished Connection is encountered, such a Connection MUST be closed (as described in Closing a Connection) and the iteration of available Connections MUST continue until either a non-perished available Connection is found or the list of available Connections is exhausted.
If the list is exhausted, the total number of Connections is less than maxPoolSize, and pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting, the pool MUST create a Connection, establish it, mark it as "in use" and return it. If totalConnectionCount == maxPoolSize or pendingConnectionCount == maxConnecting, then the pool MUST wait to service the request until neither of those two conditions are met or until a Connection becomes available, re-entering the checkOut loop in either case. This waiting MUST NOT prevent Connections from being checked into the pool. Additionally, the Pool MUST NOT service any newer checkOut requests before fulfilling the original one which could not be fulfilled. For drivers that implement the WaitQueue via a fair semaphore, a condition variable may also be needed to meet this requirement. Waiting on the condition variable SHOULD also be limited by the WaitQueueTimeout, if the driver supports one and it was specified by the user.
If the pool is "closed" or "paused", any attempt to check out a Connection MUST throw an Error. The error thrown as a result of the pool being "paused" MUST be considered a retryable error and MUST NOT be an error that marks the SDAM state unknown.
If the pool does not implement a background thread, the checkOut method is responsible for ensuring that the pool is populated with at least minPoolSize Connections.
A Connection MUST NOT be checked out until it is established. In addition, the Pool MUST NOT prevent other threads from checking out Connections while establishing a Connection.
Before a given Connection is returned from checkOut, it must be marked as "in use", and the pool's availableConnectionCount MUST be decremented.
connection = Null
tConnectionCheckOutStarted = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent and equivalent log message
enter WaitQueue
wait until at top of wait queue
# Note that in a lock-based implementation of the wait queue would
# only allow one thread in the following block at a time
while connection is Null:
if a connection is available:
while connection is Null and a connection is available:
connection = next available connection
if connection is perished:
close connection
connection = Null
else if totalConnectionCount < maxPoolSize:
if pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting:
connection = create connection
# this waiting MUST NOT prevent other threads from checking Connections
# back in to the pool.
wait until pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting or a connection is available
except pool is "closed":
tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="poolClosed", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
throw PoolClosedError
except pool is "paused":
tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="connectionError", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
throw PoolClearedError
except timeout:
tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="timeout", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
throw WaitQueueTimeoutError
# This must be done in all drivers
leave wait queue
# If the Connection has not been established yet (TCP, TLS,
# handshake, compression, and auth), it must be established
# before it is returned.
# This MUST NOT block other threads from acquiring connections.
if connection state is "pending":
establish connection
except connection establishment error:
tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="connectionError", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
decrement totalConnectionCount
decrement pendingConnectionCount
decrement availableConnectionCount
set connection state to "in use"
# If there is no background thread, the pool MUST ensure that
# there are at least minPoolSize total connections.
do asynchronously:
while totalConnectionCount < minPoolSize:
populate the pool with a connection
tConnectionCheckedOut = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckedOutEvent(duration = tConnectionCheckedOut - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
return connection
Checking In a Connection
A Pool MUST have a method of allowing the driver to check in a Connection. The driver MUST NOT be allowed to check in a Connection to a Pool that did not create that Connection, and MUST throw an Error if this is attempted.
When the Connection is checked in, it MUST be closed if any of the following are true:
- The Connection is perished.
- The pool has been closed.
Otherwise, the Connection is marked as available.
emit ConnectionCheckedInEvent and equivalent log message
if connection is perished OR pool is closed:
close connection
mark connection as available
Clearing a Connection Pool
Clearing the pool involves different steps depending on whether the pool is in load balanced mode or not. The traditional / non-load balanced clearing behavior MUST NOT be used by pools in load balanced mode, and the load balanced pool clearing behavior MUST NOT be used in non-load balanced pools.
Clearing a non-load balanced pool
A Pool MUST have a method of clearing all Connections when instructed. Rather than iterating through every Connection, this method should simply increment the generation of the Pool, implicitly marking all current Connections as stale. It should also transition the pool's state to "paused" to halt the creation of new connections until it is marked as "ready" again. The checkOut and checkIn algorithms will handle clearing out stale Connections. If a user is subscribed to Connection Monitoring events and/or connection log messages, a PoolClearedEvent and log message MUST be emitted after incrementing the generation / marking the pool as "paused". If the pool is already "paused" when it is cleared, then the pool MUST NOT emit a PoolCleared event or log message.
As part of clearing the pool, the WaitQueue MUST also be cleared, meaning all requests in the WaitQueue MUST fail with errors indicating that the pool was cleared while the checkOut was being performed. The error returned as a result of the pool being cleared MUST be considered a retryable error and MUST NOT be an error that marks the SDAM state unknown. Clearing the WaitQueue MUST happen eagerly so that any operations waiting on Connections can retry as soon as possible. The pool MUST NOT rely on WaitQueueTimeoutMS to clear requests from the WaitQueue.
The clearing method MUST provide the option to interrupt any in-use connections as part of the clearing (henceforth referred to as the interruptInUseConnections flag in this specification). "Interrupting a Connection" is defined as canceling whatever task the Connection is currently performing and marking the Connection as perished (e.g. by closing its underlying socket). The interrupting of these Connections MUST be performed as soon as possible but MUST NOT block the pool or prevent it from processing further requests. If the pool has a background thread, and it is responsible for interrupting in-use connections, its next run MUST be scheduled as soon as possible.
The pool MUST only interrupt in-use Connections whose generation is less than or equal to the generation of the pool at
the moment of the clear (before the increment) that used the interruptInUseConnections flag. Any operations that have
their Connections interrupted in this way MUST fail with a retryable error. If possible, the error SHOULD be a
PoolClearedError with the following message: "Connection to <pool address> interrupted due to server monitor timeout"
Clearing a load balanced pool
A Pool MUST also have a method of clearing all Connections for a specific serviceId
for use when in
load balancer mode. This method increments the generation of the pool for that specific serviceId
in the generation
map. A PoolClearedEvent and log message MUST be emitted after incrementing the generation. Note that this method MUST
NOT transition the pool to the "paused" state and MUST NOT clear the WaitQueue.
Load Balancer Mode
For load-balanced deployments, pools MUST maintain a map from serviceId
to a tuple of (generation, connection count)
where the connection count refers to the total number of connections that exist for a specific serviceId
. The pool
MUST remove the entry for a serviceId
once the connection count reaches 0. Once the MongoDB handshake is done, the
connection MUST get the generation number that applies to its serviceId
from the map and update the map to increment
the connection count for this serviceId
See the Load Balancer Specification for details.
A Connection is explicitly not fork-safe. The proper behavior in the case of a fork is to ResetAfterFork by:
- clear all Connection Pools in the child process
- closing all Connections in the child-process.
Drivers that support forking MUST document that Connections to an Endpoint are not fork-safe, and document the proper way to ResetAfterFork in the driver.
Drivers MAY aggressively ResetAfterFork if the driver detects it has been forked.
Optional Behaviors
The following features of a Connection Pool SHOULD be implemented if they make sense in the driver and driver's language.
Background Thread
A Pool SHOULD have a background Thread that is responsible for monitoring the state of all available Connections. This background thread SHOULD
- Populate Connections to ensure that the pool always satisfies minPoolSize.
- Remove and close perished available Connections including "in use" connections if
option was set to true in the most recent pool clear. - Apply timeouts to connection establishment per Client Side Operations Timeout: Background Connection Pooling.
A pool SHOULD allow immediate scheduling of the next background thread iteration after a clear is performed.
Conceptually, the aforementioned activities are organized into sequential Background Thread Runs. A Run MUST do as much work as readily available and then end instead of waiting for more work. For example, instead of waiting for pendingConnectionCount to become less than maxConnecting when satisfying minPoolSize, a Run MUST either proceed with the rest of its duties, e.g., closing available perished connections, or end.
The duration of intervals between the end of one Run and the beginning of the next Run is not specified, but the Test Format and Runner Specification may restrict this duration, or introduce other restrictions to facilitate testing.
A Pool SHOULD implement a scoped resource management mechanism idiomatic to their language to prevent Connections from not being checked in. Examples include Python's "with" statement and C#'s "using" statement. If implemented, drivers SHOULD use this method as the default method of checking out and checking in Connections.
Connection Pool Monitoring
All drivers that implement a connection pool MUST provide an API that allows users to subscribe to events emitted from the pool. If a user subscribes to Connection Monitoring events, these events MUST be emitted when specified in "Connection Pool Behaviors". Events SHOULD be created and subscribed to in a manner idiomatic to their language and driver.
See the Load Balancer Specification for details on the serviceId
* Emitted when a Connection Pool is created
interface PoolCreatedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* Any non-default pool options that were set on this Connection Pool.
options: {...}
* Emitted when a Connection Pool is marked as ready.
interface PoolReadyEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* Emitted when a Connection Pool is cleared
interface PoolClearedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The service id for which the pool was cleared for in load balancing mode.
* See load balancer specification for more information about this field.
serviceId: Optional<ObjectId>;
* A flag whether the pool forced interrupting "in use" connections as part of the clear.
interruptInUseConnections: Optional<Boolean>;
* Emitted when a Connection Pool is closed
interface PoolClosedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* Emitted when a Connection Pool creates a Connection object.
* NOTE: This does not mean that the Connection is ready for use.
interface ConnectionCreatedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The ID of the Connection
connectionId: int64;
* Emitted when a Connection has finished its setup, and is now ready to use
interface ConnectionReadyEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The ID of the Connection
connectionId: int64;
* The time it took to establish the connection.
* In accordance with the definition of establishment of a connection
* specified by `ConnectionPoolOptions.maxConnecting`,
* it is the time elapsed between emitting a `ConnectionCreatedEvent`
* and emitting this event as part of the same checking out.
* Naturally, when establishing a connection is part of checking out,
* this duration is not greater than
* `ConnectionCheckedOutEvent`/`ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent.duration`.
* A driver MAY choose the type idiomatic to the driver.
* If the type chosen does not convey units, e.g., `int64`,
* then the driver MAY include units in the name, e.g., `durationMS`.
duration: Duration;
* Emitted when a Connection Pool closes a Connection
interface ConnectionClosedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The ID of the Connection
connectionId: int64;
* A reason explaining why this Connection was closed.
* Can be implemented as a string or enum.
* Current valid values are:
* - "stale": The pool was cleared, making the Connection no longer valid
* - "idle": The Connection became stale by being available for too long
* - "error": The Connection experienced an error, making it no longer valid
* - "poolClosed": The pool was closed, making the Connection no longer valid
reason: string|Enum;
* Emitted when the driver starts attempting to check out a Connection
interface ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting
* to connect to.
address: string;
* Emitted when the driver's attempt to check out a Connection fails
interface ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* A reason explaining why Connection check out failed.
* Can be implemented as a string or enum.
* Current valid values are:
* - "poolClosed": The pool was previously closed, and cannot provide new Connections
* - "timeout": The Connection check out attempt exceeded the specified timeout
* - "connectionError": The Connection check out attempt experienced an error while setting up a new Connection
reason: string|Enum;
* See `ConnectionCheckedOutEvent.duration`.
duration: Duration;
* Emitted when the driver successfully checks out a Connection
interface ConnectionCheckedOutEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The ID of the Connection
connectionId: int64;
* The time it took to check out the connection.
* More specifically, the time elapsed between
* emitting a `ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent`
* and emitting this event as part of the same checking out.
* Naturally, if a new connection was not created (`ConnectionCreatedEvent`)
* and established (`ConnectionReadyEvent`) as part of checking out,
* this duration is usually
* not greater than `ConnectionPoolOptions.waitQueueTimeoutMS`,
* but MAY occasionally be greater than that,
* because a driver does not provide hard real-time guarantees.
* A driver MAY choose the type idiomatic to the driver.
* If the type chosen does not convey units, e.g., `int64`,
* then the driver MAY include units in the name, e.g., `durationMS`.
duration: Duration;
* Emitted when the driver checks in a Connection back to the Connection Pool
interface ConnectionCheckedInEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The ID of the Connection
connectionId: int64;
Connection Pool Logging
Please refer to the logging specification for details on logging implementations in general, including log levels, log components, handling of null values in log messages, and structured versus unstructured logging.
Drivers MUST support logging of connection pool information via the following types of log messages. These messages MUST
be logged at Debug
level and use the connection
log component. These messages MUST be emitted when specified in
"Connection Pool Behaviors".
The log messages are intended to match the information contained in the events above. Drivers MAY implement connection logging support via an event subscriber if it is convenient to do so.
The types used in the structured message definitions below are demonstrative, and drivers MAY use similar types instead so long as the information is present (e.g. a double instead of an integer, or a string instead of an integer if the structured logging framework does not support numeric types).
Common Fields
All connection log messages MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
serverHost | String | the hostname, IP address, or Unix domain socket path for the endpoint the pool is for. |
serverPort | Int | The port for the endpoint the pool is for. Optional; not present for Unix domain sockets. When the user does not specify a port and the default (27017) is used, the driver SHOULD include it here. |
Pool Created Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection pool created" |
maxIdleTimeMS | Int | The maxIdleTimeMS value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the user specified a value. |
minPoolSize | Int | The minPoolSize value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the user specified a value. |
maxPoolSize | Int | The maxPoolSize value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the user specified a value. |
maxConnecting | Int | The maxConnecting value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value. |
waitQueueTimeoutMS | Int | The waitQueueTimeoutMS value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value. |
waitQueueSize | Int | The waitQueueSize value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value. |
waitQueueMultiple | Int | The waitQueueMultiple value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection pool created for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} using options maxIdleTimeMS={{maxIdleTimeMS}}, minPoolSize={{minPoolSize}}, maxPoolSize={{maxPoolSize}}, maxConnecting={{maxConnecting}}, waitQueueTimeoutMS={{waitQueueTimeoutMS}}, waitQueueSize={{waitQueueSize}}, waitQueueMultiple={{waitQueueMultiple}}
Pool Ready Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection pool ready" |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection pool ready for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}
Pool Cleared Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection pool cleared" |
serviceId | String | The hex string representation of the service ID which the pool was cleared for. Optional; only present in load balanced mode. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection pool for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} cleared for serviceId {{serviceId}}
Pool Closed Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection pool closed" |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection pool closed for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}
Connection Created Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection created" |
driverConnectionId | Int64 | The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection created: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}
Connection Ready Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection ready" |
driverConnectionId | Int64 | The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection. |
durationMS | Int32/Int64/Double | ConnectionReadyEvent.duration converted to milliseconds. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection ready: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}, established in={{durationMS}} ms
Connection Closed Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection closed" |
driverConnectionId | Int64 | The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in a Connection. |
reason | String | A string describing the reason the connection was closed. The following strings MUST be used for each possible reason as defined in Events above: - Stale: "Connection became stale because the pool was cleared - Idle: "Connection has been available but unused for longer than the configured max idle time" - Error: "An error occurred while using the connection" - Pool closed: "Connection pool was closed" |
error | Flexible | If reason is Error , the associated error.The type and format of this value is flexible; see the logging specification for details on representing errors in log messages. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection closed: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}. Reason: {{reason}}. Error: {{error}}
Connection Checkout Started Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection checkout started" |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Checkout started for connection to {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}
Connection Checkout Failed Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection checkout failed" |
reason | String | A string describing the reason checkout. The following strings MUST be used for each possible reason as defined in Events above: - Timeout: "Wait queue timeout elapsed without a connection becoming available" - ConnectionError: "An error occurred while trying to establish a new connection" - Pool closed: "Connection pool was closed" |
error | Flexible | If reason is ConnectionError , the associated error. The type and format of this value is flexible; see the logging specification for details on representing errors in log messages. |
durationMS | Int32/Int64/Double | ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent.duration converted to milliseconds. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Checkout failed for connection to {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}. Reason: {{reason}}. Error: {{error}}. Duration: {{durationMS}} ms
Connection Checked Out
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection checked out" |
driverConnectionId | Int64 | The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection. |
durationMS | Int32/Int64/Double | ConnectionCheckedOutEvent.duration converted to milliseconds. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection checked out: address={serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}, duration={{durationMS}} ms
Connection Checked In
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection checked in" |
driverConnectionId | Int64 | The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection checked in: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}
Connection Pool Errors
A connection pool throws errors in specific circumstances. These Errors MUST be emitted by the pool. Errors SHOULD be created and dispatched in a manner idiomatic to the Driver and Language.
* Thrown when the driver attempts to check out a
* Connection from a closed Connection Pool
interface PoolClosedError {
message: 'Attempted to check out a Connection from closed connection pool';
address: <pool address>;
* Thrown when the driver attempts to check out a
* Connection from a paused Connection Pool
interface PoolClearedError extends RetryableError {
message: 'Connection pool for <pool address> was cleared because another operation failed with: <original error which cleared the pool>';
address: <pool address>;
* Thrown when a driver times out when attempting to check out
* a Connection from a Pool
interface WaitQueueTimeoutError {
message: 'Timed out while checking out a Connection from connection pool';
address: <pool address>;
Test Plan
See tests/README
Design Rationale
Why do we set minPoolSize across all members of a replicaSet, when most traffic will be against a Primary?
Currently, we are attempting to codify our current pooling behavior with minimal changes, and minPoolSize is currently uniform across all members of a replicaSet. This has the benefit of offsetting connection swarming during a Primary Step-Down, which will be further addressed in our Advanced Pooling Behaviors.
Why do we have separate ConnectionCreated and ConnectionReady events, but only one ConnectionClosed event?
ConnectionCreated and ConnectionReady each involve different state changes in the pool.
- ConnectionCreated adds a new "pending" Connection, meaning the totalConnectionCount and pendingConnectionCount increase by one
- ConnectionReady establishes that the Connection is ready for use, meaning the availableConnectionCount increases by one
ConnectionClosed indicates that the Connection is no longer a member of the pool, decrementing totalConnectionCount and potentially availableConnectionCount. After this point, the Connection is no longer a part of the pool. Further hypothetical events would not indicate a change to the state of the pool, so they are not specified here.
Why are waitQueueSize and waitQueueMultiple deprecated?
These options were originally only implemented in three drivers (Java, C#, and Python), and provided little value. While these fields would allow for faster diagnosis of issues in the connection pool, they would not actually prevent an error from occurring.
Additionally, these options have the effect of prioritizing newer requests over older requests, which is not necessarily the behavior that users want. For example, consider a situation when a WaitQueue is full, and a request for Connection gets rejected. Then a spot opens in the WaitQueue, and a newer request gets accepted. One may say that the newer request was prioritized over the older one, which violates the fairness recommendation that the WaitQueue normally adheres to.
Because of these issues, it does not make sense to go against driver mantras and provide an additional knob. We may eventually pursue an alternative configuration to address wait queue size in Advanced Pooling Behaviors.
Users that wish to have this functionality can achieve similar results by utilizing other methods to limit concurrency.
Examples include implementing either a thread pool or an operation queue with a capped size in the user application.
Drivers that need to deprecate waitQueueSize
and/or waitQueueMultiple
SHOULD refer users to these examples.
Why is waitQueueTimeoutMS optional for some drivers?
We are anticipating eventually introducing a single client-side timeout mechanism, making us hesitant to introduce another granular timeout control. Therefore, if a driver/language already has an idiomatic way to implement their timeouts, they should leverage that mechanism over implementing waitQueueTimeoutMS.
Why must populating the pool require the use of a background thread or async I/O?
Without the use of a background thread, the pool is populated with enough connections to satisfy minPoolSize during checkOut. Connections are established as part of populating the pool though, so if Connection establishment were done in a blocking fashion, the first operations after a clearing of the pool would experience unacceptably high latency, especially for larger values of minPoolSize. Thus, populating the pool must occur on a background thread (which is acceptable to block) or via the usage of non-blocking (async) I/O.
Why should closing a connection be non-blocking?
Because idle and perished Connections are cleaned up as part of checkOut, performing blocking I/O while closing such Connections would block application threads, introducing unnecessary latency. Once a Connection is marked as "closed", it will not be checked out again, so ensuring the socket is torn down does not need to happen immediately and can happen at a later time, either via async I/O or a background thread.
Why can the pool be paused?
The distinction between the "paused" state and the "ready" state allows the pool to determine whether or not the endpoint it is associated with is available or not. This enables the following behaviors:
- The pool can halt the creation of background connection establishments until the endpoint becomes available again. Without the "paused" state, the pool would have no way of determining when to begin establishing background connections again, so it would just continually attempt, and often fail, to create connections until minPoolSize was satisfied, even after repeated failures. This could unnecessarily waste resources both server and driver side.
- The pool can evict requests that enter the WaitQueue after the pool was cleared but before the server was in a known state again. Such requests can occur when a server is selected at the same time as it becomes marked as Unknown in highly concurrent workloads. Without the "paused" state, the pool would attempt to service these requests, since it would assume they were routed to the pool because its endpoint was available, not because of a race between SDAM and Server Selection. These requests would then likely fail with potentially high latency, again wasting resources both server and driver side.
Why not emit PoolCleared events and log messages when clearing a paused pool?
If a pool is already paused when it is cleared, that means it was previously cleared and no new connections have been created since then. Thus, clearing the pool in this case is essentially a no-op, so there is no need to notify any listeners that it has occurred. The generation is still incremented, however, to ensure future errors that caused the duplicate clear will stop attempting to clear the pool again. This situation is possible if the pool is cleared by the background thread after it encounters an error establishing a connection, but the ServerDescription for the endpoint was not updated accordingly yet.
Why does the pool need to support interrupting in use connections as part of its clear logic?
If a SDAM monitor has observed a network timeout, we assume that all connections including "in use" connections are no longer healthy. In some cases connections will fail to detect the network timeout fast enough. For example, a server request can hang at the OS level in TCP retry loop up for 17 minutes before failing. Therefore these connections MUST be proactively interrupted in the case of a server monitor network timeout. Requesting an immediate background thread run will speed up this process.
Why don't we configure TCP_USER_TIMEOUT?
Ideally, a reasonable TCP_USER_TIMEOUT can help with detecting stale connections as an alternative to
in Clear. Unfortunately this approach is platform dependent and not each driver allows
easily configuring it. For example, C# driver can configure this socket option on linux only with target frameworks
higher or equal to .net 5.0. On macOS, there is no straight equivalent for this option, it's possible that we can find
some equivalent configuration, but this configuration will also require target frameworks higher than or equal to .net
5.0. The advantage of using Background Thread to manage perished connections is that it will work regardless of
environment setup.
Backwards Compatibility
As mentioned in Deprecated Options, some drivers currently implement the options waitQueueSize
and/or waitQueueMultiple
. These options will need to be deprecated and phased out of the drivers that have implemented
Reference Implementations
- JAVA (JAVA-3079)
- RUBY (RUBY-1560)
Future Development
This specification does not dictate how SDAM Monitoring connections are managed. SDAM specifies that "A monitor SHOULD NOT use the client's regular Connection pool". Some possible solutions for this include:
- Having each Endpoint representation in the driver create and manage a separate dedicated Connection for monitoring purposes
- Having each Endpoint representation in the driver maintain a separate pool of maxPoolSize 1 for monitoring purposes.
- Having each Pool maintain a dedicated Connection for monitoring purposes, with an API to expose that Connection.
Advanced Pooling Behaviors
This spec does not address all advanced pooling behaviors like predictive pooling or aggressive Connection creation. Future work may address this.
Add support for OP_MSG exhaustAllowed
Exhaust Cursors may require changes to how we close Connections in the future, specifically to add a way to close and remove from its pool a Connection which has unread exhaust messages.
2025-01-22: Clarify durationMS in logs may be Int32/Int64/Double.
2024-11-27: Relaxed the WaitQueue fairness requirement.
2024-11-01: Fixed race condition in pool-checkout-returned-connection-maxConnecting.yml test.
2024-01-23: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2019-06-06: Add "connectionError" as a valid reason for ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent
2020-09-03: Clarify Connection states and definition. Require the use of a background thread and/or async I/O. Add tests to ensure ConnectionReadyEvents are fired after ConnectionCreatedEvents.
2020-09-24: Introduce maxConnecting requirement
2020-12-17: Introduce "paused" and "ready" states. Clear WaitQueue on pool clear.
2021-01-12: Clarify "clear" method behavior in load balancer mode.
2021-01-19: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout specification.
2021-04-12: Adding in behaviour for load balancer mode.
2021-06-02: Formalize the behavior of a Background Thread.
2021-11-08: Make maxConnecting configurable.
2022-04-05: Preemptively cancel in progress operations when SDAM heartbeats timeout.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-10-14: Add connection pool log messages and associated tests.
2023-04-17: Fix duplicate logging test description.
2023-08-04: Add durations to connection pool events.
2023-10-04: Commit to the currently specified requirements regarding durations in events.
Load Balancer Support
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 5.0
This specification defines driver behaviour when connected to MongoDB services through a load balancer.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
An abbreviated form of "Server Discovery and Monitoring", specification defined in Server Discovery and Monitoring Specification.
Any MongoDB service that can run behind a load balancer.
MongoClient Configuration
To specify to the driver to operate in load balancing mode, a connection string option of loadBalanced=true
added to the connection string. This boolean option specifies whether or not the driver is connecting to a MongoDB
cluster through a load balancer. The default value MUST be false. This option MUST only be configurable at the level of
a MongoClient
URI Validation
When loadBalanced=true
is provided in the connection string, the driver MUST throw an exception in the following
- The connection string contains more than one host/port.
- The connection string contains a
option. - The connection string contains a
option with a value oftrue
. - The connection string contains an
option with a positive integer value.
If a URI is provided with the mongodb+srv
scheme, the driver MUST first do the SRV and TXT lookup and then perform the
validation. For drivers that do SRV lookup asynchronously this may result in a MongoClient
being instantiated but
erroring later during operation execution.
DNS Seedlist Discovery
The connection string option for loadBalanced=true
MUST be valid in a TXT record and when present MUST be validated as
defined in the URI Validation section.
When a MongoClient is configured with an SRV URI and loadBalanced=true
, the driver MUST NOT poll for changes in the
SRV record as is done for non-load balanced sharded clusters.
Server Discovery Logging and Monitoring
When loadBalanced=true
is specified in the URI the topology MUST start in type LoadBalanced
and MUST remain as
indefinitely. The topology MUST contain 1 ServerDescription
with a ServerType
of -
. The "address" field of the ServerDescription
MUST be set to the address field of the load
balancer. All other fields in the - Code:ServerDescription
MUST remain unset. In this mode the driver MUST NOT start a
monitoring connection. The TopologyDescription
's compatible
field MUST always be true
Although there is no monitoring connection in load balanced mode, drivers MUST emit the following series of SDAM events:
when the topology is created.TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent
. ThepreviousDescription
field MUST haveTopologyType
and no servers. ThenewDescription
MUST haveTopologyType
and one server withServerType
when the server representing the load balancer is created.ServerDescriptionChangedEvent
. ThepreviousDescription
MUST haveServerType
. ThenewDescription
MUST haveServerType
. ThenewDescription
MUST haveTopologyType
and one server withServerType
Drivers MUST also emit a ServerClosedEvent
followed by a TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent
that transitions the
to the UNKNOWN
state and a TopologyClosedEvent
when the topology is closed and MUST NOT emit any other
events when operating in this mode.
Log Messages
SDAM events details described in Monitoring apply to corresponding log messages. Please refer to the SDAM logging specification for details on SDAM logging. Drivers MUST emit the relevant SDAM log messages, such as:
- Starting Topology Monitoring
- Stopped Topology Mmonitoring
- Starting Server Monitoring
- Stopped Server Monitoring
- Topology Description Changed
Driver Sessions
Session Support
When the TopologyType
is LoadBalanced
, sessions are always supported.
Session Expiration
When in load balancer mode, drivers MUST ignore logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes
and MUST NOT prune client sessions from
the session pool when implemented by the driver.
Data-Bearing Server Type
A ServerType
of LoadBalancer
MUST be considered a data-bearing server.
Server Selection
A deployment of topology type Load Balanced contains one server of type LoadBalancer
For read and write operations, the single server in the topology MUST always be selected.
During command construction, the LoadBalancer server MUST be treated like a mongos and drivers MUST add a
field to the command when required by
Passing read preference to mongos and load balancers.
Connection Pooling
Connection Establishment
In the case of the driver having the loadBalanced=true
connection string option specified, every pooled connection
MUST add a loadBalanced
field to the - Code:hello
command in its
handshake. The value of the field MUST be true
. If
is specified then the OP_MSG
protocol MUST be used for all steps of the connection handshake.
Driver connection string contains loadBalanced=true
{ hello: 1, loadBalanced: true }
Driver connection string contains loadBalanced=false
or no - Code:loadBalanced
{ hello: 1 }
When the server's hello response does not contain a serviceId
field, the driver MUST throw an exception with the
message "Driver attempted to initialize in load balancing mode, but the server does not support this mode."
For single threaded drivers that do not use a connection pool, the driver MUST have only 1 socket connection to the load balancer in load balancing mode.
Connection Pinning
Some features in MongoDB such as cursors and transactions require sending multiple commands to the same mongos in a
sharded cluster. In load balanced mode, it is not possible to target the same mongos behind a load balancer when pooling
connections. To account for this, drivers MUST pin to a single connection for these features. When using a pinned
connection, the driver MUST emit only 1 - Code:ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent
, and only 1 ConnectionCheckedOutEvent
or ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent
. Similarly, the driver MUST only publish 1 - Code:ConnectionCheckedInEvent
Behaviour With Cursors
When the driver is in load balancing mode and executing any cursor-initiating command, the driver MUST NOT check the
connection back into the pool unless the command fails or the server returns a cursor ID of 0
(i.e. all documents are
returned in a single batch). Otherwise, the driver MUST continue to use the same connection for all subsequent -
commands for the cursor. The driver MUST check the connection back into the pool if the server returns a
cursor ID of 0
in a getMore
response (i.e. the cursor is drained). When the cursor's close
method is invoked,
either explicitly or via an implicit resource cleanup mechanism, the driver MUST use the same connection to execute a
command if necessary and then check the connection back into the pool regardless of the result.
For multi-threaded drivers, cursors with pinned connections MUST either document to the user that calling next()
operations on the cursor concurrently is not permitted, or explicitly prevent cursors from executing those
operations simultaneously.
If a getMore
fails with a network error, drivers MUST leave the connection pinned to the cursor. When the cursor's
method is invoked, drivers MUST NOT execute a killCursors
command because the pinned connection is no longer
valid and MUST return the connection back to the pool.
Behaviour With Transactions
When executing a transaction in load balancing mode, drivers MUST follow the rules outlined in Sharded Transactions with one exception: drivers MUST use the same connection for all commands in the transaction (excluding retries of commitTranscation and abortTransaction in some cases). Pinning to a single connection ensures that all commands in the transaction target the same service behind the load balancer. The rules for pinning to a connection and releasing a pinned connection are the same as those for server pinning in non-load balanced sharded transactions as described in When to unpin. Drivers MUST NOT use the same connection for two concurrent transactions run under different sessions from the same client.
Connection Tracking
The driver connection pool MUST track the purpose for which connections are checked out in the following 3 categories:
- Connections checked out for cursors
- Connections checked out for transactions
- Connections checked out for operations not falling under the previous 2 categories
When the connection pool's maxPoolSize
is reached and the pool times out waiting for a new connection the
MUST include a new detailed message, "Timeout waiting for connection from the connection pool.
maxPoolSize: n, connections in use by cursors: n, connections in use by transactions: n, connections in use by other
operations: n".
Error Handling
Initial Handshake Errors
When establishing a new connection in load balanced mode, drivers MUST NOT perform SDAM error handling for any errors
that occur before the MongoDB Handshake (i.e. hello
command) is complete. Errors during the MongoDB Handshake MUST
also be ignored for SDAM error handling purposes. Once the initial handshake is complete, the connection MUST determine
its generation number based on the serviceId
field in the handshake response. Any errors that occur during the rest of
connection establishment (e.g. errors during authentication commands) MUST go through the SDAM error handling flow but
MUST NOT mark the server as - Code:Unknown
and when requiring the connection pool to be cleared, MUST only clear
connections for the serviceId
Post-Handshake Errors
When the driver is operating in load balanced mode and an application operation receives a state change error, the
driver MUST NOT make any changes to the TopologyDescription
or the ServerDescription
of the load balancer (i.e. it
MUST NOT mark the load balancer as Unknown
). If the error requires the connection pool to be cleared, the driver MUST
only clear connections with the same serviceId
as the connection which errored.
When in load balancer mode the driver MUST now include the serviceId
in the - Code:CommandStartedEvent
, and - Code:CommandFailedEvent
. The driver MAY decide how to expose this information. Drivers
that have a ConnectionId
object for example, MAY choose to provide a - Code:serviceId
in that object. The
field is only present when in load balancer mode and connected to a service that is behind a load balancer.
Additionally the PoolClearedEvent
MUST also contain a serviceId
Downstream Visible Behavioral Changes
Services MAY add a command line option or other configuration parameter, that tells the service it is running behind a load balancer. Services MAY also dynamically determine whether they are behind a load balancer.
All services which terminate TLS MUST be configured to return a TLS certificate for a hostname which matches the hostname the client is connecting to.
All services behind a load balancer that have been started with the aforementioned option MUST add a top level
field to their response to the hello
command. This field MUST be a BSON ObjectId
and SHOULD NOT change
while the service is running. When a driver is configured to not be in load balanced mode and the service is configured
behind a load balancer, the service MAY return an error from the driver's hello
command that the driver is not
configured to use it properly.
All services that have the behaviour of reaping idle cursors after a specified period of time MAY also close the connection associated with the cursor when the cursor is reaped. Conversely, those services MAY reap a cursor when the connection associated with the cursor is closed.
All services that have the behaviour of reaping idle transactions after a specified period of time MAY also close the connection associated with the transaction when the transaction is reaped. Conversely, those services must abort a transaction when the connection associated with the transaction is closed.
Any applications that connect directly to services and not through the load balancer MUST connect via the regular
service port as they normally would and not the port specified by the loadBalancerPort
option. The loadBalanced=true
URI option MUST be omitted in this case.
Why use a connection string option instead of a new URI scheme?
Use of a connection string option would allow the driver to continue to use SRV records that pointed at a load balancer
instead of a replica set without needing to change the URI provided to the MongoClient
. The SRV records could also
provide the default loadBalanced=true
in the TXT records.
Why explicitly opt-in to this behaviour instead of letting mongos inform the driver of the load balancer?
Other versions of this design proposed a scheme in which the application does not have to opt-in to load balanced mode.
Instead, the server would send a special field in hello
command responses to indicate that it was running behind a
load balancer and the driver would change its behavior accordingly. We opted to take an approach that required code
changes instead because load balancing changes driver behavior in ways that could cause unexpected application errors,
so it made sense to have applications consciously opt-in to this mode. For example, connection pinning creates new
stresses on connection pools because we go from a total of numMongosServers * maxPoolSize
connections to simply
maxPoolSize. Furthermore, connections get pinned to open cursors and transactions, further straining resource
availability. Due to this change, applications may also need to increase the configured maxPoolSize
when opting into
this mode.
Why does this specification instruct drivers to not check connections back into the connection pool in some circumstances?
In the case of a load balancer fronting multiple services, it is possible that a connection to the load balancer could result in a connection behind the load balancer to a different service. In order to guarantee these operations execute on the same service they need to be executed on the same socket - not checking a connection back into the pool for the entire operation guarantees this.
What reason has a client side connection reaper for idle cursors not been put into this specification?
It was discussed as a potential solution for maxed out connection pools that the drivers could potentially behave similar to the server and close long running cursors after a specified time period and return their connections to the pool. Due to the high complexity of that solution it was determined that better error messaging when the connection pool was maxed out would suffice in order for users to easily debug when the pool ran out of connections and fix their applications or adjust their pool options accordingly.
Why are we requiring mongos servers to add a new serviceId field in hello responses rather than reusing the existing topologyVersion.processId?
This option was previously discussed, but we opted to add a new hello
response field in order to not mix intentions.
Why does this specification not address load balancer restarts or maintenance?
The Layer 4 load balancers that would be in use for this feature lack the ability that a layer 7 load balancer could potentially have to be able to understand the MongoDB wire protocol and respond to monitoring requests.
Design Rationales
Services cannot dynamically switch from running behind a load balancer and not running behind a load balancer. Based on that, this design forces the application to opt-in to this behaviour and make potential changes that require restarts to their applications. If this were to change, see alternative designs below.
Alternative Designs
Service PROXY Detection
An alternative to the driver using a connection string option to put it into load balancing mode would be for the service the driver is connected to to inform the driver it is behind a load balancer. A possible solution for this would be for all services to understand the PROXY protocol such as Data Lake does, and to alter their hello responses to inform the driver they are behind a load balancer, potentially with the IP address of the load balancer itself.
The benefit of this solution would be that no changes would be required from the application side, and could also not require a restart of any application. A single request to the service through the load balancer could automatically trigger the change in the hello response and cause the driver to switch into load balancing mode pointing at the load balancer's IP address. Also with this solution it would provide services the ability to record the original IP addresses of the application that was connecting to it as they are provided the PROXY protocol's header bytes.
The additional complexity of this alternative on the driver side is that instead of starting in a single mode and remaining there for the life of the application, the driver would need to deal with additional state changes based on the results of the server monitors. From a service perspective, every service would need to be updated to understand the PROXY protocol header bytes prepended to the initial connection and modify their states and hello responses accordingly. Additionally load balancers would need to have additional configuration as noted in the reference section below, and only load balancers that support the PROXY protocol would be supported.
- 2024-04-25: Clarify that
must be emitted on topology close - 2024-03-06: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
- 2022-01-18: Clarify that
must be used in load balanced mode. - 2021-12-22: Clarify that pinned connections in transactions are exclusive.
- 2021-10-14: Note that
conflicts withsrvMaxHosts
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 2.6
MongoDB supports various authentication strategies across various versions. When authentication is turned on in the database, a driver must authenticate before it is allowed to communicate with the server. This spec defines when and how a driver performs authentication with a MongoDB server.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Server Discovery and Monitoring
The pieces of information used to establish the authenticity of a user. This is composed of an identity and some form of evidence such as a password or a certificate.
Fully Qualified Domain Name
A SASL implementation of a particular type of credential negotiation.
The authority used to establish credentials and/or privileges in reference to a mongodb server. In practice, it is the database to which sasl authentication commands are sent.
The authority used to establish credentials and/or privileges in reference to GSSAPI.
Simple Authentication and Security Layer - RFC 4422
Client Implementation
Drivers SHOULD contain a type called MongoCredential
. It SHOULD contain some or all of the following information.
username (string)
- Applies to all mechanisms.
source (string)
- Applies to all mechanisms.
- Always '$external' for GSSAPI and MONGODB-X509.
- This is the database to which the authenticate command will be sent.
- This is the database to which sasl authentication commands will be sent.
password (string)
- Does not apply to all mechanisms.
mechanism (string)
- Indicates which mechanism to use with the credential.
- Includes additional properties for the given mechanism.
Each mechanism requires certain properties to be present in a MongoCredential for authentication to occur. See the individual mechanism definitions in the "MongoCredential Properties" section. All requirements listed for a mechanism must be met for authentication to occur.
Credential delimiter in URI implies authentication
The presence of a credential delimiter (i.e. @) in the URI connection string is evidence that the user has unambiguously specified user information and MUST be interpreted as a user configuring authentication credentials (even if the username and/or password are empty strings).
Authentication source and URI database do not imply authentication
The presence of a database name in the URI connection string MUST NOT be interpreted as a user configuring authentication credentials. The URI database name is only used as a default source for some mechanisms when authentication has been configured and a source is required but has not been specified. See individual mechanism definitions for details.
Similarly, the presence of the authSource
option in the URI connection string without other credential data such as
Userinfo or authentication parameters in connection options MUST NOT be interpreted as a request for authentication.
Drivers SHOULD raise an error as early as possible when detecting invalid values in a credential. For instance, if a
is specified for MONGODB-CR, the driver should raise an error indicating that the
property does not apply.
Drivers MUST raise an error if any required information for a mechanism is missing. For instance, if a username
is not
specified for SCRAM-SHA-256, the driver must raise an error indicating the the property is missing.
Naming of this information MUST be idiomatic to the driver's language/framework but still remain consistent. For instance, python would use "mechanism_properties" and .NET would use "MechanismProperties".
Naming of mechanism properties MUST be case-insensitive. For instance, SERVICE_NAME and service_name refer to the same property.
A MongoClient instance MUST be considered a single logical connection to the server/deployment.
Socket connections from a MongoClient to deployment members can be one of two types:
- Monitoring-only socket: multi-threaded drivers maintain monitoring sockets separate from sockets in connection pools.
- General-use socket: for multi-threaded drivers, these are sockets in connection pools used for (non-monitoring) user operations; in single-threaded drivers, these are used for both monitoring and user operations.
Authentication (including mechanism negotiation) MUST NOT happen on monitoring-only sockets.
If one or more credentials are provided to a MongoClient, then whenever a general-use socket is opened, drivers MUST immediately conduct an authentication handshake over that socket.
Drivers SHOULD require all credentials to be specified upon construction of the MongoClient. This is defined as eager authentication and drivers MUST support this mode.
Authentication Handshake
An authentication handshake consists of an initial hello
or legacy hello command possibly followed by one or more
authentication conversations.
Drivers MUST follow the following steps for an authentication handshake:
- Upon opening a general-use socket to a server for a given MongoClient, drivers MUST issue a
MongoDB Handshake immediately. This allows a driver to determine the server
type. If the
or legacy hello of the MongoDB Handshake fails with an error, drivers MUST treat this as an authentication error. - If the server is of type RSArbiter, no authentication is possible and the handshake is complete.
- Inspect the value of
. If the value is greater than or equal to6
, then the driver MUST useOP_MSG
for authentication. Otherwise, it MUST useOP_QUERY
. - If credentials exist: 3.1. A driver MUST authenticate with all credentials provided to the MongoClient. 3.2. A single invalid credential is the same as all credentials being invalid.
If the authentication handshake fails for a socket, drivers MUST mark the server Unknown and clear the server's connection pool. (See Q & A below and SDAM's Why mark a server Unknown after an auth error for rationale.)
All blocking operations executed as part of the authentication handshake MUST apply timeouts per the Client Side Operations Timeout specification.
Mechanism Negotiation via Handshake
- Since: 4.0
If an application provides a username but does not provide an authentication mechanism, drivers MUST negotiate a
mechanism via a hello
or legacy hello command requesting a user's supported SASL mechanisms:
{hello: 1, saslSupportedMechs: "<dbname>.<username>"}
In this example <dbname>
is the authentication database name that either SCRAM-SHA-1 or SCRAM-SHA-256 would use (they
are the same; either from the connection string or else defaulting to 'admin') and <username>
is the username provided
in the auth credential. The username MUST NOT be modified from the form provided by the user (i.e. do not normalize with
SASLprep), as the server uses the raw form to look for conflicts with legacy credentials.
If the handshake response includes a saslSupportedMechs
field, then drivers MUST use the contents of that field to
select a default mechanism as described later. If the command succeeds and the response does not include a
field, then drivers MUST use the legacy default mechanism rules for servers older than 4.0.
Drivers MUST NOT validate the contents of the saslSupportedMechs
attribute of the initial handshake reply. Drivers
MUST NOT raise an error if the saslSupportedMechs
attribute of the reply includes an unknown mechanism.
Single-credential drivers
When the authentication mechanism is not specified, drivers that allow only a single credential per client MUST perform mechanism negotiation as part of the MongoDB Handshake portion of the authentication handshake. This lets authentication proceed without a separate negotiation round-trip exchange with the server.
Multi-credential drivers
The use of multiple credentials within a driver is discouraged, but some legacy drivers still allow this. Such drivers may not have user credentials when connections are opened and thus will not be able to do negotiation.
Drivers with a list of credentials at the time a connection is opened MAY do mechanism negotiation on the initial handshake, but only for the first credential in the list of credentials.
When authenticating each credential, if the authentication mechanism is not specified and has not been negotiated for that credential:
- If the connection handshake results indicate the server version is 4.0 or later, drivers MUST send a new
or legacy hello negotiation command for the credential to determine the default authentication mechanism. - Otherwise, when the server version is earlier than 4.0, the driver MUST select a default authentication mechanism for
the credential following the instructions for when the
field is not present in a legacy hello response.
Caching credentials in SCRAM
In the implementation of SCRAM authentication mechanisms (e.g. SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256), drivers MUST maintain a cache of computed SCRAM credentials. The cache entries SHOULD be identified by the password, salt, iteration count, and a value that uniquely identifies the authentication mechanism (e.g. "SHA1" or "SCRAM-SHA-256").
The cache entry value MUST be either the saltedPassword
parameter or the combination of the clientKey
On any operation that requires authentication, the server may raise the error ReauthenticationRequired
typically if the user's credential has expired. Drivers MUST immediately attempt a reauthentication on the connection
using suitable credentials, as specified by the particular authentication mechanism when this error is raised, and then
re-attempt the operation. This attempt MUST be irrespective of whether the operation is considered retryable. Drivers
MUST NOT resend a hello
message during reauthentication, instead using SASL messages directly. Any errors that could
not be recovered from during reauthentication, or that were encountered during the subsequent re-attempt of the
operation MUST be raised to the user.
Currently the only authentication mechanism on the server that supports reauthentication is MONGODB-OIDC. See the MONGODB-OIDC section on reauthentication for more details. Note that in order to implement the unified spec tests for reauthentication, it may be necessary to add reauthentication support for whichever auth mechanism is used when running the authentication spec tests.
Default Authentication Methods
- Since: 3.0
- Revised: 4.0
If the user did not provide a mechanism via the connection string or via code, the following logic describes how to select a default.
If a saslSupportedMechs
field was present in the handshake response for mechanism negotiation, then it MUST be
inspected to select a default mechanism:
"hello" : true,
"saslSupportedMechs": ["SCRAM-SHA-1", "SCRAM-SHA-256"],
"ok" : 1
If SCRAM-SHA-256 is present in the list of mechanism, then it MUST be used as the default; otherwise, SCRAM-SHA-1 MUST be used as the default, regardless of whether SCRAM-SHA-1 is in the list. Drivers MUST NOT attempt to use any other mechanism (e.g. PLAIN) as the default.
If saslSupportedMechs
is not present in the handshake response for mechanism negotiation, then SCRAM-SHA-1 MUST be
used when talking to servers >= 3.0. Prior to server 3.0, MONGODB-CR MUST be used.
When a user has specified a mechanism, regardless of the server version, the driver MUST honor this.
Determining Server Version
Drivers SHOULD use the server's wire version ranges to determine the server's version.
- Since: 1.4
- Deprecated: 3.0
- Removed: 4.0
MongoDB Challenge Response is a nonce and MD5 based system. The driver sends a getnonce
command, encodes and hashes
the password using the returned nonce, and then sends an authenticate
commandCMD = { getnonce: 1 } RESP = { nonce: <nonce> }
Compute key
passwordDigest = HEX( MD5( UTF8( username + ':mongo:' + password ))) key = HEX( MD5( UTF8( nonce + username + passwordDigest )))
commandCMD = { authenticate: 1, nonce: nonce, user: username, key: key }
As an example, given a username of "user" and a password of "pencil", the conversation would appear as follows:
CMD = {getnonce : 1}
RESP = {nonce: "2375531c32080ae8", ok: 1}
CMD = {authenticate: 1, user: "user", nonce: "2375531c32080ae8", key: "21742f26431831d5cfca035a08c5bdf6"}
RESP = {ok: 1}
MongoCredential Properties
MUST be specified and non-zero length.
MUST be specified. Defaults to the database name if supplied on the connection string or
. -
MUST be specified.
MUST NOT be specified.
- Since: 2.6
- Changed: 3.4
MONGODB-X509 is the usage of X.509 certificates to validate a client where the distinguished subject name of the client certificate acts as the username.
When connected to MongoDB 3.4:
- You MUST NOT raise an error when the application only provides an X.509 certificate and no username.
- If the application does not provide a username you MUST NOT send a username to the server.
- If the application provides a username you MUST send that username to the server.
When connected to MongoDB 3.2 or earlier:
- You MUST send a username to the server.
- If no username is provided by the application, you MAY extract the username from the X.509 certificate instead of requiring the application to provide it.
- If you choose not to automatically extract the username from the certificate you MUST error when no username is provided by the application.
command (MongoDB 3.4+)CMD = {"authenticate": 1, "mechanism": "MONGODB-X509"} RESP = {"dbname" : "$external", "user" : "C=IS,ST=Reykjavik,L=Reykjavik,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=client", "ok" : 1}
command with username:username = $(openssl x509 -subject -nameopt RFC2253 -noout -inform PEM -in my-cert.pem)
CMD = {authenticate: 1, mechanism: "MONGODB-X509", user: "C=IS,ST=Reykjavik,L=Reykjavik,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=client"} RESP = {"dbname" : "$external", "user" : "C=IS,ST=Reykjavik,L=Reykjavik,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=client", "ok" : 1}
MongoCredential Properties
SHOULD NOT be provided for MongoDB 3.4+ MUST be specified and non-zero length for MongoDB prior to 3.4
MUST be "$external". Defaults to
. -
MUST NOT be specified.
MUST NOT be specified.
TODO: Errors
SASL Mechanisms
- Since: 2.4 Enterprise
SASL mechanisms are all implemented using the same sasl commands and interpreted as defined by the SASL specification RFC 4422.
Send the
command.CMD = { saslStart: 1, mechanism: <mechanism_name>, payload: BinData(...), autoAuthorize: 1 } RESP = { conversationId: <number>, code: <code>, done: <boolean>, payload: <payload> }
- conversationId: the conversation identifier. This will need to be remembered and used for the duration of the conversation.
- code: A response code that will indicate failure. This field is not included when the command was successful.
- done: a boolean value indicating whether or not the conversation has completed.
- payload: a sequence of bytes or a base64 encoded string (depending on input) to pass into the SASL library to transition the state machine.
Continue with the
command whiledone
.CMD = { saslContinue: 1, conversationId: conversationId, payload: BinData(...) } RESP = { conversationId: <number>, code: <code>, done: <boolean>, payload: <payload> }
Many languages will have the ability to utilize 3rd party libraries. The server uses cyrus-sasl and it would make sense for drivers with a choice to also choose cyrus. However, it is important to ensure that when utilizing a 3rd party library it does implement the mechanism on all supported OS versions and that it interoperates with the server. For instance, the cyrus sasl library offered on RHEL 6 does not implement SCRAM-SHA-1. As such, if your driver supports RHEL 6, you'll need to implement SCRAM-SHA-1 from scratch.
2.4 Enterprise
2.6 Enterprise on Windows
GSSAPI is kerberos authentication as defined in RFC 4752. Microsoft has a proprietary implementation called SSPI which is compatible with both Windows and Linux clients.
MongoCredential properties:
MUST be specified and non-zero length.
MUST be "$external". Defaults to
. -
MAY be specified. If omitted, drivers MUST NOT pass the username without password to SSPI on Windows and instead use the default credentials.
Drivers MUST allow the user to specify a different service name. The default is "mongodb".
Drivers MAY allow the user to request canonicalization of the hostname. This might be required when the hosts report different hostnames than what is used in the kerberos database. The value is a string of either "none", "forward", or "forwardAndReverse". "none" is the default and performs no canonicalization. "forward" performs a forward DNS lookup to canonicalize the hostname. "forwardAndReverse" performs a forward DNS lookup and then a reverse lookup on that value to canonicalize the hostname. The driver MUST fallback to the provided host if any lookup errors or returns no results. Drivers MAY decide to also keep the legacy boolean values where
equals the "forwardAndReverse" behaviour andfalse
equals "none". -
Drivers MAY allow the user to specify a different realm for the service. This might be necessary to support cross-realm authentication where the user exists in one realm and the service in another.
Drivers MAY allow the user to specify a different host for the service. This is stored in the service principal name instead of the standard host name. This is generally used for cases where the initial role is being created from localhost but the actual service host would differ.
Hostname Canonicalization
Valid values for CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME are true
, false
, "none", "forward", "forwardAndReverse". If a value is
provided that does not match one of these the driver MUST raise an error.
, "none", or not provided, the driver MUST NOT canonicalize the host name.
, "forward", or "forwardAndReverse", the client MUST canonicalize the name of each
host it uses for authentication. There are two options. First, if the client's underlying GSSAPI library provides
hostname canonicalization, the client MAY rely on it. For example, MIT Kerberos has
a configuration option for canonicalization.
Second, the client MAY implement its own canonicalization. If so, the canonicalization algorithm MUST be:
addresses = fetch addresses for host
if no addresses:
throw error
address = first result in addresses
while true:
cnames = fetch CNAME records for host
if no cnames:
# Unspecified which CNAME is used if > 1.
host = one of the records in cnames
if forwardAndReverse or true:
reversed = do a reverse DNS lookup for address
canonicalized = lowercase(reversed)
canonicalized = lowercase(host)
For example, here is a Python implementation of this algorithm using getaddrinfo
(for address and CNAME resolution)
and getnameinfo
(for reverse DNS).
from socket import *
import sys
def canonicalize(host, mode):
# Get a CNAME for host, if any.
af, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr = getaddrinfo(
host, None, 0, 0, IPPROTO_TCP, AI_CANONNAME)[0]
print('address from getaddrinfo: [%s]' % (sockaddr[0],))
print('canonical name from getaddrinfo: [%s]' % (canonname,))
if (mode == true or mode == 'forwardAndReverse'):
# NI_NAMEREQD requests an error if getnameinfo fails.
name = getnameinfo(sockaddr, NI_NAMEREQD)
except gaierror as exc:
print('getname info failed: "%s"' % (exc,))
return canonname.lower()
return name[0].lower()
return canonname.lower()
canonicalized = canonicalize(sys.argv[1])
print('canonicalized: [%s]' % (canonicalized,))
Beware of a bug in older glibc where getaddrinfo
uses PTR records instead of CNAMEs if the address family hint is
AF_INET6, and beware of a bug in older MIT Kerberos that causes it to always do reverse DNS lookup even if the rdns
configuration option is set to false
- Since: 2.6 Enterprise
The PLAIN mechanism, as defined in RFC 4616, is used in MongoDB to perform LDAP
authentication. It cannot be used to perform any other type of authentication. Since the credentials are stored outside
of MongoDB, the $external
database must be used for authentication.
As an example, given a username of "user" and a password of "pencil", the conversation would appear as follows:
CMD = {saslStart: 1, mechanism: "PLAIN", payload: BinData(0, "AHVzZXIAcGVuY2ls")}
RESP = {conversationId: 1, payload: BinData(0,""), done: true, ok: 1}
If your sasl client is also sending the authzid, it would be "user" and the conversation would appear as follows:
CMD = {saslStart: 1, mechanism: "PLAIN", payload: BinData(0, "dXNlcgB1c2VyAHBlbmNpbA==")}
RESP = {conversationId: 1, payload: BinData(0,""), done: true, ok: 1}
MongoDB supports either of these forms.
MongoCredential Properties
MUST be specified and non-zero length.
MUST be specified. Defaults to the database name if supplied on the connection string or
. -
MUST be specified.
MUST NOT be specified.
- Since: 3.0
SCRAM-SHA-1 is defined in RFC 5802.
Page 11 of the RFC specifies that user names be prepared with SASLprep, but drivers MUST NOT do so.
Page 8 of the RFC identifies the "SaltedPassword" as
:= Hi(Normalize(password), salt, i)
. The password
variable MUST be the mongodb hashed variant. The mongo hashed
variant is computed as hash = HEX( MD5( UTF8( username + ':mongo:' + plain_text_password )))
, where
is actually plain text. The username
and password
MUST NOT be prepared with SASLprep before
For example, to compute the ClientKey according to the RFC:
// note that "salt" and "i" have been provided by the server
function computeClientKey(username, plain_text_password) {
mongo_hashed_password = HEX( MD5( UTF8( username + ':mongo:' + plain_text_password )));
saltedPassword = Hi(Normalize(mongo_hashed_password), salt, i);
clientKey = HMAC(saltedPassword, "Client Key");
In addition, SCRAM-SHA-1 requires that a client create a randomly generated nonce. It is imperative, for security sake, that this be as secure and truly random as possible. For instance, Java provides both a Random class as well as a SecureRandom class. SecureRandom is cryptographically generated while Random is just a pseudo-random generator with predictable outcomes.
Additionally, drivers MUST enforce a minimum iteration count of 4096 and MUST error if the authentication conversation specifies a lower count. This mitigates downgrade attacks by a man-in-the-middle attacker.
Drivers MUST NOT advertise support for channel binding, as the server does not support it and legacy servers may fail
authentication if drivers advertise support. I.e. the client-first-message MUST start with n,
Drivers MUST add a top-level options
field to the saslStart command, whose value is a document containing a field
named skipEmptyExchange
whose value is true. Older servers will ignore the options
field and continue with the
longer conversation as shown in the "Backwards Compatibility" section. Newer servers will set the done
field to true
when it responds to the client at the end of the second round trip, showing proof that it knows the password. This will
shorten the conversation by one round trip.
As an example, given a username of "user" and a password of "pencil" and an r value of "fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL", a SCRAM-SHA-1 conversation would appear as follows:
CMD = "n,,n=user,r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawL"
RESP = "r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawLHo+Vgk7qvUOKUwuWLIWg4l/9SraGMHEE,s=rQ9ZY3MntBeuP3E1TDVC4w==,i=10000"
CMD = "c=biws,r=fyko+d2lbbFgONRv9qkxdawLHo+Vgk7qvUOKUwuWLIWg4l/9SraGMHEE,p=MC2T8BvbmWRckDw8oWl5IVghwCY="
RESP = "v=UMWeI25JD1yNYZRMpZ4VHvhZ9e0="
This same conversation over MongoDB's SASL implementation would appear as follows:
CMD = {saslStart: 1, mechanism: "SCRAM-SHA-1", payload: BinData(0, "biwsbj11c2VyLHI9ZnlrbytkMmxiYkZnT05Sdjlxa3hkYXdM"), options: { skipEmptyExchange: true }}
RESP = {conversationId : 1, payload: BinData(0,"cj1meWtvK2QybGJiRmdPTlJ2OXFreGRhd0xIbytWZ2s3cXZVT0tVd3VXTElXZzRsLzlTcmFHTUhFRSxzPXJROVpZM01udEJldVAzRTFURFZDNHc9PSxpPTEwMDAw"), done: false, ok: 1}
CMD = {saslContinue: 1, conversationId: 1, payload: BinData(0, "Yz1iaXdzLHI9ZnlrbytkMmxiYkZnT05Sdjlxa3hkYXdMSG8rVmdrN3F2VU9LVXd1V0xJV2c0bC85U3JhR01IRUUscD1NQzJUOEJ2Ym1XUmNrRHc4b1dsNUlWZ2h3Q1k9")}
RESP = {conversationId: 1, payload: BinData(0,"dj1VTVdlSTI1SkQxeU5ZWlJNcFo0Vkh2aFo5ZTA9"), done: true, ok: 1}
MongoCredential Properties
MUST be specified and non-zero length.
MUST be specified. Defaults to the database name if supplied on the connection string or
. -
MUST be specified.
MUST NOT be specified.
- Since: 4.0
SCRAM-SHA-256 extends RFC 5802 and is formally defined in RFC 7677.
The MongoDB SCRAM-SHA-256 mechanism works similarly to the SCRAM-SHA-1 mechanism, with the following changes:
- The SCRAM algorithm MUST use SHA-256 as the hash function instead of SHA-1.
- User names MUST NOT be prepared with SASLprep. This intentionally contravenes the "SHOULD" provision of RFC 5802.
- Passwords MUST be prepared with SASLprep, per RFC 5802. Passwords are used directly for key derivation ; they MUST NOT be digested as they are in SCRAM-SHA-1.
Additionally, drivers MUST enforce a minimum iteration count of 4096 and MUST error if the authentication conversation specifies a lower count. This mitigates downgrade attacks by a man-in-the-middle attacker.
Drivers MUST add a top-level options
field to the saslStart command, whose value is a document containing a field
named skipEmptyExchange
whose value is true. Older servers will ignore the options
field and continue with the
longer conversation as shown in the "Backwards Compatibility" section. Newer servers will set the done
field to true
when it responds to the client at the end of the second round trip, showing proof that it knows the password. This will
shorten the conversation by one round trip.
As an example, given a username of "user" and a password of "pencil" and an r value of "rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO", a SCRAM-SHA-256 conversation would appear as follows:
CMD = "n,,n=user,r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO"
RESP = "r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO%hvYDpWUa2RaTCAfuxFIlj)hNlF$k0,s=W22ZaJ0SNY7soEsUEjb6gQ==,i=4096"
CMD = "c=biws,r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO%hvYDpWUa2RaTCAfuxFIlj)hNlF$k0,p=dHzbZapWIk4jUhN+Ute9ytag9zjfMHgsqmmiz7AndVQ="
RESP = "v=6rriTRBi23WpRR/wtup+mMhUZUn/dB5nLTJRsjl95G4="
This same conversation over MongoDB's SASL implementation would appear as follows:
CMD = {saslStart: 1, mechanism:"SCRAM-SHA-256", options: {skipEmptyExchange: true}, payload: BinData(0, "biwsbj11c2VyLHI9ck9wck5HZndFYmVSV2diTkVrcU8=")}
RESP = {conversationId: 1, payload: BinData(0, "cj1yT3ByTkdmd0ViZVJXZ2JORWtxTyVodllEcFdVYTJSYVRDQWZ1eEZJbGopaE5sRiRrMCxzPVcyMlphSjBTTlk3c29Fc1VFamI2Z1E9PSxpPTQwOTY="), done: false, ok: 1}
CMD = {saslContinue: 1, conversationId: 1, payload: BinData(0, "Yz1iaXdzLHI9ck9wck5HZndFYmVSV2diTkVrcU8laHZZRHBXVWEyUmFUQ0FmdXhGSWxqKWhObEYkazAscD1kSHpiWmFwV0lrNGpVaE4rVXRlOXl0YWc5empmTUhnc3FtbWl6N0FuZFZRPQ==")}
RESP = {conversationId: 1, payload: BinData(0, "dj02cnJpVFJCaTIzV3BSUi93dHVwK21NaFVaVW4vZEI1bkxUSlJzamw5NUc0PQ=="), done: true, ok: 1}
MongoCredential Properties
MUST be specified and non-zero length.
MUST be specified. Defaults to the database name if supplied on the connection string or
. -
MUST be specified.
MUST NOT be specified.
- Since: 4.4
MONGODB-AWS authenticates using AWS IAM credentials (an access key ID and a secret access key), temporary AWS IAM credentials obtained from an AWS Security Token Service (STS) Assume Role request, an OpenID Connect ID token that supports AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity, or temporary AWS IAM credentials assigned to an EC2 instance or ECS task. Temporary credentials, in addition to an access key ID and a secret access key, includes a security (or session) token.
MONGODB-AWS requires that a client create a randomly generated nonce. It is imperative, for security sake, that this be as secure and truly random as possible. Additionally, the secret access key and only the secret access key is sensitive. Drivers MUST take proper precautions to ensure we do not leak this info.
All messages between MongoDB clients and servers are sent as BSON V1.1 Objects in the payload field of saslStart and saslContinue. All fields in these messages have a "short name" which is used in the serialized BSON representation and a human-readable "friendly name" which is used in this specification. They are as follows:
Name | Friendly Name | Type | Description |
r | client nonce | BinData Subtype 0 | 32 byte cryptographically secure random number |
p | gs2-cb-flag | int32 | The integer representation of the ASCII character 'n' or 'y', i.e., 110 or 121 |
s | server nonce | BinData Subtype 0 | 64 bytes total, 32 bytes from the client first message and a 32 byte cryptographically secure random number generated by the server |
h | sts host | string | FQDN of the STS service |
a | authorization header | string | Authorization header for AWS Signature Version 4 |
d | X-AMZ-Date | string | Current date in UTC. See AWS Signature Version 4 |
t | X-AMZ-Security-Token | string | Optional AWS security token |
Drivers MUST NOT advertise support for channel binding, as the server does not support it and legacy servers may fail
authentication if drivers advertise support. The client-first-message MUST set the gs2-cb-flag to the integer
representation of the ASCII character n
, i.e., 110
The first message sent by drivers MUST contain a client nonce
and gs2-cb-flag
. In response, the server will send a
server nonce
and sts host
. Drivers MUST validate that the server nonce is exactly 64 bytes and the first 32 bytes
are the same as the client nonce. Drivers MUST also validate that the length of the host is greater than 0 and less than
or equal to 255 bytes per RFC 1035. Drivers MUST reject FQDN names with empty
labels (e.g., "abc..def"), names that start with a period (e.g., ".abc.def") and names that end with a period (e.g.,
"abc.def."). Drivers MUST respond to the server's message with an authorization header
and a date
As an example, given a client nonce value of "dzw1U2IwSEtgaWI0IUxZMVJqc2xuQzNCcUxBc05wZjI=", a MONGODB-AWS conversation decoded from BSON to JSON would appear as follows:
Client First
"r" : new BinData(0, "dzw1U2IwSEtgaWI0IUxZMVJqc2xuQzNCcUxBc05wZjI="),
"p" : 110
Server First
"s" : new BinData(0, "dzw1U2IwSEtgaWI0IUxZMVJqc2xuQzNCcUxBc05wZjIGS0J9EgLwzEZ9dIzr/hnnK2mgd4D7F52t8g9yTC5cIA=="),
"h" : ""
Client Second
"a" : "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAICGVLKOKZVY3X3DA/20191107/us-east-1/sts/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-mongodb-gs2-cb-flag;x-mongodb-server-nonce, Signature=ab62ce1c75f19c4c8b918b2ed63b46512765ed9b8bb5d79b374ae83eeac11f55",
"d" : "20191107T002607Z"
"t" : "<security_token>"
Note that X-AMZ-Security-Token
is required when using temporary credentials. When using regular credentials, it MUST
be omitted. Each message above will be encoded as BSON V1.1 objects and sent to the peer as the value of payload
Therefore, the SASL conversation would appear as:
Client First
"saslStart" : 1,
"mechanism" : "MONGODB-AWS"
"payload" : new BinData(0, "NAAAAAVyACAAAAAAWj0lSjp8M0BMKGU+QVAzRSpWfk0hJigqO1V+b0FaVz4QcABuAAAAAA==")
Server First
"conversationId" : 1,
"done" : false,
"payload" : new BinData(0, "ZgAAAAVzAEAAAAAAWj0lSjp8M0BMKGU+QVAzRSpWfk0hJigqO1V+b0FaVz5Rj7x9UOBHJLvPgvgPS9sSzZUWgAPTy8HBbI1cG1WJ9gJoABIAAABzdHMuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbQAA"),
"ok" : 1.0
Client Second:
"saslContinue" : 1,
"conversationId" : 1,
In response to the Server First message, drivers MUST send an authorization header
. Drivers MUST follow the
Signature Version 4 Signing Process to
calculate the signature for the authorization header
. The required and optional headers and their associated values
drivers MUST use for the canonical request (see
Summary of Signing Steps) are
specified in the table below. The following pseudocode shows the construction of the Authorization header.
Authorization: algorithm Credential=access key ID/credential scope, SignedHeaders=SignedHeaders, Signature=signature
The following example shows a finished Authorization header.
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIDEXAMPLE/20150830/us-east-1/iam/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature=5d672d79c15b13162d9279b0855cfba6789a8edb4c82c400e06b5924a6f2b5d7
The following diagram is a summary of the steps drivers MUST follow to calculate the signature.
Name | Value |
HTTP Request Method | POST |
URI | / |
Content-Type* | application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Content-Length* | 43 |
Host* | Host field from Server First Message |
Region | Derived from Host - see Region Calculation below |
X-Amz-Date* | See Amazon Documentation |
X-Amz-Security-Token* | Optional, see Amazon Documentation |
X-MongoDB-Server-Nonce* | Base64 string of server nonce |
X-MongoDB-GS2-CB-Flag* | ASCII lower-case character 'n' or 'y' or 'p' |
X-MongoDB-Optional-Data* | Optional data, base64 encoded representation of the optional object provided by the client |
Body | Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15 |
, Denotes a header that MUST be included in SignedHeaders, if present.
Region Calculation
To get the region from the host, the driver MUST follow the algorithm expressed in pseudocode below. :
if the host is invalid according to the rules described earlier
the region is undefined and the driver must raise an error.
else if the host is ""
the region is "us-east-1"
else if the host contains the character '.' (a period)
split the host by its periods. The region is the second label.
else // the valid host string contains no periods and is not ""
the region is "us-east-1"
Examples are provided below.
Host | Region | Notes |
---|---|---| | us-east-1 | the host is ""; use us-east-1 | | us-west-2 | use the second label | | us-west-2 | use the second label | | com | use the second label |
localhost | us-east-1 | no ". " character; use the default region | | < Error > | second label is empty | | < Error > | starts with a period |
sts.amazonaws. | < Error > | ends with a period |
"" | < Error > | empty string |
"string longer than 255" | < Error > | string longer than 255 bytes |
MongoCredential Properties
MAY be specified. The non-sensitive AWS access key.
MUST be "$external". Defaults to
. -
MAY be specified. The sensitive AWS secret key.
Drivers MUST allow the user to specify an AWS session token for authentication with temporary credentials.
Obtaining Credentials
Drivers will need AWS IAM credentials (an access key, a secret access key and optionally a session token) to complete the steps in the Signature Version 4 Signing Process. If a username and password are provided drivers MUST use these for the AWS IAM access key and AWS IAM secret key, respectively. If, additionally, a session token is provided Drivers MUST use it as well. If a username is provided without a password (or vice-versa) or if only a session token is provided Drivers MUST raise an error. In other words, regardless of how Drivers obtain credentials the only valid combination of credentials is an access key ID and a secret access key or an access key ID, a secret access key and a session token.
AWS recommends using an SDK to "take care of some of the heavy lifting necessary in successfully making API calls, including authentication, retry behavior, and more".
A recommended pattern for drivers with existing custom implementation is to not further enhance existing implementations, and take an optional dependency on the AWS SDK. If the SDK is available, use it, otherwise fallback to the existing implementation.
One thing to be mindful of when adopting an AWS SDK is that they typically will check for credentials in a shared AWS credentials file when one is present, which may be confusing for users relying on the previous authentication handling behavior. It would be helpful to include a note like the following:
"Because we are now using the AWS SDK to handle credentials, if you have a shared AWS credentials or config file, then
those credentials will be used by default if AWS auth environment variables are not set. To override this behavior, set
in your shell or set the equivalent environment variable value in your script or
application. Alternatively, you can create an AWS profile specifically for your MongoDB credentials and set the
environment variable to that profile name."
Custom Credential Providers
Drivers that choose to use the AWS SDK to fetch credentials MAY also allow users to provide a custom credential provider
as an option to the MongoClient
. The interface for the option provided depends on the individual language SDK and
drivers MUST consult AWS SDK documentation to determine that format when implementing. The name of the option MUST be
and be part of the authentication mechanism properties options that can be provided to the
Drivers MAY expose API for default providers for the following scenarios when applicable in their language's SDK:
- The default SDK credential provider.
- A custom credential provider chain.
- A single credential provider of any available SDK options provided by the SDK.
Credential Fetching Order
The order in which Drivers MUST search for credentials is:
- The URI
- Environment variables
- A custom AWS credential provider if the driver supports it.
- Using
are set. - The ECS endpoint if
is set. Otherwise, the EC2 endpoint.
[!NOTE] See Should drivers support accessing Amazon EC2 instance metadata in Amazon ECS in Q & A
Drivers are not expected to handle AssumeRole requests directly. See description of
below, which is distinct fromAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity
requests that are meant to be handled directly by the driver.
An example URI for authentication with MONGODB-AWS using AWS IAM credentials passed through the URI is as follows:
Users MAY have obtained temporary credentials through an
AssumeRole request. If so, then in addition
to a username and password, users MAY also provide an AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
as a mechanism_property
Environment variables
AWS Lambda runtimes set several
environment variables
during initialization. To support AWS Lambda runtimes Drivers MUST check a subset of these variables, i.e.,
, for the access key ID, secret access key and
session token, respectively if AWS credentials are not explicitly provided in the URI. The AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
may or
may not be set. However, if AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
is set Drivers MUST use its value as the session token. Drivers
implemented in programming languages that support altering environment variables MUST always read environment variables
dynamically during authorization, to handle the case where another part the application has refreshed the credentials.
However, if environment variables are not present during initial authorization, credentials may be fetched from another source and cached. Even if the environment variables are present in subsequent authorization attempts, the driver MUST use the cached credentials, or refresh them if applicable. This behavior is consistent with how the AWS SDKs behave.
AWS EKS clusters can be configured to automatically provide a valid OpenID Connect ID token and associated role ARN. These can be exchanged for temporary credentials using an AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity request.
environment variables are set, drivers MUST make an
request to obtain temporary credentials. AWS recommends using an AWS Software Development
Kit (SDK) to make STS requests.
The WebIdentityToken
value is obtained by reading the contents of the file given by AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE
. The
value is obtained from AWS_ROLE_ARN
is set, it MUST be used for the
parameter, otherwise a suitable random name can be chosen. No other request parameters need to be set
if using an SDK.
If not using an AWS SDK, the request must be made manually. If making a manual request, the Version
should be
specified as well. An example manual POST request looks like the following:
with the header:
Accept: application/json
The JSON response from the STS endpoint will contain credentials in this format:
"Credentials": {
"AccessKeyId": <access_key>,
"Expiration": <date>,
"RoleArn": <assumed_role_arn>,
"SecretAccessKey": <secret_access_key>,
"SessionToken": <session_token>
Note that the token is called SessionToken
and not Token
as it would be with other credential responses.
ECS endpoint
If a username and password are not provided and the aforementioned environment variables are not set, drivers MUST query
a link-local AWS address for temporary credentials. If temporary credentials cannot be obtained then drivers MUST fail
authentication and raise an error. Drivers SHOULD enforce a 10 second read timeout while waiting for incoming content
from both the ECS and EC2 endpoints. If the environment variable AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI
is set then
drivers MUST assume that it was set by an AWS ECS agent and use the URI$AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI
to obtain temporary credentials. Querying the URI will
return the JSON response:
"AccessKeyId": <access_key>,
"Expiration": <date>,
"RoleArn": <task_role_arn>,
"SecretAccessKey": <secret_access_key>,
"Token": <security_token>
EC2 endpoint
is unset, drivers MUST use the EC2 endpoint,<role-name>
with the required header,
X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: <secret-token>
to access the EC2 instance's metadata. Drivers MUST obtain the role name from querying the URI
The role name request also requires the header X-aws-ec2-metadata-token
. Drivers MUST use v2 of the EC2 Instance
Metadata Service
to access the secret token. In other words, Drivers MUST
Start a session with a simple HTTP PUT request to IMDSv2.
- The URL is
. - The required header is
. Its value is the number of seconds the secret token should remain valid with a max of six hours (21600
- The URL is
Capture the secret token IMDSv2 returned as a response to the PUT request. This token is the value for the header
The curl recipe below demonstrates the above. It retrieves a secret token that's valid for 30 seconds. It then uses that token to access the EC2 instance's credentials:
$ TOKEN=`curl -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 30"`
$ ROLE_NAME=`curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN"`
$ curl$ROLE_NAME -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN"
Drivers can test this process using the mock EC2 server in
The script must be run with python3
To re-direct queries from the EC2 endpoint to the mock server, replace the link-local address (
with the IP and port of the mock server (by default, http://localhost:8000
). For example, the curl script above
$ TOKEN=`curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8000/latest/api/token" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 30"`
$ ROLE_NAME=`curl http://localhost:8000/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/ -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN"`
$ curl http://localhost:8000/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/$ROLE_NAME -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN"
The JSON response from both the actual and mock EC2 endpoint will be in this format:
"Code": "Success",
"LastUpdated" : <date>,
"Type": "AWS-HMAC",
"AccessKeyId" : <access_key>,
"SecretAccessKey": <secret_access_key>,
"Token" : <security_token>,
"Expiration": <date>
From the JSON response drivers MUST obtain the access_key
, secret_key
and security_token
which will be used during
Signature Version 4 Signing Process.
Caching Credentials
Credentials fetched by the driver using AWS endpoints MUST be cached and reused to avoid hitting AWS rate limitations. AWS recommends using a suitable Software Development Kit (SDK) for your language. If that SDK supports credential fetch and automatic refresh/caching, then that mechanism can be used in lieu of manual caching.
If using manual caching, the "Expiration" field MUST be stored and used to determine when to clear the cache. Credentials are considered valid if they are more than five minutes away from expiring; to the reduce the chance of expiration before they are validated by the server. Credentials that are retrieved from environment variables MUST NOT be cached.
If there are no current valid cached credentials, the driver MUST initiate a credential request. To avoid adding a
bottleneck that would override the maxConnecting
setting, the driver MUST not place a lock on making a request. The
cache MUST be written atomically.
If AWS authentication fails for any reason, the cache MUST be cleared.
[!NOTE] Five minutes was chosen based on the AWS documentation for IAM roles for EC2 : "We make new credentials available at least five minutes before the expiration of the old credentials". The intent is to have some buffer between when the driver fetches the credentials and when the server verifies them.
- Since: 7.0 Enterprise
MONGODB-OIDC authenticates using an OpenID Connect (OIDC) access token.
There are two OIDC authentication flows that drivers can support: machine-to-machine ("machine") and human-in-the-loop ("human"). Drivers MUST support the machine authentication flow. Drivers MAY support the human authentication flow.
The MONGODB-OIDC specification refers to the following OIDC concepts:
- Identity Provider (IdP): A service that manages user accounts and authenticates users or applications, such as Okta or OneLogin. In the Human Authentication Flow, the OIDC Human Callback interacts directly the IdP. In the Machine Authentication Flow, only the MongoDB server interacts directly the IdP.
- Access token: Used to authenticate requests to protected resources. OIDC access tokens are signed JWT strings.
- Refresh token: Some OIDC providers may return a refresh token in addition to an access token. A refresh token can be used to retrieve new access tokens without requiring a human to re-authorize the application. Refresh tokens are typically only supported by the Human Authentication Flow.
Machine Authentication Flow
The machine authentication flow is intended to be used in cases where human interaction is not necessary or practical, such as to authenticate database access for a web service. Some OIDC documentation refers to the machine authentication flow as "workload authentication".
Drivers MUST implement all behaviors described in the MONGODB-OIDC specification, unless the section or block specifically says that it only applies to the Human Authentication Flow.
Human Authentication Flow
The human authentication flow is intended to be used for applications that involve direct human interaction, such as database tools or CLIs. Some OIDC documentation refers to the human authentication flow as "workforce authentication".
Drivers that support the Human Authentication Flow MUST implement all behaviors described in the MONGODB-OIDC specification, including sections or blocks that specifically say that it only applies the Human Authentication Flow.
MongoCredential Properties
MAY be specified. Its meaning varies depending on the OIDC provider integration used.
MUST be "$external". Defaults to
. -
MUST NOT be specified.
Drivers MUST allow the user to specify the name of a built-in OIDC application environment integration to use to obtain credentials. If provided, the value MUST be one of
["test", "azure", "gcp", "k8s"]
and an OIDC Callback or OIDC Human Callback are provided for the sameMongoClient
, the driver MUST raise an error. -
The URI of the target resource. If
is provided andENVIRONMENT
is not one of["azure", "gcp"]
is not provided andENVIRONMENT
is one of["azure", "gcp"]
, the driver MUST raise an error. Note: because theTOKEN_RESOURCE
is often itself a URL, drivers MUST document that aTOKEN_RESOURCE
with a comma,
must be given as aMongoClient
configuration and not as part of the connection string, and that theTOKEN_RESOURCE
value can contain a colon:
character. -
An OIDC Callback that returns OIDC credentials. Drivers MAY allow the user to specify an OIDC Callback using a
configuration instead of a mechanism property, depending on what is idiomatic for the driver. Drivers MUST NOT support both theOIDC_CALLBACK
mechanism property and aMongoClient
configuration. -
An OIDC Human Callback that returns OIDC credentials. Drivers MAY allow the user to specify a OIDC Human Callback using a
configuration instead of a mechanism property, depending on what is idiomatic for the driver. Drivers MUST NOT support both theOIDC_HUMAN_CALLBACK
mechanism property and aMongoClient
configuration. Drivers MUST return an error if both an OIDC Callback andOIDC Human Callback
are provided for the sameMongoClient
. This property is only required for drivers that support the Human Authentication Flow. -
The list of allowed hostnames or ip-addresses (ignoring ports) for MongoDB connections. The hostnames may include a leading "*." wildcard, which allows for matching (potentially nested) subdomains.
is a security feature and MUST default to["*", "*", "*", "*", "localhost", "", "::1"]
. When MONGODB-OIDC authentication using a OIDC Human Callback is attempted against a hostname that does not match any of list of allowed hosts, the driver MUST raise a client-side error without invoking any user-provided callbacks. This value MUST NOT be allowed in the URI connection string. The hostname check MUST be performed after SRV record resolution, if applicable. This property is only required for drivers that support the Human Authentication Flow. -
A function or object from the AWS SDK that can be used to return AWS credentials. Drivers MAY allow the user to specify the callback using a
configuration instead of a mechanism property, depending on what is idiomatic for the driver.
Built-in OIDC Environment Integrations
Drivers MUST support all of the following built-in OIDC application environment integrations.
The test integration is enabled by setting auth mechanism property ENVIRONMENT:test
. It is meant for driver testing
purposes, and is not meant to be documented as a user-facing feature.
If enabled, drivers MUST generate a token using a script in the auth_oidc
folder in Drivers
Evergreen Tools. The driver MUST then set the OIDC_TOKEN_FILE
environment variable to the path to that file. At
runtime, the driver MUST use the OIDC_TOKEN_FILE
environment variable and read the OIDC access token from that path.
The driver MUST use the contents of that file as value in the jwt
field of the saslStart
Drivers MAY implement the "test" integration so that it conforms to the function signature of the OIDC Callback to prevent having to re-implement the "test" integration logic in the OIDC prose tests.
The Azure provider integration is enabled by setting auth mechanism property ENVIRONMENT:azure
If enabled, drivers MUST use an internal machine callback that calls the Azure Instance Metadata Service and parse the JSON response body, as follows:
Make an HTTP GET request to<resource>&client_id=<client_id>
with headers
Accept: application/json
Metadata: true
where <resource>
is the url-encoded value of the TOKEN_RESOURCE
mechanism property and <client_id>
is the
from the connection string. If a username
is not provided, the client_id
query parameter should be
omitted. The timeout should equal the callbackTimeoutMS
parameter given to the callback.
curl -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Metadata: true" \
The JSON response will be in this format:
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAi...",
"refresh_token": "",
"expires_in": "3599",
"expires_on": "1506484173",
"not_before": "1506480273",
"resource": "",
"token_type": "Bearer"
The driver MUST use the returned "access_token"
value as the access token in a JwtStepRequest
. If the response does
not return a status code of 200, the driver MUST raise an error including the HTTP response body.
For more details, see How to use managed identities for Azure resources on an Azure VM to acquire an access token.
The callback itself MUST not perform any caching, and the driver MUST cache its tokens in the same way as if a custom callback had been provided by the user.
For details on test environment setup, see the README in Drivers-Evergreen-Tools.
The GCP provider integration is enabled by setting auth mechanism property ENVIRONMENT:gcp
If enabled, drivers MUST use an internal machine callback that calls the Google Cloud VM metadata endpoint and parse the JSON response body, as follows:
Make an HTTP GET request to
with headers
Metadata-Flavor: Google
where <resource>
is the url-encoded value of the TOKEN_RESOURCE
mechanism property. The timeout should equal the
parameter given to the callback.
curl -X GET \
-H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" \
The response body will be the access token itself.
The driver MUST use the returned value as the access token in a JwtStepRequest
. If the response does not return a
status code of 200, the driver MUST raise an error including the HTTP response body.
For more details, see View and query VM metadata.
The callback itself MUST not perform any caching, and the driver MUST cache its tokens in the same way as if a custom callback had been provided by the user.
For details on test environment setup, see the README in Drivers-Evergreen-Tools.
The Kubernetes integration is enabled by setting auth mechanism property ENVIRONMENT:k8s
. In this configuration, the
driver is expected to be running inside a Kubernetes environment with a configured
If enabled, drivers MUST read the contents of the token from the local file path found using the following algorithm:
if 'AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE' in os.environ:
fname = os.environ['AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE']
elif 'AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE' in os.environ:
fname = os.environ['AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE']
fname = '/var/run/secrets/'
contains the file path on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS),
contains the file path on Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), and
is the default path for a Kubernetes
ServiceAccount token,
which is used by Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
The callback itself MUST not perform any caching, and the driver MUST cache its tokens in the same way as if a custom callback had been provided by the user.
For details on test environment setup, see the README in Drivers-Evergreen-Tools.
OIDC Callback
Drivers MUST allow users to provide a callback that returns an OIDC access token. The purpose of the callback is to allow users to integrate with OIDC providers not supported by the Built-in Provider Integrations. Callbacks can be synchronous or asynchronous, depending on the driver and/or language. Asynchronous callbacks should be preferred when other operations in the driver use asynchronous functions.
Drivers MUST provide a way for the callback to be either automatically canceled, or to cancel itself. This can be as a
timeout argument to the callback, a cancellation context passed to the callback, or some other language-appropriate
mechanism. The timeout value MUST be min(remaining connectTimeoutMS, remaining timeoutMS)
as described in the Server
Selection section of the CSOT spec. If CSOT is not applied, then the driver MUST use 1 minute as the timeout.
The driver MUST pass the following information to the callback:
: A timeout, in milliseconds, a deadline, or atimeoutContext
. -
: The username given as part of the connection string orMongoClient
parameter. -
: The callback API version number. The version number is used to communicate callback API changes that are not breaking but that users may want to know about and review their implementation. Drivers MUST pass1
for the initial callback API version number and increment the version number anytime the API changes. Note that this may eventually lead to some drivers having different callback version numbers.For example, users may add the following check in their callback:
if(params.version > 1) { throw new Error("OIDC callback API has changed!"); }
The callback MUST be able to return the following information:
: An OIDC access token string. The driver MUST NOT attempt to validateaccessToken
: An optional expiry duration for the access token. Drivers with optional parameters MAY interpret a missing value as infinite. Drivers MUST error if a negative value is returned. Drivers SHOULD use the most idiomatic type for representing a duration in the driver's language. Note that the access token expiry value is currently not used in Credential Caching, but is intended to support future caching optimizations.
The signature and naming of the callback API is up to the driver's discretion. Drivers MUST ensure that additional optional input parameters and return values can be added to the callback signature in the future without breaking backward compatibility.
An example callback API might look like:
interface OIDCCallbackParams {
callbackTimeoutMS: int;
username: str;
version: int;
interface OIDCCredential {
accessToken: string;
expiresInSeconds: Optional<int>;
function oidcCallback(params: OIDCCallbackParams): OIDCCredential
OIDC Human Callback
The human callback is an OIDC callback that includes additional information that is required when using the Human Authentication Flow. Drivers that support the Human Authentication Flow MUST implement the human callback.
In addition to the information described in the OIDC Callback section, drivers MUST be able to pass the following information to the callback:
: Information used to authenticate with the IdP.issuer
: A URL which describes the Authentication Server. This identifier should be the iss of provided access tokens, and be viable for RFC8414 metadata discovery and RFC9207 identification.clientId
: A unique client ID for this OIDC client.requestScopes
: A list of additional scopes to request from IdP.
: The refresh token, if applicable, to be used by the callback to request a new token from the issuer.
In addition to the information described in the OIDC Callback section, the callback MUST be able to return the following information:
: An optional refresh token that can be used to fetch new access tokens.
The signature and naming of the callback API is up to the driver's discretion. Drivers MAY use a single callback API for both callback types or separate callback APIs for each callback type. Drivers MUST ensure that additional optional input parameters and return values can be added to the callback signature in the future without breaking backward compatibility.
An example human callback API might look like:
interface IdpInfo {
issuer: string;
clientId: Optional<string>;
requestScopes: Optional<Array<string>>;
interface OIDCCallbackParams {
username: str;
callbackTimeoutMS: int;
version: int;
idpInfo: Optional<IdpInfo>;
refreshToken: Optional<any>;
interface OIDCCredential {
accessToken: string;
expiresInSeconds: Optional<int>;
refreshToken: Optional<any>;
function oidcCallback(params: OIDCCallbackParams): OIDCCredential
When a human callback is provided, drivers MUST use the following behaviors when calling the callback:
- The driver MUST pass the
and the refresh token (if available) to the callback.- If there is no cached
, drivers MUST start a Two-Step conversation before calling the human callback. See the Conversation and Credential Caching sections for more details.
- If there is no cached
- The timeout duration MUST be 5 minutes. This is to account for the human interaction required to complete the callback. In this case, the callback is not subject to CSOT.
OIDC supports two conversation styles: one-step and two-step. The server detects whether the driver is using a one-step
or two-step conversation based on the structure of the saslStart
A one-step conversation is used for OIDC providers that allow direct access to an access token. For example, an OIDC provider configured for machine-to-machine authentication may provide an access token via a local file pre-loaded on an application host.
Drivers MUST use a one-step conversation when using a cached access token, one of the Built-in Provider Integrations, or an OIDC Callback (not an OIDC Human Callback).
The one-step conversation starts with a saslStart
containing a JwtStepRequest
payload. The value of jwt
is the
OIDC access token string.
interface JwtStepRequest:
// Compact serialized JWT with signature.
jwt: string;
An example OIDC one-step SASL conversation with access token string "abcd1234" looks like:
// Client:
saslStart: 1,
mechanism: "MONGODB-OIDC",
db: "$external"
// payload is a BSON generic binary field containing a JwtStepRequest BSON
// document: {"jwt": "abcd1234"}
payload: BinData(0, "FwAAAAJqd3QACQAAAGFiY2QxMjM0AAA=")
// Server:
conversationId : 1,
payload: BinData(0, ""),
done: true,
ok: 1
A two-step conversation is used for OIDC providers that require an extra authorization step before issuing a credential. For example, an OIDC provider configured for end-user authentication may require redirecting the user to a webpage so they can authorize the request.
Drivers that support the Human Authentication Flow MUST implement the two-step conversation. Drivers MUST use a two-step conversation when using a OIDC Human Callback and when there is no cached access token.
The two-step conversation starts with a saslStart
containing a PrincipalStepRequest
payload. The value of n
is the
from the connection string. If a username
is not provided, field n
should be omitted.
interface PrincipalStepRequest {
// Name of the OIDC user principal.
n: Optional<string>;
The server uses n
(if provided) to select an appropriate IdP. Note that the principal name is optional as it may be
provided by the IdP in environments where only one IdP is used.
The server responds to the PrincipalStepRequest
with IdpInfo
for the selected IdP:
interface IdpInfo {
// A URL which describes the Authentication Server. This identifier should
// be the iss of provided access tokens, and be viable for RFC8414 metadata
// discovery and RFC9207 identification.
issuer: string;
// A unique client ID for this OIDC client.
clientId: string;
// A list of additional scopes to request from IdP.
requestScopes: Optional<Array<string>>;
The driver passes the IdP information to the OIDC Human Callback, which should return an OIDC credential containing an access token and, optionally, a refresh token.
The driver then sends a saslContinue
with a JwtStepRequest
payload to complete authentication. The value of jwt
the OIDC access token string.
interface JwtStepRequest:
// Compact serialized JWT with signature.
jwt: string;
An example OIDC two-step SASL conversation with username "myidp" and access token string "abcd1234" looks like:
// Client:
saslStart: 1,
mechanism: "MONGODB-OIDC",
db: "$external",
// payload is a BSON generic binary field containing a PrincipalStepRequest
// BSON document: {"n": "myidp"}
payload: BinData(0, "EgAAAAJuAAYAAABteWlkcAAA")
// Server:
conversationId : 1,
// payload is a BSON generic binary field containing an IdpInfo BSON document:
// {"issuer": "https://issuer", "clientId": "abcd", "requestScopes": ["a","b"]}
done: false,
ok: 1
// Client:
saslContinue: 1,
conversationId: 1,
// payload is a BSON generic binary field containing a JwtStepRequest BSON
// document: {"jwt": "abcd1234"}
payload: BinData(0, "FwAAAAJqd3QACQAAAGFiY2QxMjM0AAA=")
// Server:
conversationId: 1,
payload: BinData(0, ""),
done: true,
ok: 1
Credential Caching
Some OIDC providers may impose rate limits, incur per-request costs, or be slow to return. To minimize those issues, drivers MUST cache and reuse access tokens returned by OIDC providers.
Drivers MUST cache the most recent access token per MongoClient
(henceforth referred to as the Client Cache).
Drivers MAY store the Client Cache on the MongoClient
object or any object that guarantees exactly 1 cached access
token per MongoClient
. Additionally, drivers MUST cache the access token used to authenticate a connection on the
connection object (henceforth referred to as the Connection Cache).
Drivers MUST ensure that only one call to the configured provider or OIDC callback can happen at a time. To avoid adding
a bottleneck that would override the maxConnecting
setting, the driver MUST NOT hold an exclusive lock while running
or saslContinue
Example code for credential caching using the read-through cache pattern:
def get_access_token():
# Lock the OIDC authenticator so that only one caller can modify the cache
# and call the configured OIDC provider at a time.
# Check if we can use the access token from the Client Cache or if we need
# to fetch and cache a new access token from the OIDC provider.
access_token = client.oidc_cache.access_token
is_cache = True
if access_token is None
credential = oidc_provider()
is_cache = False
client.oidc_cache.access_token = credential.access_token
return access_token, is_cache
Drivers MUST have a way to invalidate a specific access token from the Client Cache. Invalidation MUST only clear the cached access token if it is the same as the invalid access token and MUST be an atomic operation (e.g. using a mutex or a compare-and-swap operation).
Example code for invalidation:
def invalidate(access_token):
if client.oidc_cache.access_token == access_token:
client.oidc_cache.access_token = None
Drivers that support the Human Authentication Flow MUST also cache the IdPInfo
refresh token in the Client Cache when a OIDC Human Callback is configured.
Use the following algorithm to authenticate a new connection:
- Check if the the Client Cache has an access token.
- If it does, cache the access token in the Connection Cache and perform a
SASL conversation using the access token in the Client Cache. If the server returns a Authentication error (18), invalidate that access token. Raise any other errors to the user. On success, exit the algorithm.
- If it does, cache the access token in the Connection Cache and perform a
- Call the configured built-in provider integration or the OIDC callback to retrieve a new access token. Wait until it has been at least 100ms since the last callback invocation, to avoid overloading the callback.
- Cache the new access token in the Client Cache and Connection Cache.
- Perform a
SASL conversation using the new access token. Raise any errors to the user.
Example code to authenticate a connection using the get_access_token
and invalidate
functions described above:
def auth(connection):
access_token, is_cache = get_access_token()
# If there is a cached access token, try to authenticate with it. If
# authentication fails with an Authentication error (18),
# invalidate the access token, fetch a new access token, and try
# to authenticate again.
# If the server fails for any other reason, do not clear the cache.
if is_cache:
connection.oidc_cache.access_token = access_token
sasl_start(connection, payload={"jwt": access_token})
except ServerError as e:
if e.code == 18:
access_token, _ = get_access_token()
connection.oidc_cache.access_token = access_token
sasl_start(connection, payload={"jwt": access_token})
For drivers that support the Human Authentication Flow, use the following algorithm to authenticate a new connection when a OIDC Human Callback is configured:
- Check if the Client Cache has an access token.
- If it does, cache the access token in the Connection Cache and perform a One-Step SASL conversation using the access token. If the server returns an Authentication error (18), invalidate the access token token from the Client Cache, clear the Connection Cache, and restart the authentication flow. Raise any other errors to the user. On success, exit the algorithm.
- Check if the Client Cache has a refresh token.
- If it does, call the OIDC Human Callback with the cached refresh token and
to get a new access token. Cache the new access token in the Client Cache and Connection Cache. Perform a One-Step SASL conversation using the new access token. If the the server returns an Authentication error (18), clear the refresh token, invalidate the access token from the Client Cache, clear the Connection Cache, and restart the authentication flow. Raise any other errors to the user. On success, exit the algorithm.
- If it does, call the OIDC Human Callback with the cached refresh token and
- Start a new Two-Step SASL conversation.
- Run a
to get theIdpInfo
. - Call the OIDC Human Callback with the new
to get a new access token and optional refresh token. Drivers MUST NOT pass a cached refresh token to the callback when performing a new Two-Step conversation. - Cache the new
and refresh token in the Client Cache and the new access token in the Client Cache and Connection Cache. - Attempt to authenticate using a
with the new access token. Raise any errors to the user.
Speculative Authentication
Drivers MUST implement speculative authentication for MONGODB-OIDC during the hello
handshake. Drivers MUST NOT
attempt speculative authentication if the Client Cache does not have a cached access token. Drivers MUST NOT
invalidate tokens from the Client Cache if speculative authentication does not succeed.
Use the following algorithm to perform speculative authentication:
- Check if the Client Cache has an access token.
- If it does, cache the access token in the Connection Cache and send a
with the cached access token in the speculative authentication SASL payload. If the response is missing a speculative authentication document or the speculative authentication document indicates authentication was not successful, clear the the Connection Cache and proceed to the next step.
- If it does, cache the access token in the Connection Cache and send a
- Authenticate with the standard authentication handshake.
Example code for speculative authentication using the auth
function described above:
def speculative_auth(connection):
access_token = client.oidc_cache.access_token
if access_token != None:
connection.oidc_cache.access_token = access_token
res = hello(connection, payload={"jwt": access_token})
if res.speculative_authenticate.done:
connection.oidc_cache.access_token = None
If any operation fails with ReauthenticationRequired
(error code 391) and MONGODB-OIDC is in use, the driver MUST
reauthenticate the connection. Drivers MUST NOT resend a hello
message during reauthentication, instead using SASL
messages directly. Drivers MUST NOT try to use Speculative Authentication during reauthentication. See the main
reauthentication section for more information.
To reauthenticate a connection, invalidate the access token stored on the connection (i.e. the Connection Cache) from the Client Cache, fetch a new access token, and re-run the SASL conversation.
Example code for reauthentication using the auth
function described above:
def reauth(connection):
connection.oidc_cache.access_token = None
Connection String Options
Auth Related Options
Sets the Mechanism property on the MongoCredential. When not set, the default will be one of SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-1 or MONGODB-CR, following the auth spec default mechanism rules.
Sets the Source property on the MongoCredential.
For GSSAPI, MONGODB-X509 and MONGODB-AWS authMechanisms the authSource defaults to $external
. For PLAIN the authSource
defaults to the database name if supplied on the connection string or $external
SCRAM-SHA-256 authMechanisms, the authSource defaults to the database name if supplied on the connection string or
A generic method to set mechanism properties in the connection string.
For example, to set REALM and CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME, the option would be
gssapiServiceName (deprecated)
An alias for
Drivers MUST raise an error if the authSource
option is specified in the connection string with an empty value, e.g.
Credentials MAY be specified in the connection string immediately after the scheme separator "//".
A realm MAY be passed as a part of the username in the url. It would be something like dev@MONGODB.COM, where dev is the username and MONGODB.COM is the realm. Per the RFC, the @ symbol should be url encoded using %40.
- When GSSAPI is specified, this should be interpreted as the realm.
- When non-GSSAPI is specified, this should be interpreted as part of the username.
It is permissible for only the username to appear in the connection string. This would be identified by having no colon follow the username before the '@' hostname separator.
The source is determined by the following:
- if authSource is specified, it is used.
- otherwise, if database is specified, it is used.
- otherwise, the admin database is used.
Test Plan
Connection string tests have been defined in the associated files:
SCRAM-SHA-256 and mechanism negotiation
Testing SCRAM-SHA-256 requires server version 3.7.3 or later with featureCompatibilityVersion
of "4.0" or later.
Drivers that allow specifying auth parameters in code as well as via connection string should test both for the test cases described below.
Step 1
Create three test users, one with only SHA-1, one with only SHA-256 and one with both. For example:
db.runCommand({createUser: 'sha1', pwd: 'sha1', roles: ['root'], mechanisms: ['SCRAM-SHA-1']})
db.runCommand({createUser: 'sha256', pwd: 'sha256', roles: ['root'], mechanisms: ['SCRAM-SHA-256']})
db.runCommand({createUser: 'both', pwd: 'both', roles: ['root'], mechanisms: ['SCRAM-SHA-1', 'SCRAM-SHA-256']})
Step 2
For each test user, verify that you can connect and run a command requiring authentication for the following cases:
- Explicitly specifying each mechanism the user supports.
- Specifying no mechanism and relying on mechanism negotiation.
For the example users above, the dbstats
command could be used as a test command.
For a test user supporting both SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256, drivers should verify that negotiation selects SCRAM-SHA-256. This may require monkey patching, manual log analysis, etc.
Step 3
For test users that support only one mechanism, verify that explicitly specifying the other mechanism fails.
For a non-existent username, verify that not specifying a mechanism when connecting fails with the same error type that
would occur with a correct username but incorrect password or mechanism. (Because negotiation with a non-existent user
name at one point during server development caused a handshake error, we want to verify this is seen by users as similar
to other authentication errors, not as a network or database command error on the hello
or legacy hello commands
Step 4
To test SASLprep behavior, create two users:
- username: "IX", password "IX"
- username: "\u2168" (ROMAN NUMERAL NINE), password "\u2163" (ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR)
To create the users, use the exact bytes for username and password without SASLprep or other normalization and specify SCRAM-SHA-256 credentials:
db.runCommand({createUser: 'IX', pwd: 'IX', roles: ['root'], mechanisms: ['SCRAM-SHA-256']})
db.runCommand({createUser: '\\u2168', pwd: '\\u2163', roles: ['root'], mechanisms: ['SCRAM-SHA-256']})
For each user, verify that the driver can authenticate with the password in both SASLprep normalized and non-normalized forms:
- User "IX": use password forms "IX" and "I\u00ADX"
- User "\u2168": use password forms "IV" and "I\u00ADV"
As a URI, those have to be UTF-8 encoded and URL-escaped, e.g.:
Speculative Authentication
See the speculative authentication section in the MongoDB Handshake spec.
Minimum iteration count
For SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256, test that the minimum iteration count is respected. This may be done via unit testing of an underlying SCRAM library.
Backwards Compatibility
Drivers may need to remove support for association of more than one credential with a MongoClient, including
- Deprecation and removal of MongoClient constructors that take as an argument more than a single credential
- Deprecation and removal of methods that allow lazy authentication (i.e post-MongoClient construction)
Drivers need to support both the shorter and longer SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256 conversations over MongoDB's SASL implementation. Earlier versions of the server required an extra round trip due to an implementation decision. This was accomplished by sending no bytes back to the server, as seen in the following conversation (extra round trip emphasized):
CMD = {saslStart: 1, mechanism: "SCRAM-SHA-1", payload: BinData(0, "biwsbj11c2VyLHI9ZnlrbytkMmxiYkZnT05Sdjlxa3hkYXdM"), options: {skipEmptyExchange: true}}
RESP = {conversationId : 1, payload: BinData(0,"cj1meWtvK2QybGJiRmdPTlJ2OXFreGRhd0xIbytWZ2s3cXZVT0tVd3VXTElXZzRsLzlTcmFHTUhFRSxzPXJROVpZM01udEJldVAzRTFURFZDNHc9PSxpPTEwMDAw"), done: false, ok: 1}
CMD = {saslContinue: 1, conversationId: 1, payload: BinData(0, "Yz1iaXdzLHI9ZnlrbytkMmxiYkZnT05Sdjlxa3hkYXdMSG8rVmdrN3F2VU9LVXd1V0xJV2c0bC85U3JhR01IRUUscD1NQzJUOEJ2Ym1XUmNrRHc4b1dsNUlWZ2h3Q1k9")}
RESP = {conversationId: 1, payload: BinData(0,"dj1VTVdlSTI1SkQxeU5ZWlJNcFo0Vkh2aFo5ZTA9"), done: false, ok: 1}
# Extra round trip
CMD = {saslContinue: 1, conversationId: 1, payload: BinData(0, "")}
RESP = {conversationId: 1, payload: BinData(0,""), done: true, ok: 1}
The extra round trip will be removed in server version 4.4 when options: { skipEmptyExchange: true }
is specified
during saslStart
Reference Implementation
The Java and .NET drivers currently uses eager authentication and abide by this specification.
Q & A
Q: According to Authentication Handshake, we are calling hello
or legacy hello for every
socket. Isn't this a lot?
Drivers should be pooling connections and, as such, new sockets getting opened should be relatively infrequent. It's simply part of the protocol for setting up a socket to be used.
Q: Where is information related to user management?
Not here currently. Should it be? This is about authentication, not user management. Perhaps a new spec is necessary.
Q: It's possible to continue using authenticated sockets even if new sockets fail authentication. Why can't we do that so that applications continue to work.
Yes, that's technically true. The issue with doing that is for drivers using connection pooling. An application would function normally until an operation needed an additional connection(s) during a spike. Each new connection would fail to authenticate causing intermittent failures that would be very difficult to understand for a user.
Q: Should a driver support multiple credentials?
Historically, the MongoDB server and drivers have supported multiple credentials, one per authSource, on a single connection. It was necessary because early versions of MongoDB allowed a user to be granted privileges to access the database in which the user was defined (or all databases in the special case of the "admin" database). But with the introduction of role-based access control in MongoDB 2.6, that restriction was removed and it became possible to create applications that access multiple databases with a single authenticated user.
Role-based access control also introduces the potential for accidental privilege escalation. An application may, for example, authenticate user A from authSource X, and user B from authSource Y, thinking that user A has privileges only on collections in X and user B has privileges only on collections in Y. But with role-based access control that restriction no longer exists, and it's possible that user B has, for example, more privileges on collections in X than user A does. Due to this risk it's generally safer to create a single user with only the privileges required for a given application, and authenticate only that one user in the application.
In addition, since only a single credential is supported per authSource, certain mechanisms are restricted to a single credential and some credentials cannot be used in conjunction (GSSAPI and X509 both use the "$external" database).
Finally, MongoDB 3.6 introduces sessions, and allows at most a single authenticated user on any connection which makes use of one. Therefore any application that requires multiple authenticated users will not be able to make use of any feature that builds on sessions (e.g. retryable writes).
Drivers should therefore guide application creators in the right direction by supporting the association of at most one credential with a MongoClient instance.
Q: Should a driver support lazy authentication?
No, for the same reasons as given in the previous section, as lazy authentication is another mechanism for allowing multiple credentials to be associated with a single MongoClient instance.
Q: Why does SCRAM sometimes SASLprep and sometimes not?
When MongoDB implemented SCRAM-SHA-1, it required drivers to NOT SASLprep usernames and passwords. The primary reason for this was to allow a smooth upgrade path from MongoDB-CR using existing usernames and passwords. Also, because MongoDB's SCRAM-SHA-1 passwords are hex characters of a digest, SASLprep of passwords was irrelevant.
With the introduction of SCRAM-SHA-256, MongoDB requires users to explicitly create new SCRAM-SHA-256 credentials distinct from those used for MONGODB-CR and SCRAM-SHA-1. This means SCRAM-SHA-256 passwords are not digested and any Unicode character could now appear in a password. Therefore, the SCRAM-SHA-256 mechanism requires passwords to be normalized with SASLprep, in accordance with the SCRAM RFC.
However, usernames must be unique, which creates a similar upgrade path problem. SASLprep maps multiple byte representations to a single normalized one. An existing database could have multiple existing users that map to the same SASLprep form, which makes it impossible to find the correct user document for SCRAM authentication given only a SASLprep username. After considering various options to address or workaround this problem, MongoDB decided that the best user experience on upgrade and lowest technical risk of implementation is to require drivers to continue to not SASLprep usernames in SCRAM-SHA-256.
Q: Should drivers support accessing Amazon EC2 instance metadata in Amazon ECS?
No. While it's possible to allow access to EC2 instance metadata in ECS, for security reasons, Amazon states it's best practice to avoid this. (See accessing EC2 metadata in ECS and IAM Roles for Tasks)
2025-01-29: Add support for custom AWS credential providers.
2024-10-02: Add Kubernetes built-in OIDC provider integration.
2024-08-19: Clarify Reauthentication and Speculative Authentication combination behavior.
2024-05-29: Disallow comma character when
is given in a connection string. -
2024-05-03: Clarify timeout behavior for OIDC machine callback. Add
to OIDC unified tests. Add an additional prose test for the behavior ofALLOWED_HOSTS
. -
2024-04-24: Clarify that TOKEN_RESOURCE for MONGODB-OIDC must be url-encoded.
2024-04-22: Fix API description for GCP built-in OIDC provider.
2024-04-22: Updated OIDC authentication flow and prose tests.
2024-04-22: Clarify that driver should not validate
content. -
2024-04-03: Added GCP built-in OIDC provider integration.
2024-03-29: Updated OIDC test setup and descriptions.
2024-03-21: Added Azure built-in OIDC provider integration.
2024-03-09: Rename OIDC integration name and values.
2024-01-31: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2024-01-17: Added MONGODB-OIDC machine auth flow spec and combine with human auth flow specs.
2023-04-28: Added MONGODB-OIDC auth mechanism
2022-11-02: Require environment variables to be read dynamically.
2022-10-28: Recommend the use of AWS SDKs where available.
2022-10-07: Require caching of AWS credentials fetched by the driver.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and convert version history to changelog.
2022-09-07: Add support for AWS AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity.
2022-01-20: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout spec.
2022-01-14: Clarify that
must be used for authentication when it is supported. -
2021-04-23: Updated to use hello and legacy hello.
2021-03-04: Note that errors encountered during auth are handled by SDAM.
2020-03-06: Add reference to the speculative authentication section of the handshake spec.
2020-02-15: Rename MONGODB-IAM to MONGODB-AWS
2020-02-04: Support shorter SCRAM conversation starting in version 4.4 of the server.
2020-01-31: Clarify that drivers must raise an error when a connection string has an empty value for authSource.
2020-01-23: Clarify when authentication will occur.
2020-01-22: Clarify that authSource in URI is not treated as a user configuring auth credentials.
2019-12-05: Added MONGODB-IAM auth mechanism
2019-07-13: Clarify database to use for auth mechanism negotiation.
2019-04-26: Test format changed to improve specificity of behavior assertions.
- Clarify that database name in URI is not treated as a user configuring auth credentials.
2018-08-08: Unknown users don't cause handshake errors. This was changed before server 4.0 GA in SERVER-34421, so the auth spec no longer refers to such a possibility.
2018-04-17: Clarify authSource defaults
- Fix PLAIN authSource rule to allow user provided values
- Change SCRAM-SHA-256 rules such that usernames are NOT normalized; this follows a change in the server design and should be available in server 4.0-rc0.
2018-03-29: Clarify auth handshake and that it only applies to non-monitoring sockets.
2018-03-15: Describe CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME algorithm.
2018-03-02: Added SCRAM-SHA-256 and mechanism negotiation as provided by server 4.0
- Updated default mechanism determination
- Clarified SCRAM-SHA-1 rules around SASLprep
- Require SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256 to enforce a minimum iteration count
2017-11-10: Updated minimum server version to 2.6
- Updated the Q & A to recommend support for at most a single credential per MongoClient
- Removed lazy authentication section
- Changed the list of server types requiring authentication
- Made providing username for X509 authentication optional
2015-02-04: Added SCRAM-SHA-1 sasl mechanism
- Added connection handshake
- Changed connection string to support mechanism properties in generic form
- Added example conversations for all mechanisms except GSSAPI
- Miscellaneous wording changes for clarification
- Added MONGODB-X509
- Added PLAIN sasl mechanism
- Added support for GSSAPI mechanism property gssapiServiceName
Server Monitoring
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 2.4
This spec defines how a driver monitors a MongoDB server. In summary, the client monitors each server in the topology. The scope of server monitoring is to provide the topology with updated ServerDescriptions based on hello or legacy hello command responses.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
See the terms in the main SDAM spec.
The client checks a server by attempting to call hello or legacy hello on it, and recording the outcome.
A process that initiates a connection to a MongoDB server. This includes mongod and mongos processes in a replica set or sharded cluster, as well as drivers, the shell, tools, etc.
The process of checking all servers in the deployment.
A server is judged "suitable" for an operation if the client can use it for a particular operation. For example, a write requires a standalone, primary, or mongos. Suitability is fully specified in the Server Selection Spec.
significant topology change
A change in the server's state that is relevant to the client's view of the server, e.g. a change in the server's replica set member state, or its replica set tags. In SDAM terms, a significant topology change on the server means the client's ServerDescription is out of date. Standalones and mongos do not currently experience significant topology changes but they may in the future.
regular hello or legacy hello command
A default {hello: 1}
or legacy hello command where the server responds immediately.
streamable hello or legacy hello command
The hello or legacy hello command feature which allows the server to stream multiple replies back to the client.
Round trip time. The client's measurement of the duration of one hello or legacy hello call. The RTT is used to support localThresholdMS from the Server Selection spec and timeoutMS from the Client Side Operations Timeout Spec.
A Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) environment like AWS Lambda.
The serverMonitoringMode option configures which server monitoring protocol to use. Valid modes are "stream", "poll", or "auto". The default value MUST be "auto":
- With "stream" mode, the client MUST use the streaming protocol when the server supports it or fall back to the polling protocol otherwise.
- With "poll" mode, the client MUST use the polling protocol.
- With "auto" mode, the client MUST behave the same as "poll" mode when running on a FaaS platform or the same as
"stream" mode otherwise. The client detects that it's running on a FaaS platform via the same rules for generating
handshake metadata field in the MongoDB Handshake spec.
Multi-threaded or asynchronous drivers MUST implement this option. See Why disable the streaming protocol on FaaS platforms like AWS Lambda? and Why introduce a knob for serverMonitoringMode?
The client monitors servers using the hello or legacy hello commands. In MongoDB 4.4+, a monitor uses the Streaming Protocol to continuously stream hello or legacy hello responses from the server. In MongoDB <= 4.2, a monitor uses the Polling Protocol pausing heartbeatFrequencyMS between checks. Clients check servers sooner in response to certain events.
If a server API version is requested, then the driver must use hello for
monitoring. If a server API version is not requested, the initial handshake using the legacy hello command must include
helloOk: true
. If the response contains helloOk: true
, then the driver must use the hello
command for monitoring.
If the response does not contain helloOk: true
, then the driver must use the legacy hello command for monitoring.
The socket used to check a server MUST use the same connectTimeoutMS as regular sockets. Multi-threaded clients SHOULD set monitoring sockets' socketTimeoutMS to the connectTimeoutMS. (See socket timeout for monitoring is connectTimeoutMS. Drivers MAY let users configure the timeouts for monitoring sockets separately if necessary to preserve backwards compatibility.)
The client begins monitoring a server when:
- ... the client is initialized and begins monitoring each seed. See initial servers.
- ... updateRSWithoutPrimary or updateRSFromPrimary discovers new replica set members.
The following subsections specify how monitoring works, first in multi-threaded or asynchronous clients, and second in single-threaded clients. This spec provides detailed requirements for monitoring because it intends to make all drivers behave consistently.
Multi-threaded or asynchronous monitoring
Servers are monitored in parallel
All servers' monitors run independently, in parallel: If some monitors block calling hello or legacy hello over slow connections, other monitors MUST proceed unimpeded.
The natural implementation is a thread per server, but the decision is left to the implementer. (See thread per server.)
Servers are monitored with dedicated sockets
A monitor SHOULD NOT use the client's regular connection pool to acquire a socket; it uses a dedicated socket that does not count toward the pool's maximum size.
Drivers MUST NOT authenticate on sockets used for monitoring nor include SCRAM mechanism negotiation (i.e.
), as doing so would make monitoring checks more expensive for the server.
Servers are checked periodically
Each monitor checks its server and notifies the client of the outcome so the client can update the TopologyDescription.
After each check, the next check SHOULD be scheduled heartbeatFrequencyMS later; a check MUST NOT run while a previous check is still in progress.
Requesting an immediate check
At any time, the client can request that a monitor check its server immediately. (For example, after a "not writable primary" error. See error handling.) If the monitor is sleeping when this request arrives, it MUST wake and check as soon as possible. If a hello or legacy hello call is already in progress, the request MUST be ignored. If the previous check ended less than minHeartbeatFrequencyMS ago, the monitor MUST sleep until the minimum delay has passed, then check the server.
Application operations are unblocked when a server is found
Each time a check completes, threads waiting for a suitable server are unblocked. Each unblocked thread MUST proceed if the new TopologyDescription now contains a suitable server.
Clients update the topology from each handshake
When a monitor check creates a new connection, the connection handshake response MUST be used to satisfy the check and update the topology.
When a client successfully calls hello or legacy hello to handshake a new connection for application operations, it SHOULD use the hello or legacy hello reply to update the ServerDescription and TopologyDescription, the same as with a hello or legacy hello reply on a monitoring socket. If the hello or legacy hello call fails, the client SHOULD mark the server Unknown and update its TopologyDescription, the same as a failed server check on monitoring socket.
Clients use the streaming protocol when supported
When a monitor discovers that the server supports the streamable hello or legacy hello command and the client does not have streaming disabled, it MUST use the streaming protocol.
Single-threaded monitoring
After a single-threaded client gets a network error trying to check a server, the client skips re-checking the server until cooldownMS has passed.
This avoids spending connectTimeoutMS on each unavailable server during each scan.
This value MUST be 5000 ms, and it MUST NOT be configurable.
Single-threaded clients MUST scan all servers synchronously, inline with regular application operations. Before each operation, the client checks if heartbeatFrequencyMS has passed since the previous scan ended, or if the topology is marked "stale"; if so it scans all the servers before selecting a server and performing the operation.
Selection failure triggers an immediate scan. When a client that uses single-threaded monitoring fails to select a suitable server for any operation, it scans the servers, then attempts selection again, to see if the scan discovered suitable servers. It repeats, waiting minHeartbeatFrequencyMS after each scan, until a timeout.
Scanning order
If the topology is a replica set, the client attempts to contact the primary as soon as possible to get an authoritative list of members. Otherwise, the client attempts to check all members it knows of, in order from the least-recently to the most-recently checked.
When all servers have been checked the scan is complete. New servers discovered during the scan MUST be checked before the scan is complete. Sometimes servers are removed during a scan so they are not checked, depending on the order of events.
The scanning order is expressed in this pseudocode:
scanStartTime = now()
# You'll likely need to convert units here.
beforeCoolDown = scanStartTime - cooldownMS
while true:
serversToCheck = all servers with lastUpdateTime before scanStartTime
remove from serversToCheck any Unknowns with lastUpdateTime > beforeCoolDown
if no serversToCheck:
# This scan has completed.
if a server in serversToCheck is RSPrimary:
check it
else if there is a PossiblePrimary:
check it
else if any servers are not of type Unknown or RSGhost:
check the one with the oldest lastUpdateTime
if several servers have the same lastUpdateTime, choose one at random
check the Unknown or RSGhost server with the oldest lastUpdateTime
if several servers have the same lastUpdateTime, choose one at random
This algorithm might be better understood with an example:
- The client is configured with one seed and TopologyType Unknown. It begins a scan.
- When it checks the seed, it discovers a secondary.
- The secondary's hello or legacy hello response includes the "primary" field with the address of the server that the secondary thinks is primary.
- The client creates a ServerDescription with that address, type PossiblePrimary, and lastUpdateTime "infinity ago". (See updateRSWithoutPrimary.)
- On the next iteration, there is still no RSPrimary, so the new PossiblePrimary is the top-priority server to check.
- The PossiblePrimary is checked and replaced with an RSPrimary. The client has now acquired an authoritative host list. Any new hosts in the list are added to the TopologyDescription with lastUpdateTime "infinity ago". (See updateRSFromPrimary.)
- The client continues scanning until all known hosts have been checked.
Another common case might be scanning a pool of mongoses. When the client first scans its seed list, they all have the default lastUpdateTime "infinity ago", so it scans them in random order. This randomness provides some load-balancing if many clients start at once. A client's subsequent scans of the mongoses are always in the same order, since their lastUpdateTimes are always in the same order by the time a scan ends.
If a client frequently rechecks a server, it MUST wait at least minHeartbeatFrequencyMS milliseconds since the previous check ended, to avoid pointless effort. This value MUST be 500 ms, and it MUST NOT be configurable (no knobs).
The interval between server checks, counted from the end of the previous check until the beginning of the next one.
For multi-threaded and asynchronous drivers it MUST default to 10 seconds and MUST be configurable. For single-threaded drivers it MUST default to 60 seconds and MUST be configurable. It MUST be called heartbeatFrequencyMS unless this breaks backwards compatibility.
For both multi- and single-threaded drivers, the driver MUST NOT permit users to configure it less than minHeartbeatFrequencyMS (500ms).
(See heartbeatFrequencyMS in the main SDAM spec.)
Awaitable hello or legacy hello Server Specification
As of MongoDB 4.4 the hello or legacy hello command can wait to reply until there is a topology change or a maximum time has elapsed. Clients opt in to this "awaitable hello" feature by passing new parameters "topologyVersion" and "maxAwaitTimeMS" to the hello or legacy hello commands. Exhaust support has also been added, which clients can enable in the usual manner by setting the OP_MSG exhaustAllowed flag.
Clients use the awaitable hello feature as the basis of the streaming heartbeat protocol to learn much sooner about stepdowns, elections, reconfigs, and other events.
A server that supports awaitable hello or legacy hello includes a "topologyVersion" field in all hello or legacy hello replies and State Change Error replies. The topologyVersion is a subdocument with two fields, "processId" and "counter":
topologyVersion: {processId: <ObjectId>, counter: <int64>},
( ... other fields ...)
An ObjectId maintained in memory by the server. It is reinitialized by the server using the standard ObjectId logic each time this server process starts.
An int64 State change counter, maintained in memory by the server. It begins at 0 when the server starts, and it is incremented whenever there is a significant topology change.
To enable awaitable hello or legacy hello, the client includes a new int64 field "maxAwaitTimeMS" in the hello or legacy hello request. This field determines the maximum duration in milliseconds a server will wait for a significant topology change before replying.
Feature Discovery
To discover if the connected server supports awaitable hello or legacy hello, a client checks the most recent hello or legacy hello command reply. If the reply includes "topologyVersion" then the server supports awaitable hello or legacy hello.
Awaitable hello or legacy hello Protocol
To initiate an awaitable hello or legacy hello command, the client includes both maxAwaitTimeMS and topologyVersion in the request, for example:
hello: 1,
maxAwaitTimeMS: 10000,
topologyVersion: {processId: <ObjectId>, counter: <int64>},
( ... other fields ...)
Clients MAY additionally set the OP_MSG exhaustAllowed flag to enable streaming hello or legacy hello. With streaming hello or legacy hello, the server MAY send multiple hello or legacy hello responses without waiting for further requests.
A server that implements the new protocol follows these rules:
- Always include the server's topologyVersion in hello, legacy hello, and State Change Error replies.
- If the request includes topologyVersion without maxAwaitTimeMS or vice versa, return an error.
- If the request omits topologyVersion and maxAwaitTimeMS, reply immediately.
- If the request includes topologyVersion and maxAwaitTimeMS, then reply immediately if the server's topologyVersion.processId does not match the request's, otherwise reply when the server's topologyVersion.counter is greater than the request's, or maxAwaitTimeMS elapses, whichever comes first.
- Following the OP_MSG spec, if the request omits the exhaustAllowed flag, the server MUST NOT
set the moreToCome flag on the reply. If the request's exhaustAllowed flag is set, the server MAY set the moreToCome
flag on the reply. If the server sets moreToCome, it MUST continue streaming replies without awaiting further
requests. Between replies it MUST wait until the server's topologyVersion.counter is incremented or maxAwaitTimeMS
elapses, whichever comes first. If the reply includes
ok: 0
the server MUST NOT set the moreToCome flag. - On a topology change that changes the horizon parameters, the server will close all application connections.
Example awaitable hello conversation:
Client | Server |
hello handshake -> | |
<- reply with topologyVersion | |
hello as OP_MSG with maxAwaitTimeMS and topologyVersion -> | |
wait for change or timeout | |
<- OP_MSG with topologyVersion | |
... |
Example streaming hello conversation (awaitable hello with exhaust):
Client | Server |
hello handshake -> | |
<- reply with topologyVersion | |
hello as OP_MSG with exhaustAllowed, maxAwaitTimeMS, and topologyVersion -> | |
wait for change or timeout | |
<- OP_MSG with moreToCome and topologyVersion | |
wait for change or timeout | |
<- OP_MSG with moreToCome and topologyVersion | |
... | |
<- OP_MSG without moreToCome | |
... |
Streaming Protocol
The streaming protocol is used to monitor MongoDB 4.4+ servers and optimally reduces the time it takes for a client to discover server state changes. Multi-threaded or asynchronous drivers MUST use the streaming protocol when connected to a server that supports the awaitable hello or legacy hello commands. This protocol requires an extra thread and an extra socket for each monitor to perform RTT calculations.
Streaming disabled
The streaming protocol MUST be disabled when either:
- the client is configured with serverMonitoringMode=poll, or
- the client is configured with serverMonitoringMode=auto and a FaaS platform is detected, or
- the server does not support streaming (eg MongoDB < 4.4).
When the streaming protocol is disabled the client MUST use the polling protocol and MUST NOT start an extra thread or connection for Measuring RTT.
See Why disable the streaming protocol on FaaS platforms like AWS Lambda?.
Streaming hello or legacy hello
The streaming hello or legacy hello protocol uses awaitable hello or legacy hello with the OP_MSG exhaustAllowed flag to continuously stream hello or legacy hello responses from the server. Drivers MUST set the OP_MSG exhaustAllowed flag with the awaitable hello or legacy hello command and MUST process each hello or legacy hello response. (I.e., they MUST process responses strictly in the order they were received.)
A client follows these rules when processing the hello or legacy hello exhaust response:
- If the response indicates a command error, or a network error or timeout occurs, the client MUST close the connection and restart the monitoring protocol on a new connection. (See Network or command error during server check.)
- If the response is successful (includes "ok:1") and includes the OP_MSG moreToCome flag, then the client begins reading the next response.
- If the response is successful (includes "ok:1") and does not include the OP_MSG moreToCome flag, then the client initiates a new awaitable hello or legacy hello with the topologyVersion field from the previous response.
Socket timeout
Clients MUST use connectTimeoutMS as the timeout for the connection handshake. When connectTimeoutMS=0, the timeout is unlimited and MUST remain unlimited for awaitable hello and legacy hello replies. Otherwise, connectTimeoutMS is non-zero and clients MUST use connectTimeoutMS + heartbeatFrequencyMS as the timeout for awaitable hello and legacy hello replies.
Measuring RTT
When using the streaming protocol, clients MUST issue a hello or legacy hello command to each server to measure RTT every heartbeatFrequencyMS. The RTT command MUST be run on a dedicated connection to each server. Clients MUST NOT use dedicated connections to measure RTT when the streaming protocol is not used. (See Monitors MUST use a dedicated connection for RTT commands.)
Clients MUST update the RTT from the hello or legacy hello duration of the initial connection handshake. Clients MUST NOT update RTT based on streaming hello or legacy hello responses.
Clients MUST ignore the response to the hello or legacy hello command when measuring RTT. Errors encountered when running a hello or legacy hello command MUST NOT update the topology. (See Why don't clients mark a server unknown when an RTT command fails?)
Clients MUST track the minimum RTT out of the (at most) last 10 samples. Clients MUST report the minimum RTT as 0 until at least 2 samples have been gathered.
When constructing a ServerDescription from a streaming hello or legacy hello response, clients MUST set the average and minimum round trip times from the RTT task as the "roundTripTime" and "minRoundTripTime" fields, respectively.
See the pseudocode in the RTT thread section for an example implementation.
SDAM Monitoring
Clients MUST publish a ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent before attempting to read the next hello or legacy hello exhaust response. (See Why must streaming hello or legacy hello clients publish ServerHeartbeatStartedEvents?)
Clients MUST NOT publish any events when running an RTT command. (See Why don't streaming hello or legacy hello clients publish events for RTT commands?)
Heartbeat frequency
In the polling protocol, a client sleeps between each hello or legacy hello check (for at least minHeartbeatFrequencyMS and up to heartbeatFrequencyMS). In the streaming protocol, after processing an "ok:1" hello or legacy hello response, the client MUST NOT sleep and MUST begin the next check immediately.
Clients MUST set maxAwaitTimeMS to heartbeatFrequencyMS.
hello or legacy hello Cancellation
When a client is closed, clients MUST cancel all hello and legacy hello checks; a monitor blocked waiting for the next streaming hello or legacy hello response MUST be interrupted such that threads may exit promptly without waiting maxAwaitTimeMS.
When a client marks a server Unknown from Network error when reading or writing, clients MUST cancel the hello or legacy hello check on that server and close the current monitoring connection. (See Drivers cancel in-progress monitor checks.)
Polling Protocol
The polling protocol is used to monitor MongoDB < 4.4 servers or when streaming is disabled. The client checks a server with a hello or legacy hello command and then sleeps for heartbeatFrequencyMS before running another check.
Marking the connection pool as ready (CMAP only)
When a monitor completes a successful check against a server, it MUST mark the connection pool for that server as "ready", and doing so MUST be synchronized with the update to the topology (e.g. by marking the pool as ready in onServerDescriptionChanged). This is required to ensure a server does not get selected while its pool is still paused. See the Connection Pool definition in the CMAP specification for more details on marking the pool as "ready".
Error handling
Network or command error during server check
When a server check fails due to a network error (including a network timeout) or a command error (ok: 0
the client MUST follow these steps:
Close the current monitoring connection.
Mark the server Unknown.
Clear the connection pool for the server (See Clear the connection pool on both network and command errors). For CMAP compliant drivers, clearing the pool MUST be synchronized with marking the server as Unknown (see Why synchronize clearing a server's pool with updating the topology?). If this was a network timeout error, then the pool MUST be cleared with interruptInUseConnections = true (see Why does the pool need to support closing in use connections as part of its clear logic?)
If this was a network error and the server was in a known state before the error, the client MUST NOT sleep and MUST begin the next check immediately. (See retry hello or legacy hello calls once and JAVA-1159.)
Otherwise, wait for heartbeatFrequencyMS (or minHeartbeatFrequencyMS if a check is requested) before restarting the monitoring protocol on a new connection.
- Note that even in the streaming protocol, a monitor in this state will wait for an application operation to request an immediate check or for the heartbeatFrequencyMS timeout to expire before beginning the next check.
See the pseudocode in the Monitor thread
Note that this rule applies only to server checks during monitoring. It does not apply when multi-threaded clients update the topology from each handshake.
Implementation notes
This section intends to provide generous guidance to driver authors. It is complementary to the reference implementations. Words like "should", "may", and so on are used more casually here.
Monitor thread
Most platforms can use an event object to control the monitor thread. The event API here is assumed to be like the standard Python Event. heartbeatFrequencyMS is configurable, minHeartbeatFrequencyMS is always 500 milliseconds:
class Monitor(Thread):
def __init__():
# Monitor options:
serverAddress = serverAddress
connectTimeoutMS = connectTimeoutMS
heartbeatFrequencyMS = heartbeatFrequencyMS
minHeartbeatFrequencyMS = 500
stableApi = stableApi
if serverMonitoringMode == "stream":
streamingEnabled = True
elif serverMonitoringMode == "poll":
streamingEnabled = False
else: # serverMonitoringMode == "auto"
streamingEnabled = not isFaas()
# Internal Monitor state:
connection = Null
# Server API versioning implies that the server supports hello.
helloOk = stableApi != Null
description = default ServerDescription
lock = Mutex()
rttMonitor = RttMonitor(serverAddress, stableApi)
def run():
while this monitor is not stopped:
previousDescription = description
description = checkServer(previousDescription)
except CheckCancelledError:
if this monitor is stopped:
# The client was closed.
# The client marked this server Unknown and cancelled this
# check during "Network error when reading or writing".
# Wait before running the next check.
with client.lock:
topology.onServerDescriptionChanged(description, connection pool for server)
if description.error != Null:
# Clear the connection pool only after the server description is set to Unknown.
clear(interruptInUseConnections: isNetworkTimeout(description.error)) connection pool for server
# Immediately proceed to the next check if the previous response
# was successful and included the topologyVersion field, or the
# previous response included the moreToCome flag, or the server
# has just transitioned to Unknown from a network error.
serverSupportsStreaming = description.type != Unknown and description.topologyVersion != Null
connectionIsStreaming = connection != Null and connection.moreToCome
transitionedWithNetworkError = isNetworkError(description.error) and previousDescription.type != Unknown
if streamingEnabled and serverSupportsStreaming and not rttMonitor.started:
# Start the RttMonitor.
if (streamingEnabled and (serverSupportsStreaming or connectionIsStreaming)) or transitionedWithNetworkError:
def setUpConnection():
# Take the mutex to avoid a data race because this code writes to the connection field and a concurrent
# cancelCheck call could be reading from it.
with lock:
# Server API versioning implies that the server supports hello.
helloOk = stableApi != Null
connection = new Connection(serverAddress)
if connectTimeoutMS != 0:
set connection timeout to connectTimeoutMS
# Do any potentially blocking operations after releasing the mutex.
create the socket and perform connection handshake
def checkServer(previousDescription):
# The connection is null if this is the first check. It's closed if there was an error during the previous
# check or the previous check was cancelled.
if helloOk:
helloCommand = hello
helloCommand = legacy hello
if not connection or connection.isClosed():
response = connection.handshakeResponse
elif connection.moreToCome:
response = read next helloCommand exhaust response
elif streamingEnabled and previousDescription.topologyVersion:
# Initiate streaming hello or legacy hello
if connectTimeoutMS != 0:
set connection timeout to connectTimeoutMS+heartbeatFrequencyMS
response = call {helloCommand: 1, helloOk: True, topologyVersion: previousDescription.topologyVersion, maxAwaitTimeMS: heartbeatFrequencyMS}
# The server does not support topologyVersion or streamingEnabled=False.
response = call {helloCommand: 1, helloOk: True}
# If the server supports hello, then response.helloOk will be true
# and hello will be used for subsequent monitoring commands.
# If the server does not support hello, then response.helloOk will be undefined
# and legacy hello will be used for subsequent monitoring commands.
helloOk = response.helloOk
return ServerDescription(response, rtt=rttMonitor.average(), ninetiethPercentileRtt=rttMonitor.ninetiethPercentile())
except Exception as exc:
close connection
return ServerDescription(type=Unknown, error=exc)
def wait():
start = gettime()
# Can be awakened by requestCheck().
waitTime = gettime() - start
if waitTime < minHeartbeatFrequencyMS:
# Cannot be awakened.
sleep(minHeartbeatFrequencyMS - waitTime)
Requesting an immediate check:
def requestCheck():
hello or legacy hello Cancellation:
def cancelCheck():
# Take the mutex to avoid reading the connection value while setUpConnection is writing to it.
# Copy the connection value in the lock but do the actual cancellation outside.
with lock:
tempConnection = connection
if tempConnection:
interrupt connection read
close tempConnection
RTT thread
The requirements in the Measuring RTT section can be satisfied with an additional thread that periodically runs the hello or legacy hello command on a dedicated connection, for example:
class RttMonitor(Thread):
def __init__():
# Options:
serverAddress = serverAddress
connectTimeoutMS = connectTimeoutMS
heartbeatFrequencyMS = heartbeatFrequencyMS
stableApi = stableApi
# Internal state:
connection = Null
# Server API versioning implies that the server supports hello.
helloOk = stableApi != Null
lock = Mutex()
movingAverage = MovingAverage()
# Track the min RTT seen in the most recent 10 samples.
recentSamples = deque(maxlen=10)
def reset():
with lock:
def addSample(rtt):
with lock:
def average():
with lock:
return movingAverage.get()
def min():
with lock:
# Need at least 2 RTT samples.
if len(recentSamples) < 2:
return 0
return min(recentSamples)
def run():
while this monitor is not stopped:
rtt = pingServer()
except Exception as exc:
# Don't call reset() here. The Monitor thread is responsible
# for resetting the average RTT.
close connection
connection = Null
helloOk = stableApi != Null
# Can be awakened when the client is closed.
def setUpConnection():
# Server API versioning implies that the server supports hello.
helloOk = stableApi != Null
connection = new Connection(serverAddress)
if connectTimeoutMS != 0:
set connection timeout to connectTimeoutMS
perform connection handshake
def pingServer():
if helloOk:
helloCommand = hello
helloCommand = legacy hello
if not connection:
return RTT of the connection handshake
start = time()
response = call {helloCommand: 1, helloOk: True}
rtt = time() - start
helloOk = response.helloOk
return rtt
Design Alternatives
Alternating hello or legacy hello to check servers and RTT without adding an extra connection
The streaming hello or legacy hello protocol is optimal in terms of latency; clients are always blocked waiting for the server to stream updated hello or legacy hello information, they learn of server state changes as soon as possible. However, streaming hello or legacy hello has two downsides:
- Streaming hello or legacy hello requires a new connection to each server to calculate the RTT.
- Streaming hello or legacy hello requires a new thread (or threads) to calculate the RTT of each server.
To address these concerns we designed the alternating hello or legacy hello protocol. This protocol would have alternated between awaitable hello or legacy hello and regular hello or legacy hello. The awaitable hello or legacy hello replaces the polling protocol's client side sleep and allows the client to receive updated hello or legacy hello responses sooner. The regular hello or legacy hello allows the client to maintain accurate RTT calculations without requiring any extra threads or sockets.
We reject this design because streaming hello or legacy hello is strictly better at reducing the client's time-to-recovery. We determined that one extra connection per server per MongoClient is reasonable for all drivers. Applications that upgrade may see a modest increase in connections and memory usage on the server. We don't expect this increase to be problematic; however, we have several projects planned for future MongoDB releases to make the streaming hello or legacy hello protocol cheaper server-side which should mitigate the cost of the extra monitoring connections.
Use TCP smoothed round-trip time instead of measuring RTT explicitly
TCP sockets internally maintain a "smoothed round-trip time" or SRTT. Drivers could use this SRTT instead of measuring RTT explicitly via hello or legacy hello commands. The server could even include this value on all hello or legacy hello responses. We reject this idea for a few reasons:
- Not all programming languages have an API to access the TCP socket's RTT.
- On Windows, RTT access requires Admin privileges.
- TCP's SRTT would likely differ substantially from RTT measurements in the current protocol. For example, the SRTT can be reset on retransmission timeouts.
Thread per server
Mongos uses a monitor thread per replica set, rather than a thread per server. A thread per server is impractical if mongos is monitoring a large number of replica sets. But a driver only monitors one.
In mongos, threads trying to do reads and writes join the effort to scan the replica set. Such threads are more likely to be abundant in mongos than in drivers, so mongos can rely on them to help with monitoring.
In short: mongos has different scaling concerns than a multi-threaded or asynchronous driver, so it allocates threads differently.
Socket timeout for monitoring is connectTimeoutMS
When a client waits for a server to respond to a connection, the client does not know if the server will respond eventually or if it is down. Users can help the client guess correctly by supplying a reasonable connectTimeoutMS for their network: on some networks a server is probably down if it hasn't responded in 10 ms, on others a server might still be up even if it hasn't responded in 10 seconds.
The socketTimeoutMS, on the other hand, must account for both network latency and the operation's duration on the server. Applications should typically set a very long or infinite socketTimeoutMS so they can wait for long-running MongoDB operations.
Multi-threaded clients use distinct sockets for monitoring and for application operations. A socket used for monitoring does two things: it connects and calls hello or legacy hello. Both operations are fast on the server, so only network latency matters. Thus both operations SHOULD use connectTimeoutMS, since that is the value users supply to help the client guess if a server is down, based on users' knowledge of expected latencies on their networks.
A monitor SHOULD NOT use the client's regular connection pool
If a multi-threaded driver's connection pool enforces a maximum size and monitors use sockets from the pool, there are two bad options: either monitors compete with the application for sockets, or monitors have the exceptional ability to create sockets even when the pool has reached its maximum size. The former risks starving the monitor. The latter is more complex than it is worth. (A lesson learned from PyMongo 2.6's pool, which implemented this option.)
Since this rule is justified for drivers that enforce a maximum pool size, this spec recommends that all drivers follow the same rule for the sake of consistency.
Monitors MUST use a dedicated connection for RTT commands
When using the streaming protocol, a monitor needs to maintain an extra dedicated connection to periodically update its average round trip time in order to support localThresholdMS from the Server Selection spec.
It could pop a connection from its regular pool, but we rejected this option for a few reasons:
- Under contention the RTT task may block application operations from completing in a timely manner.
- Under contention the application may block the RTT task from completing in a timely manner.
- Under contention the RTT task may often result in an extra connection anyway because the pool creates new connections under contention up to maxPoolSize.
- This would be inconsistent with the rule that a monitor SHOULD NOT use the client's regular connection pool.
The client could open and close a new connection for each RTT check. We rejected this design, because if we ping every heartbeatFrequencyMS (default 10 seconds) then the cost to the client and the server of creating and destroying the connection might exceed the cost of keeping a dedicated connection open.
Instead, the client must use a dedicated connection reserved for RTT commands. Despite the cost of the additional connection per server, we chose this option as the safest and least likely to result in surprising behavior under load.
Monitors MUST use the hello or legacy hello command to measure RTT
In the streaming protocol, clients could use the "ping", "hello", or legacy hello commands to measure RTT. This spec chooses "hello" or legacy hello for consistency with the polling protocol as well as consistency with the initial RTT provided the connection handshake which also uses the hello or legacy hello commands. Additionally, mongocryptd does not allow the ping command but does allow hello or legacy hello.
Why not use awaitedTimeMS
in the server response to calculate RTT in the streaming protocol?
One approach to calculating RTT in the streaming protocol would be to have the server return an awaitedTimeMS
in its
or legacy hello response. A driver could then determine the RTT by calculating the difference between the
initial request, or last response, and the awaitedTimeMS
We rejected this design because of a number of issue with the unreliability of clocks in distributed systems. Clocks skew between local and remote system clocks. This approach mixes two notions of time: the local clock times the whole operation while the remote clock times the wait. This means that if these clocks tick at different rates, or there are anomalies like clock changes, you will get bad results. To make matters worse, you will be comparing times from multiple servers that could each have clocks ticking at different rates. This approach will bias toward servers with the fastest ticking clock, since it will seem like it spends the least time on the wire.
Additionally, systems using NTP will experience clock "slew". ntpd "slews" time by up to 500 parts-per-million to have the local time gradually approach the "true" time without big jumps - over a 10 second window that means a 5ms difference. If both sides are slewing in opposite directions, that can result in an effective difference of 10ms. Both of these times are close enough to localThresholdMS to significantly affect which servers are viable in NEAREST calculations.
Ensuring that all measurements use the same clock obviates the need for a more complicated solution, and mitigates the above mentioned concerns.
Why don't clients mark a server unknown when an RTT command fails?
In the streaming protocol, clients use the hello or legacy hello command on a dedicated connection to measure a server's RTT. However, errors encountered when running the RTT command MUST NOT mark a server Unknown. We reached this decision because the dedicated RTT connection does not come from a connection pool and thus does not have a generation number associated with it. Without a generation number we cannot handle errors from the RTT command without introducing race conditions. Introducing such a generation number would add complexity to this design without much benefit. It is safe to ignore these errors because the Monitor will soon discover the server's state regardless (either through an updated streaming response, an error on the streaming connection, or by handling an error on an application connection).
Drivers cancel in-progress monitor checks
When an application operation fails with a non-timeout network error, drivers cancel that monitor's in-progress check.
We assume that a non-timeout network error on one application connection implies that all other connections to that server are also bad. This means that it is redundant to continue reading on the current monitoring connection. Instead, we cancel the current monitor check, close the monitoring connection, and start a new check soon. Note that we rely on the connection/pool generation number checking to avoid races and ensure that the monitoring connection is only closed once.
This approach also handles the rare case where the client sees a network error on an application connection but the monitoring connection is still healthy. If we did not cancel the monitor check in this scenario, then the server would remain in the Unknown state until the next hello or legacy hello response (up to maxAwaitTimeMS). A potential real world example of this behavior is when Azure closes an idle connection in the application pool.
Retry hello or legacy hello calls once
A monitor's connection to a server is long-lived and used only for hello or legacy hello calls. So if a server has responded in the past, a network error on the monitor's connection means that there was a network glitch, or a server restart since the last check, or that the server is truly down. To handle the case that the server is truly down, the monitor makes the server unselectable by marking it Unknown. To handle the case of a transient network glitch or restart, the monitor immediately runs the next check without waiting.
Clear the connection pool on both network and command errors
A monitor clears the connection pool when a server check fails with a network or command error (Network or command error during server check). When the check fails with a network error it is likely that all connections to that server are also closed. (See JAVA-1252). When the check fails with a network timeout error, a monitor MUST set interruptInUseConnections to true. See, Why does the pool need to support closing in use connections as part of its clear logic?.
When the server is shutting down, it may respond to hello or legacy hello commands with ShutdownInProgress errors before closing connections. In this case, the monitor clears the connection pool because all connections will be closed soon. Other command errors are unexpected but are handled identically.
Why must streaming hello or legacy hello clients publish ServerHeartbeatStartedEvents?
The SDAM Monitoring spec guarantees that every ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent has either a correlating ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent or ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent. This is consistent with Command Monitoring on exhaust cursors where the driver publishes a fake CommandStartedEvent before reading the next getMore response.
Why don't streaming hello or legacy hello clients publish events for RTT commands?
In the streaming protocol, clients MUST NOT publish any events (server, topology, command, CMAP, etc..) when running an RTT command. We considered introducing new RTT events (ServerRTTStartedEvent, ServerRTTSucceededEvent, ServerRTTFailedEvent) but it's not clear that there is a demand for this. Applications can still monitor changes to a server's RTT by listening to TopologyDescriptionChangedEvents.
What is the purpose of the "awaited" field on server heartbeat events?
ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvents published from awaitable hello or legacy hello responses will regularly have 10 second durations. The spec introduces the "awaited" field on server heartbeat events so that applications can differentiate a slow heartbeat in the polling protocol from a normal awaitable hello or legacy hello heartbeat in the new protocol.
Why disable the streaming protocol on FaaS platforms like AWS Lambda?
The streaming protocol relies on the assumption that the client can read the server's heartbeat responses in a timely manner, otherwise the client will be acting on stale information. In many FaaS platforms, like AWS Lambda, host applications will be suspended and resumed many minutes later. This behavior causes a build up of heartbeat responses and the client can end up spending a long time in a catch up phase processing outdated responses. This problem was discovered in DRIVERS-2246.
Additionally, the streaming protocol requires an extra connection and thread per monitored server which is expensive on platforms like AWS Lambda. The extra connection is particularly inefficient when thousands of AWS instances and thus thousands of clients are used.
We decided to make polling the default behavior when running on FaaS platforms like AWS Lambda to improve scalability, performance, and reliability.
Why introduce a knob for serverMonitoringMode?
The serverMonitoringMode knob provides a workaround in cases where the polling protocol would be a better choice but the driver is not running on a FaaS platform. It also provides a workaround in case the FaaS detection logic becomes outdated or inaccurate.
2024-05-02: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2020-02-20: Extracted server monitoring from SDAM into this new spec.
2020-03-09: A monitor check that creates a new connection MUST use the connection's handshake to update the topology.
2020-04-20: Add streaming heartbeat protocol.
2020-05-20: Include rationale for why we don't use
2020-06-11: Support connectTimeoutMS=0 in streaming heartbeat protocol.
2020-12-17: Mark the pool for a server as "ready" after performing a successful check. Synchronize pool clearing with SDAM updates.
2021-06-21: Added support for hello/helloOk to handshake and monitoring.
2021-06-24: Remove optimization mention that no longer applies
2022-01-19: Add 90th percentile RTT tracking.
2022-02-24: Rename Versioned API to Stable API
2022-04-05: Preemptively cancel in progress operations when SDAM heartbeats timeout.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter reformat changelog.
2022-11-17: Add minimum RTT tracking and remove 90th percentile RTT.
2023-10-05: Add serverMonitoringMode and default to the polling protocol on FaaS. Clients MUST NOT use dedicated connections to measure RTT when using the polling protocol.
Polling SRV Records for mongos Discovery
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
Currently the Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery functionality provides a static seedlist when a MongoClient is constructed. Periodically polling the DNS SRV records would allow for the mongos proxy list to be updated without having to change client configuration.
This specification builds on top of the original Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery specification, and modifies the Server Discovery and Monitoring specification's definition of monitoring a set of mongos servers in a Sharded TopologyType.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
rescan, rescanning
A rescan is the periodic scan of all DNS SRV records to discover a new set of mongos hosts.
An internal value representing how often the DNS SRV records should be queried for.
If the initial topology was created through a mongodb+srv://
URI, then drivers MUST implement this specification by
periodically rescanning the SRV DNS records. There MUST NOT be an option to turn this behaviour off.
Drivers MUST NOT implement this specification if they do not adhere fully to the Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery specification.
This feature is only available when the Server Discovery has determined that the TopologyType is Sharded, or Unknown. Drivers MUST NOT rescan SRV DNS records when the Topology is not Sharded (i.e. Single, ReplicaSetNoPrimary, or ReplicaSetWithPrimary).
The discovery of a set of mongos servers is explained in the seedlist discovery section of the original specification. The behaviour of the periodic rescan is similar, but not identical to the behaviour of initial seedlist discovery. Periodic scan MUST follow these rules:
- The driver will query the DNS server for SRV records on
, prefixed with the SRV service name and protocol. The SRV service name is provided in the srvServiceName URI option and defaults tomongodb
. The protocol is alwaystcp
. After prefixing, the URI should look like:_{srvServiceName}._tcp.{hostname}.{domainname}
. - A driver MUST verify that the host names returned through SRV records have the same parent
. When this verification fails, a driver:- MUST NOT add such a non-compliant host name to the topology
- MUST NOT raise an error
- SHOULD log the non-compliance, including the host name
- MUST NOT initiate a connection to any such host
- If the DNS request returns no verified hosts in SRV records, no SRV records at all, or a DNS error happens, the
- MUST NOT change the topology
- MUST NOT raise an error
- SHOULD log this situation, including the reason why the DNS records could not be found, if possible
- MUST temporarily set rescanSRVIntervalMS to heartbeatFrequencyMS until at least one verified SRV record is obtained.
- For all verified host names, as returned through the DNS SRV query, the driver:
- MUST remove all hosts that are part of the topology, but are no longer in the returned set of valid hosts
- MUST NOT remove all hosts, and then re-add the ones that were returned. Hosts that have not changed, MUST be left alone and unchanged.
- If srvMaxHosts is zero or greater than or equal to the number of valid hosts, each valid new host MUST be added to the topology as Unknown.
- If srvMaxHosts is greater than
zero and less than the number of valid hosts, valid new hosts MUST be randomly selected and added to the topology
as Unknown until the topology has
hosts. Drivers MUST use the same randomization algorithm as they do for initial selection.
- Priorities and weights in SRV records MUST continue to be ignored, and MUST NOT dictate which mongos server is used for new connections.
The rescan needs to happen periodically. As SRV records contain a TTL value, this value can be used to indicate when a rescan needs to happen. Different SRV records can have different TTL values. The rescanSRVIntervalMS value MUST be set to the lowest of the individual TTL values associated with the different SRV records in the most recent rescan, but MUST NOT be lower than 60 seconds. If a driver is unable to access the TTL values of SRV records, it MUST rescan every 60 seconds.
Drivers SHOULD endeavour to rescan and obtain a new list of mongos servers every rescanSRVIntervalMS value. The rescanSRVIntervalMS period SHOULD be calculated from the end of the previous rescan (or the end of the initial DNS seedlist discovery scan).
Multi-Threaded Drivers
A threaded driver MUST use a separate monitoring thread for scanning the DNS records so that DNS lookups don't block other operations.
Single-Threaded Drivers
The rescan MUST happen before scanning all servers as part of the normal scanning functionality, but only if rescanSRVIntervalMS has passed.
Test Plan
See in the accompanying test directory.
Motivation for Change
The original Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery specification only regulates the initial list of mongos hosts to be used instead of a single hostname from a connection URI. Although this makes the initial configuration of a set of mongos servers a lot easier, it does not provide a method for updating the list of mongos servers in the topology.
Since the introduction of the mongodb+srv://
schema to provide an initial seedlist, some users have requested
additional functionality to be able to update the configured list of mongos hosts that make up the initially seeded
Design Rationale
From the scope document
Should DNS polling use heartbeatFrequencyMS or DNS cache TTLs?
We have selected to use lowest TTLs among all DNS SRV records, with a caveat that the rescan frequency is not lower than 60 seconds.
Should DNS polling also have a "fast polling" mode when no servers are available?
We have not opted to have a "fast polling" mode, but we did include a provision that a rescan needs to happen when DNS records are not available. In that case, a rescan would happen every heartbeatFrequencyMS. The rationale being that polling DNS really often really fast does not make a lot of sense due to DNS caching, which often uses the TTL already anyway, but when we have no TTL records to reference we still need a fallback frequency.
For the design
No option to turn off periodic rescanning
The design does not allow for an option to turn off the periodic rescanning of SRV records on the basis that we try to have as few options as possible: the "no knobs" philosophy.
Backwards Compatibility
This specification changes the behaviour of server monitoring by introducing a repeating DNS lookup of the SRV records.
Although this is an improvement in the mongodb+srv://
scheme it can nonetheless break expectations with users that
were familiar with the old behaviour. We do not expect this to negatively impact users.
Reference Implementation
Reference implementations are made for the following drivers:
- Perl
- C#
Security Implication
This specification has no security implications beyond the ones associated with the original Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery specification.
Future work
No future work is expected.
2024-08-22: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2022-10-05: Revise spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2021-10-14: Specify behavior for
MongoClient option. -
2021-09-15: Clarify that service name only defaults to
, and should be defined by thesrvServiceName
URI option.
Server Selection
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 2.4
MongoDB deployments may offer more than one server that can service an operation. This specification describes how MongoDB drivers and mongos shall select a server for either read or write operations. It includes the definition of a "read preference" document, configuration options, and algorithms for selecting a server for different deployment topologies.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Motivation for Change
This specification builds upon the prior "Driver Read Preference" specification, which had a number of omissions, flaws or other deficiencies:
- Mandating features that implied monotonicity for situations where monotonicity is not guaranteed
- Mandating features that are not supported by mongos
- Neglecting to specify a single, standard way to calculate average latency times
- Specifying complex command-helper rules
- Omitting rules for applying read preferences to a single server or to select among multiple mongos servers
- Omitting test cases for verification of spec compliance
This revision addresses these problems as well as improving structure and specificity.
Additionally, it adds specifications for server selection more broadly:
- Selection of a server for write operations
- Server selection retry and timeout
Scope and general requirements
This specification describes how MongoDB drivers and mongos select a server for read and write operations, including commands, OP_QUERY, OP_INSERT, OP_UPDATE, and OP_DELETE. For read operations, it describes how drivers and mongos shall interpret a read preference document.
This specification does not apply to OP_GET_MORE or OP_KILL_CURSORS operations on cursors, which need to go to the same server that received an OP_QUERY and returned a cursor ID.
For operations that are part of a sharded transaction this specification only applies to the initial operation which starts the transaction on a mongos. This specification does not apply to subsequent operations that are part of the sharded transaction because all operations in a sharded transaction need to go to the same mongos server.
Drivers and mongos MUST conform to the semantics of this document, but SHOULD use language-appropriate data models or variable names.
This specification does not apply to commands issued for server monitoring or authentication.
Describes a server that is believed to be reachable over the network and able to respond to requests. A server of type Unknown or PossiblePrimary is not available; other types are available.
Software that communicates with a MongoDB deployment. This includes both drivers and mongos.
Describes servers in a deployment that enter the selection process, determined by the read preference mode
and the servers' type. Depending on the mode
, candidate servers might only include secondaries or might apply to all
servers in the deployment.
One or more servers that collectively provide access to a single logical set of MongoDB databases.
An OP_QUERY operation targeting the '$cmd' collection namespace.
Direct connection
A driver connection mode that sends all database operations to a single server without regard for type.
Describes candidate servers that also meet the criteria specified by the tag_sets
and maxStalenessSeconds
preference parameters.
Hedged Read
A server mode in which the same query is dispatched in parallel to multiple replica set members.
[!NOTE] Hedged reads are deprecated in MongoDB Server version 8.0.
Immediate topology check
For a multi-threaded or asynchronous client, this means waking all server monitors for an immediate check. For a single-threaded client, this means a (blocking) scan of all servers.
Latency window
When choosing between several suitable servers, the latency window is the range of acceptable RTTs from the shortest RTT to the shortest RTT plus the local threshold. E.g. if the shortest RTT is 15ms and the local threshold is 200ms, then the latency window ranges from 15ms - 215ms.
Local threshold
The maximum acceptable difference in milliseconds between the shortest RTT and the longest RTT of servers suitable to be selected.
One of several enumerated values used as part of a read preference, defining which server types are candidates for reads and the semantics for choosing a specific one.
Describes a server of type RSPrimary.
An OP_QUERY operation targeting a regular (non '$cmd') collection namespace.
Read preference
The parameters describing which servers in a deployment can receive read operations, including mode
, tag_sets
, and hedge
Abbreviation for "replica set".
Abbreviation for "round trip time".
Round trip time
The time in milliseconds to execute a hello
or legacy hello command and receive a response for a given server. This
spec differentiates between the RTT of a single hello
or legacy hello command and a server's average RTT over
several such commands.
A server of type RSSecondary.
A worst-case estimate of how far a secondary's replication lags behind the primary's last write.
A mongod or mongos process.
Server selection
The process by which a server is chosen for a database operation out of all potential servers in a deployment.
Server type
An enumerated type indicating whether a server is up or down, whether it is a mongod or mongos, whether it belongs to a replica set and, if so, what role it serves in the replica set. See the Server Discovery and Monitoring spec for more details.
Describes a server that meets all specified criteria for a read or write operation.
A single key/value pair describing either (1) a user-specified characteristic of a replica set member or (2) a desired characteristic for the target of a read operation. The key and value have no semantic meaning to the driver; they are arbitrary user choices.
Tag set
A document of zero or more tags. Each member of a replica set can be configured with zero or one tag set.
Tag set list
A list of zero or more tag sets. A read preference might have a tag set list used for selecting servers.
The state of a deployment, including its type, which servers are members, and the server types of members.
Topology type
An enumerated type indicating the semantics for monitoring servers and selecting servers for database operations. See the Server Discovery and Monitoring spec for more details.
- Unless they explicitly override these priorities, we assume our users prefer their applications to be, in order:
- Predictable: the behavior of the application should not change based on the deployment type, whether single mongod, replica set or sharded cluster.
- Resilient: applications will adapt to topology changes, if possible, without raising errors or requiring manual reconfiguration.
- Low-latency: all else being equal, faster responses to queries and writes are preferable.
- Clients know the state of a deployment based on some form of ongoing monitoring, following the rules defined in the
Server Discovery and Monitoring spec.
- They know which members are up or down, what their tag sets are, and their types.
- They know average round trip times to each available member.
- They detect reconfiguration and the addition or removal of members.
- The state of a deployment could change at any time, in between any network interaction.
- Servers might or might not be reachable; they can change type at any time, whether due to partitions, elections, or misconfiguration.
- Data rollbacks could occur at any time.
MongoClient Configuration
Selecting a server requires the following client-level configuration options:
This defines the size of the latency window for selecting among multiple suitable servers. The default is 15 (milliseconds). It MUST be configurable at the client level. It MUST NOT be configurable at the level of a database object, collection object, or at the level of an individual query.
In the prior read preference specification, localThresholdMS
was called secondaryAcceptableLatencyMS
by drivers.
Drivers MUST support the new name for consistency, but MAY continue to support the legacy name to avoid a
backward-breaking change.
mongos currently uses localThreshold
and MAY continue to do so.
This defines the maximum time to block for server selection before throwing an exception. The default is 30,000 (milliseconds). It MUST be configurable at the client level. It MUST NOT be configurable at the level of a database object, collection object, or at the level of an individual query.
The actual timeout for server selection can be less than serverSelectionTimeoutMS
. See Timeouts for rules
to compute the exact value.
This default value was chosen to be sufficient for a typical server primary election to complete. As the server improves the speed of elections, this number may be revised downward.
Users that can tolerate long delays for server selection when the topology is in flux can set this higher. Users that want to "fail fast" when the topology is in flux can set this to a small number.
A serverSelectionTimeoutMS of zero MAY have special meaning in some drivers; zero's meaning is not defined in this spec, but all drivers SHOULD document the meaning of zero.
Single-threaded drivers MUST provide a "serverSelectionTryOnce" mode, in which the driver scans the topology exactly once after server selection fails, then either selects a server or raises an error.
The serverSelectionTryOnce option MUST be true by default. If it is set false, then the driver repeatedly searches for an appropriate server until the selection process times out (pausing minHeartbeatFrequencyMS between attempts, as required by the Server Discovery and Monitoring spec).
Users of single-threaded drivers MUST be able to control this mode in one or both of these ways:
- In code, pass true or false for an option called serverSelectionTryOnce, spelled idiomatically for the language, to the MongoClient constructor.
- Include "serverSelectionTryOnce=true" or "serverSelectionTryOnce=false" in the URI. The URI option is spelled the same for all drivers.
Conflicting usages of the URI option and the symbol is an error.
Multi-threaded drivers MUST NOT provide this mode. (See single-threaded server selection implementation and the rationale for a "try once" mode.)
This controls when topology updates are scheduled. See heartbeatFrequencyMS in the Server Discovery and Monitoring spec for details.
Only for single-threaded drivers.
The default socketCheckIntervalMS MUST be 5000 (5 seconds), and it MAY be configurable. If socket has been idle for at least this long, it must be checked before being used again.
See checking an idle socket after socketCheckIntervalMS and what is the purpose of socketCheckIntervalMS?.
A constant, how often an idle primary writes a no-op to the oplog. See idleWritePeriodMS in the Max Staleness spec for details.
A constant, 90 seconds. See "Smallest allowed value for maxStalenessSeconds" in the Max Staleness Spec.
Implementations MAY allow configuration of an optional, application-provided function that augments the server selection rules. The function takes as a parameter a list of server descriptions representing the suitable servers for the read or write operation, and returns a list of server descriptions that should still be considered suitable.
Read Preference
A read preference determines which servers are considered suitable for read operations. Read preferences are interpreted differently based on topology type. See topology-type-specific server selection rules for details.
When no servers are suitable, the selection might be retried or will eventually fail following the rules described in the Rules for server selection section.
Components of a read preference
A read preference consists of a mode
and optional tag_sets
, maxStalenessSeconds
, and hedge
(deprecated). The
prioritizes between primaries and secondaries to produce either a single suitable server or a list of candidate
servers. If tag_sets
and maxStalenessSeconds
are set, they determine which candidate servers are for selection. If
is set, it configures how server hedged reads are used.
The default mode
is 'primary'. The default tag_sets
is a list with an empty tag set: [{}]
. The default
is -1 or null, depending on the language. The default hedge
is unset.
Each is explained in greater detail below.
For a deployment with topology type ReplicaSetWithPrimary or ReplicaSetNoPrimary, the mode
parameter controls whether
primaries or secondaries are deemed suitable. Topology types Single and Sharded have different selection criteria and
are described elsewhere.
Clients MUST support these modes:
Only an available primary is suitable.
All secondaries (and only secondaries) are candidates, but only eligible candidates (i.e. after applying
and maxStalenessSeconds
) are suitable.
If a primary is available, only the primary is suitable. Otherwise, all secondaries are candidates, but only eligible secondaries are suitable.
All secondaries are candidates. If there is at least one eligible secondary, only eligible secondaries are suitable. Otherwise, when there are no eligible secondaries, the primary is suitable.
The primary and all secondaries are candidates, but only eligible candidates are suitable.
Note on other server types: The Server Discovery and Monitoring spec defines several other server types that could appear in a replica set. Such types are never candidates, eligible or suitable.
The maximum replication lag, in wall clock time, that a secondary can suffer and still be eligible.
The default is no maximum staleness.
A maxStalenessSeconds
of -1 MUST mean "no maximum". Drivers are also free to use None, null, or other representations
of "no value" to represent "no max staleness".
Drivers MUST raise an error if maxStalenessSeconds
is a positive number and the mode
field is 'primary'.
A driver MUST raise an error if the TopologyType is ReplicaSetWithPrimary or ReplicaSetNoPrimary and either of these conditions is false:
maxStalenessSeconds * 1000 >= heartbeatFrequencyMS + idleWritePeriodMS
maxStalenessSeconds >= smallestMaxStalenessSeconds
is defined in the
Server Discovery and Monitoring spec, and
is defined to be 10 seconds in the Max Staleness spec.
See "Smallest allowed value for maxStalenessSeconds" in the Max Staleness Spec.
mongos MUST reject a read with maxStalenessSeconds
provided and a mode
of 'primary'.
mongos MUST reject a read with maxStalenessSeconds
that is not a positive integer.
mongos MUST reject a read if maxStalenessSeconds
is less than smallestMaxStalenessSeconds, with error code 160
During server selection, drivers (but not mongos) with minWireVersion
< 5 MUST raise an error if
is a positive number, and any available server's maxWireVersion
is less than 5.1
After filtering servers according to mode
, and before filtering with tag_sets
, eligibility MUST be determined from
as follows:
is not a positive number, then all servers are eligible. -
Otherwise, calculate staleness. Non-secondary servers (including Mongos servers) have zero staleness. If TopologyType is ReplicaSetWithPrimary, a secondary's staleness is calculated using its ServerDescription "S" and the primary's ServerDescription "P":
(S.lastUpdateTime - S.lastWriteDate) - (P.lastUpdateTime - P.lastWriteDate) + heartbeatFrequencyMS
(All datetime units are in milliseconds.)
If TopologyType is ReplicaSetNoPrimary, a secondary's staleness is calculated using its ServerDescription "S" and the ServerDescription of the secondary with the greatest lastWriteDate, "SMax":
SMax.lastWriteDate - S.lastWriteDate + heartbeatFrequencyMS
Servers with staleness less than or equal to
are eligible.
See the Max Staleness Spec for overall description and justification of this feature.
The read preference tag_sets
parameter is an ordered list of tag sets used to restrict the eligibility of servers,
such as for data center awareness.
Clients MUST raise an error if a non-empty tag set is given in tag_sets
and the mode
field is 'primary'.
A read preference tag set (T
) matches a server tag set (S
) – or equivalently a server tag set (S
) matches a read
preference tag set (T
) — if T
is a subset of S
(i.e. T ⊆ S
For example, the read preference tag set "{ dc: 'ny', rack: '2' }" matches a secondary server with tag set "{ dc: 'ny', rack: '2', size: 'large' }".
A tag set that is an empty document matches any server, because the empty tag set is a subset of any tag set. This means
the default tag_sets
parameter ([{}]
) matches all servers.
Tag sets are applied after filtering servers by mode
and maxStalenessSeconds
, and before selecting one server within
the latency window.
Eligibility MUST be determined from tag_sets
as follows:
- If the
list is empty then all candidate servers are eligible servers. (Note, the default of[{}]
means an empty list probably won't often be seen, but if the client does not forbid an empty list, this rule MUST be implemented to handle that case.) - If the
list is not empty, then tag sets are tried in order until a tag set matches at least one candidate server. All candidate servers matching that tag set are eligible servers. Subsequent tag sets in the list are ignored. - If the
list is not empty and no tag set in the list matches any candidate server, no servers are eligible servers.
The deprecated read preference hedge
parameter is a document that configures how the server will perform hedged reads.
It consists of the following keys:
: Enables or disables hedging
Hedged reads are automatically enabled in MongoDB 4.4+ when using a nearest
read preference. To explicitly enable
hedging, the hedge
document must be passed. An empty document uses server defaults to control hedging, but the
key may be set to true
or false
to explicitly enable or disable hedged reads.
Drivers MAY allow users to specify an empty hedge document if they accept documents for read preference options. Any
driver that exposes a builder API for read preference objects MUST NOT allow an empty hedge
document to be
constructed. In this case, the user MUST specify a value for enabled
, which MUST default to true
. If the user does
not call a hedge
API method, drivers MUST NOT send a hedge
option to the server.
Driver APIs related to the hedge
parameter SHOULD be annotated and documented as deprecated. If static annotations are
not used, drivers MUST emit a runtime deprecation warning if a hedge
parameter is specified. Such deprecation warnings
should note that hedged reads are deprecated in MongoDB Server 8.0 and will be removed in a future version.
Read preference configuration
Drivers MUST allow users to configure a default read preference on a MongoClient
object. Drivers MAY allow users to
configure a default read preference on a Database
or Collection
A read preference MAY be specified as an object, document or individual mode
, tag_sets
, and maxStalenessSeconds
parameters, depending on what is most idiomatic for the language.
If more than one object has a default read preference, the default of the most specific object takes precedence. I.e.
is preferred over Database
, which is preferred over MongoClient
Drivers MAY allow users to set a read preference on queries on a per-operation basis similar to how hint
are set. E.g., in Python:
db.collection.find({}, read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY)
tag_sets=[{'dc': 'ny'}],
Passing read preference to mongos and load balancers
If a server of type Mongos or LoadBalancer is selected for a read operation, the read preference is passed to the
selected mongos through the use of $readPreference
(as a
Global Command Argument for OP_MSG or a query modifier for OP_QUERY)
and, for OP_QUERY only, the SecondaryOk
wire protocol flag, according to the following rules.
- For mode 'primary', drivers MUST NOT set
- For all other read preference modes (i.e. 'secondary', 'primaryPreferred', ...), drivers MUST set
If the read preference contains only a mode
parameter and the mode is 'primary' or 'secondaryPreferred', for
maximum backwards compatibility with older versions of mongos, drivers MUST only use the value of the SecondaryOk
protocol flag (i.e. set or unset) to indicate the desired read preference and MUST NOT use a $readPreference
Therefore, when sending queries to a mongos or load balancer, the following rules apply:
- For mode 'primary', drivers MUST NOT set the
wire protocol flag and MUST NOT use$readPreference
- For mode 'secondary', drivers MUST set the
wire protocol flag and MUST also use$readPreference
- For mode 'primaryPreferred', drivers MUST set the
wire protocol flag and MUST also use$readPreference
- For mode 'secondaryPreferred', drivers MUST set the
wire protocol flag. If the read preference contains a non-emptytag_sets
is a positive integer, or the deprecatedhedge
parameter is non-empty, drivers MUST use$readPreference
; otherwise, drivers MUST NOT use$readPreference
- For mode 'nearest', drivers MUST set the
wire protocol flag and MUST also use$readPreference
The $readPreference
query modifier sends the read preference as part of the query. The read preference fields
is represented in a $readPreference
document using the field name tags
When sending a read operation via OP_QUERY and any $
modifier is used, including the $readPreference
modifier, the
query MUST be provided using the $query
modifier like so:
$query: {
field1: 'query_value',
field2: 'another_query_value'
$readPreference: {
mode: 'secondary',
tags: [ { 'dc': 'ny' } ],
maxStalenessSeconds: 120
Document structure
A valid $readPreference
document for mongos or load balancer has the following requirements:
field MUST be present exactly once with the mode represented in camel case:- 'primary'
- 'secondary'
- 'primaryPreferred'
- 'secondaryPreferred'
- 'nearest'
If the
field is "primary", thetags
, andhedge
fields MUST be absent.Otherwise, for other
values, thetags
field MUST either be absent or be present exactly once and have an array value containing at least one document. It MUST contain only documents, no other type.The
field MUST be either be absent or be present exactly once with an integer value.The
field MUST be either absent or be a document.
Mongos or service receiving a query with $readPreference
SHOULD validate the mode
, tags
, maxStalenessSeconds
and hedge
fields according to rules 1 and 2 above, but SHOULD ignore unrecognized fields for forward-compatibility
rather than throwing an error.
Use of read preferences with commands
Because some commands are used for writes, deployment-changes or other state-changing side-effects, the use of read preference by a driver depends on the command and how it is invoked:
Write commands:
Write commands are considered write operations and MUST follow the corresponding Rules for server selection for each topology type.
Generic command method: typically
The generic command method MUST act as a read operation for the purposes of server selection.
The generic command method has a default read preference of
'primary'. The generic command method MUST ignore any default read preference from client, database or collection configuration. The generic command method SHOULD allow an optional read preference argument.If an explicit read preference argument is provided as part of the generic command method call, it MUST be used for server selection, regardless of the name of the command. It is up to the user to use an appropriate read preference, e.g. not calling
with amode
of 'secondary'.N.B.: "used for server selection" does not supersede rules for server selection on "Standalone" topologies, which ignore any requested read preference.
Command-specific helper: methods that wrap database commands, like
.Command-specific helpers MUST act as read operations for the purposes of server selection, with read preference rules defined by the following three categories of commands:
"must-use-primary": these commands have state-modifying effects and will only succeed on a primary. An example is
.These command-specific helpers MUST use a read preference
of 'primary', MUST NOT take a read preference argument and MUST ignore any default read preference from client, database or collection configuration. Languages with dynamic argument lists MUST throw an error if a read preference is provided as an argument.Clients SHOULD rely on the server to return a "not writable primary" or other error if the command is "must-use-primary". Clients MAY raise an exception before sending the command if the topology type is Single and the server type is not "Standalone", "RSPrimary" or "Mongos", but the identification of the set of 'must-use-primary' commands is out of scope for this specification.
"should-use-primary": these commands are intended to be run on a primary, but would succeed -- albeit with possibly stale data -- when run against a secondary. An example is
.These command-specific helpers MUST use a read preference
of 'primary', MUST NOT take a read preference argument and MUST ignore any default read preference from client, database or collection configuration. Languages with dynamic argument lists MUST throw an error if a read preference is provided as an argument.Clients MUST NOT raise an exception if the topology type is Single.
"may-use-secondary": these commands run against primaries or secondaries, according to users' read preferences. They are sometimes called "query-like" commands.
The current list of "may-use-secondary" commands includes:
- aggregate without a write stage (e.g.
) - collStats
- count
- dbStats
- distinct
- find
- geoNear
- geoSearch
- group
- mapReduce where the
option is{ inline: 1 }
- parallelCollectionScan
Associated command-specific helpers SHOULD take a read preference argument and otherwise MUST use the default read preference from client, database, or collection configuration.
For pre-5.0 servers, an aggregate command is "must-use-primary" if its pipeline contains a write stage (e.g.
); otherwise, it is "may-use-secondary". For 5.0+ servers, secondaries can execute an aggregate command with a write stage and all aggregate commands are "may-use-secondary". This is discussed in more detail in Read preferences and server selection in the CRUD spec.If a client provides a specific helper for inline mapReduce, then it is "may-use-secondary" and the regular mapReduce helper is "must-use-primary". Otherwise, the mapReduce helper is "may-use-secondary" and it is the user's responsibility to specify
{inline: 1}
when running mapReduce on a secondary. - aggregate without a write stage (e.g.
New command-specific helpers implemented in the future will be considered "must-use-primary", "should-use-primary" or "may-use-secondary" according to the specifications for those future commands. Command helper specifications SHOULD use those terms for clarity.
Rules for server selection
Server selection is a process which takes an operation type (read or write), a ClusterDescription, and optionally a read preference and, on success, returns a ServerDescription for an operation of the given type.
Server selection varies depending on whether a client is multi-threaded/asynchronous or single-threaded because a single-threaded client cannot rely on the topology state being updated in the background.
Multi-threaded drivers and single-threaded drivers with serverSelectionTryOnce
set to false MUST enforce a timeout for
the server selection process. The timeout MUST be computed as described in
Client Side Operations Timeout: Server Selection.
Multi-threaded or asynchronous server selection
A driver that uses multi-threaded or asynchronous monitoring MUST unblock waiting operations as soon as server selection completes, even if not all servers have been checked by a monitor. Put differently, the client MUST NOT block server selection while waiting for server discovery to finish.
For example, if the client is discovering a replica set and the application attempts a read operation with mode 'primaryPreferred', the operation MUST proceed immediately if a suitable secondary is found, rather than blocking until the client has checked all members and possibly discovered a primary.
The number of threads allowed to wait for server selection SHOULD be either (a) the same as the number of threads allowed to wait for a connection from a pool; or (b) governed by a global or client-wide limit on number of waiting threads, depending on how resource limits are implemented by a driver.
Multi-threaded or async drivers MUST keep track of the number of operations that a given server is currently executing
(the server's operationCount
). This value MUST be incremented once a server is selected for an operation and MUST be
decremented once that operation has completed, regardless of its outcome. Where this value is stored is left as a
implementation detail of the driver; some example locations include the Server
type that also owns the connection pool
for the server (if there exists such a type in the driver's implementation) or on the pool itself. Incrementing or
decrementing a server's operationCount
MUST NOT wake up any threads that are waiting for a topology update as part of
server selection. See
operationCount-based selection within the latency window (multi-threaded or async)
for the rationale behind the way this value is used.
Server Selection Algorithm
For multi-threaded clients, the server selection algorithm is as follows:
- Record the server selection start time and log a "Server selection started" message.
- If the topology wire version is invalid, raise an error and log a "Server selection failed" message.
- Find suitable servers by topology type and operation type. If a list of deprioritized servers is provided, and the topology is a sharded cluster, these servers should be selected only if there are no other suitable servers. The server selection algorithm MUST ignore the deprioritized servers if the topology is not a sharded cluster.
- Filter the suitable servers by calling the optional, application-provided server selector.
- If there are any suitable servers, filter them according to Filtering suitable servers based on the latency window and continue to the next step; otherwise, log a "Waiting for suitable server to become available" message if one has not already been logged for this operation, and goto Step #9.
- Choose two servers at random from the set of suitable servers in the latency window. If there is only 1 server in the latency window, just select that server and goto Step #8.
- Of the two randomly chosen servers, select the one with the lower
. If both servers have the sameoperationCount
, select arbitrarily between the two of them. - Increment the
of the selected server and return it. Log a "Server selection succeeded" message. Do not go onto later steps. - Request an immediate topology check, then block the server selection thread until the topology changes or until the server selection timeout has elapsed
- If server selection has timed out, raise a server selection error and log a "Server selection failed" message.
- Goto Step #2
Single-threaded server selection
Single-threaded drivers do not monitor the topology in the background. Instead, they MUST periodically update the topology during server selection as described below.
When serverSelectionTryOnce
is true, server selection timeouts have no effect; a single immediate topology check will
be done if the topology starts stale or if the first selection attempt fails.
When serverSelectionTryOnce
is false, then the server selection loops until a server is successfully selected or until
the selection timeout is exceeded.
Therefore, for single-threaded clients, the server selection algorithm is as follows:
- Record the server selection start time and log a "Server selection started" message.
- Record the maximum time as start time plus the computed timeout
- If the topology has not been scanned in
milliseconds, mark the topology stale - If the topology is stale, proceed as follows:
- record the target scan time as last scan time plus
- if serverSelectionTryOnce is false and the target scan time would exceed the maximum time, raise a server selection error and log a "Server selection failed" message.
- if the current time is less than the target scan time, sleep until the target scan time
- do a blocking immediate topology check (which must also update the last scan time and mark the topology as no longer stale)
- record the target scan time as last scan time plus
- If the topology wire version is invalid, raise an error and log a "Server selection failed" message.
- Find suitable servers by topology type and operation type. If a list of deprioritized servers is provided, and the topology is a sharded cluster, these servers should be selected only if there are no other suitable servers. The server selection algorithm MUST ignore the deprioritized servers if the topology is not a sharded cluster.
- Filter the suitable servers by calling the optional, application-provided server selector.
- If there are any suitable servers, filter them according to Filtering suitable servers based on the latency window and return one at random from the filtered servers, and log a "Server selection succeeded" message.; otherwise, mark the topology stale and continue to step #9.
- If serverSelectionTryOnce is true and the last scan time is newer than the selection start time, raise a server selection error and log a "Server selection failed" message; otherwise, log a "Waiting for suitable server to become available" message if one has not already been logged for this operation, and goto Step #4
- If the current time exceeds the maximum time, raise a server selection error and log a "Server selection failed" message.
- Goto Step #4
Before using a socket to the selected server, drivers MUST check whether the socket has been used in socketCheckIntervalMS milliseconds. If the socket has been idle for longer, the driver MUST update the ServerDescription for the selected server. After updating, if the server is no longer suitable, the driver MUST repeat the server selection algorithm and select a new server.
Because single-threaded selection can do a blocking immediate check, the server selection timeout is not a hard
deadline. The actual maximum server selection time for any given request can vary from the timeout minus
to the timeout plus the time required for a blocking scan.
Single-threaded drivers MUST document that when serverSelectionTryOne
is true, selection may take up to the time
required for a blocking scan, and when serverSelectionTryOne
is false, selection may take up to the timeout plus the
time required for a blocking scan.
Topology type: Unknown
When a deployment has topology type "Unknown", no servers are suitable for read or write operations.
Topology type: Single
A deployment of topology type Single contains only a single server of any type. Topology type Single signifies a direct connection intended to receive all read and write operations.
Therefore, read preference is ignored during server selection with topology type Single. The single server is always suitable for reads if it is available. Depending on server type, the read preference is communicated to the server differently:
- Type Mongos: the read preference is sent to the server using the rules for Passing read preference to mongos and load balancers.
- Type Standalone: clients MUST NOT send the read preference to the server
- For all other types, using OP_QUERY: clients MUST always set the
wire protocol flag on reads to ensure that any server type can handle the request. - For all other types, using OP_MSG: If no read preference is configured by the application, or if the application read
preference is Primary, then
MUST be set to{ "mode": "primaryPreferred" }
to ensure that any server type can handle the request. If the application read preference is set otherwise,$readPreference
MUST be set following Document structure.
The single server is always suitable for write operations if it is available.
Topology type: LoadBalanced
During command construction, drivers MUST add a $readPreference
field to the command when required by
Passing read preference to mongos and load balancers; see the
Load Balancer Specification for details.
Topology types: ReplicaSetWithPrimary or ReplicaSetNoPrimary
A deployment with topology type ReplicaSetWithPrimary or ReplicaSetNoPrimary can have a mix of server types: RSPrimary (only in ReplicaSetWithPrimary), RSSecondary, RSArbiter, RSOther, RSGhost, Unknown or PossiblePrimary.
Read operations
For the purpose of selecting a server for read operations, the same rules apply to both ReplicaSetWithPrimary and ReplicaSetNoPrimary.
To select from the topology a server that matches the user's Read Preference:
If mode
is 'primary', select the primary server.
If mode
is 'secondary' or 'nearest':
- Select all secondaries if
is 'secondary', or all secondaries and the primary ifmode
is 'nearest'.- From these, filter out servers staler than
if it is a positive number.- From the remaining servers, select servers matching the
.- From these, select one server within the latency window.
(See algorithm for filtering by staleness, algorithm for filtering by tag_sets, and filtering suitable servers based on the latency window for details on each step, and why is maxStalenessSeconds applied before tag_sets?.)
If mode
is 'secondaryPreferred', attempt the selection algorithm with mode
'secondary' and the user's
and tag_sets
. If no server matches, select the primary.
If mode
is 'primaryPreferred', select the primary if it is known, otherwise attempt the selection algorithm with
'secondary' and the user's maxStalenessSeconds
and tag_sets
For all read preferences modes except 'primary', clients MUST set the SecondaryOk
wire protocol flag (OP_QUERY) or
global command argument (OP_MSG) to ensure that any suitable server can handle the request. If the
read preference mode is 'primary', clients MUST NOT set the SecondaryOk
wire protocol flag (OP_QUERY) or
global command argument (OP_MSG).
Write operations
If the topology type is ReplicaSetWithPrimary, only an available primary is suitable for write operations.
If the topology type is ReplicaSetNoPrimary, no servers are suitable for write operations.
Topology type: Sharded
A deployment of topology type Sharded contains one or more servers of type Mongos or Unknown.
For read operations, all servers of type Mongos are suitable; the mode
, tag_sets
, and maxStalenessSeconds
preference parameters are ignored for selecting a server, but are passed through to mongos. See
Passing read preference to mongos and load balancers.
For write operations, all servers of type Mongos are suitable.
If more than one mongos is suitable, drivers MUST select a suitable server within the latency window (see Filtering suitable servers based on the latency window).
Round Trip Times and the Latency Window
Calculation of Average Round Trip Times
For every available server, clients MUST track the average RTT of server monitoring hello
or legacy hello commands.
An Unknown server has no average RTT. When a server becomes unavailable, its average RTT MUST be cleared. Clients MAY implement this idiomatically (e.g nil, -1, etc.).
When there is no average RTT for a server, the average RTT MUST be set equal to the first RTT measurement (i.e. the
first hello
or legacy hello command after the server becomes available).
After the first measurement, average RTT MUST be computed using an exponentially-weighted moving average formula, with a
weighting factor (alpha
) of 0.2. If the prior average is denoted old_rtt
, then the new average (new_rtt
) is
computed from a new RTT measurement (x
) using the following formula:
alpha = 0.2
new_rtt = alpha * x + (1 - alpha) * old_rtt
A weighting factor of 0.2 was chosen to put about 85% of the weight of the average RTT on the 9 most recent observations.
Filtering suitable servers based on the latency window
Server selection results in a set of zero or more suitable servers. If more than one server is suitable, a server MUST be selected from among those within the latency window.
The localThresholdMS
configuration parameter controls the size of the latency window used to select a suitable server.
The shortest average round trip time (RTT) from among suitable servers anchors one end of the latency window (A
). The
other end is determined by adding localThresholdMS
(B = A + localThresholdMS
A server MUST be selected from among suitable servers that have an average RTT (RTT
) within the latency window (i.e.
A ≤ RTT ≤ B
). In other words, the suitable server with the shortest average RTT is always a possible choice. Other
servers could be chosen if their average RTTs are no more than localThresholdMS
more than the shortest average RTT.
See either Single-threaded server selection or Multi-threaded or asynchronous server selection for information on how to select a server from among those within the latency window.
Checking an Idle Socket After socketCheckIntervalMS
Only for single-threaded drivers.
If a server is selected that has an existing connection that has been idle for socketCheckIntervalMS, the driver MUST check the connection with the "ping" command. If the ping succeeds, use the selected connection. If not, set the server's type to Unknown and update the Topology Description according to the Server Discovery and Monitoring Spec, and attempt once more to select a server.
The logic is expressed in this pseudocode. The algorithm for the "getServer" function is suggested below, in Single-threaded server selection implementation:
def getConnection(criteria):
# Get a server for writes, or a server matching read prefs, by
# running the server selection algorithm.
server = getServer(criteria)
if not server:
throw server selection error
connection = server.connection
if connection is NULL:
# connect to server and return connection
else if connection has been idle < socketCheckIntervalMS:
return connection
use connection for "ping" command
return connection
except network error:
close connection
mark server Unknown and update Topology Description
# Attempt *once* more to select.
server = getServer(criteria)
if not server:
throw server selection error
# connect to server and return connection
See What is the purpose of socketCheckIntervalMS?.
Requests and Pinning Deprecated
The prior read preference specification included the concept of a "request", which pinned a server to a thread for subsequent, related reads. Requests and pinning are now deprecated. See What happened to pinning? for the rationale for this change.
Drivers with an existing request API MAY continue to provide it for backwards compatibility, but MUST document that pinning for the request does not guarantee monotonic reads.
Drivers MUST NOT automatically pin the client or a thread to a particular server without an explicit start_request
comparable) method call.
Outside a legacy "request" API, drivers MUST use server selection for each individual read operation.
Please refer to the logging specification for details on logging implementations in general, including log levels, log components, and structured versus unstructured logging.
Drivers MUST support logging of server selection information via the following log messages. These messages MUST use the
log component.
The types used in the structured message definitions below are demonstrative, and drivers MAY use similar types instead so long as the information is present (e.g. a double instead of an integer, or a string instead of an integer if the structured logging framework does not support numeric types.)
Common Fields
The following key-value pairs MUST be included in all server selection log messages:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
selector | String | String representation of the selector being used to select the server. This can be a read preference or an application-provided custom selector. The exact content of is flexible depending on what the driver is able to log. At minimum, when the selector is a read preference this string MUST contain all components of the read preference, and when it is an application-provided custom selector the string MUST somehow indicate that it is a custom selector. |
operationId | Int | The driver-generated operation ID. Optional; only present if the driver generates operation IDs and this command has one. |
operation | String | The name of the operation for which a server is being selected. When server selection is being performed to select a server for a command, this MUST be the command name. |
topologyDescription | String | String representation of the current topology description. The format of is flexible and could be e.g. the toString() implementation for a driver's topology type, or an extended JSON representation of the topology object. |
"Server selection started" message
This message MUST be logged at debug
level. It MUST be emitted on the occasions specified either in
Multi-threaded or asynchronous server selection or
Single-threaded server selection, depending on which algorithm the driver
This message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Server selection started" |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Server selection started for operation {{operation}} with ID {{operationId}}. Selector: {{selector}}, topology description: {{topologyDescription}}
"Server selection succeeded" message
This message MUST be logged at debug
level. It MUST be emitted on the occasions specified either in
Multi-threaded or asynchronous server selection or
Single-threaded server selection, depending on which algorithm the driver
This message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Server selection succeeded" |
serverHost | String | The hostname, IP address, or Unix domain socket path for the selected server. |
serverPort | Int | The port for the selected server. Optional; not present for Unix domain sockets. When the user does not specify a port and the default (27017) is used, the driver SHOULD include it here. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Server selection succeeded for operation {{operation}} with ID {{operationId}}. Selected server: {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}. Selector: {{selector}}, topology description: {{topologyDescription}}
"Server selection failed" message
This message MUST be logged at debug
level. It MUST be emitted on the occasions specified either in
Multi-threaded or asynchronous server selection or
Single-threaded server selection, depending on which algorithm the driver
This message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Server selection failed" |
failure | Flexible | Representation of the error the driver will throw regarding server selection failing. The type and format of this value is flexible; see the logging specification for details on representing errors in log messages. Drivers MUST take care to not include any information in this field that is already included in the log message; e.g. the topology description should not be duplicated within this field. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Server selection failed for operation {{operationName}} with ID {{operationId}}. Failure: {{failure}}. Selector: {{selector}}, topology description: {{topologyDescription}}
"Waiting for suitable server to become available" message
This message MUST be logged at info
level. It MUST be emitted on the occasions specified either in
Multi-threaded or asynchronous server selection or
Single-threaded server selection, depending on which algorithm the driver
In order to avoid generating redundant log messages, the driver MUST take care to only emit this message once per operation. We only log the message once because the only values that can change over time are:
- The remaining time: given the initial message's timestamp and the initial timestamp, the time remaining can always be inferred from the original message.
- The topology description: rather than logging these changes on a per-operation basis, users should observe them with a single set of messages for the entire client via SDAM log messages.
This message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Waiting for suitable server to become available" |
remainingTimeMS | Int | The remaining time left until server selection will time out. This MAY be omitted if the driver supports disabling server selection timeout altogether. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Waiting for server to become available for operation {{operationName}} with ID {{operationId}}. Remaining time: {{remainingTimeMS}} ms. Selector: {{selector}}, topology description: {{topologyDescription}}.
Implementation Notes
These are suggestions. As always, driver authors should balance cross-language standardization with backwards compatibility and the idioms of their language.
Modes ('primary', 'secondary', ...) are constants declared in whatever way is idiomatic for the programming language.
The constant values may be ints, strings, or whatever. However, when attaching modes to $readPreference
camel case
must be used as described above in
Passing read preference to mongos and load balancers.
primaryPreferred and secondaryPreferred
'primaryPreferred' is equivalent to selecting a server with read preference mode 'primary' (without tag_sets
), or, if that fails, falling back to selecting with read preference mode 'secondary' (with
and maxStalenessSeconds
, if provided).
'secondaryPreferred' is the inverse: selecting with mode 'secondary' (with tag_sets
and maxStalenessSeconds
) and
falling back to selecting with mode 'primary' (without tag_sets
or maxStalenessSeconds
Depending on the implementation, this may result in cleaner code.
The term 'nearest' is unfortunate, as it implies a choice based on geographic locality or absolute lowest latency, neither of which are true.
Instead, and unlike the other read preference modes, 'nearest' does not favor either primaries or secondaries; instead
all servers are candidates and are filtered by tag_sets
and maxStalenessSeconds
To always select the server with the lowest RTT, users should use mode 'nearest' without tag_sets
and set localThresholdMS
to zero.
To distribute reads across all members evenly regardless of RTT, users should use mode 'nearest' without tag_sets
and set localThresholdMS
very high so that all servers fall within the latency window.
In both cases, tag_sets
and maxStalenessSeconds
could be used to further restrict the set of eligible servers, if
Tag set lists
Tag set lists can be configured in the driver in whatever way is natural for the language.
Multi-threaded server selection implementation
The following example uses a single lock for clarity. Drivers are free to implement whatever concurrency model best suits their design.
The following is pseudocode for multi-threaded or asynchronous server selection:
def getServer(criteria):
now = gettime()
endTime = now + computed server selection timeout
log a "server selection started" message
while true:
# The topologyDescription keeps track of whether any server has an
# an invalid wire version range
if not topologyDescription.compatible:
log a "server selection failed" message
throw invalid wire protocol range error with details
if maxStalenessSeconds is set:
if client minWireVersion < 5 and "<any available server's maxWireVersion < 5">:
throw error
if topologyDescription.type in (ReplicaSetWithPrimary, ReplicaSetNoPrimary):
if (maxStalenessSeconds * 1000 < heartbeatFrequencyMS + idleWritePeriodMS or
maxStalenessSeconds < smallestMaxStalenessSeconds):
throw error
servers = all servers in topologyDescription matching criteria
if serverSelector is not null:
servers = serverSelector(servers)
if servers is not empty:
in_window = servers within the latency window
if len(in_window) == 1:
selected = in_window[0]
server1, server2 = random two entries from in_window
if server1.operation_count <= server2.operation_count:
selected = server1
selected = server2
selected.operation_count += 1
return selected
request that all monitors check immediately
if the message was not logged already for this operation:
log a "waiting for suitable server to become available" message
# Wait for a new TopologyDescription. condition.wait() releases
# client.lock while waiting and reacquires it before returning.
# While a thread is waiting on client.condition, it is awakened
# early whenever a server check completes.
timeout_left = endTime - gettime()
if now after endTime:
throw server selection error
Single-threaded server selection implementation
The following is pseudocode for single-threaded server selection:
def getServer(criteria):
startTime = gettime()
loopEndTime = startTime
maxTime = startTime + computed server selection timeout
nextUpdateTime = topologyDescription.lastUpdateTime
+ heartbeatFrequencyMS/1000:
if nextUpdateTime < startTime:
topologyDescription.stale = true
while true:
if topologyDescription.stale:
scanReadyTime = topologyDescription.lastUpdateTime
+ minHeartbeatFrequencyMS/1000
if ((not serverSelectionTryOnce) and (scanReadyTime > maxTime)):
throw server selection error with details
# using loopEndTime below is a proxy for "now" but avoids
# the overhead of another gettime() call
sleepTime = scanReadyTime - loopEndTime
if sleepTime > 0:
sleep sleepTime
rescan all servers
topologyDescription.lastupdateTime = gettime()
topologyDescription.stale = false
# topologyDescription keeps a record of whether any
# server has an incompatible wire version range
if not topologyDescription.compatible:
topologyDescription.stale = true
# throw invalid wire version range error with details
if maxStalenessSeconds is set:
if client minWireVersion < 5 and "<any available server's maxWireVersion < 5>":
# throw error
if topologyDescription.type in (ReplicaSetWithPrimary, ReplicaSetNoPrimary):
if (maxStalenessSeconds * 1000 < heartbeatFrequencyMS + idleWritePeriodMS or
maxStalenessSeconds < smallestMaxStalenessSeconds):
# throw error
servers = all servers in topologyDescription matching criteria
if serverSelector is not null:
servers = serverSelector(servers)
if servers is not empty:
in_window = servers within the latency window
return random entry from in_window
topologyDescription.stale = true
loopEndTime = gettime()
if serverSelectionTryOnce:
if topologyDescription.lastUpdateTime > startTime:
throw server selection error with details
else if loopEndTime > maxTime:
throw server selection error with details
if the message was not logged already:
log a "waiting for suitable server to become available" message
Server Selection Errors
Drivers should use server descriptions and their error attributes (if set) to return useful error messages.
For example, when there are no members matching the ReadPreference:
- "No server available for query with ReadPreference primary"
- "No server available for query with ReadPreference secondary"
- "No server available for query with ReadPreference " + mode + ", tag set list " + tag_sets + ", and
" + maxStalenessSeconds
Or, if authentication failed:
- "Authentication failed:
[specific error message]
Here is a sketch of some pseudocode for handling error reporting when errors could be different across servers:
if there are any available servers:
error_message = "No servers are suitable for " + criteria
else if all ServerDescriptions' errors are the same:
error_message = a ServerDescription.error value
error_message = ', '.join(all ServerDescriptions' errors)
Cursor operations OP_GET_MORE and OP_KILL_CURSOR do not go through the server selection process. Cursor operations must be sent to the original server that received the query and sent the OP_REPLY. For exhaust cursors, the same socket must be used for OP_GET_MORE until the cursor is exhausted.
Sharded Transactions
Operations that are part of a sharded transaction (after the initial command) do not go through the server selection process. Sharded transaction operations MUST be sent to the original mongos server on which the transaction was started.
The 'text' command and mongos
Note: As of MongoDB 2.6, mongos doesn't distribute the "text" command to secondaries, see SERVER-10947.
However, the "text" command is deprecated in 2.6, so this command-specific helper may become deprecated before this is fixed.
Test Plan
The server selection test plan is given in a separate document that describes the tests and supporting data files: Server Selection Tests
Design Rationale
Use of topology types
The prior version of the read preference spec had only a loose definition of server or topology types. The Server Discovery and Monitoring spec defines these terms explicitly and they are used here for consistency and clarity.
Consistency with mongos
In order to ensure that behavior is consistent regardless of topology type, read preference behaviors are limited to those that mongos can proxy.
For example, mongos ignores read preference 'secondary' when a shard consists of a single server. Therefore, this spec calls for topology type Single to ignore read preferences for consistency.
The spec has been written with the intention that it can apply to both drivers and mongos and the term "client" has been used when behaviors should apply to both. Behaviors that are specific to drivers are largely limited to those for communicating with a mongos.
New localThresholdMS configuration option name
Because this does not apply only to secondaries and does not limit absolute latency, the name
is misleading.
The mongos name localThreshold
misleads because it has nothing to do with locality. It also doesn't include the MS
units suffix for consistency with other time-related configuration options.
However, given a choice between the two, localThreshold
is a more general term. For drivers, we add the MS
for clarity about units and consistency with other configuration options.
Random selection within the latency window (single-threaded)
When more than one server is judged to be suitable, the spec calls for random selection to ensure a fair distribution of work among servers within the latency window.
It would be hard to ensure a fair round-robin approach given the potential for servers to come and go. Making newly available servers either first or last could lead to unbalanced work. Random selection has a better fairness guarantee and keeps the design simpler.
operationCount-based selection within the latency window (multi-threaded or async)
As operation execution slows down on a node (e.g. due to degraded server-side performance or increased network latency), checked-out pooled connections to that node will begin to remain checked out for longer periods of time. Assuming at least constant incoming operation load, more connections will then need to be opened against the node to service new operations that it gets selected for, further straining it and slowing it down. This can lead to runaway connection creation scenarios that can cripple a deployment ("connection storms"). As part of DRIVERS-781, the random choice portion of multi-threaded server selection was changed to more evenly spread out the workload among suitable servers in order to prevent any single node from being overloaded. The new steps achieve this by approximating an individual server's load via the number of concurrent operations that node is processing (operationCount) and then routing operations to servers with less load. This should reduce the number of new operations routed towards nodes that are busier and thus increase the number routed towards nodes that are servicing operations faster or are simply less busy. The previous random selection mechanism did not take load into account and could assign work to nodes that were under too much stress already.
As an added benefit, the new approach gives preference to nodes that have recently been discovered and are thus are more likely to be alive (e.g. during a rolling restart). The narrowing to two random choices first ensures new servers aren't overly preferred however, preventing a "thundering herd" situation. Additionally, the maxConnecting provisions included in the CMAP specification prevent drivers from crippling new nodes with connection storms.
This approach is based on the "Power of Two Random Choices with Least Connections" load balancing algorithm.
An alternative approach to this would be to prefer selecting servers that already have available connections. While that approach could help reduce latency, it does not achieve the benefits of routing operations away from slow servers or of preferring newly introduced servers. Additionally, that approach could lead to the same node being selected repeatedly rather than spreading the load out among all suitable servers.
The SecondaryOk wire protocol flag
In server selection, there is a race condition that could exist between what a selected server type is believed to be and what it actually is.
The SecondaryOk
wire protocol flag solves the race problem by communicating to the server whether a secondary is
acceptable. The server knows its type and can return a "not writable primary" error if SecondaryOk
is false and the
server is a secondary.
However, because topology type Single is used for direct connections, we want read operations to succeed even against a
secondary, so the SecondaryOk
wire protocol flag must be sent to mongods with topology type Single.
(If the server type is Mongos, follow the rules for Passing read preference to mongos and load balancers, even for topology type Single.)
General command method going to primary
The list of commands that can go to secondaries changes over time and depends not just on the command but on parameters.
For example, the mapReduce
command may or may not be able to be run on secondaries depending on the value of the out
It significantly simplifies implementation for the general command method always to go to the primary unless a explicit read preference is set and rely on users of the general command method to provide a read preference appropriate to the command.
The command-specific helpers will need to implement a check of read preferences against the semantics of the command and its parameters, but keeping this logic close to the command rather than in a generic method is a better design than either delegating this check to the generic method, duplicating the logic in the generic method, or coupling both to another validation method.
Average round trip time calculation
Using an exponentially-weighted moving average avoids having to store and rotate an arbitrary number of RTT observations. All observations count towards the average. The weighting makes recent observations count more heavily while smoothing volatility.
Verbose errors
Error messages should be sufficiently verbose to allow users and/or support engineers to determine the reasons for server selection failures from log or other error messages.
"Try once" mode
Single-threaded drivers in languages like PHP and Perl are typically deployed as many processes per application server. Each process must independently discover and monitor the MongoDB deployment.
When no suitable server is available (due to a partition or misconfiguration), it is better for each request to fail as soon as its process detects a problem, instead of waiting and retrying to see if the deployment recovers.
Minimizing response latency is important for maximizing request-handling capacity and for user experience (e.g. a quick fail message instead of a slow web page).
However, when a request arrives and the topology information is already stale, or no suitable server is known, making a single attempt to update the topology to service the request is acceptable.
A user of a single-threaded driver who prefers resilience in the face of topology problems, rather than short response times, can turn the "try once" mode off. Then driver rescans the topology every minHeartbeatFrequencyMS until a suitable server is found or the timeout expires.
What is the purpose of socketCheckIntervalMS?
Single-threaded clients need to make a compromise: if they check servers too frequently it slows down regular operations, but if they check too rarely they cannot proactively avoid errors.
Errors are more disruptive for single-threaded clients than for multi-threaded. If one thread in a multi-threaded process encounters an error, it warns the other threads not to use the disconnected server. But single-threaded clients are deployed as many independent processes per application server, and each process must throw an error until all have discovered that a server is down.
The compromise specified here balances the cost of frequent checks against the disruption of many errors. The client
preemptively checks individual sockets that have not been used in the last
socketCheckIntervalMS, which is more frequent by default than heartbeatFrequencyMS
in the Server Discovery and Monitoring Spec.
The client checks the socket with a "ping" command, rather than "hello" or legacy hello, because it is not checking the
server's full state as in the Server Discovery and Monitoring Spec, it is only verifying that the connection is still
open. We might also consider a select
or poll
call to check if the socket layer considers the socket closed, without
requiring a round-trip to the server. However, this technique usually will not detect an uncleanly shutdown server or a
network outage.
Backwards Compatibility
In general, backwards breaking changes have been made in the name of consistency with mongos and avoiding misleading users about monotonicity.
Features removed:
- Automatic pinning (see What happened to pinning?)
- Auto retry (replaced by the general server selection algorithm)
- mongos "high availability" mode (effectively, mongos pinning)
Other features and behaviors have changed explicitly
- Ignoring read preferences for topology type Single
- Default read preference for the generic command method
Changes with grandfather clauses
- Alternate names for
- Pinning for legacy request APIs
- Alternate names for
Internal changes with little user-visibility
- Clarifying calculation of average RTT
Questions and Answers
What happened to pinning?
The prior read preference spec, which was implemented in the versions of the drivers and mongos released concomitantly with MongoDB 2.2, stated that a thread / client should remain pinned to an RS member as long as that member matched the current mode, tags, and acceptable latency. This increased the odds that reads would be monotonic (assuming no rollback), but had the following surprising consequence:
- Thread / client reads with mode 'secondary' or 'secondaryPreferred', gets pinned to a secondary
- Thread / client reads with mode 'primaryPreferred', driver / mongos sees that the pinned member (a secondary) matches the mode (which allows for a secondary) and reads from secondary, even though the primary is available and preferable
The old spec also had the swapped problem, reading from the primary with 'secondaryPreferred', except for mongos which was changed at the last minute before release with SERVER-6565.
This left application developers with two problems:
- 'primaryPreferred' and 'secondaryPreferred' acted surprisingly and unpredictably within requests
- There was no way to specify a common need: read from a secondary if possible with 'secondaryPreferred', then from primary if possible with 'primaryPreferred', all within a request. Instead an application developer would have to do the second read with 'primary', which would unpin the thread but risk unavailability if only secondaries were up.
Additionally, mongos 2.4 introduced the releaseConnectionsAfterResponse option (RCAR), mongos 2.6 made it the default and mongos 2.8 will remove the ability to turn it off. This means that pinning to a mongos offers no guarantee that connections to shards are pinned. Since we can't provide the same guarantees for replica sets and sharded clusters, we removed automatic pinning entirely and deprecated "requests". See SERVER-11956 and SERVER-12273.
Regardless, even for replica sets, pinning offers no monotonicity because of the ever-present possibility of rollbacks. Through MongoDB 2.6, secondaries did not close sockets on rollback, so a rollback could happen between any two queries without any indication to the driver.
Therefore, an inconsistent feature that doesn't actually do what people think it does has no place in the spec and has been removed. Should the server eventually implement some form of "sessions", this spec will need to be revised accordingly.
Why change from mongos High Availability (HA) to random selection?
Mongos HA has similar problems with pinning, in that one can wind up pinned to a high-latency mongos even if a lower-latency mongos later becomes available.
Selection within the latency window avoids this problem and makes server selection exactly analogous to having multiple suitable servers from a replica set. This is easier to explain and implement.
What happened to auto-retry?
The old auto-retry mechanism was closely connected to server pinning, which has been removed. It also mandated exactly three attempts to carry out a query on different servers, with no way to disable or adjust that value, and only for the first query within a request.
To the extent that auto-retry was trying to compensate for unavailable servers, the Server Discovery and Monitoring spec and new server selection algorithm provide a more robust and configurable way to direct all queries to available servers.
After a server is selected, several error conditions could still occur that make the selected server unsuitable for sending the operation, such as:
- the server could have shutdown the socket (e.g. a primary stepping down),
- a connection pool could be empty, requiring new connections; those connections could fail to connect or could fail the server handshake
Once an operation is sent over the wire, several additional error conditions could occur, such as:
- a socket timeout could occur before the server responds
- the server might send an RST packet, indicating the socket was already closed
- for write operations, the server might return a "not writable primary" error
This specification does not require nor prohibit drivers from attempting automatic recovery for various cases where it might be considered reasonable to do so, such as:
- repeating server selection if, after selection, a socket is determined to be unsuitable before a message is sent on it
- for a read operation, after a socket error, selecting a new server meeting the read preference and resending the query
- for a write operation, after a "not writable primary" error, selecting a new server (to locate the primary) and resending the write operation
Driver-common rules for retrying operations (and configuring such retries) could be the topic of a different, future specification.
Why is maxStalenessSeconds applied before tag_sets?
The intention of read preference's list of tag sets is to allow a user to prefer the first tag set but fall back to members matching later tag sets. In order to know whether to fall back or not, we must first filter by all other criteria.
Say you have two secondaries:
- Node 1, tagged
{'tag': 'value1'}
, estimated staleness 5 minutes- Node 2, tagged
{'tag': 'value2'}
, estimated staleness 1 minute
And a read preference:
- mode: "secondary"
- maxStalenessSeconds: 120 (2 minutes)
- tag_sets:
[{'tag': 'value1'}, {'tag': 'value2'}]
If tag sets were applied before maxStalenessSeconds, we would select Node 1 since it matches the first tag set, then filter it out because it is too stale, and be left with no eligible servers.
The user's intent in specifying two tag sets was to fall back to the second set if needed, so we filter by maxStalenessSeconds first, then tag_sets, and select Node 2.
- Server Discovery and Monitoring specification
- Driver Authentication specification
- Connection Monitoring and Pooling specification
2015-06-26: Updated single-threaded selection logic with "stale" and serverSelectionTryOnce.
2015-08-10: Updated single-threaded selection logic to ensure a scan always happens at least once under serverSelectionTryOnce if selection fails. Removed the general selection algorithm and put full algorithms for each of the single- and multi-threaded sections. Added a requirement that single-threaded drivers document selection time expectations.
2016-07-21: Updated for Max Staleness support.
2016-08-03: Clarify selection algorithm, in particular that maxStalenessMS comes before tag_sets.
2016-10-24: Rename option from "maxStalenessMS" to "maxStalenessSeconds".
2016-10-25: Change minimum maxStalenessSeconds value from 2 * heartbeatFrequencyMS to heartbeatFrequencyMS + idleWritePeriodMS (with proper conversions of course).
2016-11-01: Update formula for secondary staleness estimate with the equivalent, and clearer, expression of this formula from the Max Staleness Spec
2016-11-21: Revert changes that would allow idleWritePeriodMS to change in the future, require maxStalenessSeconds to be at least 90.
2017-06-07: Clarify socketCheckIntervalMS behavior, single-threaded drivers must retry selection after checking an idle socket and discovering it is broken.
2017-11-10: Added application-configurated server selector.
2017-11-12: Specify read preferences for OP_MSG with direct connection, and delete obsolete comment direct connections to secondaries getting "not writable primary" errors by design.
2018-01-22: Clarify that
wrapping is only for OP_QUERY -
2018-01-22: Clarify that
on aggregate follows the "$out
Aggregation Pipeline Operator" spec and warns if read preference is not primary. -
2018-01-29: Remove reference to '
Aggregation spec'. Clarify runCommand selection rules. -
2018-12-13: Update tag_set example to use only String values
2019-05-20: Added rule to not send read preferene to standalone servers
2019-06-07: Clarify language for aggregate and mapReduce commands that write
2020-03-17: Specify read preferences with support for server hedged reads
2020-10-10: Consider server load when selecting servers within the latency window.
2021-04-07: Adding in behaviour for load balancer mode.
2021-05-12: Removed deprecated URI option in favour of readPreference=secondaryPreferred.
2021-05-13: Updated to use modern terminology.
2021-08-05: Updated
logic to describe OP_MSG behavior. -
2021-09-03: Clarify that wire version check only applies to available servers.
2021-09-28: Note that 5.0+ secondaries support aggregate with write stages (e.g.
). Clarify settingSecondaryOk
wire protocol flag or$readPreference
global command argument for replica set topology. -
2022-01-19: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout spec
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter, move footnote, and reformat changelog.
2022-11-09: Add log messages and tests.
2023-08-26: Add list of deprioritized servers for sharded cluster topology.
2024-02-07: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2025-02-25: Note the deprecation of hedged reads.
mongos 3.4 refuses to connect to mongods with maxWireVersion < 5, so it does no additional wire version checks related to maxStalenessSeconds.
Max Staleness
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.4
Read preference gains a new option, "maxStalenessSeconds".
A client (driver or mongos) MUST estimate the staleness of each secondary, based on lastWriteDate values provided in server hello responses, and select only those secondaries whose staleness is less than or equal to maxStalenessSeconds.
Most of the implementation of the maxStalenessSeconds option is specified in the Server Discovery And Monitoring Spec and the Server Selection Spec. This document supplements those specs by collecting information specifically about maxStalenessSeconds.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Motivation for Change
Users have often asked for ways to avoid reading from stale secondaries. An application with a geographically distributed replica set may want to prefer nearby members to minimize latency, while at the same time avoiding extremely laggy secondaries to mitigate the risk of very stale reads.
- Provide an approximate means of limiting the staleness of secondary reads.
- Provide a client-side knob to adjust the tradeoff between network-local reads and data recency.
- Be robust in the face of clock skew between the client and servers, and skew between the primary and secondaries.
- Avoid "inadvertent primary read preference": prevent a maxStalenessSeconds setting so small it forces all reads to the primary regardless of actual replication lag.
- Specify how mongos routers and shards track the opTimes of Config Servers as Replica Sets ("CSRS").
- Provide a global server-side configuration of max acceptable staleness (see rejected ideas).
- Support small values for max staleness.
- Make a consistency guarantee resembling readConcern "afterOpTime".
- Specify how maxStalenessSeconds interacts with readConcern "afterOpTime" in drivers (distinct from the goal for routers and shards).
- Compensate for the duration of server checks in staleness estimations.
"maxStalenessSeconds" is a new read preference option, with a positive integer value. It MUST be configurable similar to other read preference options like "readPreference" and "tag_sets". Clients MUST also recognize it in the connection string:
Clients MUST consider "maxStalenessSeconds=-1" in the connection string to mean "no maximum staleness".
A connection string combining a positive maxStalenessSeconds with read preference mode "primary" MUST be considered invalid; this includes connection strings with no explicit read preference mode.
By default there is no maximum staleness.
A driver connected to a replica set requires that maxStalenessSeconds be absent, or be at least smallestMaxStalenessSeconds (90 seconds) and at least heartbeatFrequencyMS + idleWritePeriodMS. The exact mechanism for enforcement is defined in the Server Selection Spec.
Besides configuring maxStalenessSeconds in the connection string, the API for configuring it in code is not specified; drivers are free to use None, null, -1, or other representations of "no value" to represent "no max staleness".
Replica Sets
Replica set primaries and secondaries implement the following features to support maxStalenessSeconds.
An idle primary writes a no-op to the oplog every 10 seconds to refresh secondaries' lastWriteDate values (see
SERVER-23892 and primary must write periodic no-ops). This spec refers to this
period as idleWritePeriodMS
with constant value 10,000.
A primary's or secondary's hello response contains a "lastWrite" subdocument with these fields (SERVER-8858):
- lastWriteDate: a BSON UTC datetime, the wall-clock time of the primary when it most recently recorded a write to the oplog.
- opTime: an opaque value representing the position in the oplog of the most recently seen write. Needed for sharding, not used for the maxStalenessSeconds read preference option.
Wire Version
The maxWireVersion MUST be incremented to 5 to indicate that the server includes maxStalenessSeconds features (SERVER-23893).
A client (driver or mongos) MUST estimate the staleness of each secondary, based on lastWriteDate values provided in server hello responses, and select for reads only those secondaries whose estimated staleness is less than or equal to maxStalenessSeconds.
If any server's maxWireVersion is less than 5 and maxStalenessSeconds is a positive number, every attempt at server selection throws an error.
When there is a known primary, a secondary S's staleness is estimated with this formula:
(S.lastUpdateTime - S.lastWriteDate) - (P.lastUpdateTime - P.lastWriteDate) + heartbeatFrequencyMS
Where "P" and "S" are the primary's and secondary's ServerDescriptions. All datetimes are in milliseconds. The staleness estimate could be temporarily negative.
When there is no known primary, a secondary S's staleness is estimated with this formula:
SMax.lastWriteDate - S.lastWriteDate + heartbeatFrequencyMS
Where "SMax" is the secondary with the greatest lastWriteDate.
Explanation of Staleness Estimate With Primary
- When the client checks the primary, it gets the delta between the primary's lastWriteDate and the client clock. Call this "Client_to_Primary".
- When the client checks a secondary, it gets the delta between the secondary's lastWriteDate and the client clock. Call this "Client_to_Secondary".
- The difference of these two is an estimate of the delta between the primary's and secondary's lastWriteDate.
staleness = Client_to_Secondary - Client_to_Primary
= (S.lastUpdateTime - S.lastWriteDate) - (P.lastUpdateTime - P.lastWriteDate)
Finally, add heartbeatFrequencyMS:
(S.lastUpdateTime - S.lastWriteDate) - (P.lastUpdateTime - P.lastWriteDate) + heartbeatFrequencyMS
This adjusts for the pessimistic assumption that S stops replicating right after S.lastUpdateTime, so it will be heartbeatFrequencyMS more stale by the time it is checked again. This means S must be fresh enough at S.lastUpdateTime to be eligible for reads from now until the next check, even if it stops replicating.
See the Server Discovery and Monitoring Spec and Server Selection Spec for details of client implementation.
Routers and shards
Background: Shard servers and mongos servers in a sharded cluster with CSRS use readConcern "afterOptime" for consistency guarantees when querying the shard config.
Besides tracking lastWriteDate, routers and shards additionally track the opTime of CSRS members if they have maxWireVersion 5 or greater. (See Server Discovery and Monitoring Spec for details.)
When a router or shard selects a CSRS member to read from with readConcern like:
readConcern: { afterOpTime: OPTIME }
... then it follows this selection logic:
- Make a list of known CSRS data members.
- Filter out those whose last known opTime is older than OPTIME.
- If no servers remain, select the primary.
- Otherwise, select randomly one of the CSRS members whose roundTripTime is within localThresholdMS of the member with the fastest roundTripTime.
Step 4 is the standard localThresholdMS logic from the Server Selection Spec.
This algorithm helps routers and shards select a secondary that is likely to satisfy readConcern "afterOpTime" without blocking.
This feature is only for routers and shards, not drivers. See Future Work.
Reference Implementation
The C Driver (CDRIVER-1363) and Perl Driver (PERL-626).
Estimating Staleness: Example With a Primary and Continuous Writes
Consider a primary P and a secondary S, and a client with heartbeatFrequencyMS set to 10 seconds. Say that the primary's clock is 50 seconds skewed ahead of the client's.
The client checks P and S at time 60 (meaning 60 seconds past midnight) by the client's clock. The primary reports its lastWriteDate is 10.
Then, S reports its lastWriteDate is 0. The client estimates S's staleness as:
(S.lastUpdateTime - S.lastWriteDate) - (P.lastUpdateTime - P.lastWriteDate) + heartbeatFrequencyMS
= (60 - 0) - (60 - 10) + 10
= 20 seconds
(Values converted from milliseconds to seconds for the sake of discussion.)
Note that the secondary appears only 10 seconds stale at this moment, but the client adds heartbeatFrequencyMS, pessimistically assuming that the secondary will not replicate at all between now and the next check. If the current staleness plus heartbeatFrequencyMS is still less than maxStalenessSeconds, then we can safely read from the secondary from now until the next check.
The client re-checks P and S 10 seconds later, at time 70 by the client's clock. S responds first with a lastWriteDate of 5: it has fallen 5 seconds further behind. The client updates S's lastWriteDate and lastUpdateTime. The client now estimates S's staleness as:
(S.lastUpdateTime - S.lastWriteDate) - (P.lastUpdateTime - P.lastWriteDate) + heartbeatFrequencyMS
= (70 - 5) - (60 - 10) + 10
= 25 seconds
Say that P's response arrives 10 seconds later, at client time 80, and reports its lastWriteDate is 30. S's staleness is still 25 seconds:
(S.lastUpdateTime - S.lastWriteDate) - (P.lastUpdateTime - P.lastWriteDate) + heartbeatFrequencyMS
= (70 - 5) - (80 - 30) + 10
= 25 seconds
The same story as a table:
Client clock | Primary clock | Event | S.lastUpdateTime | S.lastWriteDate | P.lastUpdateTime | P.lastWriteDate | S staleness |
60 | 10 | P and S respond | 60 | 0 | 60 | 10 | 20 seconds |
70 | 20 | S responds | 70 | 5 | 60 | 10 | 25 seconds |
80 | 30 | P responds | 70 | 5 | 80 | 30 | 25 seconds |
Estimating Staleness: Example With No Primary
Consider a replica set with secondaries S1 and S2, and no primary. S2 lags 15 seconds farther behind S1 and has not yet caught up. The client has heartbeatFrequencyMS set to 10 seconds.
When the client checks the two secondaries, S1's lastWriteDate is 20 and S2's lastWriteDate is 5.
Because S1 is the secondary with the maximum lastWriteDate, "SMax", its staleness estimate equals heartbeatFrequencyMS:
SMax.lastWriteDate - S.lastWriteDate + heartbeatFrequencyMS = 20 - 20 + 10 = 10
(Since max staleness must be at least heartbeatFrequencyMS + idleWritePeriodMS, S1 is eligible for reads no matter what.)
S2's staleness estimate is:
SMax.lastWriteDate - S.lastWriteDate + heartbeatFrequencyMS
= 20 - 5 + 10
= 25
Estimating Staleness: Example of Worst-Case Accuracy With Idle Replica Set
Consider a primary P and a secondary S, and a client with heartbeatFrequencyMS set to 500 ms. There is no clock skew. (Previous examples show that skew has no effect.)
The primary has been idle for 10 seconds and writes a no-op to the oplog at time 50 (meaning 50 seconds past midnight), and again at time 60.
Before the secondary can replicate the no-op at time 60, the client checks both servers. The primary reports its lastWriteDate is 60, the secondary reports 50.
The client estimates S's staleness as:
(S.lastUpdateTime - S.lastWriteDate) - (P.lastUpdateTime - P.lastWriteDate) + heartbeatFrequencyMS
= (60 - 50) - (60 - 60) + 0.5
= 10.5
The same story as a table:
Clock | Event | S.lastUpdateTime | S.lastWriteDate | P.lastUpdateTime | P.lastWriteDate | S staleness |
50 | Idle write | 50 | 50 | |||
60 | Idle write begins | 60 | 50 | |||
60 | Client checks P and S | 60 | 60 | 50 | 60 | 10.5 |
60 | Idle write completes | 60 | 60 |
In this scenario the actual secondary lag is between 0 and 10 seconds. But the staleness estimate can be as large as:
staleness = idleWritePeriodMS + heartbeatFrequencyMS
To ensure the secondary is always eligible for reads in an idle replica set, we require:
maxStalenessSeconds * 1000 >= heartbeatFrequencyMS + idleWritePeriodMS
Python scripts in this document's source directory:
: Usesscipy.optimize
to determine worst-case accuracy of the staleness estimate in an idle replica
: Tests whether a client would correctly select a secondary from an idle replica set, given a random distribution of values for maxStalenessSeconds, heartbeatFrequencyMS, lastWriteDate, and lastUpdateTime.
Test Plan
, and the YAML and JSON tests in the tests directory.
Design Rationale
Specify max staleness in seconds
Other driver options that are timespans are in milliseconds, for example serverSelectionTimeoutMS. The max staleness option is specified in seconds, however, to make it obvious to users that clients can only enforce large, imprecise max staleness values.
maxStalenessSeconds is part of Read Preferences
maxStalenessSeconds MAY be configurable at the client, database, and collection level, and per operation, the same as other read preference fields are, because users expressed that their tolerance for stale reads varies per operation.
Primary must write periodic no-ops
Consider a scenario in which the primary does not:
- There are no writes for an hour.
- A client performs a heavy read-only workload with read preference mode "nearest" and maxStalenessSeconds of 90 seconds.
- The primary receives a write.
- In the brief time before any secondary replicates the write, the client re-checks all servers.
- Since the primary's lastWriteDate is an hour ahead of all secondaries', the client only queries the primary.
- After heartbeatFrequencyMS, the client re-checks all servers and finds that the secondaries aren't lagging after all, and resumes querying them.
This apparent "replication lag spike" is just a measurement error, but it causes exactly the behavior the user wanted to avoid: a small replication lag makes the client route all queries from the secondaries to the primary.
Therefore an idle primary must execute a no-op every 10 seconds (idleWritePeriodMS) to keep secondaries' lastWriteDate values close to the primary's clock. The no-op also keeps opTimes close to the primary's, which helps mongos choose an up-to-date secondary to read from in a CSRS.
Monitoring software like MongoDB Cloud Manager that charts replication lag will also benefit when spurious lag spikes are solved.
See Estimating Staleness: Example of Worst-Case Accuracy With Idle Replica Set. and SERVER-23892.
Smallest allowed value for maxStalenessSeconds
If maxStalenessSeconds is a positive number, it must be at least smallestMaxStalenessSeconds (90 seconds) and at least heartbeatFrequencyMS + idleWritePeriodMS. The exact mechanism for enforcement is defined in the Server Selection Spec.
The justification for heartbeatFrequencyMS + idleWritePeriodMS is technical: If maxStalenessSeconds is set to exactly heartbeatFrequencyMS (converted to seconds), then so long as a secondary lags even a millisecond it is ineligible. Despite the user's read preference mode, the client will always read from the primary.
This is an example of "inadvertent primary read preference": a maxStalenessSeconds setting so small it forces all reads to the primary regardless of actual replication lag. We want to prohibit this effect (see goals).
We also want to ensure that a secondary in an idle replica set is always considered eligible for reads with maxStalenessSeconds. See Estimating Staleness: Example of Worst-Case Accuracy With Idle Replica Set.
Requiring maxStalenessSeconds to be at least 90 seconds is a design choice. If the only requirement were that maxStalenessSeconds be at least heartbeatFrequencyMS + idleWritePeriodMS, then the smallest value would be 20 seconds for multi-threaded drivers (10 second idleWritePeriodMS plus multi-threaded drivers' default 10 second heartbeatFrequencyMS), 70 seconds for single-threaded drivers (whose default heartbeatFrequencyMS is 60 seconds), and 40 seconds for mongos (whose replica set monitor checks servers every 30 seconds).
The smallest configurable value for heartbeatFrequencyMS is 0.5 seconds, so maxStalenessSeconds could be as small as 10.5 when using a driver connected to a replica set, but mongos provides no such flexibility.
Therefore, this spec also requires that maxStalenessSeconds is at least 90:
- To provide a minimum for all languages and topologies that is easy to document and explain
- To avoid application breakage when moving from replica set to sharded cluster, or when using the same URI with different drivers
- To emphasize that maxStalenessSeconds is a low-precision heuristic
- To avoid the arbitrary-seeming minimum of 70 seconds imposed by single-threaded drivers
All servers must have wire version 5 to support maxStalenessSeconds
Clients with minWireVersion < 5 MUST throw an error if maxStalenessSeconds is set, and any available server in the topology has maxWireVersion less than 5.
An available server is defined in the Server Selection specification.
Servers began reporting lastWriteDate in wire protocol version 5, and clients require some or all servers' lastWriteDate in order to estimate any servers' staleness. The exact requirements of the formula vary according to TopologyType, so this spec makes a simple ruling: if any server is running an outdated version, maxStalenessSeconds cannot be supported.
Rejected ideas
Add all secondaries' opTimes to primary's hello response
Not needed; each secondary's self-report of its opTime is just as good as the primary's.
Use opTimes from command responses besides hello
An idea was to add opTime to command responses that don't already include it (e.g., "find"), and use these opTimes to update ServerDescriptions more frequently than the periodic hello calls.
But while a server is not being used (e.g., while it is too stale, or while it does not match some other part of the Read Preference), only its periodic hello responses can update its opTime. Therefore, heartbeatFrequencyMS sets a lower bound on maxStalenessSeconds, so there is no benefit in recording each server's opTime more frequently. On the other hand there would be costs: effort adding opTime to all command responses, lock contention getting the opTime on the server and recording it on the client, complexity in the spec and the client code.
Use current time in staleness estimate
A proposed staleness formula estimated the secondary's worst possible staleness:
P.lastWriteDate + (now - P.lastUpdateTime) - S.lastWriteDate
In this proposed formula, the place occupied by "S.lastUpdateTime" in the actual formula is replaced with "now", at the moment in the server selection process when staleness is being estimated.
This formula attempted a worst-case estimate right now: it assumed the primary kept writing after the client checked it, and that the secondary replicated nothing since the client last checked the secondary. The formula was rejected because it would slosh load to and from the secondary during the interval between checks.
For example: Say heartbeatFrequencyMS is 10 seconds and maxStalenessSeconds is set to 25 seconds, and immediately after a secondary is checked its staleness is estimated at 20 seconds. It is eligible for reads until 5 seconds after the check, then it becomes ineligible, causing all queries to be directed to the primary until the next check, 5 seconds later.
Server-side Configuration
We considered a deployment-wide "max staleness" setting that servers communicate to clients in hello, e.g., "120 seconds is the max staleness." The read preference config is simplified: "maxStalenessSeconds" is gone, instead we have "staleOk: true" (the default?) and "staleOk: false".
Based on Customer Advisory Board feedback, configuring staleness per-operation on the client side is more useful. We should merely avoid closing the door on a future server-side configuration feature.
Complaints about stale reads, and proposed solutions:
Future Work
Future feature to support readConcern "afterOpTime"
If a future spec allows applications to use readConcern "afterOptime", clients should prefer secondaries that have already replicated to that opTime, so reads do not block. This is an extension of the mongos logic for CSRS to applications.
Future feature to support server-side configuration
For this spec, we chose to control maxStalenessSeconds in client code. A future spec could allow database administrators to configure from the server side how much replication lag makes a secondary too stale to read from. (See Server-side Configuration above.) This could be implemented atop the current feature: if a server communicates is staleness configuration in its hello response like:
{ hello: true, maxStalenessSeconds: 30 }
... then a future client can use the value from the server as its default maxStalenessSeconds when there is no client-side setting.
2024-08-09: Updated wire versions in tests to 4.0+.
2024-04-30: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and revise changelog.
2021-09-08: Updated tests to support driver removal of support for server versions older than 3.6.
2021-09-03: Clarify that wire version check only applies to available servers.
2021-04-06: Updated to use hello command.
2016-09-29: Specify "no max staleness" in the URI with "maxStalenessMS=-1" instead of "maxStalenessMS=0".
2016-10-24: Rename option from "maxStalenessMS" to "maxStalenessSeconds".
2016-10-25: Change minimum maxStalenessSeconds value from 2 * heartbeatFrequencyMS to heartbeatFrequencyMS + idleWritePeriodMS (with proper conversions of course).
2016-11-21: Revert changes that would allow idleWritePeriodMS to change in the future, require maxStalenessSeconds to be at least 90.
Retryable Reads
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.6
This specification is about the ability for drivers to automatically retry any read operation that has not yet received any results—due to a transient network error, a "not writable primary" error after a replica set failover, etc.
This specification will
- outline how an API for retryable read operations will be implemented in drivers
- define an option to enable retryable reads for an application.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Retryable Error
An error is considered retryable if it meets any of the criteria defined under Retryable Writes: Terms: Retryable Error, minus the final criterion about write concern errors. For convenience, the relevant criteria have been adapted to retryable reads and reproduced below.
An error is considered retryable if it meets any of the following criteria:
- any network exception (e.g. socket timeout or error)
- a server error response with any the following codes:
Error Name | Error Code |
ExceededTimeLimit | 262 |
InterruptedAtShutdown | 11600 |
InterruptedDueToReplStateChange | 11602 |
NotWritablePrimary | 10107 |
NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk | 13435 |
NotPrimaryOrSecondary | 13436 |
PrimarySteppedDown | 189 |
ReadConcernMajorityNotAvailableYet | 134 |
ShutdownInProgress | 91 |
HostNotFound | 7 |
HostUnreachable | 6 |
NetworkTimeout | 89 |
SocketException | 9001 |
- a PoolClearedError
- Any of the above retryable errors that occur during a connection handshake (including the authentication step). For example, a network error or ShutdownInProgress error encountered when running the hello or saslContinue commands.
MongoClient Configuration
This specification introduces the following client-level configuration option.
This boolean option determines whether retryable behavior will be applied to all read operations executed within the MongoClient. This option MUST default to true. As with retryable writes, this option MUST NOT be configurable at the level of an individual read operation, collection object, or database object. Drivers that expose a "high" and "core" API (e.g. Java and C# driver) MUST NOT expose a configurable option at the level of an individual read operation, collection object, or database object in "high", but MAY expose the option in "core."
Naming Deviations
As with retryable writes, drivers MUST use the defined name of
for the connection string parameter to ensure portability of connection strings across applications and
drivers. If drivers solicit MongoClient options through another mechanism (e.g. an options dictionary provided to the
MongoClient constructor), drivers SHOULD use the defined name but MAY deviate to comply with their existing conventions.
For example, a driver may use retry_reads
instead of retryReads
. For any other names in the spec, drivers SHOULD use
the defined name but MAY deviate to comply with their existing conventions.
Requirements for Retryable Reads
Supported Server Versions
Drivers MUST verify server eligibility by ensuring that maxWireVersion
is at least 6 because retryable reads require a
MongoDB 3.6 standalone, replica set or shard cluster, MongoDB 3.6 server wire version is 6 as defined in the
Server Wire version and Feature List specification.
The minimum server version is 3.6 because
- It gives us version parity with retryable writes.
- It forces the retry attempt(s) to use the same implicit session, which would make it it easier to track operations and kill any errant longer running operation.
- It limits the scope of the implementation (
will not need to be supported).
Supported Read Operations
Drivers MUST support retryability for the following operations:
All read operations defined in the CRUD specification i.e.
- This includes the
operations backing the GridFS API.
- This includes the
- Only if the pipeline does not include a write stage (e.g.
- Only if the pipeline does not include a write stage (e.g.
- Only required if the driver already provides
- Only required if the driver already provides
All read operation helpers in the change streams specification i.e.
All enumeration commands e.g.
Any read operations not defined in the aforementioned specifications:
- Any read operation helpers e.g.
- Any read operation helpers e.g.
Drivers SHOULD support retryability for the following operations:
- Any driver that provides generic command runners for read commands (with logic to inherit a client-level read concerns) SHOULD implement retryability for the read-only command runner.
Most of the above methods are defined in the following specifications:
Unsupported Read Operations
Drivers MUST NOT retry the following operations:
- This is due to the "Early Failure on Socket Disconnect" feature not supporting
. - N.B. If
is executed via a generic command runner for read commands, drivers SHOULD NOT inspect the command to preventmapReduce
from retrying.
- This is due to the "Early Failure on Socket Disconnect" feature not supporting
- Cursor.getMore()
- The generic runCommand helper, even if it is passed a read command.
- N.B.: This applies only to a generic command runner, which is agnostic about the read/write nature of the command.
Implementing Retryable Reads
Executing Retryable Read Commands
Executing retryable read commands is extremely similar to executing retryable write commands. The following explanation for executing retryable read commands has been adapted from the explanation for executing retryable write commands.
1. Selecting the initial server
The driver selects the initial server for the command as usual. When selecting a server for the first attempt of a retryable read command, drivers MUST allow a server selection error to propagate. In this case, the caller is able to infer that no attempt was made.
2. Determining whether retry should be allowed
A driver then determines if it should attempt to retry next.
2a. When not to allow retry
Drivers MUST attempt to execute the read command exactly once and allow any errors to propagate under any of the the following conditions:
- if retryable reads is not enabled or
- if the selected server does not support retryable reads or
- if the session in a transaction
By allowing the error to propagate, the caller is able to infer that one attempt was made.
2b. When to allow retry
Drivers MUST only attempt to retry a read command if
- retryable reads are enabled and
- the selected server supports retryable reads and
- the previous attempt yields a retryable error
3. Deciding to allow retry, encountering the initial retryable error, and selecting a server
If the driver decides to allow retry and the previous attempt of a retryable read command encounters a retryable error, the driver MUST update its topology according to the Server Discovery and Monitoring spec (see SDAM: Error Handling) and capture this original retryable error. Drivers should then proceed with selecting a server for a retry attempt.
3a. Selecting the server for retry
In a sharded cluster, the server on which the operation failed MUST be provided to the server selection mechanism as a deprioritized server.
If the driver cannot select a server for a retry attempt or the newly selected server does not support retryable reads, retrying is not possible and drivers MUST raise the previous retryable error. In both cases, the caller is able to infer that an attempt was made.
3b. Sending an equivalent command for a retry attempt
After server selection, a driver MUST send a valid command to the newly selected server that is equivalent1 to the initial command sent to the first server. If the driver determines that the newly selected server may not be able to support a command equivalent to the initial command, drivers MUST NOT retry and MUST raise the previous retryable error
The above requirement can be fulfilled in one of two ways:
During a retry attempt, the driver SHOULD recreate the command while adhering to that operation's specification's server/wire version requirements. If an error occurs while recreating the command, then the driver MUST raise the original retryable error.
For example, if the wire version dips from W0 to W1 after server selection, and the spec for operation O notes that for wire version W1, that field F should be omitted, then field F should be omitted. If the spec for operation O requires the driver to error out if field F is defined when talking to a server with wire version W1, then the driver must error out and raise the original retryable error.
Alternatively, if a driver chooses not to recreate the command as described above, then a driver MUST NOT retry if the server/wire version dips after server selection and MUST raise the original retryable error.
For example, if the wire version dips after server selection, the driver can choose to not retry and simply raise the original retryable error because there is no guarantee that the lower versioned server can support the original command.
3c. If a retry attempt fails
If a retry attempt also fails and Client Side Operations Timeout (CSOT) is enabled and the timeout has not yet expired, then the Driver MUST jump back to step 2b above in order to allow multiple retry attempts.
Otherwise, drivers MUST update their topology according to the SDAM spec (see SDAM: Error Handling). If an error would not allow the caller to infer that an attempt was made (e.g. connection pool exception originating from the driver), the previous error should be raised. If a retry failed due to another retryable error or some other error originating from the server, that error should be raised instead as the caller can infer that an attempt was made and the second error is likely more relevant (with respect to the current topology state).
If a driver associates server information (e.g. the server address or description) with an error, the driver MUST ensure that the reported server information corresponds to the server that originated the error.
4. Implementation constraints
When retrying a read command, drivers MUST NOT resend the original wire protocol message (see: Can drivers resend the same wire protocol message on retry attempts?).
The following pseudocode for executing retryable read commands has been adapted from the pseudocode for executing retryable write commands and reflects the flow described above.
* Checks if a connection supports retryable reads.
function isRetryableReadsSupported(connection) {
return connection.MaxWireVersion >= RETRYABLE_READS_MIN_WIRE_VERSION);
* Executes a read command in the context of a MongoClient where a retryable
* read have been enabled. The session parameter may be an implicit or
* explicit client session (depending on how the CRUD method was invoked).
function executeRetryableRead(command, session) {
Exception previousError = null;
retrying = false;
Server previousServer = null;
while true {
if (previousError != null) {
retrying = true;
try {
if (previousServer == null) {
server = selectServer();
} else {
// If a previous attempt was made, deprioritize the previous server
// where the command failed.
deprioritizedServers = [ previousServer ];
server = selectServer(deprioritizedServers);
} catch (ServerSelectionException exception) {
if (previousError == null) {
// If this is the first attempt, propagate the exception.
throw exception;
// For retries, propagate the previous error.
throw previousError;
try {
connection = server.getConnection();
} catch (PoolClearedException poolClearedError) {
/* PoolClearedException indicates the operation did not even attempt to
* create a connection, let alone execute the operation. This means we
* are always safe to attempt a retry. We do not need to update SDAM,
* since whatever error caused the pool to be cleared will do so itself. */
if (previousError == null) {
previousError = poolClearedError;
/* CSOT is enabled and the operation has timed out. */
if (timeoutMS != null && isExpired(timeoutMS) {
throw previousError;
if ( !isRetryableReadsSupported(connection) || session.inTransaction()) {
/* If this is the first loop iteration and we determine that retryable
* reads are not supported, execute the command once and allow any
* errors to propagate */
if (previousError == null) {
return executeCommand(connection, command);
/* If the server selected for retrying is too old, throw the previous error.
* The caller can then infer that an attempt was made and failed. This case
* is very rare, and likely means that the cluster is in the midst of a
* downgrade. */
throw previousError;
/* NetworkException and NotWritablePrimaryException are both retryable errors. If
* caught, remember the exception, update SDAM accordingly, and proceed with
* retrying the operation.
* Exceptions that originate from the driver (e.g. no socket available
* from the connection pool) are treated as fatal. Any such exception
* that occurs on the previous attempt is propagated as-is. On retries,
* the error from the previous attempt is raised as it will be more
* relevant for the user. */
try {
return executeCommand(connection, retryableCommand);
} catch (NetworkException networkError) {
updateTopologyDescriptionForNetworkError(server, networkError);
previousError = networkError;
previousServer = server;
} catch (NotWritablePrimaryException notPrimaryError) {
updateTopologyDescriptionForNotWritablePrimaryError(server, notPrimaryError);
previousError = notPrimaryError;
previousServer = server;
} catch (DriverException error) {
if ( previousError != null ) {
throw previousError;
throw error;
if (timeoutMS == null) {
/* If CSOT is not enabled, allow any retryable error from the second
* attempt to propagate to our caller, as it will be just as relevant
* (if not more relevant) than the original error. */
if (retrying) {
throw previousError;
} else if (isExpired(timeoutMS)) {
/* CSOT is enabled and the operation has timed out. */
throw previousError;
Logging Retry Attempts
As with retryable writes, drivers MAY choose to log retry attempts for read operations. This specification does not define a format for such log messages.
Command Monitoring
As with retryable writes, in accordance with the
Command Logging and Monitoring specification,
drivers MUST guarantee that each CommandStartedEvent
has either a correlating CommandSucceededEvent
and that every "command started" log message has either a correlating "command succeeded" log
message or "command failed" log message. If the first attempt of a retryable read operation encounters a retryable
error, drivers MUST fire a CommandFailedEvent
and emit a "command failed" log message for the retryable error and fire
a separate CommandStartedEvent
and emit a separate "command started" log message when executing the subsequent retry
attempt. Note that the second CommandStartedEvent
and "command started" log message may have a different
, since a server is reselected for a retry attempt.
- Drivers MUST document all read operations that support retryable behavior.
- Drivers MUST document that the operations in Unsupported Read Operations do not support retryable behavior.
- Driver release notes MUST make it clear to users that they may need to adjust custom retry logic to prevent an application from inadvertently retrying for too long (see Backwards Compatibility for details).
- Drivers implementing retryability for their generic command runner for read commands MUST document that
will be retried if it is passed as a command to the command runner. These drivers also MUST document the potential for degraded performance given that "Early Failure on Socket Disconnect" feature does not supportmapReduce
Test Plan
See the README for tests.
At a high level, the test plan will cover executing supported read operations within a MongoClient where retryable reads have been enabled, ensuring that reads are retried.
Motivation for Change
Drivers currently have an API for the retryability of write operations but not for read operations. The driver API needs to be extended to include support for retryable behavior for read operations.
Design Rationale
The design of this specification is based off the Retryable Writes specification. It modifies the driver API as little as possible to introduce the concept retryable behavior for read operations.
Alternative retry strategies (e.g. exponential back-off, incremental intervals, regular intervals, immediate retry, randomization) were considered, but the behavior of a single, immediate retry attempt was chosen in the interests of simplicity as well as consistency with the design for retryable writes.
See the future work section for potential upcoming changes to retry mechanics.
Backwards Compatibility
The API changes to support retryable reads extend the existing API but do not introduce any backward breaking changes. Existing programs that do not make use of retryable reads will continue to compile and run correctly.
N.B.: Applications with custom retry logic that choose to enable retryable reads may need to redo their custom retry logic to ensure that the reads are retried as desired. e.g. if an application has custom logic that retries reads n times and enables retryable reads, then the application could end up retrying reads up to 2n times.
The note above will also apply if an application upgrades to a version of the driver where that defaults to enabling retryable reads.
Rejected Designs
- To improve performance on servers without "Early Failure on Socket Disconnect", we considered using
to automatically kill the previous attempt before running a retry. We decided against this because after killing the session, parts of it still may be running if there are any errors. Additionally, killing sessions takes time because a kill has to talk to every non-configmongod
in the cluster (i.e. all the primaries and secondaries of each shard). In addition, in order to protect the system against getting overloaded with these requests, every server allows no more than one killsession operation at a time. Operations that attempt tokillsessions
while a killsession is running are batched together and run simultaneously after the current one finishes.
Reference Implementation
The C# and Python drivers will provide the reference implementations. See CSHARP-2429 and PYTHON-1674.
Security Implications
Future work
- A later specification may allow operations (including read) to be retried any number of times during a singular timeout period.
- Any future changes to the the applicable parts of retryable writes specification may also need to be reflected in the retryable reads specification, and vice versa.
- We may revisit the decision not retry
(see Q&A). - Once DRIVERS-560 is resolved, tests will be added to allow testing Retryable Reads on MongoDB 3.6. See the test plan for additional information.
Why is retrying Cursor.getMore()
not supported?
cannot be retried because of the inability for the client to discern if the cursor was advanced. In
other words, since the driver does not know if the original getMore()
succeeded or not, the driver cannot reliably
know if results might be inadvertently skipped.
For example, if a transient network error occurs as a driver requests the second batch of results via a getMore() and
the driver were to silently retry the getMore()
, it is possible that the server had actually received the initial
. In such a case, the server will advance the cursor once more and return the third batch instead of the
desired second batch.
Furthermore, even if the driver could detect such a scenario, it is impossible to return previously iterated data from a cursor because the server currently only allows forward iteration.
It is worth noting that the "Cursors survive primary stepdown" feature avoids this issue in certain common
circumstances, so that we may revisit this decision to disallow trying getMore()
in the future.
Why are read operations only retried once by default?
Read operations are only retried once for the same reasons that writes are also only retried once. For convenience's sake, that reasoning has been adapted for reads and reproduced below:
The spec concerns itself with retrying read operations that encounter a retryable error (i.e. no response due to network error or a response indicating that the node is no longer a primary). A retryable error may be classified as either a transient error (e.g. dropped connection, replica set failover) or persistent outage. If a transient error results in the server being marked as "unknown", a subsequent retry attempt will allow the driver to rediscover the primary within the designated server selection timeout period (30 seconds by default). If server selection times out during this retry attempt, we can reasonably assume that there is a persistent outage. In the case of a persistent outage, multiple retry attempts are fruitless and would waste time. See How To Write Resilient MongoDB Applications for additional discussion on this strategy.
However when Client Side Operations Timeout is enabled, the driver will retry multiple times until the operation succeeds, a non-retryable error is encountered, or the timeout expires. Retrying multiple times provides greater resilience to cascading failures such as rolling server restarts during planned maintenance events.
Can drivers resend the same wire protocol message on retry attempts?
No. This is in contrast to the answer supplied in in the retryable writes specification. However, when retryable writes were implemented, no driver actually chose to resend the same wire protocol message. Today, if a driver attempted to resend the same wire protocol message, this could violate the rules for gossiping $clusterTime: specifically the rule that a driver must send the highest seen $clusterTime.
Additionally, there would be a behavioral difference between a driver resending the same wire protocol message and one that does not. For example, a driver that creates a new wire protocol message could exhibit the following characteristics:
- The second attempt to send the read command could have a higher
. - If the initial attempt failed with a server error, then the session's
would be advanced and the next read would include a largerreadConcern.afterClusterTime
A driver that resends the same wire protocol message would not exhibit the above characteristics. Thus, in order to
avoid this behavioral difference and not violate the rules about gossiping $clusterTime
, drivers MUST not resend the
same wire protocol message.
Why isn't MongoDB 4.2 required?
MongoDB 4.2 was initially considered as a requirement for retryable reads because MongoDB 4.2 implements support for
"Early Failure on Socket Disconnect," changing the the semantics of socket disconnect to prevent ops from doing work
that no client is interested in. This prevents applications from seeing degraded performance when an expensive read is
retried. Upon further discussion, we decided that "Early Failure on Socket Disconnect" should not be required to retry
reads because the resilience benefit of retryable reads outweighs the minor risk of degraded performance. Additionally,
any customers experiencing degraded performance can simply disable retryableReads
2024-04-30: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2023-12-05: Add that any server information associated with retryable exceptions MUST reflect the originating server, even in the presence of retries.
2023-11-30: Add ReadConcernMajorityNotAvailableYet to the list of error codes that should be retried.
2023-11-28: Add ExceededTimeLimit to the list of error codes that should be retried.
2023-08-26: Require that in a sharded cluster the server on which the operation failed MUST be provided to the server selection mechanism as a deprioritized server.
2023-08-21: Update Q&A that contradicts SDAM transient error logic
2022-11-09: CLAM must apply both events and log messages.
2022-10-18: When CSOT is enabled multiple retry attempts may occur.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter, move footnote, and reformat changelog.
2022-01-25: Note that drivers should retry handshake network failures.
2021-04-26: Replaced deprecated terminology; removed requirement to parse error message text as MongoDB 3.6+ servers will always return an error code
2021-03-23: Require that PoolClearedErrors are retried
2019-06-07: Mention $merge stage for aggregate alongside $out
2019-05-29: Renamed InterruptedDueToStepDown to InterruptedDueToReplStateChange
The first and second commands will be identical unless variations in parameters exist between wire/server versions.
Retryable Writes
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.6
MongoDB 3.6 will implement support for server sessions, which are shared resources within a cluster identified by a session ID. Drivers compatible with MongoDB 3.6 will also implement support for client sessions, which are always associated with a server session and will allow for certain commands to be executed within the context of a server session.
Additionally, MongoDB 3.6 will utilize server sessions to allow some write commands to specify a transaction ID to enforce at-most-once semantics for the write operation(s) and allow for retrying the operation if the driver fails to obtain a write result (e.g. network error or "not writable primary" error after a replica set failover). This specification will outline how an API for retryable write operations will be implemented in drivers. The specification will define an option to enable retryable writes for an application and describe how a transaction ID will be provided to write commands executed therein.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Transaction ID
The transaction ID identifies the transaction as part of which the command is running. In a write command where the
client has requested retryable behavior, it is expressed by the top-level lsid
and txnNumber
fields. The lsid
component is the corresponding server session ID. which is a BSON value defined in the
Driver Session specification. The txnNumber
component is a monotonically increasing
(per server session), positive 64-bit integer.
Driver object representing a client session, which is defined in the Driver Session specification. This object is always associated with a server session; however, drivers will pool server sessions so that creating a ClientSession will not always entail creation of a new server session. The name of this object MAY vary across drivers.
Retryable Error
An error is considered retryable if it has a RetryableWriteError label in its top-level "errorLabels" field. See Determining Retryable Errors for more information.
Additional terms may be defined in the Driver Session specification.
Naming Deviations
This specification defines the name for a new MongoClient option, retryWrites
. Drivers MUST use the defined name for
the connection string parameter to ensure portability of connection strings across applications and drivers.
If drivers solicit MongoClient options through another mechanism (e.g. options dictionary provided to the MongoClient
constructor), drivers SHOULD use the defined name but MAY deviate to comply with their existing conventions. For
example, a driver may use retry_writes
instead of retryWrites
For any other names in the spec, drivers SHOULD use the defined name but MAY deviate to comply with their existing conventions.
MongoClient Configuration
This specification introduces the following client-level configuration option.
This boolean option determines whether retryable behavior will be applied to all supported write operations executed within the MongoClient. This option MUST default to true.
This option MUST NOT be configurable at the level of a database object, collection object, or at the level of an individual write operation.
Requirements for Retryable Writes
Supported Server Versions
Like sessions, retryable writes require a MongoDB 3.6 replica set or shard cluster operating with feature compatibility
version 3.6 (i.e. the {setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: 3.6}
administrative command has been run on the cluster).
Drivers MUST verify server eligibility by ensuring that maxWireVersion
is at least six, the
field is present in the server's hello
or legacy hello response, and the server type is
not standalone.
Retryable writes are only supported by storage engines that support document-level locking. Notably, that excludes the
MMAPv1 storage engine which is available in both MongoDB 3.6 and 4.0. Since retryWrites
defaults to true
, Drivers
MUST raise an actionable error message when the server returns code 20 with errmsg starting with "Transaction numbers".
The replacement error message MUST be:
This MongoDB deployment does not support retryable writes. Please add
retryWrites=false to your connection string.
If the server selected for the first attempt of a retryable write operation does not support retryable writes, drivers MUST execute the write as if retryable writes were not enabled. Drivers MUST NOT include a transaction ID in the write command and MUST not retry the command under any circumstances.
In a sharded cluster, it is possible that mongos may appear to support retryable writes but one or more shards in the
cluster do not (e.g. replica set shard is configured with feature compatibility version 3.4, a standalone is added as a
new shard). In these rare cases, a write command that fans out to a shard that does not support retryable writes may
partially fail and an error may be reported in the write result from mongos (e.g. writeErrors
array in the bulk write
result). This does not constitute a retryable error. Drivers MUST relay such errors to the user.
Supported Write Operations
MongoDB 3.6 will support retryability for some, but not all, write operations.
Supported single-statement write operations include insertOne()
, updateOne()
, replaceOne()
, deleteOne()
, findOneAndReplace()
, and findOneAndUpdate()
Supported multi-statement write operations include insertMany()
and bulkWrite()
. The ordered option may be true
. For both the collection-level and client-level bulkWrite()
methods, a bulk write batch is only retryable if
it does not contain any multi: true
writes (i.e. UpdateMany
and DeleteMany
). Drivers MUST evaluate eligibility for
each write command sent as part of the bulkWrite()
(after order and batch splitting) individually. Drivers MUST NOT
alter existing logic for order and batch splitting in an attempt to maximize retryability for operations within a bulk
These methods above are defined in the CRUD specification.
Later versions of MongoDB may add support for additional write operations.
Drivers MUST document operations that support retryable behavior and the conditions for which retryability is determined (see: How will users know which operations are supported?). Drivers are not required to exhaustively document all operations that do not support retryable behavior.
Unsupported Write Operations
Write commands specifying an unacknowledged write concern (e.g. {w: 0})
) do not support retryable behavior. Drivers
MUST NOT add a transaction ID to any write command with an unacknowledged write concern executed within a MongoClient
where retryable writes have been enabled. Drivers MUST NOT retry these commands.
Write commands where a single statement might affect multiple documents will not be initially supported by MongoDB 3.6,
although this may change in the future. This includes an
update command where any statement in the updates
sequence specifies a multi
option of true
or a
delete command where any statement in the deletes
sequence specifies a limit
option of 0
. In the context of the CRUD specification, this includes
the updateMany()
and deleteMany()
methods and, in some cases, bulkWrite()
. Drivers MUST NOT add a transaction ID
to any single- or multi-statement write commands that include one or more multi-document write operations. Drivers MUST
NOT retry these commands if they fail to return a response. With regard to bulkWrite()
, drivers MUST evaluate
eligibility for each write command sent as part of the bulkWrite()
(after order and batch splitting) individually.
Write commands other than insert,
delete, or
findAndModify will not be initially supported by
MongoDB 3.6, although this may change in the future. This includes, but is not limited to, an
aggregate command using a write stage (e.g. $out
). Drivers MUST NOT add a transaction ID to these commands and MUST NOT retry these commands if they fail to
return a response.
Retryable Writes Within Transactions
In MongoDB 4.0 the only supported retryable write commands within a transaction are commitTransaction
. Therefore drivers MUST NOT retry write commands within transactions even when retryWrites
has been
set to true on the MongoClient
. In addition, drivers MUST NOT add the RetryableWriteError
label to any error that
occurs during a write command within a transaction (excepting commitTransation
and abortTransaction
), even when
has been set to true on the MongoClient
Implementing Retryable Writes
Determining Retryable Errors
When connected to a MongoDB instance that supports retryable writes (versions 3.6+), the driver MUST treat all errors with the RetryableWriteError label as retryable. This error label can be found in the top-level "errorLabels" field of the error.
RetryableWriteError Labels
The RetryableWriteError label might be added to an error in a variety of ways:
When the driver encounters a network error establishing an initial connection to a server, it MUST add a RetryableWriteError label to that error if the MongoClient performing the operation has the retryWrites configuration option set to true.
When the driver encounters a network error communicating with any server version that supports retryable writes, it MUST add a RetryableWriteError label to that error if the MongoClient performing the operation has the retryWrites configuration option set to true.
When a CMAP-compliant driver encounters a PoolClearedError during connection check out, it MUST add a RetryableWriteError label to that error if the MongoClient performing the operation has the retryWrites configuration option set to true.
For server versions 4.4 and newer, the server will add a RetryableWriteError label to errors or server responses that it considers retryable before returning them to the driver. As new server versions are released, the errors that are labeled with the RetryableWriteError label may change. Drivers MUST NOT add a RetryableWriteError label to any error derived from a 4.4+ server response (i.e. any error that is not a network error).
When receiving a command result with an error from a pre-4.4 server that supports retryable writes, the driver MUST add a RetryableWriteError label to errors that meet the following criteria if the retryWrites option is set to true on the client performing the relevant operation:
a mongod or mongos response with any the following error codes in the top-level
field:Error Name Error Code InterruptedAtShutdown 11600 InterruptedDueToReplStateChange 11602 NotWritablePrimary 10107 NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk 13435 NotPrimaryOrSecondary 13436 PrimarySteppedDown 189 ShutdownInProgress 91 HostNotFound 7 HostUnreachable 6 NetworkTimeout 89 SocketException 9001 ExceededTimeLimit 262 -
a mongod response with any of the previously listed codes in the
Drivers MUST NOT add a RetryableWriteError label based on the following:
- any
fields in a mongod or mongos response - the
field in a mongos response
The criteria for retryable errors is similar to the discussion in the SDAM spec's section on Error Handling, but includes additional error codes. See What do the additional error codes mean? for the reasoning behind these additional errors.
To understand why the driver should only add the RetryableWriteError label to an error when the retryWrites option is true on the MongoClient performing the operation, see Why does the driver only add the RetryableWriteError label to errors that occur on a MongoClient with retryWrites set to true?
Note: During a retryable write operation on a sharded cluster, mongos may retry the operation internally, in which case it will not add a RetryableWriteError label to any error that occurs after those internal retries to prevent excessive retrying.
For more information about error labels, see the Transactions specification.
Generating Transaction IDs
The server requires each retryable write operation to provide a unique transaction ID in its command document. The transaction ID consists of a server session ID and a monotonically increasing transaction number. The session ID is obtained from the ClientSession object, which will have either been passed to the write operation from the application or constructed internally for the operation. Drivers will be responsible for maintaining a monotonically increasing transaction number for each server session used by a ClientSession object. Drivers that pool server sessions MUST preserve the transaction number when reusing a server session from the pool with a new ClientSession (this can be tracked as another property on the driver's object for the server session).
Drivers MUST ensure that each retryable write command specifies a transaction number larger than any previously used transaction number for its session ID.
Since ClientSession objects are not thread safe and may only be used by one thread at a time, drivers should not need to worry about race conditions when incrementing the transaction number.
Behavioral Changes for Write Commands
Drivers MUST automatically add a transaction ID to all supported write commands executed via a specific
CRUD method (e.g. updateOne()
) or write command method (e.g. executeWriteCommand()
) within a
MongoClient where retryable writes have been enabled and when the selected server supports retryable writes.
If your driver offers a generic command method on your database object (e.g. runCommand()
), it MUST NOT check the
user's command document to determine if it is a supported write operation and MUST NOT automatically add a transaction
ID. The method should send the user's command document to the server as-is.
This specification does not affect write commands executed within a MongoClient where retryable writes have not been enabled.
Constructing Write Commands
When constructing a supported write command that will be executed within a MongoClient where retryable writes have been
enabled, drivers MUST increment the transaction number for the corresponding server session and include the server
session ID and transaction number in top-level lsid
and txnNumber
fields, respectively. lsid
is a BSON value
(discussed in the Driver Session specification). txnNumber
MUST be a positive 64-bit
integer (BSON type 0x12).
The following example illustrates a possible write command for an updateOne()
update: "coll",
lsid: { ... },
txnNumber: 100,
updates: [
{ q: { x: 1 }, u: { $inc: { y: 1 } } },
ordered: true
When constructing multiple write commands for a multi-statement write operation (i.e. insertMany()
and bulkWrite()
drivers MUST increment the transaction number for each supported write command in the batch.
Executing Retryable Write Commands
When selecting a writable server for the first attempt of a retryable write command, drivers MUST allow a server selection error to propagate. In this case, the caller is able to infer that no attempt was made.
If retryable writes is not enabled or the selected server does not support retryable writes, drivers MUST NOT include a transaction ID in the command and MUST attempt to execute the write command exactly once and allow any errors to propagate. In this case, the caller is able to infer that an attempt was made.
If retryable writes are enabled and the selected server supports retryable writes, drivers MUST add a transaction ID to the command. Drivers MUST only attempt to retry a write command if the first attempt yields a retryable error. Drivers MUST NOT attempt to retry a write command on any other error.
If the first attempt of a write command including a transaction ID encounters a retryable error, the driver MUST update its topology according to the SDAM spec (see: Error Handling) and capture this original retryable error.
Drivers MUST then retry the operation as many times as necessary until any one of the following conditions is reached:
the operation succeeds.
the operation fails with a non-retryable error.
CSOT is enabled and the operation times out per Client Side Operations Timeout: Retryability.
CSOT is not enabled and one retry was attempted.
For each retry attempt, drivers MUST select a writable server. In a sharded cluster, the server on which the operation failed MUST be provided to the server selection mechanism as a deprioritized server.
If the driver cannot select a server for a retry attempt or the selected server does not support retryable writes, retrying is not possible and drivers MUST raise the retryable error from the previous attempt. In both cases, the caller is able to infer that an attempt was made.
If a retry attempt also fails, drivers MUST update their topology according to the SDAM spec (see: Error Handling). If an error would not allow the caller to infer that an attempt was made (e.g. connection pool exception originating from the driver) or the error is labeled "NoWritesPerformed", the error from the previous attempt should be raised. If all server errors are labeled "NoWritesPerformed", then the first error should be raised.
If a driver associates server information (e.g. the server address or description) with an error, the driver MUST ensure that the reported server information corresponds to the server that originated the error.
The above rules are implemented in the following pseudo-code:
* Checks if a server supports retryable writes.
function isRetryableWritesSupported(server) {
if (server.getMaxWireVersion() < RETRYABLE_WIRE_VERSION) {
return false;
if ( ! server.hasLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes()) {
return false;
if (server.isStandalone()) {
return false;
return true;
* Executes a write command in the context of a MongoClient where retryable
* writes have been enabled. The session parameter may be an implicit or
* explicit client session (depending on how the CRUD method was invoked).
function executeRetryableWrite(command, session) {
/* Allow ServerSelectionException to propagate to our caller, which can then
* assume that no attempts were made. */
server = selectServer("writable");
/* If the server does not support retryable writes, execute the write as if
* retryable writes are not enabled. */
if ( ! isRetryableWritesSupported(server)) {
return executeCommand(server, command);
/* Incorporate lsid and txnNumber fields into the command document. These
* values will be derived from the implicit or explicit session object. */
retryableCommand = addTransactionIdToCommand(command, session);
Exception previousError = null;
retrying = false;
while true {
try {
return executeCommand(server, retryableCommand);
} catch (Exception currentError) {
/* If the error has a RetryableWriteError label, remember the exception
* and proceed with retrying the operation.
* IllegalOperation (code 20) with errmsg starting with "Transaction
* numbers" MUST be re-raised with an actionable error message.
if (!currentError.hasErrorLabel("RetryableWriteError")) {
if ( currentError.code == 20 && previousError.errmsg.startsWith("Transaction numbers") ) {
currentError.errmsg = "This MongoDB deployment does not support retryable...";
throw currentError;
* If the "previousError" is "null", then the "currentError" is the
* first error encountered during the retry attempt cycle. We must
* persist the first error in the case where all succeeding errors are
* labeled "NoWritesPerformed", which would otherwise raise "null" as
* the error.
if (previousError == null) {
previousError = currentError;
* For exceptions that originate from the driver (e.g. no socket available
* from the connection pool), we should raise the previous error if there
* was one.
if (currentError is not DriverException && ! previousError.hasErrorLabel("NoWritesPerformed")) {
previousError = currentError;
* We try to select server that is not the one that failed by passing the
* failed server as a deprioritized server.
* If we cannot select a writable server, do not proceed with retrying and
* throw the previous error. The caller can then infer that an attempt was
* made and failed. */
try {
deprioritizedServers = [ server ];
server = selectServer("writable", deprioritizedServers);
} catch (Exception ignoredError) {
throw previousError;
/* If the server selected for retrying is too old, throw the previous error.
* The caller can then infer that an attempt was made and failed. This case
* is very rare, and likely means that the cluster is in the midst of a
* downgrade. */
if ( ! isRetryableWritesSupported(server)) {
throw previousError;
if (timeoutMS == null) {
/* If CSOT is not enabled, allow any retryable error from the second
* attempt to propagate to our caller, as it will be just as relevant
* (if not more relevant) than the original error. */
if (retrying) {
throw previousError;
} else if (isExpired(timeoutMS)) {
/* CSOT is enabled and the operation has timed out. */
throw previousError;
retrying = true;
in the above pseudocode refers to the function defined in the
Error handling pseudocode
section of the SDAM specification.
When retrying a write command, drivers MUST resend the command with the same transaction ID. Drivers MUST NOT resend the original wire protocol message if doing so would violate rules for gossipping the cluster time (see: Can drivers resend the same wire protocol message on retry attempts?).
In the case of a multi-statement write operation split across multiple write commands, a failed retry attempt will also interrupt execution of any additional write operations in the batch (regardless of the ordered option). This is no different than if a retryable error had been encountered without retryable behavior enabled or supported by the driver. Drivers are encouraged to provide access to an intermediary write result (e.g. BulkWriteResult, InsertManyResult) through the BulkWriteException, in accordance with the CRUD specification.
Logging Retry Attempts
Drivers MAY choose to log retry attempts for write operations. This specification does not define a format for such log messages.
Command Monitoring
In accordance with the
Command Logging and Monitoring specification,
drivers MUST guarantee that each CommandStartedEvent
has either a correlating CommandSucceededEvent
and that every "command started" log message has either a correlating "command succeeded" log
message or "command failed" log message. If the first attempt of a retryable write operation encounters a retryable
error, drivers MUST fire a CommandFailedEvent
and emit a "command failed" log message for the retryable error and fire
a separate CommandStartedEvent
and "command succeeded" log message when executing the subsequent retry attempt. Note
that the second CommandStartedEvent
and "command succeeded" log message may have a different connectionId
, since a
writable server is reselected for the retry attempt.
Each attempt of a retryable write operation SHOULD report a different requestId
so that events for each attempt can be
properly correlated with one another.
The Command Logging and Monitoring specification
states that the operationId
field is a driver-generated, 64-bit integer and may be "used to link events together such
as bulk write operations." Each attempt of a retryable write operation SHOULD report the same operationId
; however,
drivers SHOULD NOT use the operationId
field to relay information about a transaction ID. A bulk write operation may
consist of multiple write commands, each of which may specify a unique transaction ID.
Test Plan
See the README for tests.
At a high level, the test plan will cover the following scenarios for executing supported write operations within a MongoClient where retryable writes have been enabled:
- Executing the same write operation (and transaction ID) multiple times should yield an identical write result.
- Test at-most-once behavior by observing that subsequent executions of the same write operation do not incur further modifications to the collection data.
- Exercise supported single-statement write operations (i.e. deleteOne, insertOne, replaceOne, updateOne, and findAndModify).
- Exercise supported multi-statement insertMany and bulkWrite operations, which contain only supported single-statement write operations. Both ordered and unordered execution should be tested.
Additional prose tests for other scenarios are also included.
Motivation for Change
Drivers currently have no API for specifying at-most-once semantics and retryable behavior for write operations. The driver API needs to be extended to support this behavior.
Design Rationale
The design of this specification piggy-backs that of the Driver Session specification in that it modifies the driver API as little as possible to introduce the concept of at-most-once semantics and retryable behavior for write operations. A transaction ID will be included in all supported write commands executed within the scope of a MongoClient where retryable writes have been enabled.
Drivers expect the server to yield an error if a transaction ID is included in an unsupported write command. This requires drivers to maintain an allow list and track which write operations support retryable behavior for a given server version (see: Why must drivers maintain an allow list of supported operations?).
While this approach will allow applications to take advantage of retryable write behavior with minimal code changes, it also presents a documentation challenge. Users must understand exactly what can and will be retried (see: How will users know which operations are supported?).
Backwards Compatibility
The API changes to support retryable writes extend the existing API but do not introduce any backward breaking changes. Existing programs that do not make use of retryable writes will continue to compile and run correctly.
Reference Implementation
The C# and C drivers will provide reference implementations. JIRA links will be added here at a later point.
Future Work
Supporting at-most-once semantics and retryable behavior for updateMany and deleteMany operations may become possible once the server implements support for multi-document transactions.
A separate specification for retryable read operations could complement this specification. Retrying read operations would not require client or server sessions and could be implemented independently of retryable writes.
Q & A
What do the additional error codes mean?
The errors HostNotFound
, HostUnreachable
, NetworkTimeout
, SocketException
may be returned from mongos during
problems routing to a shard. These may be transient, or localized to that mongos.
Why are write operations only retried once by default?
The spec concerns itself with retrying write operations that encounter a retryable error (i.e. no response due to network error or a response indicating that the node is no longer a primary). A retryable error may be classified as either a transient error (e.g. dropped connection, replica set failover) or persistent outage. In the case of a transient error, the driver will mark the server as "unknown" per the SDAM spec. A subsequent retry attempt will allow the driver to rediscover the primary within the designated server selection timeout period (30 seconds by default). If server selection times out during this retry attempt, we can reasonably assume that there is a persistent outage. In the case of a persistent outage, multiple retry attempts are fruitless and would waste time. See How To Write Resilient MongoDB Applications for additional discussion on this strategy.
However when Client Side Operations Timeout is enabled, the driver will retry multiple times until the operation succeeds, a non-retryable error is encountered, or the timeout expires. Retrying multiple times provides greater resilience to cascading failures such as rolling server restarts during planned maintenance events.
What if the transaction number overflows?
Since server sessions are pooled and session lifetimes are configurable on the server, it is theoretically possible for the transaction number to overflow if it reaches the limits of a signed 64-bit integer. The spec does not address this scenario. Drivers may decide to handle this as they wish. For example, they may raise a client-side error if a transaction number would overflow, eagerly remove sessions with sufficiently high transactions numbers from the pool in an attempt to limit such occurrences, or simply rely on the server to raise an error when a transaction number is reused.
Why are unacknowledged write concerns unsupported?
The server does not consider the write concern when deciding if a write operation supports retryable behavior. Technically, operations with an unacknowledged write concern can specify a transaction ID and be retried. However, the spec elects not to support unacknowledged write concerns due to various ways that drivers may issue write operations with unacknowledged write concerns.
When using OP_QUERY
to issue a write command to the server, a command response is always returned. A write command
with an unacknowledged write concern (i.e. {w: 0}
) will return a response of {ok: 1}
. If a retryable error is
encountered (either a network error or "not writeable primary" response), the driver could attempt to retry the
operation by executing it again with the same transaction ID.
Some drivers fall back to legacy opcodes (e.g. OP_INSERT
) to execute write operations with an unacknowledged write
concern. In the future, OP_MSG
may allow the server to avoid returning any response for write operations sent with an
unacknowledged write concern. In both of these cases, there is no response for which the driver might encounter a
retryable error and decide to retry the operation.
Rather than depend on an implementation detail to determine if retryable behavior might apply, the spec has chosen to not support retryable behavior for unacknowledged write concerns and guarantee a consistent user experience across all drivers.
Why must drivers maintain an allow list of supported operations?
Requiring that drivers maintain an allow list of supported write operations is unfortunate. It both adds complexity to the driver's implementation and limits the driver's ability to immediately take advantage of new server functionality (i.e. the driver must be upgraded to support additional write operations).
Several other alternatives were discussed:
- The server could inform drivers which write operations support retryable behavior in its
or legacy hello response. This would be a form of feature discovery, for which there is no established protocol. It would also add complexity to the connection handshake. - The server could ignore a transaction ID on the first observed attempt of an unsupported write command and only yield an error on subsequent attempts. This would require the server to create a transaction record for unsupported writes to avoid the risk of applying a write twice and ensuring that retry attempts could be differentiated. It also poses a significant problem for sharding if a multi-document write does not reach all shards, since those shards would not know to create a transaction record.
- The driver could allow more fine-grained control retryable write behavior by supporting a
option on the database and collection objects. This would allow users to enableretryWrites
on a MongoClient and disable it as needed to execute unsupported write operations, or vice versa. Since we expect theretryWrites
option to become less relevant once transactions are implemented, we would prefer not to add the option throughout the driver API.
How will users know which operations are supported?
The initial list of supported operations is already quite permissive. Most CRUD operations are
supported apart from updateMany()
, deleteMany()
, and aggregate()
with a write stage (e.g. $out
, $merge
). Other
write operations (e.g. renameCollection
) are rare.
That said, drivers will need to clearly document exactly which operations support retryable behavior. In the case
, which may or may not support retryability, drivers should discuss how eligibility is determined.
Can drivers resend the same wire protocol message on retry attempts?
Since retry attempts entail sending the same command and transaction ID to the server, drivers might consider resending
the same wire protocol message in order to avoid constructing a new message and computing its checksum. The server will
not complain if it receives two messages with the same requestId
, as the field is only used for logging and populating
the responseTo
field in its replies to the client. That said, re-using a wire protocol message might violate rules for
gossipping the cluster time and might also have
implications for Command Monitoring, since the original write command and its retry attempt may
report the same requestId
Why can't drivers split bulk write commands to maximize retryability?
In Supported Write Operations, the spec prohibits drivers from altering existing logic
for splits bulkWrite()
's requests
parameter into write commands in an attempt to segregate unsupported,
multi-document write operations and maximize retryability for other, supported write operations. The reasoning behind
this prohibition is that such behavior would conflict with a primary goal of the bulk API in reducing the number of
command round-trips to the server.
retryWrites originally defaulted to false, why does it now default to true?
Since the initial release of retryable writes in MongoDB 3.6 testing showed that the overhead for supported operations was sufficiently small that there was no risk in changing the default. Additionally, the fact that some operations continue to be unsupported for retryable writes (updateMany and deleteMany) does not seem to pose a problem in practice.
Why do drivers have to parse errmsg to determine storage engine support?
There is no reliable way to determine the storage engine in use for shards in a sharded cluster, and replica sets (and shards) can have mixed deployments using different storage engines on different members. This is especially true when a replica set or sharded cluster is being upgraded from one storage engine to another. This could be common when upgrading to MongoDB 4.2, where MMAPv1 is no longer supported.
The server returns error code 20 (IllegalOperation) when the storage engine doesn't support document-level locking and txnNumbers. Error code 20 is used for a large number of different error cases in the server so we need some other way to differentiate this error case from any other. The error code and errmsg are the same in MongoDB 3.6 and 4.0, and the same from a replica set or sharded cluster (mongos just forwards the error from the shard's replica set).
Why does the driver only add the RetryableWriteError label to errors that occur on a MongoClient with retryWrites set to true?
The driver does this to maintain consistency with the MongoDB server. Servers that support the RetryableWriteError label (MongoDB version 4.4 and newer) only add the label to an error when the client has added a txnNumber to the command, which only happens when the retryWrites option is true on the client. For the driver to add the label even if retryWrites is not true would be inconsistent with the server and potentially confusing to developers.
2024-05-08: Add guidance for client-level
retryability. -
2024-05-02: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2024-04-29: Fix the link to the Driver Sessions spec.
2024-01-16: Do not use
in pre-4.4 mongos response to determine retryability. Do not usewriteErrors[].code
in pre-4.4 server responses to determine retryability. -
2023-12-06: Clarify that writes are not retried within transactions.
2023-12-05: Add that any server information associated with retryable exceptions MUST reflect the originating server, even in the presence of retries.
2023-10-02: When CSOT is not enabled, one retry attempt occurs.
2023-08-26: Require that in a sharded cluster the server on which the operation failed MUST be provided to the server selection mechanism as a deprioritized server.
2022-11-17: Add logic for persisting "currentError" as "previousError" on first retry attempt, avoiding raising "null" errors.
2022-11-09: CLAM must apply both events and log messages.
2022-10-18: When CSOT is enabled multiple retry attempts may occur.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-01-25: Note that drivers should retry handshake network failures.
2021-11-02: Clarify that error labels are only specified in a top-level field of an error.
2021-04-26: Replaced deprecated terminology
2021-03-24: Require that PoolClearedErrors be retried
2020-09-01: State the the driver should only add the RetryableWriteError label to network errors when connected to a 4.4+ server.
2020-02-25: State that the driver should only add the RetryableWriteError label when retryWrites is on, and make it clear that mongos will sometimes perform internal retries and not return the RetryableWriteError label.
2020-02-10: Remove redundant content in Tests section.
2020-01-14: Add ExceededTimeLimit to the list of error codes that should receive a RetryableWriteError label.
2019-10-21: Change the definition of "retryable write" to be based on the RetryableWriteError label. Stop requiring drivers to parse errmsg to categorize retryable errors for pre-4.4 servers.
2019-07-30: Drivers must rewrite error messages for error code 20 when txnNumber is not supported by the storage engine.
2019-06-07: Mention
stage for aggregate alongside$out
2019-05-29: Renamed InterruptedDueToStepDown to InterruptedDueToReplStateChange
2019-03-06: retryWrites now defaults to true.
2019-03-05: Prohibit resending wire protocol messages if doing so would violate rules for gossipping the cluster time.
2018-06-07: WriteConcernFailed is not a retryable error code.
2018-04-25: Evaluate retryable eligibility of bulkWrite() commands individually.
2018-03-14: Clarify that retryable writes may fail with a FCV 3.4 shard.
2017-11-02: Drivers should not raise errors if selected server does not support retryable writes and instead fall back to non-retryable behavior. In addition to wire protocol version, drivers may check for
to determine if a server supports sessions and retryable writes. -
2017-10-26: Errors when retrying may be raised instead of the original error provided they allow the user to infer that an attempt was made.
2017-10-23: Drivers must document operations that support retryability.
2017-10-23: Raise the original retryable error if server selection or wire protocol checks fail during the retry attempt. Encourage drivers to provide intermediary write results after an unrecoverable failure during a bulk write.
2017-10-18: Standalone servers do not support retryable writes.
2017-10-18: Also retry writes after a "not writable primary" error.
2017-10-08: Renamed
and noted that it must be a 64-bit integer (BSON type 0x12). -
2017-08-25: Drivers will maintain an allow list so that only supported write operations may be retried. Transaction IDs will not be included in unsupported write commands, irrespective of the
option. -
is now a MongoClient option.
Client Side Operations Timeout
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 2.6
This specification outlines a new timeoutMS
option to govern the amount of time that a single operation can execute
before control is returned to the user. This timeout applies to all of the work done to execute the operation, including
but not limited to server selection, connection checkout, and server-side execution.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
min(a, b)
Shorthand for "the minimum of a and b" where a
and b
are numeric values. For any cases where 0 means "infinite"
(e.g. timeoutMS), min(0, other)
MUST evaluate to other
MongoClient Configuration
This specification introduces a new configuration option and deprecates some existing options.
This 64-bit integer option specifies the per-operation timeout value in milliseconds. The default value is unset which
means this feature is not enabled, i.e. the existing timeout behavior is unchanged (including
, connectTimeoutMS
, socketTimeoutMS
etc..). An explicit value of 0 means infinite, though
some client-side timeouts like serverSelectionTimeoutMS
will still apply. Drivers MUST error if a negative value is
specified. This value MUST be configurable at the level of a MongoClient, MongoDatabase, MongoCollection, or of a single
operation. However, if the option is specified at any level, it cannot be later changed to unset. At each level, the
value MUST be inherited from the previous level if it is not explicitly specified. Additionally, some entities like
and GridFSBucket
either inherit timeoutMS
from their parent entities or provide options to override
it. The behavior for these entities is described in individual sections of this specification.
Drivers for languages that provide an idiomatic API for expressing durations of time (e.g. TimeSpan
in .NET) MAY
choose to leverage these APIs for the timeoutMS
option rather than using int64. Drivers that choose to do so MUST also
follow the semantics for special values defined by those types. Such drivers MUST also ensure that there is a way to
explicitly set timeoutMS
to infinite
in the API.
See timeoutMS cannot be changed to unset once it's specified.
Backwards Breaking Considerations
This specification deprecates many existing timeout options and introduces a new exception type that is used to
communicate timeout expiration. If drivers need to make backwards-breaking changes to support timeoutMS
, the backwards
breaking behavior MUST be gated behind the presence of the timeoutMS
option. If the timeoutMS
option is not set,
drivers MUST continue to honor existing timeouts such as socketTimeoutMS
. Backwards breaking changes include any
changes to exception types thrown by stable API methods or changes to timeout behavior. Drivers MUST document these
In a subsequent major release, drivers SHOULD drop support for legacy timeout behavior and only continue to support the
timeout options that are not deprecated by this specification. Once legacy options are removed, drivers MUST make the
backwards-breaking behavioral changes described in this specification regardless of whether or not timeoutMS
is set by
the application.
See the Errors section for explanations of the backwards-breaking changes to error reporting.
The following configuration timeout options MUST be deprecated in favor of timeoutMS
The following options for CRUD methods MUST be deprecated in favor of timeoutMS
Timeout Behavior
The timeoutMS
option specifies the best-effort maximum amount of time a single operation can take before control is
returned to the application. Drivers MUST keep track of the remaining time before the timeout expires as an operation
The timeoutMS
option applies to all operations defined in the following specifications:
- Change Streams
- Client Side Encryption
- Enumerating Collections
- Enumerating Databases
- GridFS
- Index Management
- Transactions
- Convenient API for Transactions
In addition, it applies to all operations on cursor objects that may perform blocking work (e.g. methods to iterate or close a cursor, any method that reads documents from a cursor into an array, etc).
Validation and Overrides
When executing an operation, drivers MUST ignore any deprecated timeout options if timeoutMS
is set on the operation
or is inherited from the collection/database/client levels. In addition to being set at these levels, the timeout for an
operation can also be expressed via an explicit ClientSession (see
Convenient Transactions API). In this case, the timeout on the session MUST be used as
the timeoutMS
value for the operation. Drivers MUST raise a validation error if an explicit session with a timeout is
used and the timeoutMS
option is set at the operation level for operations executed as part of a withTransaction
See timeoutMS overrides deprecated timeout options.
If the timeoutMS
option is not set and support for deprecated timeout options has not been dropped but a timeout is
encountered (e.g. server selection times out), drivers MUST continue to return existing errors. This ensures that
error-handling code in existing applications does not break unless the user opts into using timeoutMS
If the timeoutMS
option is set and the timeout expires, drivers MUST abort all blocking work and return control to the
user with an error. This error MUST be distinguished in some way (e.g. custom exception type) to make it easier for
users to detect when an operation fails due to a timeout. If the timeout expires during a blocking task, drivers MUST
expose the underlying error returned from the task from this new error type. The stringified version of the new error
type MUST include the stringified version of the underlying error as a substring. For example, if server selection
expires and returns a ServerSelectionTimeoutException
, drivers must allow users to access that exception from this new
error type. If there is no underlying error, drivers MUST add information about when the timeout expiration was detected
to the stringified version of the timeout error.
Error Transformations
When using the new timeout error type, drivers MUST transform timeout errors from external sources into the new error.
One such error is the MaxTimeMSExpired
server error. When checking for this error, drivers MUST only check that the
error code is 50 and MUST NOT check the code name or error message. This error can be present in a top-level response
document where the ok
value is 0, as part of an error in the writeErrors
array, or in a nested writeConcernError
document. For example, all three of the following server responses would match this criteria:
{ok: 0, code: 50, codeName: "MaxTimeMSExpired", errmsg: "operation time limit exceeded"}
{ok: 1, writeErrors: [{code: 50, codeName: "MaxTimeMSExpired", errmsg: "operation time limit exceeded"}]}
{ok: 1, writeConcernError: {code: 50, codeName: "MaxTimeMSExpired"}}
Timeouts from other sources besides MongoDB servers MUST also be transformed into this new exception type. These include socket read/write timeouts and HTTP request timeouts.
Blocking Sections for Operation Execution
The following pieces of operation execution are considered blocking:
- Implicit session acquisition if an explicit session was not provided for the operation. This is only considered blocking for drivers that perform server selection to determine session support when acquiring implicit sessions.
- Server selection
- Connection checkout - If
has already been reached for the selected server, this is the amount of time spent waiting for a connection to be available. - Connection establishment - If the pool for the selected server is empty and a new connection is needed, the following
pieces of connection establishment are considered blocking:
- TCP socket establishment
- TLS handshake
- All messages sent over the socket as part of the TLS handshake
- OCSP verification - HTTP requests sent to OCSP responders.
- MongoDB handshake (i.e. initial connection
) - Authentication
- SCRAM-SHA-1, SCRAM-SHA-256, PLAIN: Execution of the command required for the SASL conversation.
- GSSAPI: Execution of the commands required for the SASL conversation and requests to the KDC and TGS.
- MONGODB-AWS: Execution of the commands required for the SASL conversation and all HTTP requests to ECS and EC2 endpoints.
- MONGODB-X509: Execution of the commands required for the authentication conversation.
- Client-side encryption
- Execution of
commands to get collection schemas. - Execution of
commands against the key vault collection to get encrypted data keys. - Requests to non-local key management servers (e.g. AWS KMS) to decrypt data keys.
- Requests to mongocryptd servers.
- Execution of
- Socket write to send a command to the server
- Socket read to receive the server’s response
The timeoutMS
option MUST apply to all blocking sections. Drivers MUST document any exceptions. For example, drivers
that do not have full control over OCSP verification might not be able to set timeouts for HTTP requests to responders
and would document that OCSP verification could result in an execution time greater than timeoutMS
Server Selection
If timeoutMS
is set, drivers MUST use min(serverSelectionTimeoutMS, remaining timeoutMS)
, referred to as
as the timeout for server selection and connection checkout. The server selection loop
MUST fail with a timeout error once the timeout expires.
After a server has been selected, drivers MUST use the remaining computedServerSelectionTimeout
value as the timeout
for connection checkout. If a new connection is required,
min(connectTimeoutMS, remaining computedServerSelectionTimeout)
MUST be used as the timeout for TCP socket
establishment. Any network requests required to create or authenticate a connection (e.g. HTTP requests to OCSP
responders) MUST use min(operationTimeout, remaining computedServerSelectionTimeout)
as a timeout, where
is the specified default timeout for the network request. If there is no specified default, these
operations MUST use the remaining computedServerSelectionTimeout
value. All commands sent during the connection’s
handshake MUST use the remaining computedServerSelectionTimeout
as their timeoutMS
value. Handshake commands MUST
also set timeouts per the Command Execution section.
If timeoutMS
is not set and support for waitQueueTimeoutMS
has not been removed, drivers MUST continue to exhibit
the existing timeout behavior by honoring serverSelectionTimeoutMS
for server selection and waitQueueTimeoutMS
connection checkout. If a new connection is required, drivers MUST use connectTimeoutMS
as the timeout for socket
establishment and socketTimeoutMS
as the socket timeout for all handshake commands.
See serverSelectionTimeoutMS is not deprecated and connectTimeoutMS is not deprecated.
Command Execution
If timeoutMS
is set, drivers MUST append a maxTimeMS
field to commands executed against a MongoDB server using the
field of the selected server. Note that this value MUST be retrieved during server selection using
the servers
field of the same
TopologyDescription that
was used for selection before the selected server's description can be modified. Otherwise, drivers may be subject to a
race condition where a server is reset to the default description (e.g. due to an error in the monitoring thread) after
it has been selected but before the RTT is retrieved.
If the minRoundTripTime
is less than the remaining timeoutMS, the value of this field MUST be
remaining timeoutMS - minRoundTripTime
. If not, drivers MUST return a timeout error without attempting to send the
message to the server. This is done to ensure that an operation is not routed to the server if it will likely fail with
a socket timeout as that could cause connection churn. The maxTimeMS
field MUST be appended after all blocking work is
After wire message construction, drivers MUST check for timeout before writing the message to the server. If the timeout
has expired or the amount of time remaining is less than the selected server's minimum RTT, drivers MUST return the
connection to the pool and raise a timeout exception. Otherwise, drivers MUST set the connection’s write timeout to the
remaining timeoutMS
value before writing a message to the server. After the write is complete, drivers MUST check for
timeout expiration before reading the server’s response. If the timeout has expired, the connection MUST be closed and a
timeout exception MUST be propagated to the application. If it has not, drivers MUST set the connection’s read timeout
to the remaining timeoutMS
value. The timeout MUST apply to the aggregate of all reads done to receive a server
response, not to individual reads. If any read or write calls on the socket fail with a timeout, drivers MUST transform
the error into the new timeout exception as described in the Error Transformations section.
If timeoutMS
is not set and support for socketTimeoutMS
has not been removed, drivers MUST honor socketTimeoutMS
as the timeout for socket reads and writes.
See maxTimeMS accounts for server RTT.
If an operation must be sent to the server in multiple batches (e.g. collection.bulkWrite()
), the timeoutMS
MUST apply to the entire operation, not to each individual batch.
If an operation requires a retry per the retryable reads or writes specifications and timeoutMS
is set, drivers MUST
retry operations as many times as possible before the timeout expires or a retry attempt returns a non-retryable error.
Once the timeout expires, a timeout error MUST be raised.
See Why don’t drivers use backoff/jitter between retry attempts?.
Client Side Encryption
If automatic client-side encryption or decryption is enabled, the remaining timeoutMS
value MUST be used as the
when executing listCollections
commands to retrieve collection schemas, find
commands to get data from
the key vault, and any commands against mongocryptd. It MUST also be used as the request timeout for HTTP requests
against KMS servers to decrypt data keys. When sending a command to mongocryptd, drivers MUST NOT append a maxTimeMS
field. This is to ensure that a maxTimeMS
field can be safely appended to the command after it has been marked by
mongocryptd and encrypted by libmongocrypt. To determine whether or not the server is a mongocryptd, drivers MUST check
that the iscryptd
field in the server's description is true
For explicit encryption and decryption, the ClientEncryptionOpts
options type used to construct
ClientEncryption instances MUST support a new
option, which specifies the timeout for all operations executed on the ClientEncryption
See maxTimeMS is not added for mongocryptd.
Background Connection Pooling
Connections created as part of a connection pool’s minPoolSize
maintenance routine MUST use connectTimeoutMS
as the
timeout for connection establishment. After the connection is established, if timeoutMS
is set at the MongoClient
level, it MUST be used as the timeout for all commands sent as part of the MongoDB or authentication handshakes. The
timeout MUST be refreshed after each command. These commands MUST set timeouts per the
Command Execution section. If timeoutMS
is not set, drivers MUST continue to honor
as the socket timeout for handshake and authentication commands.
Server Monitoring
Drivers MUST NOT use timeoutMS
for commands executed by the server monitoring and RTT calculation threads.
See Monitoring threads do not use timeoutMS.
For operations that create cursors, timeoutMS
can either cap the lifetime of the cursor or be applied separately to
the original operation and all next
calls. To support both of these use cases, these operations MUST support a
option. This option is an enum with possible values CURSOR_LIFETIME
. The default value
depends on the type of cursor being created. Drivers MUST error if timeoutMode
is set and timeoutMS
is not.
When applying the timeoutMS
option to next
calls on cursors, drivers MUST ensure it applies to the entire call, not
individual commands. For drivers that send getMore
requests in a loop when iterating tailable cursors, the timeout
MUST apply to the totality of all getMore
’s, not to each one individually. If a resume is required for a next
on a change stream, the timeout MUST apply to the entirety of the initial getMore
and all commands sent as part of the
resume attempt.
For close
methods, drivers MUST allow timeoutMS
to be overridden if doing so is possible in the language. If
explicitly set for the operation, it MUST be honored. Otherwise, if timeoutMS
was applied to the operation that
created the cursor, it MUST be refreshed for the killCursors
command if one is required. Note that this means
will be refreshed for the close
call even if the cursor was created with a timeoutMode
and the timeout associated with the cursor has expired. The calculated timeout MUST apply to explicit
methods that can be invoked by users as well as implicit destructors that are automatically invoked when exiting
resource blocks.
See Cursor close() methods refresh timeoutMS.
Non-tailable Cursors
For non-tailable cursors, the default value of timeoutMode
. If timeoutMS
is set, drivers MUST
apply it to the original operation and the lifetime of the created cursor. For example, if a find
is executed at time
, the find
and all getMore
’s on the cursor must finish by time T + timeoutMS
. When executing next
calls on
the cursor, drivers MUST use the remaining timeout as the timeoutMS
value for the operation but MUST NOT append a
field to getMore
commands. If there are documents remaining in a previously retrieved batch, the next
method MUST return them even if the timeout has expired and MUST only return a timeout error if a getMore
is required.
If timeoutMode
is set to ITERATION
, drivers MUST raise a client-side error if the operation is an aggregate
with a
or $merge
pipeline stage. If the operation is not an aggregate
with $out
or $merge
, drivers MUST honor
the timeoutMS
option for the initial command but MUST NOT append a maxTimeMS
field to the command sent to the
server. After the operation has executed, the original timeoutMS
value MUST also be applied to each next
call on the
created cursor. Drivers MUST NOT append a maxTimeMS
field to getMore
See Non-tailable cursor behavior.
Tailable Cursors
Tailable cursors only support the ITERATION
value for the timeoutMode
option. This is the default value and drivers
MUST error if the option is set to CURSOR_LIFETIME
Tailable non-awaitData Cursors
If timeoutMS
is set, drivers MUST apply it separately to the original operation and to all next
calls on the
resulting cursor but MUST NOT append a maxTimeMS
field to any commands.
Tailable awaitData Cursors
If timeoutMS
is set, drivers MUST apply it to the original operation. Drivers MUST also apply the original timeoutMS
value to each next
call on the resulting cursor. Helpers for operations that create tailable awaitData cursors MUST
also support the maxAwaitTimeMS
option. Drivers MUST error if this option is set, timeoutMS
is set to a non-zero
value, and maxAwaitTimeMS
is greater than or equal to timeoutMS
. If this option is set, drivers MUST use
min(maxAwaitTimeMS, remaining timeoutMS - minRoundTripTime)
as the maxTimeMS
field on getMore
See Tailable cursor behavior for rationale regarding both non-awaitData and awaitData cursors.
Change Streams
Driver watch
helpers MUST support both timeoutMS
and maxAwaitTimeMS
options. Drivers MUST error if
is set, timeoutMS
is set to a non-zero value, and maxAwaitTimeMS
is greater than or equal to
. These helpers MUST NOT support the timeoutMode
option as change streams are an abstraction around
tailable-awaitData cursors, so they implicitly use ITERATION
mode. If set, drivers MUST apply the timeoutMS
to the initial aggregate
operation. Drivers MUST also apply the original timeoutMS
value to each next
call on the
change stream. If this option is set, drivers MUST use min(maxAwaitTimeMS, remaining timeoutMS - minRoundTripTime)
the maxTimeMS
field on getMore
If a next
call fails with a timeout error, drivers MUST NOT invalidate the change stream. The subsequent next
MUST perform a resume attempt to establish a new change stream on the server. Any errors from the aggregate
done to create a new change stream MUST be propagated to the application. Drivers MUST document that users can either
call next
again or close the existing change stream and create a new one if a previous next
call times out. The
documentation MUST suggest closing and re-creating the stream with a higher timeout if the timeout occurs before any
events have been received because this is a signal that the server is timing out before it can finish processing the
existing oplog.
The SessionOptions used to construct explicit
ClientSession instances MUST accept a new defaultTimeoutMS
which specifies the timeoutMS
value for the following operations executed on the session:
- commitTransaction
- abortTransaction
- withTransaction
- endSession
If this option is not specified for a ClientSession
, it MUST inherit the timeoutMS
of its parent MongoClient.
Session checkout
As noted in Blocking Sections for Operation Execution, implicit session
checkout can be considered a blocking process for some drivers. Such drivers MUST apply the remaining timeoutMS
to this process when executing an operation. For explicit session checkout, drivers MUST apply the timeoutMS
value of
the MongoClient to the startSession
call if set. Drivers MUST NOT allow users to override timeoutMS
See timeoutMS cannot be overridden for startSession calls.
Convenient Transactions API
If timeoutMS
is set, drivers MUST apply it to the entire withTransaction
call. To propagate the timeout to the
user-supplied callback, drivers MUST store the timeout as a field on the ClientSession object. This field SHOULD be
private to ensure that a user can not modify it while a withTransaction
call is in progress. Drivers that cannot make
this field private MUST signal that the field should not be accessed or modified by users if there is an idiomatic way
to do so in the language (e.g. underscore-prefixed variable names in Python) and MUST document that modification of the
field can cause unintended correctness issues for applications. Drivers MUST document that the remaining timeout will
not be applied to callback operations that do not use the ClientSession. Drivers MUST also document that overriding
for operations executed using the explicit session inside the provided callback will result in a client-side
error, as defined in Validation and Overrides. If the callback returns an error and the
transaction must be aborted, drivers MUST refresh the timeoutMS
value for the abortTransaction
If timeoutMS
is not set, drivers MUST continue to exhibit the existing 120 second timeout behavior. Drivers MUST NOT
change existing implementations to use timeoutMS=120000
for this case.
See withTransaction communicates timeoutMS via ClientSession and withTransaction refreshes the timeout for abortTransaction.
GridFS buckets MUST inherit timeoutMS
from their parent MongoDatabase instance and all methods in the GridFS Bucket
API MUST support the timeoutMS
option. For methods that create streams (e.g. open_upload_stream
), the option MUST
cap the lifetime of the entire stream. This MUST include the time taken by any operations executed during stream
construction, reads/writes, and close/abort calls. For example, if a stream is created at time T
, the final close
call on the stream MUST finish all blocking work before time T + timeoutMS
. Methods that interact with a user-provided
stream (e.g. upload_from_stream
) MUST use timeoutMS
as the timeout for the entire upload/download operation. If the
user-provided streams do not support timeouts, drivers MUST document that the timeout for these methods may be breached
if calls to interact with the stream take longer than the remaining timeout. If timeoutMS
is set, all cursors created
for GridFS API operations MUST internally set the timeoutMode
The behavior of runCommand
is undefined if the provided command document includes a maxTimeMS
field and the
option is set. Drivers MUST document the behavior of runCommand
for this case and MUST NOT attempt to
check the command document for the presence of a maxTimeMS
See runCommand behavior.
[!NOTE] This portion of the specification is only relevant for drivers that provide
When timeoutMS
is specified, drivers MUST provide a way to specify timeoutMS that results in maxTimeMS being set on
the explain
command. For example, Node's implementation might look like:
collection.find({}).explain({ timeoutMS: 1000 });
// sends:
{ explain: { find: ... }, maxTimeMS: <remaining timeoutMS - min rtt>}
Test Plan
See the in the tests directory.
Motivation for Change
Users have many options to set timeouts for various parts of operation execution including, but not limited to,
, socketTimeoutMS
, connectTimeoutMS
, maxTimeMS
, and wTimeoutMS
. As a result, users are
often unsure which timeout to use. Because some of these timeouts are additive, it is difficult to set a combination
which ensures control will be returned to the user after a specified amount of time. To make timeouts more intuitive,
changes are required to the drivers API to deprecate some of the existing timeouts and add a new one to specify the
maximum execution time for an entire operation from start to finish.
In addition, automatically retrying reads and writes that failed due to transient network blips or planned maintenance scenarios has improved application resiliency but the original behavior of only retrying once still allowed some errors to be propagated to applications. Supporting a timeout for an entire operation allows drivers to retry operations multiple times while still guaranteeing that an application can get back control once the specified amount of time has elapsed.
Design Rationale
timeoutMS cannot be changed to unset once it's specified
If timeoutMS
is specified at any level, it cannot be later changed to unset at a lower level. For example, a user
cannot do:
client = MongoClient(uri, timeoutMS=1000)
db = client.database("foo", timeoutMS=None)
This is because drivers return existing exception types if timeoutMS
is not specified, but will return new exception
types and use new timeout behaviors if it is. Once the user has opted into this behavior, we should not allow them to
opt out of it at a lower level. If a user wishes to set the timeout to infinite for a specific database, collection, or
operation, they can explicitly set timeoutMS
to 0.
serverSelectionTimeoutMS is not deprecated
The original goal of the project was to expose a single timeout and deprecate all others. This was not possible,
however, because executing an operation consists of two distinct parts. The first is selecting a server and checking out
a connection from its pool. This should have a default timeout because failure to do this indicates that the deployment
is not in a healthy state or that there was a configuration error which prevents the driver from successfully
connecting. The second is server-side operation execution, which cannot have a default timeout. Some operations finish
in a few milliseconds, while others can run for many hours. Adding a default would inevitably break applications. To
accomplish both of these goals, serverSelectionTimeoutMS
was preserved and is used to timeout the client-side section
of operation execution.
connectTimeoutMS is not deprecated
Similar to the reasoning for not deprecating serverSelectionTimeoutMS
, socket establishment should have a default
timeout because failure to create a socket likely means that the target server is not healthy or there is a network
issue. To accomplish this, the connectTimeoutMS
option is not deprecated by this specification. Drivers also use
to derive a socket timeout for monitoring connections, which are not subject to timeoutMS.
timeoutMS overrides deprecated timeout options
Applying both timeoutMS
and a deprecated timeout option like socketTimeoutMS
at the same time would lead to
confusing semantics that are difficult to document and understand. When first writing this specification, we considered
having drivers error in this situation to catch mismatched timeouts as early as possible. However, because timeoutMS
can be set at any level, this behavior could lead to unanticipated runtime errors if an application set timeoutMS
a specific operation and the MongoClient used in production was configured with a deprecated timeout option. To have
clear semantics and avoid unexpected errors in applications, we decided that timeoutMS
should override deprecated
timeout options.
maxTimeMS is not added for mongocryptd
The mongocryptd server annotates the provided command to indicate encryption requirements and returns the marked up
result. If the command sent to mongocryptd contained maxTimeMS
, the final command sent to MongoDB would contain two
fields: one added by the regular MongoClient and another added by the mongocryptd client. To avoid this
complication, drivers do not add this field when sending commands to mongocryptd at all. Doing so does not sacrifice any
functionality because mongocryptd always runs on localhost and does not perform any blocking work, so execution or
network timeouts cannot occur.
maxTimeMS accounts for server RTT
When constructing a command, drivers use the timeoutMS
option to derive a value for the maxTimeMS
command option and
the socket timeout. The full time to round trip a command is (network RTT + server-side execution time). If both
and socket timeout were set to the same value, the server would never be able to respond with a
error because drivers would hit the socket timeout first and close the connection. This would lead to
connection churn if the specified timeout is too low. To allow the server to gracefully error and avoid churn, drivers
must account for the network round trip in the maxTimeMS
Monitoring threads do not use timeoutMS
Using timeoutMS
in the monitoring and RTT calculation threads would require another special case in the code that
derives maxTimeMS
from timeoutMS
because the awaitable hello
requests sent to 4.4+ servers already have a
field. Adding maxTimeMS
also does not help for non-awaitable hello
commands because we expect them
to execute quickly on the server. The Server Monitoring spec already mandates that drivers set and dynamically update
the read/write timeout of the dedicated connections used in monitoring threads, so we rely on that to time out commands
rather than adding complexity to the behavior of timeoutMS
runCommand behavior
The behavior of runCommand varies across drivers. If the provided command document includes a maxTimeMS
field and the
option is set, some drivers would overwrite the maxTimeMS
field with the value derived from timeoutMS
while others would append a second maxTimeMS
field, which would cause a server error on versions 3.4+. To be
prescriptive, we could mandate that drivers raise a client-side error in this case, but this would require a potentially
expensive lookup in the command document. To avoid this additional cost, drivers are only required to document the
behavior and suggest that timeoutMS
be used instead of including a manual maxTimeMS
Why don't drivers use backoff/jitter between retry attempts?
Earlier versions of this specification proposed adding backoff and/or jitter between retry attempts to avoid connection
storming or overloading the server, but we later deemed this unnecessary. If multiple concurrent operations select the
same server for a retry and its connection pool is empty, we rely on the maxConnecting
parameter introduced in
DRIVERS-781 to rate limit new connection attempts, which mitigates the risk of connection storms. Even if the new server
has enough connections in its pool to service the operations, recent server versions do very little resource-intensive
work until execution reaches the storage layer, which is already guarded by read/write tickets, so we don’t expect the
server to be overwhelmed. If we later decide that adding jitter would be useful, it may be easier to do so in the server
itself via a ticket-based admission system earlier in the execution stack.
Cursor close() methods refresh timeoutMS
If a cursor times out client-side (e.g. a non-tailable cursor created with timeoutMode=CURSOR_LIFETIME
), it’s
imperative that drivers make a good-faith effort to close the server-side cursor even though the timeout has expired
because failing to do so would leave resources open on the server for a potentially long time. It was decided that
will be refreshed for close
operations to allow the cursor to be killed server-side.
Non-tailable cursor behavior
There are two usage patterns for non-tailable cursors. The first is to read documents from a cursor into an iterable
object, either by explicitly iterating the cursor in a loop or using a language construct like Python list
comprehensions. To supply a timeout for the entire process, drivers use timeoutMS
to cap the execution time for the
initial command and all required getMore
’s. This use case also matches the server behavior; if maxTimeMS
is set for
an operation that creates a non-tailable cursor, the server will use the time limit to cap the total server-side
execution time for future getMore
’s. Because this type of usage matches the server behavior and is the more common
case, this is the default behavior.
The second use case is batch processing, where the user takes advantage of the lazy nature of cursors to process
documents from a large collection. In this case, the user does not want all documents from the collection to be in an
array because that would require too much memory. To accommodate this use case, drivers support a new timeoutMode
option. Users can set the value for this option to ITERATION
to have timeoutMS
apply to the original command and
then separately to each next
call. When this option is used, drivers do not set maxTimeMS
on the initial command to
avoid capping the cursor lifetime in the server.
Tailable cursor behavior
Once a tailable cursor is created, it conceptually lives forever. Therefore, it only makes sense to support
for these cursors and drivers error if timeoutMode=CURSOR_LIFETIME
is specified.
There are two types of tailable cursors. The first, tailable non-awaitData cursors, support maxTimeMS
for the original
command but not for any getMore
requests. However, setting maxTimeMS
on the original command also incorrectly caps
the server-side execution time for future getMore
’s (SERVER-51153).
This is undesirable behavior because it does not match the guarantees made by timeoutMode=ITERATION
. To work around
this, drivers honor timeoutMS
for both the original operation and all getMore
’s but only use it to derive
client-side timeouts and do not append a maxTimeMS
field to any commands. The server-side execution time is enforced
via socket timeouts.
The second type is tailable awaitData cursors. The server supports the maxTimeMS
option for the original command. For
’s, the option is supported, but instead of limiting the server-side execution time, it specifies how long the
server should wait for new data to arrive if it reaches the end of the capped collection and the batch is still empty.
If no new data arrives within that time limit, the server will respond with an empty batch. For these cursors, drivers
support both the timeoutMS
and maxAwaitTimeMS
options. The timeoutMS
option is used to derive client-side
timeouts, while the maxAwaitTimeMS
option is used as the maxTimeMS
field for getMore
commands. These values have
distinct meanings, so supporting both yields a more robust, albeit verbose, API. Drivers error if maxAwaitTimeMS
greater than or equal to timeoutMS
because in that case, getMore
requests would not succeed if the batch was empty:
the server would wait for maxAwaitTimeMS
, but the driver would close the socket after timeoutMS
For tailable awaitData cursors we use the min(maxAwaitTimeMS, remaining timeoutMS - minRoundTripTime)
to allow the
server more opportunities to respond with an empty batch before a client-side timeout
Change stream behavior
Change streams internally behave as tailable awaitData cursors, so the behavior of the timeoutMS
option is the same
for both. The main difference is that change streams are resumable and drivers automatically perform resume attempts
when they encounter transient errors. This allows change streams to be resilient to timeouts. If timeoutMS
during a next call, drivers can’t auto-resume, but they can make sure the change stream is not invalidated so the user
can call next again. In this case, the subsequent call would perform the resume without doing a getMore
withTransaction communicates timeoutMS via ClientSession
Because the withTransaction
API doesn’t allow drivers to plumb down the remaining timeout into the user-provided
callback, this spec requires the remaining timeout to be stored on the ClientSession. Operations in the callback that
run under that ClientSession can then extract the timeout from the session and apply it. To avoid confusing validation
semantics, operations error if there is a timeout on the session but also an overridden timeout for the operation. It’s
possible that the ability to communicate timeouts for a block of operations via a ClientSession is useful as a general
purpose API, but we’ve decided to make it private until there are other known use cases.
withTransaction refreshes the timeout for abortTransaction
If the user-provided callback to withTransaction
times out, it could leave a transaction running on the server. It’s
imperative that drivers make an effort to abort the open transaction because failing to do so could result in the
collections and databases affected by the transaction being locked for a long period of time, which could cause
applications to stall. Because timeoutMS
has expired before drivers attempt to abort the transaction, we require
drivers to refresh it and apply the original value to the execution of the abortTransaction
operation. This can cause
the entire withTransaction
call to take up to 2*timeoutMS
, but it was decided that this risk is worthwhile given the
importance of transaction cleanup.
GridFS streams behavior
Streams created by GridFS API operations (e.g. by open_upload_stream
and open_download_stream
) present a challenge
for this specification. These types of streams execute multiple operations, but there can be artificial gaps between
operations if the application does not invoke the stream functions for long periods of time. Generally, we expect users
to upload or download an entire file as quickly as possible, so we decided to have timeoutMS
cap the lifetime of the
created stream. The other option was to apply the entire timeoutMS
value to each operation executed by the stream, but
streams perform many hidden operations, so this approach could cause an upload/download to take much longer than
timeoutMS cannot be overridden for startSession calls
In general, users can override timeoutMS
at the level of a single operation. The startSession
operation, however,
only inherits timeoutMS
from the MongoClient and does not allow the option to be overridden. This was a conscious API
design decision because drivers are moving towards only supporting MongoDB versions 3.6 and higher, so sessions will
always be supported. Adding an override for startSession
would introduce a new knob and increase the API surface of
drivers without providing a significant benefit.
Drivers use minimum RTT to short circuit operations
A previous version of this spec used the 90th percentile RTT to short circuit operations that might otherwise fail with a socket timeout. We decided to change this logic to avoid canceling operations that may have a high chance of succeeding and also remove a dependency on t-digest. Instead, drivers use the minimum RTT from the last 10 samples, or 0 until at least 2 samples have been recorded.
Future work
Modify GridFS streams behavior via new options
As explained in the design rationale, drivers use timeoutMS
to cap the entire lifetime of streams created by GridFS
operations. If we find that users are often encountering timeout errors when using these APIs due to the time spent
during non-MongoDB operations (e.g. streaming data read from a GridFS stream into another data store), we could consider
toggling GridFS behavior via an option similar to timeoutMode
for cursors. To avoid backwards-breaking behavioral
changes, the default would continue to cap the stream lifetime but there could be another mode that refreshes the
timeout for each database operation. This would mimic using timeoutMode=ITERATION
for cursors.
- 2024-01-29: Adjust getMore maxTimeMS calculation for tailable awaitData cursors.
- 2024-09-12: Specify that explain helpers support support timeoutMS.
- 2023-12-07: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-11-17: Use minimum RTT for maxTimeMS calculation instead of 90th percentile RTT.
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter.
- 2022-01-19: Initial version.
Sessions Specification
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.6
Version 3.6 of the server introduces the concept of logical sessions for clients. A session is an abstract concept that represents a set of sequential operations executed by an application that are related in some way. This specification is limited to how applications start and end sessions. Other specifications define various ways in which sessions are used (e.g. causally consistent reads, retryable writes, or transactions).
This specification also discusses how drivers participate in distributing the cluster time throughout a deployment, a process known as "gossipping the cluster time". While gossipping the cluster time is somewhat orthogonal to sessions, any driver that implements sessions MUST also implement gossipping the cluster time, so it is included in this specification.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
The driver object representing a client session and the operations that can be performed on it. Depending on the
language a driver is written in this might be an interface or a class. See also ServerSession
A set of servers that are all part of a single MongoDB cluster. We avoid the word "cluster" because some people interpret "cluster" to mean "sharded cluster".
Explicit session
A session that was started explicitly by the application by calling startSession
and passed as an argument to an
The root object of a driver's API. MAY be named differently in some drivers.
Implicit session
A session that was started implicitly by the driver because the application called an operation without providing an explicit session.
The driver object representing a collection and the operations that can be performed on it. MAY be named differently in some drivers.
The driver object representing a database and the operations that can be performed on it. MAY be named differently in some drivers.
The driver object representing a server session. This type is an implementation detail and does not need to be public.
See also ClientSession
Server session ID
A server session ID is a token used to identify a particular server session. A driver can ask the server for a session
ID using the startSession
command or it can generate one locally (see Generating a Session ID locally).
A session is an abstract concept that represents a set of sequential operations executed by an application that are related in some way. Other specifications define the various ways in which operations can be related, but examples include causally consistent reads and retryable writes.
The current configuration and state of a deployment.
Unacknowledged writes
Unacknowledged writes are write operations that are sent to the server without waiting for a reply acknowledging the write. See the "When using unacknowledged writes" section below for information on how unacknowledged writes interact with sessions.
Network error
Any network exception writing to or reading from a socket (e.g. a socket timeout or error).
An abbreviated form of "Server Discovery and Monitoring", specification defined in Server Discovery and Monitoring Specification.
Drivers currently have no concept of a session. The driver API will be expanded to provide a way for applications to start and end sessions and to execute operations in the context of a session. The goal is to expand the API in a way that introduces no backward breaking changes. Existing applications that don't use sessions don't need to be changed, and new applications that don't need sessions can continue to be written using the existing API.
To use sessions an application will call new (or overloaded) methods that take a session parameter.
Naming variations
This specification defines names for new methods and types. To the extent possible, these names SHOULD be used by
drivers. However, where a driver and/or language's naming conventions differ, those naming conventions SHOULD be used.
For example, a driver might name a method StartSession
or start_session
instead of startSession
, or might name a
type client_session
instead of ClientSession
High level summary of the API changes for sessions
This section is just a high level summary of the new API. Details are provided further on.
Applications start a new session like this:
options = new SessionOptions(/* various settings */);
session = client.startSession(options);
The SessionOptions
will be individually defined in several other specifications. It is expected that the set of
will grow over time as sessions are used for new purposes.
Applications use a session by passing it as an argument to operation methods. For example:
collection.InsertOne(session /* etc. */)
collection.UpdateOne(session /* etc. */)
Applications end a session like this:
This specification does not deal with multi-document transactions, which are covered in their own specification.
MongoClient changes
interface summary
class SessionOptions {
// various other options as defined in other specifications
interface MongoClient {
ClientSession startSession(SessionOptions options);
// other existing members of MongoClient
Each new member is documented below.
While it is not part of the public API, MongoClient
also needs a private (or internal) clusterTime
(containing either a BSON document or null) to record the highest clusterTime
observed in a deployment (as described
below in Gossipping the cluster time).
The startSession
method starts a new ClientSession
with the provided options.
It MUST NOT be possible to change the options provided to startSession
after startSession
has been called. This can
be accomplished by making the SessionOptions
class immutable or using some equivalent mechanism that is idiomatic for
your language.
It is valid to call startSession
with no options set. This will result in a ClientSession
that has no effect on the
operations performed in the context of that session, other than to include a session ID in commands sent to the server.
The SessionOptions
MAY be a strongly typed class in some drivers, or MAY be a loosely typed dictionary in other
drivers. Drivers MUST define SessionOptions
in such a way that new options can be added in a backward compatible way
(it is acceptable for backward compatibility to be at the source level).
A ClientSession
MUST be associated with a ServerSession
at the time startSession
is called. As an implementation
optimization drivers MUST reuse ServerSession
instances across multiple ClientSession
instances subject to the rule
that a server session MUST NOT be used by two ClientSession
instances at the same time (see the Server Session Pool
section). Additionally, a ClientSession
may only ever be associated with one ServerSession
for its lifetime.
Drivers MUST NOT check for session support in startSession
. Instead, if sessions are not supported, the error MUST be
reported the first time the session is used for an operation (See
How to Tell Whether a Connection Supports Sessions).
Explicit vs implicit sessions
An explicit session is one started explicitly by the application by calling startSession
. An implicit session is one
started implicitly by the driver because the application called an operation without providing an explicit session.
Internally, a driver must be able to distinguish between explicit and implicit sessions, but no public API for this is
necessary because an application will never see an implicit session.
The motivation for starting an implicit session for all methods that don't take an explicit session parameter is to make sure that all commands that are sent to the server are tagged with a session ID. This improves the ability of an operations team to monitor (and kill if necessary) long running operations. Tagging an operation with a session ID is specially useful if a deployment wide operation needs to be killed.
When using authentication, using a session requires that only a single user be authenticated. Drivers that still support authenticating multiple users at once MAY continue to do so, but MUST NOT allow sessions to be used under such circumstances.
If startSession
is called when multiple users are authenticated drivers MUST raise an error with the error message
"Cannot call startSession when multiple users are authenticated."
If a driver allows authentication to be changed on the fly (presumably few still do) the driver MUST either prevent
instances from being used with a connection that doesn't have matching authentication or MUST return an
error if such use is attempted.
instances are not thread safe or fork safe. They can only be used by one thread or process at a time.
Drivers MUST document the thread-safety and fork-safety limitations of sessions. Drivers MUST NOT attempt to detect simultaneous use by multiple threads or processes (see Q&A for the rationale).
ClientSession interface summary:
interface ClientSession {
MongoClient client;
Optional<BsonDocument> clusterTime;
SessionOptions options;
BsonDocument sessionId;
void advanceClusterTime(BsonDocument clusterTime);
void endSession();
While it is not part of the public API, a ClientSession
also has a private (or internal) reference to a
Each member is documented below.
This property returns the MongoClient
that was used to start this ClientSession
This property returns the most recent cluster time seen by this session. If no operations have been executed using this
session this value will be null unless advanceClusterTime
has been called. This value will also be null when a cluster
does not report cluster times.
When a driver is gossiping the cluster time it should send the more recent clusterTime
of the ClientSession
and the
This property returns the SessionOptions
that were used to start this ClientSession
This property returns the session ID of this session. Note that since ServerSessions
are pooled, different
instances can have the same session ID, but never at the same time.
This method advances the clusterTime
for a session. If the new clusterTime
is greater than the session's current
then the session's clusterTime
MUST be advanced to the new clusterTime
. If the new clusterTime
less than or equal to the session's current clusterTime
then the session's clusterTime
MUST NOT be changed.
This method MUST NOT advance the clusterTime
in MongoClient
because we have no way of verifying that the supplied
is valid. If the clusterTime
in MongoClient
were set to an invalid value all future operations with
this MongoClient
would result in the server returning an error. The clusterTime
in MongoClient
should only be
advanced with a $clusterTime
received directly from a server.
This method ends a ClientSession
In languages that have idiomatic ways of disposing of resources, drivers SHOULD support that in addition to or instead
of endSession
. For example, in the .NET driver ClientSession
would implement IDisposable
and the application could
choose to call session.Dispose
or put the session in a using statement instead of calling session.endSession
. If
your language has an idiomatic way of disposing resources you MAY choose to implement that in addition to or instead of
, whichever is more idiomatic for your language.
A driver MUST allow multiple calls to endSession
(or Dispose
). All calls after the first one are ignored.
Conceptually, calling endSession
implies ending the corresponding server session (by calling the endSessions
command). As an implementation detail drivers SHOULD cache server sessions for reuse (see Server Session Pool).
Once a ClientSession
has ended, drivers MUST report an error if any operations are attempted with that
A ServerSession
is the driver object that tracks a server session. This object is an implementation detail and does
not need to be public. Drivers may store this information however they choose; this data structure is defined here
merely to describe the operation of the server session pool.
ServerSession interface summary
interface ServerSession {
BsonDocument sessionId;
DateTime lastUse;
This property returns the server session ID.
The driver MUST update the value of this property with the current DateTime every time the server session ID is sent to the server. This allows the driver to track with reasonable accuracy the server's view of when a server session was last used.
Creating a ServerSession
When a driver needs to create a new ServerSession
instance the only information it needs is the session ID to use for
the new session. It can either get the session ID from the server by running the startSession
command, or it can
generate it locally.
In either case, the lastUse field of the ServerSession
MUST be set to the current time when the ServerSession
Generating a session ID locally
Running the startSession
command to get a session ID for a new session requires a round trip to the server. As an
optimization the server allows drivers to generate new session IDs locally and to just start using them. When a server
sees a new session ID that it has never seen before it simply assumes that it is a new session.
A session ID is a BsonDocument
that has the following form:
interface SessionId {
id: UUID
Where the UUID is encoded as a BSON binary value of subtype 4.
The id field of the session ID is a version 4 UUID that must comply with the format described in RFC 4122. Section 4.4 describes an algorithm for generating correctly-versioned UUIDs from a pseudo-random number generator.
If a driver is unable to generate a version 4 UUID it MAY instead run the startSession
command and let the server
generate the session ID.
MongoDatabase changes
All MongoDatabase
methods that talk to the server MUST send a session ID with the command when connected to a
deployment that supports sessions so that the server can associate the operation with a session ID.
New database methods that take an explicit session
All MongoDatabase
methods that talk to the server SHOULD be overloaded to take an explicit session parameter. (See
why is session an explicit parameter?.)
When overloading methods to take a session parameter, the session parameter SHOULD be the first parameter. If overloading is not possible for your language, it MAY be in a different position or MAY be embedded in an options structure.
Methods that have a session parameter MUST check that the session argument is not null and was created by the same
that this MongoDatabase
came from and report an error if they do not match.
Existing database methods that start an implicit session
When an existing MongoDatabase
method that does not take a session is called, the driver MUST behave as if a new
was started just for this one operation and ended immediately after this operation completes. The actual
implementation will likely involve calling client.startSession
, but that is not required by this spec. Regardless,
please consult the startSession section to replicate the required steps for creating a session. The driver MUST NOT use
the session if the checked out connection does not support sessions (see
How to Tell Whether a Connection Supports Sessions) and, in all
cases, MUST NOT consume a server session id until after the connection is checked out and session support is confirmed.
MongoCollection changes
All MongoCollection
methods that talk to the server MUST send a session ID with the command when connected to a
deployment that supports sessions so that the server can associate the operation with a session ID.
New collection methods that take an explicit session
All MongoCollection
methods that talk to the server, with the exception of estimatedDocumentCount
overloaded to take an explicit session parameter. (See
why is session an explicit parameter?.)
When overloading methods to take a session parameter, the session parameter SHOULD be the first parameter. If overloading is not possible for your language, it MAY be in a different position or MAY be embedded in an options structure.
Methods that have a session parameter MUST check that the session argument is not null and was created by the same
that this MongoCollection
came from and report an error if they do not match.
The estimatedDocumentCount
helper does not support an explicit session parameter. The underlying command, count
, is
not supported in a transaction, so supporting an explicit session would likely confuse application developers. The
helper returns an estimate of the documents in a collection and causal consistency is unlikely to improve the accuracy
of the estimate.
Existing collection methods that start an implicit session
When an existing MongoCollection
method that does not take a session is called, the driver MUST behave as if a new
was started just for this one operation and ended immediately after this operation completes. The actual
implementation will likely involve calling client.startSession
, but that is not required by this spec. Regardless,
please consult the startSession section to replicate the required steps for creating a session. The driver MUST NOT use
the session if the checked out connection does not support sessions (see
How to Tell Whether a Connection Supports Sessions) and, in all
cases, MUST NOT consume a server session id until after the connection is checked out and session support is confirmed.
Sessions and Cursors
When an operation using a session returns a cursor, all subsequent GETMORE
commands for that cursor MUST be run using
the same session ID.
If a driver decides to run a KILLCURSORS
command on the cursor, it also MAY be run using the same session ID. See the
Exceptions below for when it is permissible to not include a session ID in a KILLCURSORS
Sessions and Connections
To reduce the number of ServerSessions
created, the driver MUST only obtain an implicit session's ServerSession
after it successfully checks out a connection. A driver SHOULD NOT attempt to release the acquired session before
connection check in.
Explicit sessions MAY be changed to allocate a server session similarly.
How to Tell Whether a Connection Supports Sessions
A driver can determine whether a connection supports sessions by checking whether the logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes
property of the establishing handshake response has a value or not. If it has a value, sessions are supported.
In the case of an explicit session, if sessions are not supported, the driver MUST raise an error. In the case of an implicit session, if sessions are not supported, the driver MUST ignore the session.
Possible race condition when checking for session support
There is a possible race condition that can happen between the time the driver checks whether sessions are supported and subsequently sends a command to the server:
- The server might have supported sessions at the time the connection was first opened (and reported a value for logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes in the initial response to the handshake), but have subsequently been downgraded to not support sessions. The server does not close the socket in this scenario, so the driver will conclude that the server at the other end of this connection supports sessions.
There is nothing that the driver can do about this race condition, and the server will just return an error in this scenario.
Sending the session ID to the server on all commands
When connected to a server that supports sessions a driver MUST append the session ID to every command it sends to the
server (with the exceptions noted in the following section). It does this by adding a top level lsid
field to the
command sent to the server. A driver MUST do this without modifying any data supplied by the application (e.g. the
command document passed to runCommand).:
interface ExampleCommandWithLSID {
foo: 1;
lsid: SessionId;
Exceptions to sending the session ID to the server on all commands
There are some exceptions to the rule that a driver MUST append the session ID to every command it sends to the server.
When opening and authenticating a connection
A driver MUST NOT append a session ID to any command sent during the process of opening and authenticating a connection.
When monitoring the state of a deployment
A driver MAY omit a session ID in hello and legacy hello commands sent solely for the purposes of monitoring the state of a deployment.
When sending a parallelCollectionScan command
Sessions are designed for sequential operations and parallelCollectionScan
is designed for parallel operation. Because
these are fundamentally incompatible goals, drivers MUST NOT append session ID to the parallelCollectionScan
so that the resulting cursors have no associated session ID and thus can be used in parallel.
When sending a killCursors command
A driver MAY omit a session ID in killCursors
commands for two reasons. First, killCursors
is only ever sent to a
particular server, so operation teams wouldn't need the lsid
for cluster-wide killOp. An admin can manually kill the
op with its operation id in the case that it is slow. Secondly, some drivers have a background cursor reaper to kill
cursors that aren't exhausted and closed. Due to GC semantics, it can't use the same lsid
for killCursors
as was
used for a cursor's find
and getMore
, so there's no point in using any lsid
at all.
When multiple users are authenticated and the session is implicit
The driver MUST NOT send a session ID from an implicit session when multiple users are authenticated. If possible the driver MUST NOT start an implicit session when multiple users are authenticated. Alternatively, if the driver cannot determine whether multiple users are authenticated at the point in time that an implicit session is started, then the driver MUST ignore any implicit sessions that subsequently end up being used on a connection that has multiple users authenticated.
When using unacknowledged writes
A session ID MUST NOT be used simultaneously by more than one operation. Since drivers don't wait for a response for an unacknowledged write a driver would not know when the session ID could be reused. In theory a driver could use a new session ID for each unacknowledged write, but that would result in many orphaned sessions building up at the server.
Therefore drivers MUST NOT send a session ID with unacknowledged writes under any circumstances:
- For unacknowledged writes with an explicit session, drivers SHOULD raise an error. If a driver allows users to provide an explicit session with an unacknowledged write (e.g. for backwards compatibility), the driver MUST NOT send the session ID.
- For unacknowledged writes without an explicit session, drivers SHOULD NOT use an implicit session. If a driver creates an implicit session for unacknowledged writes without an explicit session, the driver MUST NOT send the session ID.
Drivers MUST document the behavior of unacknowledged writes for both explicit and implicit sessions.
When wrapping commands in a $query
If the driver is wrapping the command in a $query
field for non-OP_MSG messages in order to pass a readPreference to a
mongos (see
ReadPreference and Mongos),
the driver SHOULD NOT add the lsid
as a top-level field, and MUST add the lsid
as a field of the $query
// Wrapped command:
interface WrappedCommandExample {
$query: {
find: { foo: 1 }
$readPreference: {}
// Correct application of lsid
interface CorrectLSIDUsageExample {
$query: {
find: { foo: 1 },
lsid: SessionId
$readPreference: {}
// Incorrect application of lsid
interface IncorrectLSIDUsageExample {
$query: {
find: { foo: 1 }
$readPreference: {},
lsid: SessionId
Server Commands
The startSession
server command has the following format:
interface StartSessionCommand {
startSession: 1;
$clusterTime?: ClusterTime;
The $clusterTime
field should only be sent when gossipping the cluster time. See the section "Gossipping the cluster
time" for information on $clusterTime
The startSession
command MUST be sent to the admin
The server response has the following format:
interface StartSessionResponse {
ok: 1;
id: BsonDocument;
In case of an error, the server response has the following format:
interface StartSessionError {
ok: 0;
errmsg: string;
code: number;
When connected to a replica set the startSession
command MUST be sent to the primary if the primary is available. The
command MAY be sent to a secondary if there is no primary available at the time the startSession
command needs to be run.
Drivers SHOULD generate session IDs locally if possible instead of running the startSession
command, since running the
command requires a network round trip.
The endSessions
server command has the following format:
interface EndSessionCommand {
endSessions: Array<SessionId>;
$clusterTime?: ClusterTime;
The $clusterTime
field should only be sent when gossipping the cluster time. See the section of "Gossipping the
cluster time" for information on $clusterTime
The endSessions
command MUST be sent to the admin
The server response has the following format:
interface EndSessionResponse {
ok: 1;
In case of an error, the server response has the following format:
interface EndSessionError {
ok: 0;
errmsg: string;
code: number;
Drivers MUST ignore any errors returned by the endSessions
The endSessions
command MUST be run once when the MongoClient
instance is shut down. If the number of sessions is
very large the endSessions
command SHOULD be run multiple times to end 10,000 sessions at a time (in order to avoid
creating excessively large commands).
When connected to a sharded cluster the endSessions
command can be sent to any mongos. When connected to a replica set
the endSessions
command MUST be sent to the primary if the primary is available, otherwise it MUST be sent to any
available secondary.
Server Session Pool
Conceptually, each ClientSession
can be thought of as having a new corresponding ServerSession
. However, starting a
server session might require a round trip to the server (which can be avoided by generating the session ID locally) and
ending a session requires a separate round trip to the server. Drivers can operate more efficiently and put less load on
the server if they cache ServerSession
instances for reuse. To this end drivers MUST implement a server session pool
containing ServerSession
instances available for reuse. A ServerSession
pool MUST belong to a MongoClient
and have the same lifetime as the MongoClient
When a new implicit ClientSession
is started it MUST NOT attempt to acquire a server session from the server session
pool immediately. When a new explicit ClientSession
is started it MAY attempt to acquire a server session from the
server session pool immediately. See the algorithm below for the steps to follow when attempting to acquire a
from the server session pool.
Note that ServerSession
instances acquired from the server session pool might have as little as one minute left before
becoming stale and being discarded server side. Drivers MUST document that if an application waits more than one minute
after calling startSession
to perform operations with that session it risks getting errors due to the server session
going stale before it was used.
A server session is considered stale by the server when it has not been used for a certain amount of time. The default
amount of time is 30 minutes, but this value is configurable on the server. Servers that support sessions will report
this value in the logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes
field of the reply to the hello and legacy hello commands. The smallest
reported timeout is recorded in the logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes
property of the TopologyDescription
. See the Server
Discovery And Monitoring specification for details.
When a ClientSession
is ended it MUST return the server session to the server session pool. See the algorithm below
for the steps to follow when returning a ServerSession
instance to the server session pool.
The server session pool has no maximum size. The pool only shrinks when a server session is acquired for use or discarded.
When a MongoClient
instance is closed the driver MUST proactively inform the server that the pooled server sessions
will no longer be used by sending one or more endSessions
commands to the server.
The server session pool is modeled as a double ended queue. The algorithms below require the ability to add and remove
instances from the front of the queue and to inspect and possibly remove ServerSession
instances from
the back of the queue. The front of the queue holds ServerSession
instances that have been released recently and
should be the first to be reused. The back of the queue holds ServerSession
instances that have not been used recently
and that potentially will be discarded if they are not used again before they expire.
An implicit session MUST be returned to the pool immediately following the completion of an operation. When an implicit
session is associated with a cursor for use with getMore
operations, the session MUST be returned to the pool
immediately following a getMore
operation that indicates that the cursor has been exhausted. In particular, it MUST
not wait until all documents have been iterated by the application or until the application disposes of the cursor. For
language runtimes that provide the ability to attach finalizers to objects that are run prior to garbage collection, the
cursor class SHOULD return an implicit session to the pool in the finalizer if the cursor has not already been
If a driver supports process forking, the session pool needs to be cleared on one side of the forked processes (just
like sockets need to reconnect). Drivers MUST provide a way to clear the session pool without sending endSessions
Drivers MAY make this automatic when the process ID changes. If they do not, they MUST document how to clear the session
pool wherever they document fork support. After clearing the session pool in this way, drivers MUST ensure that sessions
already checked out are not returned to the new pool.
If a driver has a server session pool and a network error is encountered when executing any command with a
, the driver MUST mark the associated ServerSession
as dirty. Dirty server sessions are discarded when
returned to the server session pool. It is valid for a dirty session to be used for subsequent commands (e.g. an
implicit retry attempt, a later command in a bulk write, or a later operation on an explicit session), however, it MUST
remain dirty for the remainder of its lifetime regardless if later commands succeed.
Algorithm to acquire a ServerSession instance from the server session pool
- If the server session pool is empty create a new
and use it - Otherwise remove a
from the front of the queue and examine it:- If the driver is in load balancer mode, use this
. - If it has at least one minute left before becoming stale use this
- If it has less than one minute left before becoming stale discard it (let it be garbage collected) and return to step 1.
- If the driver is in load balancer mode, use this
See the Load Balancer Specification for details on session expiration.
Algorithm to return a ServerSession instance to the server session pool
- Before returning a server session to the pool a driver MUST first check the server session pool for server sessions at the back of the queue that are about to expire (meaning they will expire in less than one minute). A driver MUST stop checking server sessions once it encounters a server session that is not about to expire. Any server sessions found that are about to expire are removed from the end of the queue and discarded (or allowed to be garbage collected)
- Then examine the server session that is being returned to the pool and:
- If this session is marked dirty (i.e. it was involved in a network error) discard it (let it be garbage collected)
- If it will expire in less than one minute discard it (let it be garbage collected)
- If it won't expire for at least one minute add it to the front of the queue
Gossipping the cluster time
Drivers MUST gossip the cluster time when connected to a deployment that uses cluster times. However, drivers MUST NOT gossip cluster time on SDAM commands.
Gossipping the cluster time is a process in which the driver participates in distributing the logical cluster time in a deployment. Drivers learn the current cluster time (from a particular server's perspective) in responses they receive from servers. Drivers in turn forward the highest cluster time they have seen so far to any server they subsequently send commands to.
A driver detects that it MUST participate in gossipping the cluster time when it sees a $clusterTime
in a response
received from a server.
Receiving the current cluster time
Drivers MUST examine all non-SDAM responses from the server commands to see if they contain a top level field named
formatted as follows:
interface ClusterTime {
clusterTime: Timestamp;
signature: {
hash: Binary;
keyId: Int64;
interface AnyServerResponse {
// ... other properties ...
$clusterTime: ClusterTime;
Whenever a driver receives a cluster time from a server it MUST compare it to the current highest seen cluster time for
the deployment. If the new cluster time is higher than the highest seen cluster time it MUST become the new highest seen
cluster time. Two cluster times are compared using only the BsonTimestamp value of the clusterTime
embedded field (be
sure to include both the timestamp and the increment of the BsonTimestamp in the comparison). The signature field does
not participate in the comparison.
Sending the highest seen cluster time
Whenever a driver sends a non-SDAM command to a server it MUST include the highest seen cluster time in a top level
field called $clusterTime
, in the same format as it was received in (but see Gossipping with mixed server versions
How to compute the $clusterTime
to send to a server
When sending $clusterTime
to the server the driver MUST send the greater of the clusterTime
values from
and ClientSession
. Normally a session's clusterTime
will be less than or equal to the clusterTime
, but it could be greater than the clusterTime
in MongoClient
if advanceClusterTime
was called with a
that came from somewhere else.
A driver MUST NOT use the clusterTime
of a ClientSession
anywhere else except when executing an operation with this
session. This rule protects the driver from the scenario where advanceClusterTime
was called with an invalid
by limiting the resulting server errors to the one session. The clusterTime
of a MongoClient
be advanced by any clusterTime
other than a $clusterTime
received directly from a server.
The safe way to compute the $clusterTime
to send to a server is:
When the
is first started itsclusterTime
is set to null. -
When the driver sends
to the server it should send the greater of theClientSession
and theMongoClient
(either one could be null). -
When the driver receives a
from the server it should advance both theClientSession
and theMongoClient
. TheclusterTime
of aClientSession
can also be advanced by callingadvanceClusterTime
This sequence ensures that if the clusterTime
of a ClientSession
is invalid only that one session will be affected.
The MongoClient
is only updated with $clusterTime
values known to be valid because they were received
directly from a server.
Tracking the highest seen cluster time does not require checking the deployment topology or the server version
Drivers do not need to check the deployment topology or the server version they are connected to in order to track the
highest seen $clusterTime
. They simply need to check for the presence of the $clusterTime
field in responses
received from servers.
Gossipping with mixed server versions
Drivers MUST check that the server they are sending a command to supports $clusterTime
before adding $clusterTime
the command. A server supports $clusterTime
when the maxWireVersion
>= 6.
This supports the (presumably short lived) scenario where not all servers have been upgraded to 3.6.
Do not gossip on SDAM commands
Drivers MUST NOT gossip cluster time on SDAM commands. In earlier versions of this spec, drivers did gossip cluster time on SDAM commands, however it was discovered that doing so provides little benefit and can result in a loss of availability. For example, if the driver attempts to connect to a member of a different replica set, the driver can end up with an invalid cluster time. Worse, this invalid cluster time may remain the highest for an indefinite time since clocks between different clusters are not synced. This results in all operations failing until the application is restarted. To fix this issue we decided it was more robust to stop gossiping on SDAM commands altogether.
Test Plan
See the README for tests.
Drivers currently have no concept of a session. The driver API needs to be extended to support sessions.
Design Rationale
The goal is to modify the driver API in such a way that existing programs that don't use sessions continue to compile and run correctly. This goal is met by defining new methods (or overloads) that take a session parameter. An application does not need to be modified unless it wants to take advantage of the new features supported by sessions.
Backwards Compatibility
The API changes to support sessions extend the existing API but do not introduce any backward breaking changes. Existing programs that don't use sessions continue to compile and run correctly.
Reference Implementation (always required)
A reference implementation must be completed before any spec is given status "Final", but it need not be completed before the spec is "Accepted". While there is merit to the approach of reaching consensus on the specification and rationale before writing code, the principle of "rough consensus and running code" is still useful when it comes to resolving many discussions of spec details. A final reference implementation must include test code and documentation.
The C and C# drivers will do initial POC implementations.
Future work (optional)
Use this section to discuss any possible work for a future spec. This could cover issues where no consensus could be reached but that don't block this spec, changes that were rejected due to unclear use cases, etc.
Open questions
Why do we say drivers MUST NOT attempt to detect unsafe multi-threaded or multi-process use of ClientSession
Because doing so would provide an illusion of safety. It doesn't make these instances thread safe. And even if when testing an application no such exceptions are encountered, that doesn't prove anything. The application might still be using the instances in a thread-unsafe way and just didn't happen to do so during a test run. The final argument is that checking this would require overhead that doesn't provide any clear benefit.
Why is session an explicit parameter?
A previous draft proposed that ClientSession would be a MongoClient-like object added to the object hierarchy:
session = client.startSession(...)
database = session.getDatabase(...) // database is associated with session
collection = database.getCollection(...) // collection is associated with session
// operations on collection implicitly use session
The central feature of this design is that a MongoCollection (or database, or perhaps a GridFS object) is associated with a session, which is then an implied parameter to any operations executed using that MongoCollection.
This API was rejected, with the justification that a ClientSession does not naturally belong to the state of a MongoCollection. MongoCollection has up to now been a stable long-lived object that could be widely shared, and in most drivers it is thread safe. Once we associate a ClientSession with it, the MongoCollection object becomes short-lived and is no longer thread safe. It is a bad sign that MongoCollection's thread safety and lifetime vary depending on how its parent MongoDatabase is created.
Instead, we require users to pass session as a parameter to each function:
session = client.startSession(...)
database = client.getDatabase(...)
collection = database.getCollection(...)
// users must explicitly pass session to operations
collection.insertOne(session, {})
Why does a network error cause the ServerSession
to be discarded from the pool?
When a network error is encountered when executing an operation with a ClientSession
, the operation may be left
running on the server. Re-using this ServerSession
can lead to parallel operations which violates the rule that a
session must be used sequentially. This results in multiple problems:
- killSessions to end an earlier operation would surprisingly also end a later operation.
- An otherwise unrelated operation that just happens to use that same server session will potentially block waiting for the previous operation to complete. For example, a transactional write will block a subsequent transactional write.
Why do automatic retry attempts re-use a dirty implicit session?
The retryable writes spec requires that both the original and retry attempt use the same server session. The server will block the retry attempt until the initial attempt completes at which point the retry attempt will continue executing.
For retryable reads that use an implicit session, drivers could choose to use a new server session for the retry attempt however this would lose the information that these two reads are related.
Why don't drivers run the endSessions command to cleanup dirty server sessions?
Drivers do not run the endSessions command when discarding a dirty server session because disconnects should be
relatively rare and the server won't normally accumulate a large number of abandoned dirty sessions. Any abandoned
sessions will be automatically cleaned up by the server after the configured logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes
Why must drivers wait to consume a server session until after a connection is checked out?
The problem that may occur is when the number of concurrent application requests are larger than the number of available connections, the driver may generate many more implicit sessions than connections. For example with maxPoolSize=1 and 100 threads, 100 implicit sessions may be created. This increases the load on the server since session state is cached in memory. In the worst case this kind of workload can hit the session limit and trigger TooManyLogicalSessions.
In order to address this, drivers MUST NOT consume a server session id until after the connection is checked out. This change will limit the number of "in use" server sessions to no greater than an application's maxPoolSize.
The language here is specific about obtaining a server session as opposed to creating the implicit session to permit drivers to take an implementation approach where the implicit session creation logic largely remains unchanged. Implicit session creation can be left as is, as long as the underlying server resource isn't allocated until it is needed and, known it will be used, after connection checkout succeeds.
It is still possible that via explicit sessions or cursors, which hold on to the session they started with, a driver could over allocate sessions. But those scenarios are extenuating and outside the scope of solving in this spec.
Why should drivers NOT attempt to release a serverSession before checking back in the operation's connection?
There are a variety of cases, such as retryable operations or cursor creating operations, where a serverSession
remain acquired by the ClientSession
after an operation is attempted. Attempting to account for all these scenarios
has risks that do not justify the potential guaranteed ServerSession
allocation limiting.
- 2025-02-24: Drivers MUST NOT gossip $clusterTime on SDAM commands.
- 2024-05-08: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2017-09-13: If causalConsistency option is omitted assume true
- 2017-09-16: Omit session ID when opening and authenticating a connection
- 2017-09-18: Drivers MUST gossip the cluster time when they see a
. - 2017-09-19: How to safely use initialClusterTime
- 2017-09-29: Add an exception to the rule that
commands always require a session id - 2017-10-03: startSession and endSessions commands MUST be sent to the admin database
- 2017-10-03: Fix format of endSessions command
- 2017-10-04: Added advanceClusterTime
- 2017-10-06: Added descriptions of explicit and implicit sessions
- 2017-10-17: Implicit sessions MUST NOT be used when multiple users authenticated
- 2017-10-19: Possible race conditions when checking whether a deployment supports sessions
- 2017-11-21: Drivers MUST NOT send a session ID for unacknowledged writes
- 2018-01-10: Note that MongoClient must retain highest clusterTime
- 2018-01-10: Update test plan for drivers without APM
- 2018-01-11: Clarify that sessions require replica sets or sharded clusters
- 2018-02-20: Add implicit/explicit session tests
- 2018-02-20: Drivers SHOULD error if unacknowledged writes are used with sessions
- 2018-05-23: Drivers MUST not use session ID with parallelCollectionScan
- 2018-06-07: Document that estimatedDocumentCount does not support explicit sessions
- 2018-07-19: Justify why session must be an explicit parameter to each function
- 2018-10-11: Session pools must be cleared in child process after fork
- 2019-05-15: A ServerSession that is involved in a network error MUST be discarded
- 2019-10-22: Drivers may defer checking if a deployment supports sessions until the first
- 2021-04-08: Updated to use hello and legacy hello
- 2021-04-08: Adding in behaviour for load balancer mode.
- 2020-05-26: Simplify logic for determining sessions support
- 2022-01-28: Implicit sessions MUST obtain server session after connection checkout succeeds
- 2022-03-24: ServerSession Pooling is required and clarifies session acquisition bounding
- 2022-06-13: Move prose tests to test README and apply new ordering
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter
- 2023-02-24: Defer checking for session support until after connection checkout
Causal Consistency Specification
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.6
Version 3.6 of the server introduces support for causal consistency. This spec builds upon the Sessions Specification to define how an application requests causal consistency and how a driver interacts with the server to implement causal consistency.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Causal consistency
A property that guarantees that an application can read its own writes and that a later read will never observe a version of the data that is older than an earlier read.
The driver object representing a client session and the operations that can be performed on it.
Cluster time
The current cluster time. The server reports its view of the current cluster time in the $clusterTime
field in
responses from the server and the driver participates in distributing the current cluster time to all nodes (called
"gossipping the cluster time") by sending the highest $clusterTime
it has seen so far in messages it sends to mongos
servers. The current cluster time is a logical time, but is digitally signed to prevent malicious clients from
propagating invalid cluster times. Cluster time is only used in replica sets and sharded clusters.
Logical time
A time-like quantity that can be used to determine the order in which events occurred. Logical time is represented as a BsonTimestamp.
The root object of a driver's API. MAY be named differently in some drivers.
The driver object representing a collection and the operations that can be performed on it. MAY be named differently in some drivers.
The driver object representing a database and the operations that can be performed on it. MAY be named differently in some drivers.
Operation time
The logical time at which an operation occurred. The server reports the operation time in the response to all commands,
including error responses. The operation time by definition is always less than or equal to the cluster time. Operation
times are tracked on a per ClientSession
basis, so the operationTime
of each ClientSession
corresponds to the time
of the last operation performed in that particular ClientSession
The driver object representing a server session.
A session is an abstract concept that represents a set of sequential operations executed by an application that are related in some way. This specification defines how sessions are used to implement causal consistency.
Unacknowledged writes
Unacknowledged writes are write operations that are sent to the server without waiting for a reply acknowledging the write. See the "Unacknowledged Writes" section below for information on how unacknowledged writes interact with causal consistency.
An application requests causal consistency by creating a ClientSession
with options that specify that causal
consistency is desired. An application then passes the session as an argument to methods in the MongoDatabase
classes. Any operations performed against that session will then be causally consistent.
Naming variations
This specification defines names for new methods and types. To the extent possible you SHOULD use these names in your
driver. However, where your driver's and/or language's naming conventions differ you SHOULD continue to use them
instead. For example, you might use StartSession
or start_session
instead of startSession
High level summary of the API changes for causal consistency
Causal consistency is built on top of client sessions.
Applications will start a new client session for causal consistency like this:
options = new SessionOptions(causalConsistency = true);
session = client.startSession(options);
All read operations performed using this session will now be causally consistent.
If no value is provided for causalConsistency
and snapshot reads are not requested a value of true is implied. See the
MongoClient changes
There are no API changes to MongoClient
to support causal consistency. Applications indicate whether they want causal
consistency by setting the causalConsistency
field in the options passed to the startSession
SessionOptions changes
change summary
class SessionOptions {
Optional<bool> causalConsistency;
// other options defined by other specs
In order to support causal consistency a new property named causalConsistency
is added to SessionOptions
Applications set causalConsistency
when starting a client session to indicate whether they want causal consistency.
All read operations performed using that client session are then causally consistent.
Each new member is documented below.
Applications set causalConsistency
when starting a session to indicate whether they want causal consistency.
Note that the causalConsistency
property is optional. For explicit sessions, the default value of this property is
not supplied
. If no value is supplied for causalConsistency
the value will be inherited. Currently it is inherited
from the global default which is defined to be true. In the future it might be inherited from client settings. For
implicit sessions, the value of this property MUST be set to false
in order to avoid potential conflicts with an
operation's read concern level.
Causal consistency is provided at the session level by tracking the clusterTime
and operationTime
for each session.
In some cases an application may wish subsequent operations in one session to be causally consistent with operations
that were executed in a different session. In that case the application can call the advanceClusterTime
methods in ClientSession
to advance the clusterTime
and operationTime
of one session to the
and operationTime
from another session.
ClientSession changes
changes summary
interface ClientSession {
Optional<BsonTimestamp> operationTime;
void advanceOperationTime(BsonTimestamp operationTime);
// other members as defined in other specs
Each new member is documented below.
This property returns the operation time of the most recent operation performed using this session. If no operations
have been performed using this session the value will be null unless advanceOperationTime
has been called. This value
will also be null when the cluster does not report operation times.
This method advances the operationTime
for a session. If the new operationTime
is greater than the session's current
then the session's operationTime
MUST be advanced to the new operationTime
. If the new
is less than or equal to the session's current operationTime
then the session's operationTime
NOT be changed.
Drivers MUST NOT attempt to validate the supplied operationTime
. While the server requires that operationTime
less than or equal to clusterTime
we don't want to check that when advanceOperationTime
is called. This allows an
application to call advanceClusterTime
and advanceOperationTime
in any order, or perhaps to not call
at all and let the clusterTime
that is sent to the server be implied by the clusterTime
MongoDatabase changes
There are no additional API changes to MongoDatabase
beyond those specified in the Sessions Specification. All
methods that talk to the server have been overloaded to take a session parameter. If that session was
started with causalConsistency = true
then all operations using that session will be causally consistent.
MongoCollection changes
There are no additional API changes to MongoCollection
beyond those specified in the Sessions Specification. All
methods that talk to the server have been overloaded to take a session parameter. If that session was
started with causalConsistency = true
then all operations using that session will be causally consistent.
Server Commands
There are no new server commands related to causal consistency. Instead, causal consistency is implemented by:
- Saving the
returned by 3.6+ servers for all operations in a property of theClientSession
object. The server reports theoperationTime
whether the operation succeeded or not and drivers MUST save theoperationTime
in theClientSession
whether the operation succeeded or not. - Passing that
in theafterClusterTime
field of thereadConcern
field for subsequent causally consistent read operations (for all commands that support areadConcern
) - Gossiping clusterTime (described in the Driver Session Specification)
Server Command Responses
To support causal consistency the server returns the operationTime
in responses it sends to the driver (for both read
and write operations).
ok : 1 or 0,
... // the rest of the command reply
operationTime : <BsonTimestamp>
$clusterTime : <BsonDocument> // only in deployments that support cluster times
The operationTime
MUST be stored in the ClientSession
to later be passed as the afterClusterTime
field of the
field in subsequent read operations. The operationTime
is returned whether the command succeeded or not
and MUST be stored in either case.
Drivers MUST examine all responses from the server for the presence of an operationTime
field and store the value in
the ClientSession
When connected to a standalone node command replies do not include an operationTime
field. All operations against a
standalone node are causally consistent automatically because there is only one node.
When connected to a deployment that supports cluster times the command response also includes a field called
that drivers MUST use to gossip the cluster time. See the Sessions Specification for details.
Causally consistent read commands
For causal consistency the driver MUST send the operationTime
saved in the ClientSession
as the value of the
field of the readConcern
find : <string>, // or other read command
... // the rest of the command parameters
readConcern :
level : ..., // from the operation's read concern (only if specified)
afterClusterTime : <BsonTimestamp>
For the lists of commands that support causally consistent reads, see ReadConcern spec.
The driver MUST merge the ReadConcern
specified for the operation with the operationTime
from the ClientSession
(which goes in the afterClusterTime
field) to generate the combined readConcern
to send to the server. If the level
property of the read concern for the operation is null then the driver MUST NOT include a level
field alongside the
of the readConcern
value sent to the server. Drivers MUST NOT attempt to verify whether the server
supports causally consistent reads or not for a given read concern level. The server will return an error if a given
level does not support causal consistency.
The Read and Write Concern specification states that when a user has not specified a ReadConcern
or has specified the
server's default ReadConcern
, drivers MUST omit the ReadConcern
parameter when sending the command. For causally
consistent reads this requirement is modified to state that when the ReadConcern
parameter would normally be omitted
drivers MUST send a ReadConcern
after all because that is how the afterClusterTime
value is sent to the server.
The Read and Write Concern Specification states that drivers MUST NOT add a readConcern
field to commands that are run
using a generic runCommand
method. The same is true for causal consistency, so commands that are run using
MUST NOT have an afterClusterTime
field added to them.
When executing a causally consistent read, the afterClusterTime
field MUST be sent when connected to a deployment that
supports cluster times, and MUST NOT be sent when connected to a deployment that does not support cluster times.
Unacknowledged writes
The implementation of causal consistency relies on the operationTime
returned by the server in the acknowledgement of
a write. Since unacknowledged writes don't receive a response from the server (or don't wait for a response) the
's operationTime
is not updated after an unacknowledged write. That means that a causally consistent
read after an unacknowledged write cannot be causally consistent with the unacknowledged write. Rather than prohibiting
unacknowledged writes in a causally consistent session we have decided to accept this limitation. Drivers MUST document
that causally consistent reads are not causally consistent with unacknowledged writes.
Test Plan
Below is a list of test cases to write.
Note: some tests are only relevant to certain deployments. For the purpose of deciding which tests to run assume that any deployment that is version 3.6 or higher and is either a replica set or a sharded cluster supports cluster times.
- When a
is first created theoperationTime
has no value.session = client.startSession()
- assert
has no value
- The first read in a causally consistent session must not send
to the server (because theoperationTime
has not yet been determined)session = client.startSession(causalConsistency = true)
document = collection.anyReadOperation(session, ...)
- capture the command sent to the server (using APM or other mechanism)
- assert that the command does not have an
- The first read or write on a
should update theoperationTime
of theClientSession
, even if there is an error.- skip this test if connected to a deployment that does not support cluster times
session = client.startSession() // with or without causal consistency
collection.anyReadOrWriteOperation(session, ...) // test with errors also if possible
- capture the response sent from the server (using APM or other mechanism)
- assert
has the same value that is in the response from the server
- A
followed by any other read operation (test them all) should include theoperationTime
returned by the server for the first operation in theafterClusterTime
parameter of the second operation- skip this test if connected to a deployment that does not support cluster times
session = client.startSession(causalConsistency = true)
collection.findOne(session, {})
operationTime = session.operationTime
collection.anyReadOperation(session, ...)
- capture the command sent to the server (using APM or other mechanism)
- assert that the command has an
field with a value ofoperationTime
- Any write operation (test them all) followed by a
operation should include theoperationTime
of the first operation in theafterClusterTime
parameter of the second operation, including the case where the first operation returned an error.- skip this test if connected to a deployment that does not support cluster times
session = client.startSession(causalConsistency = true)
collection.anyWriteOperation(session, ...) // test with errors also where possible
operationTime = session.operationTime
collection.findOne(session, {})
- capture the command sent to the server (using APM or other mechanism)
- assert that the command has an
field with a value ofoperationTime
- A read operation in a
that is not causally consistent should not include theafterClusterTime
parameter in the command sent to the server.- skip this test if connected to a deployment that does not support cluster times
session = client.startSession(causalConsistency = false)
collection.anyReadOperation(session, {})
operationTime = session.operationTime
- capture the command sent to the server (using APM or other mechanism)
- assert that the command does not have an
- A read operation in a causally consistent session against a deployment that does not support cluster times does not
include the
parameter in the command sent to the server.- skip this test if connected to a deployment that does support cluster times
session = client.startSession(causalConsistency = true)
collection.anyReadOperation(session, {})
- capture the command sent to the server (using APM or other mechanism)
- assert that the command does not have an
- When using the default server
parameter in the command sent to the server should not include alevel
field.- skip this test if connected to a deployment that does not support cluster times
session = client.startSession(causalConsistency = true)
- configure
to use default serverReadConcern
collection.findOne(session, {})
operationTime = session.operationTime
collection.anyReadOperation(session, ...)
- capture the command sent to the server (using APM or other mechanism)
- assert that the command does not have a
field - assert that the command has a
field with a value ofoperationTime
- When using a custom
field in the command sent to the server should be a merger of theReadConcern
value and theafterClusterTime
field.- skip this test if connected to a deployment that does not support cluster times
session = client.startSession(causalConsistency = true)
- configure collection to use a custom ReadConcern
collection.findOne(session, {})
operationTime = session.operationTime
collection.anyReadOperation(session, ...)
- capture the command sent to the server (using APM or other mechanism)
- assert that the command has a
field with a value matching the custom readConcern - assert that the command has an
field with a value ofoperationTime
- Removed
- When connected to a deployment that does not support cluster times messages sent to the server should not include
.- skip this test when connected to a deployment that does support cluster times
document = collection.findOne({})
- capture the command sent to the server
- assert that the command does not include a
- When connected to a deployment that does support cluster times messages sent to the server should include
.- skip this test when connected to a deployment that does not support cluster times
document = collection.findOne({})
- capture the command sent to the server
- assert that the command includes a
To support causal consistency. Only supported with server version 3.6 or newer.
Design Rationale
The goal is to modify the driver API as little as possible so that existing programs that don't need causal consistency
don't have to be changed. This goal is met by defining a SessionOptions
field that applications use to start a
that can be used for causal consistency. Any operations performed with such a session are then causally
The operationTime
is tracked on a per ClientSession
basis. This allows each ClientSession
to have an
that is sufficiently new to guarantee causal consistency for that session, but no newer. Using an
that is newer than necessary can cause reads to block longer than necessary when sent to a lagging
secondary. The goal is to block for just long enough to guarantee causal consistency and no longer.
Backwards Compatibility
The API changes to support sessions extend the existing API but do not introduce any backward breaking changes. Existing programs that don't use causal consistency continue to compile and run correctly.
Reference Implementation
A reference implementation must be completed before any spec is given status "Final", but it need not be completed before the spec is "Accepted". While there is merit to the approach of reaching consensus on the specification and rationale before writing code, the principle of "rough consensus and running code" is still useful when it comes to resolving many discussions of spec details. A final reference implementation must include test code and documentation.
2024-02-08: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2022-11-11: Require
for implicit sessions. -
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-01-28: Fix formatting for prose tests
2022-01-22: Remove outdated prose test #10
2021-06-26: Default value for causalConsistency is influenced by snapshot reads
2017-11-17: Added link to ReadConcern spec which lists commands that support readConcern
2017-10-06: advanceOperationTime MUST NOT validate operationTime
2017-10-05: How to handle default read concern
2017-10-04: Added advanceOperationTime
2017-09-28: Remove remaining references to collections being associated with sessions. Update spec to reflect that replica sets use $clusterTime also now.
2017-09-13: Renamed "causally consistent reads" to "causal consistency". If no value is supplied for
assume true.
Snapshot Reads Specification
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 5.0
Version 5.0 of the server introduces support for read concern level "snapshot" (non-speculative) for read commands outside of transactions, including on secondaries. This spec builds upon the Sessions Specification to define how an application requests "snapshot" level read concern and how a driver interacts with the server to implement snapshot reads.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
The driver object representing a client session and the operations that can be performed on it.
The root object of a driver's API. MAY be named differently in some drivers.
The driver object representing a collection and the operations that can be performed on it. MAY be named differently in some drivers.
The driver object representing a database and the operations that can be performed on it. MAY be named differently in some drivers.
The driver object representing a server session.
A session is an abstract concept that represents a set of sequential operations executed by an application that are related in some way. This specification defines how sessions are used to implement snapshot reads.
Snapshot reads
Reads with read concern level snapshot
that occur outside of transactions on both the primary and secondary nodes,
including in sharded clusters. Snapshots reads are majority committed reads.
Snapshot timestamp
Snapshot timestamp, representing timestamp of the first supported read operation (i.e. find/aggregate/distinct) in the
session. The server creates a cursor in response to a snapshot find/aggregate command and reports atClusterTime
the cursor
field in the response. For the distinct command the server adds a top-level atClusterTime
field to the
response. The atClusterTime
field represents the timestamp of the read and is guaranteed to be majority committed.
An application requests snapshot reads by creating a ClientSession
with options that specify that snapshot reads are
desired. An application then passes the session as an argument to methods in the MongoDatabase
and MongoCollection
classes. Read operations (find/aggregate/distinct) performed against that session will be read from the same snapshot.
High level summary of the API changes for snapshot reads
Snapshot reads are built on top of client sessions.
Applications will start a new client session for snapshot reads like this:
options = new SessionOptions(snapshot = true);
session = client.startSession(options);
All read operations performed using this session will be read from the same snapshot.
If no value is provided for snapshot
a value of false is implied. There are no MongoDatabase, MongoClient, or
MongoCollection API changes.
SessionOptions changes
change summary
class SessionOptions {
Optional<bool> snapshot;
// other options defined by other specs
In order to support snapshot reads a new property named snapshot
is added to SessionOptions
. Applications set
when starting a client session to indicate whether they want snapshot reads. All read operations performed
using that client session will share the same snapshot.
Each new member is documented below.
Applications set snapshot
when starting a session to indicate whether they want snapshot reads.
Note that the snapshot
property is optional. The default value of this property is false.
Snapshot reads and causal consistency are mutually exclusive. Therefore if snapshot
is set to true,
must be false. Client MUST throw an error if both snapshot
and causalConsistency
are set to
true. Snapshot reads are supported on both primaries and secondaries.
ClientSession changes
Transactions are not allowed with snapshot sessions. Calling session.startTransaction(options)
on a snapshot session
MUST raise an error.
ReadConcern changes
added to ReadConcernLevel enumeration.
Server Commands
There are no new server commands related to snapshot reads. Instead, snapshot reads are implemented by:
- Saving the
returned by 5.0+ servers for the first find/aggregate/distinct operation in a privatesnapshotTime
property of theClientSession
object. Drivers MUST saveatClusterTime
in theClientSession
object. - Passing that
in theatClusterTime
field of thereadConcern
field for subsequent snapshot read operations (i.e. find/aggregate/distinct commands).
Server Command Responses
For find/aggregate commands the server returns atClusterTime
within the cursor
field of the response.
ok : 1 or 0,
... // the rest of the command reply
cursor : {
... // the rest of the cursor reply
atClusterTime : <BsonTimestamp>
For distinct commands the server returns atClusterTime
as a top-level field in the response.
ok : 1 or 0,
... // the rest of the command reply
atClusterTime : <BsonTimestamp>
The atClusterTime
timestamp MUST be stored in the ClientSession
to later be passed as the atClusterTime
field of
the readConcern
with a snapshot
level in subsequent read operations.
Server Errors
- The server may reply to read commands with a
error if the client'satClusterTime
value is not available in the server's history. - The server will return
error if bothatClusterTime
options are set to true. - The server will return
error if the command does not support readConcern.level "snapshot".
Snapshot Read Commands
For snapshot reads the driver MUST first obtain atClusterTime
from the server response of a find/aggregate/distinct
command, by specifying readConcern
with snapshot
level field, and store it as snapshotTime
in the ClientSession
find : <string>, // or other read command
... // the rest of the command parameters
readConcern :
level : "snapshot"
For subsequent reads in the same session, the driver MUST send the snapshotTime
saved in the ClientSession
as the
value of the atClusterTime
field of the readConcern
with a snapshot
find : <string>, // or other read command
... // the rest of the command parameters
readConcern :
level : "snapshot",
atClusterTime : <BsonTimestamp>
Lists of commands that support snapshot reads:
- find
- aggregate
- distinct
Sending readConcern to the server on all commands
Drivers MUST set the readConcern level
and atClusterTime
fields (as outlined above) on all commands in a snapshot
session, including commands that do not accept a readConcern (e.g. insert, update). This ensures that the server will
return an error for invalid operations, such as writes, within a session configured for snapshot reads.
Requires MongoDB 5.0+
Snapshot reads require MongoDB 5.0+. When the connected server's maxWireVersion is less than 13, drivers MUST throw an exception with the message "Snapshot reads require MongoDB 5.0 or later".
To support snapshot reads. Only supported with server version 5.0+ or newer.
Design Rationale
The goal is to modify the driver API as little as possible so that existing programs that don't need snapshot reads
don't have to be changed. This goal is met by defining a SessionOptions
field that applications use to start a
that can be used for snapshot reads. Alternative explicit approach of obtaining atClusterTime
object and passing it to read concern object was considered initially. A session-based approach was chosen as
it aligns better with the existing API, and requires minimal API changes. Future extensibility for snapshot reads would
be best served by a session-based approach, as no API changes will be required.
Backwards Compatibility
The API changes to support snapshot reads extend the existing API but do not introduce any backward breaking changes. Existing programs that don't use snapshot reads continue to compile and run correctly.
Reference Implementation
C# driver will provide the reference implementation. The corresponding ticket is CSHARP-3668.
- 2024-05-08: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2021-06-15: Initial version.
- 2021-06-28: Raise client side error on < 5.0.
- 2021-06-29: Send readConcern with all snapshot session commands.
- 2021-07-16: Grammar revisions. Change SHOULD to MUST for startTransaction error to comply with existing tests.
- 2021-08-09: Updated client-side error spec tests to use correct syntax for
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter
Transactions Specification
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 4.0
Version 4.0 of the server introduces multi-statement transactions. This spec builds upon the Driver Sessions Specification to define how an application uses transactions and how a driver interacts with the server to implement transactions.
The API for transactions must be specified to ensure that all drivers and the mongo shell are consistent with each other, and to provide a natural interface for application developers and DBAs who use multi-statement transactions.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
This specification uses the terms defined in the Driver Sessions Specification and Retryable Writes Specification. Additional terms are defined below.
Resource Management Block
Some programming languages have a concept of a code block that automatically frees resources when control exits the block. Such a pattern is known as context managers, "using" statements, RAII, etc.. This spec refers to such a pattern as a resource management block, regardless of the programming language.
Read operation
Any CRUD method that uses a read preference. The listIndexes, listCollections, and listDatabases, and RunCommand helpers are also considered read operations.
Write operation
All operations that write and accept a ClientSession argument. All MongoClient, Database, Collection helpers that write including (but not limited to) creating, updating, or deleting databases, collections, indexes, and users. Aggregate (even with a write stage) is considered a read operation, see Aggregate with write stage is a read operation.
Retryable Error
An error considered retryable by the Retryable Writes Specification.
Command Error
A server response with ok:0. A server response with ok:1 and writeConcernError or writeErrors is not considered a command error.
Network Error
Any error or timeout that occurs while selecting a server or reading from or writing to a network socket.
Error Label
Starting in MongoDB 4.0, any command error may include a top level "errorLabels" field. The field contains an array of string error labels. Drivers may also add error labels to errors that they return.
Transient Transaction Error
Any command, network, or driver error that includes the "TransientTransactionError" error label in the "errorLabels" field.
Naming variations
This specification defines names for new methods and types. To the extent possible you SHOULD use these names in your driver. However, where your driver's and/or language's naming conventions differ you SHOULD continue to use them instead. For example, you might use StartTransaction or start_transaction instead of startTransaction.
A non-exhaustive list of acceptable naming deviations are as follows:
- Using "maxCommitTimeMS" as an example, .NET would use "MaxCommitTime" where it's type is a TimeSpan structure that includes units. However, calling it "MaximumCommitTime" would not be acceptable.
Transaction API
Transactions are built on top of Driver Session API. Applications can run a transaction like this:
with client.start_session() as s:
collection_one.insert_one(doc_one, session=s)
collection_two.insert_one(doc_two, session=s)
This section is an overview of the public API for transactions:
class TransactionOptions {
* The readConcern to use for this transaction.
Optional<ReadConcern> readConcern;
* The writeConcern to use for this transaction.
Optional<WriteConcern> writeConcern;
* The readPreference to use for this transaction.
Optional<ReadPreference> readPreference;
* The maximum amount of time to allow a single commitTransaction
* command to run.
* NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
Optional<Int64> maxCommitTimeMS;
class SessionOptions {
* The default TransactionOptions to use for transactions started
* on this session.
Optional<TransactionOptions> defaultTransactionOptions;
// Options defined in other specifications...
interface ClientSession {
* Starts a new transaction with the given options. This session's
* defaultTransactionOptions is used when options is omitted.
* Raises an error if this session is already in a transaction.
* The return type MAY be non-void if necessary to participate in
* the programming language's resource management block idiom. The
* type of the returned object, if any, MUST NOT be named
* Transaction, see "Why is there no Transaction object?"
void startTransaction(Optional<TransactionOptions> options);
* Commits the currently active transaction in this session.
* Raises an error if this session has no transaction.
void commitTransaction();
* Aborts the currently active transaction in this session.
* Raises an error if this session has no transaction.
void abortTransaction();
* Aborts any currently active transaction and ends this session.
* MUST NOT raise an error.
void endSession();
// Methods defined in other specifications...
Each new member is documented below.
It is expected that the set of TransactionOptions will grow over time, TransactionOptions MUST be designed such that future options can be added without breaking backward compatibility.
The readConcern to use for the first command, and only the first command, in a transaction. Server transactions are started lazily with the first command using this session. For supported values see Behavior of the readConcern field.
Note that the readConcern property is optional. The default value is NULL. If readConcern is NULL the value will be inherited from this session’s defaultTransactionOptions. If defaultTransactionOptions itself is NULL or the readConcern in defaultTransactionOptions is NULL, the readConcern is inherited from the MongoClient associated with this session.
If the user supplies an explicit readConcern via a method option, the driver MUST raise an error with the message "Cannot set read concern after starting a transaction." See Users cannot pass readConcern or writeConcern to operations in transactions.
The writeConcern to use for the commitTransaction and abortTransaction commands. Note that the writeConcern property is optional. The default value is NULL. If writeConcern is NULL the value will be inherited from this session’s defaultTransactionOptions. If defaultTransactionOptions itself is NULL or the writeConcern in defaultTransactionOptions is NULL, the writeConcern is inherited from the MongoClient associated with this session.
If the writeConcern is not the server default, then Drivers MUST add the writeConcern to the commitTransaction and abortTransaction commands. Drivers MUST NOT add the transaction’s writeConcern or any writeConcern inherited from the collection, database, or client to any preceding commands in the transaction.
If the user supplies an explicit writeConcern via a method option, the driver MUST raise an error with the message "Cannot set write concern after starting a transaction." See Users cannot pass readConcern or writeConcern to operations in transactions.
Drivers MUST raise an error if the user provides or if defaults would result in an unacknowledged writeConcern. The Driver Sessions spec disallows using unacknowledged writes in a session. The error message MUST contain "transactions do not support unacknowledged write concerns".
If a higher level object, such as a Collection, is created inside a transaction, their write concern option MUST be ignored if provided and the transaction level write concern used instead. An example of expected behaviour is:
client = MongoClient("mongodb://host/?readPreference=nearest")
coll = client.db.test
with client.start_session() as s:
with s.start_transaction():
w_0_coll = db.get_collection("w_0_coll", writeConcern=WriteConcern(w=0))
# This is allowed, the write concern of the transaction is used instead of w=0 from the collection.
w_0_coll.insert_one({}, session=s)
The read preference to use for all read operations in this transaction.
Note that the readPreference property is optional. The default value is NULL. If readPreference is NULL the value will be inherited from this session’s defaultTransactionOptions. If defaultTransactionOptions itself is NULL or the readPreference in defaultTransactionOptions is NULL, the readPreference is inherited from the MongoClient associated with this session.
The transaction’s read preference MUST override all other user configurable read preferences, with the exception of drivers that allow an operation level read preference. In this case, the driver MUST respect the read preference specified by the user, allowing the server to report an error.
In MongoDB 4.0, transactions may only read from the primary. If a read is attempted and the transaction’s read preference is not Primary drivers MUST raise an error containing the string "read preference in a transaction must be primary". Drivers MUST NOT validate the read preference during write operations or in startTransaction. See Why is readPreference part of TransactionOptions?.
client = MongoClient("mongodb://host/?readPreference=nearest")
coll = client.db.test
with client.start_session() as s:
with s.start_transaction():
coll.insert_one({}, session=s)
coll.find_one(session=s) # Error: "read preference in a transaction must be primary"
NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
The maximum amount of time to allow a single commitTransaction command to run.
This option is only sent with the commitTransaction command(s) and only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
Note, this option is an alias for the maxTimeMS
commitTransaction command option.
SessionOptions changes
The default TransactionOptions to use for transactions started on this session.
ClientSession changes
ClientSession is in one of five states: "no transaction", "starting transaction", "transaction in progress", "transaction committed", and "transaction aborted". It transitions among these states according to the following diagram:
When a ClientSession is created it starts in the "no transaction" state. Starting, committing, and aborting a transaction transitions the session between the "starting transaction", "transaction in progress", "transaction committed", and "transaction aborted" states. If the session is in the "transaction aborted" or "transaction committed" state, then any operation using the session (besides commitTransaction and abortTransaction) MUST reset the session state to "no transaction".
Note that "error" is not a state, it represents throwing an error due to an invalid operation. When such errors are thrown the session state is unchanged.
Client-side errors MUST NOT change transaction state. For example, if an invalid key or an excessively large document is provided by the application to an insert when the transaction state is "starting transaction", the transaction state MUST remain "starting transaction". If the same situation occurs when the transaction state is "transaction in progress", the state MUST remain "transaction in progress".
This method starts a new transaction on this session with the given TransactionOptions. When options is omitted or if particular options are not specified, drivers will use the defaultTransactionOptions from ClientSession.options or inherit them from the session's client, as described in the text above for each option. This session is in the "starting transaction" state after this method returns.
If this session is in the "starting transaction " or "transaction in progress" state, then Drivers MUST raise an error containing the message "Transaction already in progress" without modifying any session state.
startTransaction SHOULD report an error if the driver can detect that transactions are not supported by the deployment. A deployment does not support transactions when the deployment does not support sessions, or maxWireVersion < 7, or the maxWireVersion < 8 and the topology type is Sharded, see How to Tell Whether a Connection Supports Sessions. Note that checking the maxWireVersion does not guarantee that the deployment supports transactions, for example a MongoDB 4.0 replica set using MMAPv1 will report maxWireVersion 7 but does not support transactions. In this case, Drivers rely on the deployment to report an error when a transaction is started.
Drivers MUST increment the txnNumber
for the corresponding server session.
In programming languages that support resource management blocks, startTransaction MAY be used to initiate such a block:
with client.start_session() as s:
with s.start_transaction():
collection_one.insert_one(doc1, session=s)
The exact API SHOULD match the idioms of the programming language. Depending on the conventions of the programming language, exiting the block without calling commitTransaction MAY automatically abort the transaction, or MAY abort the transaction when exiting due to an exception and commit it when exiting normally. The driver MUST NOT automatically commit the transaction when exiting the block due to an exception. This means that for languages that use an RAII pattern for resource management blocks, if object destruction can't tell if the containing scope has exited normally or for an exception, object destruction MUST NOT automatically commit the transaction.
If the driver returns a type to support resource management blocks, the type MUST NOT be named "Transaction". The type MAY be named "TransactionContext", "TransactionScopeGuard" or something similar for your language. See Why is there no Transaction object?
This method commits the currently active transaction on this session. Drivers MUST run a commitTransaction command with the writeConcern and, if configured, the maxCommitTimeMS from TransactionOptions. Drivers MUST report an error when the command fails or the command succeeds but contains a writeConcernError. This session is in the "transaction committed" state after this method returns — even on error.
If this session is in the "no transaction" state, then Drivers MUST raise an error containing the message "No transaction started".
If this session is in the "transaction aborted" state, then Drivers MUST raise an error containing the message "Cannot call commitTransaction after calling abortTransaction".
If this session is already in the "transaction committed" state, then Drivers MUST re-run the previous commitTransaction.
It is valid to call commitTransaction when the session is in the "starting transaction" or "transaction in progress" state. When the session is in the "starting transaction" state, meaning no operations have been performed on this transaction, drivers MUST NOT run the commitTransaction command.
commitTransaction is a retryable write command. Drivers MUST retry once after commitTransaction fails with a retryable error, including a handshake network error, according to the Retryable Writes Specification, regardless of whether retryWrites is set on the MongoClient or not.
When commitTransaction is retried, either by the driver's internal retry logic or explicitly by the user calling
commitTransaction again, drivers MUST apply w: majority
to the write concern of the commitTransaction command. If the
transaction is using a writeConcern that is not the server default (i.e. specified via
TransactionOptions during the startTransaction
call or otherwise inherited), any other write concern options (e.g.
) MUST be left as-is when applying w: majority
. Finally, if the modified write concern does not include a
value, drivers MUST also apply wtimeout: 10000
to the write concern in order to avoid waiting forever (or
until a socket timeout) if the majority write concern cannot be satisfied. See
Majority write concern is used when retrying commitTransaction.
Drivers MUST add error labels to certain errors when commitTransaction fails. See the Error reporting changes and Error Labels sections for a precise description.
This method aborts the currently active transaction on this session. Drivers MUST run an abortTransaction command with the transaction’s writeConcern. When this method completes the session moves to the "transaction aborted" state.
It is only valid to call abortTransaction when the session is in the "starting transaction" or "transaction in progress" state, otherwise drivers MUST raise an error without modifying transaction state.
If this session is in the "no transaction" state, then drivers MUST raise an error containing the message "No transaction started".
If this session is in the "transaction committed" state, then drivers MUST raise an error containing the message "Cannot call abortTransaction after calling commitTransaction".
If this session is already in the "transaction aborted" state, then drivers MUST raise an error containing the message "Cannot call abortTransaction twice".
It is valid to call abortTransaction when the session is in the "starting transaction" or "transaction in progress" state. When the session is in the "starting transaction" state, meaning, no operations have been performed on this transaction, drivers MUST NOT run the abortTransaction command.
abortTransaction is a retryable write command. Drivers MUST retry after abortTransaction fails with a retryable error according to the Retryable Writes Specification, including a handshake network error, regardless of whether retryWrites is set on the MongoClient or not.
If the operation times out or fails with a non-retryable error, drivers MUST ignore all errors from the abortTransaction command. Errors from abortTransaction are meaningless to the application because they cannot do anything to recover from the error. The transaction will ultimately be aborted by the server anyway either upon reaching an age limit or when the application starts a new transaction on this session, see Drivers ignore all abortTransaction errors.
endSession changes
This method ends a ClientSession. Drivers MUST call abortTransaction if this session is in the "transaction in progress" state in order to release resources on the server. Drivers MUST ignore any errors raised by abortTransaction while ending a session.
Error reporting changes
This spec introduces the concept of an "error label". Which labels are applied to an error may be communicated from the server to the client, or determined client-side. Any error reported by the driver in response to a server error, server selection error, or network error MUST have an API for determining whether it has a given label. In programming languages that use class inheritance hierarchies for exceptions, the presence of an error label MUST NOT affect an exception's class. Error labels MUST be expressed as a collection of text strings, and it MUST be possible for applications to check if an error has a label that is not yet specified in MongoDB 4.0. Drivers MAY define constants for error label strings that are known at this time.
Drivers MAY implement an error label API similar to the following:
except (OperationFailure, ConnectionFailure) as exc:
if exc.has_error_label("UnknownTransactionCommitResult"):
print("tried to commit, don't know the outcome")
Drivers MAY expose the list of all error labels for an exception object.
Drivers MUST add the error label "TransientTransactionError" to network errors thrown in a transaction except for network errors thrown during commitTransaction.
Transactions Wire Protocol
The server requires each operation executed within a transaction to provide an lsid
and txnNumber
in its command
document. Each field is obtained from the ClientSession object passed to the operation from the application. Drivers
will be responsible for maintaining a monotonically increasing transaction number for each ServerSession used by a
ClientSession object. The txnNumber
is incremented by the call to startTransaction and remains the same for all
commands in the transaction.
Drivers that pool ServerSessions MUST preserve the transaction number when reusing a server session from the pool with a new ClientSession (this can be tracked as another property on the driver's object for the server session).
Drivers MUST ensure that each transaction specifies a transaction number larger than any previously used transaction number for its session ID.
Constructing commands within a transaction
Behavior of the startTransaction field
The first command within a multi-statement transaction MUST include startTransaction:true
. Subsequent commands MUST
NOT include the startTransaction
Behavior of the autocommit field
All operations within a multi-statement transaction (including commitTransaction and abortTransaction) MUST include
, to distinguish them from single-statement retryable writes.
Behavior of the readConcern field
Any command that marks the beginning of a transaction MAY include a readConcern
argument with an optional level
fields. Read concern level 'local', 'majority', and 'snapshot' are all supported, although they will
all have the same behavior as "snapshot" in MongoDB 4.0. To support causal consistency, if readConcern
is specified, then the server will ensure that the transaction’s read timestamp is after the
All commands of a multi-statement transaction subsequent to the initial command MUST NOT specify a readConcern
, since
the readConcern
argument is only needed to establish the transaction’s read timestamp. If a readConcern
argument is
specified on a subsequent (non-initial) command, the server will return an error.
Read concern level "snapshot" is new in MongoDB 4.0 and can only be used when starting a transaction. The server will return an error if read concern level "snapshot" is specified on a command that is not the start of a transaction. Drivers MUST rely on the server to report an error if read concern level snapshot is used incorrectly.
Behavior of the writeConcern field
The commitTransaction and abortTransaction commands are the only commands of a multi-statement transaction that allow a
argument. If a writeConcern
argument is given on any other command of a transaction, the server will
return an error. The writeConcern
argument of the commitTransaction and abortTransaction commands has semantics
analogous to existing write commands.
Behavior of the recoveryToken field
Only included for sharded transactions and only when running a commitTransaction or abortTransaction command. See the recoveryToken field section for more info.
Constructing the first command within a transaction
When constructing the first command within a transaction, drivers MUST add the lsid
, txnNumber
, startTransaction
and autocommit
Drivers MUST include the transaction's readConcern in the first command in a transaction if and only if the readConcern is supplied and not the server's default. The readConcern MUST NOT be inherited from the collection, database, or client associated with the driver method that invokes the first command.
Drivers MUST NOT add to subsequent commands the readConcern from the transaction or any readConcern inherited from the collection, database, or client.
This is an example of an insert command that begins a server transaction:
insert : "test",
documents : [{}],
lsid : { id : <UUID> }
txnNumber: NumberLong(1),
// The "level" is optional, supported values are "local", "majority"
// and "snapshot". "afterClusterTime" is only present in causally
// consistent sessions.
readConcern : {
level : "snapshot",
afterClusterTime : Timestamp(42,1)
startTransaction : true,
autocommit : false
This command uses the readConcern set on the transaction's TransactionOptions during the startTransaction
call. It is
not inherited from a client, database, or collection at the time of the first command.
The session transitions to the "transaction in progress" state after completing the first command within a transaction — even on error.
Constructing any other command within a transaction
When constructing any other command within a transaction, drivers MUST add the lsid
, txnNumber
, and autocommit
fields. Drivers MUST NOT automatically add the writeConcern
, readConcern
, or startTransaction
fields. This is an
example of a find command within a transaction:
find : "test",
filter : {},
lsid : { id : <UUID> }
txnNumber : NumberLong(1),
autocommit : false
Generic RunCommand helper within a transaction
If your driver offers a generic RunCommand method on your database object, the driver MUST add the lsid
, autocommit
and txnNumber
fields. If the RunCommand operation is the first operation in a transaction then the driver MUST also
add the startTransaction
and readConcern
fields. A driver MUST do this without modifying any data supplied by the
application (e.g. the command document passed to RunCommand). If the user supplies an explicit readConcern as an
argument to the runCommand method in a transaction, the client MUST raise an error with the message "Cannot set read
concern after starting a transaction."
The RunCommand method is considered a read operation and MUST use the transaction’s read preference.
The behavior is not defined if the command document passed to RunCommand already contains some of the transaction fields.
Interaction with Causal Consistency
Drivers MUST add readConcern.afterClusterTime
to the command that starts a transaction in a causally consistent
session -- even if the command is a write. Drivers MUST NOT add readConcern.afterClusterTime
to subsequent commands in
a transaction.
Interaction with Retryable Writes
In MongoDB 4.0 the only supported retryable write commands within a transaction are commitTransaction and abortTransaction. Therefore drivers MUST NOT retry write commands within transactions even when retryWrites has been enabled on the MongoClient. In addition, drivers MUST NOT add the RetryableWriteError label to any error that occurs during a write command within a transaction (excepting commitTransation and abortTransaction), even when retryWrites has been enabled on the MongoClient.
Drivers MUST retry the commitTransaction and abortTransaction commands even when retryWrites has been disabled on the MongoClient. commitTransaction and abortTransaction are retryable write commands and MUST be retried according to the Retryable Writes Specification.
Retryable writes and transactions both use the txnNumber
associated with a ServerSession. For retryable writes,
would normally increment before each retryable command, whereas in a transaction, the txnNumber
incremented at the start and then stays constant, even for retryable operations within the transaction. When executing
the commitTransaction and abortTransaction commands within a transaction drivers MUST use the same txnNumber
used for
all preceding commands in the transaction.
Server Commands
The commitTransaction server command has the following format:
commitTransaction : 1,
lsid : { id : <UUID> },
txnNumber : <Int64>,
autocommit : false,
writeConcern : {...},
maxTimeMS: <Int64>,
recoveryToken : {...}
The abortTransaction server command has the following format:
abortTransaction : 1,
lsid : { id : <UUID> },
txnNumber : <Int64>,
autocommit : false,
writeConcern : {...},
recoveryToken : {...}
Both commands MUST be sent to the admin database.
The server response has the following format:
{ ok : 1 }
In case of an error, the server response has the following format:
{ ok : 0, errmsg : "...", code : <Number>, errorLabels: ["Label"] }
In case of a write concern error, the server response has the following format:
{ ok : 1, writeConcernError: {code: <Number>, errmsg : "..."} }
Sharded Transactions
MongoDB 4.2 (maxWireVersion 8) introduces support for sharded transactions. Sharded transactions support all of the same
features as single replica set transaction but introduce two new driver concepts: mongos pinning and the recoveryToken
Mongos Pinning
Drivers MUST send all commands for a single transaction to the same mongos (excluding retries of commitTransaction and abortTransaction).
After the driver selects a mongos for the first command within a transaction, the driver MUST pin the ClientSession to the selected mongos. Drivers MUST send all subsequent commands that are part of the same transaction (excluding certain retries of commitTransaction and abortTransaction) to the same mongos.
When to unpin
Drivers MUST unpin a ClientSession in the following situations:
- The transaction is aborted. The session MUST be unpinned regardless of whether or the
command succeeds or fails, or was executed at all. If the operation fails with a retryable error, the session MUST be unpinned before performing server selection for the retry. - Any operation in the transaction, including
fails with a TransientTransactionError. Transient errors indicate that the transaction in question has already been aborted or that the pinnned mongos is down/unavailable. Unpinning the session ensures that a subsequentabortTransaction
) does not block waiting on a server that is unreachable. - Any
attempt fails with anUnknownTransactionCommitResult
error label. If the error is also considered retryable, the session MUST be unpinned before performing server selection for the retry. - A new transaction is started on the ClientSession after the previous transaction has been committed. The session MUST be unpinned before performing server selection for the first operation of the new transaction.
- A non-transactional operation is performed using the ClientSession. The session MUST be unpinned before performing server selection for the operation.
- The ClientSession is ended either explicitly via
method, or implicitly when supported by the driver.
Note that committing a transaction on a pinned ClientSession MUST NOT unpin the session as commitTransaction
may be
called multiple times.
Pinning in Load Balancer Mode
See the Load Balancer Specification for details.
recoveryToken field
The recoveryToken
field enables the driver to recover a sharded transaction's outcome on a new mongos when the
original mongos is no longer available.1
Every successful (ok:1
) command response in a sharded transaction includes a recoveryToken
field. Drivers MUST track
the most recently received recoveryToken
field and MUST append this field to any subsequent commitTransaction or
abortTransaction commands. Tracking the most recently returned recoveryToken
allows the server to update the
mid-transaction if needed.
Drivers MUST clear a session's cached recoveryToken
when transitioning to the "no transaction" or "starting
transaction" state.
Drivers can safely assume that the recoveryToken
field is always a BSON document but drivers MUST NOT modify the
contents of the document.
Error Reporting and Retrying Transactions
Error Labels
Starting in MongoDB 4.0, any command error may include a top level "errorLabels" field. The field contains an array of string error labels.
Transient Transaction Error
- Any command error that includes the "TransientTransactionError" error label in the "errorLabels" field. In the case of command errors, the server adds the label.
- Any network error or server selection error encountered running any command besides commitTransaction in a transaction. In the case of network errors or server selection errors where the client receives no server reply, the client MUST add the label. If a network error occurs while running the commitTransaction command then it is not known whether the transaction committed or not, and thus the "TransientTransactionError" label MUST NOT be added.
. Driver MUST add the label to this error.
Retrying transactions that fail with TransientTransactionError
If an exception with the "TransientTransactionError" label is thrown, an application can retry the entire transaction from the beginning with a reasonable expectation that it will succeed. For example:
def run_transaction(client):
with client.start_session() as s:
with s.start_transaction():
collection_one.insert_one(doc1, session=s)
collection_two.insert_one(doc2, session=s)
while True:
return run_transaction(client)
except (OperationFailure, ConnectionFailure) as exc:
if exc.has_error_label("TransientTransactionError"):
print("Transient transaction error, retrying...")
In the above example, a transaction will never be committed twice. The retry loop ends when the transaction commits successfully or the transaction fails with a non-transient error.
An example of a non-transient transaction error is DuplicateKeyError, which causes the server to abort the transaction. Retrying a transaction that causes a DuplicateKeyError will again (likely) abort the transaction, therefore such an error is not labeled "transient."
The commitTransaction command is considered a retryable write. The driver will automatically retry the commitTransaction after a retryable error. Although this adds a layer of protection, the driver’s retry attempt of a commitTransaction may again fail with a retryable error. In that case, both the driver and the application do not know the state of the transaction.
The driver MUST add the "UnknownTransactionCommitResult" error label when commitTransaction fails with a server selection error, network error, retryable writes error, MaxTimeMSExpired error, or write concern failed / timeout. (See A server selection error is labeled UnknownTransactionCommitResult for justification.) The approximate meaning of the UnknownTransactionCommitResult label is, "We don't know if your commit has satisfied the provided write concern." The only write concern errors that are not labeled with "UnknownTransactionCommitResult" are CannotSatisfyWriteConcern (which will be renamed to the more precise UnsatisfiableWriteConcern in 4.2, while preserving the current error code) and UnknownReplWriteConcern. These errors codes mean that the provided write concern is not valid and therefore a retry attempt would fail with the same error.
In the case that the commitTransaction fails with a retryable writes error, that error will have both an UnknownTransactionCommitResult label and a RetryableWriteError label. This is currently the only scenario in which an error can be assigned two error labels.
Retrying commitTransaction
If an exception with this label is thrown, an application can safely call commitTransaction again. If this attempt succeeds it means the transaction has committed with the provided write concern. If this attempt fails it may also have the "UnknownTransactionCommitResult" error label. For example:
def run_transaction_and_retry_commit(client):
with client.start_session() as s:
with s.start_transaction():
collection_one.insert_one(doc1, session=s)
collection_two.insert_one(doc2, session=s)
while True:
except (OperationFailure, ConnectionFailure) as exc:
if exc.has_error_label("UnknownTransactionCommitResult"):
print("Unknown commit result, retrying...")
while True:
return run_transaction_and_retry_commit(client)
except (OperationFailure, ConnectionFailure) as exc:
if exc.has_error_label("TransientTransactionError"):
print("Transient transaction error, retrying...")
Handling command errors
Drivers MUST document that command errors inside a transaction may abort the transaction on the server. An attempt to
commit such transaction will be rejected with NoSuchTransaction
Test Plan
See the README for tests.
The Python driver serves as a reference implementation.
Design Rationale
The design of this specification builds on the Driver Sessions Specification and modifies the driver API as little as possible.
Drivers will rely on the server to yield an error if an unsupported command is executed within a transaction. This will free drivers from having to maintain a list of supported operations and also allow for forward compatibility when future server versions begin to support transactions for additional commands.
Drivers ignore all abortTransaction errors
If the driver has cleared its client-side transaction state, then the next operation it performs will be in a new transaction or no transaction, which will cause any lingering transaction state on the server (associated with this session) to abort. Therefore abortTransaction can be considered fail-safe, and raising an exception from it only complicates application code. Applications would have to wrap abortTransaction in an exception-handling block, but have no useful action to perform in response to the error.
abortTransaction does, however, raise an error if there is no transaction in progress. We had considered making this situation raise no error, as well. However, we want to raise an error from abortTransaction if there is no transaction, because it discourages an antipattern like this:
coll.insert_one({}, session=s)
# We don't know if it was the insert_one, the commit,
# or some other operation that failed, so we must not
# commit the transaction.
s.abort_transaction() # Raises a client-side error
If a user puts "commit" in the same exception handling block as the other operations in the transaction, they don't know whether to retry the commit or the whole transaction on error. We want such code to raise an exception. One chance we have to do that is if a commit fails with a network error and enters the exception handling block, where abortTransaction throws "Cannot call abortTransaction after commitTransaction".
Drivers add the "TransientTransactionError" label to network errors
When any non-commitTransaction command fails with a network error within a transaction Drivers add the "TransientTransactionError" label because the client doesn't know if it has modified data in the transaction or not. Therefore it must abort and retry the entire transaction to be certain it has executed each command in the transaction exactly once.
Adding the "TransientTransactionError" label allows applications to use the the same error label API for both network errors and command errors. This also allows applications to distinguish between a network error that occurs within a transaction from a network error that occurs while committing a transaction.
Transactions in GridFS
The GridFS spec has not been updated to support sessions, however some drivers have already implemented support for it on their own. When the GridFS spec has been updated to support sessions, then drivers that implement that spec MUST also support transactions in GridFS because all APIs that allow sessions MUST support transactions.
Drivers that have already implemented session support in GridFS MUST also support transactions in GridFS. Drivers that have not implemented ClientSession support in GridFS are not required to support transactions (or sessions) in GridFS.
This spec does not require all drivers to implement transaction support in GridFS because transactions in GridFS are not very useful: transactions in 4.0 are too limited in time and space to operate on large GridFS files. Additionally, GridFS as specified already has some basic guarantees that make transactions less necessary: files are immutable and they are created "atomically", from the primary's perspective, because the file entry is only saved after all chunks are uploaded.
Causal Consistency with RunCommand helper
Causal Consistency alone only applies to commands that read, and we don't want to parse the document passed to
runCommand to see if it's a command that reads. In a transaction, however, any command at all that starts a transaction
must include afterClusterTime
, so we can add afterClusterTime
to the document passed to runCommand without adding
per-command special logic to runCommand.
Calling commitTransaction with the generic runCommand helper is undefined behavior
Applications should only use the ClientSession API to manage transactions. Applications should not use a generic runCommand helper to run the commitTransaction or abortTransaction commands directly. This spec does not define the behavior of calling such commands, consistent with other drivers specifications that do not define the behavior of calling directly commands for which helper methods are available The purpose of the generic runCommand method is to execute a command directly with minimum additional client-side logic.
This specification depends on:
Backwards Compatibility
The API changes to support transactions extend the existing API but do not introduce any backward breaking changes. Existing programs that do not make use of transactions will continue to compile and run correctly.
Reference Implementation
The Python driver serves as a reference implementation.
Future work
Support retryable writes within a transaction.
Support transactions on secondaries. In this case, drivers would be required to pin a transaction to the server selected for the initial operation. All subsequent operations in the transaction would go to the pinned server.
Support for transactions that read from multiple nodes in a replica set. One interesting use case would be to run a single transaction that performs low-latency reads with readPreference "nearest" followed by some writes.
Support for unacknowledged transaction commits. This might be useful when data consistency is paramount but durability is optional. Imagine a system that increments two counters in two different collections. The system may want to use transactions to guarantee that both counters are always incremented together or not at all.
Why is there no Transaction object?
In order to use transactions an application already has to create and manage a ClientSession object. Introducing a Transaction object would result in another object that the application needs to manage. Moreover, a server session can only have a single transaction in progress at a time. We chose not to introduce a public Transaction object so that applications only need to manage a single object and to more closely mirror how transactions work on the server.
Some drivers' startTransaction methods will return an object as part of the language's resource management block protocol. The object returned by startTransaction MUST NOT be named Transaction, in order to reserve that name for some future API extension. Additionally, by avoiding the name Transaction, we prevent users from thinking they can run multiple transactions in a session. Finally, we avoid the temptation to diverge from this spec's API by adding a commit() or abort() method to the object returned by startTransaction. Committing and aborting a transaction is the responsibility of the ClientSession object in all drivers.
Why is readPreference part of TransactionOptions?
Providing a read preference for the entire transaction makes it easier for applications that use one or more non-primary read preferences for non-transactional reads to run transactions under a single, primary read-preference. Applications only need to set primary read preference on the transaction instead of changing the read preference of all operations.
Because primary is the only read preference allowed with transactions in MongoDB 4.0, this specification could have omitted TransactionOptions.readPreference, or at least defaulted the read preference to primary instead of inheriting the client's read preference. However, this would have required a breaking change circa MongoDB 4.2 when we introduce secondary reads in transactions: TransactionOptions will inherit the client's read preference in 4.2, so for the sake of future-compatibility, TransactionOptions inherits the client's read preference now.
We considered defaulting TransactionOptions.readPreference to primary in 4.0, overriding the client's read preference by default for convenience. However, for consistency with other options-inheritance rules in our specifications, transactions MUST inherit the client's read preference.
In MongoDB 4.0, the error "read preference in a transaction must be primary" is thrown whenever the application attempts a read operation in a transaction with a non-primary read preference. We considered throwing this error from startTransaction instead, to make the error more deterministic and reduce the performance burden of re-checking the TransactionOptions on each operation. However, this behavior will have to change when we introduce secondary reads in transactions. There will then be new error scenarios, such as a transaction with secondary reads followed by a write. It won't be possible in the future for startTransaction to check that the read preference is correct for all operations the application will perform in the transaction. Therefore, we specify now that the readPreference must be checked per-operation. (However, we have not completely planned how read preference validation will behave in MongoDB 4.2.)
Update 28.Oct.20214
Note this section is retained in the spec for historical reasons and that the read preference in transactions must always be primary.
Users cannot pass readConcern or writeConcern to operations in transactions
For drivers that allow readConcern and/or writeConcern to be passed to a particular operation, If the driver did not prohibit the readConcern parameter to methods in a transaction, the following code would be ambiguous:
client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost/?readConcernLevel=majority")
with client.start_session() as s:
# Transaction uses readConcern majority.
with s.start_transaction():
# The first command in a transaction. Which readConcern?
readConcern={'level': 'snapshot'},
In this scenario, the driver must choose which of the two possible readConcerns to use for the first command in the transaction. The server will accept either without error, so the ambiguity MUST be resolved by raising a client-side error.
We could specify that if a user passes an explicit writeConcern to an operation in a transaction, that the driver passes this writeConcern to the server. The server correctly returns an error in this scenario; there is not the same ambiguity with an explicit writeConcern as there is with an explicit readConcern passed to the first operation in a transaction. For consistency, however, we specify that an explicit writeConcern passed to an operation in a transaction provokes a client-side error, the same as for readConcern.
Another alternative is to silently ignore the readConcern and/or writeConcern that the user has explicitly provided to a particular operation in a transaction. This would be a surprising and undetectable deviation from the user's explicit intent.
On the other hand, if a user configures the write concern of a client, database, or collection, and then configures the same option on a transaction, the transaction's configuration overrides the inherited configuration:
client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost/?w=majority")
with client.start_session() as s:
with s.start_transaction(writeConcern={'w': 1}):
# Uses w: 1.
{'_id': 1},
In this case the transaction options express a more immediate user intent than the client options, so it is not surprising to override the client options.
Aggregate with write stage is a read operation
We intend to migrate away from designs that require drivers to inspect the contents of the aggregation pipeline and
override user read preferences for aggregate with a write stage (e.g. $out
, $merge
). In general, our specifications
should stop defining different behaviors based on the contents of commands.
A server selection error is labeled UnknownTransactionCommitResult
Drivers add the "UnknownTransactionCommitResult" to a server selection error from commitTransaction, even if this is the first attempt to send commitTransaction. It is true in this case that the driver knows the result: the transaction is definitely not committed. However, the "UnknownTransactionCommitResult" label properly communicates to the application that calling commitTransaction again may succeed.
What commands can be run in a transaction?
The following commands are allowed inside transactions:
- find
- getMore
- Note that it is not possible to start a transaction with a getMore command, the cursor must have been created within the transaction in order for the getMore to succeed.
- killCursors
- insert, including into a non-existing collection that implicitly creates it
- update
- delete
- findAndModify
- aggregate (including
)- The
stages are prohibited.
- The
- distinct
- geoSearch
- create
- createIndexes on an empty collection created in the same transaction or on a non-existing collection
- bulkWrite
Why don’t drivers automatically retry commit after a write concern timeout error?
A write concern timeout error indicates that the command succeeded but failed to meet the specified writeConcern within the given time limit. Attempting to retry would implicitly double the application’s wtimeout value so drivers do not automatically retry.
Note: this applies only to the driver's internal retry-once behavior. Write concern timeout errors will be labeled with "UnknownTransactionCommitResult", which signals that higher-level code may retry.
What happens when a command object passed to RunCommand already contains a transaction field (eg. lsid, txnNumber, etc...)?
The behavior of running such commands in a transaction are undefined. Applications should not run such commands inside a transaction.
Majority write concern is used when retrying commitTransaction
Drivers should apply a majority write concern when retrying commitTransaction to guard against a transaction being applied twice.
Consider the following scenario:
- The driver is connected to a replica set where node A is primary.
- The driver sends commitTransaction to A with
. A commits the transaction but dies before it can reply. This constitutes a retryable error, which means the driver can retry the commitTransaction command. - Node B is briefly elected.
- The driver retries commitTransaction on B with
, and B replies with a NoSuchTransaction error code and TransientTransactionError error label. This implies that the driver may retry the entire transaction. - Node A revives before B has done any
writes and is reëlected as primary. - The driver then retries the entire transaction on A where it commits successfully.
The outcome of this scenario is that two complete executions of the transaction operations are permanently committed on node A.
Drivers can avoid this scenario if they always use a majority write concern when retrying commitTransaction. Applying a majority write concern to step four in the above scenario would lead to one of the following possible outcomes:
- Node B replies with failed response, which does not include a TransientTransactionError error label. This does not constitute a retryable error. Control is returned to the user.
- Node B replies with a successful response (e.g.
) indicating that the retried commitTransaction has succeeded durably and the driver can continue. Control is returned to the user. - Node B replies with a wtimeout error. This does not constitute a retryable error. Control is returned to the user.
- Node B replies with a failure response that includes the TransientTransactionError label, which indicates it is safe to retry the entire transaction. Drivers can trust that a server response will not include both a write concern error and TransientTransactionError label (see: SERVER-37179).
Adding a majority write concern only when retrying commitTransaction provides a good compromise of performance and
durability. Applications can use w:1
for the initial transaction attempt for a performance advantage in the happy
path. In the event of retryable error, the driver can upgrade commitTransaction to use w:majority
and provide
additional guarantees to the user and avoid any risk of committing the transaction twice. Note that users may still be
vulnerable to rollbacks by using w:1
(as with any write operation).
While it's possible that the original write concern may provide greater guarantees than majority (e.g. w:3
in a
three-node replica set,
custom write concern),
drivers are not in a position to make that comparison due to the possibility of hidden members or the opaque nature of
custom write concerns. Excluding the edge case where
has been disabled, drivers can readily trust that a majority write concern is durable, which achieves the primary
objective of avoiding duplicate commits.
2024-11-01: Clarify collection options inside txn.
2024-11-01: Specify that ClientSession must be unpinned when ended.
2024-10-31: Clarify when drivers must add TransientTransactionError label.
2024-10-28: Note read preference must always be primary in a transaction.
2024-05-08: Add bulkWrite to the list of commands allowed in transactions.
2024-02-15: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2023-11-22: Specify that non-transient transaction errors abort the transaction on the server.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog
2022-01-25: Mention the additional case of a retryable handshake error
2022-01-19: Deprecate maxCommitTimeMS in favor of timeoutMS.
2021-04-12: Adding in behaviour for load balancer mode.
2020-04-07: Clarify that all abortTransaction attempts should unpin the session, even if the command is not executed.
2020-04-07: Specify that sessions should be unpinned once a transaction is aborted.
2019-10-21: Specify that a commit error can have two error labels
2019-07-30: Clarify when the cached recoveryToken should be cleared.
2019-06-10: Client-side errors must not change transaction state.
2019-06-07: Mention
stage for aggregate alongside$out
2019-05-13: Add support for maxTimeMS on transaction commit, MaxTimeMSExpired errors on commit are labelled UnknownTransactionCommitResult.
2019-02-19: Add support for sharded transaction recoveryToken.
2019-02-19: Clarify FAQ entry for not retrying commit on wtimeout
2019-01-18: Apply majority write concern when retrying commitTransaction
2018-11-13: Add mongos pinning to support sharded transaction.
2018-06-18: Explicit readConcern and/or writeConcern are prohibited within transactions, with a client-side error.
2018-06-07: The count command is not supported within transactions.
2018-06-14: Any retryable writes error raised by commitTransaction must be labelled "UnknownTransactionCommitResult".
In 4.2, a new mongos waits for the outcome of the transaction but will never itself cause the transaction to be committed. If the initial commit on the original mongos itself failed to initiate the transaction's commit sequence, then a retry attempt on a new mongos will block until the transaction is automatically timed out by the cluster. In this case, the new mongos will return a transient error indicating that the transaction was aborted.
Convenient API for Transactions
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 4.0
Reliably committing a transaction in the face of errors can be a complicated endeavor using the MongoDB 4.0 drivers API.
This specification introduces a withTransaction
method on the ClientSession object that allows application logic to be
executed within a transaction. This method is capable of retrying either the commit operation or entire transaction as
needed (and when the error permits) to better ensure that the transaction can complete successfully.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
A user-defined function that will be passed to the helper method defined in this specification. Depending on the implementing language, this may be a closure, function pointer, or other callable type.
Driver object representing a client session, as defined in the Driver Session specification. The name of this object MAY vary across drivers.
The root object of a driver's API. The name of this object MAY vary across drivers.
Options for ClientSession.startTransaction
, as defined in the Transactions
specification. The structure of these options MAY vary across drivers (e.g. dictionary, typed class).
Naming Deviations
This specification defines the name for a new ClientSession method, withTransaction
. Drivers SHOULD use the defined
name but MAY deviate to comply with their existing conventions. For example, a driver may use with_transaction
of withTransaction
Callback Semantics
The purpose of the callback is to allow the application to specify some sequence of operations to be executed within the
body of a transaction. In an ideal scenario, withTransaction
will start a transaction, execute the callback, and
commit the transaction. In the event of error, the commit or entire transaction may need to be retried and thusly the
callback could be invoked multiple times.
Drivers MUST ensure that the application can access the ClientSession within the callback, since the ClientSession will
be needed to associate operations with the transaction. Drivers may elect an idiomatic approach to satisfy this
requirement (e.g. require the callback to receive the ClientSession as its first argument, expect the callback to access
the ClientSession from its lexical scope). Drivers MAY allow the callback to support additional parameters as needed
(e.g. user data parameter, error output parameter). Drivers MAY allow the callback to return a value to be propagated as
the return value of withTransaction
ClientSession Changes
This specification introduces a withTransaction
method on the ClientSession class:
interface ClientSession {
withTransaction(function<any(...)> callback,
Optional<TransactionOptions> options,
... /* other arguments as needed */): any
// other existing members of ClientSession
This method is responsible for starting a transaction, invoking a callback, and committing a transaction. The callback is expected to execute one or more operations with the transaction; however, that is not enforced. The callback is allowed to execute other operations not associated with the transaction.
Since withTransaction
includes logic to retry transactions and commits, drivers MUST apply timeouts per
Client Side Operations Timeout: Convenient Transactions API.
If timeoutMS
is unset for a withTransaction
call, drivers MUST enforce a 120-second timeout to limit retry behavior
and safeguard applications from long-running (or infinite) retry loops. Drivers SHOULD use a monotonic clock to
determine elapsed time.
If an UnknownTransactionCommitResult error is encountered for a commit, the driver MUST retry the commit if and only if
the error is not MaxTimeMSExpired and the retry timeout has not been exceeded. Otherwise, the driver MUST NOT retry the
commit and allow withTransaction
to propagate the error to its caller.
If a TransientTransactionError is encountered at any point, the entire transaction may be retried. If the retry timeout
has not been exceeded, the driver MUST retry a transaction that fails with an error bearing the
"TransientTransactionError" label. Since retrying the entire transaction will entail invoking the callback again,
drivers MUST document that the callback may be invoked multiple times (i.e. one additional time per retry attempt) and
MUST document the risk of side effects from using a non-idempotent callback. If the retry timeout has been exceeded,
drivers MUST NOT retry the transaction and allow withTransaction
to propagate the error to its caller.
If an error bearing neither the UnknownTransactionCommitResult nor the TransientTransactionError label is encountered at
any point, the driver MUST NOT retry and MUST allow withTransaction
to propagate the error to its caller.
This method MUST receive a callback as its first parameter. An optional TransactionOptions MUST be provided as its second parameter (with deviations permitted as outlined in the CRUD specification). Drivers MAY support other parameters or options as needed (e.g. user data to pass as a parameter to the callback).
Sequence of Actions
This method should perform the following sequence of actions:
- Record the current monotonic time, which will be used to enforce the 120-second timeout before later retry attempts.
- Invoke startTransaction on the session. If TransactionOptions
were specified in the call to
, those MUST be used forstartTransaction
. Note thatClientSession.defaultTransactionOptions
will be used in the absence of any explicit TransactionOptions. - If
reported an error, propagate that error to the caller ofwithTransaction
and return immediately. - Invoke the callback. Drivers MUST ensure that the ClientSession can be accessed within the callback (e.g. pass ClientSession as the first parameter, rely on lexical scoping). Drivers MAY pass additional parameters as needed (e.g. user data solicited by withTransaction).
- Control returns to
. Determine the current state of the ClientSession and whether the callback reported an error (e.g. thrown exception, error output parameter). - If the callback reported an error:
- If the ClientSession is in the "starting transaction" or "transaction in progress" state, invoke abortTransaction on the session.
- If the callback's error includes a "TransientTransactionError" label and the elapsed time of
is less than 120 seconds, jump back to step two. - If the callback's error includes a "UnknownTransactionCommitResult" label, the callback must have manually
committed a transaction, propagate the callback's error to the caller of
and return immediately. - Otherwise, propagate the callback's error to the caller of
and return immediately.
- If the ClientSession is in the "no transaction", "transaction aborted", or "transaction committed" state, assume the callback intentionally aborted or committed the transaction and return immediately.
- Invoke commitTransaction on the session.
- If
reported an error:-
If the
error includes a "UnknownTransactionCommitResult" label and the error is not MaxTimeMSExpired and the elapsed time ofwithTransaction
is less than 120 seconds, jump back to step eight. We will trustcommitTransaction
to apply a majority write concern on retry attempts (see: Majority write concern is used when retrying commitTransaction). -
If the
error includes a "TransientTransactionError" label and the elapsed time ofwithTransaction
is less than 120 seconds, jump back to step two. -
Otherwise, propagate the
error to the caller ofwithTransaction
and return immediately.
- The transaction was committed successfully. Return immediately.
This method can be expressed by the following pseudo-code:
withTransaction(callback, options) {
// Note: drivers SHOULD use a monotonic clock to determine elapsed time
var startTime =; // milliseconds since Unix epoch
retryTransaction: while (true) {
this.startTransaction(options); // may throw on error
try {
} catch (error) {
if (this.transactionState == STARTING ||
this.transactionState == IN_PROGRESS) {
if (error.hasErrorLabel("TransientTransactionError") && - startTime < 120000) {
continue retryTransaction;
throw error;
if (this.transactionState == NO_TXN ||
this.transactionState == COMMITTED ||
this.transactionState == ABORTED) {
return; // Assume callback intentionally ended the transaction
retryCommit: while (true) {
try {
/* We will rely on ClientSession.commitTransaction() to
* apply a majority write concern if commitTransaction is
* being retried (see: DRIVERS-601) */
} catch (error) {
/* Note: a maxTimeMS error will have the MaxTimeMSExpired
* code (50) and can be reported as a top-level error or
* inside writeConcernError, ie:
* {ok:0, code: 50, codeName: "MaxTimeMSExpired"}
* {ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 50, codeName: "MaxTimeMSExpired"}}
if (!isMaxTimeMSExpiredError(error) &&
error.hasErrorLabel("UnknownTransactionCommitResult") && - startTime < 120000) {
continue retryCommit;
if (error.hasErrorLabel("TransientTransactionError") && - startTime < 120000) {
continue retryTransaction;
throw error;
break; // Commit was successful
break; // Transaction was successful
ClientSession must provide access to a MongoClient
The callback invoked by withTransaction
is only guaranteed to receive a ClientSession parameter. Drivers MUST ensure
that it is possible to obtain a MongoClient within the callback in order to execute operations within the transaction.
Per the Driver Session specification, ClientSessions should already provide access to
a client object.
Handling errors inside the callback
Drivers MUST document that the callback MUST NOT silently handle command errors without allowing such errors to
propagate. Command errors may abort the transaction on the server, and an attempt to commit the transaction will be
rejected with NoSuchTransaction
For example, DuplicateKeyError
is an error that aborts a transaction on the server. If the callback catches
and does not re-throw it, the driver will attempt to commit the transaction. The server will reject
the commit attempt with NoSuchTransaction
error. This error has the "TransientTransactionError" label and the driver
will retry the commit. This will result in an infinite loop.
Drivers MUST recommend that the callback re-throw command errors if they need to be handled inside the callback. Drivers SHOULD also recommend using Core Transaction API if a user wants to handle errors in a custom way.
Test Plan
See the README for tests.
Motivation for Change
Reliably committing a transaction in the face of errors can be a complicated endeavor using the MongoDB 4.0 drivers API. Providing helper method in the driver to execute a transaction (and retry when possible) will enable our users to make better use of transactions in their applications.
Design Rationale
This specification introduces a helper method on the ClientSession object that applications may optionally employ to execute a user-defined function within a transaction. An application does not need to be modified unless it wants to take advantage of this helper method.
Majority write concern is used when retrying commitTransaction
Drivers should apply a majority write concern when retrying commitTransaction to guard against a transaction being
applied twice. This requirement was originally enforced in the implementation of withTransaction
, but will now be
handled by the transaction spec itself in order to benefit applications irrespective of whether they use
(see the corresponding section in the
Transactions spec Design Rationale).
The callback function has a flexible signature
An original design considered requiring the callback to accept a ClientSession as its first parameter. That could be superfluous for languages where the callback might already have access to ClientSession through its lexical scope. Instead, the spec simply requires that drivers ensure the callback will be able to access the ClientSession.
Similarly, the specification does not concern itself with the return type of the callback function. If drivers allow the callback to return a value, they may also choose to propagate that value as the return value of withTransaction.
An earlier design also considered using the callback's return value to indicate whether control should break out of
(and its retry loop) and return to the application. The design allows this to be accomplished in one
of two ways:
- The callback aborts the transaction directly and returns to
, which will then return to its caller. - The callback raises an error without the "TransientTransactionError" label, in which case
will abort the transaction and return to its caller.
Applications are responsible for passing ClientSession for operations within a transaction
It remains the responsibility of the application to pass a ClientSession to all operations that should be included in a
transaction. With regard to withTransaction
, applications are free to execute any operations within the callback,
irrespective of whether those operations are associated with the transaction.
It is assumed that the callback will not start a new transaction on the ClientSession
Under normal circumstances, the callback should not commit the transaction nor should it start a new transaction. The
method will inspect the ClientSession's transaction state after the callback returns and take the most
sensible course of action; however, it will not detect whether the callback has started a new transaction.
The callback function may be executed multiple times
The callback may be executed any number of times. Drivers are free to encourage their users to design idempotent callbacks.
The commit is retried after a write concern timeout (i.e. wtimeout) error
Per the Transactions specification, drivers internally retry commitTransaction
once if it fails due to a retryable
error (as defined in the Retryable Writes specification). Beyond that,
applications may manually retry commitTransaction
if it fails with any error bearing the
UnknownTransactionCommitResult error label. This label
is applied for the the following errors:
- Server selection failure
- Retryable error (as defined in the Retryable Writes specification)
- Write concern failure or timeout (excluding UnsatisfiableWriteConcern and UnknownReplWriteConcern)
- MaxTimeMSExpired errors, ie
{ok:0, code: 50, codeName: "MaxTimeMSExpired"}
and{ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 50, codeName: "MaxTimeMSExpired"}}
A previous design for withTransaction
retried for all of these errors except for write concern timeouts, so as not
to exceed the user's original intention for wtimeout
. The current design of this specification no longer excludes
write concern timeouts, and simply retries commitTransaction
within its timeout period for all errors bearing the
"UnknownTransactionCommitResult" label.
The commit is not retried after a MaxTimeMSExpired error
This specification intentionally chooses not to retry commit operations after a MaxTimeMSExpired error as doing so would
exceed the user's original intention for maxTimeMS
The transaction and commit may be retried any number of times within a timeout period
The callback may be executed any number of times. Drivers are free to encourage their users to design idempotent callbacks.
A previous design had no limits for retrying commits or entire transactions. The callback is always able indicate that
should return to its caller (without future retry attempts) by aborting the transaction directly;
however, that puts the onus on avoiding very long (or infinite) retry loops on the application. We expect the most
common cause of retry loops will be due to TransientTransactionErrors caused by write conflicts, as those can occur
regularly in a healthy application, as opposed to UnknownTransactionCommitResult, which would typically be caused by an
In order to avoid blocking the application with infinite retry loops, withTransaction
will cease retrying invocations
of the callback or commitTransaction if it has exceeded a fixed timeout period of 120 seconds. This limit is a
non-configurable default and is intentionally twice the value of MongoDB 4.0's default for the
parameter (60 seconds). Applications that desire longer retry periods may call withTransaction
additional times as
needed. Applications that desire shorter retry periods should not use this method.
Backwards Compatibility
The specification introduces a new method on the ClientSession class and does not introduce any backward breaking changes. Existing programs that do not make use of this new method will continue to compile and run correctly.
Reference Implementation
The C, Java, and Ruby drivers will provide reference implementations. The corresponding tickets for those implementations may be found via DRIVERS-556.
Security Implication
Applications that use transaction guarantees to enforce security rules will benefit from a less error-prone API. Adding a helper method to execute a user-defined function within a transaction has few security implications, as it only provides an implementation of a technique already described in the MongoDB 4.0 documentation (DRIVERS-488).
2024-09-06: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2023-11-22: Document error handling inside the callback.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-01-19: withTransaction applies timeouts per the client-side operations timeout specification.
2019-04-24: withTransaction does not retry when commit fails with MaxTimeMSExpired.
2018-02-13: withTransaction should retry commits after a wtimeout
Stable API For Drivers
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
As MongoDB moves toward more frequent releases (a.k.a. continuous delivery), we want to enable users to take advantage of our rapidly released features, without exposing applications to incompatible server changes due to automatic server upgrades. A stable API will help accomplish that goal.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
This document tends to use "SHOULD" more frequently than other specifications, but mainly in the context of providing guidance on writing test files. This is discussed in more detail in Design Rationale.
When applications interact with MongoDB, both the driver and the server participate in executing operations. Therefore, when determining application compatibility with MongoDB, both the driver and the server behavior must be taken into account.
An application can specify the server API version when creating MongoClient. When this is done:
- The client sends the specified API version to the server, causing the server to behave in a manner compatible with that API version.
- The driver will behave in a manner compatible with a server configured with that API version, regardless of the server's actual release version.
Presently there is no specification for how a driver must behave when a particular server API version is requested, or what driver operations are subject to API compatibility guarantees. Such requirements may be stipulated in subsequent specifications.
This specification requires MongoClient to validate that it supports the specified server API version, if any, but does not define what such support means.
instances accept a new serverApi
option to allow the user to declare an API version:
class MongoClient {
MongoClient(... serverApi: ServerApi);
enum ServerApiVersion {
v1 = "1",
class ServerApi {
version: string|ServerApiVersion;
strict: Optional<Boolean>; // Default false
deprecationErrors: Optional<Boolean>; // Default false
Drivers SHOULD group the serverApi
option with other similar client options like autoEncryptionOpts
. Drivers MUST
NOT allow specification of any stable API options via the connection string. See the
Design Rationale for more details.
ServerApiVersion enumeration
This specification and subsequent specifications will define the known API versions. Drivers SHOULD define an
enumeration containing the known API versions, using the version identifiers given. Drivers MAY deviate from the version
identifiers used in this and subsequent specifications if doing so is necessary given the driver's programming
language's constraints. Drivers MUST ensure that adding new API versions to this enumeration does not result in backward
compatibility breaks in non-major releases. This can be the case in languages that allow exhaustive switch
(e.g. Swift).
Drivers for languages that don't have enums (e.g. PHP) MUST expose the version as a string, but SHOULD offer constants
to allow for IDE features such as code completion. In these cases, the driver MUST validate (e.g. when the application
provides a version string to the ServerApi
class) that the version string is valid and trigger a client-side error if
an unknown API version was used.
ServerApi class
The ServerApi
class stores an API version, along with flags that decide whether or not unknown or deprecated commands
in the specified API version trigger a server-side error. A version
MUST be specified when declaring an API version,
while the strict
and deprecationErrors
options are both optional. The ServerApi
class is considered immutable;
changes to the declared API version MUST be prohibited.
Declared Version Inheritance
Drivers MUST ensure that users cannot override the API version declared in the MongoClient
instance. This includes the
and MongoCollection
classes, as well as any operations in these classes. See the rationale for more
Sending Declared API Version to the Server
The declared API version MUST be sent to the server as part of every command request, with the exception of the cases
listed below. Drivers MUST NOT use a server's reported maxWireVersion
to decide whether it supports the stable API.
The server will reply with an error if the declared API version is not supported, or if the command does not support API
versioning options. If the user does not declare an API version, the driver MUST NOT send any API versioning options to
the server.
If an API version is declared then the driver MUST use OP_MSG
for all messages, including the initial handshake.
Command Syntax
The options from the declared API version are mapped to the following command options:
ServerApi field | Command option |
version | apiVersion |
strict | apiStrict |
deprecationErrors | apiDeprecationErrors |
If an API version was declared, drivers MUST add the apiVersion
option to every command that is sent to a server.
Drivers MUST add the apiStrict
and apiDeprecationErrors
options if they were specified by the user, even when the
specified value is equal to the server default. Drivers MUST NOT add any API versioning options if the user did not
specify them. This includes the getMore
command as well as all commands that are part of a transaction. A previous
version of this specification excluded those commands, but that has since changed in the server.
Handshake behavior
If an API version was declared, drivers MUST NOT use the legacy hello command during the initial handshake or
afterwards. Instead, drivers MUST use the hello
command exclusively and use the OP_MSG
protocol. If the server does
not support hello
, the server description MUST reflect this with an Unknown
server type.
For getMore
, drivers MUST submit API parameters. If the values given do not match the API parameters given in the
cursor-initiating command, the server will reply with an error.
When running commands as part of a transaction, drivers MUST send API parameters with all commands that are part of a
transaction, including commitTransaction
and abortTransaction
. If the API parameters for a command in a transaction
do not match those of the transaction-starting command, the server will reply with an error.
Generic command helper
Drivers that offer a generic command helper (e.g. command()
or runCommand()
) MUST NOT inspect the command document
to detect API versioning options. As with all other commands, drivers MUST inherit the API version from the client.
Specifying API versioning options in the command document and declaring an API version on the client is not supported.
Drivers MUST document that the behaviour of the command helper is undefined in this case.
Design Rationale
No URI Options
Since changing the API version can cause the application to behave differently, drivers MUST NOT allow users to change the declared API version without deploying code changes. This ensures that users don't copy a connection string with a declared API version that may be different from what their application expects. A URI option can be added later if we realise our users need it, while the opposite is not easily accomplished.
Don't Allow Overriding the Declared API Version
While users are used to overriding options like read preference, read concern, and write concern in MongoDatabase
objects, or on an operation level, we explicitly decided against this for the declared API version.
With a single API version available to start, we can't anticipate what use cases users may have to override the API
version. Not including this feature at the beginning allows us to gather feedback on use cases and add the features
users are looking for. On the other hand, adding the ability to override the declared API version can't be undone until
a future major release, which is almost impossible to accomplish across all drivers.
Generic Command Helper Behaviour
The runCommand helper is a way for the user to run a native command with the driver doing little to no inspection in the
command. This allows users to run arbitrary commands that may not have helpers in the driver, or to pass options that
are not supported by the driver version they are currently using. Commands run using this helper do not inherit any
or writeConcern
options that may have been set on the MongoClient
or MongoDatabase
However, the declared API version is a different case. We are introducing this feature to give users a certain peace of mind when upgrading driver or server versions, by ensuring that their code will continue to show the same behaviour they've gotten used to. This includes all commands run using the generic command helper. Thus, the helper will inherit the API version declared on the client.
Hardcode supported versions in drivers
Since a new API version might require driver changes (e.g. to account for removed commands), we don't yet know what changes drivers must make for a future version. Until we do, we must prevent users from choosing any unknown API version.
Backward Compatibility
Driver changes are fully backward compatible. Not declaring an API version when creating a client may cause an error if
the server was started with the requireApiVersion
option enabled, but this is outside of driver control.
Future Work
Overriding the Declared API Version
In the future, we may want to allow users to override the declared API version on a MongoDatabase
, MongoCollection
or individual operation level. However, this is not necessary until there is a different API version and we have data on
why and how users would want to override the declared API version.
Drivers may also want to provide specialized MongoClient
, MongoDatabase
, and MongoCollection
classes to only
include features that are part of the stable API. This is not covered in this specification.
2024-09-10: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-02-24: Rename Versioned API to Stable API
2022-01-14: Require
for all messages including the initial step of
the handshake when using stable API. -
2021-05-05: Require sending stable API parameters with
transaction-continuing commands. -
2021-04-20: Require using
when using the stable API. -
2021-04-10: Replaced usages of
Enumerating Databases
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.6
A driver can provide functionality to enumerate all databases on a server. This specification defines several methods for enumerating databases.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Driver object representing a connection to MongoDB. This is the root object of a driver's API and MAY be named differently in some drivers.
Driver object representing a database and the operations that can be performed on it. MAY be named differently in some drivers.
An object or data structure that is a sequence of elements that can be iterated over. This spec is flexible on what that means as different drivers will have different requirements, types, and idioms.
An object or data structure used by the driver to represent a BSON document. This spec is flexible on what that means as different drivers will have different requirements, types, and idioms.
Naming Deviations
This specification defines names for methods. To the extent possible, drivers SHOULD use the defined names. However,
where a driver or language's naming conventions would conflict, drivers SHOULD honor their existing conventions. For
example, a driver may use list_databases
instead of listDatabases
Drivers SHOULD support the filter
option when implementing the
listDatabases database command. The filter
option is a query predicate that determines which databases are listed in the command result. You can specify a
condition on any of the database fields returned in the command output:
For example, to list only databases whose names begin with "foo":
db.adminCommand({listDatabases: 1, filter: {name: /^foo/}});
MongoDB 4.0.5 added an authorizedDatabases
boolean option to the
listDatabases database command, which can be
used to limit the command result to only include databases the user is authorized to use. Drivers SHOULD support the new
option when implementing the
listDatabases database command.
The possible values for authorizedDatabases
- unspecified (missing entirely from the command document sent to the server)
See the server's listDatabases documentation for an explanation of what each value means.
MongoDB 4.4 introduced a comment
option to the listDatabases
command. This option enables users to specify a comment
as an arbitrary BSON type to help trace the operation through the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is
to not send a value. If a comment is provided on pre-4.4 servers, the comment should still be attached and the driver
should rely on the server to provide an error to the user.
db.getSiblingDB("admin").runCommand({listDatabases: 1, comment: "hi there"})
Driver Methods
If a driver already has a method to perform one of the listed tasks, there is no need to change it. Do not break backwards compatibility when adding new methods.
All methods SHOULD be implemented on the MongoClient object.
All methods MUST apply timeouts per the Client Side Operations Timeout specification.
Enumerating Full Database Information
The listDatabases database command returns an array of documents, each of which contains information about a database on the MongoDB server. Additionally, the command reports the aggregate sum of all database sizes (in bytes). Consider the following example:
"databases" : [
"name" : "admin",
"sizeOnDisk" : 83886080,
"empty" : false
"name" : "local",
"sizeOnDisk" : 83886080,
"empty" : false
"totalSize" : 167772160,
"ok" : 1
Drivers SHOULD implement a MongoClient method that returns an Iterable of database specifications (e.g. model object,
document type), each of which correspond to an element in the databases array of the listDatabases
command result.
This method SHOULD be named listDatabases
Drivers MAY report totalSize
(e.g. through an additional output variable on the listDatabases
method), but this is
not necessary.
Drivers SHOULD support the filter
, authorizedDatabases
and comment
options when implementing this method.
Enumerating Database Names
MongoDB 3.6 introduced a nameOnly
boolean option to the listDatabases
database command, which limits the command
result to only include database names. Consider the following example:
> db.getSiblingDB("admin").runCommand({listDatabases:1,nameOnly:true})
"databases" : [
{ "name" : "admin" },
{ "name" : "local" }
"ok" : 1
Drivers MAY implement a MongoClient method that returns an Iterable of strings, each of which corresponds to a name in
the databases array of the listDatabases
command result. This method SHOULD be named listDatabaseNames
Drivers SHOULD support the filter
, authorizedDatabases
and comment
options when implementing this method.
Enumerating MongoDatabase Objects
Drivers MAY implement a MongoClient method that returns an Iterable of MongoDatabase types, each of which corresponds to
a name in the databases array of the listDatabases
command result. This method MAY be named listMongoDatabases
Any MongoDatabase objects returned by this method SHOULD inherit the same MongoClient options that would otherwise be inherited by selecting an individual MongoDatabase through MongoClient (e.g. read preference, write concern).
Drivers SHOULD specify the nameOnly
option when executing the listDatabases
command for this method.
Drivers SHOULD support the filter
, authorizedDatabases
and comment
options when implementing this method.
Replica Sets
The listDatabases
command may be run on a secondary node. Drivers MUST run the listDatabases
command only on the
primary node in replica set topology, unless directly connected to a secondary node in Single topology.
Test Plan
Test Environments
The test plan should be executed against the following servers:
- Standalone
- Replica set primary
- Replica set secondary
- Sharding router (i.e. mongos)
Test Cases
The following scenarios should be run for each test environment:
- Execute the method to enumerate full database information (e.g.
)- Verify that the method returns an Iterable of Document types
- Verify that all databases on the server are present in the result set
- Verify that the result set does not contain duplicates
- Execute the method to enumerate database names (e.g.
)- Verify that the method returns an Iterable of strings
- Verify that all databases on the server are present in the result set
- Verify that the result set does not contain duplicates
- Execute the method to enumerate MongoDatabase objects (e.g.
)- Verify that the method returns an Iterable of MongoDatabase objects
- Verify that all databases on the server are present in the result set
- Verify that the result set does not contain duplicates
Motivation for Change
Although most drivers provide a listDatabases
command helper in their API, there was previously no spec for a database
enumeration. MongoDB 3.6 introduced a nameOnly
option to the listDatabases
database command. The driver API should
to be expanded to support this option.
Design Rationale
The design of this specification is inspired by the
Collection Enumeration and
Index Management specifications. Since most drivers already implement a
command helper in some fashion, this spec is flexible when it comes to existing APIs.
Backwards Compatibility
There should be no backwards compatibility concerns. This specification merely deals with how to enumerate databases in future versions of MongoDB and allows flexibility for existing driver APIs.
Reference Implementation
Q & A
Why is reporting the total size of all databases optional?
Although the listDatabases
command provides two results, a databases
array and totalSize
integer, the array of
database information documents is the primary result. Returning a tuple or composite result type from a listDatabases
driver method would complicate the general use case, as opposed to an optional output argument (if supported by the
language). Furthermore, the totalSize
value can be calculated client-side by summing all sizeOnDisk
fields in the
array of database information documents.
2024-07-26: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown. Removed note that applied to pre-3.6 servers.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog. Also reverts the minimum server version to 3.6, which is where
options were first introduced forlistDatabases
. -
2022-08-17: Clarify the behavior of comment on pre-4.4 servers.
2022-02-01: Support comment option in listDatabases command
2022-01-19: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout spec.
2019-11-20: Support authorizedDatabases option in listDatabases command
2017-10-30: Support filter option in listDatabases command
Enumerating Collections
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 1.8
A driver can contain a feature to enumerate all collections belonging to a database. This specification defines how collections should be enumerated.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Driver object representing a connection to MongoDB. This is the root object of a driver's API and MAY be named differently in some drivers.
An object or data structure that is a sequence of elements that can be iterated over. This spec is flexible on what that means as different drivers will have different requirements, types, and idioms.
listCollections Database Command
The listCollections
command returns a cursor:
db.runCommand( { listCollections: 1 } );
The command also accepts options.
The filter
option, which acts like a query against the returned collection documents. You can i.e. use the following
to only list the collections beginning with test
db.runCommand( { listCollections: 1, filter: { name: /^test/ } } );
Or to find all capped collections:
db.runCommand( { listCollections: 1, filter: { 'options.capped': true } } );
The cursor.batchSize
option, which allows you to set how many initial collections should be returned as part of the
cursor specification document that comes back from the server. This first batch is part of the returned structure in the
key (see more about return types further on).
The command returns a cursor definition structure:
cursor: {
id: <long>,
ns: <string>,
firstBatch: [<object>, <object>, ...]
ok: 1
With the
and cursor.ns
fields you can retrieve further collection information structures.
The command also returns the field ok
to signal whether the command was executed successfully.
This will return the first 25 collection descriptions as part of the returned document:
db.runCommand( { listCollections: 1, cursor : { batchSize: 25 } } );
MongoDB 4.4 introduced a comment
option to the listCollections
database command. This option enables users to
specify a comment as an arbitrary BSON type to help trace the operation through the database profiler, currentOp and
logs. The default is to not send a value. If a comment is provided on pre-4.4 servers, the comment should still be
attached and the driver should rely on the server to provide an error to the user.
Example of usage of the comment option:
db.runCommand({"listCollections": 1, "comment": "hi there"})
Any comment set on a listCollections
command is inherited by any subsequent getMore
commands run on the same
returned from the listCollections
command. Therefore, drivers MUST NOT attach the comment to subsequent
getMore commands on a cursor.
Return types
The listCollections
command returns a cursor description. The format that is returned is the same as for any other
command cursor:
cursor: {
id: <long>,
ns: <string>,
firstBatch: [<object>, <object>, ...]
ok: 1
The number of objects in the firstBatch
field depends on the cursor.batchSize
Drivers MAY expose methods to return collection names as an array. If your driver already has such a method, its return type MUST NOT be changed in order to prevent breaking backwards compatibility.
Drivers SHOULD expose (a) method(s) to return collection information through a cursor, where the information for each collection is represented by a single document.
Driver methods
Drivers SHOULD use the method name listCollections
for a method that returns all collections with a cursor return
type. Drivers MAY use an idiomatic variant that fits the language the driver is for.
If a driver already has a method to perform one of the listed tasks, there is no need to change it. Do not break backwards compatibility when adding new methods.
All methods:
- SHOULD be on the database object.
- MUST allow a filter to be passed to include only requested collections.
- MAY allow the
option to be passed. - SHOULD allow the
option to be passed. - MUST apply timeouts per the Client Side Operations Timeout specification.
All methods that return cursors MUST support the timeout options documented in Client Side Operations Timeout: Cursors.
Getting Collection Names
Drivers MAY implement a MongoClient method that returns an Iterable of strings, where each string corresponds to a
collection name. This method SHOULD be named listCollectionNames
MongoDB 4.0 introduced a nameOnly
boolean option to the listCollections
database command, which limits the command
result to only include collection names. NOTE: nameOnly
is applied before any filter is applied.
Example return:
Server version between 2.7.6 (inclusive) and 4.0 (exclusive) do not support the nameOnly
option for the
command and will ignore it without raising an error. Therefore, drivers MUST always specify the
option when they only intend to access collection names from the listCollections
command result, except
drivers MUST NOT set nameOnly
if a filter specifies any keys other than name
MongoDB 4.0 also added an authorizedCollections
boolean option to the listCollections
command, which can be used to
limit the command result to only include collections the user is authorized to use. Drivers MAY allow users to set the
option on the listCollectionNames
Getting Full Collection Information
Drivers MAY implement a method to return the full name/options
pairs that are returned from both listCollections
the res.cursor.firstBatch
field, and subsequent retrieved documents through getmore on the cursor constructed from
), and the query result for system.namespaces
The returned result for each variant MUST be equivalent, and each collection that is returned MUST use the field names
and options
In MongoDB 4.4, the ns
field was removed from the index specifications, so the index specification included in the
field of the collection information will no longer contain an ns
- For drivers that report those index specifications in the form of documents or dictionaries, no special handling is
necessary, but any documentation of the contents of the documents/dictionaries MUST indicate that the
field will no longer be present in MongoDB 4.4+. If the contents of the documents/dictionaries are undocumented, then no special mention of thens
field is necessary. - For drivers that report those index specifications in the form of statically defined models, the driver MUST manually
populate the
field of the models with the appropriate namespace if the server does not report it in thelistCollections
command response. Thens
field is not required to be a part of the models, however.
Example return (a cursor which returns documents, not a simple array):
"name" : "me", "options" : { "flags" : 1 }
"name" : "", "options" : { "capped" : true, "size" : 10485760, "autoIndexId" : false }
"name" : "replset.minvalid", "options" : { "flags" : 1 }
"name" : "startup_log", "options" : { "capped" : true, "size" : 10485760 }
"name" : "system.indexes", "options" : { }
"name" : "system.replset", "options" : { "flags" : 1 }
When returning this information as a cursor, a driver SHOULD use the method name listCollections
or an idiomatic
Drivers MAY allow the nameOnly
and authorizedCollections
options to be passed when executing the listCollections
command for this method.
Returning a List of Collection Objects
Drivers MAY implement a method that returns a collection object for each returned collection, if the driver has such a
concept. This method MAY be named listMongoCollections
Example return (in PHP, but abbreviated):
array(6) {
[0] => class MongoCollection#6 { }
[1] => class MongoCollection#7 { }
[2] => class MongoCollection#8 { }
[3] => class MongoCollection#9 { }
[4] => class MongoCollection#10 { }
[5] => class MongoCollection#11 { }
Drivers MUST specify true for the nameOnly
option when executing the listCollections
command for this method, except
drivers MUST NOT set nameOnly
if a filter specifies any keys other than name
Drivers MAY allow the authorizedCollections
option to be passed when executing the listCollections
command for this
Replica Sets
can be run on a secondary node.- Querying
on a secondary node requires secondaryOk to be set. - Drivers MUST run
on the primary node when in a replica set topology, unless directly connected to a secondary node in Single topology.
Test Plan
- standalone node
- replica set primary node
- replica set secondary node
- mongos node
For each of the configurations:
- Create a (new) database
- Create a collection and a capped collection
- Create an index on each of the two collections
- Insert at least one document in each of the two collections
- Run the driver's method that returns a list of collection names (e.g.
):- verify that all collection names are represented in the result
- verify that there are no duplicate collection names
- there are no returned collections that do not exist
- there are no returned collections containing an '$'
- Run the driver's method that returns a list of collection names (e.g.
), pass a filter of{ 'options.capped': true }
, and:- verify that only names of capped collections are represented in the result
- verify that there are no duplicate collection names
- there are no returned collections that do not exist
- there are no returned collections containing an '$'
Backwards Compatibility
There should be no backwards compatibility concerns. This SPEC merely deals with how to enumerate collections in future versions of MongoDB.
Reference Implementation
The shell implements the first algorithm for falling back if the listCollections
command does not exist
2024-07-26: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown. Drop description of behavior for MongoDB 2.x servers.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-09-15: Clarify the behavior of
on pre-4.4 servers. -
2022-02-01: Add
option tolistCollections
command. -
2022-01-20: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout spec.
2021-12-17: Support
option inlistCollections
command. -
2021-04-22: Update to use secondaryOk.
2020-03-18: MongoDB 4.4 no longer includes
field inidIndex
field forlistCollections
responses. -
2019-03-21: The method that returns a list of collection names should be named
. The method that returns a list of collection objects may be namedlistMongoCollections
. -
2018-07-03: Clarify that
must not be used with filters other thanname
. -
2018-05-18: Support
option inlistCollections
command. -
2017-09-27: Clarify reason for filtering collection names containing '$'.
2015-01-14: Clarify trimming of database name. Put preferred method name for listing collections with a cursor as return value.
2014-12-18: Update with the server change to return a cursor for
Index Management
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.6
The index management spec defines a set of behaviour in the drivers for creating, removing and viewing indexes in a collection. It defines implementation details when required but also provides flexibility in the driver in that one or both of 2 unique APIs can be chosen to be implemented.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
The term Collection
references the object in the driver that represents a collection on the server.
The term Cursor
references the driver's cursor object.
The term Iterable
is to describe an object that is a sequence of elements that can be iterated over.
The term Document
refers to the implementation in the driver's language of a BSON document.
The term Result
references the object that is normally returned by the driver as the result of a command execution. In
the case of situations where an actual command is not executed, rather an insert or a query, an object that adheres to
the same interface must be returned with as much information as possible that could be obtained from the operation.
The documentation provided in code below is merely for driver authors and SHOULD NOT be taken as required documentation for the driver.
All drivers MUST offer at least one of the sections of operations, the Standard API or the Index View API. The driver MAY elect to have both. Implementation details are noted in the comments when a specific implementation is required. Within each API, all methods are REQUIRED unless noted otherwise in the comments.
Operation Parameters
All drivers MUST include the specified parameters in each operation. This does not preclude a driver from offering more. A driver SHOULD NOT require a user to specify the options parameter if they wish to use the server defaults.
As of 3.4 (see the server validates options passed to the createIndexes
command -- drivers should be aware when testing that passing arbitrary options when the driver does not validate them
could fail on the server.
A non-exhaustive list of acceptable deviations are as follows:
- Using named parameters in place of an options hash or class. For instance,
collection.create_index({x: 1}, commit_quorum="majority")
. - When using an
class, if multipleOptions
classes are structurally equatable, it is permissible to consolidate them into one with a clear name. For instance, it would be permissible to use the nameCreateIndexOptions
as the options forcreateIndex
All drivers MUST name operations and parameters as defined in the following sections. Exceptions to this rule are noted in the appropriate section. Class and interface names may vary according to the driver and language best practices.
Naming Deviations
When deviating from a defined name, an author should consider if the altered name is recognizable and discoverable to the user of another driver.
A non-exhaustive list of acceptable naming deviations are as follows:
- Using "maxTimeMS" as an example, .NET would use "MaxTime" where it's type is a TimeSpan structure that includes units. However, calling it "MaximumTime" would not be acceptable.
- Using "CreateIndexOptions" as an example, Javascript wouldn't need to name it while other drivers might prefer to call it "CreateIndexArgs" or "CreateIndexParams".
- Acceptable naming deviations should fall within the basic style of the language. For example,
would be a required name in Java, where camel-case method names are used, but in Rubycreate_index
would be acceptable.
Index Name Generation
When the client generates a name for an index based on the keys, the driver MUST generate the name as key-direction
pairs, separated by underscores. For example, the key { name: 1, dob: -1 }
MUST generate an index name of
Note there is one exception to this rule on the _id
field. The server uses an index name with no direction, _id_
which cannot be overridden.
Drivers MUST enforce timeouts for all operations per the Client Side Operations Timeout specification. All operations that return cursors MUST support the timeout options documented in the Cursors section of that specification.
Standard API
interface Collection {
* This is a convenience method for creating a single index. This MUST call the
* createIndexes method and pass the provided specification document in a
* sequence to that method with the same options.
* @return The name of the created index.
* @note Drivers MAY opt to implement this method signature, the signature that
* takes an IndexModel as a parameter, or for those languages with method
* overloading MAY decide to implement both.
* @note Drivers MAY combine the two options types into a single one. If the options are
* explicitly typed, the combined options type MUST be named CreateIndexOptions or an acceptable
* variation.
createIndex(keys: Document, indexOptions: Optional<IndexOptions>, options: Optional<CreateIndexOptions>): String;
* @see Comments above.
createIndex(model: IndexModel, options: Optional<CreateIndexOptions>): String
* Creates multiple indexes in the collection.
* In all server versions, this MUST execute a createIndexes command.
* @return The names of all the indexes that were created.
createIndexes(models: Iterable<IndexModel>, options: Optional<CreateIndexesOptions>): Iterable<String>;
* Drops a single index from the collection by the index name.
* In all server versions this MUST execute a dropIndexes command.
* @note If the string passed is '*', the driver MUST raise an error since
* more than one index would be dropped.
dropIndex(name: String, options: Optional<DropIndexOptions>): Result;
* Attempts to drop a single index from the collection given the keys and options.
* In all server versions this MUST execute a dropIndexes command.
* This is OPTIONAL until partial indexes are implemented.
* @note Drivers MAY opt to implement this method signature, the signature that
* takes an IndexModel as a parameter, or for those languages with method
* overloading MAY decide to implement both.
* @note Drivers MAY combine the two options types into a single one. If the options are
* explicitly typed, the combined options type MUST be named DropIndexOptions or an acceptable
* variation.
dropIndex(keys: Document, indexOptions: IndexOptions, options: Optional<DropIndexOptions>): Result;
* @see Comments above.
dropIndex(model: IndexModel, options: Optional<DropIndexOptions>): Result;
* Drops all indexes in the collection.
dropIndexes(options: Optional<DropIndexesOptions>): Result;
* Gets index information for all indexes in the collection. The behavior for
* enumerating indexes is described in the :ref:`Enumerating Indexes` section.
listIndexes(options: Optional<ListIndexesOptions>): Cursor;
interface CreateIndexOptions {
* Specifies how many data-bearing members of a replica set, including the primary, must
* complete the index builds successfully before the primary marks the indexes as ready.
* This option accepts the same values for the "w" field in a write concern plus "votingMembers",
* which indicates all voting data-bearing nodes.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.4. Drivers MUST manually raise an error if this option
* is specified when creating an index on a pre 4.4 server. See the Q&A section for the rationale behind this.
* @note This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @since MongoDB 4.4
commitQuorum: Optional<Int32 | String>;
* The maximum amount of time to allow the index build to take before returning an error.
* @note This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
maxTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
* @since MongoDB 4.4
comment: Optional<any>;
interface CreateIndexesOptions {
// same as CreateIndexOptions
interface DropIndexOptions {
* The maximum amount of time to allow the index drop to take before returning an error.
* @note This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
maxTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
* @since MongoDB 4.4
comment: Optional<any>;
interface DropIndexesOptions {
// same as DropIndexOptions
Create an index in a collection.
collection.create_index({ name: 1 }, { unique: true })
collection.createIndex(new Document("name", 1), new IndexOptions().unique(true));
Produces the shell equivalent (>= 2.6.0) of:
createIndexes: "users",
indexes: [
{ key: { name: 1 }, name: "name_1", unique: true }
Create multiple indexes in a collection.
{ key: { name: 1 }, unique: true },
{ key: { age: -1 }, name: "age" }
new IndexModel(new Document("name", 1), new IndexOptions().unique(true)),
new IndexModel(new Document("age", -1), new IndexOptions().name("age"))
Produces the shell equivalent (>= 2.6.0) of:
createIndexes: "users",
indexes: [
{ key: { name: 1 }, name: "name_1", unique: true },
{ key: { age: -1 }, name: "age" }
Drop an index in a collection.
Produces the shell equivalent of:
db.runCommand({ dropIndexes: "users", index: "age" });
Drop all indexes in a collection.
Produces the shell equivalent of:
db.runCommand({ dropIndexes: "users", index: "*" });
List all indexes in a collection.
Produces the shell equivalent (>= 3.0.0) of:
db.runCommand({ listIndexes: "users" });
Index View API
interface Collection {
* Returns the index view for this collection.
indexes(options: Optional<ListIndexesOptions>): IndexView;
interface IndexView extends Iterable<Document> {
* Enumerates the index information for all indexes in the collection. This should be
* implemented as described in the :ref:`Enumerate Indexes` section, although the naming
* requirement is dropped in favor of the driver language standard for handling iteration
* over a sequence of objects.
* @see
* @note For drivers that cannot make the IndexView iterable, they MUST implement a list
* method. See below.
iterator(): Iterator<Document>;
* For drivers that cannot make IndexView iterable, they MUST implement this method to
* return a list of indexes. In the case of async drivers, this MAY return a Future<Cursor>
* or language/implementation equivalent.
* If drivers are unable to make the IndexView iterable, they MAY opt to provide the options for
* listing search indexes via the `list` method instead of the `Collection.indexes` method.
list(): Cursor;
* This is a convenience method for creating a single index. This MUST call the
* createMany method and pass the provided specification document in a
* sequence to that method with the same options.
* @return The name of the created index.
* @note Drivers MAY opt to implement this method signature, the signature that
* takes an IndexModel as a parameter, or for those languages with method
* overloading MAY decide to implement both.
* @note Drivers MAY combine the two options types into a single one. If the options are
* explicitly typed, the combined options type MUST be named CreateOneIndexOptions or an acceptable
* variation.
createOne(keys: Document, indexOptions: IndexOptions, options: Optional<CreateOneIndexOptions>): String;
* @see Comments above.
createOne(model: IndexModel, options: Optional<CreateOneIndexOptions>): String
* Creates multiple indexes in the collection.
* For all server versions this method MUST execute a createIndexes command.
* @return The names of the created indexes.
* @note Each specification document becomes the "key" field in the document that
* is inserted or the command.
createMany(models: Iterable<IndexModel>, options: Optional<CreateManyIndexesOptions>): Iterable<String>;
* Drops a single index from the collection by the index name.
* In all server versions this MUST execute a dropIndexes command.
* @note If the string passed is '*', the driver MUST raise an error since
* more than one index would be dropped.
dropOne(name: String, options: Optional<DropOneIndexOptions>): Result;
* Attempts to drop a single index from the collection given the keys and options.
* This is OPTIONAL until partial indexes are implemented.
* In all server versions this MUST execute a dropIndexes command.
* @note Drivers MAY opt to implement this method signature, the signature that
* takes an IndexModel as a parameter, or for those languages with method
* overloading MAY decide to implement both.
* @note Drivers MAY combine the two options types into a single one. If the options are
* explicitly typed, the combined options type MUST be named DropOneIndexOptions or an acceptable
* variation.
dropOne(keys: Document, indexOptions: IndexOptions, options: Optional<DropOneIndexOptions>): Result;
* @see Comments above.
dropOne(model: IndexModel, options: Optional<DropOneIndexOptions>): Result;
* Drops all indexes in the collection.
dropAll(options: Optional<DropAllIndexesOptions>): Result;
interface CreateOneIndexOptions {
// same as CreateIndexOptions in the Standard API
interface CreateManyIndexesOptions {
// same as CreateIndexesOptions in the Standard API
interface DropOneIndexOptions {
// same as DropIndexOptions in the Standard API
interface DropAllIndexesOptions {
// same as DropIndexesOptions in the Standard API
Create an index in a collection.
collection.indexes.create_one({ name: 1 }, { unique: true })
collection.indexes().createOne(new Document("name", 1), new IndexOptions().unique(true));
Produces the shell equivalent (>= 2.6.0) of:
createIndexes: "users",
indexes: [
{ key: { name: 1 }, name: "name_1", unique: true }
Create multiple indexes in a collection.
{ key: { name: 1 }, unique: true },
{ key: { age: -1 }, name: "age" }
new IndexModel(new Document("name", 1), new IndexOptions().unique(true),
new IndexModel(new Document("age", -1), new IndexOptions().name("age")
Produces the shell equivalent (>= 2.6.0) of:
createIndexes: "users",
indexes: [
{ key: { name: 1 }, name: "name_1", unique: true },
{ key: { age: -1 }, name: "age" }
Drop an index in a collection.
Produces the shell equivalent of:
db.runCommand({ dropIndexes: "users", index: "age" });
Drop all indexes in a collection.
Produces the shell equivalent of:
db.runCommand({ dropIndexes: "users", index: "*" });
List all indexes in a collection.
collection.indexes.each do |document|
p document
for (BsonDocument document: collection.indexes()) {
/* ... */
Produces the shell equivalent (>= 3.0.0) of:
var indexes = db.runCommand({ listIndexes: "users" });
for (index in indexes) {
Common API Components
interface IndexModel {
* Contains the required keys for the index.
keys: Document;
* Contains the options for the index.
options: IndexOptions;
interface IndexOptions {
* Optionally tells the server to build the index in the background and not block
* other tasks.
* @note Starting in MongoDB 4.2, this option is ignored by the server.
* @see
* @deprecated 4.2
background: Boolean;
* Optionally specifies the length in time, in seconds, for documents to remain in
* a collection.
expireAfterSeconds: Int32;
* Optionally specify a specific name for the index outside of the default generated
* name. If none is provided then the name is generated in the format "[field]_[direction]".
* Note that if an index is created for the same key pattern with different collations,
* a name must be provided by the user to avoid ambiguity.
* @example For an index of name: 1, age: -1, the generated name would be "name_1_age_-1".
name: String;
* Optionally tells the index to only reference documents with the specified field in
* the index.
sparse: Boolean;
* Optionally used only in MongoDB 3.0.0 and higher. Allows users to configure the storage
* engine on a per-index basis when creating an index.
storageEngine: Document;
* Optionally forces the index to be unique.
unique: Boolean;
* Optionally specifies the index version number, either 0 or 1.
version: Int32;
* Optionally specifies the default language for text indexes.
* Is 'english' if none is provided.
defaultLanguage: String;
* Optionally Specifies the field in the document to override the language.
languageOverride: String;
* Optionally provides the text index version number.
* MongoDB 2.4 can only support version 1.
* MongoDB 2.6 and higher may support version 1 or 2.
textIndexVersion: Int32;
* Optionally specifies fields in the index and their corresponding weight values.
weights: Document;
* Optionally specifies the 2dsphere index version number.
* MongoDB 2.4 can only support version 1.
* MongoDB 2.6 and higher may support version 1 or 2.
2dsphereIndexVersion: Int32;
* Optionally specifies the precision of the stored geo hash in the 2d index, from 1 to 32.
bits: Int32;
* Optionally sets the maximum boundary for latitude and longitude in the 2d index.
max: Double;
* Optionally sets the minimum boundary for latitude and longitude in the index in a
* 2d index.
min: Double;
* Optionally specifies the number of units within which to group the location values
* in a geo haystack index.
bucketSize: Int32;
* Optionally specifies a filter for use in a partial index. Only documents that match the
* filter expression are included in the index. New in MongoDB 3.2.
partialFilterExpression: Document;
* Optionally specifies a collation to use for the index in MongoDB 3.4 and higher.
* If not specified, no collation is sent and the default collation of the collection
* server-side is used.
collation: Document;
* Optionally specifies the wildcard projection of a wildcard index.
wildcardProjection: Document;
* Optionally specifies that the index should exist on the target collection but should not be used by the query
* planner when executing operations.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.4.
hidden: Boolean;
* Optionally specifies that this index is clustered. This is not a valid option to provide to
* 'createIndexes', but can appear in the options returned for an index via 'listIndexes'. To
* create a clustered index, create a new collection using the 'clusteredIndex' option.
* This options is only supported by servers >= 6.0.
clustered: Boolean;
interface ListIndexesOptions {
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* If a comment is provided, drivers MUST attach this comment to all
* subsequent getMore commands run on the same cursor.
* @see
* @since MongoDB 4.4
comment: Optional<any>;
* Configures the batch size of the cursor returned from the ``listIndexes`` command.
* @note drivers MAY chose to support batchSize on the ListIndexesOptions.
batchSize: Optional<Int32>;
Enumerating Indexes
For all server versions, drivers MUST run a listIndexes
command when enumerating indexes.
Drivers SHOULD use the method name listIndexes
for a method that returns all indexes with a cursor return type.
Drivers MAY use an idiomatic variant that fits the language the driver is for. An exception is made for drivers
implementing the index view API.
In MongoDB 4.4, the ns
field was removed from the index specifications returned from the listIndexes
- For drivers that report those index specifications in the form of documents or dictionaries, no special handling is
necessary, but any documentation of the contents of the documents/dictionaries MUST indicate that the
field will no longer be present in MongoDB 4.4+. If the contents of the documents/dictionaries are undocumented, then no special mention of thens
field is necessary. - For drivers that report those index specifications in the form of statically defined models, the driver MUST manually
populate the
field of the models with the appropriate namespace if the server does not report it in thelistIndexes
command response. Thens
field is not required to be a part of the models, however.
Getting Index Names
Drivers MAY implement a method to enumerate all indexes, and return only the index names. The helper operates the same as the following example:
> a = [];
[ ]
> db.runCommand( { listIndexes: 'poiConcat' } ).indexes.forEach(function(i) { a.push(; } );
> a
[ "_id_", "ty_1", "l_2dsphere", "ts_1" ]
Search Indexes
Server 7.0 introduced three new server commands and a new aggregation stage to facilitate management of search indexes. Drivers MUST provide an API similar to the existing index management API specifically for search indexes. Drivers MAY choose to implement either the standard API or the index view API.
Search Index Management Helper Options
There are currently no supported options for any of the search index management commands. To future proof drivers implementations so that any options added in the future do not constitute a breaking change to drivers, empty options structs have been added as placeholders. If a driver's language has a mechanism to add options in a non-breaking manner (i.e., method overloading) drivers MAY omit the empty options structs from their search index management helpers.
is implemented using an aggregation pipeline. The list helper MUST support a driver's aggregation
options as outline in the CRUD specification. Drivers MAY combine the aggregation options with
any future listSearchIndexes
stage options, if that is idiomatic for a driver's language.
The search index commands are asynchronous and return from the server before the index is successfully updated, created
or dropped. In order to determine when an index has been created / updated, users are expected to run the
repeatedly until index changes appear.
An example, from Javascript:
const name = await collection.createSearchIndex({ definition: { ... fill out definition } })
while (!(await collection.listSearchIndexes({ name }).hasNext())) {
await setTimeout(1000);
Where are read concern and write concern?
These commands internally proxy the search index management commands to a separate process that runs alongside an Atlas cluster. As such, read concern and write concern are not relevant for the search index management commands.
Drivers MUST NOT apply a read concern or write concern to the commands. Atlas search index management commands return an
error if a readConcern
or writeConcern
field is present in the command.
Consistency with Existing APIs
Drivers SHOULD strive for a search index management API that is as consistent as possible with their existing index management API.
NamespaceNotFound Errors
Some drivers suppress NamespaceNotFound errors for CRUD helpers. Drivers MAY suppress NamespaceNotFound errors from the search index management helpers.
Drivers MUST suppress NamespaceNotFound errors for the dropSearchIndex
helper. Drop operations should be idempotent:
await collection.dropSearchIndex('my-test-index');
// subsequent calls should behave the same for the user as the first call
await collection.dropSearchIndex('my-test-index');
await collection.dropSearchIndex('my-test-index');
Common Interfaces
interface SearchIndexModel {
* Document describing the index to create.
* The definition syntax depends on whether you create a standard search index
* or a vector search index.
* @see
definition: Document;
* Contains the options for the index.
options: SearchIndexOptions;
interface SearchIndexOptions {
* Name of the search index to create.
* The server will use "default" if this option is not specified.
name: Optional<string>;
* Type of search index to create. Defaults to "search" if not provided.
* Specify "search" for a standard search index or "vectorSearch" for a vector
* search index.
* The server will use "search" if this option is not specified.
type: Optional<string>;
* The following interfaces are empty but are provided as placeholders for drivers that cannot
* add options in a non-breaking manner, if options are added in the future.
interface CreateSearchIndexOptions {}
interface UpdateSearchIndexOptions {}
interface ListSearchIndexOptions {}
interface DropSearchIndexOptions {}
Standard API for Search Indexes
interface Collection {
* Convenience method for creating a single search index.
* @return The name of the created search index
* @note Drivers MAY opt to implement this method signature, the signature that
* takes an SearchIndexModel as a parameter, or for those languages with method
* overloading MAY decide to implement both.
* @note Drivers MAY combine the `indexOptions` with the `createSearchIndexOptions`, if that is idiomatic for their language.
createSearchIndex(definition: Document, indexOptions: Optional<SearchIndexOptions>, createSearchIndexOptions: Optional<CreateSearchIndexOptions>): String;
* Convenience method for creating a single index.
* @return The name of the created search index
* @note Drivers MAY opt to implement this method signature, the signature that
* takes an name and a definition as parameters, or for those languages with method
* overloading MAY decide to implement both.
createSearchIndex(model: SearchIndexModel, options: Optional<CreateSearchIndexOptions>): String;
* Creates multiple search indexes on the collection.
* @return An iterable of the newly created index names.
createSearchIndexes(models: Iterable<SearchIndexModel>, options: CreateSearchIndexOptions): Iterable<String>;
* Updates the search index with the given name to use the provided
* definition.
updateSearchIndex(name: String, definition: Document, options: Optional<UpdateSearchIndexOptions>): void;
* Drops the search index with the given name.
dropSearchIndex(name: String, options: Optional<DropSearchIndexOptions>): void;
* Gets index information for one or more search indexes in the collection.
* If name is not specified, information for all indexes on the specified collection will be returned.
listSearchIndexes(name: Optional<String>, aggregationOptions: Optional<AggregationOptions>, listIndexOptions: Optional<ListSearchIndexOptions>): Cursor<Document>;
Index View API for Search Indexes
interface Collection {
* Returns the search index view for this collection.
searchIndexes(name: Optional<String>, aggregateOptions: Optional<AggregationOptions>, options: Optional<ListSearchIndexOptions>): SearchIndexView;
interface SearchIndexView extends Iterable<Document> {
* Enumerates the index information for all search indexes in the collection.
* @note For drivers that cannot make the IndexView iterable, they MUST implement a list
* method. See below.
iterator(): Iterator<Document>;
* For drivers that cannot make SearchIndexView iterable, they MUST implement this method to
* return a list of indexes. In the case of async drivers, this MAY return a Future<Cursor>
* or language/implementation equivalent.
* If drivers are unable to make the SearchIndexView iterable, they MAY opt to provide the options for
* listing search indexes via the `list` method instead of the `Collection.searchIndexes` method.
list(): Cursor<Document>;
* This is a convenience method for creating a single index.
* @return The name of the created index.
* @note Drivers MAY opt to implement this method signature, the signature that
* takes an SearchIndexModel as a parameter, or for those languages with method
* overloading MAY decide to implement both.
* @note Drivers MAY combine the `indexOptions` with the `createSearchIndexOptions`, if that is idiomatic for their language.
createOne(definition: Document, indexOptions: Optional<SearchIndexOptions>, createSearchIndexOptions: Optional<CreateSearchIndexOptions>): String;
* This is a convenience method for creating a single index.
* @return The name of the created index.
* @note Drivers MAY opt to implement this method signature, the signature that
* takes an name and a definition as parameters, or for those languages with method
* overloading MAY decide to implement both.
createOne(model: SearchIndexModel, options: Optional<CreateSearchIndexOptions>): String;
* Creates multiple search indexes in the collection.
* @return The names of the created indexes.
createMany(models: Iterable<SearchIndexModel>, options: Optional<CreateSearchIndexOptions>): Iterable<String>;
* Drops a single search index from the collection by the index name.
dropOne(name: String, options: Optional<DropSearchIndexOptions>): Result;
* Updates a single search index from the collection by the index name.
updateOne(name: String, definition: Document, options: Optional<UpdateSearchIndexOptions>): Result;
Q & A
Q: Where is write concern?
The createIndexes
and dropIndexes
commands take a write concern that indicates how the write is acknowledged. Since
all operations defined in this specification are performed on a collection, it's uncommon that two different index
operations on the same collection would use a different write concern. As such, the most natural place to indicate write
concern is on the client, the database, or the collection itself and not the operations within it.
However, it might be that a driver needs to expose write concern to a user per operation for various reasons. It is
permitted to allow a write concern option, but since writeConcern is a top-level command option, it MUST NOT be
specified as part of an IndexModel
passed into the helper. It SHOULD be specified via the options parameter of the
helper. For example, it would be ambiguous to specify write concern for one or more models passed to createIndexes()
but it would not be to specify it via the CreateIndexesOptions
Q: What does the commitQuorum option do?
Prior to MongoDB 4.4, secondaries would simply replicate index builds once they were completed on the primary. Building indexes requires an exclusive lock on the collection being indexed, so the secondaries would be blocked from replicating all other operations while the index build took place. This would introduce replication lag correlated to however long the index build took.
Starting in MongoDB 4.4, secondaries build indexes simultaneously with the primary, and after starting an index build,
the primary will wait for a certain number of data-bearing nodes, including itself, to have completed the build before
it commits the index. commitQuorum
configures this node requirement. Once the index is committed, all the secondaries
replicate the commit too. If a secondary had already completed the index build, the commit will be quick, and no new
replication lag would be introduced. If a secondary had not finished building the index before the primary committed it
(e.g. if commitQuorum: 0
was used), then that secondary may lag behind the primary while it finishes building and
committing the index.
The server-default value for commitQuorum
is "votingMembers", which means the primary will wait for all voting
data-bearing nodes to complete building the index before it commits it.
Q: Why would a user want to specify a non-default commitQuorum
Like w: "majority"
, commitQuorum: "votingMembers"
doesn't consider non-voting data-bearing nodes such as analytics
nodes. If a user wanted to ensure these nodes didn't lag behind, then they would specify
commitQuorum: <total number of data-bearing nodes, including non-voting nodes>
. Alternatively, if they wanted to
ensure only specific non-voting nodes didn't lag behind, they could specify a
custom getLastErrorMode based on the nodes' tag sets
(e.g. commitQuorum: <custom getLastErrorMode name>
Additionally, if a user has a high tolerance for replication lag, they can set a lower value for commitQuorum
. This is
useful for situations where certain secondaries take longer to build indexes than the primaries, and the user doesn't
care if they lag behind.
Q: What is the difference between write concern and commitQuorum
While these two options share a lot in terms of how they are specified, they configure entirely different things.
determines how much new replication lag an index build can tolerably introduce, but it says nothing of
durability. Write concern specifies the durability requirements of an index build, but it makes no guarantees about
introducing replication lag.
For instance, an index built with writeConcern: { w: 1 }, commitQuorum: "votingMembers"
could possibly be rolled back,
but it will not introduce any new replication lag. Likewise, an index built with
writeConcern: { w: "majority", j: true }, commitQuorum: 0
will not be rolled back, but it may cause the secondaries to
lag. To ensure the index is both durable and will not introduce replication lag on any data-bearing voting secondary,
writeConcern: { w: "majority", j: true }, commitQuorum: "votingMembers"
must be used.
Also note that, since indexes are built simultaneously, higher values of commitQuorum
are not as expensive as higher
values of writeConcern
Q: Why does the driver manually throw errors if the commitQuorum
option is specified against a pre 4.4 server?
Starting in 3.4, the server validates all options passed to the createIndexes
command, but due to a bug in versions
4.2.0-4.2.5 of the server (SERVER-47193), specifying commitQuorum
does not result in an error. The option is used
internally by the server on those versions, and its value could have adverse effects on index builds. To prevent users
from mistakenly specifying this option, drivers manually verify it is only sent to 4.4+ servers.
2024-09-05: Moved options in SearchIndexModel to SearchIndexOptions for consistency with IndexModel and IndexOptions.
2024-03-06: Added
option to SearchIndexOptions. -
2024-03-05: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2023-11-08: Clarify that
must not be applied to search index management commands. -
2023-07-27: Add search index management clarifications.
2023-05-18: Add the search index management API.
2023-05-10: Merge index enumeration and index management specs and get rid of references to legacy server versions.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-04-18: Added the
attribute toIndexOptions
in order to support clustered collections. -
2022-02-10: Specified that
command must explicitly send inherited comment. -
2022-02-01: Added comment field to helper methods.
2022-01-19: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout spec.
2020-03-30: Added options types to various helpers. Introduced
option. Added deprecation message forbackground
option. -
2019-04-24: Added
attribute toIndexOptions
in order to support setting a wildcard projection on a wildcard index. -
2017-06-07: Include listIndexes() in Q&A about maxTimeMS.
2017-05-31: Add Q & A addressing write concern and maxTimeMS option.
2016-10-11: Added note on 3.4 servers validation options passed to
. Add note on server generated name for the_id
index. -
2016-08-08: Fixed
language to not mention a collection default. -
2016-05-19: Added
attribute toIndexOptions
in order to support setting a collation on an index. -
2015-09-17: Added
attribute toIndexOptions
in order to support partial indexes. Fixed "provides" typo.
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 2.6
The CRUD API defines a set of related methods and structures defining a driver's API. As not all languages/frameworks have the same abilities, parts of the spec may or may not apply. These sections have been called out.
This specification is about Guidance in 3 areas related to the CRUD API as well as a specification for the API itself. It does not define implementation details and provides room and flexibility for the idioms and differences in languages and frameworks.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
The term interface Collection
will be seen in most of the sections. Each driver will likely have a class or interface
defined for the concept of a collection. Operations appearing inside the interface Collection
are required operations
to be present on a driver's concept of a collection.
The term Iterable
will be seen as a return type from some of the Read methods. Its use is as that of a
sequence of items. For instance, collection.find({})
returns a sequence of documents that can be iterated over.
The documentation provided in code below is merely for driver authors and SHOULD NOT be taken as required documentation for the driver.
All drivers MUST offer the operations defined in the following sections. This does not preclude a driver from offering more.
Operation Parameters
All drivers MUST offer the same options for each operation as defined in the following sections. This does not preclude
a driver from offering more. A driver SHOULD NOT require a user to specify optional parameters, denoted by the
signature. Unless otherwise specified, optional values should not be sent to the server.
A non-exhaustive list of acceptable deviations are as follows:
Using named parameters instead of an options hash. For instance,
collection.find({x:1}, sort: {a: -1})
. -
When using an
class, if multipleOptions
classes are structurally equatable, it is permissible to consolidate them into one with a clear name. For instance, it would be permissible to use the nameUpdateOptions
as the options forUpdateOne
. -
Using a fluent style builder for find or aggregate:
collection.find({x: 1}).sort({a: -1}).skip(10);
When using a fluent-style builder, all options should be named rather than inventing a new word to include in the pipeline (like options). Required parameters are still required to be on the initiating method.
In addition, it is imperative that documentation indicate when the order of operations is important. For instance, skip and limit in find is order irrelevant where skip and limit in aggregate is not.
All drivers MUST name operations, objects, and parameters as defined in the following sections.
Deviations are permitted as outlined below.
When deviating from a defined name, an author should consider if the altered name is recognizable and discoverable to the user of another driver.
A non-exhaustive list of acceptable naming deviations are as follows:
- Using "batchSize" as an example, Java would use "batchSize" while Python would use "batch_size". However, calling it "batchCount" would not be acceptable.
- Using "maxTimeMS" as an example, .NET would use "MaxTime" where it's type is a TimeSpan structure that includes units. However, calling it "MaximumTime" would not be acceptable.
- Using "FindOptions" as an example, Javascript wouldn't need to name it while other drivers might prefer to call it "FindArgs" or "FindParams". However, calling it "QueryOptions" would not be acceptable.
- Using "isOrdered" rather than "ordered". Some languages idioms prefer the use of "is", "has", or "was" and this is acceptable.
Drivers MUST enforce timeouts for all operations per the Client Side Operations Timeout specification. All operations that return cursors MUST support the timeout options documented in the Cursors section of that specification. All explain helpers MUST support the timeout options documented in the Explain Helpers section of that specification.
[!NOTE] The term
is used below to indicate many of T. This spec is flexible on what that means as different drivers will have different requirements, types, and idioms.
interface Collection {
* Runs an aggregation framework pipeline.
* Note: $out and $merge are special pipeline stages that cause no results
* to be returned from the server. As such, the iterable here would never
* contain documents. Drivers MAY setup a cursor to be executed upon
* iteration against the output collection such that if a user were to
* iterate the return value, results would be returned.
* Note: result iteration should be backed by a cursor. Depending on the implementation,
* the cursor may back the returned Iterable instance or an iterator that it produces.
* @see
aggregate(pipeline: Document[], options: Optional<AggregateOptions>): Iterable<Document>;
* Gets the number of documents matching the filter.
* **This method is DEPRECATED and should not be implemented in new drivers.**
* @see
@deprecated 4.0
count(filter: Document, options: Optional<CountOptions>): Int64;
* Count the number of documents in a collection that match the given
* filter. Note that an empty filter will force a scan of the entire
* collection. For a fast count of the total documents in a collection
* see estimatedDocumentCount.
* See "Count API Details" section below.
countDocuments(filter: Document, options: Optional<CountOptions>): Int64;
* Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata.
* See "Count API Details" section below for implementation and documentation
* requirements.
estimatedDocumentCount(options: Optional<EstimatedDocumentCountOptions>): Int64;
* Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a single collection.
* Note: the results are backed by the "values" array in the distinct command's result
* document. This differs from aggregate and find, where results are backed by a cursor.
* @see
distinct(fieldName: string, filter: Document, options: Optional<DistinctOptions>): Iterable<any>;
* Finds the documents matching the model.
* Note: result iteration should be backed by a cursor. Depending on the implementation,
* the cursor may back the returned Iterable instance or an iterator that it produces.
* @see
find(filter: Document, options: Optional<FindOptions>): Iterable<Document>;
* Find a document matching the model.
* @see
findOne(filter: Document, options: Optional<FindOneOptions>): Optional<Document>;
interface Database {
* Runs an aggregation framework pipeline on the database for pipeline stages
* that do not require an underlying collection, such as $currentOp and $listLocalSessions.
* Note: result iteration should be backed by a cursor. Depending on the implementation,
* the cursor may back the returned Iterable instance or an iterator that it produces.
* @see
aggregate(pipeline: Document[], options: Optional<AggregateOptions>): Iterable<Document>;
class AggregateOptions {
* Enables writing to temporary files. When set to true, aggregation stages
* can write data to the _tmp subdirectory in the dbPath directory.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default
* is to not send a value.
* @see
allowDiskUse: Optional<Boolean>;
* The number of documents to return per batch.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* If specified, drivers SHOULD apply this option to both the original aggregate command and subsequent
* getMore operations on the cursor.
* Drivers MUST NOT specify a batchSize of zero in an aggregate command that includes an $out or $merge stage,
* as that will prevent the pipeline from executing. Drivers SHOULD leave the cursor.batchSize command option
* unset in an aggregate command that includes an $out or $merge stage.
* @see
batchSize: Optional<Int32>;
* If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. This only applies
* when the $out or $merge stage is specified.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a true value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored and not sent as document validation is not available.
* @see
bypassDocumentValidation: Optional<Boolean>;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
* @see
maxTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor
* query.
* This options only applies to aggregations which return a TAILABLE_AWAIT cursor. Drivers
* SHOULD always send this value, if the cursor is not a TAILABLE_AWAIT cursor the server will
* ignore it.
* @note this option is an alias for maxTimeMS, used on getMore commands
* @note this option is not set on the aggregate command
maxAwaitTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions between 3.6 and 4.2 only support string as comment,
* and providing a non-string type will result in a server-side error.
* Older server versions do not support comment for aggregate command at all,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
* If a comment is provided, drivers MUST attach this comment to all
* subsequent getMore commands run on the same cursor for server
* versions 4.4 and above. For server versions below 4.4 drivers MUST NOT
* attach a comment to getMore commands.
comment: Optional<any>;
* The index to use for the aggregation. The hint does not apply to $lookup and $graphLookup stages.
* Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern. If specified,
* then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed
* expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
* accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 5.0. Older servers >= 2.6 (and possibly earlier) will report an error for using this option.
* @see
let: Optional<Document>;
class CountOptions {
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* The maximum number of documents to count.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
limit: Optional<Int64>;
* The maximum amount of time to allow the operation to run.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
maxTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* The number of documents to skip before counting.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
skip: Optional<Int64>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 do not support comment for count command,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
class EstimatedDocumentCountOptions {
* The maximum amount of time to allow the operation to run.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
maxTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4.14 and above.
* For server versions between 4.4.0 and 4.4.14 string comment is supported.
* Servers versions below 4.4.0 do not support comment for count command,
* which is used to implement estimatedDocumentCount. Therefore, providing a
* comment may result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
class DistinctOptions {
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
* @see
maxTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 do not support comment for distinct command,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
enum CursorType {
* The default value. A vast majority of cursors will be of this type.
* Tailable means the cursor is not closed when the last data is retrieved.
* Rather, the cursor marks the final object’s position. You can resume
* using the cursor later, from where it was located, if more data were
* received. Like any "latent cursor", the cursor may become invalid at
* some point (CursorNotFound) – for example if the final object it
* references were deleted.
* @see
* Combines the tailable option with awaitData, as defined below.
* Use with TailableCursor. If we are at the end of the data, block for a
* while rather than returning no data. After a timeout period, we do return
* as normal. The default is true.
* @see
class FindOptions {
* Enables writing to temporary files on the server. When set to true, the server
* can write temporary data to disk while executing the find operation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default
* is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.4. Older servers >= 3.2 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 3.2, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
allowDiskUse: Optional<Boolean>;
* Get partial results from a mongos if some shards are down (instead of throwing an error).
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, the Partial wire protocol flag is used and defaults to false.
* @see
allowPartialResults: Optional<Boolean>;
* The number of documents to return per batch.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this is combined with limit to create the wire protocol numberToReturn value.
* If specified, drivers SHOULD apply this option to both the original query operation and subsequent
* getMore operations on the cursor.
* @see
batchSize: Optional<Int32>;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 only support string as comment,
* and providing a non-string type will result in a server-side error.
* If a comment is provided, drivers MUST attach this comment to all
* subsequent getMore commands run on the same cursor for server
* versions 4.4 and above. For server versions below 4.4 drivers MUST NOT
* attach a comment to getMore commands.
comment: Optional<any>;
* Indicates the type of cursor to use. This value includes both
* the tailable and awaitData options.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, the AwaitData and Tailable wire protocol flags are used and default to false.
* @see
cursorType: Optional<CursorType>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* The maximum number of documents to return.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this is combined with batchSize to create the wire protocol numberToReturn value.
* A negative limit implies that the caller has requested a single batch of results. For servers >= 3.2, singleBatch
* should be set to true and limit should be converted to a positive value. For servers < 3.2, the wire protocol
* numberToReturn value may be negative.
* @see
limit: Optional<Int64>;
* The exclusive upper bound for a specific index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
max: Optional<Document>;
* The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor
* query. This only applies to a TAILABLE_AWAIT cursor. When the cursor is not a TAILABLE_AWAIT cursor,
* this option is ignored.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored and not sent as maxTimeMS does not exist in the OP_GET_MORE wire protocol.
* Note: This option is specified as "maxTimeMS" in the getMore command and not provided as part of the
* initial find command.
* @see
maxAwaitTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* Maximum number of documents or index keys to scan when executing the query.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
* @deprecated 4.0
maxScan: Optional<Int64>;
* The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
* @see
maxTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* The inclusive lower bound for a specific index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
min: Optional<Document>;
* The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes)
* to prevent excess memory use. Set this option to prevent that.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, the NoCursorTimeout wire protocol flag is used and defaults to false.
* @see
noCursorTimeout: Optional<Boolean>;
* Enables optimization when querying the oplog for a range of ts values
* Note: this option is intended for internal replication use only.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, the OplogReplay wire protocol flag is used and defaults to false.
* For servers >= 4.4, the server will ignore this option if set (see: SERVER-36186).
* @see
* @deprecated 4.4
oplogReplay: Optional<Boolean>;
* Limits the fields to return for all matching documents.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
projection: Optional<Document>;
* If true, returns only the index keys in the resulting documents.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
returnKey: Optional<Boolean>;
* Determines whether to return the record identifier for each document. If true, adds a field $recordId to the returned documents.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
showRecordId: Optional<Boolean>;
* The number of documents to skip before returning.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this is a wire protocol parameter that defaults to 0.
* @see
skip: Optional<Int64>;
* Prevents the cursor from returning a document more than once because of an intervening write operation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
* @deprecated 4.0
snapshot: Optional<Boolean>;
* The order in which to return matching documents.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
sort: Optional<Document>;
* Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed
* expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
* accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 5.0. Older servers >= 2.6 (and possibly earlier) will report an error for using this option.
* @see
let: Optional<Document>;
type FindOneOptions = Omit<FindOptions, 'batchSize' | 'cursorType' | 'limit' | 'noCursorTimeout'>;
Count API Details
MongoDB drivers provide two helpers for counting the number of documents in a collection, estimatedDocumentCount and countDocuments. The names were chosen to make it clear how they behave and exactly what they do. The estimatedDocumentCount helper returns an estimate of the count of documents in the collection using collection metadata, rather than counting the documents or consulting an index. The countDocuments helper counts the documents that match the provided query filter using an aggregation pipeline.
The count() helper is deprecated. It has always been implemented using the count
command. The behavior of the count
command differs depending on the options passed to it and may or may not provide an accurate count. When no query filter
is provided the count command provides an estimate using collection metadata. Even when provided with a query filter the
count command can return inaccurate results with a sharded cluster
if orphaned documents exist or if a chunk migration is in progress.
The countDocuments helper avoids these sharded cluster problems entirely when used with MongoDB 3.6+, and when using
read preference with older sharded clusters.
The estimatedDocumentCount function is implemented using the count
command with no query filter, skip, limit, or other
options that would alter the results. The only supported options are listed in the EstimatedDocumentCountOptions
defined above.
Drivers MUST document that, due to an oversight in versions 5.0.0-5.0.8 of MongoDB, the count
command, which
estimatedDocumentCount uses in its implementation, was not included in v1 of the Stable API, and so users of the Stable
API with estimatedDocumentCount are recommended to upgrade their server version to 5.0.9+ or set apiStrict: false
avoid encountering errors.
Drivers MUST document that the count
server command is used to implement estimatedDocumentCount and that users can
find more information via Count: Behavior.
The 5.0-compat versions of many drivers updated their estimatedDocumentCount implementations to use the $collStats
aggregation stage instead of the count
command. This had the unintended consequence of breaking estimatedDocumentCount
on views, and so the change was seen as a backwards-incompatible regression and reverted. The release notes for the
driver versions that include the reversion from $collStats
back to count
MUST document the following:
- The 5.0-compat release accidentally broke estimatedDocumentCount on views by changing its implementation to use
and a$collStats
stage instead of thecount
command. - The new release is fixing estimatedDocumentCount on views by reverting back to using
in its implementation. - Due to an oversight, the
command was omitted from the Stable API in server versions 5.0.0 - 5.0.8 and 5.1.0 - 5.3.1, so users of the Stable API with estimatedDocumentCount are recommended to upgrade their MongoDB clusters to 5.0.9 or 5.3.2 (if on Atlas) or setapiStrict: false
when constructing their MongoClients.
The countDocuments function is implemented using the $group
aggregate pipeline stage with $sum
. Applications must be
required to pass a value for filter, but an empty document is supported:
pipeline = [{'$match': filter}]
if (skip) {
pipeline.push({'$skip': skip})
if (limit) {
pipeline.push({'$limit': limit})
pipeline.push({'$group': {'_id': 1, 'n': {'$sum': 1}}})
Due to countDocuments using the $match
aggregation pipeline stage, certain query operators cannot be used in
countDocuments. This includes the $where
and $near
query operators, among others. Drivers MUST document these
restrictions in their
The count of documents is returned in the n
field, similar to the count
command. countDocuments options other than
filter, skip, and limit are added as options to the aggregate
In the event this aggregation is run against an empty collection, an empty array will be returned with no n
Drivers MUST interpret this result as a 0
findOne API details
The findOne
operation is implemented using a find
operation, but only returns the first document returned in the
cursor. Due to the special case, findOne
does not support the following options supported in find
: drivers MUST NOT set abatchSize
in thefind
command created for afindOne
only supports non-tailable cursorslimit
: drivers MUST setlimit
to 1 in thefind
command created for afindOne
: with alimit
of 1 and nobatchSize
, there will not be an open cursor on the server
To ensure that the cursor is closed regardless of the default server batchSize
, drivers MUST also set
singleBatch: true
in the find
Setting limit and batchSize options for find commands
When users specify both limit
and batchSize
options with the same value, the server returns all results in the first
batch, but still leaves an open cursor that needs to be closed using the killCursors
command. To avoid this, drivers
MUST send a value of limit + 1
for batchSize
in the resulting find
command. This eliminates the open cursor issue.
Combining Limit and Batch Size for OP_QUERY
The OP_QUERY wire protocol only contains a numberToReturn value which drivers must calculate to get expected limit and batch size behavior. Subsequent calls to OP_GET_MORE should use the user-specified batchSize or default to 0. If the result is larger than the max Int32 value, an error MUST be raised as the computed value is impossible to send to the server. Below is pseudo-code for calculating numberToReturn for OP_QUERY.
function calculateFirstNumberToReturn(options: FindOptions): Int32 {
Int32 numberToReturn;
Int32 limit = options.limit || 0;
Int32 batchSize = options.batchSize || 0;
if (limit < 0) {
numberToReturn = limit;
else if (limit == 0) {
numberToReturn = batchSize;
else if (batchSize == 0) {
numberToReturn = limit;
else if (limit < batchSize) {
numberToReturn = limit;
else {
numberToReturn = batchSize;
return numberToReturn;
Because of this anomaly in the wire protocol, it is up to the driver to enforce the user-specified limit. Each driver MUST keep track of how many documents have been iterated and stop iterating once the limit has been reached. When the limit has been reached, if the cursor is still open, a driver MUST kill the cursor.
Database-level aggregation
The server supports several collection-less aggregation source stages like $currentOp
and $listLocalSessions
. The
database aggregate command requires a collection name of 1 for collection-less source stages. Drivers support for
database-level aggregation will allow users to receive a cursor from these collection-less aggregation source stages.
Insert, Update, Replace, Delete, and Bulk Writes
Generated identifiers
The insert and bulk insert operations described below MUST generate identifiers for all documents that do not already have them. These identifiers SHOULD be prepended to the document so they are the first field, in order to prevent the server from spending time re-ordering the document. If a document already has a user-provided identifier, the driver MAY re-order the document so the identifier is the first field.
interface Collection {
* Executes multiple write operations.
* An error MUST be raised if the requests parameter is empty.
* For servers < 3.4, if a collation was explicitly set for any request, an error MUST be raised
* and no documents sent.
* NOTE: see the FAQ about the previous bulk API and how it relates to this.
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if requests is empty
* @throws BulkWriteException
bulkWrite(requests: WriteModel[], options: Optional<BulkWriteOptions>): Optional<BulkWriteResult>;
* Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier,
* the driver should generate one.
* @see
* @throws WriteException
insertOne(document: Document, options: Optional<InsertOneOptions>): Optional<InsertOneResult>;
* Inserts the provided documents. If any documents are missing an identifier,
* the driver should generate them.
* An error MUST be raised if the documents parameter is empty.
* Note that this uses the bulk insert command underneath and should not
* use OP_INSERT.
* @see
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if documents is empty
* @throws BulkWriteException
insertMany(documents: Iterable<Document>, options: Optional<InsertManyOptions>): Optional<InsertManyResult>;
* Deletes one document.
* @see
* @throws WriteException
deleteOne(filter: Document, options: Optional<DeleteOptions>): Optional<DeleteResult>;
* Deletes multiple documents.
* @see
* @throws WriteException
deleteMany(filter: Document, options: Optional<DeleteOptions>): Optional<DeleteResult>;
* Replaces a single document.
* @see
* @throws WriteException
replaceOne(filter: Document, replacement: Document, options: Optional<ReplaceOptions>): Optional<UpdateResult>;
* Updates one document.
* @see
* @throws WriteException
updateOne(filter: Document, update: (Document | Document[]), options: Optional<UpdateOptions>): Optional<UpdateResult>;
* Updates multiple documents.
* @see
* @throws WriteException
updateMany(filter: Document, update: (Document | Document[]), options: Optional<UpdateOptions>): Optional<UpdateResult>;
class BulkWriteOptions {
* If true, when a write fails, return without performing the remaining
* writes. If false, when a write fails, continue with the remaining writes, if any.
* Defaults to true.
ordered: Boolean;
* If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored and not sent as document validation is not available.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_INSERT, OP_UPDATE, or OP_DELETE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
bypassDocumentValidation: Optional<Boolean>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 do not support comment for write operations,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
* Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not
* reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate
* expression context (e.g. "$$var").
* The let parameter must be a valid Document type for server versions 5.0 and above.
* Server versions prior to 5.0 do not support the let parameter for bulk write operations,
* and providing it will result in a server-side error.
* The value of let will be passed to all update and delete, but not insert, commands.
let: Optional<Document>;
class InsertOneOptions {
* If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored and not sent as document validation is not available.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_INSERT, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
bypassDocumentValidation: Optional<Boolean>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 do not support comment for insert command,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
class InsertManyOptions {
* If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored and not sent as document validation is not available.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_INSERT, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
bypassDocumentValidation: Optional<Boolean>;
* If true, when an insert fails, return without performing the remaining
* writes. If false, when a write fails, continue with the remaining writes, if any.
* Defaults to true.
ordered: Boolean;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 do not support comment for insert command,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
class UpdateOptions {
* A set of filters specifying to which array elements an update should apply.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.6, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
arrayFilters: Optional<Array<Document>>;
* If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored and not sent as document validation is not available.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
bypassDocumentValidation: Optional<Boolean>;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.2. Older servers >= 3.4 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_MSG and servers < 4.2, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
upsert: Optional<Boolean>;
* Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed
* expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
* accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 5.0. Older servers >= 2.6 (and possibly earlier) will report an error for using this option.
* @see
let: Optional<Document>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 do not support comment for update command,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
* Specify which document the operation updates if the query matches multiple
* documents. The first document matched by the sort order will be updated.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* The server will report an error if the caller explicitly provides a value with updateMany().
* This option is only supported by servers >= 8.0. Older servers will report an error for using this option.
* @see
sort: Optional<Document>;
class ReplaceOptions {
* If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored and not sent as document validation is not available.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
bypassDocumentValidation: Optional<Boolean>;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.2. Older servers >= 3.4 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_MSG and servers < 4.2, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
upsert: Optional<Boolean>;
* Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed
* expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
* accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 5.0. Older servers >= 2.6 (and possibly earlier) will report an error for using this option.
* @see
let: Optional<Document>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 do not support comment for update command,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
* Specify which document the operation replaces if the query matches multiple
* documents. The first document matched by the sort order will be replaced.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 8.0. Older servers will report an error for using this option.
* @see
sort: Optional<Document>;
class DeleteOptions {
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_DELETE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.4. Older servers >= 3.4 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_DELETE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_MSG and servers < 4.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed
* expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
* accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 5.0. Older servers >= 2.6 (and possibly earlier) will report an error for using this option.
* @see
let: Optional<Document>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 do not support comment for delete command,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
Bulk Write Models
interface WriteModel {
// marker interface for writes that can be batched together.
class InsertOneModel implements WriteModel {
* The document to insert.
* @see
document: Document;
class DeleteOneModel implements WriteModel {
* The filter to limit the deleted documents.
* @see
filter: Document;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_DELETE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.4. Older servers >= 3.4 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_DELETE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_MSG and servers < 4.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
class DeleteManyModel implements WriteModel {
* The filter to limit the deleted documents.
* @see
filter: Document;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_DELETE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.4. Older servers >= 3.4 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_DELETE or OP_MSG, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
class ReplaceOneModel implements WriteModel {
* The filter to limit the replaced document.
* @see
filter: Document;
* The document with which to replace the matched document.
* @see
replacement: Document;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.2. Older servers >= 3.4 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_MSG and servers < 4.2, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* Specify which document the operation replaces if the query matches multiple
* documents. The first document matched by the sort order will be replaced.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 8.0. Older servers will report an error for using this option.
* @see
sort: Optional<Document>;
* When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
upsert: Optional<Boolean>;
class UpdateOneModel implements WriteModel {
* The filter to limit the updated documents.
* @see
filter: Document;
* A document or pipeline containing update operators.
* @see
update: (Document | Document[]);
* A set of filters specifying to which array elements an update should apply.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.6, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
arrayFilters: Optional<Array<Document>>;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.2. Older servers >= 3.4 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_MSG and servers < 4.2, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* Specify which document the operation updates if the query matches multiple
* documents. The first document matched by the sort order will be updated.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 8.0. Older servers will report an error for using this option.
* @see
sort: Optional<Document>;
* When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
upsert: Optional<Boolean>;
class UpdateManyModel implements WriteModel {
* The filter to limit the updated documents.
* @see
filter: Document;
* A document or pipeline containing update operators.
* @see
update: (Document | Document[]);
* A set of filters specifying to which array elements an update should apply.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.6, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
arrayFilters: Optional<Array<Document>>;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.2. Older servers >= 3.4 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_UPDATE, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes using OP_MSG and servers < 4.2, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
upsert: Optional<Boolean>;
Write Results
The acknowledged property is defined for languages/frameworks without a sufficient optional type. Hence, a driver may
choose to return an optional result (e.g. Optional<BulkWriteResult>
) such that unacknowledged writes don't have a
value and acknowledged writes do have a value.
[!NOTE] If you have a choice, consider providing the acknowledged member and raising an error if the other fields are accessed in an unacknowledged write. Instead of users receiving a null reference exception, you have the opportunity to provide an informative error message indicating the correct way to handle the situation. For instance, "The insertedCount member is not available when the write was unacknowledged. Check the acknowledged member to avoid this error."
Any result class with all parameters marked NOT REQUIRED is ultimately NOT REQUIRED as well. For instance, the
has all NOT REQUIRED parameters and is therefore also NOT REQUIRED allowing a driver to use "void" as
the return value for the insertOne
class BulkWriteResult {
* Indicates whether this write result was acknowledged. If not, then all
* other members of this result will be undefined.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
acknowledged: Boolean;
* Number of documents inserted.
insertedCount: Int64;
* Map of the index of the operation to the id of the inserted document.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
insertedIds: Map<Int64, any>;
* Number of documents matched for update.
matchedCount: Int64;
* Number of documents modified.
modifiedCount: Int64;
* Number of documents deleted.
deletedCount: Int64;
* Number of documents upserted.
upsertedCount: Int64;
* Map of the index of the operation to the id of the upserted document.
upsertedIds: Map<Int64, any>;
* Note: this class is "NOT REQUIRED" since all of its fields are marked
* "NOT REQUIRED". Drivers that do not implement this class SHOULD use void
* as the return type for insertOne.
class InsertOneResult {
* Indicates whether this write result was acknowledged. If not, then all
* other members of this result will be undefined.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
acknowledged: Boolean;
* The identifier that was inserted. If the server generated the identifier, this value
* will be null as the driver does not have access to that data.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
insertedId: any;
* Note: this class is "NOT REQUIRED" since all of its fields are marked
* "NOT REQUIRED". Drivers that do not implement this class SHOULD use void
* as the return type for insertMany.
class InsertManyResult {
* Indicates whether this write result was acknowledged. If not, then all
* other members of this result will be undefined.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
acknowledged: Boolean;
* Map of the index of the inserted document to the id of the inserted document.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
insertedIds: Map<Int64, any>;
class DeleteResult {
* Indicates whether this write result was acknowledged. If not, then all
* other members of this result will be undefined.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
acknowledged: Boolean;
* The number of documents that were deleted.
deletedCount: Int64;
class UpdateResult {
* Indicates whether this write result was acknowledged. If not, then all
* other members of this result will be undefined.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
acknowledged: Boolean;
* The number of documents that matched the filter.
matchedCount: Int64;
* The number of documents that were modified.
modifiedCount: Int64;
* The number of documents that were upserted.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property so long as
* it is always possible to infer whether an upsert has taken place. Since
* the "_id" of an upserted document could be null, a null "upsertedId" may
* be ambiguous in some drivers. If so, this field can be used to indicate
* whether an upsert has taken place.
upsertedCount: Int64;
* The identifier of the inserted document if an upsert took place.
upsertedId: any;
Error Handling
Defined below are error and exception types that should be reported from the various write methods. Since error types across languages would be impossible to reconcile, the below definitions represent the fields and names for the information that should be present. Structure isn't important as long as the information is available.
Drivers SHOULD report errors however they report other server errors: by raising an exception, returning "false" and populating an error struct, or another idiom that is consistent with other server errors.
class WriteConcernError {
* An integer value identifying the write concern error. Corresponds to the
* "writeConcernError.code" field in the command response.
* @see
code: Int32;
* A document identifying the write concern setting related to the error.
* Corresponds to the "writeConcernError.errInfo" field in the command
* response.
* @see
details: Document;
* A description of the error. Corresponds to the
* "writeConcernError.errmsg" field in the command response.
* @see
message: String;
Drivers MUST construct a WriteConcernError
from a server reply as follows:
- Set
. - Set
if available. - Set
if available. Drivers MUST NOT parse insideerrInfo
See writeConcernError Examples in the Read/Write Concern spec for examples of how a server represents write concern errors in replies.
Write errors for insert
, update
, and delete
commands are reported as objects within a writeErrors
array field in
the command response. Drivers MUST construct a WriteError
from a server reply as follows (where writeErrors[]
to a particular element in the array):
- Set
. - Set
if available. - Set
if available. Drivers MUST NOT parse insideerrInfo
For single-statement writes (i.e. insertOne
, updateOne
, updateMany
, replaceOne
, deleteOne
, and deleteMany
a single write error may be reported in the array and writeErrors[0].index
will be zero.
For multi-statement writes (i.e. insertMany
and bulkWrite
), potentially many write errors may be reported in the
array and the index
property will be set accordingly. Since the reported index
is specific to each command, drivers
MUST adjust the index accordingly for BulkWriteError.index
class WriteError {
* An integer value identifying the write error. Corresponds to the
* "writeErrors[].code" field in the command response.
* @see
code: Int32;
* A document providing more information about the write error (e.g. details
* pertaining to document validation). Corresponds to the
* "writeErrors[].errInfo" field in the command response.
* @see
details: Document;
* A description of the error. Corresponds to the "writeErrors[].errmsg"
* field in the command response.
* @see
message: String;
class BulkWriteError : WriteError {
* The index of the request that errored. This is derived in part from the
* "writeErrors[].index" field in the command response; however, drivers
* MUST adjust the index accordingly for bulk writes that execute multiple
* writes commands.
index: Int32;
* The request that errored.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
request: Optional<WriteModel>;
* NOTE: Only one of writeConcernError or writeError will be populated at a time. Your driver must present the offending
* error to the user.
class WriteException {
* The error that occurred on account of write concern failure.
writeConcernError: Optional<WriteConcernError>;
* The error that occurred on account of a non-write concern failure.
writeError: Optional<WriteError>;
class BulkWriteException {
* The requests that were sent to the server.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
processedRequests: Optional<Iterable<WriteModel>>;
* The requests that were not sent to the server.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
unprocessedRequests: Optional<Iterable<WriteModel>>;
* The intermediary write result for any operations that succeeded before
* the bulk write was interrupted.
* NOT REQUIRED: Drivers may choose to not provide this property.
writeResult: Optional<BulkWriteResult>;
* The error that occurred on account of write concern failure. If the error was a Write Concern related, this field must be present.
writeConcernError: Optional<WriteConcernError>;
* The error that occurred on account of a non-write concern failure. This might be empty if the error was a Write Concern related error.
writeErrors: Optional<Iterable<BulkWriteError>>;
Find And Modify
interface Collection {
* Finds a single document and deletes it, returning the original. The document to return may be null.
* @see
* @throws WriteException
findOneAndDelete(filter: Document, options: Optional<FindOneAndDeleteOptions>): Optional<Document>;
* Finds a single document and replaces it, returning either the original or the replaced
* document. The document to return may be null.
* @see
* @throws WriteException
findOneAndReplace(filter: Document, replacement: Document, options: Optional<FindOneAndReplaceOptions>): Optional<Document>;
* Finds a single document and updates it, returning either the original or the updated
* document. The document to return may be null.
* @see
* @throws WriteException
findOneAndUpdate(filter: Document, update: (Document | Document[]), options: Optional<FindOneAndUpdateOptions>): Optional<Document>;
enum ReturnDocument {
* Indicates to return the document before the update, replacement, or insert occurred.
* Indicates to return the document after the update, replacement, or insert occurred.
class FindOneAndDeleteOptions {
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.4. Older servers >= 4.2 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 4.2, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes and servers < 4.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
* @see
maxTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* Limits the fields to return for all matching documents.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* Note: this option is mapped to the "fields" findAndModify command option.
* @see
projection: Optional<Document>;
* Determines which document the operation modifies if the query selects multiple documents.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
sort: Optional<Document>;
* Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed
* expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
* accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 5.0. Older servers >= 2.6 (and possibly earlier) will report an error for using this option.
* @see
let: Optional<Document>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 do not support comment for findAndModify command,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
class FindOneAndReplaceOptions {
* If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored and not sent as document validation is not available.
bypassDocumentValidation: Optional<Boolean>;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.4. Older servers >= 4.2 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 4.2, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes and servers < 4.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
* @see
maxTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* Limits the fields to return for all matching documents.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* Note: this option is mapped to the "fields" findAndModify command option.
* @see
projection: Optional<Document>;
* When ReturnDocument.After, returns the replaced or inserted document rather than the original.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* Note: this option is mapped to the "new" findAndModify boolean field. ReturnDocument.Before represents false,
* and ReturnDocument.After represents true.
* @see
returnDocument: Optional<ReturnDocument>;
* Determines which document the operation modifies if the query selects multiple documents.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
sort: Optional<Document>;
* When true, findAndModify creates a new document if no document matches the query.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
upsert: Optional<Boolean>;
* Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed
* expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
* accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 5.0. Older servers >= 2.6 (and possibly earlier) will report an error for using this option.
* @see
let: Optional<Document>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 do not support comment for findAndModify command,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
class FindOneAndUpdateOptions {
* A set of filters specifying to which array elements an update should apply.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.6, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
arrayFilters: Optional<Array<Document>>;
* If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored and not sent as document validation is not available.
bypassDocumentValidation: Optional<Boolean>;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* For servers < 3.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern.
* If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 4.4. Older servers >= 4.2 will report an error for using this option.
* For servers < 4.2, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* For unacknowledged writes and servers < 4.4, the driver MUST raise an error if the caller explicitly provides a value.
* @see
hint: Optional<(String | Document)>;
* The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.
* NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
* @see
maxTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* Limits the fields to return for all matching documents.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* Note: this option is mapped to the "fields" findAndModify command option.
* @see
projection: Optional<Document>;
* When ReturnDocument.After, returns the replaced or inserted document rather than the original.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* Note: this option is mapped to the "new" findAndModify boolean field. ReturnDocument.Before represents false,
* and ReturnDocument.After represents true.
* @see
returnDocument: Optional<ReturnDocument>;
* Determines which document the operation modifies if the query selects multiple documents.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
sort: Optional<Document>;
* When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* @see
upsert: Optional<Boolean>;
* Map of parameter names and values. Values must be constant or closed
* expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
* accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* This option is only supported by servers >= 5.0. Older servers >= 2.6 (and possibly earlier) will report an error for using this option.
* @see
let: Optional<Document>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 do not support comment for findAndModify command,
* and providing one will result in a server-side error.
comment: Optional<any>;
Update vs. Replace Validation
The update
family of operations require that the update document parameter MUST have only atomic modifiers. In
practice, this means that introspection needs to happen on that document to enforce this. However, it is enough to only
check the first element in the document. If it begins with a $
sign and the rest of the document's elements do not,
the server will throw an error. Note that it is required that an update document have at least one atomic modifier.
The replace
family of operations require that the replacement document parameter MUST NOT begin with an atomic
modifier. In practice, this means that introspection needs to happen on that document to enforce this. However, it is
enough to only check the first element in the document. If it does not begin with a $
sign but an element later on
does, the server will throw an error.
Aggregation Pipelines with Write Stages
This section discusses special considerations for aggregation pipelines that contain write stages (e.g. $out
Returning a cursor on the output collection
As noted in the documentation for the aggregate
helper earlier in this document, $out
and $merge
are special
pipeline stages that cause no results to be returned from the server. As such, drivers MAY setup a cursor to be executed
upon iteration against the output collection and return that instead of an iterable that would otherwise have no
Drivers that do so for $merge
MAY remind users that such a cursor may return more documents than were written by the
aggregation (e.g. documents that existed in the collection prior to $merge
being executed).
Read preferences and server selection
This section is only applicable if an explicit (i.e. per-operation) or inherited (e.g. from a Collection) read
preference is available and it is not a primary read preference (i.e. { "mode": "primary" }
Historically, only primaries could execute an aggregation pipeline with $out
or $merge
and drivers never considered
a read preference for the operation. As of featureCompatibilityVersion
4.4, secondaries can now execute pipelines with
or $merge
. Since drivers do not track featureCompatibilityVersion
, the decision to consider a read preference
for such a pipeline will depend on the wire version(s) of the server(s) to which the driver is connected.
If there are one or more available servers and one or more of those servers is pre-5.0 (i.e. wire version < 13), drivers MUST NOT use the available read preference and MUST instead select a server using a primary read preference.
Otherwise, if there are either no available servers, all available servers are 5.0+ (i.e. wire version >= 13), or the topology type is LoadBalanced (we can assume the backing mongos is 5.0+), drivers MUST use the available read preference.
Drivers SHOULD augment their server selection algorithm such that this logic can be enforced within a single server selection attempt.
Drivers MUST discern the read preference used to select a server for the operation, which SHALL be used for specifying the $readPreference global command argument and passing read preference to mongos and load balancers (if applicable).
[!NOTE] Explain helpers are optional. Drivers that do not provide explain helpers may ignore this section.
interface ExplainOptions {
* The maximum amount of time to allow the explain to run.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
* NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
maxTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
Drivers MUST ensure that its helper permits users to specify a timeout (maxTimeMS or timeoutMS) for the explain command specifically. An example, using Node, might look like:
collection.find({ name: 'john doe' }).explain({ maxTimeMS: 1000 });
// sends:
explain: { find: <collection>, query: { name: 'john doe' } },
maxTimeMS: 1000
collection.find({ name: 'john doe' }).explain({ timeoutMS: 1000 });
// sends:
explain: { find: <collection>, query: { name: 'john doe' } },
maxTimeMS: <1000 - min rtt>
Drivers MUST document how users can specify options on their explain helpers.
Test Plan
See the README for tests.
Current drivers have chosen slightly different names and semantics for the same operations and options. In addition, not all drivers offer all the same operations and methods. As such, it is difficult to transition from driver to driver making the jobs of polyglot developers, documentation authors, and support engineers more difficult.
Backwards Compatibility
This spec should be mostly backwards compatible as it is very lenient. Drivers finding a backwards compatibility problem should attempt to work around it using an acceptable deviation. In rare cases, a driver may need to break backwards compatibility. This should be done in accordance with a versioning scheme indicating that a backwards compatible break may have occurred in conjunction with release documentation and warnings.
Reference Implementation
See Test Plan
Related Terminology
If a driver needs to refer to items in the following list, the below are the accepted forms of those terms and deviations from the Naming section are still permissible.
- Read Preference: readPreference
- Read Concern: readConcern
- Write Concern: writeConcern
Q & A
Q: Why do the names of the fields differ from those defined in the MongoDB manual?
Documentation and commands often refer to same-purposed fields with different names making it difficult to have a cohesive API. In addition, occasionally the name was correct at one point and its purpose has expanded to a point where the initial name doesn't accurately describe its current function.
In addition, responses from the servers are sometimes cryptic and used for the purposes of compactness. In these cases, we felt the more verbose form was desirable for self-documentation purposes.
Q: Where is read preference?
Read preference is about selecting a server with which to perform a read operation, such as a query, a count, or an aggregate. Since all operations defined in this specification are performed on a collection, it's uncommon that two different read operations on the same collection would use a different read preference, potentially getting out-of-sync results. As such, the most natural place to indicate read preference is on the client, the database, or the collection itself and not the operations within it.
However, it might be that a driver needs to expose this selection filter to a user per operation for various reasons. As noted before, it is permitted to specify this, along with other driver-specific options, in some alternative way.
Q: Where is read concern?
Read concern is about indicating how reads are handled. Since all operations defined in this specification are performed on a collection, it's uncommon that two different read operations on the same collection would use a different read concern, potentially causing mismatched and out-of-sync data. As such, the most natural place to indicate read concern is on the client, the database, or the collection itself and not the operations within it.
However, it might be that a driver needs to expose read concern to a user per operation for various reasons. As noted before, it is permitted to specify this, along with other driver-specific options, in some alternative way.
Q: Where is write concern?
Write concern is about indicating how writes are acknowledged. Since all operations defined in this specification are performed on a collection, it's uncommon that two different write operations on the same collection would use a different write concern, potentially causing mismatched and out-of-sync data. As such, the most natural place to indicate write concern is on the client, the database, or the collection itself and not the operations within it. See the Read/Write Concern specification for the API of constructing a read/write concern and associated API.
However, it might be that a driver needs to expose write concern to a user per operation for various reasons. As noted before, it is permitted to specify this, along with other driver-specific options, in some alternative way.
Q: How do I throttle unacknowledged writes now that write concern is no longer defined on a per operation basis?
Some users used to throttle unacknowledged writes by using an acknowledged write concern every X number of operations. Going forward, the proper way to handle this is by using the bulk write API.
Q: What is the logic for adding "One" or "Many" into the method and model names?
If the maximum number of documents affected can only be one, we added "One" into the name. This makes it explicit that the maximum number of documents that could be affected is one vs. infinite.
In addition, the current API exposed by all our drivers has the default value for "one" or "many" set differently for update and delete. This generally causes some issues for new developers and is a minor annoyance for existing developers. The safest way to combat this without introducing discrepancies between drivers/driver versions or breaking backwards compatibility was to use multiple methods, each signifying the number of documents that could be affected.
Q: What considerations have been taken for the eventual merging of query and the aggregation framework?
In the future, it is probable that a new query engine (QE) will look very much like the aggregation framework. Given
this assumption, we know that both find
and aggregate
will be renderable in QE, each maintaining their ordering
guarantees for full backwards compatibility.
Hence, the only real concern is how to initiate a query using QE. While find
is preferable, it would be a backwards
breaking change. It might be decided that find
is what should be used, and all drivers will release major revisions
with this backwards breaking change. Alternatively, it might be decided that another initiator would be used.
Q: Didn't we just build a bulk API?
Yes, most drivers did just build out a bulk API (fluent-bulk-api). While unfortunate, we felt it better to have the bulk api be consistent with the rest of the methods in the CRUD family of operations. However, the fluent-bulk-api is still able to be used as this change is non-backwards breaking. Any driver which implemented the fluent bulk API should deprecate it and drivers that have not built it should not do so.
Q: Should drivers offer explain helpers?
Originally, it was determined that explain should not be exposed via
specialized APIs in drivers because it it was deemed to be an unusual use-case for a driver. We'd like users to use the
shell for this purpose. However, explain is still possible from a driver. Some drivers have historically provided
explain helpers and continue to do so. Drivers that do not offer explain helpers can run explain commands using the
runCommand API.
Q: What about explain?
Explain has been determined to be not a normal use-case for a driver. We'd like users to use the shell for this purpose. However, explain is still possible from a driver. For find, it can be passed as a modifier. Aggregate can be run using a runCommand method passing the explain option. In addition, server 3.0 offers an explain command that can be run using a runCommand method.
Q: Where did modifiers go in FindOptions?
MongoDB 3.2 introduced the find command. As opposed to using the general "modifiers" field any longer, each relevant option is listed explicitly. Some options, such as "tailable" or "singleBatch" are not listed as they are derived from other fields. Upgrading a driver should be a simple procedure of deprecating the "modifiers" field and introducing the new fields. When a collision occurs, the explicitly specified field should override the value in "modifiers".
Q: Where is save
Drivers have historically provided a save
method, which was syntactic sugar for upserting or inserting a document
based on whether it contained an identifier, respectively. While the save
method may be convenient for interactive
environments, such as the shell, it was intentionally excluded from the CRUD specification for language drivers for
several reasons. The save
method promotes a design pattern of "fetch, modify, replace" and invites race conditions in
application logic. Additionally, the split nature of save
makes it difficult to discern at a glance if application
code will perform an insert or potentially dangerous full-document replacement. Instead of relying on save
application code should know whether document already has an identifier and explicitly call insertOne
or replaceOne
with the upsert
Q: Where is useCursor
in AggregateOptions?
Inline aggregation results are no longer supported in server 3.5.2+. The
aggregate command must be provided either the
document or the explain
boolean. AggregateOptions does not define an explain
option. If a driver does
support an explain
option, the cursor
document should be omitted if explain
is true
. Otherwise a cursor
document must be added to the aggregate
command. Regardless, useCursor
is no longer needed. Removing useCursor
a backwards breaking change, so drivers should first deprecate this option in a minor release, and remove it in a major
Q: Where is singleBatch
in FindOptions?
Drivers have historically allowed users to request a single batch of results (after which the cursor is closed) by
specifying a negative value for the limit
option. For servers < 3.2, a single batch may be requested by specifying a
negative value in the numberToReturn
wire protocol field. For servers >= 3.2, the find
command defines limit
as a
non-negative integer option but introduces a singleBatch
boolean option. Rather than introduce a singleBatch
to FindOptions, the spec preserves the existing API for limit
and instructs drivers to convert negative values
accordingly for servers >= 3.2.
Q: Why are client-side errors raised for some unsupported options?
Server versions before 3.4 were inconsistent about reporting errors for unrecognized command options and may simply ignore them, which means a client-side error is the only way to inform users that such options are unsupported. For unacknowledged writes using OP_MSG, a client-side error is necessary because the server has no chance to return a response (even though a 3.6+ server is otherwise capable of reporting errors for unrecognized options). For unacknowledged writes using legacy opcodes (i.e. OP_INSERT, OP_UPDATE, and OP_DELETE), the message body has no field with which to express these options so a client-side error is the only mechanism to inform the user that such options are unsupported. The spec does not explicitly refer to unacknowledged writes using OP_QUERY primarily because a response document is always returned and drivers generally would not consider using OP_QUERY precisely for that reason.
Q: Why does reverting to using count
instead of aggregate
with $collStats
for estimatedDocumentCount not require a
major version bump in the drivers, even though it might break users of the Stable API?
for a library to include a breaking change in a minor or patch version if the change is required to fix another
accidental breaking change introduced in a prior version and is not expected to further break a large number of users.
Given that the original switch to $collStats
was a breaking change due to it not working on views, the number of users
using estimatedDocumentCount with apiStrict: true
is small, and the server is back-porting the addition of count
the Stable API, it was decided that this change was acceptable to make in minor version releases of the drivers per the
aforementioned allowance in the SemVer spec.
2024-11-13: Define
operation as optional, and add guidance onlimit
operations. -
2024-11-04: Always send a value for
if it was specified. -
2024-11-01: Add hint to DistinctOptions
2024-10-30: Document query limitations in
. -
2024-10-28: Clarified that generated identifiers should be prepended to documents.
2024-10-01: Add sort option to
. -
2024-09-12: Specify that explain helpers support maxTimeMS.
2024-02-20: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-04-21: Revert to using the
command forestimatedDocumentCount
2022-02-18: Add let to BulkWriteOptions.
2022-02-10: Specified that
command must explicitly send inherited comment. -
2022-02-01: Add comment attribute to all helpers.
2022-01-27: Use optional return types for write commands and findAndModify
2022-01-19: Deprecate the maxTimeMS option and require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout spec.
2022-01-14: Add let to ReplaceOptions
2021-11-10: Revise rules for applying read preference for aggregations with $out and $merge. Add let to FindOptions, UpdateOptions, DeleteOptions, FindOneAndDeleteOptions, FindOneAndReplaceOptions, FindOneAndUpdateOptions
2021-09-28: Support aggregations with $out and $merge on 5.0+ secondaries
2021-08-31: Allow unacknowledged hints on write operations if supported by server (reverts previous change).
2021-06-02: Introduce WriteError.details and clarify WriteError construction
2021-06-01: Add let to AggregateOptions
2021-01-21: Update estimatedDocumentCount to use $collStats stage for servers >= 4.9
2020-04-17: Specify that the driver must raise an error for unacknowledged hints on any write operation, regardless of server version.
2020-03-19: Clarify that unacknowledged update, findAndModify, and delete operations with a hint option should raise an error on older server versions.
2020-03-06: Added hint option for DeleteOne, DeleteMany, and FindOneAndDelete operations.
2020-01-24: Added hint option for findAndModify update/replace operations.
2020-01-17: Add allowDiskUse to FindOptions.
2020-01-14: Deprecate oplogReplay option for find command
2020-01-10: Clarify client-side error reporting for unsupported options
2020-01-10: Error if hint specified for unacknowledged update using OP_UPDATE or OP_MSG for servers < 4.2
2019-10-28: Removed link to old language examples.
2019-09-26: Added hint option for update commands.
2019-06-07: Consistent treatment for aggregate $merge and $out stages
2019-05-01: Specify a document or pipeline for commands with updates in server 4.2+.
2019-02-20: Mark the request field of BulkWriteError as NOT REQUIRED
2018-11-30: Specify maxAwaitTimeMS in AggregateOptions
2018-11-15: Aggregate commands with an $out stage should not specify batchSize
2018-10-25: Note how results are backed for aggregate, distinct, and find operations
2018-07-25: Added upsertedCount to UpdateResult.
2018-06-07: Deprecated the count helper. Added the estimatedDocumentCount and countDocuments helpers.
2018-03-05: Deprecate snapshot option
2018-03-01: Deprecate maxScan query option.
2018-02-06: Note that batchSize in FindOptions and AggregateOptions should also apply to getMore.
2018-01-26: Only send bypassDocumentValidation option if it's true, don't send false.
2017-10-23: Allow BulkWriteException to provide an intermediary write result.
2017-10-17: Document negative limit for FindOptions.
2017-10-09: Bumped minimum server version to 2.6 and removed references to older versions in spec and tests.
2017-10-09: Prohibit empty insertMany() and bulkWrite() operations.
2017-10-09: Split UpdateOptions and ReplaceOptions. Since replaceOne() previously used UpdateOptions, this may have BC implications for drivers using option classes.
2017-10-05: Removed useCursor option from AggregateOptions.
2017-09-26: Added hint option to AggregateOptions.
2017-09-25: Added comment option to AggregateOptions.
2017-08-31: Added arrayFilters to bulk write update models.
2017-06-29: Remove requirement of using OP_KILL_CURSOR to kill cursors.
2017-06-27: Added arrayFilters to UpdateOptions and FindOneAndUpdateOptions.
2017-06-26: Added FAQ entry for omission of save method.
2017-05-12: Removed extra "collation" option added to several bulk write models.
2017-01-09: Removed modifiers from FindOptions and added in all options.
2017-01-09: Changed the value type of FindOptions.skip and FindOptions.limit to Int64 with a note related to calculating batchSize for opcode writes.
2017-01-09: Reworded description of how default values are handled and when to send certain options.
2016-09-23: Included collation option in the bulk write models.
2016-08-05: Added in collation option.
2015-11-05: Typos in comments about bypassDocumentValidation
2015-10-16: Added maxAwaitTimeMS to FindOptions.
2015-10-01: Moved bypassDocumentValidation into BulkWriteOptions and removed it from the individual write models.
2015-09-16: Added bypassDocumentValidation.
2015-09-16: Added readConcern notes.
2015-06-17: Added limit/batchSize calculation logic.
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 1.8
As of MongoDB server version 3.4 (maxWireVersion 5), a collation option is supported by the query system for matching and sorting on language strings in a locale-aware fashion.
A driver MUST support a Collation option for each of the relevant operations in server versions >= 3.4 (maxWireVersion 5) and MUST throw an error if a user supplies a Collation option for the operation and the selected server has maxWireVersion < 5 or if the user is using opcode-based unacknowledged writes.
The CRUD and Index Management specs include the collation option in descriptions of API elements where it is supported. This document provides more details on the specific driver behavior required to handle the collation option.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Design Rationale
Collation is not a setting on a driver Client, Collection, or Database object
MongoDB supports a server-side collation default on a collection. It is problematic to add a default Collation option on a driver’s Collection or Database object, because automatic collection and index creation would bypass any driver object's Collation setting. Additionally, this would have a number of performance implications in the context of bulk writes: any bulk write on a Collection object having a default Collation would require iterating through each operation and adding a Collation document.
After the initial release of server version 3.4, many users will want to apply Collations to all operations on an existing collection. Such users will have to supply the Collation option to each operation explicitly; however, eventually the majority of users wishing to use Collations on all operations on a collection will create a collection with a server-side default. We chose to favor user verbosity right now over abstracting the feature for short-term gains.
Drivers throw an error if a user supplies Collation and the selected server does not support the feature
Server versions earlier than 3.4 don't always throw an error if an unknown option is supplied to certain operations. Because a Collation defines how documents are matched and sorted for both read and write operations, behavior differences between server versions are significant. Drivers therefore MUST throw an error if a user specifies a Collation and the selected server has a maxWireVersion < 5 or if using opcode-based unacknowledged writes.
Collation Document Model
For naming and deviation guidance, see the CRUD specification. Defined below are the
constructs for drivers. Note that the only required field is locale
, but the driver should let the server validate the
presence of this field.
class Collation {
* The locale.
locale: String
* The case level.
caseLevel: Optional<Boolean>
* The case ordering.
caseFirst: Optional<String>
* The number of comparison levels to use.
strength: Optional<Integer>
* Whether to order numbers based on numerical order and not collation order.
numericOrdering: Optional<Boolean>
* Whether spaces and punctuation are considered base characters.
alternate: Optional<String>
* Which characters are affected by alternate: "shifted".
maxVariable: Optional<String>
* If true, normalizes text into Unicode NFD.
normalization: Optional<Boolean>
* Causes secondary differences to be considered in reverse order, as it is done in the French language.
backwards: Optional<Boolean>
Unknown Options
For forward compatibility, a driver MUST NOT raise an error when a user provides unknown options or values. The driver MUST NOT validate collation document types; the driver relies on the server to validate values and other contents of the collation document.
Generic Command Method
If a driver offers a generic RunCommand
method on the database
object, the driver MUST NOT validate whether the
provided command document contains a "collation" subdocument, and MUST NOT check the server's wire version before
sending the command including the "collation" subdocument.
The driver helpers that must support a collation option include the create collection helper, any CRUD API components relying on the MongoDB query system (including updates and deletes) and some index management helpers. The CRUD-related commands that take a collation option are:
- aggregate
- count
- distinct
- find (command only)
- findAndModify
- geoNear
- group
- mapReduce
- delete (command only)
- update (command only)
The collation option is sent to the server in the form of a BSON Document. See the CRUD specification for details on supporting the option in the CRUD API.
Driver helpers manipulating or using indexes MUST support a collation option. These include creating, deleting, and hinting an index. See the Index Management specification for details.
Require maxWireVersion 5
Drivers MUST require the server's maxWireVersion >= 5 to support Collations. When a collation is explicitly specified for a server with maxWireVersion < 5, the driver MUST raise an error.
Opcode-based Unacknowledged Writes
The driver MUST NOT allow collation with opcodes, because the server doesn't support it. If a driver uses opcode-based writes when the write concern is unacknowledged, the driver MUST raise an error if a collation is explicitly set.
Setting a default collation on a collection
Drivers MUST allow the create command to accept a parameter called "collation". For example,
create: "myCollection",
collation: {locale: "en_US"}
BulkWrite API
If maxWireVersion < 5, the driver MUST inspect each BulkWrite operation model for a collation and MUST raise an error and MUST NOT send any operations to the server if a collation is explicitly specified on an operation. For example, the user will provide BulkWrite operation models as in the following example:
{insertOne: { ... }},
{updateOne: { filter: { name: "PING" },
update: { $set: { name: "pong" }},
collation: { locale: "en_US", strength: 2 }}},
{updateMany: {..., collation: {...}}},
{replaceOne: {..., collation: {...}}},
{deleteOne: {..., collation: {...}}},
{deleteMany: {..., collation: {...}}}
The driver must inspect each operation for a Collation if maxWireVersion is < 5 and fail the entire bulkWrite if a collation was explicitly specified. In the example above, that means even the insertOne (without Collation) MUST NOT be sent.
Test Plan
There is no specific test plan for driver Collation support; however drivers should test each affected CRUD, Index Management API, and collection creation/modification component to ensure that Collation is a supported option.
In addition, drivers should test that two indexes can be created with identical key patterns and different collations. A custom name must be provided for one of them. Then, the test should ensure that the correct index is dropped when delete_one is called with an index name.
Drivers should also test that errors are raised in each place Collation can be provided to a API method and the selected server has maxWireVersion < 5.
Backwards Compatibility
There should be no backwards compatibility concerns.
Reference Implementation
Reference Implementation:
Q & A
Q: Insert doesn’t take a collation?
A: No, only queries take collation. A collation is a per operation value, it does not affect how the data is stored.
Q: Delete and Update take a collation?
A: Yes, delete and update operations use the query system to match against a provided delete/update filter. Providing a
collation when deleting a document matching ObjectID()
doesn’t change anything, but matching a string value would.
Q: How do I create a collection with default collation? Does it affect my existing collection creation helper?
A: A collection with a default collation can be created using the create helper and by providing a collation option.
- 2024-02-15: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
- 2017-05-15: Minor markup fixes in API section.
- 2016-08-31: Initial version.
Write Commands Specification
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 2.6
- Method to do writes (insert/update/delete) that declares the write concern up front
- Support for batch operations
- As efficient as possible
- getLastError is disallowed after anything except old style write ops
- We're not specifying nor building any generic mechanism for feature discovery here
- We're not specifying nor building any generic way to be backwards compatible
Requests Format
We use a very similar request format for all insert, update, and delete commands, described below. A request contains parameters on how to apply the batch items and, of course, the batch items themselves.
Generic Fields
<write op>
: mandatory, with a string type, where<write op>
can beinsert
, ordelete
and the content string is a valid collection name against which the write should be directed. The<write op>
must be the first key in the document. For example:
db.runCommand{ { update: "users", ...
: optional, with a valid write concern BSONObj type, which contains the journaling, replication, and/or time out parameters that will be used at the end of the batch application. The default write concern for a mongod server can be set as a replica set configuration option, or if there is no replica set default the fallback is{ w: 1 }
. For example:
..., writeConcern: { w: 2 }, ...
Note that the write concern will be issued at the end of the batch application.
We also support the "unusual" write concern: { w : 0 }
, which means the user is uninterested in the result of the
write at this time. In this protocol, there is no provision to ignore the response packet. The protocol, however, sends
a very condensed response when it sees that write concern (e.g. omits everything but the ok
: optional, with a boolean type. If true, applies the batch's items in the same order the items appear, ie. sequentially. Ifordered
is false, the server applies the batch items in no particular order -- possibly, in parallel. The default value is true, sequential. For example:
..., ordered: false, ...
: RESERVED FOR MONGOS USE, future use. -
: NOT YET USED, RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE. Optional, with a boolean type. If false, allows the batch to continue processing even if some elements in the batch have errors. If true, the batch will stop on first error(s) it detects (write concern will not be applied). Defaults to true for ordered batches, and false for unordered batches.
Batch Items Format
We describe the array of batch items to be applied according to which type of write operation we'd like to perform.
- For inserts,
array: mandatory, with an array of objects type. Objects must be valid for insertion. For example:
{ insert: "coll",
documents: [ <obj>, <obj>, ... ],
- For updates, an
array: mandatory, with an array of update objects type. Update objects must contain the query expressionq
, an update expressionu
fields, and, optionally, a booleanmulti
if several documents may be changed, and a booleanupsert
if updates can become inserts. Both optional fields default to false. For example:
{ update: "coll",
updates: [
{ q : <query>, u : <update>, multi : <multi>, upsert : <upsert> },
- for deletes a
array: mandatory, with an array of delete object type. For example:
{ delete: "coll",
deletes : [
{ q : <query>, limit : <num> },
Note that, to avoid accidentally deleting more documents than intended, we force the limit
field to be present all the
time. When all documents that satisfy q
should be deleted set limit
to zero, as opposed to being omitted.
Note: The only valid values for limit
is 1 and 0.
Request Size Limits
Supporting unlimited batch sizes poses two problems - the BSONObj internal size limit is 16 MiB + 16 KiB (for command overhead), and a small write operation may have a much larger response. In order to ensure a batch can be correctly processed, two limits must be respected.
Both of these limits can be found using hello():
: currently 16 MiB, this is the maximum size of writes (excluding command overhead) that should be sent to the server. Documents to be inserted, query documents for updates and deletes, and update expression documents must be <= this size. Once these documents have been assembled into a write command the total size may exceedmaxBsonObjectSize
by a maximum of 16 KiB, allowing users to insert documents up tomaxBsonObjectSize
: this is the maximum number of inserts, updates, or deletes that can be included in a write batch. If more than this number of writes are included, the server cannot guarantee space in the response document to reply to the batch.
If the batch is too large in size or bytes, the command may fail.
Response Format
There are two types of responses to any command:
- a
command failure
, which indicates the command itself did not complete successfully. Example command failures include failure to authorize, failure to parse, operation aborted by user, and unexpected errors during execution (these should be very rare). - successful command execution, which for write commands may include write errors.
Command Failure Fields
All commands have the same format when they fail unexpectedly:
{ ok : 0, code : <error code>, errmsg : <human-readable string> }
When a batch write command fails this way, like other commands, no guarantees are made about the state of the writes which were sent. Particular error codes may indicate more about what occurred, but those codes are outside the scope of this spec.
General Response Fields
Again, like other commands, batch write commands return { ok : 1, ... }
when they complete successfully. Importantly,
successful execution of a batch write command may include reporting of unsuccessful writes (write errors) and write
concern application (write concern error).
The main body of a successful response is below:
: Mandatory field, (double)"1" if operation was executed. Does not mean successfully. For example, duplicate key error will still set ok = 1
: Mandatory field, with a positive numeric type or zero. This field contains the aggregated number of documents successfully affected by the entire write command. This includes the number of documents inserted, upserted, updated, and deleted. We do not report on the individual number of documents affected by each batch item. If the application would wish so, then the application should issue one-item batches.
: Optional field, an array of write errors. For every batch write that had an error, there is one BSON error document in the array describing the error. (See the Error Document section.)
: Optional field, which may contain a BSON error document indicating an error occurred while applying the write concern (or an error indicating that the write concern was not applied). (See the Error Document section.)
Situational Fields
We use the fields above for all responses, regardless of the request type. But some request types require additional response information, as described below.
: Optional field, with a positive numeric type or zero. Zero is the default value. This field is only and always present for batch updates.nModified
is the physical number of documents affected by an update, whilen
is the logical number of documents matched by the update's query. For example, if we have 100 documents like :
{ bizName: "McD", employees: ["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"] }
and we are adding a single new employee using $addToSet
for each business document, n
is useful to ensure all
businesses have been updated, and nModified
is useful to know which businesses actually added a new employee.
: Optional field, with an array type. If any upserts occurred in the batch, the array contains a BSON document listing theindex
of the newly upserted document in the database.
: MONGOD ONLY. Optional field, with a timestamp type, indicating the latest opTime on the server after all documents were processed.electionId
: MONGOD ONLY. Optional ObjectId field representing the last primary election Id.
Error Document
For a write error or a write concern error, the following fields will appear in the error document:
: Mandatory field with integer format. Contains a numeric code corresponding to a certain type of error.
: Optional field, with a BSONObj format. This field contains structured information about an error that can be processed programmatically. For example, if a request returns with a shard version error, we may report the proper shard version as a sub-field here. For another example, if a write concern timeout occurred, the information previously reported onwtimeout
would be reported here. The format of this field depends on the code above.
: Mandatory field, containing a human-readable version of the error.
: WRITE ERROR ONLY. The index of the erroneous batch item relative to request batch order. Batch items indexes start with 0.
Successful case
Note that ok: 1
by itself does not mean that an insert, update, or delete was executed successfully, just that the
batch was processed successfully. ok: 1
merely means "all operations executed". n
reports how many items from that
batch were affected by the operation.
{ insert: "coll", documents: [ {a: 1} ] }
{ "ok" : 1, "n" : 1 }
{ insert: "coll", documents: [ {a: 1}, {b: 2}, {c: 3}, {d: 4} ] }
{ "ok" : 1, "n" : 4 }
{ delete: "coll", deletes: [ { q: {b: 2}, limit: 1} ] }
{ "ok" : 1, "n" : 1 }
delete: "coll",
q: {a: 1},
limit: 0
q: {c: 3},
limit: 1
{ "ok" : 1, "n" : 3 }
update: "coll",
q: { d: 4 },
u: { $set: {d: 5} }
{ "ok" : 1, "nModified" : 1, "n" : 1 }
Checking if command failed
To check if a write command failed:
if (ok == 0) {
// The command itself failed (authentication failed.., syntax error)
} else if (writeErrors is array) {
// Couldn't write the data (duplicate key.., out of disk space..)
} else if (writeConcernError is object) {
// Operation took to long on secondary, hit wtimeout ...,
Command failure to parse or authenticate
{ update: "coll",
updates: [
{ q: {a:1}, x: {$set: {b: 2} } },
{ q: {a:2}, u: {$set: {c: 2} } }
{ ok: 0,
code: <number>,
errmsg: "Failed to parse batched update request, missing update expression 'u' field"
{ ok: 0,
code: <number>,
errmsg: "Not authorized to perform update"
Note that no information is given about command execution - if this was performed against a mongos, for example, the batch may or may not have been partially applied - there is no programmatic way to determine this.
Write concern failure
{ insert: "coll", documents: [ {a: 1}, {a:2} ], writeConcern: {w: 3, wtimeout: 100} }
{ ok: 1,
n: 2,
writeConcernError: {
code : <number>,
errInfo: { wtimeout : true },
errmsg: "Could not replicate operation within requested timeout"
Mixed failures
db.coll.ensureIndex( {a:1}, {unique: true} )
{ insert: "coll",
documents: [
{ a: 1 },
{ a: 1 },
{ a: 2 }
ordered: false,
writeConcern: { w: 3, wtimeout: 100 }
{ ok: 1,
n: 2,
writeErrors: [
{ index: 1,
code: <number>,
errmsg: "Attempt to insert duplicate key when unique index is present"
writeConcernError: {
code: <number>,
errInfo : { wtimeout : true },
errmsg: "Could not replicate operation within requested timeout"
Note that the field n
in the response came back with 2, even though there are three items in the batch. This means
that there must be an entry in writeErrors
for the item that failed. Note also that the request turned off ordered
so the write concern error was hit when trying to replicate batch items 0 and 2.
Just to illustrate the support for {w:0}
, here's how the response would look, had the request asked for that write
{ ok: 1 }
Why are _id
values generated client-side by default for new documents?
Though drivers may expose configuration options to prevent this behavior, by default a new ObjectId
value will be
created client-side before an insert
This design decision primarily stems from the fact that MongoDB is a distributed database and the typical unique
auto-incrementing scalar value most RDBMS' use for generating a primary key would not be robust enough, necessitating
the need for a more robust data type (ObjectId
in this case). These _id
values can be generated either on the client
or the server, however when done client-side a new document's _id
value is immediately available for use without the
need for a network round trip.
Prior to MongoDB 3.6, an insert
operation would use the OP_INSERT
opcode of the wire protocol to send the operation,
and retrieve the results subsequently with a getLastError
command. If client-side _id
values were omitted, this
command response wouldn't contain the server-created _id
values for new documents. Following MongoDB 3.6 when all
commands would be issued using the OP_MSG
wire protocol opcode (insert
included), the response to the command still
wouldn't contain the _id
values for inserted documents.
Can a driver still use the OP_INSERT
The legacy opcodes were removed in MongoDB 6.0. As of MongoDB 3.6 these opcodes were superseded by OP_MSG, however all server versions up until 6.0 continued to support the legacy opcodes.
Can an application still issue requests with write concerns {w: 0}?
Yes. The drivers are still required to serve a {w:0} write concern by returning the control to the application as soon as possible. But a driver should send the request to the server via a write command and should, therefore, take the corresponding response off the wire -- even if the caller is not interested in that result.
What happens if a driver receives a write request against an old server?
It must convert that request into write operations + gle's and use the old op codes.
Are we discontinuing the use of getLastError?
Yes but as of 2.6 the existing getLastError behavior is supported for backward compatibility. Note also that
was removed in server version 5.1.
2024-11-11: Add note that getLastError has been removed from the server.
2024-07-31: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2024-06-04: Add FAQ entry outlining client-side
value generation Update FAQ to indicate legacy opcodes were removed -
2022-10-05: Revise spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-07-25: Remove outdated value for
2021-04-22: Updated to use hello command
2014-05-15: Removed text related to bulk operations; see the Bulk API spec for bulk details. Clarified some paragraphs; re-ordered the response field sections.
2014-05-14: First public version
Bulk API
Bulk Write
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 8.0
This specification defines the driver API for the bulkWrite
server command introduced in MongoDB 8.0. The API defined
in this specification allows users to perform insert, update, and delete operations against mixed namespaces in a
minimized number of round trips, and to receive detailed results for each operation performed. This API is distinct from
the collection-level bulkWrite method defined in the
CRUD specification.
[!NOTE] The
, andBulkWriteException
types defined in this specification are similar to those used for theMongoCollection.bulkWrite
method. Statically typed drivers MUST NOT reuse their existing definitions for these types for theMongoClient.bulkWrite
API and MUST introduce new types. If naming conflicts arise, drivers SHOULD prepend "Client" to the new type names (e.g.ClientBulkWriteOptions
interface MongoClient {
* Executes a list of mixed write operations.
* @throws BulkWriteException
bulkWrite(models: NamespaceWriteModelPair[], options: Optional<BulkWriteOptions>): BulkWriteResult;
Write Models
A WriteModel
defines a single write operation to be performed as part of a bulk write.
* Unifying interface for the various write model types. Drivers may also use an enum with
* variants for each write model for this type.
interface WriteModel {}
class InsertOneModel implements WriteModel {
* The document to insert.
document: Document;
class UpdateOneModel implements WriteModel {
* The filter to apply.
filter: Document;
* The update document or pipeline to apply to the selected document.
update: (Document | Document[]);
* A set of filters specifying to which array elements an update should apply.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value.
arrayFilters: Optional<Document[]>;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value.
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern. If
* specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value.
hint: Optional<Document | String>;
* When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value. The server's default
* value is false.
upsert: Optional<Boolean>;
* Specify which document the operation updates if the query matches multiple
* documents. The first document matched by the sort order will be updated.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value.
sort: Optional<Document>;
class UpdateManyModel implements WriteModel {
* The filter to apply.
filter: Document;
* The update document or pipeline to apply to the selected documents.
update: (Document | Document[]);
* A set of filters specifying to which array elements an update should apply.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value.
arrayFilters: Optional<Document[]>;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value.
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern. If
* specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value.
hint: Optional<Document | String>;
* When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value. The server's default
* value is false.
upsert: Optional<Boolean>;
class ReplaceOneModel implements WriteModel {
* The filter to apply.
filter: Document;
* The replacement document.
replacement: Document;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value.
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern. If
* specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value.
hint: Optional<Document | String>;
* When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value. The server's default
* value is false.
upsert: Optional<Boolean>;
* Specify which document the operation replaces if the query matches multiple
* documents. The first document matched by the sort order will be replaced.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value.
sort: Optional<Document>;
class DeleteOneModel implements WriteModel {
* The filter to apply.
filter: Document;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value.
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern. If
* specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value.
hint: Optional<Document | String>;
class DeleteManyModel implements WriteModel {
* The filter to apply.
filter: Document;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value.
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern. If
* specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value.
hint: Optional<Document | String>;
Each write model provided to MongoClient.bulkWrite
in the models
parameter MUST have a corresponding namespace that
defines the collection on which the operation should be performed. Drivers SHOULD design this pairing in whichever way
is most idiomatic for its language. For example, drivers may:
- Include a required
field on eachWriteModel
variant and accept a list ofWriteModel
objects for themodels
parameter. - Accept a list of
(Namespace, WriteModel)
tuples formodels
. - Define the following pair class:
class NamespaceWriteModelPair {
* The namespace on which to perform the write.
namespace: Namespace;
* The write to perform.
model: WriteModel;
Drivers MUST throw an exception if the list provided for models
is empty.
Update vs. replace document validation
Update documents provided in UpdateOne
and UpdateMany
write models are required only to contain atomic modifiers
(i.e. keys that start with $
). Drivers MUST throw an error if an update document is empty or if the document's first
key does not start with $
. Drivers MUST rely on the server to return an error if any other entries in the update
document are not atomic modifiers. Drivers are not required to perform validation on update pipelines.
Replacement documents provided in ReplaceOne
write models are required not to contain atomic modifiers. Drivers MUST
throw an error if a replacement document is nonempty and its first key starts with $
. Drivers MUST rely on the server
to return an error if any other entries in the replacement document are atomic modifiers.
class BulkWriteOptions {
* Whether the operations in this bulk write should be executed in the order in which they were
* specified. If false, writes will continue to be executed if an individual write fails. If
* true, writes will stop executing if an individual write fails.
* Defaults to true.
ordered: Optional<Boolean>;
* If true, allows the writes to opt out of document-level validation.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value. The server's default
* value is false.
bypassDocumentValidation: Optional<Boolean>;
* A map of parameter names and values to apply to all operations within the bulk write. Value
* must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can
* then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value.
let: Optional<Document>;
* The write concern to use for this bulk write.
writeConcern: Optional<WriteConcern>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs.
* This option is only sent if the caller explicitly provides a value.
comment: Optional<BSON value>;
* Whether detailed results for each successful operation should be included in the returned
* BulkWriteResult.
* Defaults to false. This value corresponds inversely to the errorsOnly field in the bulkWrite
* command.
verboseResults: Optional<Boolean>;
class BulkWriteResult {
* Indicates whether this write result was acknowledged.
* NOT REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT. See below for guidance on modeling unacknowledged results.
acknowledged: Boolean;
* Indicates whether this result contains verbose results.
* NOT REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT. See below for guidance on modeling verbose results.
hasVerboseResults: Boolean;
* The total number of documents inserted across all insert operations.
insertedCount: Int64;
* The total number of documents upserted across all update operations.
upsertedCount: Int64;
* The total number of documents matched across all update operations.
matchedCount: Int64;
* The total number of documents modified across all update operations.
modifiedCount: Int64;
* The total number of documents deleted across all delete operations.
deletedCount: Int64;
* The results of each individual insert operation that was successfully performed.
* NOT REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT. See below for guidance on modeling verbose results.
insertResults: Map<Index, InsertOneResult>;
* The results of each individual update operation that was successfully performed.
* NOT REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT. See below for guidance on modeling verbose results.
updateResults: Map<Index, UpdateResult>;
* The results of each individual delete operation that was successfully performed.
* NOT REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT. See below for guidance on modeling verbose results.
deleteResults: Map<Index, DeleteResult>;
class InsertOneResult {
* The _id of the inserted document.
insertedId: Any;
class UpdateResult {
* The number of documents that matched the filter.
matchedCount: Int64;
* The number of documents that were modified.
modifiedCount: Int64;
* The _id field of the upserted document if an upsert occurred.
* It MUST be possible to discern between a BSON Null upserted ID value and this field being
* unset. If necessary, drivers MAY add a didUpsert boolean field to differentiate between
* these two cases.
upsertedId: Optional<BSON value>;
class DeleteResult {
* The number of documents that were deleted.
deletedCount: Int64;
Unacknowledged results
Users MUST be able to discern whether a BulkWriteResult
contains acknowledged results without inspecting the
configured write concern. Drivers should follow the guidance in the CRUD specification
here to determine how to model unacknowledged results.
If drivers expose the acknowledged
field, they MUST document what will happen if a user attempts to access a result
value when acknowledged
is false
(e.g. an undefined value is returned or an error is thrown).
Summary vs. verbose results
When a user does not set the verboseResults
option to true
, drivers MUST NOT populate the insertResults
, and deleteResults
fields. Users MUST be able to discern whether a BulkWriteResult
contains these
verbose results without inspecting the value provided for verboseResults
in BulkWriteOptions
. Drivers can implement
this in a number of ways, including:
- Expose the
field inBulkWriteResult
as defined above. Document what will happen if a user attempts to access theinsertResults
, ordeleteResults
values whenhasVerboseResults
is false. Drivers MAY raise an error if a user attempts to access one of these values whenhasVerboseResults
is false. - Embed the verbose results in an optional type:
class BulkWriteResult {
* The results of each individual write operation that was successfully performed.
* This value will only be populated if the verboseResults option was set to true.
verboseResults: Optional<VerboseResults>;
/* rest of fields */
class VerboseResults {
* The results of each individual insert operation that was successfully performed.
insertResults: Map<Index, InsertOneResult>;
* The results of each individual update operation that was successfully performed.
updateResults: Map<Index, UpdateResult>;
* The results of each individual delete operation that was successfully performed.
deleteResults: Map<Index, DeleteResult>;
- Define separate
MUST only contain the summary result fields, andVerboseBulkWriteResult
MUST contain both the summary and verbose result fields. ReturnVerboseBulkWriteResult
was set to true andSummaryBulkWriteResult
Individual results
The InsertOneResult
, UpdateResult
, and DeleteResult
classes are the same as or similar to types of the same name
defined in the CRUD specification. Drivers MUST redefine these classes if their existing result classes
deviate from the definitions in this specification (e.g. if they contain acknowledgement information, which is not
applicable for individual bulk write operations). Drivers MAY reuse their existing types for these classes if they match
the ones defined here exactly.
class BulkWriteException {
* A top-level error that occurred when attempting to communicate with the server or execute
* the bulk write. This value may not be populated if the exception was thrown due to errors
* occurring on individual writes.
error: Optional<Error>;
* Write concern errors that occurred while executing the bulk write. This list may have
* multiple items if more than one server command was required to execute the bulk write.
writeConcernErrors: WriteConcernError[];
* Errors that occurred during the execution of individual write operations. This map will
* contain at most one entry if the bulk write was ordered.
writeErrors: Map<Index, WriteError>;
* The results of any successful operations that were performed before the error was
* encountered.
partialResult: Optional<BulkWriteResult>;
Index Types
The insertResults
, updateResults
, and deleteResults
maps in BulkWriteResult
and the writeErrors
map in
specify Index
as their key type. This value corresponds to the index of the operation in the
list that was provided to MongoClient.bulkWrite
. Drivers SHOULD use their language's standard numeric
type for indexes for this type (e.g. usize
in Rust). If no standard index type exists, drivers MUST use Int64
Building a bulkWrite
The bulkWrite
server command has the following format:
"bulkWrite": 1,
"ops": <Array>,
"nsInfo": <Array>,
"errorsOnly": Optional<Boolean>,
"ordered": Optional<Boolean>,
"bypassDocumentValidation": Optional<Boolean>,
"comment": Optional<BSON value>,
"let": Optional<Document>,
...additional operation-agnostic fields
Drivers MUST use document sequences (OP_MSG
payload type 1) for the ops
and nsInfo
The bulkWrite
command is executed on the "admin" database.
The ops
field is a list of write operation documents. The first entry in each document has the name of the operation
(i.e. "insert", "update", or "delete") as its key and the index in the nsInfo
array of the namespace on which the
operation should be performed as its value. The documents have the following format:
"insert": <Int32>,
"document": <Document>
If the document to be inserted does not contain an _id
field, drivers MUST generate a new
and add it as the _id
field at the beginning of the document.
"update": <Int32>,
"filter": <Document>,
"updateMods": <Document | Array>,
"multi": Optional<Boolean>,
"upsert": Optional<Boolean>,
"arrayFilters": Optional<Array>,
"hint": Optional<Document | String>,
"collation": Optional<Document>
The update
command document is used for update and replace operations. For update operations, the updateMods
corresponds to the update
field in UpdateOneModel
and UpdateManyModel
. For replace operations, the updateMods
field corresponds to the replacement
field in ReplaceOneModel
"delete": <Int32>,
"filter": <Document>,
"multi": Optional<Boolean>,
"hint": Optional<Document | String>,
"collation": Optional<Document>
Namespace Information
The nsInfo
field is an array containing the namespaces on which the write operations should be performed. Drivers MUST
NOT include duplicate namespaces in this list. The documents in the nsInfo
array have the following format:
"ns": <String>
and verboseResults
The errorsOnly
field indicates whether the results cursor returned in the bulkWrite
response should contain only
errors and omit individual results. If false, both individual results for successful operations and errors will be
returned. This field is optional and defaults to false on the server.
corresponds inversely to the verboseResults
option defined on BulkWriteOptions
. If the user specified a
value for verboseResults
, drivers MUST define errorsOnly
as the opposite of verboseResults
. If the user did not
specify a value for verboseResults
, drivers MUST define errorsOnly
as true
Drivers MUST return a client-side error if verboseResults
is true with an unacknowledged write concern containing the
following message:
Cannot request unacknowledged write concern and verbose results
The ordered
field defines whether writes should be executed in the order in which they were specified, and, if an
error occurs, whether the server should halt execution of further writes. It is optional and defaults to true on the
server. Drivers MUST explicitly define ordered
as true
in the bulkWrite
command if a value is not specified in
. This is required to avoid inconsistencies between server and driver behavior if the server default
changes in the future.
Drivers MUST return a client-side error if ordered
is true (including when default is applied) with an unacknowledged
write concern containing the following message:
Cannot request unacknowledged write concern and ordered writes
If MongoClient.bulkWrite
is called on a MongoClient
configured with AutoEncryptionOpts
, drivers MUST return an
error with the message: "bulkWrite does not currently support automatic encryption".
This is expected to be removed once DRIVERS-2888 is implemented.
Command Batching
Drivers MUST accept an arbitrary number of operations as input to the MongoClient.bulkWrite
method. Because the server
imposes restrictions on the size of write operations, this means that a single call to MongoClient.bulkWrite
require multiple bulkWrite
commands to be sent to the server. Drivers MUST split bulk writes into separate commands
when the user's list of operations exceeds one or more of these maximums: maxWriteBatchSize
, maxBsonObjectSize
payload type 0), and maxMessageSizeBytes
(for OP_MSG
payload type 1). Each of these values can be retrieved
from the selected server's hello
command response. Drivers MUST merge results from multiple batches into a single
or BulkWriteException
to return from MongoClient.bulkWrite
When constructing the nsInfo
array for a bulkWrite
batch, drivers MUST only include the namespaces that are
referenced in the ops
array for that batch.
Number of Writes
defines the total number of writes allowed in one command. Drivers MUST split a bulk write into
multiple commands if the user provides more than maxWriteBatchSize
operations in the argument for models
Total Message Size
Drivers MUST ensure that the total size of the OP_MSG
built for each bulkWrite
command does not exceed
The upper bound for the size of an OP_MSG
includes opcode-related bytes (e.g. the OP_MSG
header) and
operation-agnostic command field bytes (e.g. txnNumber
, lsid
). Drivers MUST limit the combined size of the
command document (excluding command-agnostic fields), ops
document sequence, and nsInfo
sequence to maxMessageSizeBytes - 1000
to account for this overhead. The following pseudocode demonstrates how to
apply this limit in batch-splitting logic:
bulkWriteCommand = Document { "bulkWrite": 1 }
maxOpsNsInfoBytes = maxMessageSizeBytes - (MESSAGE_OVERHEAD_BYTES + bulkWriteCommand.numBytes())
while (writeModels.hasNext()) {
ops = DocumentSequence {}
nsInfo = DocumentSequence {}
while (true) {
if (!writeModels.hasNext()) {
model =
modelDoc = writeModel.toOpsDoc()
bytesAdded = modelDoc.numBytes()
nsInfoDoc = null
if (!nsInfo.contains(model.namespace)) {
nsInfoDoc = model.namespace.toNsInfoDoc()
bytesAdded += nsInfoDoc.numBytes()
newSize = ops.numBytes() + nsInfo.numBytes() + bytesAdded
if (newSize > maxOpsNsInfoBytes) {
} else {
if (nsInfoDoc != null) {
// construct and send OP_MSG
See this Q&A entry for more details on how the overhead allowance was determined.
Drivers MUST return an error if there is not room to add at least one operation to ops
Handling the bulkWrite
Server Response
The server's response to bulkWrite
has the following format:
"ok": <0 | 1>,
"cursor": {
"id": <Int64>,
"firstBatch": <Array>,
"ns": <String>
"nErrors": <Int32>,
"nInserted": <Int32>,
"nUpserted": <Int32>,
"nMatched": <Int32>,
"nModified": <Int32>,
"nDeleted": <Int32>,
...additional command-agnostic fields
Drivers MUST record the summary count fields in a BulkWriteResult
to be returned to the user or embedded in a
if the response indicates that at least one write was successful:
- For ordered bulk writes, at least one write was successful if
is 0 or if theidx
value for the write error returned in the results cursor is greater than 0. - For unordered bulk writes, at least one write was successful if
is less than the number of operations that were included in thebulkWrite
Drivers MUST NOT populate the partialResult
field in BulkWriteException
if it cannot be determined that at least one
write was successfully performed.
Drivers MUST attempt to consume the contents of the cursor returned in the server's bulkWrite
response before
returning to the user. This is required regardless of whether the user requested verbose or summary results, as the
results cursor always contains any write errors that occurred. If the cursor contains a nonzero cursor ID, drivers MUST
perform getMore
until the cursor has been exhausted. Drivers MUST use the same session used for the bulkWrite
command for each getMore
call. When connected to a load balancer, drivers MUST use the connection used for the
command to create the cursor to ensure the same server is targeted.
The documents in the results cursor have the following format:
"ok": <0 | 1>,
"idx": Int32,
"code": Optional<Int32>,
"errmsg": Optional<String>,
"errInfo": Optional<Document>,
"n": <Int32>,
"nModified": Optional<Int32>,
"upserted": Optional<Document with "_id" field>
If an error occurred (i.e. the value for ok
is 0), the code
, errmsg
, and optionally errInfo
fields will be
populated with details about the failure.
If the write succeeded, (i.e. the value for ok
is 1), n
, nModified
, and upsertedId
will be populated with the
following values based on the type of write:
Response Field | Insert | Update | Delete |
n | The number of documents that were inserted. | The number of documents that matched the filter. | The number of documents that were deleted. |
nModified | Not present. | The number of documents that were modified. | Not present. |
upserted | Not present. | A document containing the _id value for the upserted document. Only present if an upsert took place. | Not present. |
Note that the responses do not contain information about the type of operation that was performed. Drivers may need to
maintain the user's list of write models to infer which type of result should be recorded based on the value of idx
Handling Insert Results
Unlike the other result types, InsertOneResult
contains an insertedId
field that is generated driver-side, either by
recording the _id
field present in the user's insert document or creating and adding one. Drivers MUST only record
these insertedId
values in a BulkWriteResult
when a successful response for the insert operation (i.e.
{ "ok": 1, "n": 1 }
) is received in the results cursor. This ensures that drivers only report an insertedId
when it
is confirmed that the insert succeeded.
Handling Errors
Top-Level Errors
A top-level error is any error that occurs that is not the result of a single write operation failing or a write concern
error. Examples include network errors that occur when communicating with the server, command errors ({ "ok": 0 }
returned from the server, client-side errors, and errors that occur when attempting to perform a getMore
to retrieve
results from the server.
When a top-level error is caused by a command error (i.e. an { "ok": 0 }
server response), drivers MUST provide access
to the raw server reply in the error returned to the user.
When a top-level error is encountered and individual results and/or errors have already been observed, drivers MUST
embed the top-level error within a BulkWriteException
as the error
field to retain this information. Otherwise,
drivers MAY throw an exception containing only the top-level error.
Encountering a top-level error MUST halt execution of a bulk write for both ordered and unordered bulk writes. This
means that drivers MUST NOT attempt to retrieve more responses from the cursor or execute any further bulkWrite
batches and MUST immediately throw an exception. If the results cursor has not been exhausted on the server when a
top-level error occurs, drivers MUST send the killCursors
command to attempt to close it. The result returned from the
command MAY be ignored.
Write Concern Errors
Write concern errors are recorded in the writeConcernErrors
field on BulkWriteException
. When a write concern error
is encountered, it should not terminate execution of the bulk write for either ordered or unordered bulk writes.
However, drivers MUST throw an exception at the end of execution if any write concern errors were observed.
Individual Write Errors
Individual write errors retrieved from the cursor are recorded in the writeErrors
field on BulkWriteException
. If an
individual write error is encountered during an ordered bulk write, drivers MUST record the error in writeErrors
immediately throw the exception. Otherwise, drivers MUST continue to iterate the results cursor and execute any further
Test Plan
The majority of tests for MongoClient.bulkWrite
are written in the
Unified Test Format and reside in the CRUD unified tests directory.
Additional prose tests are specified here. These tests require constructing very large documents to test batch splitting, which is not feasible in the unified test format at the time of writing this specification.
Future Work
Retry bulkWrite
when getMore
fails with a retryable error
When a getMore
fails with a retryable error when attempting to iterate the results cursor, drivers could retry the
entire bulkWrite
command to receive a fresh cursor and retry iteration. This work was omitted to minimize the scope of
the initial implementation and testing of the new bulk write API, but may be revisited in the future.
Is bulkWrite
supported on Atlas Serverless?
No. See CLOUDP-256344
Why are we adding a new bulk write API rather than updating the MongoCollection.bulkWrite
The new bulkWrite
command is only available in MongoDB 8.0+, so it cannot function as a drop-in replacement for the
existing bulk write implementation that uses the insert
, update
, and delete
commands. Additionally, because the
new bulkWrite
command allows operations against multiple collections and databases, MongoClient
is a more
appropriate place to expose its functionality.
Why can't drivers reuse existing bulk write types?
This specification introduces several types that are similar to existing types used in the MongoCollection.bulkWrite
API. Although these types are similar now, they may diverge in the future with the introduction of new options and
features to the bulkWrite
command. Introducing new types also provides more clarity to users on the existing
differences between the collection-level and client-level bulk write APIs. For example, the verboseResults
option is
only available for MongoClient.bulkWrite
Why are bulk write operation results returned in a cursor?
Returning results via a cursor rather than an array in the bulkWrite
response allows full individual results and
errors to be returned without the risk of the response exceeding the maximum BSON object size. Using a cursor also
leaves open the opportunity to add findAndModify
to the list of supported write operations in the future.
Why was the verboseResults
option introduced, and why is its default false
The bulkWrite
command returns top-level summary result counts and, optionally, individual results for each operation.
Compiling the individual results server-side and consuming these results driver-side is less performant than only
recording the summary counts. We expect that most users are not interested in the individual results of their operations
and that most users will rely on defaults, so verboseResults
defaults to false
to improve performance in the common
Why is providing access to the raw server response when a command error occurs required?
This allows users to access new error fields that the server may add in the future without needing to upgrade their driver version. See DRIVERS-2385 for more details.
Why are drivers required to send nsInfo
as a document sequence?
could exceed maxBsonObjectSize
if a user is doing maxWriteBatchSize
operations, each operation is on a
unique namespace, and each namespace is near the
maximum length
allowed for namespaces given the values for these limits at the time of writing this specification. Providing nsInfo
as a document sequence reduces the likelihood that a driver would need to batch split a user's bulk write in this
How was the OP_MSG
overhead allowance determined?
The Command Batching Total Message Size section uses a 1000 byte overhead allowance to
approximate the number of non-bulkWrite
-specific bytes contained in an OP_MSG
sent for a bulkWrite
batch. This
number was determined by constructing OP_MSG
messages with various fields attached to the command, including
, autocommit
, and apiVersion
. Additional room was allocated to allow for future additions to the
structure or the introduction of new command-agnostic fields.
Drivers are required to use this value even if they are capable of determining the exact size of the message prior to batch-splitting to standardize implementations across drivers and simplify batch-splitting testing.
Why is there no requirement to validate the size of a BSON document?
Following "Where possible, depend on server to return errors", drivers should rely on the server to return errors about exceeded size limits. Such reliance is not possible for unacknowledged writes. This specification previously required drivers to check size limits for unacknowledged writes. The requirement has since been removed. Checking size limits complicates some driver implementations. Returning a driver error in this specific situation does not seem helpful enough to require size checks.
2024-11-05: Updated the requirements regarding the size validation.
2024-10-07: Error if
is used withordered=true
. -
2024-10-01: Add sort option to
. -
2024-09-30: Define more options for modeling summary vs. verbose results.
2024-09-25: Add
field toupdate
document and clarify usage ofupdateMods
. -
2024-09-25: Update the
population logic to account for ordered bulk writes. -
2024-09-18: Relax numeric type requirements for indexes.
2024-05-17: Update specification status to "Accepted".
2024-05-10: Improve rendered format for JSON-like code blocks.
2024-05-08: Bulk write specification created.
Read and Write Concern
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 2.4
A driver must support configuring and sending read concern and write concerns to a server. This specification defines the API drivers must implement as well as how that API is translated into messages for communication with the server.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
MaxWireVersion The maxWireVersion
value reported by the hello
Server Selection The process of selecting a server to read or write from. See the server selection specification.
This specification includes guidance for implementing Read Concern and Write Concern in a driver. It does not define how read and write concern behave or are implemented on the server.
Read Concern
For naming and deviation guidance, see the CRUD specification. Defined below are the constructs for drivers.
enum ReadConcernLevel {
* This is rendered as "local" (lower-case) on the wire.
* This is rendered as "majority" (lower-case) on the wire.
* This is rendered as "linearizable" (lower-case) on the wire.
* This is rendered as "available" (lower-case) on the wire.
* This is rendered as "snapshot" (lower-case) on the wire.
class ReadConcern {
* The level of the read concern.
level: Optional<ReadConcernLevel | String>
The read concern option is available for the following operations:
command where theout
option is{ inline: 1 }
Starting in MongoDB 4.2, an aggregate
command with a write stage (e.g. $out
, $merge
) supports a readConcern
however, it does not support the "linearizable" level (attempting to do so will result in a server error).
Server versions before 4.2 do not support a readConcern
at all for aggregate
commands with a write stage.
The mapReduce
command where the out
option is anything other than { inline: 1 }
does not support a readConcern
Unknown Levels and Additional Options for String Based ReadConcerns
For forward compatibility, a driver MUST NOT raise an error when a user provides an unknown level
or additional
options. The driver relies on the server to validate levels and other contents of the read concern.
Server's Default Read Concern
When a ReadConcern
is created but no values are specified, it should be considered the server's default ReadConcern
readconcern>: { }
is not the same as readconcern>: { level="local"}
. The former is the server's default
while the latter is the user explicitly specifying a ReadConcern
with a level
of "local".
Snapshot Read Concern
When a ReadConcern
is used, atClusterTime
may be specified to indicate the desired point in time
for reading. find
, aggregate
and distinct
operations executed with ReadConcern
but without
will return atClusterTime
timestamp in the server response. The obtained atClusterTime
timestamp can
be used for subsequent read operations. ReadConcern
with clusterTime
is supported in find
and distinct
On the Wire
Read Commands
Read commands that support ReadConcern
take a named parameter spelled (case-sensitively) readConcern
. See command
documentation for further examples.
If the Client
, Database
, or Collection
being operated on either has no ReadConcern
set, or has the server
default ReadConcern
- readconcern>: { }
- If the
specified for the command is the server defaultreadConcern: { }
, the driver MUST omit it when sending the command. - If the
specified for the command is anyReadConcern
besides the server default, including an explicitly specifiedReadConcern
ofreadConcern: { level: "local" }
, the driver MUST include theReadConcern
when sending the command.
If the Client
, Database
, or Collection
being operated on has a non-default ReadConcern
specified, then the
driver MUST include the command's ReadConcern
when sending the command. This includes if the command specifies the
server default ReadConcern
, so that the command can override the Client
, Database
, or Collection
's ReadConcern
to use the server default instead.
Generic Command Method
If your driver offers a generic RunCommand
method on your database
object, ReadConcern
MUST NOT be applied
automatically to any command. A user wishing to use a ReadConcern
in a generic command must supply it manually.
errors from a server MUST NOT be handled by a driver. There is nothing a driver can do about them and any
such errors will get propagated to the user via normal error handling.
Location Specification
Via Code
SHOULD be specifiable at the Client
, Database
, and Collection
levels. Unless specified, the value
MUST be inherited from its parent and SHOULD NOT be modifiable on an existing Client
, Database
or Collection
. In
addition, a driver MAY allow it to be specified on a per-operation basis in accordance with the CRUD specification.
For example:
var client = new MongoClient({ readConcern: { level: "local" } });
// db1's readConcern level is "local".
var db1 = client.getDatabase("db1");
// col1's readConcern level is "local"
var col1 = db1.getCollection("col_name");
// db2's readConcern level is "majority".
var db2 = client.getDatabase("db_name", { readConcern: { level: "majority" } });
// col2's readConcern level is "majority"
var col2 = db2.getCollection("col_name");
// col3's readConcern level is the server's default read concern
var col3 = db2.getCollection("col_name", { readConcern: { } });
Via Connection String
- defines the level for the read concern.
For example:
- MaxWireVersion < 4 Only the server's default
is support by MaxWireVersion < 4. When using otherreadConcernLevels
with clients reportingMaxWireVersion
< 4, the driver MUST raise an error. This check MUST happen after server selection has occurred in the case of mixed version clusters. It is up to users to appropriately define aReadPreference
such that intermittent errors do not occur.
is only supported for commands.
Write Concern
When a driver sends a write concern document to the server, the structure of the write concern document MUST be as follows:
class WriteConcern {
* If true, wait for the the write operation to get committed to the
* journal. When unspecified, a driver MUST NOT send "j".
* @see
j: Optional<Boolean>,
* When an integer, specifies the number of nodes that should acknowledge
* the write and MUST be greater than or equal to 0.
* When a string, indicates tags. "majority" is defined, but users
* could specify other custom error modes.
* When not specified, a driver MUST NOT send "w".
w: Optional<Int32 | String>,
* If provided, and the write concern is not satisfied within the
* specified timeout (in milliseconds), the server will return an error
* for the operation. When unspecified, a driver SHOULD NOT send "wtimeout".
* The value, if provided, MUST be greater than or equal to 0.
* @see
wtimeout: Optional<Int64>
When a driver provides a way for the application to specify the write concern, the following data structure SHOULD be used. For acceptable naming and deviation guidance, see the CRUD specification.
class WriteConcern {
* Corresponds to the "j" field in the WriteConcern document sent to
* the server.
journal: Optional<Boolean>,
* Corresponds to the "w" field in the WriteConcern document sent to
* the server.
w: Optional<Int32 | String>,
* Corresponds to the "wtimeout" field in the WriteConcern document sent to
* the server.
* NOTE: This option is deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
wtimeoutMS: Optional<Int64>
FSync SHOULD be considered deprecated. Those drivers supporting the deprecated fsync
option SHOULD treat fsync
identically to journal
in terms of consistency with w
and whether a WriteConcern
that specifies fsync
acknowledged or unacknowledged.
MUST be considered deprecated in favor of
Server's Default WriteConcern
When a WriteConcern
is created but no values are specified, it should be considered the server's default
The server has a settings field called getLastErrorDefaults
which allows a user to customize the default behavior of a
. Because of this, writeConcern: { }
is not the same as - writeconcern: {w: 1}
. Sending {w:1}
overrides that default. As another example, writeConcern: { }
is not the same as writeConcern: {journal: false}
Inconsistent WriteConcern
Drivers MUST raise an error when an inconsistent WriteConcern
is specified. The following is an exhaustive list of
inconsistent WriteConcerns
writeConcern = { w: 0, journal: true };
Unacknowledged WriteConcern
An Unacknowledged WriteConcern
is when (w
equals 0) AND (journal
is not set or is false
These criteria indicates that the user does not care about errors from the server.
writeConcern = { w: 0 }; // Unacknowledged
writeConcern = { w: 0, journal: false }; // Unacknowledged
writeConcern = { w: 0, wtimeoutMS: 100 }; // Unacknowledged
On the Wire
Write Commands
The insert
, delete
, and update
commands take a named parameter, writeConcern
. See the command documentation for
further examples.
When a user has not specified a WriteConcern
or has specified the server's default WriteConcern
, drivers MUST omit
the writeConcern
parameter from the command.
All other WriteConcerns
, including the Unacknowledged WriteConcern
, MUST be sent with the writeConcern
[!NOTE] Drivers MAY use
when anUnacknowledged WriteConcern
is used.
Generic Command Method
If your driver offers a generic RunCommand
method on your database
object, WriteConcern
MUST NOT be applied
automatically to any command. A user wishing to use a WriteConcern
in a generic command must manually include it in
the command document passed to the method.
The generic command method MUST NOT check the user's command document for a WriteConcern
nor check whether the server
is new enough to support a write concern for the command. The method simply sends the user's command to the server
Find And Modify
The findAndModify
command takes a named parameter, writeConcern
. See command documentation for further examples.
If writeConcern is specified for the Collection, writeConcern
MUST be omitted when sending findAndModify
MaxWireVersion < 4.
If the findAndModify helper accepts writeConcern as a parameter, the driver MUST raise an error with MaxWireVersion < 4.
[!NOTE] Driver documentation SHOULD include a warning in their server 3.2 compatible releases that an elevated
may cause performance degradation when usingfindAndModify
. This is becausefindAndModify
will now be honoring a potentially high latency setting where it did not before.
Other commands that write
Command helper methods for commands that write, other than those discussed above, MAY accept a write concern or write concern options in their parameter list. If the helper accepts a write concern, the driver MUST error if the selected server's MaxWireVersion < 5 and a write concern has explicitly been specified.
Helper methods that apply the write concern inherited from the Collection or Database, SHOULD check whether the selected server's MaxWireVersion >= 5 and if so, include the inherited write concern in the command on the wire. If the selected server's MaxWireVersion < 5, these methods SHOULD silently omit the write concern from the command on the wire.
These commands that write are:
with write stage (e.g.$out
where theout
option is not{ inline: 1 }
In general, server errors associated with WriteConcern
return successful ("ok": 1
) responses with a
field indicating the issue. For example,
rs0:PRIMARY> db.runCommand({insert: "foo", documents: [{x:1}], writeConcern: { w: "blah"}})
n: 1,
opTime: {
ts: Timestamp(1583026145, 1),
t: NumberLong(5)
electionId: ObjectId("7fffffff0000000000000005"),
ok: 1,
writeConcernError: {
code: 79,
codeName: "UnknownReplWriteConcern",
errmsg: "No write concern mode named 'blah' found in replica set configuration",
errInfo: {
writeConcern: {
w: "blah",
wtimeout: 0,
provenance: "clientSupplied"
$clusterTime: {
clusterTime: Timestamp(1583026145, 1),
signature: {
keyId: NumberLong(0)
operationTime: Timestamp(1583026145, 1)
Drivers SHOULD parse server replies for a "writeConcernError" field and report the error only in the command-specific helper methods for commands that write, from the list above. For example, helper methods for "findAndModify" or "aggregate" SHOULD parse the server reply for "writeConcernError".
Drivers SHOULD report writeConcernErrors however they report other server errors: by raising an exception, returning
"false", or another idiom that is consistent with other server errors. Drivers SHOULD report writeConcernErrors with a
defined in the CRUD specification.
Drivers SHOULD NOT parse server replies for "writeConcernError" in generic command methods.
(Reporting of writeConcernErrors is more complex for bulk operations, see the Bulk API Spec.)
writeConcernError Examples
The set of possible writeConcernErrors is quite large because they can include errors caused by shutdown, stepdown, interruption, maxTimeMS, and wtimeout. This section attempts to list all known error codes that may appear within a writeConcernError but may not be exhaustive. Note that some errors have been abbreviated:
{ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 91, codeName: "ShutdownInProgress"}}
{ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 189, codeName: "PrimarySteppedDown"}}
{ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 11600, codeName: "InterruptedAtShutdown"}}
{ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 11601, codeName: "Interrupted"}}
{ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 11602, codeName: "InterruptedDueToReplStateChange"}}
{ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 64, codeName: "WriteConcernTimeout", errmsg: "waiting for replication timed out", errInfo: {wtimeout: True}}}
{ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 64, codeName: "WriteConcernTimeout", errmsg: "multiple errors reported : {...} at shardName1 :: and :: {...} at shardName2"}}
1{ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 50, codeName: "MaxTimeMSExpired"}}
{ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 100, codeName: "UnsatisfiableWriteConcern", errmsg: "Not enough data-bearing nodes"}}
{ok:1, writeConcernError: {code: 79, codeName: "UnknownReplWriteConcern"}}
Note also that it is possible for a writeConcernError to be attached to a command failure. For example:
{ok:0, code: 251, codeName: "NoSuchTransaction", writeConcernError: {code: 91, codeName: "ShutdownInProgress"}}
Location Specification
Via Code
SHOULD be specifiable at the Client
, Database
, and Collection
levels. Unless specified, the value
MUST be inherited from its parent and SHOULD NOT be modifiable on an existing Client
, Database
or Collection
. In
addition, a driver MAY allow it to be specified on a per-operation basis in accordance with the CRUD specification.
For example:
var client = new MongoClient({ writeConcern: { w: 2 } });
// db1's writeConcern is {w: 2}.
var db1 = client.getDatabase("db1");
// col1's writeConcern is {w: 2}.
var col1 = db1.getCollection("col_name");
// db2's writeConcern is {journal: true}.
var db2 = client.getDatabase("db_name", { writeConcern: { journal: true } });
// col2's writeConcern {journal: true}.
var col2 = db2.getCollection("col_name");
// col3's writeConcern is the server's default write concern.
var col3 = db2.getCollection("col_name", { writeConcern: { } });
// Override col3's writeConcern.
col3.drop({ writeConcern: { w: 3 } });
Via Connection String
- corresponds tow
in the class definition.journal
- corresponds tojournal
in the class definition.wtimeoutMS
- corresponds towtimeoutMS
in the class definition.
For example:
Backwards Compatibility
There should be no backwards compatibility concerns. This specification merely deals with how to specify read and write concerns.
Test Plan
Yaml tests are located here
Below are English descriptions of other items that should be tested:
- Commands supporting a read concern MUST raise an error when MaxWireVersion is less than 4 and a non-default, non-local read concern is specified.
- Commands supporting a read concern MUST NOT send the default read concern to the server.
- Commands supporting a read concern MUST send any non-default read concern to the server.
- Commands supporting a write concern MUST NOT send the default write concern to the server.
- Commands supporting a write concern MUST send any non-default write concern to the server in the command.
Reference Implementation
These are currently under construction.
Q & A
Q: Why is specifying a non-default ReadConcern
for servers < 3.2 an error while a non-default write concern gets
ignored in findAndModify
? findAndModify
is an existing command and since WriteConcern
may be defined globally,
anyone using findAndModify
in their applications with a non-default WriteConcern
defined globally would have all
their findAndModify
operations fail.
Q: Why does a driver send { readConcern: { level: "local" } }
to the server when that is the server's default? First,
to mirror how WriteConcern
already works, ReadConcern() does not equal ReadConcern(level=local)
in the same way that
WriteConcern() does not equal WriteConcern(w=1)
. This is true for WriteConcern
because the server's default could be
set differently. While this setting does not currently exist for ReadConcern
, it is a possible eventuality and it
costs a driver nothing to be prepared for it. Second, it makes sense that if a user doesn't specify a ReadConcern
, we
don't send one and if a user does specify a ReadConcern
, we do send one. If the user specifies level="local", for
instance, we send it.
2025-02-25: Rename WriteConcernFailed to WriteConcernTimeout
2015-10-16: ReadConcern of local is no longer allowed to be used when talking with MaxWireVersion < 4.
2016-05-20: Added note about helpers for commands that write accepting a writeConcern parameter.
2016-06-17: Added "linearizable" to ReadConcern levels.
2016-07-15: Command-specific helper methods for commands that write SHOULD check the server's MaxWireVersion and decide whether to send writeConcern. Advise drivers to parse server replies for writeConcernError and raise an exception if found, only in command-specific helper methods that take a writeConcern parameter, not in generic command methods. Don't mention obscure commands with no helpers.
2016-08-06: Further clarify that command-specific helper methods for commands that write take write concern options in their parameter lists, and relax from SHOULD to MAY.
2017-03-13: reIndex silently ignores writeConcern in MongoDB 3.4 and returns an error if writeConcern is included with MongoDB 3.5+. See SERVER-27891.
2017-11-17: Added list of commands that support readConcern
2017-12-18: Added "available" to Readconcern level.
2017-05-29: Added user management commands to list of commands that write
2019-01-29: Added section listing all known examples of writeConcernError.
2019-06-07: Clarify language for aggregate and mapReduce commands that write.
2019-10-31: Explicitly define write concern option mappings.
2020-02-13: Inconsistent write concern must be considered an error.
2021-04-07: Updated to use hello command.
2021-06-15: Added "snapshot" to Readconcern level
2021-07-12: Add missing commas after ReadConcernLevel enum values
2022-01-19: Deprecate wTimeoutMS in favor of timeoutMS.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2024-08-23: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2024-10-30: Remove reference to getLastError
This is only possible in a sharded cluster. When a write is routed to multiple shards and more than one shard returns a writeConcernError, then mongos will construct a new writeConcernError with the "WriteConcernTimeout" error code and an errmsg field contains the stringified writeConcernError from each shard. Note that each shard may return a different writeConcernError.
Change Streams
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.6
As of version 3.6 of the MongoDB server a new $changeStream
pipeline stage is supported in the aggregation framework.
Specifying this stage first in an aggregation pipeline allows users to request that notifications are sent for all
changes to a particular collection. This specification defines the means for creating change streams in drivers, as well
as behavior during failure scenarios.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Resumable Error
An error is considered resumable if it meets any of the criteria listed below. For any criteria with wire version
constraints, the driver MUST use the wire version of the connection used to do the initial aggregate
or the getMore
that resulted in the error. Drivers MUST NOT check the wire version of the server after the command has been executed
when checking these constraints.
Any error encountered which is not a server error (e.g. a timeout error or network error)
A server error with code 43 (
) -
For servers with wire version 9 or higher (server version 4.4 or higher), any server error with the
error label. -
For servers with wire version less than 9, a server error with one of the following codes:
Error Name Error Code HostUnreachable 6 HostNotFound 7 NetworkTimeout 89 ShutdownInProgress 91 PrimarySteppedDown 189 ExceededTimeLimit 262 SocketException 9001 NotWritablePrimary 10107 InterruptedAtShutdown 11600 InterruptedDueToReplStateChange 11602 NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk 13435 NotPrimaryOrSecondary 13436 StaleShardVersion 63 StaleEpoch 150 StaleConfig 13388 RetryChangeStream 234 FailedToSatisfyReadPreference 133
An error on an aggregate command is not a resumable error. Only errors on a getMore command may be considered resumable errors.
For naming and deviation guidance, see the CRUD specification.
Server Specification
Response Format
NOTE: The examples in this section are provided for illustrative purposes, and are subject to change without warning. Drivers that provide a static type to represent ChangeStreamDocument MAY include additional fields in their API.
If an aggregate command with a $changeStream
stage completes successfully, the response contains documents with the
following structure:
class ChangeStreamDocument {
* The id functions as an opaque token for use when resuming an interrupted
* change stream.
_id: Document;
* Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification.
* @note: Whether a change is reported as an event of the operation type
* `update` or `replace` is a server implementation detail.
* @note: The server will add new `operationType` values in the future and drivers
* MUST NOT err when they encounter a new `operationType`. Unknown `operationType`
* values may be represented by "unknown" or the literal string value.
operationType: "insert"
| "update"
| "replace"
| "delete"
| "invalidate"
| "drop"
| "dropDatabase"
| "rename"
| "createIndexes"
| "dropIndexes"
| "modify"
| "create"
| "shardCollection"
| "refineCollectionShardKey"
| "reshardCollection";
* Contains two fields: "db" and "coll" containing the database and
* collection name in which the change happened.
* @note: Drivers MUST NOT err when extra fields are encountered in the `ns` document
* as the server may add new fields in the future such as `viewOn`.
ns: Document;
* Only present for ops of type 'create'.
* Only present when the `showExpandedEvents` change stream option is enabled.
* The type of the newly created object.
* @since 8.1.0
nsType: Optional<"collection" | "timeseries" | "view">;
* Only present for ops of type 'rename'.
* The namespace, in the same format as `ns`, that a collection has been renamed to.
to: Optional<Document>;
* Only present for ops of type 'rename', 'create', 'modify', 'createIndexes', 'dropIndexes', 'shardCollection', 'reshardCollection', 'refineCollectionShardKey'.
* Only present when the `showExpandedEvents` change stream option is enabled.
* A description of the operation.
* @since 6.0.0
operationDescription: Optional<Document>
* Only present for ops of type 'insert', 'update', 'replace', and
* 'delete'.
* For unsharded collections this contains a single field, _id, with the
* value of the _id of the document updated. For sharded collections,
* this will contain all the components of the shard key in order,
* followed by the _id if the _id isn't part of the shard key.
documentKey: Optional<Document>;
* Only present for ops of type 'update'.
updateDescription: Optional<UpdateDescription>;
* Always present for operations of type 'insert' and 'replace'. Also
* present for operations of type 'update' if the user has specified
* 'updateLookup' for the 'fullDocument' option when creating the change
* stream.
* For operations of type 'insert' and 'replace', this key will contain the
* document being inserted or the new version of the document that is
* replacing the existing document, respectively.
* For operations of type 'update', this key will contain a copy of the full
* version of the document from some point after the update occurred. If the
* document was deleted since the updated happened, it will be null.
* Contains the point-in-time post-image of the modified document if the
* post-image is available and either 'required' or 'whenAvailable' was
* specified for the 'fullDocument' option when creating the change stream.
* A post-image is always available for 'insert' and 'replace' events.
fullDocument: Document | null;
* Contains the pre-image of the modified or deleted document if the
* pre-image is available for the change event and either 'required' or
* 'whenAvailable' was specified for the 'fullDocumentBeforeChange' option
* when creating the change stream. If 'whenAvailable' was specified but the
* pre-image is unavailable, this will be explicitly set to null.
fullDocumentBeforeChange: Document | null;
* The wall time from the mongod that the change event originated from.
* Populated for server versions 6.0 and above.
wallTime: Optional<DateTime>;
* The `ui` field from the oplog entry corresponding to the change event.
* Only present when the `showExpandedEvents` change stream option is enabled and for the following events
* - 'insert'
* - 'update'
* - 'delete'
* - 'createIndexes'
* - 'dropIndexes'
* - 'modify'
* - 'drop'
* - 'create'
* - 'shardCollection'
* - 'reshardCollection'
* - 'refineCollectionShardKey'
* This field is a value of binary subtype 4 (UUID).
* @since 6.0.0
collectionUUID: Optional<Binary>;
* The cluster time at which the change occurred.
clusterTime: Timestamp;
class UpdateDescription {
* A document containing key:value pairs of names of the fields that were
* changed (excluding the fields reported via `truncatedArrays`), and the new value for those fields.
* Despite array fields reported via `truncatedArrays` being excluded from this field,
* changes to fields of the elements of the array values may be reported via this field.
* Example:
* original field:
* "arrayField": ["foo", {"a": "bar"}, 1, 2, 3]
* updated field:
* "arrayField": ["foo", {"a": "bar", "b": 3}]
* a potential corresponding UpdateDescription:
* {
* "updatedFields": {
* "arrayField.1.b": 3
* },
* "removedFields": [],
* "truncatedArrays": [
* {
* "field": "arrayField",
* "newSize": 2
* }
* ]
* }
* Modifications to array elements are expressed via the dot notation (
* Example: an `update` which sets the element with index 0 in the array field named arrayField to 7 is reported as
* "updatedFields": {"arrayField.0": 7}
updatedFields: Document;
* An array of field names that were removed from the document.
removedFields: Array<String>;
* Truncations of arrays may be reported using one of the following methods:
* either via this field or via the 'updatedFields' field. In the latter case the entire array is considered to be replaced.
* The structure of documents in this field is
* {
* "field": <string>,
* "newSize": <int>
* }
* Example: an `update` which shrinks the array arrayField.0.nestedArrayField from size 8 to 5 may be reported as
* "truncatedArrays": [{"field": "arrayField.0.nestedArrayField", "newSize": 5}]
* @note The method used to report a truncation is a server implementation detail.
* @since 4.7.0
truncatedArrays: Array<Document>;
* A document containing a map that associates an update path to an array containing the path components used in the update document. This data
* can be used in combination with the other fields in an `UpdateDescription` to determine the actual path in the document that was updated. This is
* necessary in cases where a key contains dot-separated strings (i.e., `{ "a.b": "c" }`) or a document contains a numeric literal string key
* (i.e., `{ "a": { "0": "a" } }`. Note that in this scenario, the numeric key can't be the top level key, because `{ "0": "a" }` is not ambiguous -
* update paths would simply be `'0'` which is unambiguous because BSON documents cannot have arrays at the top level.).
* Each entry in the document maps an update path to an array which contains the actual path used when the document was updated.
* For example, given a document with the following shape `{ "a": { "0": 0 } }` and an update of `{ $inc: { "a.0": 1 } }`, `disambiguatedPaths` would
* look like the following:
* {
* "a.0": ["a", "0"]
* }
* In each array, all elements will be returned as strings with the exception of array indices, which will be returned as 32 bit integers.
* @since 6.1.0
disambiguatedPaths: Optional<Document>
The responses to a change stream aggregate or getMore have the following structures:
* Response to a successful aggregate.
ok: 1,
cursor: {
ns: String,
id: Int64,
firstBatch: Array<ChangeStreamDocument>,
* postBatchResumeToken is returned in MongoDB 4.0.7 and later.
postBatchResumeToken: Document
operationTime: Timestamp,
$clusterTime: Document,
* Response to a successful getMore.
ok: 1,
cursor: {
ns: String,
id: Int64,
nextBatch: Array<ChangeStreamDocument>
* postBatchResumeToken is returned in MongoDB 4.0.7 and later.
postBatchResumeToken: Document
operationTime: Timestamp,
$clusterTime: Document,
Driver API
interface ChangeStream extends Iterable<Document> {
* The cached resume token
private resumeToken: Document;
* The pipeline of stages to append to an initial ``$changeStream`` stage
private pipeline: Array<Document>;
* The options provided to the initial ``$changeStream`` stage
private options: ChangeStreamOptions;
* The read preference for the initial change stream aggregation, used
* for server selection during an automatic resume.
private readPreference: ReadPreference;
interface Collection {
* @returns a change stream on a specific collection.
watch(pipeline: Document[], options: Optional<ChangeStreamOptions>): ChangeStream;
interface Database {
* Allows a client to observe all changes in a database.
* Excludes system collections.
* @returns a change stream on all collections in a database
* @since 4.0
* @see
watch(pipeline: Document[], options: Optional<ChangeStreamOptions>): ChangeStream;
interface MongoClient {
* Allows a client to observe all changes in a cluster.
* Excludes system collections.
* Excludes the "config", "local", and "admin" databases.
* @since 4.0
* @returns a change stream on all collections in all databases in a cluster
* @see
watch(pipeline: Document[], options: Optional<ChangeStreamOptions>): ChangeStream;
class ChangeStreamOptions {
* Allowed values: 'default', 'updateLookup', 'whenAvailable', 'required'.
* The default is to not send a value, which is equivalent to 'default'. By
* default, the change notification for partial updates will include a delta
* describing the changes to the document.
* When set to 'updateLookup', the change notification for partial updates
* will include both a delta describing the changes to the document as well
* as a copy of the entire document that was changed from some time after
* the change occurred.
* When set to 'whenAvailable', configures the change stream to return the
* post-image of the modified document for replace and update change events
* if the post-image for this event is available.
* When set to 'required', the same behavior as 'whenAvailable' except that
* an error is raised if the post-image is not available.
* For forward compatibility, a driver MUST NOT raise an error when a user
* provides an unknown value. The driver relies on the server to validate
* this option.
* @note this is an option of the `$changeStream` pipeline stage.
fullDocument: Optional<String>;
* Allowed values: 'whenAvailable', 'required', 'off'.
* The default is to not send a value, which is equivalent to 'off'.
* When set to 'whenAvailable', configures the change stream to return the
* pre-image of the modified document for replace, update, and delete change
* events if it is available.
* When set to 'required', the same behavior as 'whenAvailable' except that
* an error is raised if the pre-image is not available.
* For forward compatibility, a driver MUST NOT raise an error when a user
* provides an unknown value. The driver relies on the server to validate
* this option.
* @note this is an option of the `$changeStream` pipeline stage.
fullDocumentBeforeChange: Optional<String>;
* Specifies the logical starting point for the new change stream.
* @note this is an option of the `$changeStream` pipeline stage.
resumeAfter: Optional<Document>;
* The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy
* a change stream query.
* This is the same field described in FindOptions in the CRUD spec.
* @see
* @note this option is an alias for `maxTimeMS`, used on `getMore` commands
* @note this option is not set on the `aggregate` command nor `$changeStream` pipeline stage
maxAwaitTimeMS: Optional<Int64>;
* The number of documents to return per batch.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The
* default is to not send a value.
* @see
* @note this is an aggregation command option
batchSize: Optional<Int32>;
* Specifies a collation.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The
* default is to not send a value.
* @see
* @note this is an aggregation command option
collation: Optional<Document>;
* The change stream will only provide changes that occurred at or after the
* specified timestamp. Any command run against the server will return
* an operation time that can be used here.
* @since 4.0
* @see
* @note this is an option of the `$changeStream` pipeline stage.
startAtOperationTime: Optional<Timestamp>;
* Similar to `resumeAfter`, this option takes a resume token and starts a
* new change stream returning the first notification after the token.
* This will allow users to watch collections that have been dropped and recreated
* or newly renamed collections without missing any notifications.
* The server will report an error if `startAfter` and `resumeAfter` are both specified.
* @since 4.1.1
* @see
* @note this is an option of the `$changeStream` pipeline stage.
startAfter: Optional<Document>;
* Enables users to specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through
* the database profiler, currentOp and logs. The default is to not send a value.
* The comment can be any valid BSON type for server versions 4.4 and above.
* Server versions prior to 4.4 only support string as comment,
* and providing a non-string type will result in a server-side error.
* If a comment is provided, drivers MUST attach this comment to all
* subsequent getMore commands run on the same cursor for server
* versions 4.4 and above. For server versions below 4.4 drivers MUST NOT
* attach a comment to getMore commands.
* @see
* @note this is an aggregation command option
comment: Optional<any>
* Enables the server to send the 'expanded' list of change stream events.
* The list of additional events included with this flag set are
* - createIndexes
* - dropIndexes
* - modify
* - create
* - shardCollection
* - reshardCollection
* - refineCollectionShardKey
* This flag is available in server versions greater than 6.0.0. `reshardCollection` and
* `refineCollectionShardKey` events are not available until server version 6.1.0.
* @note this is an option of the change stream pipeline stage
showExpandedEvents: Optional<Boolean>
NOTE: The set of ChangeStreamOptions
may grow over time.
Helper Method
The driver API consists of a ChangeStream
type, as well as three helper methods. All helpers MUST return a
instance. Implementers MUST document that helper methods are preferred to running a raw aggregation with
a $changeStream
stage, for the purpose of supporting resumability.
The helper methods must construct an aggregation command with a REQUIRED initial $changeStream
stage. A driver MUST
NOT throw a custom exception if multiple $changeStream
stages are present (e.g. if a user also passed $changeStream
in the pipeline supplied to the helper), as the server will return an error.
The helper methods MUST determine a read concern for the operation in accordance with the Read and Write Concern specification. The initial implementation of change streams on the server requires a 'majority' read concern or no read concern. Drivers MUST document this requirement. Drivers SHALL NOT throw an exception if any other read concern is specified, but instead should depend on the server to return an error.
The stage has the following shape:
{ $changeStream: ChangeStreamOptions }
The first parameter of the helpers specifies an array of aggregation pipeline stages which MUST be appended to the initial stage. Drivers MUST support an empty pipeline. Languages which support default parameters MAY specify an empty array as the default value for this parameter. Drivers SHOULD otherwise make specification of a pipeline as similar as possible to the aggregate CRUD method.
Additionally, implementers MAY provide a form of these methods which require no parameters, assuming no options and no
additional stages beyond the initial $changeStream
for change in
Presently change streams support only a subset of available aggregation stages:
A driver MUST NOT throw an exception if any unsupported stage is provided, but instead depend on the server to return an error.
A driver MUST NOT throw an exception if a user adds, removes, or modifies fields using $project
. The server will
produce an error if _id
is projected out, but a user should otherwise be able to modify the shape of the change stream
event as desired. This may require the result to be deserialized to a BsonDocument
or custom-defined type rather than
a ChangeStreamDocument
. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the deserialized type is compatible with
the specified $project
The aggregate helper methods MUST have no new logic related to the $changeStream
stage. Drivers MUST be capable of
handling TAILABLE_AWAIT cursors from the aggregate command in the same way they handle such
cursors from find.
Returns a ChangeStream
on a specific collection
Command syntax:
aggregate: 'collectionName'
pipeline: [{$changeStream: {...}}, ...],
- Since: 4.0
Returns a ChangeStream
on all collections in a database.
Command syntax:
aggregate: 1
pipeline: [{$changeStream: {...}}, ...],
Drivers MUST use the ns
returned in the aggregate
command to set the collection
option in subsequent getMore
- Since: 4.0
Returns a ChangeStream
on all collections in all databases in a cluster
Command syntax:
aggregate: 1
pipeline: [{$changeStream: {allChangesForCluster: true, ...}}, ...],
The helper MUST run the command against the admin
Drivers MUST use the ns
returned in the aggregate
command to set the collection
option in subsequent getMore
A ChangeStream
is an abstraction of a TAILABLE_AWAIT cursor, with support for resumability.
Implementers MAY choose to implement a ChangeStream
as an extension of an existing tailable cursor implementation. If
the ChangeStream
is implemented as a type which owns a tailable cursor, then the implementer MUST provide a manner of
closing the change stream, as well as satisfy the requirements of extending Iterable<Document>
. If your language has
an idiomatic way of disposing of resources you MAY choose to implement that in addition to, or instead of, an explicit
close method.
A change stream MUST track the last resume token, per Updating the Cached Resume Token.
Drivers MUST raise an error on the first document received without a resume token (e.g. the user has removed _id
a pipeline stage), and close the change stream. The error message SHOULD resemble "Cannot provide resume functionality
when the resume token is missing".
A change stream MUST attempt to resume a single time if it encounters any resumable error per Resumable Error. A change stream MUST NOT attempt to resume on any other type of error.
In addition to tracking a resume token, change streams MUST also track the read preference specified when the change stream was created. In the event of a resumable error, a change stream MUST perform server selection with the original read preference using the rules for server selection before attempting to resume.
Single Server Topologies
Presently, change streams cannot be initiated on single server topologies as they do not have an oplog. Drivers MUST NOT throw an exception in this scenario, but instead rely on an error returned from the server. This allows for the server to seamlessly introduce support for this in the future, without need to make changes in driver code.
- Since: 4.0
specifies that a change stream will only return changes that occurred at or after the specified
The server expects startAtOperationTime
as a BSON Timestamp. Drivers MUST allow users to specify a
option in the watch
helpers. They MUST allow users to specify this value as a raw Timestamp
, resumeAfter
, and startAfter
are all mutually exclusive; if any two are set, the server will
return an error. Drivers MUST NOT throw a custom error, and MUST defer to the server error.
The ChangeStream
MUST save the operationTime
from the initial aggregate
response when the following criteria are
- None of
were specified in theChangeStreamOptions
. - The max wire version is >=
. - The initial
response had no results. - The initial
response did not include apostBatchResumeToken
is used to resume a ChangeStream
that has been stopped to ensure that only changes starting with the log
entry immediately after the provided token will be returned. If the resume token specified does not exist, the server
will return an error.
Resume Process
Once a ChangeStream
has encountered a resumable error, it MUST attempt to resume one time. The process for resuming
MUST follow these steps:
- Perform server selection.
- Connect to selected server.
- If there is a cached
:- If the
was started withstartAfter
and has yet to return a result document:- The driver MUST set
to the cachedresumeToken
. - The driver MUST NOT set
. - The driver MUST NOT set
. IfstartAtOperationTime
was in the original aggregation command, the driver MUST remove it.
- The driver MUST set
- Else:
- The driver MUST set
to the cachedresumeToken
. - The driver MUST NOT set
. IfstartAfter
was in the original aggregation command, the driver MUST remove it. - The driver MUST NOT set
. IfstartAtOperationTime
was in the original aggregation command, the driver MUST remove it.
- The driver MUST set
- If the
- Else if there is no cached
and theChangeStream
has a saved operation time (either from an originally specifiedstartAtOperationTime
or saved from the original aggregation) and the max wire version is >=7
:- The driver MUST NOT set
. - The driver MUST NOT set
. - The driver MUST set
to the value of the originally usedstartAtOperationTime
or the one saved from the original aggregation.
- The driver MUST NOT set
- Else:
- The driver MUST NOT set
, orstartAtOperationTime
. - The driver MUST use the original aggregation command to resume.
- The driver MUST NOT set
When resumeAfter
is specified the ChangeStream
will return notifications starting with the oplog entry immediately
after the provided token.
If the server supports sessions, the resume attempt MUST use the same session as the previous attempt's command.
A driver MUST ensure that consecutive resume attempts can succeed, even in the absence of any changes received by the cursor between resume attempts.
A driver SHOULD attempt to kill the cursor on the server on which the cursor is opened during the resume process, and
MUST NOT attempt to kill the cursor on any other server. Any exceptions or errors that occur during the process of
killing the cursor should be suppressed, including both errors returned by the killCursor
command and exceptions
thrown by opening, writing to, or reading from the socket.
Exposing All Resume Tokens
- Since: 4.0.7
Users can inspect the _id on each ChangeDocument
to use as a resume token. But since MongoDB 4.0.7, aggregate and
getMore responses also include a postBatchResumeToken
. Drivers use one or the other when automatically resuming, as
described in Resume Process.
Drivers MUST expose a mechanism to retrieve the same resume token that would be used to automatically resume. It MUST be
possible to use this mechanism after iterating every document. It MUST be possible for users to use this mechanism
periodically even when no documents are getting returned (i.e. getMore
has returned empty batches). Drivers have two
options to implement this.
Option 1: ChangeStream::getResumeToken()
interface ChangeStream extends Iterable<Document> {
* Returns the cached resume token that will be used to resume
* after the most recently returned change.
public getResumeToken() Optional<Document>;
This MUST be implemented in synchronous drivers. This MAY be implemented in asynchronous drivers.
Option 2: Event Emitted for Resume Token
Allow users to set a callback to listen for new resume tokens. The exact interface is up to the driver, but it MUST meet the following criteria:
- The callback is set in the same manner as a callback used for receiving change documents.
- The callback accepts a resume token as an argument.
- The callback (or event) MAY include an optional ChangeDocument, which is unset when called with resume tokens sourced
A possible interface for this callback MAY look like:
interface ChangeStream extends Iterable<Document> {
* Returns a resume token that should be used to resume after the most
* recently returned change.
public onResumeTokenChanged(ResumeTokenCallback:(Document resumeToken) => void);
This MUST NOT be implemented in synchronous drivers. This MAY be implemented in asynchronous drivers.
Updating the Cached Resume Token
The following rules describe how to update the cached resumeToken
- When the
is started:- If
is set, cache it. - Else if
is set, cache it. - Else,
remains unset.
- If
- When
returns:- If an empty batch was returned and a
was included, cache it.
- If an empty batch was returned and a
- When returning a document to the user:
- If it's the last document in the batch and a
is included, cache it. - Else, cache the
of the document.
- If it's the last document in the batch and a
Not Blocking on Iteration
Synchronous drivers MUST provide a way to iterate a change stream without blocking until a change document is returned.
This MUST give the user an opportunity to get the most up-to-date resume token, even when the change stream continues to
receive empty batches in getMore responses. This allows users to call ChangeStream::getResumeToken()
after iterating
every document and periodically when no documents are getting returned.
Although the implementation of tailable awaitData cursors is not specified, this MAY be implemented with a tryNext
method on the change stream cursor.
All drivers MUST document how users can iterate a change stream and receive all resume token updates. Why do we allow access to the resume token to users shows an example. The documentation MUST state that users intending to store the resume token should use this method to get the most up to date resume token.
Drivers MUST apply timeouts to change stream establishment, iteration, and resume attempts per Client Side Operations Timeout: Change Streams.
Notes and Restrictions
1. fullDocument: updateLookup
can result in change documents larger than 16 MiB
There is a risk that if there is a large change to a large document, the full document and delta might result in a document larger than the 16 MiB limitation on BSON documents. If that happens the cursor will be closed, and a server error will be returned.
2. Users can remove the resume token with aggregation stages
It is possible for a user to specify the following stage:
{ $project: { _id: 0 } }
Similar removal of the resume token is possible with the $redact
and $replaceRoot
stages. While this is not
technically illegal, it makes it impossible for drivers to support resumability. Users may explicitly opt out of
resumability by issuing a raw aggregation with a $changeStream
Why Helper Methods?
Change streams are a first class concept similar to CRUD or aggregation; the fact that they are initiated via an aggregation pipeline stage is merely an implementation detail. By requiring drivers to support top-level helper methods for this feature we not only signal this intent, but also solve a number of other potential problems:
Disambiguation of the result type of this special-case aggregation pipeline (ChangeStream
), and an ability to control
the behaviors of the resultant cursor
More accurate support for the concept of a maximum time the user is willing to wait for subsequent queries to complete
on the resultant cursor (maxAwaitTimeMs
Finer control over the options pertaining specifically to this type of operation, without polluting the already
well-defined AggregateOptions
Flexibility for future potentially breaking changes for this feature on the server
Why are ChangeStreams required to retry once on a resumable error?
User experience is of the utmost importance. Errors not originating from the server are generally network errors, and network errors can be transient. Attempting to resume an interrupted change stream after the initial error allows for a seamless experience for the user, while subsequent network errors are likely to be an outage which can then be exposed to the user with greater confidence.
Why do we allow access to the resume token to users
Imagine a scenario in which a user wants to process each change to a collection at least once, but the application crashes during processing. In order to overcome this failure, a user might use the following approach:
localChange = getChangeFromLocalStorage()
resumeToken = getResumeTokenFromLocalStorage()
if localChange:
change_stream =[...], resumeAfter=resumeToken)
while True:
change = change_stream.try_next()
if change:
except Exception:
In this case the current change is always persisted locally, including the resume token, such that on restart the
application can still process the change while ensuring that the change stream continues from the right logical time in
the oplog. It is the application's responsibility to ensure that processChange
is idempotent, this design merely makes
a reasonable effort to process each change at least once.
Why is there no example of the desired user experience?
The specification used to include this overspecified example of the "desired user experience":
for change in
except Exception:
# We know for sure it's unrecoverable:
It was decided to remove this example from the specification for the following reasons:
- Tailable + awaitData cursors behave differently in existing supported drivers.
- There are considerations to be made for languages that do not permit interruptible I/O (such as Java), where a change stream which blocks forever in a separate thread would necessitate killing the thread.
- There is something to be said for an API that allows cooperation by default. The model in which a call to next only blocks until any response is returned (even an empty batch), allows for interruption and cooperation (e.g. interaction with other event loops).
Why is an allow list of error codes preferable to a deny list?
Change streams originally used a deny list of error codes to determine which errors were not resumable. However, this
allowed for the possibility of infinite resume loops if an error was not correctly deny listed. Due to the fact that all
errors aside from transient issues such as failovers are not resumable, the resume behavior was changed to use an allow
list. Part of this change was to introduce the ResumableChangeStreamError
label so the server can add new error codes
to the allow list without requiring changes to drivers.
Why is CursorNotFound
special-cased when determining resumability?
With the exception of CursorNotFound
, a server error on version 4.4 or higher is considered resumable if and only if
it contains the ResumableChangeStreamError
label. However, this label is only added by the server if the cursor being
created or iterated is a change stream. CursorNotFound
is returned when a getMore
is done with a cursor ID that the
server isn't aware of and therefore can't determine if the cursor is a change stream. Marking all CursorNotFound
errors resumable in the server regardless of cursor type could be confusing as a user could see the
label when iterating a non-change stream cursor. To workaround this, drivers always treat
this error as resumable despite it not having the proper error label.
Why do we need to send a default startAtOperationTime
when resuming a ChangeStream
allows a user to create a resumable change stream even when a result (and corresponding
resumeToken) is not available until a later point in time.
For example:
- A client creates a
, and callswatch
- The
sends out the initialaggregate
call, and receives a response with no initial values. Because there are no initial values, there is no latest resumeToken. - The client's network is partitioned from the server, causing the client's
to time out - Changes occur on the server.
- The network is unpartitioned
- The client attempts to resume the
In the above example, not sending startAtOperationTime
will result in the change stream missing the changes that
occurred while the server and client are partitioned. By sending startAtOperationTime
, the server will know to include
changes from that previous point in time.
Why do we need to expose the postBatchResumeToken?
Resume tokens refer to an oplog entry. The resume token from the _id
of a document corresponds the oplog entry of the
change. The postBatchResumeToken
represents the oplog entry the change stream has scanned up to on the server (not
necessarily a matching change). This can be a much more recent oplog entry, and should be used to resume when possible.
Attempting to resume with an old resume token may degrade server performance since the server needs to scan through more oplog entries. Worse, if the resume token is older than the last oplog entry stored on the server, then resuming is impossible.
Imagine the change stream matches a very small percentage of events. On a getMore
the server scans the oplog for the
duration of maxAwaitTimeMS
but finds no matching entries and returns an empty response (still containing a
). There may be a long sequence of empty responses. Then due to a network error, the change stream
tries resuming. If we tried resuming with the most recent _id
, this throws out the oplog scanning the server had done
for the long sequence of getMores with empty responses. But resuming with the last postBatchResumeToken
skips the
unnecessary scanning of unmatched oplog entries.
Test Plan
See tests/
Backwards Compatibility
There should be no backwards compatibility concerns.
Reference Implementations
- NODE (NODE-1055)
- RUBY (RUBY-1228)
2025-02-24: Make
to match other optional fields in the change stream spec. -
2025-01-29: Add
. -
2024-02-09: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2023-08-11: Update server versions for
test. -
2023-05-22: Add spec test for
. -
2022-10-20: Reformat changelog.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter.
2022-08-22: Add
. -
2022-08-17: Support
. -
2022-05-19: Support new change stream events with
. -
2022-05-17: Add
. -
2022-04-13: Support returning point-in-time pre and post-images with
. -
2022-03-25: Do not error when parsing change stream event documents.
2022-02-28: Add
. -
2022-02-10: Specify that
command must explicitly send inheritedcomment
. -
2022-02-01: Add
. -
2022-01-19: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout specification.
2021-09-01: Clarify that server selection during resumption should respect normal server selection rules.
2021-04-29: Add
to test topology requirements. -
2021-04-23: Update to use modern terminology.
2021-02-08: Add the
field. -
2020-02-10: Change error handling approach to use an allow list.
2019-07-15: Clarify resume process for change streams started with the
option. -
2019-07-09: Change
to be an optional string. -
2019-07-02: Fix server version for
. -
2019-07-01: Clarify that close may be implemented with more idiomatic patterns instead of a method.
2019-06-20: Fix server version for addition of
. -
2019-04-12: Clarify caching process for resume token.
2019-04-03: Update the lowest server version that supports
. -
2019-01-10: Clarify error handling for killing the cursor.
2018-11-06: Add handling of
. -
2018-12-14: Add
to change stream options. -
2018-09-09: Add
to change streamoperationType
. -
2018-07-30: Remove redundant error message checks for resumable errors.
2018-07-27: Add drop to change stream
. -
2018-06-14: Clarify how to calculate
. -
2018-05-24: Change
. -
2018-04-18: Add helpers for Database and MongoClient, and add
option. -
2018-04-17: Clarify that the initial aggregate should not be retried.
2017-12-13: Default read concern is also accepted, not just "majority".
2017-11-06: Defer to Read and Write concern spec for determining a read concern for the helper method.
2017-09-26: Clarify that change stream options may be added later.
2017-09-21: Clarify that we need to close the cursor on missing token.
2017-09-06: Remove
desired user experience
example. -
2017-08-22: Clarify killing cursors during resume process.
2017-08-16: Fix formatting of resume process.
2017-08-16: Add clarification regarding Resumable errors.
2017-08-07: Fix typo in command format.
2017-08-03: Initial commit.
Find, getMore and killCursors commands
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 3.2
The Find, GetMore and KillCursors commands in MongoDB 3.2 or later replace the use of the legacy OP_QUERY, OP_GET_MORE and OP_KILL_CURSORS wire protocol messages. This specification lays out how drivers should interact with the new commands when compared to the legacy wire protocol level messages.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
The term Document refers to the implementation in the driver's language of a BSON document.
A BSON document containing the fields making up a MongoDB server command.
Wire Protocol
The binary protocol used to talk with MongoDB over a socket. It's made up by the OP_QUERY, OP_GET_MORE, OP_KILL_CURSORS, OP_INSERT, OP_UPDATE and OP_DELETE.
The documentation provided in code below is merely for driver authors and SHOULD NOT be taken as required documentation for the driver.
If the hello command returns maxWireVersion >= 4, drivers:
- MUST implement queries with the
command instead ofOP_QUERY
. - MUST implement cursor operations with the
commands instead ofOP_GET_MORE
, respectively. - MUST NOT use OP_QUERY except to execute commands.
The find command replaces the query functionality of the OP_QUERY wire protocol message but cannot execute queries against special collections. Unlike the legacy OP_QUERY wire protocol message, the find command cannot be used to execute other commands.
For a successful command, the document returned from the server has the following format:
"cursor": {
"id": <int64>,
"ns": <string>,
"firstBatch": [
"ok": 1
Special Collection names
The find command does not support querying on system collections, so if drivers are using any system collections instead of the inprog, killop, unlock, etc. commands they SHOULD default to using the old-style OP_QUERY.
Any driver that provides helpers for any of the special collections below SHOULD use the replacement commands if hello.maxWireVersion >=4 or higher.
Special collection name | Replacement Command |
$cmd.sys.inprog | currentOp |
$cmd.sys.unlock | fsyncUnlock |
<database>.system.indexes | listIndexes |
<database>.system.namespaces | listCollections |
Special Collection Names
This section only applies to drivers that support exhaust cursors.
The exhaust protocol differs based on the server version:
Server version | Server behavior |
4.0 and earlier | Only supports exhaust over legacy OP_QUERY. The find command does not support the exhaust flag from OP_QUERY. |
4.2 to 5.0 | Supports exhaust both over legacy OP_QUERY and OP_MSG. |
5.1 and later | Supports exhaust over OP_MSG. |
Therefore drivers that implement exhaust cursors:
Server version | Driver behavior |
4.0 and earlier | Drivers MUST use legacy OP_QUERY. |
4.2 to 5.0 | Drivers SHOULD use OP_MSG but MAY use legacy OP_QUERY. |
5.1 and later | Drivers MUST only use OP_MSG. Alternatively, drivers MAY fallback to a non-exhaust cursor when an exhaust cursor is requested. |
Interactions with OP_QUERY
When sending a find operation as a find command rather than a legacy OP_QUERY find only the secondaryOk flag is honored of the flags available in the flag field on the wire protocol.
For the find, getMore and killCursors commands the numberToReturn field SHOULD be -1. To execute find commands against a secondary the driver MUST set the secondaryOk bit for the find command to successfully execute.
The secondaryOk flag SHOULD not be set for all follow-up getMore and killCursors commands. The cursor on the server keeps the original secondaryOk value first set on the find command.
More detailed information about the interaction of the secondaryOk with OP_QUERY can be found in the Server Selection Spec Passing a Read Preference.
Behavior of Limit, skip and batchSize
The find command has different semantics to the existing 3.0 and earlier OP_QUERY wire protocol message. The limit field is a hard limit on the total number of documents returned by the cursor no matter what batchSize is provided. This includes other limiting operations, such as the $limit aggregation pipeline stage. This differs from existing OP_QUERY behavior where there is no server-side concept of limit and where the driver MUST keep track of the limit on the client side and MUST send a OP_KILL_CURSORS wire protocol message when the limit is reached.
When setting the batchSize on the find and getMore commands the value of batchSize MUST be based on the cursor limit calculations specified in the CRUD specification.
Note that with 5.0, the server-side handling of cursors with a limit has changed. Before 5.0, some cursors were
automatically closed when the limit was reached (e.g. when running find with limit), and the reply document did
not include a cursor ID (i.e.
was 0
). Starting with 5.0, all cursor-producing operations will return a
cursor ID if the end of the batch being returned lines up with the limit on the cursor. In this case, drivers MUST
ensure the cursor is closed on the server, either by exhausting the cursor or by using killCursors to kill it.
In the following example the limit is set to 4 and the batchSize is set to 3 the following commands are executed. The last command is either killCursors or getMore, depending on how a driver ensures the cursor is closed on 5.0:
{find: ..., batchSize:3, limit:4}
{getMore: ..., batchSize:1} // Returns remaining items but leaves cursor open on 5.0+
{...} // Kills server-side cursor. Necessary on 5.0+
If there are not enough documents in the cursor to fulfill the limit defined, the cursor runs to exhaustion and is closed, returning a cursorId of 0 to the client.
Below are are some examples of using limit, skip and batchSize.
We have 100 documents in the collection t. We execute the following find command in the shell.
var b = db.runCommand({find:"t", limit:20, batchSize:10});
db.runCommand({, collection:"t", batchSize:20});
The find command executes and returns the first 10 results. The getMore command returns the final 10 results reaching the limit of 20 documents.
The skip option works in the same way as the current OP_QUERY starting the cursor after skipping n number of documents of the query.
var b = db.runCommand({find:"t", limit:20, batchSize:10, skip:85});
db.runCommand({, collection:"t", batchSize:20});
The find command returns the documents 86-95 and the getMore returns the last 5 documents.
Mapping OP_QUERY behavior to the find command limit and batchSize fields
The way that limit, batchSize and singleBatch are defined for the find command differs from how these were specified in OP_QUERY and the CRUD spec.
Specifically, negative values for limit and batchSize are no longer allowed and the singleBatch option is used instead of negative values.
In order to have consistency between old and new applications, the following transformations MUST be performed before adding options to the find command:
singleBatch = (limit < 0) || (batchSize < 0)
limit = abs(limit)
if singleBatch:
batchSize = (limit == 0) ? abs(batchSize) : limit
batchSize = abs(batchSize)
Further, after these transformation:
- If limit is zero, it MUST be omitted from find options
- If batchSize is zero, it MUST be omitted from find options
- If singleBatch is false, it MUST be omitted from find options
BatchSize of 1
In 3.2 a batchSize of 1 means return a single document for the find command and it will not destroy the cursor after the first batch of documents are returned. Given a query returning 4 documents the number of commands issues will be.
- find command with batchSize=1
- getMore command with batchSize=1
- getMore command with batchSize=1
- getMore command with batchSize=1
The driver SHOULD NOT attempt to emulate the behavior seen in 3.0 or earlier as the new find command enables the user expected behavior of allowing the first result to contain a single document when specifying batchSize=1.
Tailable cursors
By default, most cursors are non-tailable. For example, a typical find
cursor is exhausted when all results for the
filter have been returned. MongoDB also supports creating cursors that "tail" or follow the target namespace for new
data. This is done via the find
command's tailable
option. Querying a capped collection is one use case for a
tailable cursor. A tailable cursor can receive getMore
responses with an empty nextBatch
array, which does not
indicate that the cursor has been exhausted.
Additionally, tailable cursors may "await data" from the server, which means that the server will wait to respond to the
client's getMore
command until new data is available or some period of time has elapsed, whichever comes first. A
tailable find
cursor can be configured using the awaitData
option. The amount of time the server will wait for new
data is based on the maxTimeMS
field of the getMore
(or server default if unspecified). If the time does expire an
empty batch will be returned. A maxTimeMS
field cannot be sent if the cursor was not configured with awaitData=true
To create a tailable find
cursor you execute the following command:
interface FindCommand {
/** The namespace to run the find command on */
find: string;
/** The filter to control what documents are returned */
filter: BSONDocument;
/** Informs the server whether to keep the cursor open even when there are no results to satisfy the query */
tailable?: boolean;
* Informs the server whether to block on a `getMore`'s `maxTimeMS` before returning an empty `nextBatch`.
* This must be set if getMores are to include `maxTimeMS` values.
awaitData?: boolean;
/** Controls the amount of milliseconds the server will allow the operations to run for */
maxTimeMS?: PositiveIntegerNumber;
// ... Note: additional options unrelated to tailable cursors omitted
If maxTimeMS is not set in FindOptions, the driver SHOULD refrain from setting maxTimeMS on the find or getMore commands issued by the driver and allow the server to use its internal default value for maxTimeMS.
Semantics of maxTimeMS for a Driver
In the case of a non-tailable cursor query OR a tailable cursor query with awaitData == false, the driver MUST set maxTimeMS on the find command and MUST NOT set maxTimeMS on the getMore command.
In the case of a tailable cursor with awaitData == true the driver MUST provide a Cursor level option named maxAwaitTimeMS (See CRUD specification for details). The maxTimeMS option on the getMore command MUST be set to the value of the option maxAwaitTimeMS. If no maxAwaitTimeMS is specified, the driver SHOULD not set maxTimeMS on the getMore command.
The getMore command replaces the OP_GET_MORE wire protocol message. The query flags passed to OP_QUERY for a getMore command MUST be secondaryOk=true when sent to a secondary. The OP_QUERY namespace MUST be the same as for the find and killCursors commands.
interface GetMoreCommand {
/** Set to the nonzero cursor id */
getMore: int64;
/** Set to the namespace returned by the initial command response */
collection: string;
* User configurable document count for the batch returned for this getMore.
* Only attached to command document if nonzero.
batchSize?: PositiveIntegerNumber;
* User configurable time limit enforced by the server.
maxTimeMS?: PositiveIntegerNumber;
* User configurable comment that can be used to identify the operation in logs.
* This can be any BSON value.
comment?: BSONValue;
On success, the getMore command will return the following:
interface GetMoreResponse {
ok: 1;
cursor: {
/** The cursor id, this may be equal to zero indicating the cursor is exhausted or closed */
id: int64;
* The namespace the cursor is running on.
* This value may be different than the namespace the driver started the cursor on, for example, database level aggregations.
ns: string;
* The next batch of documents.
* This array may be empty, in the case of a tailable cursor, which DOES NOT indicate the cursor is exhausted.
nextBatch: BSONArray<BSONDocument>;
// ... Note: additional non-relevant fields omitted
The driver's local cursor MUST update its id
and ns
, as well as store the nextBatch
from every getMore
The killCursors command replaces the OP_KILL_CURSORS wire protocol message. The OP_QUERY namespace MUST be the same as for the find and getMore commands. The killCursors command is optional to implement in MongoDB 3.2.
The command response will be as follows:
"cursorsKilled": [
<cursor id 1>
<cursor id 2>,
<cursor id n>
"cursorsNotFound": [
<cursor id 1>
<cursor id 2>,
<cursor id n>
"cursorsAlive": [
<cursor id 1>
<cursor id 2>,
<cursor id n>
ok: 1
The cursorsAlive array contain cursors that were not possible to kill. The information SHOULD be ignored by the driver.
Difference from 3.0 OP_KILL_CURSORS
One of the differences with the new killCursors command compared to the OP_KILL_CURSORS wire protocol message is that the killCursors command returns a response while the OP_KILL_CURSORS wire protocol does not.
The OP_REPLY message has the following general structure.
struct {
int32 messageLength; // total message size, including
// this
int32 requestID; // identifier for this message
int32 responseTo; // requestID from the original
// request(used in responses from db)
int32 opCode; // request type - see table below
int32 responseFlags; // bit vector - see details below
int64 cursorID; // cursor id if client needs to do
// get more's
int32 startingFrom; // where in the cursor this reply is
// starting
int32 numberReturned; // number of documents in the reply
document* documents; // documents
For the find, getMore and killCursors MongoDB returns a single document meaning numberReturned is set to 1. This is in contrast to MongoDB 3.0 and earlier where a OP_QUERY query will set numberReturned to >= 0.
A driver MUST deserialize the command result and extract the firstBatch and nextBatch arrays for the find and getMore commands to access the returned documents.
The result from the killCursors command MAY be safely ignored.
If the driver supports returning raw BSON buffers instead of deserialized documents there might be a need to be able to partially deserialize documents to be able to efficiently provide the behavior in comparison to existing OP_QUERY queryresults.
The find and getMore commands will report errors using the standard mechanism: an "ok: 0" field paired with "errmsg" and "code" fields. See below for example error responses:
db.runCommand({find: "t", sort: {padding: -1}})
"errmsg" : "exception: Executor error: Overflow sort stage buffered data usage of 41630570 bytes exceeds internal limit of 33554432 bytes",
"code" : 28616,
"ok" : 0
db.runCommand({find: "t", foo: "bar"})
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "Failed to parse: { find: \"t\", foo: \"bar\" }. Unrecognized field 'foo'.",
"code" : 2
Like other commands, the find and getMore commands will not use the OP_REPLY response flags. OP_REPLY Documentation
Changes in error handling for 3.2 tailable cursor
Tailable cursors pointing to documents in a capped collection that get overwritten will return a zero document result in MongoDB 3.0 or earlier but will return an error in MongoDB 3.2
Explain command
There is no equivalent of the $explain
modifier in the find command. The driver SHOULD use the explain command.
Information about the command can be found in the
Explain command reference.
ReadPreference and Mongos
The find command does not include a readPreference field. To pass a readPreference to a mongos use the $readPreference field and format your command as.
{$query: {find: ...}, $readPreference: {}}
This format is general for all commands when executing against a Mongos proxy.
More in depth information about passing read preferences to Mongos can be found in the Server Selection Specification Server Selection Specification.
2024-07-30: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2023-05-10: Improve tailable cursor description and update the
section code blocks. -
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-02-01: Replace examples/tables for find, getMore, and killCursors with server manual links.
2021-12-14: Exhaust cursors may fallback to non-exhaust cursors on 5.1+ servers. Relax requirement of OP_MSG for exhaust cursors.
2021-08-27: Exhaust cursors must use OP_MSG on 3.6+ servers.
2021-04-06: Updated to use hello and secondaryOk.
2015-10-21: If no maxAwaitTimeMS is specified, the driver SHOULD not set maxTimeMS on the getMore command.
2015-10-13: Added guidance on batchSize values as related to the getMore command. Legacy secondaryOk flag SHOULD not be set on getMore and killCursors commands. Introduced maxAwaitTimeMS option for setting maxTimeMS on getMore commands when the cursor is a tailable cursor with awaitData set.
2015-09-30: Legacy secondaryOk flag must be set to true on getMore and killCursors commands to make drivers have same behavior as for OP_GET_MORE and OP_KILL_CURSORS.
GridFS Spec
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 2.2
GridFS is a convention drivers use to store and retrieve BSON binary data (type "x05") that exceeds MongoDB's BSON-document size limit of 16 MiB. When this data, called a user file, is written to the system, GridFS divides the file into chunks that are stored as distinct documents in a chunks collection. To retrieve a stored file, GridFS locates and returns all of its component chunks. Internally, GridFS creates a files collection document for each stored file. Files collection documents hold information about stored files, and they are stored in a files collection.
This spec defines a basic API for GridFS. This spec also outlines advanced GridFS features that drivers can choose to support in their implementations. Additionally, this document attempts to clarify the meaning and purpose of all fields in the GridFS data model, disambiguate GridFS terminology, and document configuration options that were previously unspecified.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Bucket name
A prefix under which a GridFS system's collections are stored. Collection names for the files and chunks collections are prefixed with the bucket name. The bucket name MUST be configurable by the user. Multiple buckets may exist within a single database. The default bucket name is "fs".
A section of a user file, stored as a single document in the "chunks" collection of a GridFS bucket. The default size for the data field in chunks is 255 KiB. Chunk documents have the following form:
"_id" : <ObjectId>,
"files_id" : <TFileId>,
"n" : <Int32>,
"data" : <binary data>
a unique ID for this document of type BSON ObjectId
the id for this file (the _id
from the files collection document). This field takes the type of the corresponding
in the files collection.
the index number of this chunk, zero-based.
a chunk of data from the user file
Chunks collection
A collection in which chunks of a user file are stored. The name for this collection is the word 'chunks' prefixed by the bucket name. The default is "fs.chunks".
Empty chunk
A chunk with a zero length "data" field.
Files collection
A collection in which information about stored files is stored. There will be one files collection document per stored file. The name for this collection is the word "files" prefixed by the bucket name. The default is "fs.files".
Files collection document
A document stored in the files collection that contains information about a single stored file. Files collection documents have the following form:
"_id" : <TFileId>,
"length" : <Int64>,
"chunkSize" : <Int32>,
"uploadDate" : <BSON datetime, ms since Unix epoch in UTC>,
"md5" : <hex string>,
"filename" : <string>,
"contentType" : <string>,
"aliases" : <string array>,
"metadata" : <Document>
a unique ID for this document. Usually this will be of type ObjectId, but a custom _id
value provided by the
application may be of any type.
the length of this stored file, in bytes
the size, in bytes, of each data chunk of this file. This value is configurable by file. The default is 255 KiB.
the date and time this file was added to GridFS, stored as a BSON datetime value. The value of this field MUST be the datetime when the upload completed, not the datetime when it was begun.
DEPRECATED, a hash of the contents of the stored file
the name of this stored file; this does not need to be unique
DEPRECATED, any MIME type, for application use only
DEPRECATED, for application use only
any additional application data the user wishes to store
Note: some older versions of GridFS implementations allowed applications to add arbitrary fields to the files collection document at the root level. New implementations of GridFS will not allow this, but must be prepared to handle existing files collection documents that might have additional fields.
Note: drivers SHOULD store length as Int64 and chunkSize as Int32 when creating new GridFS files. However, drivers MUST be able to handle existing GridFS files where the length and chunkSize fields might have been stored using a different numeric data type.
Orphaned chunk
A document in the chunks collections for which the "files_id" does not match any _id
in the files collection. Orphaned
chunks may be created if write or delete operations on GridFS fail part-way through.
Stored File
A user file that has been stored in GridFS, consisting of a files collection document in the files collection and zero or more documents in the chunks collection.
An abstraction that represents streamed I/O. In some languages a different word is used to represent this abstraction.
While GridFS file id values are ObjectIds by default, an application may choose to use custom file id values, which may
be of any type. In this spec the term TFileId refers to whatever data type is appropriate in the driver's programming
language to represent a file id. This would be something like object, BsonValue or a generic <TFileId>
type parameter.
User File
A data added by a user to GridFS. This data may map to an actual file on disk, a stream of input, a large data object, or any other large amount of consecutive data.
The documentation provided in code below is merely for driver authors and SHOULD NOT be taken as required documentation for the driver.
All drivers MUST offer the Basic API operations defined in the following sections and MAY offer the Advanced API operations. This does not preclude a driver from offering more.
Operation Parameters
All drivers MUST offer the same options for each operation as defined in the following sections. This does not preclude a driver from offering more. The options parameter is optional. A driver SHOULD NOT require a user to specify optional parameters.
A non-exhaustive list of acceptable deviations are as follows:
Using named parameters instead of an options hash. For instance,
id = bucket.upload_from_stream(filename, source, chunkSizeBytes: 16 * 1024);
Using a fluent style for constructing a GridFSBucket instance:
bucket = new GridFSBucket(database) .withReadPreference(ReadPreference.Secondary);
When using a fluent-style builder, all options should be named rather than inventing a new word to include in the pipeline (like options). Required parameters are still required to be on the initiating constructor.
Drivers MUST enforce timeouts for all operations per Client Side Operations Timeout: GridFS API.
All drivers MUST name operations, objects, and parameters as defined in the following sections.
Deviations are permitted as outlined below.
When deviating from a defined name, an author should consider if the altered name is recognizable and discoverable to the user of another driver.
A non-exhaustive list of acceptable naming deviations are as follows:
- Using "bucketName" as an example, Java would use "bucketName" while Python would use "bucket_name". However, calling it "bucketPrefix" would not be acceptable.
- Using "maxTimeMS" as an example, .NET would use "MaxTime" where its type is a TimeSpan structure that includes units. However, calling it "MaximumTime" would not be acceptable.
- Using "GridFSUploadOptions" as an example, Javascript wouldn't need to name it while other drivers might prefer to call it "GridFSUploadArgs" or "GridFSUploadParams". However, calling it "UploadOptions" would not be acceptable.
- Languages that use a different word than "Stream" to represent a streamed I/O abstraction may replace the word "Stream" with their language's equivalent word. For example, open_upload_stream might be called open_upload_file or open_upload_writer if appropriate.
- Languages that support overloading MAY shorten the name of some methods as appropriate. For example, download_to_stream and download_to_stream_by_name MAY be overloaded download_to_stream methods with different parameter types. Implementers are encouraged not to shorten method names unnecessarily, because even if the shorter names are not ambiguous today they might become ambiguous in the future as new features are added.
This section presents two groups of features, a basic API that a driver MUST implement, and a more advanced API that drivers MAY choose to implement additionally.
Basic API
Configurable GridFSBucket class
class GridFSBucketOptions {
* The bucket name. Defaults to 'fs'.
bucketName : String optional;
* The chunk size in bytes. Defaults to 255 KiB.
chunkSizeBytes : Int32 optional;
* The write concern. Defaults to the write concern of the database.
writeConcern : WriteConcern optional;
* The read concern. Defaults to the read concern of the database.
readConcern : ReadConcern optional;
* The read preference. Defaults to the read preference of the database.
readPreference : ReadPreference optional;
* TRANSITIONAL: This option is provided for backwards compatibility.
* It MUST be supported while a driver supports MD5 and MUST be removed
* (or made into a no-op) when a driver removes MD5 support entirely.
* When true, the GridFS implementation will not compute MD5 checksums
* of uploaded files. Defaults to false.
disableMD5: Boolean
class GridFSBucket {
* Create a new GridFSBucket object on @db with the given @options.
GridFSBucket new(Database db, GridFSBucketOptions options=null);
Creates a new GridFSBucket object, managing a GridFS bucket within the given database.
GridFSBucket objects MUST allow the following options to be configurable:
- bucketName: the name of this GridFS bucket. The files and chunks collection for this GridFS bucket are prefixed by this name followed by a dot. Defaults to "fs". This allows multiple GridFS buckets, each with a unique name, to exist within the same database.
- chunkSizeBytes: the number of bytes stored in chunks for new user files added through this GridFSBucket object. This will not reformat existing files in the system that use a different chunk size. Defaults to 255 KiB.
IF a driver supports configuring readConcern, readPreference or writeConcern at the database or collection level, then GridFSBucket objects MUST also allow the following options to be configurable:
- readConcern: defaults to the read concern on the parent database (or client object if the parent database has no read concern).
- readPreference: defaults to the read preference on the parent database (or client object if the parent database has no read preference).
- writeConcern: defaults to the write concern on the parent database (or client object if the parent database has no write concern).
The following option is transitional:
- disableMD5: this allows users to disable MD5 when operating under FIPS restrictions. It is provided to allow a transition period as drivers remove MD5 support. Until a driver removes MD5 support, drivers MUST support this option. Following a driver's normal feature removal cycle, when MD5 support is removed, this option MUST be removed or otherwise made into a no-op option.
GridFSBucket instances are immutable. Their properties MUST NOT be changed after the instance has been created. If your driver provides a fluent way to provide new values for properties, these fluent methods MUST return new instances of GridFSBucket.
For efficient execution of various GridFS operations the following indexes MUST exist:
- an index on { filename : 1, uploadDate : 1 } on the files collection
- a unique index on { files_id : 1, n : 1 } on the chunks collection
Normally we leave it up to the user to create whatever indexes they see fit, but because GridFS is likely to be looked at as a black box we should create these indexes automatically in a way that involves the least amount of overhead possible.
Before read operations
For read operations, drivers MUST assume that the proper indexes exist.
Before write operations
Immediately before the first write operation on an instance of a GridFSBucket class is attempted (and not earlier), drivers MUST:
- determine if the files collection is empty using the primary read preference mode.
- and if so, create the indexes described above if they do not already exist
To determine whether the files collection is empty drivers SHOULD execute the equivalent of the following shell command:
db.fs.files.findOne({}, { _id : 1 })
If no document is returned the files collection is empty.
This method of determining whether the files collection is empty should perform better than checking the count in the case where the files collection is sharded.
Drivers MUST check whether the indexes already exist before attempting to create them. This supports the scenario where an application is running with read-only authorizations.
When checking whether an index exists drivers MUST compare numeric values by value even when they are of different types, because the actual type will depend on how the index was created (for example, indexes created using the shell will have double as the type for numeric values).
For example, the following index specifications should all be treated as equivalent:
- { filename : 1, uploadDate : 1 } // where 1 is either a 32-bit or 64-bit integer
- { filename : 1, uploadDate : 1.0 }
- { filename : 1.0, uploadDate : 1 }
- { filename : 1.0, uploadDate : 1.0 }
If a driver determines that it should create the indexes, it MUST raise an error if the attempt to create the indexes fails.
Drivers MUST create the indexes in foreground mode.
File Upload
class GridFSUploadOptions {
* The number of bytes per chunk of this file. Defaults to the
* chunkSizeBytes in the GridFSBucketOptions.
chunkSizeBytes : Int32 optional;
* User data for the 'metadata' field of the files collection document.
* If not provided the driver MUST omit the metadata field from the
* files collection document.
metadata : Document optional;
* DEPRECATED: A valid MIME type. If not provided the driver MUST omit the
* contentType field from the files collection document.
* Applications wishing to store a contentType should add a contentType field
* to the metadata document instead.
contentType : String optional;
* DEPRECATED: An array of aliases. If not provided the driver MUST omit the
* aliases field from the files collection document.
* Applications wishing to store aliases should add an aliases field to the
* metadata document instead.
aliases: String[] optional;
class GridFSBucket {
* Opens a Stream that the application can write the contents of the file to.
* The driver generates the file id.
* Returns a Stream to which the application will write the contents.
* Note: this method is provided for backward compatibility. In languages
* that use generic type parameters, this method may be omitted since
* the TFileId type might not be an ObjectId.
Stream open_upload_stream(string filename, GridFSUploadOptions options=null);
* Opens a Stream that the application can write the contents of the file to.
* The application provides a custom file id.
* Returns a Stream to which the application will write the contents.
Stream open_upload_stream_with_id(TFileId id, string filename, GridFSUploadOptions options=null);
* Uploads a user file to a GridFS bucket. The driver generates the file id.
* Reads the contents of the user file from the @source Stream and uploads it
* as chunks in the chunks collection. After all the chunks have been uploaded,
* it creates a files collection document for @filename in the files collection.
* Returns the id of the uploaded file.
* Note: this method is provided for backward compatibility. In languages
* that use generic type parameters, this method may be omitted since
* the TFileId type might not be an ObjectId.
ObjectId upload_from_stream(string filename, Stream source, GridFSUploadOptions options=null);
* Uploads a user file to a GridFS bucket. The application supplies a custom file id.
* Reads the contents of the user file from the @source Stream and uploads it
* as chunks in the chunks collection. After all the chunks have been uploaded,
* it creates a files collection document for @filename in the files collection.
* Note: there is no need to return the id of the uploaded file because the application
* already supplied it as a parameter.
void upload_from_stream_with_id(TFileId id, string filename, Stream source, GridFSUploadOptions options=null);
Uploads a user file to a GridFS bucket. For languages that have a Stream abstraction, drivers SHOULD use that Stream abstraction. For languages that do not have a Stream abstraction, drivers MUST create an abstraction that supports streaming.
In the case of open_upload_stream, the driver returns a Stream to which the application will write the contents of the file. As the application writes the contents to the returned Stream, the contents are uploaded as chunks in the chunks collection. When the application signals it is done writing the contents of the file by calling close (or its equivalent) on the returned Stream, a files collection document is created in the files collection. Once the Stream has been closed (and the files collection document has been created) a driver MUST NOT allow further writes to the upload Stream.
The driver MUST make the Id of the new file available to the caller. Typically a driver SHOULD make the Id available as a property named Id on the Stream that is returned. In languages where that is not idiomatic, a driver MUST make the Id available in a way that is appropriate for that language.
In the case of upload_from_stream, the driver reads the contents of the user file by consuming the the source Stream until end of file is reached. The driver does NOT close the source Stream.
Drivers MUST take an "options" document with configurable parameters. Drivers for dynamic languages MUST ignore any unrecognized fields in the options for this method (this does not apply to drivers for static languages which define an Options class that by definition only contains valid fields).
Note that in GridFS, "filename" is not a unique identifier. There may be many stored files with the same filename stored in a GridFS bucket under different ids. Multiple stored files with the same filename are called 'revisions', and the 'uploadDate' is used to distinguish newer revisions from older ones.
Implementation details:
If "chunkSizeBytes" is set through the options, that value MUST be used as the chunk size for this stored file. If this parameter is not specified, the default chunkSizeBytes setting for this GridFSBucket object MUST be used instead.
To store a user file, the file must have a unique id. In some cases the driver can generate a unique ObjectId to serve as the id for the file being uploaded. Otherwise the application provides the value. Drivers store the contents of the user file in the chunks collection by breaking up the contents into chunks of size "chunkSizeBytes". For a non-empty user file, for each nth section of the file, drivers create a chunk document and set its fields as follows:
- Files_id: the id generated for this stored file.
- N: this is the nth section of the stored file, zero based.
- Data: a section of file data, stored as BSON binary data with subtype 0x00. All chunks except the last one must be exactly 'chunkSizeBytes' long. The last chunk can be smaller, and should only be as large as necessary.
Historically, while streaming the user file, drivers computed an MD5 digest for the (now deprecated) 'md5' field of the files collection document. If drivers preserve this behavior for backwards compatibility, they MUST provide the 'disableMD5' member of GridFSBucketOptions. When 'disableMD5' is true, drivers MUST NOT compute an MD5 digest or include it in the files collection document. If drivers no longer support the deprecated 'md5' field, they MUST NOT provide the 'disableMD5' member (or it MUST be a no-op) and MUST NOT compute MD5.
After storing all chunk documents generated for the user file in the "chunks" collection, drivers create a files collection document for the file and store it in the files collection. The fields in the files collection document are set as follows:
Name | Description |
length | the length of this stored file, in bytes. |
chunksize | the chunk size in bytes used to break the user file into chunks. While the configuration option is named "chunkSizeBytes" for clarity, for legacy reasons, the files collection document uses only "chunkSize". |
uploaddate | a BSON datetime object for the current time, in UTC, when the files collection document was created. |
md5 | MD5 checksum for this user file, computed from the file's data, stored as a hex string, if computed, otherwise omitted. |
filename | the filename passed to this function, UTF-8 encoded. |
contenttype | the "contentType" passed in the options, if provided; otherwise omitted. |
aliases | the array passed in the options, if provided; otherwise omitted. |
metadata | the "metadata" document passed in the options, if provided; otherwise omitted. |
If a user file contains no data, drivers MUST still create a files collection document for it with length set to zero. Drivers MUST NOT create any empty chunks for this file.
Drivers MUST NOT run the 'filemd5' database command to confirm that all chunks were successfully uploaded. We assume that if none of the inserts failed then the chunks must have been successfully inserted, and running the 'filemd5' command would just be unnecessary overhead and doesn't work for sharded chunk keys anyway.
Operation Failure
If any of the above operations fail against the server, drivers MUST raise an error. If some inserts succeeded before the failed operation, these become orphaned chunks. Drivers MUST NOT attempt to clean up these orphaned chunks. The rationale is that whatever failure caused the orphan chunks will most likely also prevent cleaning up the orphaned chunks, and any attempts to clean up the orphaned chunks will simply cause long delays before reporting the original failure to the application.
Aborting an upload
Drivers SHOULD provide a mechanism to abort an upload. When using open_upload_stream, the returned Stream SHOULD have an Abort method. When using upload_from_stream, the upload will be aborted if the source stream raises an error.
When an upload is aborted any chunks already uploaded MUST be deleted. Note that this differs from the case where an attempt to insert a chunk fails, in which case drivers immediately report the failure without attempting to delete any chunks already uploaded.
Abort MUST raise an error if it is unable to successfully abort the upload (for example, if an error occurs while deleting any chunks already uploaded). However, if the upload is being aborted because the source stream provided to upload_from_stream raised an error then the original error should be re-raised.
Abort MUST also close the Stream, or at least place it in an aborted state, so any further attempts to write additional content to the Stream after Abort has been called fail immediately.
File Download
class GridFSBucket {
/** Opens a Stream from which the application can read the contents of the stored file
* specified by @id.
* Returns a Stream.
Stream open_download_stream(TFileId id);
* Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by @id and writes
* the contents to the @destination Stream.
void download_to_stream(TFileId id, Stream destination);
Downloads a stored file from a GridFS bucket. For languages that have a Stream abstraction, drivers SHOULD use that Stream abstraction. For languages that do not have a Stream abstraction, drivers MUST create an abstraction that supports streaming.
In the case of open_download_stream, the application reads the contents of the stored file by reading from the returned Stream until end of file is reached. The application MUST call close (or its equivalent) on the returned Stream when it is done reading the contents.
In the case of download_to_stream the driver writes the contents of the stored file to the provided Stream. The driver does NOT call close (or its equivalent) on the Stream.
Note: By default a file id is of type ObjectId. If an application uses custom file ids it may be of any type.
Implementation details:
Drivers must first retrieve the files collection document for this file. If there is no files collection document, the file either never existed, is in the process of being deleted, or has been corrupted, and the driver MUST raise an error.
Then, implementers retrieve all chunks with files_id equal to id, sorted in ascending order on "n".
However, when downloading a zero length stored file the driver MUST NOT issue a query against the chunks collection, since that query is not necessary. For a zero length file, drivers return either an empty stream or send nothing to the provided stream (depending on the download method).
If a networking error or server error occurs, drivers MUST raise an error.
As drivers stream the stored file they MUST check that each chunk received is the next expected chunk (i.e. it has the expected "n" value) and that the data field is of the expected length. In the case of open_download_stream, if the application stops reading from the stream before reaching the end of the stored file, any errors that might exist beyond the point at which the application stopped reading won't be detected by the driver.
File Deletion
class GridFSBucket {
* Given a @id, delete this stored file's files collection document and
* associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
void delete(TFileId id);
Deletes the stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from the underlying database.
As noted for download(), drivers that previously used id's of a different type MAY implement a delete() method that accepts that type, but MUST mark that method as deprecated.
Implementation details:
There is an inherent race condition between the chunks and files collections. Without some transaction-like behavior between these two collections, it is always possible for one client to delete a stored file while another client is attempting a read of the stored file. For example, imagine client A retrieves a stored file's files collection document, client B deletes the stored file, then client A attempts to read the stored file's chunks. Client A wouldn"t find any chunks for the given stored file. To minimize the window of vulnerability of reading a stored file that is the process of being deleted, drivers MUST first delete the files collection document for a stored file, then delete its associated chunks.
If there is no such file listed in the files collection, drivers MUST raise an error. Drivers MAY attempt to delete any orphaned chunks with files_id equal to id before raising the error.
If a networking or server error occurs, drivers MUST raise an error.
File deletion by filename
To rename all revisions of a stored file with the specified filename, drivers SHOULD provide the method
class GridFSBucket {
* Deletes all stored files with the specified @filename from a GridFS bucket.
void delete_by_name(string filename);
This method is an optimisation over deleting each revision of a stored file individually.
Implementation details:
Drivers MUST first find the _id
field of all files collection documents with the given filename. Drivers MUST then
delete all files collection documents with the found ids. Drivers MUST then delete all chunks with files_id
in the
found ids that were just deleted.
If there are no files collection documents with the given filename, drivers MUST raise an error.
Generic Find on Files Collection
class GridFSFindOptions {
* Enables writing to temporary files on the server. When set to true, the server
* can write temporary data to disk while executing the find operation on the files collection.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default
* is to not send a value. For servers < 3.2, this option is ignored and not sent
* as allowDiskUse does not exist in the OP_QUERY wire protocol.
* @see
allowDiskUse: Optional<Boolean>;
* The number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize : Int32 optional;
* The maximum number of documents to return.
limit : Int32 optional;
* The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.
maxTimeMS: Int64 optional;
* The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period
* to prevent excess memory use. Set this option to prevent that.
noCursorTimeout : Boolean optional;
* The number of documents to skip before returning.
skip : Int32 optional;
* The order by which to sort results. Defaults to not sorting.
sort : Document optional;
class GridFSBucket {
* Find and return the files collection documents that match @filter.
Iterable find(Document filter, GridFSFindOptions options=null);
This call will trigger a find() operation on the files collection using the given filter. Drivers returns a sequence of documents that can be iterated over. Drivers return an empty or null set when there are no matching files collection documents. As the number of files could be large, drivers SHOULD return a cursor-like iterable type and SHOULD NOT return a fixed-size array type.
Implementation details:
Drivers SHOULD NOT perform any validation on the filter. If the filter contains fields that do not exist within files collection documents, then an empty result set will be returned.
Drivers MUST propagate the GridFSFindOptions to the FindOptions passed to the underlying Find operation.
Drivers MUST document how users query files collection documents, including how to query metadata, e.g. using a filter like { metadata.fieldname : "some_criteria" }.
Advanced API
File Download by Filename
class GridFSDownloadByNameOptions {
* Which revision (documents with the same filename and different uploadDate)
* of the file to retrieve. Defaults to -1 (the most recent revision).
* Revision numbers are defined as follows:
* 0 = the original stored file
* 1 = the first revision
* 2 = the second revision
* etc…
* -2 = the second most recent revision
* -1 = the most recent revision
revision : Int32 optional;
class GridFSBucket {
/** Opens a Stream from which the application can read the contents of the stored file
* specified by @filename and the revision in @options.
* Returns a Stream.
Stream open_download_stream_by_name(string filename, GridFSDownloadByNameOptions options=null);
* Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by @filename and by the
* revision in @options and writes the contents to the @destination Stream.
void download_to_stream_by_name(string filename, Stream destination,
GridFSDownloadByNameOptions options=null);
Retrieves a stored file from a GridFS bucket. For languages that have a Stream abstraction, drivers SHOULD use that Stream abstraction. For languages that do not have a Stream abstraction, drivers MUST create an abstraction that supports streaming.
Implementation details:
If there is no file with the given filename, or if the requested revision does not exist, drivers MUST raise an error with a distinct message for each case.
Drivers MUST select the files collection document of the file to-be-returned by running a query on the files collection for the given filename, sorted by uploadDate (either ascending or descending, depending on the revision requested) and skipping the appropriate number of documents. For negative revision numbers, the sort is descending and the number of documents to skip equals (-revision - 1). For non-negative revision numbers, the sort is ascending and the number of documents to skip equals the revision number.
If a networking error or server error occurs, drivers MUST raise an error.
Partial File Retrieval
In the case of open_download_stream, drivers SHOULD support partial file retrieval by allowing the application to read only part of the stream. If a driver does support reading only part of the stream, it MUST do so using the standard stream methods of its language for seeking to a position in a stream and reading the desired amount of data from that position. This is the preferred method of supporting partial file retrieval.
In the case of download_to_stream, drivers are not required to support partial file retrieval. If they choose to do so,
drivers can support this operation by adding "start" and "end" to their supported options for download_to_stream. These
values represent non-negative byte offsets from the beginning of the file. When "start" and "end" are specified, drivers
return the bytes of the file in [start, end)
. If "start" and "end" are equal no data is returned.
If either "start" or "end" is invalid, drivers MUST raise an error. These values are considered invalid if they are negative, greater than the file length, or if "start" is greater than "end".
When performing partial reads, drivers SHOULD use the file's "chunkSize" to calculate which chunks contain the desired section and avoid reading unneeded documents from the "chunks" collection.
Renaming stored files
class GridFSBucket {
* Renames the stored file with the specified @id.
void rename(TFileId id, string new_filename);
Sets the filename field in the stored file's files collection document to the new filename.
Implementation details:
Drivers construct and execute an update_one command on the files collection using { _id: @id }
as the filter and
{ $set : { filename : "new_filename" } }
as the update parameter.
If renameByName
is not implemented to rename multiple revisions of the same filename, users must retrieve the full
list of files collection documents for a given filename and execute "rename" on each corresponding _id
If there is no file with the given id, drivers MUST raise an error.
Renaming stored files by filename
To rename all revisions of a stored file with the specified filename, drivers SHOULD provide the method
class GridFSBucket {
* Renames all revisions of the stored file with the specified @filename.
void rename_by_name(string filename, string new_filename);
Implementation details:
Drivers construct and execute an update_many command on the files collection using { filename: @filename }
as the
filter and { $set : { filename : "new_filename" } }
as the update parameter.
If there is no file with the given filename, drivers MUST raise an error.
Dropping an entire GridFS bucket
class GridFSBucket {
* Drops the files and chunks collections associated with
* this bucket.
void drop();
This method drops the files and chunks collections associated with this GridFS bucket.
Drivers should drop the files collection first, and then the chunks collection.
Test Plan
Motivation for Change
The existing GridFS documentation is only concerned with the underlying data model for this feature, and does not specify what basic set of features an implementation of GridFS should or should not provide. As a result, GridFS is currently implemented across drivers, but with varying APIs, features, and behavior guarantees. Current implementations also may not conform to the existing documentation.
This spec documents minimal operations required by all drivers offering GridFS support, along with optional features that drivers may choose to support. This spec is also explicit about what features/behaviors of GridFS are not specified and should not be supported. Additionally, this spec validates and clarifies the existing data model, deprecating fields that are undesirable or incorrect.
Design Rationale
Why is the default chunk size 255 KiB?
On MMAPv1, the server provides documents with extra padding to allow for in-place updates. When the "data" field of a
chunk is limited to 255 KiB, it ensures that the whole chunk document (the chunk data along with an _id
and other
information) will fit into a 256 KiB section of memory, making the best use of the provided padding. Users setting
custom chunk sizes are advised not to use round power-of-two values, as the whole chunk document is likely to exceed
that space and demand extra padding from the system. WiredTiger handles its memory differently, and this optimization
does not apply. However, because application code generally won"t know what storage engine will be used in the database,
always avoiding round power-of-two chunk sizes is recommended.
Why can"t I alter documents once they are in the system?
GridFS works with documents stored in multiple collections within MongoDB. Because there is currently no way to atomically perform operations across collections in MongoDB, there is no way to alter stored files in a way that prevents race conditions between GridFS clients. Updating GridFS stored files without that server functionality would involve a data model that could support this type of concurrency, and changing the GridFS data model is outside of the scope of this spec.
Why provide a "rename" method?
By providing users with a reasonable alternative for renaming a file, we can discourage users from writing directly to the files collections under GridFS. With this approach we can prevent critical files collection documents fields from being mistakenly altered.
Why is there no way to perform arbitrary updates on the files collection?
The rename helper defined in this spec allows users to easily rename a stored file. While updating files collection documents in other, more granular ways might be helpful for some users, validating such updates to ensure that other files collection document fields remain protected is a complicated task. We leave the decision of how best to provide this functionality to a future spec.
What is the "md5" field of a files collection document and how was it used?
"md5" holds an MD5 checksum that is computed from the original contents of a user file. Historically, GridFS did not use acknowledged writes, so this checksum was necessary to ensure that writes went through properly. With acknowledged writes, the MD5 checksum is still useful to ensure that files in GridFS have not been corrupted. A third party directly accessing the 'files' and "chunks" collections under GridFS could, inadvertently or maliciously, make changes to documents that would make them unusable by GridFS. Comparing the MD5 in the files collection document to a re-computed MD5 allows detecting such errors and corruption. However, drivers now assume that the stored file is not corrupted, and applications that want to use the MD5 value to check for corruption must do so themselves.
Why store the MD5 checksum instead of creating the hash as-needed?
The MD5 checksum must be computed when a file is initially uploaded to GridFS, as this is the only time we are guaranteed to have the entire uncorrupted file. Computing it on-the-fly as a file is read from GridFS would ensure that our reads were successful, but guarantees nothing about the state of the file in the system. A successful check against the stored MD5 checksum guarantees that the stored file matches the original and no corruption has occurred.
Why are MD5 checksums now deprecated? What should users do instead?
MD5 is prohibited by FIPS 140-2. Operating systems and libraries operating in FIPS mode do not provide the MD5 algorithm. To avoid a broken GridFS feature on such systems, the use of MD5 with GridFS is deprecated, should not be added to new implementations, and should be removed from existing implementations according to the deprecation policy of individual drivers. Applications that desire a file digest should implement it outside of GridFS and store it with other file metadata.
Why do drivers no longer need to call the filemd5 command on upload?
When a chunk is inserted and no error occurs the application can assume that the chunk was correctly inserted. No other operations that insert or modify data require the driver to double check that the operation succeeded. It can be assumed that any errors would have been detected by use of the appropriate write concern. Using filemd5 also prevents users from sharding chunk keys.
What about write concern?
This spec leaves the choice of how to set write concern to driver authors. Implementers may choose to accept write concern through options on the given methods, to set a configurable write concern on the GridFS object, to enforce a single write concern for all GridFS operations, or to do something different.
If a user has given GridFS a write concern of 0, should we perform MD5 calculations? (If supported for backwards compatibility)
Yes, because the checksum is used for detecting future corruption or misuse of GridFS collections.
Is GridFS limited by sharded systems?
For best performance, clients using GridFS on a sharded system should use a shard key that ensures all chunks for a given stored file are routed to the same shard. Therefore, if the chunks collection is sharded, you should shard on the files_id. Normally only the chunks collection benefits from sharding, since the files collection is usually small. Otherwise, there are no limitations to GridFS on sharded systems.
Why is contentType deprecated?
Most fields in the files collection document are directly used by the driver, with the exception of: metadata, contentType and aliases. All information that is purely for use of the application should be embedded in the 'metadata' document. Users of GridFS who would like to store a contentType for use in their applications are encouraged to add a 'contentType' field to the "metadata" document instead of using the deprecated top-level "contentType" field.
Why are aliases deprecated?
The "aliases" field of the files collection documents was misleading. It implies that a file in GridFS could be accessed by alternate names when, in fact, none of the existing implementations offer this functionality. For GridFS implementations that retrieve stored files by filename or support specifying specific revisions of a stored file, it is unclear how "aliases" should be interpreted. Users of GridFS who would like to store alternate filenames for use in their applications are encouraged to add an "aliases" field to the "metadata" document instead of using the deprecated top-level "aliases" field.
What happened to the put and get methods from earlier drafts?
Upload and download are more idiomatic names that more clearly indicate their purpose. Get and put are often associated with getting and setting properties of a class, and using them instead of download and upload was confusing.
Why aren't there methods to upload and download byte arrays?
We assume that GridFS files are usually quite large and therefore that the GridFS API must support streaming. Most languages have easy ways to wrap a stream around a byte array. Drivers are free to add helper methods that directly support uploading and downloading GridFS files as byte arrays.
Should drivers report an error if a stored file has extra chunks?
The length and the chunkSize fields of the files collection document together imply exactly how many chunks a stored file should have. If the chunks collection has any extra chunks the stored file is in an inconsistent state. Ideally we would like to report that as an error, but this is an extremely unlikely state and we don't want to pay a performance penalty checking for an error that is almost never there. Therefore, drivers MAY ignore extra chunks.
Why have we changed our mind about requiring the file id to be an ObjectId?
This spec originally required the file id for all new GridFS files to be an ObjectId and specified that the driver itself would be the one to generate the ObjectId when a new file was uploaded. While this sounded like a good idea, it has since become evident that there are valid use cases for an application to want to generate its own file id, and that an application wouldn't necessarily want to use ObjectId as the type of the file id. The most common case where an application would want to use a custom file id is when the chunks collection is to be sharded and the application wants to use a custom file id that is suitable for sharding. Accordingly, we have relaxed this spec to allow an application to supply a custom file id (of any type) when uploading a new file.
How can we maintain backward compatibility while supporting custom file ids?
For most methods supporting custom file ids is as simple as relaxing the type of the id parameter from ObjectId to
something more general like object or BSON value (or to a type parameter like <TFileId>
in languages that support
generic methods). In a few cases new methods were added to support custom file ids. The original upload_from_stream
method returned an ObjectId, and support for custom file ids is implemented by adding a new method that takes the custom
file id as an additional parameter. Drivers should continue to support the original method if possible to maintain
backward compatibility. This spec does not attempt to completely mandate how each driver should maintain backward
compatibility, as different languages have different approaches and capabilities for maintaining backward compatibility.
Backwards Compatibility
This spec presents a new API for GridFS systems, which may break existing functionality for some drivers. The following are suggestions for ways to mitigate these incompatibilities.
File revisions
This document presents a basic API that does not support specifying specific revisions of a stored file, and an advanced API that does. Drivers MAY choose to implement whichever API is closest to the functionality they now support. Note that the methods for file insertion are the same whether specifying specific revisions is supported or not.
Method names
If drivers provide methods that conform to the functionality outlined in this document, drivers MAY continue to provide those methods under their existing names. In this case, drivers SHOULD make it clear in their documentation that these methods have equivalents defined in the spec under a different name.
ContentType field
Drivers MAY continue to create a "contentType'" field within files collection documents, so that applications depending on this field continue to work. However, drivers SHOULD make it clear in their documentation that this field is deprecated, and is not used at all in driver code. Documentation SHOULD encourage users to store contentType in the "metadata" document instead.
Aliases field
Drivers MAY continue to create an "aliases" field within files collection documents, so that applications depending on this field continue to work. However, drivers SHOULD make it clear in their documentation that this field is deprecated, and is not used at all in driver code. Documentation SHOULD encourage users to store aliases in the "metadata" document instead.
Reference Implementation
Future work
Changes to the GridFS data model are out-of-scope for this spec, but may be considered for the future.
The ability to alter or append to existing GridFS files has been cited as something that would greatly improve the system. While this functionality is not in-scope for this spec (see "Why can"t I alter documents once they are in the system?") it is a potential area of growth for the future.
- 2024-10-30: Add
- 2024-10-28: Removed deprecated fields from tests:
- 2024-02-27: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2016-05-10: Support custom file ids
- 2016-10-07: Drivers SHOULD handle any numeric type of length and chunkSize
- 2016-10-07: Added ReadConcern to the GridFS spec
- 2016-10-07: Modified a JSON test that was testing optional behavior
- 2018-01-31: Deprecated MD5, and specified an option to disable MD5 until removed
- 2018-07-05: Must not use 'filemd5'
- 2020-01-17: Added allowDiskUse to GridFSFindOptions
- 2022-01-19: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout spec
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
Client Side Encryption
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 4.2 (CSFLE), 7.0 (QE)
- Version: 1.14.0
MongoDB 4.2 introduced support for client side encryption, guaranteeing that sensitive data can only be encrypted and decrypted with access to both MongoDB and a separate key management provider (supporting AWS, Azure, GCP, a local provider, and KMIP). Once enabled, data can be seamlessly encrypted and decrypted with minimal application code changes. 7.0 introduced the next generation of client side encryption based on a Structured Encryption framework which allows expressive encrypted search operations. This spec covers both capabilities - 1st generation, "Client Side Field Level Encryption" and generation 2, "Queryable Encryption" - as the associated core cryptographic library and supporting drivers share a common codebase.
The public name of this feature is In-Use Encryption and consists of:
- Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE).
- Queryable Encryption (QE).
Internally, In-Use Encryption is sometimes called Field Level Encryption (FLE). Internally, CSFLE is sometimes called Client Side Encryption (like this specification). Internally, CSFLE and QE are sometimes called FLE1 and FLE2, respectively.
Server support history
MongoDB 4.2 added support for CSFLE. This includes encrypt
in JSON Schema
(SERVER-38900) and mongocryptd
MongoDB 5.3 added the crypt_shared library (SPM-2403).
MongoDB 6.0 added unstable support for QE (QEv1) (SPM-2463). This includes
MongoDB 6.2 added unstable support for QE range queries (SPM-2719). This
includes queryType=rangePreview
MongoDB 7.0 dropped QEv1 and added stable support of QE (QEv2) (SPM-2972). QEv1 and QEv2 are incompatible.
MongoDB 8.0 dropped queryType=rangePreview
and added queryType=range
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
encrypted MongoClient
A MongoClient with client side encryption enabled.
data key
A key used to encrypt and decrypt BSON values. Data keys are encrypted with a key management service (e.g. AWS KMS) and stored within a document in the MongoDB key vault collection (see Key vault collection schema for data keys for a description of the data key document). Therefore, a client needs access to both MongoDB and the external KMS service to utilize a data key.
MongoDB key vault collection
A MongoDB collection designated to contain data keys. This can either be co-located with the data-bearing cluster, or in a separate external MongoDB cluster.
Key Management Service (KMS)
An external service providing fixed-size encryption/decryption. Only data keys are encrypted and decrypted with KMS.
KMS providers
A map of KMS providers to credentials. Configured client-side. Example:
kms_providers = {
"aws": {
"accessKeyId": AWS_KEYID,
"secretAccessKey": AWS_SECRET,
"local": {
"key": LOCAL_KEK
KMS provider
A configured KMS. Identified by a key in the KMS providers map. The key has the form <KMS provider type>
<KMS provider type>:<KMS provider name>
. Examples: aws
or aws:myname
. In libmongocrypt, the key
is referred to as the KMS ID.
KMS provider type
The type of backing KMS. Identified by the string: aws
, azure
, gcp
, kmip
, or local
KMS provider name
An optional name to identify a KMS provider. Enables configuring multiple KMS providers with the same KMS provider type
(e.g. aws:name1
and aws:name2
can refer to different AWS accounts).
Master Key
The underlying key the KMS service uses to encrypt and decrypt. See AWS KMS Concepts for an AWS-specific example (other KMS providers work similarly).
The master key is also sometimes referred to as a Customer Master Key (CMK).
A MongoDB JSON Schema (either supplied by the server or client-side) which may include metadata about encrypted fields. This is a JSON Schema based on draft 4 of the JSON Schema specification, as documented in the MongoDB manual..
A library, written in C, that coordinates communication, does encryption/decryption, caches key and schemas. Located here.
A local process the driver communicates with to determine how to encrypt values in a command.
This term, spelled in all-lowercase with an underscore, refers to the client-side field-level-encryption dynamic library provided as part of a MongoDB Enterprise distribution. It replaces mongocryptd as the method of marking-up a database command for encryption.
See also:
One of the data formats of BSON binary encrypted, representing an encoded BSON document containing encrypted ciphertext and metadata.
Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE)
CSFLE is the first version of In-Use Encryption. CSFLE is almost entirely client-side with the exception of server-side JSON schema.
Queryable Encryption (QE)
Queryable Encryption the second version of In-Use Encryption. Data is encrypted client-side. Queryable Encryption supports indexed encrypted fields, which are further processed server-side.
In-Use Encryption
Is an umbrella term describing the both CSFLE and Queryable Encryption.
A BSON document describing the Queryable Encryption encrypted fields. This is analogous to the JSON Schema in FLE. The following is an example encryptedFields in extended canonical JSON:
"escCollection": "enxcol_.CollectionName.esc",
"ecocCollection": "enxcol_.CollectionName.ecoc",
"fields": [
"path": "firstName",
"keyId": { "$binary": { "subType": "04", "base64": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==" }},
"bsonType": "string",
"queries": {"queryType": "equality"}
"path": "ssn",
"keyId": { "$binary": { "subType": "04", "base64": "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB==" }},
"bsonType": "string"
The acronyms within encryptedFields
are defined as follows:
- ECOC: Encrypted Compaction Collection
- ESC: Encrypted State Collection
Client side encryption enables users to specify what fields in a collection must be encrypted, and the driver automatically encrypts commands and decrypts results. Automatic encryption is enterprise only. But users can manually encrypt and decrypt with a new ClientEncryption object.
Client side encryption requires MongoDB 4.2 compatible drivers, and is only supported against 4.2 or higher servers. See Why is a 4.2 server required?.
The following shows basic usage of the new API.
# The schema map identifies fields on collections that must undergo encryption.
schema_map = open("./schemas.json", "r").read()
# AWS KMS is used to decrypt data keys stored in the key vault collection.
aws_creds = open("./aws_credentials.json", "r").read()
# A client is configured for automatic encryption and decryption by passing
# AutoEncryptionOpts. Automatic encryption is an enterprise only feature.
opts = AutoEncryptionOpts(
kms_providers={"aws": aws_creds},
db = MongoClient(auto_encryption_opts=opts).db
# Commands are encrypted, as determined by the JSON Schema from the schema_map.
db.coll.insert_one({"ssn": "457-55-5462"})
# Replies are decrypted.
print(db.coll.find_one()) # { "ssn": "457-55-5462" } but stored and transported as ciphertext.
# A ClientEncryption object is used for explicit encryption, decryption, and creating data keys.
opts = ClientEncryptionOpts(kms_providers=kms, key_vault_namespace="db.datakeys")
clientencryption = ClientEncryption(client, opts)
# Use a ClientEncryption to create new data keys.
# The master key identifies the KMS key on AWS KMS to use for encrypting the data key.
master_key = open("./aws_masterkey.json", "r").read()
opts = DataKeyOpts (master_key=master_key)
created_key_id = clientencryption.create_data_key("aws", opts)
# Use a ClientEncryption to explicitly encrypt and decrypt.
opts = EncryptOpts(key_id=created_key_id,
encrypted = clientencryption.encrypt("secret text", opts)
# Decryption does not require the key ID or algorithm. The ciphertext indicates the key ID and algorithm used.
decrypted = clientencryption.decrypt(encrypted)
There are many moving parts to client side encryption with lots of similar sounding terms. Before proceeding to implement the specification, the following background should provide some context.
The driver interacts with multiple components to implement client side encryption.
The driver communicates with…
- MongoDB cluster to get remote JSON Schemas.
- MongoDB key vault collection to get encrypted data keys and create new data keys.
- A KMS Provider to decrypt fetched data keys and encrypt new data keys.
- mongocryptd to ask what values in BSON commands must be encrypted (unless crypt_shared is in use).
The MongoDB key vault may be the same as the MongoDB cluster. Users may choose to have data key stored on a separate MongoDB cluster, or co-locate with their data.
MongoDB Key Vault collection
The key vault collection is a special MongoDB collection containing key documents. See the appendix section Key vault collection schema for data keys for a description of the documents.
The key material in the key vault collection is encrypted with a separate KMS service. Therefore, encryption and decryption requires access to a MongoDB cluster and the KMS service.
KMS Provider
A KMS provider (AWS KMS, Azure Key Vault, GCP KMS, the local provider, or KMIP) is used to decrypt data keys after fetching from the MongoDB Key Vault, and encrypt newly created data keys. Refer to KMSProviders for the shape of the KMS provider options.
is a singleton local process needed for auto-encryption when no crypt_shared library is
used. It speaks the MongoDB wire protocol and the driver uses mongocryptd by connecting with a
MongoClient. By default, if crypt_shared is unavailable, the driver should attempt to automatically
spawn mongocryptd. If the MongoClient is configured with extraOptions.mongocryptdBypassSpawn
set to
, OR bypassAutoEncryption
is set to true
, OR bypassQueryAnalysis
is set to true
then the driver will not
attempt to spawn mongocryptd.
The mongocryptd process is responsible for self terminating after idling for a time period. If
extraOptions.cryptSharedLibRequired is set to true
, the driver will not
connect to mongocryptd and instead rely on crypt_shared being available.
crypt_shared is a dynamically-loaded C++ library providing query analysis for auto-encryption. It replaces mongocryptd for performing query analysis to - mark-up sensitive fields within a command.
Drivers are not required to load and interact with crypt_shared directly. Instead, they inform libmongocrypt where to find crypt_shared and libmongocrypt will handle crypt_shared communication automatically.
See also: Enabling crypt_shared for information on using enabling the crypt_shared library.
libmongocrypt is a C library providing crypto and coordination with external components. Located here.
libmongocrypt is responsible for…
- orchestrating an internal state machine.
- asking the driver to perform I/O, then handling the responses.
- includes constructing KMS HTTP requests and parsing KMS responses.
- doing encryption and decryption.
- caching data keys.
- caching results of listCollections.
- creating key material.
The driver is responsible for…
- performing all I/O needed at every state:
- speaking to mongocryptd to mark commands (unless crypt_shared is used).
- fetching encrypted data keys from key vault collection (mongod).
- running listCollections on mongod.
- decrypting encrypted data keys with KMS over TLS.
- doing I/O asynchronously as needed.
See Why require including a C library?
User facing API
Drivers MUST NOT preclude future options from being added to any of the new interfaces.
Drivers MAY represent the options types in a way that is idiomatic to the driver or language. E.g. options MAY be a BSON document or dictionary type. The driver MAY forego validating options and instead defer validation to the underlying implementation.
Drivers MAY deviate the spelling of option names to conform to their language's naming conventions and implement options in an idiomatic way (e.g. keyword arguments, builder classes, etc.).
Drivers MAY use a native UUID type in place of a parameter or return type specified as a BSON binary with subtype 0x04 as described in Handling of Native UUID Types.
MongoClient Changes
class MongoClient {
MongoClient(... autoEncryptionOpts: AutoEncryptionOpts);
// Implementation details.
private mongocrypt_t libmongocrypt_handle; // Handle to libmongocrypt.
private Optional<MongoClient> mongocryptd_client; // Client to mongocryptd.
private MongoClient keyvault_client; // Client used to run find on the key vault collection. This is either an external MongoClient, the parent MongoClient, or internal_client.
private MongoClient metadata_client; // Client used to run listCollections. This is either the parent MongoClient or internal_client.
private Optional<MongoClient> internal_client; // An internal MongoClient. Created if no external keyVaultClient was set, or if a metadataClient is needed
// Exposition-only, used for caching automatic Azure credentials. The cached credentials may be globally cached.
private cachedAzureAccessToken?: AzureAccessToken;
private azureAccessTokenExpireTime?: PointInTime;
class AutoEncryptionOpts {
keyVaultClient: Optional<MongoClient>;
keyVaultNamespace: String;
kmsProviders: KMSProviders;
schemaMap: Optional<Map<String, Document>>; // Maps namespace to a local schema
bypassAutoEncryption: Optional<Boolean>; // Default false.
extraOptions: Optional<Map<String, Value>>;
tlsOptions?: KMSProvidersTLSOptions; // Maps KMS provider to TLS options.
encryptedFieldsMap: Optional<Map<String, Document>>; // Maps namespace to encryptedFields.
// bypassQueryAnalysis disables automatic analysis of outgoing commands.
// Set bypassQueryAnalysis to true to use explicit encryption on indexed fields
// without the MongoDB Enterprise Advanced licensed crypt_shared library.
bypassQueryAnalysis: Optional<Boolean>; // Default false.
keyExpirationMS: Optional<Uint64>; // Default 60000. 0 means "never expire".
credentialProviders: Optional<CredentialProviders>;
A MongoClient can be configured to automatically encrypt collection commands and decrypt results.
Drivers MUST document that auto encryption is an enterprise-only feature and that auto encryption only occurs on collection level operations by including the following in the driver documentation for AutoEncryptionOpts:
Automatic encryption is an enterprise only feature that only applies to operations on a collection. Automatic encryption is not supported for operations on a database or view, and operations that are not bypassed will result in error (see libmongocrypt: Auto Encryption Allow-List). To bypass automatic encryption for all operations, set bypassAutoEncryption=true in AutoEncryptionOpts.
Explicit encryption/decryption and automatic decryption is a community feature. A MongoClient configured with bypassAutoEncryption=true will still automatically decrypt.
Drivers MUST document that auto encryption requires the authenticated user to have the listCollections privilege action by including the following in the driver documentation for MongoClient:
Automatic encryption requires the authenticated user to have the listCollections privilege action.
See Why is client side encryption configured on a MongoClient?
The key vault collection namespace refers to a collection that contains all data keys used for encryption and decryption (aka the key vault collection). Data keys are stored as documents in a special MongoDB collection. Data keys are protected with encryption by a KMS provider (AWS KMS, Azure key vault, GCP KMS, a local master key, or KMIP).
The key vault collection is assumed to reside on the same MongoDB cluster as indicated by the connecting URI. But the optional keyVaultClient can be used to route data key queries to a separate MongoDB cluster.
If a keyVaultClient
is not passed, and the parent MongoClient
is configured with a limited maxPoolSize
, the
is set to an internal MongoClient
. See
keyVaultClient, metadataClient, and the internal MongoClient
for configuration behavior.
See What's the deal with metadataClient, keyVaultClient, and the internal client?
keyVaultClient, metadataClient, and the internal MongoClient
The following pseudo-code describes the configuration behavior for the three MongoClient
def getOrCreateInternalClient (client, clientOpts):
if client.internalClient != None:
return client.internalClient
internalClientOpts = copy(clientOpts)
internalClientOpts.autoEncryptionOpts = None
internalClientOpts.minPoolSize = 0
client.internalClient = MongoClient (internalClientOpts)
return client.internalClient
def configureAutoEncryptionClients (client, clientOpts):
if clientOpts.autoEncryptionOpts.keyVaultClient != None:
client.keyVaultClient = clientOpts.autoEncryptionOpts.keyVaultClient
elif clientOpts.maxPoolSize == 0:
client.keyVaultClient = client
client.keyVaultClient = getOrCreateInternalClient (client, clientOpts)
if clientOpts.autoEncryptionOpts.bypassAutomaticEncryption:
client.metadataClient = None
elif clientOpts.maxPoolSize == 0:
client.metadataClient = client
client.metadataClient = getOrCreateInternalClient (client, clientOpts)
Configuring the internal MongoClient
MUST match the parent MongoClient
, except minPoolSize
is set to 0
is omitted. This includes copying the options and host information from the URI, and other non-URI
configuration (monitoring callbacks, stable API, etc.).
Drivers MUST document that an additional MongoClient
may be created, using the following as a template:
If a
with a limited connection pool size (i.e a non-zeromaxPoolSize
) is configured withAutoEncryptionOpts
, a separate internalMongoClient
is created if any of the following are true:
is not passed.AutoEncryptionOpts.bypassAutomaticEncryption
.If an internal
is created, it is configured with the same options as the parentMongoClient
is set to0
is omitted.
See What's the deal with metadataClient, keyVaultClient, and the internal client?
The credentialProviders
property may be specified on ClientEncryptionOpts or
AutoEncryptionOpts. Current support is for AWS only, but is designed to be able to accommodate
additional providers in the future. If a custom credential provider is present, it MUST be used instead of the default
flow for fetching automatic credentials and if the kmsProviders
are not configured for automatic credential fetching
an error MUST be thrown.
interface CredentialProviders {
aws?: AWSCredentialProvider
// The type of the AWS credential provider is dictated by the AWS SDK's credential provider for the specific
// language.
type AWSCredentialProvider = Function | Object;
The following shows an example object of CredentialProviders
for Node.js:
import { fromNodeProviderChain } from '@aws-sdk/credential-providers';
const client = new MongoClient(process.env.MONGODB_URI, {
autoEncryption: {
keyVaultNamespace: 'keyvault.datakeys',
kmsProviders: {
// Set to empty map to use `credentialProviders`.
aws: {}
credentialProviders: {
// Acquire credentials for AWS:
aws: fromNodeProviderChain()
The kmsProviders
property may be specified on ClientEncryptionOpts or
AutoEncryptionOpts. Multiple KMS providers may be specified, each using a specific property on
the KMSProviders object. The options differ for each KMS provider type. The "local" KMS provider type
is configured with master key material. The external providers are configured with credentials to authenticate.
Throughout this document, the KMS provider is annotated as - KMSProvider
, but this name is for exposition only:
drivers MUST accept arbitrary strings at runtime for forward-compatibility.
interface KMSProviders {
aws?: AWSKMSOptions | { /* Empty (See "Automatic Credentials") */ };
azure?: AzureKMSOptions | { /* Empty (See "Automatic Credentials") */ };
gcp?: GCPKMSOptions | { /* Empty (See "Automatic Credentials") */ };
local?: LocalKMSOptions;
kmip?: KMIPKMSOptions;
// KMS providers may be specified with an optional name suffix separated by a colon.
// Named KMS providers do not support "Automatic Credentials".
// Note: the named KMS providers strings below are not valid Typescript regexes. They are intended for exposition only.
"^aws:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$"?: AWSKMSOptions;
"^azure:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$"?: AzureKMSOptions;
"^gcp:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$"?: GCPKMSOptions;
"^local:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$"?: LocalKMSOptions;
"^kmip:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$"?: KMIPKMSOptions;
// KMSProvider is a string identifying a KMS provider. Note: For forward
// compatibility, any string should be accepted.
type KMSProvider = string;
interface AWSKMSOptions {
accessKeyId: string;
secretAccessKey: string;
sessionToken?: string; // Required for temporary AWS credentials.
type AzureKMSOptions = AzureKMSCredentials | AzureAccessToken;
interface AzureKMSCredentials {
tenantId: string;
clientId: string;
clientSecret: string;
identityPlatformEndpoint?: string; // Defaults to
interface AzureAccessToken {
accessToken: string;
type GCPKMSOptions = GCPKMSCredentials | GCPKMSAccessToken
interface GCPKMSCredentials {
email: string;
privateKey: byte[] | string; // May be passed as a base64 encoded string.
endpoint?: string; // Defaults to
interface GCPKMSAccessToken {
accessToken: string;
interface LocalKMSOptions {
key: byte[96] | string; // The master key used to encrypt/decrypt data keys. May be passed as a base64 encoded string.
interface KMIPKMSOptions {
endpoint: string;
The following shows an example object of KMSProviders
// Pass credentials for AWS:
"aws": { "accessKeyId": "foo", "secretAccessKey": "bar" },
// Use an empty document to enable "Automatic Credentials" for Azure:
"azure": {},
// Pass an access token for GCP:
"gcp": { "accessToken": "foo" },
// Pass a 96 byte base64 encoded string for the local KMS provider.
"local": { "key": "Mng0NCt4ZHVUYUJCa1kxNkVyNUR1QURhZ2h2UzR2d2RrZzh0cFBwM3R6NmdWMDFBMUN3YkQ5aXRRMkhGRGdQV09wOGVNYUMxT2k3NjZKelhaQmRCZGJkTXVyZG9uSjFk" }
// Pass the endpoint for KMIP:
"kmip": { "endpoint": "localhost:5698" }
// Pass credentials for a different AWS account by appending a name.
// Note: credentials with a name do not support "Automatic Credentials".
"aws:name2": { "accessKeyId": "foo2", "secretAccessKey": "bar2" }
Automatic Credentials
Certain values of KMSProviders indicate a request by the user that the associated KMS providers should be populated lazily on-demand. The driver MUST be able to populate the respective options object on-demand if-and-only-if such respective credentials are needed. The request for KMS credentials will be indicated by libmongocrypt only once they are needed.
When such a state is detected, libmongocrypt will call back to the driver by entering the
state, upon which the driver should fill in the KMS options automatically.
Automatic credentials are only supported for the KMS provider types aws
, gcp
, and azure
. KMS providers containing
a name (e.g. aws:myname
) do not support automatic credentials. Attempting to configure a KMS provider with a name for
automatic credentials results in a runtime error from libmongocrypt. See
Why do on-demand KMS credentials not support named KMS providers?
[!NOTE] Drivers MUST NOT eagerly fill an empty KMS options property.
Once requested, drivers MUST create a new KMSProviders $P$ according to the following process:
- Let $K$ be the kmsProviders value provided by the user as part of the original ClientEncryptionOpts or AutoEncryptionOpts.
- Initialize $P$ to an empty KMSProviders object.
- If $K$ contains an
property, and that property is an empty map:- If a custom credential provider is supplied via the
applicable encryption option, use that to fetch the credentials from AWS. - Otherwise:
- Attempt to obtain credentials $C$ from the environment using similar logic as is detailed in the obtaining-AWS-credentials section from the Driver Authentication specification, but ignoring the case of loading the credentials from a URI
- If credentials $C$ were successfully loaded, create a new AWSKMSOptions map from $C$ and
insert that map onto $P$ as the
- If a custom credential provider is supplied via the
- If $K$ contains an
property, and that property is an empty map:- Attempt to obtain credentials $C$ from the environment logic as is detailed in Obtaining GCP Credentials.
- If credentials $C$ were successfully loaded, create a new GCPKMSOptions map from $C$ and insert
that map onto $P$ as the
- If $K$ contains an
property, and that property is an empty map:- If there is a
AND the duration untilazureAccessTokenExpireTime
is greater than one minute, insertcachedAzureAccessToken
as theazure
property on $P$. - Otherwise:
- Let $t_0$ be the current time.
- Attempt to obtain an Azure VM Managed Identity Access Token $T$ as detailed in Obtaining an Access Token for Azure Key Vault.
- If a token $T$ with expire duration $d_{exp}$ were obtained successfully, create a new
AzureAccessToken object with $T$ as the
property. Insert that AzureAccessToken object into $P$ as theazure
property. Record the generated AzureAccessToken incachedAzureAccessToken
. Record theazureAccessTokenExpireTime
as $t_0 + d_{exp}$.
- If there is a
- Return $P$ as the additional KMS providers to libmongocrypt.
Obtaining GCP Credentials
Send an HTTP request to the URL http://<HOST>/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token
with the
header Metadata-Flavor: Google
If the HTTP response code is not 200, return an error including the body of the HTTP response in the error message.
Parse the HTTP response body as JSON. If parsing fails, return an error including the body of the HTTP response in the error message.
Check the parsed JSON for the field "access_token". If "access_token" is not present, return an error including the body of the HTTP response in the error message.
Return "access_token" as the credential.
Obtaining an Access Token for Azure Key Vault
Virtual machines running on the Azure platform have one or more Managed Identities associated with them. From within the VM, an identity can be used by obtaining an access token via HTTP from the Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS). See this documentation for more information
[!NOTE] To optimize for testability, it is recommended to implement an isolated abstraction for communication with IMDS. This will aide in the implementation of the prose tests of the communication with an IMDS server.
The below steps should be taken:
Let $U$ be a new URL, initialized from the URL string
Add a query parameter
to $U$. -
Add a query parameter
to $U$. -
Prepare an HTTP GET request $Req$ based on $U$.
[!NOTE] All query parameters on $U$ should be appropriately percent-encoded
Add HTTP headers
Metadata: true
andAccept: application/json
to $Req$. -
Issue $Req$ to the Azure IMDS server
. Let $Resp$ be the response from the server. If the HTTP response is not completely received within ten seconds, consider the request to have timed out, and return an error instead of an access token. -
If $Resp_{status} ≠ 200$, obtaining the access token has failed, and the HTTP response body of $Resp$ encodes information about the error that occurred. Return an error including the HTTP response body instead of an access token.
Otherwise, let $J$ be the JSON document encoded in the HTTP response body of $Resp$.
The result access token $T$ is given as the
string property of $J$. Return $T$ as the resulting access token. -
The resulting "expires in" duration $d_{exp}$ is a count of seconds given as an ASCII-encoded integer string
property of $J$.
[!NOTE] If JSON decoding of $Resp$ fails, or the
property is absent from $J$, this is a protocol error from IMDS. Indicate this error to the requester of the access token.
[!NOTE] If an Azure VM has more than one managed identity, requesting an access token requires additional query parameters to disambiguate the request. For simplicity, these parameters are omitted, and only VMs that have a single managed identity are supported.
KMS provider TLS options
Drivers MUST provide TLS options to configure TLS connections KMS providers.
The TLS options SHOULD be consistent with the existing TLS options for MongoDB server TLS connections. The TLS options
MUST enable setting a custom client certificate, equivalent to the tlsCertificateKeyFile
URI option.
Drivers SHOULD provide API that is consistent with configuring TLS options for MongoDB server TLS connections. New API to support the TLS options MUST support future addition of KMS providers without requiring a driver API change. The following is an example:
class AutoEncryptionOpts {
// setTLSOptions accepts a map of KMS providers to TLSOptions.
// The TLSOptions apply to any TLS socket required to communicate
// with the KMS provider.
setTLSOptions (opts: KMSProvidersTLSOptions)
class ClientEncryptionOpts {
// setTLSOptions accepts a map of KMS providers to TLSOptions.
// The TLSOptions apply to any TLS socket required to communicate
// with the KMS provider.
setTLSOptions (opts: KMSProvidersTLSOptions)
Drivers MUST raise an error if the TLS options are set to disable TLS. The error MUST contain the message "TLS is required".
Drivers SHOULD raise an error if insecure TLS options are set. The error MUST contain the message "Insecure TLS options prohibited". This includes options equivalent to the following URI options:
Drivers MUST NOT raise an error if tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck
is set. Setting tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck
prevent operation errors when OCSP responders are unresponsive.
See the OCSP specification for a description of the default values of
tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck and
tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck Drivers
MUST NOT modify the default value of tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck
and tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck
for KMS
TLS connections.
See Why do KMS providers require TLS options?
Automatic encryption is configured with an "encrypt" field in a collection's JSONSchema. By default, a collection's JSONSchema is periodically polled with the listCollections command. But a JSONSchema may be specified locally with the schemaMap option. Drivers MUST document that a local schema is more secure and MUST include the following in the driver documentation for MongoClient:
Supplying a schemaMap provides more security than relying on JSON Schemas obtained from the server. It protects against a malicious server advertising a false JSON Schema, which could trick the client into sending unencrypted data that should be encrypted.
Drivers MUST document that a local schema only applies to client side encryption, and specifying JSON Schema features unrelated to encryption will result in error. Drivers MUST include the following in the driver documentation for MongoClient:
Schemas supplied in the schemaMap only apply to configuring automatic encryption for client side encryption. Other validation rules in the JSON schema will not be enforced by the driver and will result in an error.
Drivers MUST disable auto encryption when the 'bypassAutoEncryption' option is true and not try to spawn mongocryptd. Automatic encryption may be disabled with the bypassAutoEncryption option. See Why is there a bypassAutoEncryption?.
The extraOptions relate to the mongocryptd process, an implementation detail described in the Implementation section:
// Defaults to "mongodb://localhost:27020".
mongocryptdURI: Optional<String>,
// Defaults to false.
mongocryptdBypassSpawn: Optional<Boolean>,
// Used for spawning. Defaults to empty string and spawns mongocryptd from system path.
mongocryptdSpawnPath: Optional<String>,
// Passed when spawning mongocryptd. If omitted, this defaults to ["--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs=60"]
mongocryptdSpawnArgs: Optional<Array[String]>
// Override the path used to load the crypt_shared library
cryptSharedLibPath: Optional<string>;
// If 'true', refuse to continue encryption without a crypt_shared library
cryptSharedLibRequired: boolean;
Drivers MUST implement extraOptions in a way that allows deprecating/removing options in the future without an API break, such as with a BSON document or map type instead of a struct type with fixed fields. See Why are extraOptions and kmsProviders maps?.
- Type:
undefined | string
- Default:
Allow the user to specify an absolute path to a crypt_shared dynamic library to load. Refer:
- Type:
- Default:
If true
, the driver MUST refuse to continue unless crypt_shared was loaded successfully.
If, after initializing a libmongocrypt_handle
, crypt_shared is detected to be unavailable AND
extraOptions.cryptSharedLibRequired is true
, the driver MUST consider the
to be invalid and return an error to the user. Refer:
maps a collection namespace to an encryptedFields
only applies to Queryable Encryption.
If a collection is present on both the encryptedFieldsMap
and schemaMap
, libmongocrypt will error
on initialization. See fle2-and-fle1-error
If a collection has a set of encrypted fields, the behavior of CreateCollection()
and Collection.Drop()
is altered.
An additional helper, CreateEncryptedCollection()
has been defined as a convenience wrapper around
. See fle2-createcollection-drop
Automatic encryption in Queryable Encryption is configured with the encryptedFields
If a collection is not present on the encryptedFields
a server-side collection encryptedFields
may be used by
libmongocrypt. Drivers MUST include the following in the documentation for MongoClient:
Supplying an
provides more security than relying on anencryptedFields
obtained from the server. It protects against a malicious server advertising a falseencryptedFields
See Why is bypassQueryAnalysis needed?.
Queryable Encryption Create and Drop Collection Helpers
A collection supporting Queryable Encryption requires an index and three additional collections.
Collection encryptedFields
Lookup (GetEncryptedFields)
The convenience methods support the following lookup process for finding the encryptedFields
associated with a
Assume an exposition-only function $GetEncryptedFields(opts, collName, dbName, askDb)$, where $opts$ is a set of
options, $collName$ is the name of the collection, $dbName$ is the name of the database associated with that collection,
and $askDb$ is a boolean value. The resulting encryptedFields
$EF$ is found by:
- Let $QualName$ be the string formed by joining $dbName$ and $collName$ with an ASCII dot
. - If $opts$ contains an
property, then $EF$ is the value of that property. - Otherwise, if
contains an element named by $QualName$, then $EF$ is the value of that element. - Otherwise, if $askDb$ is
:- Issue a
command against the database named by $dbName$, filtered by{name: <collName>}
. Let the result be the document $L$. - If $L$ contains an
document element, and that element contains anencryptedFields
document element, $EF$ is $L$["options"]["encryptedFields"]
. - Otherwise, $EF$ is not-found
- Issue a
- Otherwise, $EF$ is considered not-found.
Create Collection Helper
Drivers MUST support a BSON document option named encryptedFields
for any
create command helpers (e.g.
). This option will be interpreted by the helper method and MUST be passed to the
create command.
[!NOTE] Users are not expected to set the
options inencryptedFields
. SERVER-74069 added server-side validation for those fields and no longer allows names to deviate from the following:
Drivers MUST NOT document the
For a helper function, CreateCollection(collectionName, collectionOptions)
with the name of the database associated as
$dbName$, look up the encrypted fields encryptedFields
for the collection as $GetEncryptedFields(collectionOptions,
collectionName, dbName, false)$ (See here).
If a set of encryptedFields
was found, then do the following operations. If any of the following operations error, the
remaining operations are not attempted:
- Check the wire version of the writable server. If the wire version is less than 21 (for server 7.0.0), return an error containing the error message: "Driver support of Queryable Encryption is incompatible with server. Upgrade server to use Queryable Encryption."
- Create the collection with name
as a clustered collection using the options{clusteredIndex: {key: {_id: 1}, unique: true}}
. IfencryptedFields["escCollection"]
is not set, use the collection nameenxcol_.<collectionName>.esc
. Creating this collection MUST NOT check if the collection namespace is in theAutoEncryptionOpts.encryptedFieldsMap
. the collection namespace is in theAutoEncryptionOpts.encryptedFieldsMap
. - Create the collection with name
as a clustered collection using the options{clusteredIndex: {key: {_id: 1}, unique: true}}
. IfencryptedFields["ecocCollection"]
is not set, use the collection nameenxcol_.<collectionName>.ecoc
. Creating this collection MUST NOT check if the collection namespace is in theAutoEncryptionOpts.encryptedFieldsMap
. - Create the collection
and the optionencryptedFields
set to theencryptedFields
. - Create the the index
{"__safeContent__": 1}
on collectioncollectionName
Create Encrypted Collection Helper
To support automatic generation of encryption data keys, a helper $CreateEncryptedCollection(CE, database, collName, collOpts, kmsProvider, masterKey)$ is defined, where $CE$ is a ClientEncryption object, $kmsProvider$ is a KMSProvider and $masterKey$ is equivalent to the $masterKey$ defined in DataKeyOpts. It has the following behavior:
- If $collOpts$ contains an
property, then $EF$ is the value of that property. Otherwise, report an error that there are noencryptedFields
defined for the collection. - Let $EF'$ be a copy of $EF$. Update $EF'$ in the following manner:
- Let $Fields$ be the
element within $EF'$. - If $Fields$ is present and is an array value, then for each element $F$ of
:- If $F$ is not a document element, skip it.
- Otherwise, if $F$ has a
named element $K$ and $K$ is anull
value:- Create a DataKeyOpts named $dkOpts$ with the $masterKey$ argument.
- Let $D$ be the result of
CE.createDataKey(kmsProvider, dkOpts)
. - If generating $D$ resulted in an error $E$, the entire $CreateEncryptedCollection$ must now fail with error $E$. Return the partially-formed $EF'$ with the error so that the caller may know what datakeys have already been created by the helper.
- Replace $K$ in $F$ with $D$.
- Let $Fields$ be the
- Create a new set of options $collOpts'$ duplicating $collOpts$. Set the
named element of $collOpts'$ to $EF'$. - Invoke the
helper as $CreateCollection(database, collName, collOpts')$. Return the resulting collection and the generated $EF'$. If an error occurred, return the resulting $EF$ with the error so that the caller may know what datakeys have already been created by the helper.
Drivers MUST document that $createEncryptedCollection$ does not affect any auto encryption settings on existing MongoClients that are already configured with auto encryption. Users must configure auto encryption after creating the encrypted collection with the $createEncryptedCollection$ helper.
Drop Collection Helper
Drivers MUST support a BSON document option named encryptedFields
for any
drop command helpers (e.g. Database.dropCollection()
). This option will only be interpreted by the helper method and MUST NOT be passed to the
drop command.
[!NOTE] Users are not expected to set the
options inencryptedFields
. SERVER-74069 added server-side validation for those fields and no longer allows names to deviate from the following:
Drivers SHOULD NOT document the
For a helper function DropCollection(dropOptions)
with associated collection named $collName$ and database named
$dbName$, look up the encrypted fields encryptedFields
as $GetEncryptedFields(dropOptions, collName, dbname, true)$
(See here).
If a set of encryptedFields
was found, then perform the following operations. If any of the following operations
error, the remaining operations are not attempted. A namespace not found
error returned from the server (server error
code 26) MUST be ignored:
- Drop the collection with name
. IfencryptedFields["escCollection"]
is not set, use the collection nameenxcol_.<collectionName>.esc
. - Drop the collection with name
. IfencryptedFields["ecocCollection"]
is not set, use the collection nameenxcol_.<collectionName>.ecoc
. - Drop the collection
class ClientEncryption {
ClientEncryption(opts: ClientEncryptionOpts);
// The "Create Encrypted Collection" helper is a convenience function wrapping CreateCollection. It will
// create a collection with encrypted fields, automatically allocating and assigning new data encryption
// keys. It returns a handle to the new collection, as well as a document consisting of the generated
// "encryptedFields" options. Refer to "Create Encrypted Collection Helper"
createEncryptedCollection(database: Database, collName: string, collOpts, kmsProvider: KMSProvider, masterKey: Optional<Document>): [Collection, Document];
// Creates a new key document and inserts into the key vault collection.
// Returns the _id of the created document as a UUID (BSON binary subtype 0x04).
createDataKey(kmsProvider: KMSProvider, opts: DataKeyOpts | null): Binary;
// Decrypts multiple data keys and (re-)encrypts them with a new masterKey, or with their current masterKey if a new one is not given.
// The updated fields of each rewrapped data key is updated in the key vault collection as part of a single bulk write operation.
// If no data key matches the given filter, no bulk write operation is executed.
// Returns a RewrapManyDataKeyResult.
rewrapManyDataKey(filter: Document, opts: RewrapManyDataKeyOpts | null): RewrapManyDataKeyResult;
// Removes the key document with the given UUID (BSON binary subtype 0x04) from the key vault collection.
// Returns the result of the internal deleteOne() operation on the key vault collection.
deleteKey(id: Binary): DeleteResult;
// Finds a single key document with the given UUID (BSON binary subtype 0x04).
// Returns the result of the internal find() operation on the key vault collection.
getKey(id: Binary): Optional<Document>;
// Finds all documents in the key vault collection.
// Returns the result of the internal find() operation on the key vault collection.
getKeys(): Iterable<Document>;
// Adds a keyAltName to the keyAltNames array of the key document in the key vault collection with the given UUID (BSON binary subtype 0x04).
// Returns the previous version of the key document.
addKeyAltName(id: Binary, keyAltName: String): Optional<Document>;
// Removes a keyAltName from the keyAltNames array of the key document in the key vault collection with the given UUID (BSON binary subtype 0x04).
// Returns the previous version of the key document.
removeKeyAltName(id: Binary, keyAltName: String): Optional<Document>;
// Returns a key document in the key vault collection with the given keyAltName.
getKeyByAltName(keyAltName: String): Optional<Document>;
// Encrypts a BsonValue with a given key and algorithm.
// Returns an encrypted value (BSON binary of subtype 6). The underlying implementation MAY return an error for prohibited BSON values.
encrypt(value: BsonValue, opts: EncryptOpts): Binary;
// encryptExpression encrypts a Match Expression or Aggregate Expression to query a range index.
// `expr` is expected to be a BSON document of one of the following forms:
// 1. A Match Expression of this form:
// {$and: [{<field>: {$gt: <value1>}}, {<field>: {$lt: <value2> }}]}
// 2. An Aggregate Expression of this form:
// {$and: [{$gt: [<fieldpath>, <value1>]}, {$lt: [<fieldpath>, <value2>]}]
// $gt may also be $gte. $lt may also be $lte.
// Only supported when queryType is "range" and algorithm is "Range".
encryptExpression(expr: Document, opts: EncryptOpts): Document;
// Decrypts an encrypted value (BSON binary of subtype 6).
// Returns the original BSON value.
decrypt(value: Binary): BsonValue;
// Implementation details.
private mongocrypt_t libmongocrypt_handle;
private MongoClient keyvault_client;
interface ClientEncryptionOpts {
keyVaultClient: MongoClient;
keyVaultNamespace: String;
kmsProviders: KMSProviders;
credentialProviders: CredentialProviders;
tlsOptions?: KMSProvidersTLSOptions; // Maps KMS provider to TLS options.
keyExpirationMS: Optional<Uint64>; // Default 60000. 0 means "never expire".
interface KMSProvidersTLSOptions {
// Map the KMS providers to a set of TLS options
[provider: KMSProvider]: TLSOptionsMap;
The ClientEncryption encapsulates explicit operations on a key vault collection that cannot be done directly on a MongoClient. Similar to configuring auto encryption on a MongoClient, it is constructed with a MongoClient (to a MongoDB cluster containing the key vault collection), KMS provider configuration, keyVaultNamespace, and tlsOptions. It provides an API for explicitly encrypting and decrypting values, and managing data keys in the key vault collection.
See Why do we have a separate top level type for ClientEncryption? and Why do we need to pass a client to create a ClientEncryption?
When implementing behavior and error handling for key vault functions, Drivers SHOULD assume the presence of a unique
index in the key vault collection on the keyAltNames
field with a partial index filter for only documents where
exists when implementing behavior of key management functions. Drivers MAY choose to not validate or
enforce the existence of the unique index, but MUST still be capable of handling errors that such a unique index may
See Why aren't we creating a unique index in the key vault collection?
class DataKeyOpts {
masterKey: Optional<Document>
keyAltNames: Optional<Array[String]> // An alternative to _id to reference a key.
keyMaterial: Optional<BinData>
The masterKey document identifies a KMS-specific key used to encrypt the new data key. If kmsProvider has KMS provider type "aws", the masterKey is required and has the following fields:
region: String,
key: String, // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to the AWS customer master key (KMS key).
endpoint: Optional<String> // An alternate host identifier to send KMS requests to. May include port number. Defaults to "kms.<region>"
If the kmsProvider has KMS provider type "azure", the masterKey is required and has the following fields:
keyVaultEndpoint: String, // Host with optional port. Example: "".
keyName: String,
keyVersion: Optional<String> // A specific version of the named key, defaults to using the key's primary version.
If the kmsProvider has KMS provider type "gcp", the masterKey is required and has the following fields:
projectId: String,
location: String,
keyRing: String,
keyName: String,
keyVersion: Optional<String>, // A specific version of the named key, defaults to using the key's primary version.
endpoint: Optional<String> // Host with optional port. Defaults to "".
If the kmsProvider has KMS provider type "local", the masterKey is not applicable.
If the kmsProvider has KMS provider type "kmip", the masterKey is required and has the following fields:
keyId: Optional<String>, // keyId is the KMIP Unique Identifier to a 96 byte KMIP Secret Data managed object.
// If keyId is omitted, the driver creates a random 96 byte KMIP Secret Data managed object.
endpoint: Optional<String>, // Host with optional port.
delegated: Optional<Boolean> // If true, this key should be decrypted by the KMIP server.
Drivers MUST document the expected fields in the masterKey document for the "aws", "azure", "gcp", and "kmip" KMS provider types. Additionally, they MUST document that masterKey is required for these KMS provider types and is not optional.
The value of endpoint
or keyVaultEndpoint
is a host name with optional port number separated by a colon. E.g.
"" or "". It is assumed that the host name is not an IP
address or IP literal. Though drivers MUST NOT inspect the value of "endpoint" that a user sets when creating a data
key, a driver will inspect it when connecting to KMS to determine a port number if present.
An optional list of string alternate names used to reference a key. If a key is created with alternate names, then
encryption may refer to the key by the unique alternate name instead of by _id
. The following example shows creating
and referring to a data key by alternate name:
opts = DataKeyOpts(keyAltNames=["name1"])
clientencryption.create_data_key ("local", opts)
# reference the key with the alternate name
opts = EncryptOpts(keyAltName="name1", algorithm="AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random")
clientencryption.encrypt("457-55-5462", opts)
An optional BinData of 96 bytes to use as custom key material for the data key being created. If keyMaterial
is given,
the custom key material is used for encrypting and decrypting data. Otherwise, the key material for the new data key is
generated from a cryptographically secure random device.
If applicable, drivers MUST document that users must upgrade dependencies if necessary to avoid being impacted by MONGOCRYPT-464.
If applicable, drivers MUST return an error if rewrapManyDataKey is called with libmongocrypt 1.5.1 or 1.5.0.
class RewrapManyDataKeyOpts {
provider: String
masterKey: Optional<Document>
The masterKey
document MUST have the fields corresponding to the given provider
as specified in
masterKey. masterKey
MUST NOT be given if it is not applicable for the given provider
class RewrapManyDataKeyResult {
bulkWriteResult: Optional<BulkWriteResult>;
is the result of the bulk write operation used to update the key
vault collection with one or more rewrapped data keys. If rewrapManyDataKey()
does not find any matching keys to
rewrap, no bulk write operation will be executed and this field will be unset. This field may also be unset if the bulk
write operation is unacknowledged as permitted by the CRUD API Spec.
See Why does rewrapManyDataKey return RewrapManyDataKeyResult instead of BulkWriteResult?
class EncryptOpts {
keyId : Optional<Binary>
keyAltName: Optional<String>
algorithm: String,
contentionFactor: Optional<Int64>,
queryType: Optional<String>
rangeOpts: Optional<RangeOpts>
// RangeOpts specifies index options for a Queryable Encryption field supporting "range" queries.
// min, max, trimFactor, sparsity, and precision must match the values set in the encryptedFields of the destination collection.
// For double and decimal128, min/max/precision must all be set, or all be unset.
class RangeOpts {
// min is the minimum value for the encrypted index. Required if precision is set.
min: Optional<BSONValue>,
// max is the maximum value for the encrypted index. Required if precision is set.
max: Optional<BSONValue>,
// trimFactor may be used to tune performance. When omitted, a default value is used.
trimFactor: Optional<Int32>,
// sparsity may be used to tune performance. When omitted, a default value is used.
sparsity: Optional<Int64>,
// precision determines the number of significant digits after the decimal point. May only be set for double or decimal128.
precision: Optional<Int32>
Explicit encryption requires a key and algorithm. Keys are either identified by _id
or by alternate name. Exactly one
is required.
Identifies a data key by _id
. The value is a UUID (binary subtype 4).
Identifies a key vault collection document by 'keyAltName'.
One of the strings:
- "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic"
- "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random"
- "Indexed"
- "Unindexed"
- "Range"
The result of explicit encryption with the "Indexed" or "Range" algorithm must be processed by the server to insert or query. Drivers MUST document the following behavior:
To insert or query with an "Indexed" or "Range" encrypted payload, use a
configured withAutoEncryptionOpts
may be true.AutoEncryptionOpts.bypassAutoEncryption
must be false.
contentionFactor may be used to tune performance. Only applies when algorithm is "Indexed" or "Range". libmongocrypt returns an error if contentionFactor is set for a non-applicable algorithm.
One of the strings:
- "equality"
- "range"
queryType only applies when algorithm is "Indexed" or "Range". libmongocrypt returns an error if queryType is set for a non-applicable queryType.
rangeOpts only applies when algorithm is "Range". libmongocrypt returns an error if rangeOpts is set for a non-applicable algorithm.
User facing API: When Auto Encryption Fails
Auto encryption requires parsing the MongoDB query language client side (with the mongocryptd process or crypt_shared library). For unsupported operations, an exception will propagate to prevent the possibility of the client sending unencrypted data that should be encrypted. Drivers MUST include the following in the documentation for MongoClient:
If automatic encryption fails on an operation, use a MongoClient configured with bypassAutoEncryption=true and use ClientEncryption.encrypt() to manually encrypt values.
For example, currently an aggregate with $lookup
into a foreign collection is unsupported (mongocryptd
and crypt_shared return errors):
opts = AutoEncryptionOpts (
client = MongoClient(auto_encryption_opts=opts)
accounts = client.db.accounts
results = accounts.aggregate([
"$lookup": {
"from": "people",
"pipeline": [
"$match": {
"ssn": "457-55-5462"
"as": "person"
]) # Raises an error
print (next(results)["person"]["ssn"])
In this case, the user should use explicit encryption on a client configured to bypass auto encryption. (Note, automatic decryption still occurs).
opts = AutoEncryptionOpts (
client = MongoClient(auto_encryption_opts=opts)
opts = ClientEncryptionOpts (
client_encryption = ClientEncryption(opts)
accounts = client.db.accounts
results = accounts.aggregate([
"$lookup": {
"from": "people",
"pipeline": [
"$match": {
"ssn": client_encryption.encrypt("457-55-5462", EncryptOpts(key_alt_name="ssn", algorithm="AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic"))
"as": "person"
]) # Throws an exception
print (next(results)["person"]["ssn"])
User facing API: View limitations
Users cannot use auto encryption with views. Attempting to do so results in an exception. Drivers do not need to validate when the user is attempting to enable auto encryption on a view, but may defer to the underlying implementation.
Although auto encryption does not work on views, users may still use explicit encrypt and decrypt functions on views on a MongoClient without auto encryption enabled.
See Why do operations on views fail?
Drivers MUST integrate with libmongocrypt. libmongocrypt exposes a simple state machine to perform operations. Follow the guide to integrating libmongocrypt.
Drivers SHOULD take a best-effort approach to store sensitive data securely when interacting with KMS since responses may include decrypted data key material (e.g. use secure malloc if available).
All errors from the MongoClient to mongocryptd or the crypt_shared error category MUST be distinguished in some way (e.g. exception type) to make it easier for users to distinguish when a command fails due to auto encryption limitations.
All errors from the MongoClient interacting with the key vault collection MUST be distinguished in some way (e.g. exception type) to make it easier for users to distinguish when a command fails due to behind-the-scenes operations required for encryption, decryption, or key management.
Drivers MUST apply timeouts to operations executed as part of client-side encryption per Client Side Operations Timeout: Client Side Encryption.
Integrating with libmongocrypt
Each ClientEncryption instance MUST have one libmongocrypt_handle
The libmongocrypt C API documentation For information on how to initialize, encrypt, decrypt with libmongocrypt.
The Guide to Integrating libmongocrypt For information about integrating the libmongocrypt library in a driver.
libmongocrypt exposes logging capabilities. If a driver provides a logging mechanism, it MUST enable this logging and integrate. E.g. if your driver exposes a logging callback that a user can set, it SHOULD be possible to get log messages from libmongocrypt.
Drivers MUST propagate errors from libmongocrypt in whatever way is idiomatic to the driver (exception, error object, etc.). These errors MUST be distinguished in some way (e.g. exception type) to make it easier for users to distinguish when a command fails due to client side encryption.
Enabling Command Marking with the crypt_shared
The MongoDB Enterprise distribution includes a dynamic library named mongo_crypt_v1
(with the appropriate file
extension or filename suffix for the host platform). This library will be loaded by libmongocrypt when
the mongocrypt_init
function is invoked
(from the libmongocrypt C API) based on the
search criteria that are provided by the driver.
libmongocrypt allows the driver to specify an arbitrary list of directory search paths in which to search for the crypt_shared dynamic library. The user-facing API does not expose this full search path functionality. This extended search path customization is intended to facilitate driver testing with crypt_shared (Refer: Search Paths for Testing and Path Resolution Behavior).
[!NOTE] The driver MUST NOT manipulate or do any validation on the crypt_shared path options provided in extraOptions. They should be passed through to libmongocrypt unchanged.
Setting Search Paths
For the user-facing API the driver MUST append the literal string - "$SYSTEM"
to the search paths for the
if bypassAutoEncryption
is not set to true
, and MUST NOT append to the search path if it is
set to true
or if the libmongocrypt instance is used for explicit encryption only (i.e. on the
ClientEncryption class). For purposes of testing, a driver may use a different set of search paths.
The search paths array in libmongocrypt allows the driver to customize the way that libmongocrypt searches and loads the crypt_shared library. For testing purposes, the driver may change the paths that it appends for crypt_shared searching to better isolate the test execution from the ambient state of the host system.
Refer to: Path Resolution Behavior and Search Paths for Testing
Overriding the crypt_shared
Library Path
If extraOptions.cryptSharedLibPath was specified by the user, the driver MUST set
the crypt_shared path override on the libmongocrypt_handle
[!NOTE] If a path override is set on a
and libmongocrypt fails to load crypt_shared from that filepath, then that will result in a hard-error when initializing libmongocrypt.
Path Resolution Behavior
Drivers should include and note the following information regarding the behavior of crypt_shared path options in extraOptions:
If used, the override path must be given as a path to the crypt_shared dynamic library file itself, and not simply the directory that contains it.
If the given override path is a relative path and the first path component is the literal string
, the"$ORIGIN"
component will be replaced by the absolute path to the directory containing the libmongocrypt library that is performing the crypt_shared search. This behavior mimics the$ORIGIN
behavior of theRUNPATH
properties of ELF executable files. This permits bundling the crypt_shared library along with libmongocrypt for creating portable application distributions without relying on a externally/globally available crypt_shared library.[!NOTE] No other
-style substitutions are available. -
If the override path is given as a relative path, that path will be resolved relative to the working directory of the operating system process.
If an override path was specified and libmongocrypt fails to load crypt_shared from that filepath, libmongocrypt will fail to initialize with a hard-error. libmongocrypt will not attempt to search for crypt_shared in any other locations.
If libmongocrypt fails to load the crypt_shared library after searching the system (and no override path is specified), libmongocrypt will proceed without error and presume that crypt_shared is unavailable.
Search Paths for Testing
Drivers can make use of different search paths settings for testing purposes. These search paths use the following behavior:
For crypt_shared search paths, if a search path string is
, then — instead of libmongocrypt searching for crypt_shared in a directory named "$SYSTEM
" — libmongocrypt will defer to the operating system's own dynamic-library resolution mechanism when processing that search-path. For this reason,"$SYSTEM"
is the only search path appended when the driver is used via the user-facing API. -
The search paths also support the
substitution string. -
Like with the override path, if a search path is given as a relative path, that path will be resolved relative to the working directory of the operating system process.
If no search paths are appended to the
, the resulting search paths will be an empty array, effectively disabling crypt_shared searching.In this case, unless an override path is specified, libmongocrypt is guaranteed not to load crypt_shared.
Detecting crypt_shared Availability
crypt_shared availability can only be reliably detected after initializing the
After initializing the libmongocrypt_handle
, the driver can detect whether crypt_shared was
successfully loaded by asking libmongocrypt for the crypt_shared version string. If
the result is an empty string, libmongocrypt did not load crypt_shared and the driver
must rely on mongocryptd to mark command documents for encryption.
"Disabling" crypt_shared
For purposes of testing, a driver can "disable" crypt_shared searching to ensure that mongocryptd is used instead, even if a crypt_shared library would be available.
As noted in Path Resolution Behavior, crypt_shared can be "disabled" on a
by omission:
- Do not specify any search paths,
- AND do not specify a crypt_shared library override path (extraOptions.cryptSharedLibPath).
This will have the effect that libmongocrypt will not attempt to search or load crypt_shared during initialization.
At the current time, no user-facing API is exposed that allows users to opt-out of crypt_shared.
Loading crypt_shared Multiple Times
Due to implementation restrictions, there must not be more than one crypt_shared dynamic library loaded
simultaneously in a single operating system process. libmongocrypt
will do its best to enforce this at the time that
it loads crypt_shared while initializing a libmongocrypt_handle
. libmongocrypt
will keep track of
the open crypt_shared library globally, and any subsequent attempt to use a
crypt_shared library that does not exactly match the filepath of the already-loaded
crypt_shared will result in an error.
If at least one libmongocrypt_handle
exists in an operating system process that has an open handle to a
crypt_shared library, subsequent attempts to initialize an additional libmongocrypt_handle
will fail
- The new
wants crypt_shared (i.e. at least one search path was specified or an override path was specified). - AND the initialization of that
does not successfully find and load the same crypt_shared library that was loaded by the existinglibmongocrypt_handle
that is already using crypt_shared.
Drivers MUST document this limitation for users along with the documentation on the cryptShared*
options in
extraOptions by including the following:
objects in the same process should use the same setting for extraOptions.cryptSharedLibPath, as it is an error to load more that one crypt_shared dynamic library simultaneously in a single operating system process.
Once all open handles to a crypt_shared library are closed, it is possible to load a different crypt_shared library than was previously loaded. The restriction only applies to simultaneous open handles within a single process.
Managing mongocryptd
If the following conditions are met:
- The user's
is configured for client-side encryption (i.e.bypassAutoEncryption
is notfalse
) - AND the user has not disabled
spawning (i.e. by settingextraOptions.mongocryptdBypassSpawn
), - AND the crypt_shared library is unavailable (Refer: Detecting crypt_shared Availability),
- AND the extraOptions.cryptSharedLibRequired option is
then mongocryptd
MUST be spawned by the driver.
If the extraOptions.cryptSharedLibRequired option is true
then the driver MUST
NOT attempt to spawn or connect to mongocryptd
[!NOTE] Since spawning mongocryptd requires checking whether crypt_shared is loaded, and checking whether crypt_shared is available can only be done after having initialized the
, drivers will need to defer spawning mongocryptd until after initializing libmongocrypt and checking for crypt_shared.
Spawning mongocryptd
If a MongoClient is configured for Client Side Encryption (eg. bypassAutoEncryption=false
), then by default (unless
), mongocryptd MUST be spawned by the driver. Spawning MUST include the command line
argument --idleShutdownTimeoutSecs
. If the user does not supply one through extraOptions.mongocryptdSpawnArgs
may be either in the form --idleShutdownTimeoutSecs=60
or as two consecutive arguments
["--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs", 60]
, then the driver MUST append --idleShutdownTimeoutSecs=60
to the arguments. This
tells mongocryptd to automatically terminate after 60 seconds of non-use. The stdout and stderr of the spawned process
MUST not be exposed in the driver (e.g. redirect to /dev/null
). Users can pass the argument --logpath
if they need to inspect mongocryptd logs.
Upon construction, the MongoClient MUST create a MongoClient to mongocryptd configured with
If spawning is necessary, the driver MUST spawn mongocryptd whenever server selection on the MongoClient to mongocryptd fails. If the MongoClient fails to connect after spawning, the server selection error is propagated to the user.
Connecting to mongocryptd
If the crypt_shared library is loaded, the driver MUST NOT attempt to connect to mongocryptd. (Refer: Detecting crypt_shared Availability).
Single-threaded drivers MUST connect with
, and MUST bypass
cooldownMS when connecting to mongocryptd. See
Why are serverSelectionTryOnce and cooldownMS disabled for single-threaded drivers connecting to mongocryptd?
If the ClientEncryption is configured with mongocryptdBypassSpawn=true
, then the driver is not responsible for
spawning mongocryptd. If server selection ever fails when connecting to mongocryptd, the server selection error is
propagated to the user.
[!NOTE] A correctly-behaving driver will never attempt to connect to mongocryptd when extraOptions.cryptSharedLibRequired is set to
or crypt_shared is loaded.
The new ClientEncryption type interacts uses libmongocrypt to perform ClientEncryption operations. See the libmongocrypt API documentation for more information.
The ClientEncryption contains a MongoClient connected to the MongoDB cluster containing the key vault collection. It does not contain a MongoClient to mongocryptd.
Key Vault collection
The key vault collection is the specially designated collection containing encrypted data keys. There is no default collection (user must specify). The key vault collection is used for automatic and explicit encryption/decryption as well as key management functions.
For key management functions that require creating, updating, or deleting key documents in the key vault collection, the corresponding operations MUST be done with write concern majority.
For encryption/decryption and key management functions that require reading key documents from the key vault collection, the corresponding operations MUST be done with read concern majority.
Some key management functions may require multiple commands to complete their operation. Key management functions currently assume there is no concurrent access of the key vault collection being operated on. Concurrent access to a key vault collection being operated on may result in unexpected or undefined behavior. Support for concurrent key management may be considered for future work.
See Support sessions in key management functions.
Auto encrypt and decrypt
An encrypted MongoClient automatically encrypts values for filtering and decrypts results.
The driver MUST use libmongocrypt to initiate auto encryption and decryption. Create the BSON command meant to be sent
over the wire, then pass that through the libmongocrypt state machine and use the returned BSON command in its place.
The state machine is created with the libmongocrypt function mongocrypt_ctx_new
and initialized with a
or mongocrypt_ctx_decrypt_init
. See the
libmongocrypt API documentation for more
An encrypted MongoClient configured with bypassAutoEncryption MUST NOT attempt automatic encryption for any command.
Otherwise, an encrypted MongoClient MUST attempt to auto encrypt all commands. Note, the underlying implementation may determine no encryption is necessary, or bypass many checks if the command is deemed to not possibly contain any encrypted data (e.g. ping). See the appendix section: libmongocrypt: Auto Encryption Allow-List.
An encrypted MongoClient MUST attempt to auto decrypt the results of all commands.
Drivers MUST raise an error when attempting to auto encrypt a command if the maxWireVersion is less than 8. The error message MUST contain "Auto-encryption requires a minimum MongoDB version of 4.2".
Note, all client side features (including all of ClientEncryption
) are only supported against 4.2 or higher servers.
However, errors are only raised for automatic encryption/decryption against older servers. See
Why is a 4.2 server required?
Interaction with Command Monitoring
Unencrypted data MUST NOT appear in the data of any command monitoring events. Encryption MUST occur before generating a CommandStartedEvent, and decryption MUST occur after generating a CommandSucceededEvent.
Size limits for Write Commands
Automatic encryption requires the driver to serialize write commands as a single BSON document before automatically encrypting with libmongocrypt (analogous to constructing OP_MSG payload type 0, not a document sequence). Automatic encryption returns a single (possibly modified) BSON document as the command to send.
Because automatic encryption increases the size of commands, the driver MUST split bulk writes at a reduced size limit before undergoing automatic encryption. The write payload MUST be split at 2MiB (2097152). Where batch splitting occurs relative to automatic encryption is implementation-dependent.
Drivers MUST not reduce the size limits for a single write before automatic encryption. I.e. if a single document has
size larger than 2MiB (but less than maxBsonObjectSize
) proceed with automatic encryption.
Drivers MUST document the performance limitation of enabling client side encryption by including the following documentation in MongoClient:
Enabling Client Side Encryption reduces the maximum write batch size and may have a negative performance impact.
Appendix terms
intent-to-encrypt marking
One of the data formats of BSON binary subtype 6, representing an encoded BSON document containing plaintext and metadata.
Key vault collection schema for data keys
Data keys are stored in the MongoDB key vault collection with the following schema:
Name | Type | Description |
_id | UUID | A unique identifier for the key. |
version | Int64 | A numeric identifier for the schema version of this document. Implicitly 0 if unset. |
keyAltNames | Array of strings | Alternate names to search for keys by. Used for a per-document key scenario in support of GDPR scenarios. |
keyMaterial | BinData | Encrypted data key material, BinData type General |
creationDate | Date | The datetime the wrapped data key material was imported into the Key Database. |
updateDate | Date | The datetime the wrapped data key material was last modified. On initial import, this value will be set to creationDate. |
status | Int | 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled |
masterKey | Document | Per provider master key definition, see below |
masterKey contents
Name | Type | Description |
provider | "aws" | |
key | String | AWS ARN. Only applicable for "aws" provider. |
region | String | AWS Region that contains AWS ARN. Only applicable for "aws" provider. |
endpoint | String | Alternate AWS endpoint (needed for FIPS endpoints) |
Name | Type | Description |
provider | "azure" | |
keyVaultEndpoint | String | Required key vault endpoint. (e.g. "") |
keyName | String | Required key name. |
keyVersion | String | Optional key version. |
Name | Type | Description |
provider | "gcp" | |
projectId | String | Required project ID. |
location | String | Required location name (e.g. "global") |
keyRing | String | Required key ring name. |
keyName | String | Required key name. |
keyVersion | String | Optional key version. |
endpoint | String | Optional, KMS URL, defaults to |
Name | Type | Description |
provider | "local" |
Name | Type | Description |
provider | "kmip" | |
endpoint | String | Optional. Defaults to kmip.endpoint from KMS providers. |
delegated | Boolean | Optional. Defaults to false. |
keyId | String | Required. keyId is the Unique Identifier to a 96 byte KMIP Secret Data managed object. |
Data keys are needed for encryption and decryption. They are identified in the intent-to-encrypt marking and ciphertext. Data keys may be retrieved by querying the "_id" with a UUID or by querying the "keyAltName" with a string.
Note, "status" is unused and is purely informational.
Example data key document
"_id" : UUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"),
"status" : 1,
"masterKey" : {
"provider" : "aws",
"key" : "arn:aws...",
"region" : "us-east-1"
"updateDate" : ISODate("2019-03-18T22:53:50.483Z"),
"keyMaterial" : BinData(0,"AQICAH..."),
"creationDate" : ISODate("2019-03-18T22:53:50.483Z"),
"keyAltNames" : [
BSON binary subtype 6
BSON Binary Subtype 6 has a one byte leading identifier. The following is a quick reference.
struct {
uint8 subtype;
[more data - see individual type definitions]
Type 0: Intent-to-encrypt marking
struct {
uint8 subtype = 0;
[ bson ];
Types 1 and 2: Ciphertext
struct {
uint8 subtype = (1 or 2);
uint8 key_uuid[16];
uint8 original_bson_type;
uint32 ciphertext_length;
uint8 ciphertext[ciphertext_length];
See Driver Spec: BSON Binary Encrypted for more information.
JSONSchema "encrypt"
The additional support for encryption in JSONSchema will be documented in the MongoDB manual. But the following is an example:
encrypt : {
bsonType: "int"
algorithm: "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic"
keyId: [UUID(...)]
Each field is briefly described as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
bsonType | string | The bsonType of the underlying encrypted field. |
algorithm | string | "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random" or "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic" |
keyId | string or array of UUID | If string, it is a JSON pointer to a field with a scalar value identifying a key by keyAltName. If array, an array of eligible keys. |
libmongocrypt: Prohibitions and warnings
libmongocrypt MUST validate options. The following noteworthy cases are prohibited:
- Explicit encryption using the deterministic algorithm on any of the following types:
- array
- document
- code with scope
- single value types: undefined, MinKey, MaxKey, Null
- decimal128
- double
- bool
- Explicit encryption on a BSON binary subtype 6.
The following cases MUST warn:
- A local schema that does not include encrypted fields.
libmongocrypt: Collection info caching
libmongocrypt will cache the collection infos so encryption with remote schemas need not run listCollections every time. Collection infos (or lack thereof) are cached for one minute. This is not configurable. After expiration, subsequent attempts to encrypt will result in libmongocrypt requesting a new collection info.
A collection info result indicates if the collection is really a view. If it is, libmongocrypt returns an error since it does not know the schema of the underlying collection.
A collection info with validators that aside from one top level $jsonSchema
are considered an error.
libmongocrypt: Data key caching
Data keys are cached in libmongocrypt for one minute. This is not configurable, and there is no maximum number of keys in the cache. The data key material is stored securely. It will not be paged to disk and the memory will be properly zero'ed out after freeing.
libmongocrypt: Crypto implementation
libmongocrypt uses AEAD_SHA256_CBC_HMAC512 for both "randomized" and "deterministic" encryption algorithms. It is described in this IETF document draft. For "randomized", libmongocrypt securely creates a random IV. For "deterministic", libmongocrypt securely creates a random IV key and any given encryption operation will derive the IV from the IV key and the field plaintext data.
libmongocrypt: Auto Encryption Allow-List
libmongocrypt determines whether or not the command requires encryption (i.e. is sent to mongocryptd) based on the table below. Commands not listed in this table will result in an error returned by libmongocrypt.
Command | Action |
aggregate (collection) | AUTOENCRYPT |
distinct | AUTOENCRYPT |
delete | AUTOENCRYPT |
findAndModify | AUTOENCRYPT |
getMore | BYPASS |
insert | AUTOENCRYPT |
update | AUTOENCRYPT |
authenticate | BYPASS |
getnonce | BYPASS |
logout | BYPASS |
hello | BYPASS |
legacy hello | BYPASS |
abortTransaction | BYPASS |
commitTransaction | BYPASS |
endSessions | BYPASS |
startSession | BYPASS |
create | BYPASS |
createIndexes | BYPASS |
createSearchIndexes | BYPASS |
drop | BYPASS |
dropDatabase | BYPASS |
dropIndexes | BYPASS |
dropSearchIndex | BYPASS |
killCursors | BYPASS |
listCollections | BYPASS |
listDatabases | BYPASS |
listIndexes | BYPASS |
renameCollection | BYPASS |
explain | AUTOENCRYPT |
ping | BYPASS |
killAllSessions | BYPASS |
killSessions | BYPASS |
killAllSessionsByPattern | BYPASS |
refreshSessions | BYPASS |
updateSearchIndex | BYPASS |
All AUTOENCRYPT commands are sent to mongocryptd, even if there is no JSONSchema. This is to ensure that commands that
reference other collections (e.g. aggregate with $lookup
) are handled properly.
Test Plan
See the in the test directory.
Design Principles
In addition to the Driver Mantras there are design principles specific to this project.
1. Make encryption easy to enable
Users should be able to enable encryption with minimal application change.
2. Minimize risk of exposing sensitive data
Storing or querying with unencrypted data can have dire consequences, because users may not be made aware immediately. When in doubt, we should error. It should be clear to the user when an operation gets encrypted and when one doesn't.
3. Minimize API
The first version of Client Side Encryption is to get signal. If it becomes popular, further improvements will be made (removing mongocryptd process, support for more queries, better performance). But the public API we provide now will stick around for the long-term. So let's keep it minimal to accomplish our goals.
How did we arrive at this API?
The API for client side encryption underwent multiple iterations during the design process.
Why is client side encryption configured on a MongoClient?
There is state that must be shared among all auto encrypted collections: the MongoClient to mongocryptd and the handle to libmongocrypt (because key caching + JSONSchema caching occurs in libmongocrypt).
Why not make auto encryption "opt-in"?
Because auto encryption is specified with a collection JSONSchema, we cannot auto encrypt database or client operations. So we cannot know if the user is passing sensitive data as a filter to a database/client change stream or a currentOp command for example. We also must always fail on view operations. We considered making auto encryption opt-in for collections. But we decided against this. It is much simpler for users to enable auto encryption without enumerating all collections with encryption in the common case of using remote JSONSchemas.
Note, this takes the trade-off of a better user experience over less safety. If a user mistakenly assumes that auto
encryption occurs on a database, or on a collection doing a $(graph)lookup
on a collection with auto encryption, they
may end up sending unencrypted data.
Why are auto encrypted collections configured at level of MongoClient?
In a previous iteration of the design, we proposed enabling auto encryption only in db.getCollection() for better usability. But this better aligns with our design principles.
- Safer. Users won't forget to enable auto encryption on one call to db.getCollection()
- Easier. It only requires changing MongoClient code instead of every db.getCollection()
Why do we have a separate top level type for ClientEncryption?
The encrypt/decrypt and createDataKey functions were originally placed on MongoClient. But, then we'd have API that depends on optional configuration. A new top level type seemed warranted.
Why not pass the ClientEncryption into db.getCollection() to enable auto encryption?
As it is now, a ClientEncryption and a MongoClient cannot share state (libmongocrypt handle or MongoClient to mongocryptd). Foreseeably, they could share state if auto encryption was enabled by passing a ClientEncryption object like:
db.getCollection("coll", { autoEncrypt: { clientEncryption: clientEncryption } })
But this would require a MongoCollection to peek into the internals of a ClientEncryption object. This is messy and language dependent to implement and makes mocking out the ClientEncryption difficult for tests.
Why do we need to pass a client to create a ClientEncryption?
We need to support an external key vault collection (i.e. on another MongoDB cluster).
Why are extraOptions and kmsProviders maps?
Because we don't want AWS as part of the public types and we don't want to put mongocryptd and crypt_shared options as types since mongocryptd is an implementation detail we'd like to hide as much as possible.
Why is there a bypassAutoEncryption?
bypassAutoEncryption still supports auto decryption. In cases where mongocryptd or crypt_shared cannot analyze a query, it's still useful to provide auto decryption. Just like static program analysis cannot always prove that a runtime invariant holds, mongocryptd/crypt_shared cannot always prove that a query will be safe with respect to encryption at runtime.
Why not require compatibility between mongocryptd and the server?
It isn't necessary or unsafe if mongocryptd parses an old version of MQL. Consider what happens when we add a new
operator, $newOperator
. If it properly encrypts a value in the $newOperator
expression and sends it to an old server
that doesn't have $newOperator
, that's a mistake but not a security hole. Also if the app passes a query with
to mongocryptd, and mongocryptd doesn't know about $newOperator
, then it will error,
"Unrecognized operator $newOperator"
or something. Also a mistake, not a security hole.
So long as mongocryptd errors on unrecognized expressions, we don't need version compatibility between the mongocryptd and server for the sake of security.
Why cache keys?
We can't re-fetch the key on each operation, the performance goal for this project requires us to cache. We do need a revocation mechanism, based upon periodic checking from the client. Initially this window will not be configurable.
Why require including a C library?
- libmongocrypt deduplicates a lot of the work: JSONSchema cache, KMS message construction/parsing, key caching, and encryption/decryption.
- Our "best-effort" of storing decrypted key material securely is best accomplished with a C library.
- Having crypto done in one centralized C library makes it much easier to audit the crypto code.
Why warn if a local schema does not have encrypted fields?
Because that is the only use of local schemas. No other JSONSchema validators have any function. It's likely the user misconfigured encryption.
Why limit to one top-level $jsonSchema
- If we allow siblings, we can run into cases where the user specifies a top-level
or any arbitrary match-expression that could have nested$jsonSchema
's. - Furthermore, the initial versions of mongocryptd and crypt_shared are only
implementing query analysis when the validator consists of a single
predicate. This helps to simplify the mongocryptd and crypt_shared logic, and unifies it with the case where users configure their schemas directly in the driver.
Why not allow schemas to be configured at runtime?
We could have something like Collection::setEncryptionSchema(), but users can simply recreate the client to set new local schemas.
Why not support other AWS auth mechanisms?
We could potentially authenticate against AWS in a more sophisticated way, like read credentials from ~/.aws/credentials or assuming a role with EC2 instance metadata. But we've decided to implement the simplest authentication mechanism for v1, and defer more sophisticated ones as future work.
Why not pass a URI for external key vault collections instead of a MongoClient?
Some configuration on a MongoClient can only be done programmatically. E.g. in Java TLS configuration can only be done at runtime since it is abstracted in an SSLContext which cannot be accessed or altered by the driver.
What happened to multiple key vault collections?
An earlier revision of this specification supported multiple active key vaults with the notion of a "key vault collection alias". The key vault collection alias identified one of possibly many key vault collections that stored the key to decrypt the ciphertext. However, enforcing one key vault collection is a reasonable restriction for users. There isn't clear value in having multiple key vault collections. And having active multiple key vault collections is not necessary to migrate key vault collections.
Why auto encrypt a command instead of a wire protocol message?
- It is significantly easier to implement communication in drivers if libmongocrypt gives back BSON object that can be passed to run command.
- mongocryptd cannot return document sequences, so it will return an array of documents anyway.
- Though it is foreseeable that a driver can take the final result of encryption and turn it into an OP_MSG document sequence, it does not seem worthwhile to impose extra complexity in this case.
Why is a failure to decrypt always an error?
In the original design we proposed not to error if decryption failed due to a missing key. But, it's not clear this is a needed functionality, it goes against our principle of "Minimize API", and there's a simple recourse for users: bypass mongocryptd and explicitly decrypt instead.
Why are there no APM events for mongocryptd?
Though it may be helpful for debugging to expose APM events for mongocryptd, mongocryptd is an implementation detail we'd like to have the freedom to remove in the future. So we want to expose mongocryptd as little as possible.
Why aren't we creating a unique index in the key vault collection?
There should be a unique index on the keyAltNames
field with a partial index filter for only documents where
exists. Although GridFS automatically creates indexes as a convenience upon first write, it has been
problematic before due to requiring the createIndex
privilege, which a user might not have if they are just querying
the key vault collection with find and adding keys with insert.
See also
Why do operations on views fail?
Currently, the driver does not resolve the entire view pipeline, which would be necessary to know the schema of the underlying collection. But, the driver does know whether or not a namespace is a view based on the response to listCollections. And the driver will run listCollections on all namespaces omitted from the schemaMap.
Why is a 4.2 server required?
Limiting to 4.2 reduces testing complexity. Additionally The encrypt
subdocument in JSON schema is only supported on
4.2 or higher servers. Although not technically necessary for client side encryption, it does provide a fallback against
accidentally sending unencrypted data from misconfigured clients.
Why are serverSelectionTryOnce and cooldownMS disabled for single-threaded drivers connecting to mongocryptd?
By default, single threaded clients set serverSelectionTryOnce to true, which means server selection fails if a topology scan fails the first time (i.e. it will not make repeat attempts until serverSelectionTimeoutMS expires). This behavior is overridden since there may be a small delay between spawning mongocryptd (which the driver may be responsible for) and for mongocryptd to listen on sockets. See the Server Selection spec description of serverSelectionTryOnce.
Similarly, single threaded clients will by default wait for 5 second cooldown period after failing to connect to a server before making another attempt. Meaning if the first attempt to mongocryptd fails to connect, then the user would observe a 5 second delay. This is not configurable in the URI, so this must be overridden internally. Since mongocryptd is a local process, there should only be a very short delay after spawning mongocryptd for it to start listening on sockets. See the SDAM spec description of cooldownMS.
Because single threaded drivers may exceed serverSelectionTimeoutMS
by the duration of the topology scan,
is also reduced.
What's the deal with metadataClient, keyVaultClient, and the internal client?
When automatically encrypting a command, the driver runs:
- a
command to determine if the target collection has a remote schema. This uses themetadataClient
. - a
against the key vault collection to fetch keys. This uses thekeyVaultClient
Why not reuse the parent MongoClient when maxPoolSize is limited?
These operations MUST NOT reuse the same connection pool as the parent MongoClient
configured with automatic
encryption to avoid possible deadlock situations.
Drivers supporting a connection pool (see
CMAP specification) support an option for
limiting the connection pool size: maxPoolSize
Drivers need to check out a connection before serializing the command. If the listCollections
or find
command during
automatic encryption uses the same connection pool as the parent MongoClient, the application is susceptible to
Using the same connection pool causes automatic encryption to check out multiple connections from the pool when processing a single command. If maxPoolSize=1, this is an immediate deadlock. If maxPoolSize=2, and two threads check out the first connection, they will deadlock attempting to check out the second.
Why is keyVaultClient an exposed option, but metadataClient private?
The keyVaultClient
supports the use case where the key vault collection is stored on a MongoDB cluster separate from
the data-bearing cluster.
The metadataClient
is only used for listCollections
against the data-bearing cluster.
responses are cached by libmongocrypt for one minute.
The use pattern of the metadataClient
will likely greatly differ from the parent MongoClient
. So it is configured
with minPoolSize=0
The metadataClient
is not an exposed option because a user could misconfigure it to point to another MongoDB cluster,
which could be a security risk.
Why is the metadataClient not needed if bypassAutoEncryption=true
JSON schema data is only needed for automatic encryption but not for automatic decryption. listCollections
is not run
when bypassAutoEncryption
is true
, making a metadataClient unnecessary.
Why are commands sent to mongocryptd on collections without encrypted fields?
If a MongoClient
is configured with automatic encryption, all commands on collections listed as AUTOENCRYPT
libmongocrypt: Auto Encryption Allow-List undergo the automatic encryption
process. Even if the collection does not have an associated schema, the command is sent to mongocryptd as a safeguard. A
collection may not have encrypted fields, but a command on the collection may could have sensitive data as part of the
command arguments. For example:
{$lookup: {from: "privateData", localField: "_id", foreignField: "_id", as: "privateData"}},
{$match: {"privateData.ssn": "123-45-6789"}},
The publicData
collection does not have encrypted fields, but the privateData
collection does. mongocryptd rejects
an aggregate with $lookup
since there is no mechanism to determine encrypted fields of joined collections.
Why do KMS providers require TLS options?
Drivers authenticate to KMIP servers with the client certificate presented in TLS connections.
This specification assumes that TLS connections to KMIP servers may require different TLS options than TLS connections to MongoDB servers.
KMIP support in the MongoDB server is a precedent. The server supports --kmipServerCAFile
to configure the encrypted storage engine KMIP. See
TLS options may be useful for the AWS, Azure, and GCP KMS providers in a case where the default trust store does not include the needed CA certificates.
Why is it an error to have an CSFLE and Queryable Encryption field in the same collection?
There is no technical limitation to having a separate CSFLE field and Queryable Encryption field in the same collection. Prohibiting CSFLE and Queryable Encryption in the same collection reduces complexity. From the product perspective, a random CSFLE field and a non-queryable Queryable Encryption field have the same behavior and similar security guarantees. A deterministic CSFLE field leaks more information then a deterministic Queryable Encryption field. There is not a compelling use case to use both CSFLE and Queryable Encryption in the same collection.
Is it an error to set schemaMap and encryptedFieldsMap?
No. CSFLE and Queryable Encryption fields can coexist in different collections. The same collection cannot be in the
and schemaMap
. libmongocrypt will error if the same collection is specified in
a schemaMap
and encryptedFieldsMap
Why is bypassQueryAnalysis needed?
Commands containing payloads for encrypted indexed fields require a top-level "encryptionInformation" field for the
server processing. bypassQueryAnalysis
enables the use case of Explicit Encryption without the MongoDB Enterprise
Advanced licensed crypt_shared library or mongocryptd process.
Here is an example:
// No MongoDB Enterprise Advanced licensed 'crypt_shared' shared library.
aeo := options.AutoEncryption().
co := options.Client().
encryptedClient, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, co)
defer encryptedClient.Disconnect(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error in Connect: %v", err)
coll := encryptedClient.Database("foo").Collection("bar")
// Explicit Encrypt an Queryable Encryption Indexed Field.
eo := options.Encrypt().
ciphertext, err := ce.Encrypt(ctx, val, eo)
// In InsertOne, libmongocrypt appends "encryptionInformation" to the insert command.
_, err = coll.InsertOne(ctx, bson.D{{"encryptedIndexed", ciphertext}})
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error in InsertOne: %v", err)
A rejected alternative to adding bypassQueryAnalysis
is to change the behavior of bypassAutoEncryption
is distinct from bypassAutoEncryption
. bypassAutoEncryption
bypasses all of libmongocrypt for
commands. Changing the behavior of bypassAutoEncryption
could harm performance (e.g. by serializing as smaller
Why does rewrapManyDataKey return RewrapManyDataKeyResult instead of BulkWriteResult?
is risky as it performs both a find and an update on the key vault collection. Using
allows new fields to be added in the future and more easily deprecate the wrapped
if necessary.
Why does ClientEncryption have key management functions when Drivers can use existing CRUD operations instead?
The key management functions are added for parity with mongosh to reduce friction between conducting operations using mongosh and a Driver. Their inclusion assumes their value for users outweighs their cost of implementation and maintenance.
Why are the QueryType and Algorithm options a String?
Using an enum to represent QueryType was considered and rejected in DRIVERS-2352.
A string value helps with future compatibility. When new values of QueryType and IndexType are added in libmongocrypt, users would only need to upgrade libmongocrypt, and not the driver, to use the new values.
Why is there an encryptExpression helper?
Querying a range index requires encrypting a lower bound (value for $gt
or $gte
) and upper bound (value for $lt
) payload. A rejected alternative API is to encrypt the lower and upper bound payloads separately. The lower and
upper bound payloads must have a unique matching UUID. The lower and upper bound payloads are unique. This API requires
handling the UUID and distinguishing the upper and lower bounds. Here are examples showing possible errors:
uuid = UUID()
lOpts = EncryptOpts(
keyId=keyId, algorithm="range", queryType="range", uuid=uuid, bound="lower")
lower = clientEncryption.encrypt (value=30, lOpts)
uOpts = EncryptOpts(
keyId=keyId, algorithm="range", queryType="range", uuid=uuid, bound="upper")
upper = clientEncryption.encrypt (value=40, uOpts)
# Both bounds match UUID ... OK
db.coll.find_one ({"age": {"$gt": lower, "$lt": upper }})
# Upper bound is used as a lower bound ... ERROR!
db.coll.find_one ({"age": {"$gt": upper }})
lower2 = clientEncryption.encrypt (value=35, lOpts)
# UUID is re-used ... ERROR!
db.coll.find_one ({ "$or": [
{"age": {"$gt": lower, "$lt": upper }},
{"age": {"$gt": lower2 }}
# UUID does not match between lower and upper bound ... ERROR!
db.coll.find_one ({ "age": {"$gt": lower2, "$lt": upper }})
Requiring an Aggregate Expression or Match Expression hides the UUID and handles both bounds.
Returning an Aggregate Expression or Match Expression as a BSON document motivated adding a new
helper. ClientEncryption.encrypt()
cannot be reused since it returns a Binary.
To limit scope, only $and
is supported. Support for other operators ($eq, $in)
can be added in the future if
Why do on-demand KMS credentials not support named KMS providers?
libmongocrypt supports supplying KMS providers credentials on-demand. This enables obtaining credentials from the host machine. Supporting on-demand credentials was added as part of these projects: DRIVERS-2280 ("aws"), DRIVERS-2377 ("gcp"), DRIVERS-2411 ("azure").
On-demand credentials are primarily intended to support passing credentials assigned in an environment. Supporting on-demand credentials for more than one KMS provider of the same type is not expected to be useful. Supporting on-demand KMS credentials would require added work in drivers inspecting the KMS providers when obtaining credentials, as well as additional test coverage. Supporting on-demand KMS credentials for named KMS providers can be considered as future work if needed.
What is the KMIP delegated
By default, the KMS will retrieve the key encryption key from the KMIP server and use it to encrypt the data key. If the
option is set to true (recommended), the KMIP server will instead perform encryption and decryption locally,
ensuring that the key encryption key never leaves the server.
Future work
Make libmonogocrypt cache window configurable
There's a principle at MongoDB, "no knobs", that we should honor wherever possible. Configurability is bad, mandating one well-chosen value is good. But if our default caching behavior is discovered unsuitable for some use cases we may add configuration as part of future work.
APM events for encryption or key service interaction
APM events include the encrypted data before it is sent to the server, or before it is decrypted in a reply. Therefore, app developers can determine whether or not encryption occurred by inspecting the values in their command monitoring events. However, it might be useful to offer separate "encryption" and "decryption" events, as well as interactions with the key service.
Remove mongocryptd
A future version plans to remove the mongocryptd process and fold the logic into libmongocrypt
the crypt_shared library. Therefore, this spec mandates that drivers use libmongocrypt
to abstract
encryption logic, deduplicate work, and to provide a simpler future path to removing mongocryptd.
Support external key vault collection discovery
The only way to configure an external key vault collection is by passing a MongoClient.
For apps like Compass, where it may not be possible for users to configure this app side, there should ideally be enough information in the database to decrypt data. (Excluding KMS credentials, which are still passed as MongoClient options).
We may want to store a URI to the external key vault collection somewhere in the data bearing cluster, so clients can connect to the external key vault collection without additional user supplied configuration.
Batch listCollections requests on expired schema cache entries
Currently libmongocrypt will refresh schemas one at a time.
Add a maximum size for the JSONSchema/key cache.
They're unbounded currently.
Recalculate message size bounds dynamically
Instead of using one reduced maxMessageSizeBytes, libmongocrypt could hide the complexity of properly resplitting bulk writes after encryption. It could use a simple back-off algorithm: try marking a command with maxMessageSizeBytes=24MB. If after marking we determine that's too large, try again with maxMessageSizeBytes=12MB and so on. And in the end libmongocrypt would create multiple OP_MSGs to send.
Support sessions in key management functions
Key management functions currently assume there are no concurrent accesses of the key vault collection being operated on. To support concurrent access of the key vault collection, the key management functions may be overloaded to take an explicit session parameter as described in the Drivers Sessions Specification.
2024-02-19: Add custom options AWS credential provider.
2024-10-09: Add retry prose test.
2024-07-29: Document range as stable.
2024-07-22: Make
optional. -
2024-06-13: Document range as unstable.
2024-05-31: Replace rangePreview with range.
2024-03-20: Add
option to "kmip" KMS provider -
2024-02-27: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2024-01-10: Add named KMS providers
2023-03-30: Remove ECC collection
2023-02-01: Replace
. -
does not check AutoEncryptionOptions for the encryptedFieldsMap. -
2023-01-30: Return
error. -
2023-01-26: Use GetEncryptedFields in more helpers.
2022-11-30: Add
. -
2022-11-28: Permit
in KMS TLS options. -
2022-11-27: Fix typo for references to
option. -
2022-11-10: Defined a
helper for creating new encryption keys automatically for the queryable encrypted fields in a new collection. -
2022-11-07: Reformat changelog.
2022-11-04: Permit global cache for Azure credentials.
2022-10-26: Do not connect to
if shared library is loaded. -
2022-10-11: Specify a timeout on Azure IMDS HTTP requests and fix the resource URL
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and
RST macros (since spec version was removed) -
2022-09-26: Add behavior for automatic Azure KeyVault credentials for
. -
2022-09-09: Prohibit
with libmongocrypt <= 1.5.1. -
2022-07-20: Add behavior for automatic GCP credential loading in
. -
2022-06-30: Add behavior for automatic AWS credential loading in
. -
2022-06-29: Clarify bulk write operation expectations for
. -
2022-06-27: Remove
. -
2022-06-24: Clean up kmsProviders to use more TypeScript-like type definitions.
2022-06-23: Make
optional. -
2022-06-16: Change
to a string. -
2022-06-15: Clarify description of date fields in key documents.
2022-06-08: Add
Queryable Encryption
to abstract. -
2022-06-02: Rename
toQueryable Encryption
2022-05-31: Rename
2022-05-27: Define ECC, ECOC, and ESC acronyms within encryptedFields
2022-05-26: Clarify how
interacts withcreate
commands -
2022-05-24: Add key management API functions
2022-05-18: Add createKey and rewrapManyDataKey
2022-05-11: Update create state collections to use clustered collections. Drop data collection after state collection.
2022-05-03: Add queryType, contentionFactor, and "Indexed" and "Unindexed" to algorithm.
2022-04-29: Add bypassQueryAnalysis option
2022-04-11: Document the usage of the new
library (Note: Later renamed tocrypt_shared
) -
2022-02-24: Rename Versioned API to Stable API
2022-01-19: Require that timeouts be applied per the CSOT spec
2021-11-04: Add "kmip" KMS provider
2021-04-08: Updated to use hello and legacy hello
2021-01-22: Add sessionToken option to "aws" KMS provider
2020-12-12: Add metadataClient option and internal client
2020-10-19: Add "azure" and "gcp" KMS providers
2019-10-11: Add "endpoint" to AWS masterkey
2019-12-17: Clarified
and managingmongocryptd
BSON Binary Encrypted
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 4.2
Client side encryption requires a new binary subtype to store (1) encrypted ciphertext with metadata, and (2) binary markings indicating what values must be encrypted in a document. (1) is stored in the server, but (2) is only used in the communication protocol between libmongocrypt and mongocryptd described in Driver Spec: Client Side Encryption Encryption.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
This spec introduces a new BSON binary subtype with value 6. The binary has multiple formats determined by the first byte, but are all related to client side encryption. The first byte indicates the type and layout of the remaining data.
All values are represented in little endian. The payload is generally optimized for storage size. The exception is the intent-to-encrypt markings which are only used between libmongocrypt and mongocryptd and never persisted.
struct {
uint8 subtype;
[more data - see individual type definitions]
Name | Type | Description |
subtype | uint8 | Type of blob format. |
Type | Name | Blob Description |
0 | Intent-to-encrypt marking. | Contains unencrypted data that will be encrypted (by libmongocrypt) along with metadata describing how to encrypt it. |
1 | AEAD_AES_CBC_HMAC_SHA512 deterministic ciphertext. | The metadata and encrypted data for deterministic encrypted data. |
2 | AEAD_AES_CBC_HMAC_SHA512 randomized ciphertext. | The metadata and encrypted data for random encrypted data. |
Type 0: Intent-to-encrypt marking
struct {
uint8 subtype = 0;
[ bson ];
bson is the raw bytes of the following BSON document:
Name | Long Name | Type | Description |
v | value | any | Value to encrypt. |
a | algorithm | int32 | Encryption algorithm to use. Same as fle_blob_subtype: 1 for deterministic, 2 for randomized. |
ki | keyId | UUID | Optional. Used to query the key vault by _id. If omitted, then "ka" must be specified. |
ka | keyAltName | string | Optional. Used to query the key vault by keyAltName. If omitted, then "ki" must be specified. |
Types 1 and 2: Ciphertext
struct {
uint8 subtype = (1 or 2);
uint8 key_uuid[16];
uint8 original_bson_type;
uint8 ciphertext[ciphertext_length];
Name | Description |
subtype | Type of blob format and encryption algorithm used. |
key_uuid[16] | The value of _id for the key used to decrypt the ciphertext. |
original_bson_type | The byte representing the original BSON type of the encrypted data. |
ciphertext[] | The encrypted ciphertext (includes IV prepended). |
Test Plan
Covered in Driver Spec: Client Side Encryption Encryption.
Design Rationale
Why not use a new BSON type?
An alternative to using a new binary subtype would be introducing a new BSON type. This would be a needless backwards breaking change. Since FLE is largely a client side feature, it should be possible to store encrypted data in old servers.
Plus, encrypted ciphertext is inherently a binary blob. Packing metadata inside isolates all of the encryption related data into one BSON value that can be treated as an opaque blob in most contexts.
Why not use separate BSON binary subtypes instead of a nested subtype?
If we used separate subtypes, we'd need to reserve three (and possibly more in the future) of our 124 remaining subtypes.
Why are intent-to-encrypt markings needed?
Intent-to-encrypt markings provide a simple way for mongocryptd to communicate what values need to be encrypted to libmongocrypt. Alternatively, mongocryptd could respond with a list of field paths. But field paths are difficult to make unambiguous, and even the query language is not always consistent.
What happened to the "key vault alias"?
In an earlier revision of this specification the notion of a "key vault alias". The key vault alias identified one of possibly many key vaults that stored the key to decrypt the ciphertext. However, enforcing one key vault is a reasonable restriction for users. Users can migrate from one key vault to another without ciphertext data including a key vault alias. If we find a future need for multiple key vaults, we can easily introduce a new format with the fle_blob_subtype.
Why distinguish between "deterministic" and "randomized" when they contain the same fields?
Deterministic and randomized ciphertext supports different behavior. Deterministic ciphertext supports exact match queries but randomized does not.
Why is the original BSON type not encrypted?
Exposing the underlying BSON type gives some validation of the data that is encrypted. A JSONSchema on the server can validate that the underlying encrypted BSON type is correct.
Reference Implementation
libmongocrypt and mongocryptd will be the reference implementation of how BSON binary subtype 6 is used.
Security Implication
It would be a very bad security flaw if intent-to-encrypt markings were confused with ciphertexts. This could lead to a marking inadvertently being stored on a server – meaning that plaintext is stored where ciphertext should have been.
Therefore, the leading byte of the BSON binary subtype distinguishes between marking and ciphertext.
- 2024-03-04: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and create changelog.
Command Logging and Monitoring
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 2.4
The command logging and monitoring specification defines a set of behaviour in the drivers for providing runtime information about commands in log messages as well as in events which users can consume programmatically, either directly or by integrating with third-party APM libraries.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
The term Document
refers to the implementation in the driver's language of a BSON document.
The documentation provided in code below is merely for driver authors and SHOULD NOT be taken as required documentation for the driver.
Messages and Events
All drivers MUST implement the specified event types as well as log messages.
Implementation details are noted in the comments when a specific implementation is required. Within each event and log message, all properties are REQUIRED unless noted otherwise.
All drivers MUST name types, properties, and log message values as defined in the following sections. Exceptions to this rule are noted in the appropriate section. Class and interface names may vary according to the driver and language best practices.
Publishing & Subscribing
The driver SHOULD publish events in a manner that is standard to the driver's language publish/subscribe patterns and is not strictly mandated in this specification.
Similarly, as described in the logging specification the driver SHOULD emit log messages in a manner that is standard for the language.
The driver MUST guarantee that every CommandStartedEvent
has either a correlating CommandSucceededEvent
, and that every "command started" log message has either a correlating "command succeeded" log
message or "command failed" log message.
The driver MUST guarantee that the requestId
of the CommandStartedEvent
and the corresponding
or CommandFailedEvent
is the same, and that the requestId
of the "command started" log
message and the corresponding "command succeeded" or "command failed" log message is the same.
Unacknowledged/Acknowledged Writes
Unacknowledged writes must provide a CommandSucceededEvent
and a "command succeeded" log message with a { ok: 1 }
A non-default write concern MUST be included in the published command. The default write concern is not required to be included.
Succeeded or Failed
Commands that executed on the server and return a status of { ok: 1.0 }
are considered successful commands and MUST
generate a CommandSucceededEvent
and "command succeeded" log message. Commands that have write errors are included
since the actual command did succeed, only writes failed.
Error Handling
If an exception occurs while sending the operation to the server, the driver MUST generate a CommandFailedEvent
"command failed" log message with the exception or message, and re-raise the exception.
Bulk Writes
This specification defines the monitoring and logging of individual commands and in that respect MUST generate events
and log messages for each command a bulk write executes. Each of these commands, however, must be linked together via
the same operationId
Implementation Notes
When a driver sends an OP_MSG with a document sequence, it MUST include the document sequence as a BSON array in
. The array's field name MUST be the OP_MSG sequence identifier. For example, if the driver
sends an update
command using OP_MSG, and sends a document sequence as a separate section of payload type 1 with
identifier updates
, the driver MUST include the documents as a BSON array in CommandStartedEvent.command
with field
name updates
See "Why are document sequences included as BSON arrays?" in the rationale.
1. Why are commands with { ok: 1 }
treated as successful and { ok: 0 }
as failed?
The specification is consistent with what the server deems as a successful or failed command and reports this as so. This also allows for server changes around this behaviour in the future to require no change in the drivers to continue to be compliant.
The command listener API is responsible only for receiving and handling events sent from the lowest level of the driver,
and is only about informing listeners about what commands are sent and what replies are received. As such, it would be
innappropiate at this level for a driver to execute custom logic around particular commands to determine what failure or
success means for a particular command. Implementers of the API are free to handle these events as they see fit, which
may include code that further interprets replies to specific commands based on the presence or absence of other fields
in the reply beyond the ok
2. Why are document sequences included as BSON arrays?
The OP_MSG wire protocol was introduced in MongoDB 3.6, with document sequences as an optimization for bulk writes. We have chosen to represent these OP_MSGs as single command documents for now, until a need for a more accurate (and perhaps better-performing) command monitoring API for document sequences has been demonstrated.
3. Why is BSON serialization and deserialization optional to include in durations?
Different drivers will serialize and deserialize BSON at different levels of the driver architecture. For example, some parts of a command (e.g. inserted document structs) could be pre-encoded early into a "raw" BSON form and the final command with late additions like a session ID could encoded just before putting it on the wire.
Rather than specify a duration rule that would be hard to satisfy consistently, we allow duration to include BSON serialization/deserialization or not based on the architecture needs of each driver.
Some commands and replies will contain sensitive data relating to authentication.
In order to not risk leaking this data to external sources or logs, for these commands:
The "command" field in
and "command started" log messages MUST be replaced with an empty BSON document. -
The "reply" field in
and "command succeeded" log messages MUST be replaced with an empty BSON document. -
If the error is a server-side error, the "failure" field in
and "command failed" log messages MUST have all fields besides the following redacted:code
The exact implementation of redaction is flexible depending on the type the driver uses to represent a failure in these events and log messages. For example, a driver could choose to set all properties besides these on an error object to null. Alternatively, a driver that uses strings to represent failures could replace relevant portions of the string with "REDACTED".
The list of sensitive commands is as follows:
Command |
authenticate |
saslStart |
saslContinue |
getnonce |
createUser |
updateUser |
copydbgetnonce |
copydbsaslstart |
copydb |
hello (or legacy hello) when speculativeAuthenticate is present |
See the MongoDB Handshake spec for more information on hello
and legacy hello.
Note that legacy hello has two different letter casings that must be taken into account. See the previously mentioned
MongoDB Handshake spec for details.
Events API
See the Load Balancer Specification for details on the serviceId
interface CommandStartedEvent {
* Returns the command.
command: Document;
* Returns the database name.
databaseName: String;
* Returns the command name.
commandName: String;
* Returns the driver generated request id.
requestId: Int64;
* Returns the driver generated operation id. This is used to link events together such
* as bulk write operations. OPTIONAL.
operationId: Int64;
* Returns the connection id for the command. For languages that do not have this,
* this MUST return the driver equivalent which MUST include the server address and port.
* The name of this field is flexible to match the object that is returned from the driver.
connectionId: ConnectionId;
* Returns the server connection id for the command. The server connection id is distinct from
* the connection id and is returned by the hello or legacy hello response as "connectionId"
* from the server on 4.2+. Drivers MUST use an Int64 to represent the server connection ID value.
serverConnectionId: Optional<Int64>;
* Returns the service id for the command when the driver is in load balancer mode.
* For drivers that wish to include this in their ConnectionId object, this field is
* optional.
serviceId: Optional<ObjectId>;
interface CommandSucceededEvent {
* Returns the execution time of the event in the highest possible resolution for the platform.
* The calculated value MUST be the time to send the message and receive the reply from the server
* and MAY include BSON serialization and/or deserialization. The name can imply the units in which the
* value is returned, i.e. durationMS, durationNanos.
duration: Int64;
* Returns the command reply.
reply: Document;
* Returns the command name.
commandName: String;
* Returns the database name.
databaseName: String;
* Returns the driver generated request id.
requestId: Int64;
* Returns the driver generated operation id. This is used to link events together such
* as bulk write operations. OPTIONAL.
operationId: Int64;
* Returns the connection id for the command. For languages that do not have this,
* this MUST return the driver equivalent which MUST include the server address and port.
* The name of this field is flexible to match the object that is returned from the driver.
connectionId: ConnectionId;
* Returns the server connection id for the command. The server connection id is distinct from
* the connection id and is returned by the hello or legacy hello response as "connectionId"
* from the server on 4.2+. Drivers MUST use an Int64 to represent the server connection ID value.
serverConnectionId: Optional<Int64>;
* Returns the service id for the command when the driver is in load balancer mode.
* For drivers that wish to include this in their ConnectionId object, this field is
* optional.
serviceId: Optional<ObjectId>;
interface CommandFailedEvent {
* Returns the execution time of the event in the highest possible resolution for the platform.
* The calculated value MUST be the time to send the message and receive the reply from the server
* and MAY include BSON serialization and/or deserialization. The name can imply the units in which the
* value is returned, i.e. durationMS, durationNanos.
duration: Int64;
* Returns the command name.
commandName: String;
* Returns the database name.
databaseName: String;
* Returns the failure. Based on the language, this SHOULD be a message string, exception
* object, or error document.
failure: String,Exception,Document;
* Returns the client generated request id.
requestId: Int64;
* Returns the driver generated operation id. This is used to link events together such
* as bulk write operations. OPTIONAL.
operationId: Int64;
* Returns the connection id for the command. For languages that do not have this,
* this MUST return the driver equivalent which MUST include the server address and port.
* The name of this field is flexible to match the object that is returned from the driver.
connectionId: ConnectionId;
* Returns the server connection id for the command. The server connection id is distinct from
* the connection id and is returned by the hello or legacy hello response as "connectionId"
* from the server on 4.2+. Drivers MUST use an Int64 to represent the server connection ID value.
serverConnectionId: Optional<Int64>;
* Returns the service id for the command when the driver is in load balancer mode.
* For drivers that wish to include this in their ConnectionId object, this field is
* optional.
serviceId: Optional<ObjectId>;
Log Messages
Please refer to the logging specification for details on logging implementations in general, including log levels, log components, and structured versus unstructured logging.
Drivers MUST support logging of command information via the following types of log messages. These messages MUST be
logged at Debug
level and use the command
log component.
The log messages are intended to match the information contained in the events above. Drivers MAY implement command logging support via an event subscriber if it is convenient to do so.
The types used in the structured message definitions below are demonstrative, and drivers MAY use similar types instead so long as the information is present (e.g. a double instead of an integer, or a string instead of an integer if the structured logging framework does not support numeric types.)
Drivers MUST not emit command log messages for commands issued as part of the handshake with the server, or heartbeat commands issued by server monitors.
Common Fields
The following key-value pairs MUST be included in all command messages:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
commandName | String | The command name. |
databaseName | String | The database name. |
requestId | Int | The driver-generated request ID. |
operationId | Int | The driver-generated operation ID. Optional; only present if the driver generated operation IDs and this command has one. |
driverConnectionId | Int64 | The driver's ID for the connection used for the command. Note this is NOT the same as CommandStartedEvent.connectionId defined above, but refers to the connectionId defined in the connection monitoring and pooling specification. Unlike CommandStartedEvent.connectionId this field MUST NOT contain the host/port; that information MUST be in the following fields, serverHost and serverPort . This field is optional for drivers that do not implement CMAP if they do have an equivalent concept of a connection ID. |
serverHost | String | The hostname or IP address for the server the command is being run on. |
serverPort | Int | The port for the server the command is being run on. Optional; not present for Unix domain sockets. When the user does not specify a port and the default (27017) is used, the driver SHOULD include it here. |
serverConnectionId | Int64 | The server's ID for the connection used for the command. Optional; only present for server versions 4.2+. NOTE: Existing drivers may represent this as an Int32 already. For strongly-typed languages, you may have to introduce a new Int64 field and deprecate the old Int32 field. The next major version should remove the old Int32 field. |
serviceId | String | The hex string representation of the service ID for the command. Optional; only present when the driver is in load balancer mode. |
Command Started Message
In addition to the common fields, command started messages MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Command started" |
command | String | Relaxed extJSON representation of the command. This document MUST be truncated appropriately according to rules defined in the logging specification, and MUST be replaced with an empty document "{ }" if the command is considered sensitive. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Command "{{commandName}}" started on database "{{databaseName}}" using a connection with driver-generated ID {{driverConnectionId}} and server-generated ID {{serverConnectionId}} to {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} with service ID {{serviceId}}. The requestID is {{requestId}} and the operation ID is {{operationId}}. Command: {{command}}
Command Succeeded Message
In addition to the common fields, command succeeded messages MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Command succeeded" |
durationMS | Int32/Int64/Double | The execution time for the command in milliseconds. The calculated value MUST be the time to send the message and receive the reply from the server and MAY include BSON serialization and/or deserialization. |
reply | String | Relaxed extJSON representation of the reply. This document MUST be truncated appropriately according to rules defined in the logging specification, and MUST be replaced with an empty document "{ }" if the command is considered sensitive. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Command "{{commandName}}" succeeded on database "{{databaseName}}" in {{durationMS}} ms using a connection with driver-generated ID {{driverConnectionId}} and server-generated ID {{serverConnectionId}} to {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} with service ID {{serviceId}}. The requestID is {{requestId}} and the operation ID is {{operationId}}. Command reply: {{command}}
Command Failed Message
In addition to the common fields, command failed messages MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Command failed" |
durationMS | Int32/Int64/Double | The execution time for the command in milliseconds. The calculated value MUST be the time to send the message and receive the reply from the server and MAY include BSON serialization and/or deserialization. |
failure | Flexible | The error. The type and format of this value is flexible; see the logging specification for details on representing errors in log messages. If the command is considered sensitive, the error MUST be redacted and replaced with a language-appropriate alternative for a redacted error, e.g. an empty string, empty document, or null. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Command "{{commandName}}" failed on database "{{databaseName}}" in {{durationMS}} ms using a connection with driver-generated ID {{driverConnectionId}} and server-generated ID {{serverConnectionId}} to {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} with service ID {{serviceId}}. The requestID is {{requestId}} and the operation ID is {{operationId}}. Error: {{error}}
See the README in the test directory for requirements and guidance.
Why is the command document only available in the CommandStartEvent
Some drivers may realize the command document as raw BSON, treating it as a component of the message transmitted to the server and stored in an internal buffer. By the time the server's response is received, this buffer may have been released. Requiring the retention of this buffer until command completion could result in unacceptable performance penalties, particularly when event listeners are introduced.
2025-01-22: Clarify durationMS in logs may be Int32/Int64/Double.
2024-09-11: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2015-09-16: Removed
from find test with options to support 3.2.
Changed find test read preference toprimaryPreferred
. -
2015-10-01: Changed find test with a kill cursors to not run on server versions
greater than 3.0. Added a find test with no kill cursors command which only runs on 3.1 and higher. Added notes on which tests should run based on server versions. -
2015-10-19: Changed batchSize in the 3.2 find tests to expect the remaining value.
2015-10-31: Changed find test on 3.1 and higher to ignore being run on sharded clusters.
2015-11-22: Specify how to merge OP_MSG document sequences into command-started events.
2016-03-29: Added note on guarantee of the request ids.
2016-11-02: Added clause for not upconverting commands larger than maxBsonSize.
2018-04-16: Made inclusion of BSON serialization/deserialization in command
durations to be optional. -
2020-02-12: Added legacy hello
to the list of
values that should be redacted. -
2021-04-15: Added
field to events. -
2021-05-05: Updated to use hello and legacy hello.
2021-08-30: Added
field toCommandStartedEvent
. -
2022-05-18: Converted legacy tests to the unified test format.
2022-09-02: Remove material that only applies to MongoDB versions < 3.6.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-10-11: Add command logging information and tests.
2022-11-16: Update sensitive command tests to only run on server versions where the commands are supported.
2022-12-13: Updated log message
field description to clarify drivers should populate it with the
default port 27017 when relevant. Updated suggested unstructured forms of log messages to more clearly label connection IDs and use more readable server address representations. -
2023-03-23: Updated
field to be Int64 as long-running servers can return Int64. -
2023-06-13: Added
field toCommandFailedEvent
Updated suggested unstructured forms of log messages reflecting the changes. -
2023-10-19: Add Q&A section
SDAM Logging and Monitoring Specification
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: 2.4
The SDAM logging and monitoring specification defines a set of behaviors in the driver for providing runtime information about server discovery and monitoring (SDAM) in log messages, as well as in events that users can consume programmatically, either directly or by integrating with third-party APM libraries.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
The term
refers to the implementation in the driver's language of a server host/port pair. This may be an object or a string. The name of this object is NOT REQUIRED.
The term
refers to the implementation in the driver's language of a topology type (standalone, sharded, etc.). This may be a string or object. The name of the object is NOT REQUIRED.
The term
refers to the implementation in the driver's language of an abstraction of a mongod or mongos process, or a load balancer, as defined by the SDAM specification.
The documentation provided in the code below is merely for driver authors and SHOULD NOT be taken as required documentation for the driver.
Messages and Events
All drivers MUST implement the specified event types as well as log messages.
Implementation details are noted below when a specific implementation is required. Within each event and log message, all properties are REQUIRED unless noted otherwise.
All drivers MUST name types, properties, and log message values as defined in the following sections. Exceptions to this rule are noted in the appropriate section. Class and interface names may vary according to the driver and language best practices.
Publishing and Subscribing
The driver SHOULD publish events in a manner that is standard to the driver's language publish/subscribe patterns and is not strictly mandated in this specification.
Similarly, as described in the logging specification the driver SHOULD emit log messages in a manner that is standard for the language.
Event Order and Concurrency
Events and log messages MUST be published in the order that their corresponding changes are processed in the driver. Events MUST NOT be published concurrently for the same topology ID or server ID, but MAY be published concurrently for differing topology IDs and server IDs.
The driver MUST guarantee that every ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent
has either a correlating
or ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent
, and that every "server heartbeat started" log message
has either a correlating "server heartbeat succeeded" or "server heartbeat failed" log message.
Drivers that use the streaming heartbeat protocol MUST publish a ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent
and "server heartbeat
started" log message before attempting to read the next hello
or legacy hello exhaust response.
Error Handling
If an exception occurs while sending the hello
or legacy hello operation to the server, the driver MUST generate a
and "server heartbeat failed" log message with the exception or message and re-raise the
exception. The SDAM mandated retry of the hello
or legacy hello call should be visible to consumers.
Topology IDs
These MUST be a unique value that is specific to the Topology for which the events and log messages are emitted. The language may decide how to generate the value and what type the value is, as long as it is unique to the Topology. The ID MUST be created once when the Topology is created and remain the same until the Topology is destroyed.
Initial Server Description
objects MUST be initialized with a default description in an "unknown" state, guaranteeing that the
previous description in the events and log messages will never be null.
Initial Topology Description
The first TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent
to be emitted from a monitored Topology MUST set its previousDescription
property to be a TopologyDescription
object in the "unknown" state.
Events API
The first TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent
to be emitted from a monitored Topology MUST set its previousDescription
property to be a TopologyDescription
object in the "unknown" state.
Closing Topology Description
When a Topology
object or equivalent is being shut-down or closed, the driver MUST change the TopologyDescription
an "unknown" state.
Events API
This specification defines 9 main events that MUST be published in the scenarios described. 6 of these events are the core behaviour within the cluster lifecycle, and the remaining 3 server heartbeat events are fired from the server monitor and follow the guidelines for publishing in the command monitoring specification.
Events that MUST be published (with their conditions) are as follows.
Event Type | Condition |
TopologyOpeningEvent | When a topology description is initialized - this MUST be the first SDAM event fired. |
ServerOpeningEvent | Published when the server description is instantiated with its defaults, and MUST be the first operation to happen after the defaults are set. This is before the Monitor is created and the Monitor socket connection is opened. |
ServerDescriptionChangedEvent | When the old server description is not equal to the new server description |
TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent | When the old topology description is not equal to the new topology description. |
ServerClosedEvent | Published when the server monitor's connection is closed and the server is shutdown. |
TopologyClosedEvent | When a topology is shut down - this MUST be the last SDAM event fired. |
ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent | Published when the server monitor sends its hello or legacy hello call to the server. When the monitor is creating a new connection, this event MUST be published just before the socket is created. |
ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent | Published on successful completion of the server monitor's hello or legacy hello call. |
ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent | Published on failure of the server monitor's hello or legacy hello call, either with an ok: 0 result or a socket exception from the connection. |
* Published when server description changes, but does NOT include changes to the RTT.
interface ServerDescriptionChangedEvent {
* Returns the address (host/port pair) of the server.
address: ServerAddress;
* Returns a unique identifier for the topology.
topologyId: Object;
* Returns the previous server description.
previousDescription: ServerDescription;
* Returns the new server description.
newDescription: ServerDescription;
* Published when server is initialized.
interface ServerOpeningEvent {
* Returns the address (host/port pair) of the server.
address: ServerAddress;
* Returns a unique identifier for the topology.
topologyId: Object;
* Published when server is closed.
interface ServerClosedEvent {
* Returns the address (host/port pair) of the server.
address: ServerAddress;
* Returns a unique identifier for the topology.
topologyId: Object;
* Published when topology description changes.
interface TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent {
* Returns a unique identifier for the topology.
topologyId: Object;
* Returns the old topology description.
previousDescription: TopologyDescription;
* Returns the new topology description.
newDescription: TopologyDescription;
* Published when topology is initialized.
interface TopologyOpeningEvent {
* Returns a unique identifier for the topology.
topologyId: Object;
* Published when topology is closed.
interface TopologyClosedEvent {
* Returns a unique identifier for the topology.
topologyId: Object;
* Fired when the server monitor's ``hello`` or legacy hello command is started - immediately before
* the ``hello`` or legacy hello command is serialized into raw BSON and written to the socket.
* When the monitor is creating a new monitoring connection, this event is fired just before the
* socket is opened.
interface ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent {
* Returns the connection id for the command. The connection id is the unique
* identifier of the driver's Connection object that wraps the socket. For languages that
* do not have this object, this MUST a string of "hostname:port" or an object that
* that contains the hostname and port as attributes.
* The name of this field is flexible to match the object that is returned from the driver.
* Examples are, but not limited to, 'address', 'serverAddress', 'connectionId',
connectionId: ConnectionId;
* Determines if this heartbeat event is for an awaitable ``hello`` or legacy hello.
awaited: Boolean;
* Fired when the server monitor's ``hello`` or legacy hello succeeds.
interface ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent {
* Returns the execution time of the event in the highest possible resolution for the platform.
* The calculated value MUST be the time to send the message and receive the reply from the server,
* including BSON serialization and deserialization. The name can imply the units in which the
* value is returned, i.e. durationMS, durationNanos.
* When the awaited field is false, the time measurement used MUST be the
* same measurement used for the RTT calculation. When the awaited field is
* true, the time measurement is not used for RTT calculation.
duration: Int64;
* Returns the command reply.
reply: Document;
* Returns the connection id for the command. For languages that do not have this,
* this MUST return the driver equivalent which MUST include the server address and port.
* The name of this field is flexible to match the object that is returned from the driver.
connectionId: ConnectionId;
* Determines if this heartbeat event is for an awaitable ``hello`` or legacy hello. If
* true, then the duration field cannot be used for RTT calculation
* because the command blocks on the server.
awaited: Boolean;
* Fired when the server monitor's ``hello`` or legacy hello fails, either with an "ok: 0" or a socket exception.
interface ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent {
* Returns the execution time of the event in the highest possible resolution for the platform.
* The calculated value MUST be the time to send the message and receive the reply from the server,
* including BSON serialization and deserialization. The name can imply the units in which the
* value is returned, i.e. durationMS, durationNanos.
duration: Int64;
* Returns the failure. Based on the language, this SHOULD be a message string,
* exception object, or error document.
failure: String,Exception,Document;
* Returns the connection id for the command. For languages that do not have this,
* this MUST return the driver equivalent which MUST include the server address and port.
* The name of this field is flexible to match the object that is returned from the driver.
connectionId: ConnectionId;
* Determines if this heartbeat event is for an awaitable ``hello`` or legacy hello. If
* true, then the duration field cannot be used for RTT calculation
* because the command blocks on the server.
awaited: Boolean;
The TopologyDescription
object MUST expose the new methods defined in the API below, in order for subscribers to take
action on certain conditions based on the driver options.
objects MAY have additional methods and properties.
* Describes the current topology.
interface TopologyDescription {
* Determines if the topology has a readable server available. See the table in the
* following section for behaviour rules.
hasReadableServer(readPreference: Optional<ReadPreference>): Boolean
* Determines if the topology has a writable server available. See the table in the
* following section for behaviour rules.
hasWritableServer(): Boolean
Determining If A Topology Has Readable/Writable Servers
The following table describes the rules for determining if a topology type has readable or writable servers. If no read
preference is passed to hasReadableServer
, the driver MUST default the value to the default read preference,
, or treat the call as if primary
was provided.
Topology Type | hasReadableServer | hasWritableServer |
Unknown | false | false |
Single | true if the server is available | true if the server is available |
ReplicaSetNoPrimary | Called with primary : false Called with any other option: uses the read preference to determine if any server in the cluster is suitable for reading. Called with no option: false | false |
ReplicaSetWithPrimary | Called with any valid option: uses the read preference to determine if any server in the cluster is suitable for reading. Called with no option: true | true |
Sharded | true if 1+ servers are available | true if 1+ servers are available |
LoadBalanced | true | true |
Log Messages
Please refer to the logging specification for details on logging implementations in general, including log levels, log components, and structured versus unstructured logging.
Drivers MUST support logging of SDAM information via the following types of log messages. These messages MUST be logged
at Debug
level and use the topology
log component.
A number of the log messages are intended to match the information contained in the events above. However, note that a
log message regarding a server description change (which would correspond to ServerDescriptionChangedEvent
) has been
intentionally omitted since the information it would contain is redundant with TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent
and the
equivalent log message.
Drivers MAY implement SDAM logging support via an event subscriber if it is convenient to do so.
The types used in the structured message definitions below are demonstrative, and drivers MAY use similar types instead so long as the information is present (e.g. a double instead of an integer, or a string instead of an integer if the structured logging framework does not support numeric types.)
Common Fields
The following key-value pairs are common to all or several log messages and MUST be included in the "applicable messages":
Key | Applicable Messages | Suggested Type | Value |
topologyId | All messages | Flexible | The driver's unique ID for this topology as discussed in Topology IDs. The type is flexible depending on the driver's choice of type for topology ID. |
serverHost | Log messages specific to a particular server, including heartbeat-related messages | String | The hostname, IP address, or Unix domain socket path for the endpoint the pool is for. |
serverPort | Log messages specific to a particular server, including heartbeat-related messages | Int | (Only present for server-specific log messages) The port for the endpoint the pool is for. Optional; not present for Unix domain sockets. When the user does not specify a port and the default (27017) is used, the driver SHOULD include it here. |
driverConnectionId | Heartbeat-related log messages | Int | The driver-generated ID for the monitoring connection as defined in the connection monitoring and pooling specification. Unlike connectionId in the above events, this field MUST NOT contain the host/port; that information MUST be in the above fields, serverHost and serverPort . This field is optional for drivers that do not implement CMAP if they do have an equivalent concept of a connection ID. |
serverConnectionId | Heartbeat-related log messages | Int | The server's ID for the monitoring connection, if known. This value will be unknown and can be omitted in certain cases, e.g. the first "heartbeat started" message for a monitoring connection. Only present on server versions 4.2+. |
"Starting Topology Monitoring" Log Message
This message MUST be published under the same circumstances as a TopologyOpeningEvent
as detailed in
Events API.
In addition to the relevant common fields, these messages MUST contain the following key-value pair:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Starting topology monitoring" |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Starting monitoring for topology with ID {{topologyId}}
"Stopped Topology Monitoring" Log Message
This message MUST be published under the same circumstances as a TopologyClosedEvent
as detailed in
Events API.
In addition to the relevant common fields, these messages MUST contain the following key-value pair:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Stopped topology monitoring" |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Stopped monitoring for topology with ID {{topologyId}}
"Starting Server Monitoring" Log Message
This message MUST be published under the same circumstances as a ServerOpeningEvent
as detailed in
Events API.
In addition to the relevant common fields, these messages MUST contain the following key-value pair:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Starting server monitoring" |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Starting monitoring for server {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} in topology with ID {{topologyId}}
"Stopped Server Monitoring" Log Message
This message MUST be published under the same circumstances as a ServerClosedEvent
as detailed in
Events API.
In addition to the relevant common fields, these messages MUST contain the following key-value pair:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Stopped server monitoring" |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Stopped monitoring for server {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} in topology with ID {{topologyId}}
"Topology Description Changed" Log Message
This message MUST be published under the same circumstances as a TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent
as detailed in
Events API.
In addition to the relevant common fields, these messages MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Topology description changed" |
previousDescription | String | A string representation of the previous description of the topology. The format is flexible and could be e.g. the toString() implementation for a driver's topology description type, or an extended JSON representation of the topology object. |
newDescription | String | A string representation of the new description of the server. The format is flexible and could be e.g. the toString() implementation for a driver's topology description type, or an extended JSON representation of the topology object. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Description changed for topology with ID {{topologyId}}. Previous description: {{previousDescription}}. New description: {{newDescription}}
"Server Heartbeat Started" Log Message
This message MUST be published under the same circumstances as a ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent
as detailed in
Events API.
In addition to the relevant common fields, these messages MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Server heartbeat started" |
awaited | Boolean | Whether this log message is for an awaitable hello or legacy "hello". |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Heartbeat started for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} on connection with driver-generated ID {{driverConnectionId}} and server-generated ID {{serverConnectionId}} in topology with ID {{topologyId}}. Awaited: {{awaited}}
"Server Heartbeat Succeeded" Log Message
This message MUST be published under the same circumstances as a ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent
as detailed in
Events API.
In addition to the relevant common fields, these messages MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Server heartbeat succeeded" |
awaited | Boolean | Whether this log message is for an awaitable hello or legacy "hello". |
durationMS | Int32/Int64/Double | The execution time for the heartbeat in milliseconds. See ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent in Events API for details on calculating this value. |
reply | String | Relaxed extended JSON representation of the reply to the heartbeat command. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Heartbeat succeeded in {{durationMS}} ms for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} on connection with driver-generated ID {{driverConnectionId}} and server-generated ID {{serverConnectionId}} in topology with ID {{topologyId}}. Awaited: {{awaited}}. Reply: {{reply}}
"Server Heartbeat Failed" Log Message
This message MUST be published under the same circumstances as a ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent
as detailed in
Events API.
In addition to the relevant common fields, these messages MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Server heartbeat failed" |
awaited | Boolean | Whether this log message is for an awaitable hello or legacy "hello". |
durationMS | Int32/Int64/Double | The execution time for the heartbeat in milliseconds. See ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent in Events API for details on calculating this value. |
failure | Flexible | The error. The type and format of this value is flexible; see the logging specification for details on representing errors in log messages. If the command is considered sensitive, the error MUST be redacted and replaced with a language-appropriate alternative for a redacted error, e.g. an empty string, empty document, or null. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Heartbeat failed in {{durationMS}} ms for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} on connection with driver-generated ID {{driverConnectionId}} and server-generated ID {{serverConnectionId}} in topology with ID {{topologyId}}. Awaited: {{awaited}}. Failure: {{failure}}
See the README.
2025-01-22: Clarify durationMS in logs may be Int32/Int64/Double.
2024-05-02: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2024-03-29: Updated to clarify expected initial value of TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent's previousDescription field
2024-01-04: Updated to clarify when ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent should be emitted
2023-03-31: Renamed to include "logging" in the title. Reorganized contents and made consistent with CLAM spec, and added requirements for SDAM log messages.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2021-05-06: Updated to use modern terminology.
2020-04-20: Add rules for streaming heartbeat protocol and add "awaited" field to heartbeat events.
2018-12-12: Clarified table of rules for readable/writable servers
2016-08-31: Added table of rules for determining if topology has readable/writable servers.
2016-10-11: TopologyDescription objects MAY have additional methods and properties.
- Title: Logging
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
This specification defines requirements for drivers' logging configuration and behavior.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Structured logging
Structured logging refers to producing log messages in a structured format, i.e. a series of key-value pairs, which can be converted to external formats such as JSON.
Unstructured logging
Unstructured logging refers to producing string log messages which embed all attached information within that string.
Implementation requirements
Drivers SHOULD implement support for logging in a manner that is idiomatic for their language and ecosystem.
Minimizing Required Code Changes
If possible, drivers SHOULD support the following configuration requirements in a manner that does not require any
changes to an application's source code, and in the case of compiled languages, does not require recompilation. However,
if that is impossible to do without conflicting with idiomatic logging patterns for the language ecosystem, it is
acceptable for a driver to require minimal changes to enable logging, such as recompiling with a feature flag specified,
or passing a logging configuration to a MongoClient
constructor. In that case, drivers SHOULD strive to minimize the
amount of code change needed.
Drivers SHOULD take advantage of built-in support for logging configuration within logging frameworks or their language ecosystem if available. If unavailable, drivers MUST support configuration via the listed fallback implementation methods.
In addition to supporting configuration without code changes/recompilation, drivers MAY additionally provide support for enabling and configuring logging via their API in a manner that does require code changes, and MAY support additional configuration options beyond those defined in this specification.
For languages/ecosystems where libraries depend on only a logging interface (for example, the Java driver and SLF4J) and application developers must choose a log handler, the requirements MAY be considered satisfied if there is a log handler available in the ecosystem which users can select that satisfies the requirements. Similarly, the requirements MAY be considered satisfied if the driver provides an integration with a logging framework which satisfies the requirements.
Per-Component Configuration of Log Levels
Drivers MUST support enabling logging and specifying the minimum severity level for emitted messages on a per-component level, for each component defined below in the Components section.
Fallback implementation method: Support configuration via environment variables corresponding to each component, as defined in Components, as well as via the environment variable
.Each of these variables may be set to any of the values defined below in Log Severity Levels to indicate the minimum severity level at which messages should be emitted for the corresponding component, or in the case of
, all components. Setting a value forMONGODB_LOG_ALL
is equivalent to setting that value for all of the per-component variables.If
is specified in addition to one or more component variables, the component variable(s) MUST take precedence.The default is to not log anything.
If a variable is set to an invalid value, it MUST be treated as if it were not specified at all, and the driver MAY attempt to warn the user about the misconfiguration via a log message or otherwise but MUST NOT throw an exception.
Configurable Log Destination
Drivers MUST support configuring where log messages should be output, including the options:
Output file (path MUST be configurable). For languages that are not relying on a logging interface or framework to handle file support, the driver can choose to either support this directly (i.e. the driver allows the user to specify a path and itself handles writing to that path), or to instead provide a straightforward, idiomatic way to programmatically consume the messages and in turn write them to a file, e.g. via a Node.js stream, along with a documentation example of how to do this.
Fallback implementation method: If the environment variable
is provided:- If the value is "stdout" (case-insensitive), log to stdout.
- If the value is "stderr" (case-insensitive), log to stderr.
- Else, if direct logging to files is supported, log to a file at the specified path. If the file already exists, it MUST be appended to.
If the variable is not provided or is set to an invalid value (which could be invalid for any reason, e.g. the path does not exist or is not writeable), the driver MUST log to stderr and the driver MAY attempt to warn the user about the misconfiguration via a log message or otherwise but MUST NOT throw an exception.
Configurable Max Document Length
Drivers MUST support configuring the maximum logged length for extended JSON documents in log messages. The unit here is
flexible and can be bytes, Unicode code points, code units, or graphemes, depending on what a driver is able to
accomplish with its language's string APIs. The default max length is 1000 of whichever unit is selected. If the chosen
unit is anything other than a Unicode code point, the driver MUST ensure that it gracefully handles cases where the
truncation length falls mid code point, by either rounding the length up or down to the closest code point boundary or
using the Unicode replacement character, to avoid producing invalid Unicode data. Drivers MUST implement truncation
naively by simply truncating the output at the required length; i.e. do not attempt to implement truncation such that
the output is still valid JSON. Truncated extended JSON MUST have a trailing ellipsis ...
appended to indicate to the
user that truncation occurred. The ellipsis MUST NOT count toward the max length.
Fallback Implementation method: Environment variable
. When unspecified, any extended JSON representation of a document which is longer than the default max length MUST be truncated to that length. When set to an integer value, any extended JSON document longer than that value MUST be truncated to that length. If a variable is set to an invalid value, it MUST be treated as if it were not specified at all, and the driver MAY attempt to warn the user about the misconfiguration via a log message or otherwise but MUST NOT throw an exception.
Drivers MUST support configuring minimum log severity levels on a per-component level. The below components currently exist and correspond to the listed specifications. This list is expected to grow over time as logging is added to more specifications.
Drivers SHOULD specify the component names in whatever the idiomatic way is for their language. For example, the Java
command component could be named org.mongodb.driver.protocol.command
Drivers MAY define additional language-specific components in addition to these for any driver-specific messages they produce.
Component Name | Specification(s) | Environment Variable |
command | Command Logging and Monitoring | MONGODB_LOG_COMMAND |
topology | Server Discovery and Monitoring | MONGODB_LOG_TOPOLOGY |
serverSelection | Server Selection | MONGODB_LOG_SERVER_SELECTION |
connection | Connection Monitoring and Pooling | MONGODB_LOG_CONNECTION |
Log Severity Levels
Driver specifications defining log messages MUST use log levels from the following list, inspired by the Syslog Protocol as described in RFC 5424:
Code | Level Name | Meaning | Environment Variable value (case-insensitive) |
- | Off | Nothing is logged. | off |
0 | Emergency | - | emergency |
1 | Alert | - | alert |
2 | Critical | - | critical |
3 | Error | Any error that we are unable to report to the user via driver API. | error |
4 | Warning | Indicates a situation where undesirable application behavior may occur. Example: The driver ignores an unrecognized option in a connection string. | warn |
5 | Notice | Indicates an event that is unusual but not problematic. Example: a change stream is automatically resumed. | notice |
6 | Informational | High-level information about normal driver behavior. Example: MongoClient creation or close. | info |
7 | Debug | Detailed information that may be helpful when debugging an application. Example: A command starting. | debug |
8 | Trace | Very fine-grained details related to logic flow. Example: entering and exiting function bodies. | trace |
Note that the Emergency, Alert, and Critical levels have been intentionally left undefined. At the time of writing this specification, we do not expect any driver specifications to need to log at these levels, but we have included them in the list of permitted levels for consistency with Syslog.
The levels above are defined in order from most to least severe. Not all logging frameworks will necessarily support all of these levels. If an equivalent level is not available, drivers MUST emit messages for that level at the closest, less severe level if one is available, or the closest more severe level otherwise.
For example:
- If an Informational level is not available and Debug is, messages defined as Informational in a specification MUST be emitted at Debug level.
- If a Trace level is not available, Trace messages MUST be emitted at Debug level.
Structured versus Unstructured Logging
If structured logging is available in and idiomatic for the driver's language/ecosystem, the driver SHOULD produce structured log messages. Note that some ecosystems with structured logging support may also have support available to convert structured output to traditional unstructured messages for users who want it (for example, the log feature in Rust's tracing crate). If such support is available, drivers SHOULD utilize it to support both types of logging.
Note that drivers implementing unstructured logging MUST still support some internal way to intercept the data contained in messages in a structured form, as this is required to implement the unified tests for logging conformance. See the unified test format specification for details.
Representing Documents in Log Messages
BSON documents MUST be represented in relaxed extended JSON when they appear in log messages to improve readability.
Representing Errors in Log Messages
Drivers MAY represent errors in log messages in whatever format is idiomatic for their language and existing error
types. For example, if a driver's error classes have existing toString()
implementations, those MAY be used.
Alternatively, if a driver emits structured log messages, a structured format containing error data could be used. Any
information which a driver reports via its error classes MUST be included in the log representations. Note that if the
driver includes full server responses in its errors these MUST be truncated in accordance with the max document length
Logging Failures
Specifications MAY define log messages that correspond to failures which also are reported via exceptions in the API,
for example a "command failed" log message. Such messages MUST NOT use log levels more severe than debug
While it might seem natural that such messages would be logged at error
level, not all failures that the driver
considers worthy of an error will be considered a true error by the application. For example, consider an application
that unconditionally creates a collection on startup, and ignores any NamespaceExists
errors received in response: it
would be undesirable for those failures to show up in application logs at error
Additionally, some applications will already have infrastructure in place to log any unhandled exceptions at error
level. If the driver were to log exception-related messages at error
level, such applications would end up with
duplicate, error
-level messages for these exceptions. On the other hand, some applications may not log exceptions at
all, or might not include all of the relevant information about an encountered exception in their custom log messages;
for these applications, there is value in a driver emitting such log messages.
Given this, logging such messages at debug
level strikes the best balance between making the diagnostic information
available, but not overloading users with overly severe and/or duplicative messages. Users who do not log exceptions
will have a way to see driver exceptions, by turning on debug
logging, while users who do log exceptions can filter
for the true exceptions by only looking at more severe log levels.
Omitting Null Values from Log Messages
Some log messages will include fields that are only present under particular circumstances, for example on certain server versions. When such a field is not present:
- If the driver does structured logging, the field MUST be omitted from the message altogether, i.e. the field MUST not be present with an explicit null value.
- If the driver does unstructured logging, the corresponding segment of the message string MUST be omitted altogether.
Performance Considerations
The computation required to generate certain log messages can be significant, e.g. if extended JSON serialization is required. If possible, drivers SHOULD check whether a log message would actually be emitted and consumed based on the users' configuration before doing such computation. For example, this can be checked in Rust via log::log_enabled.
Drivers SHOULD optimize extended JSON generation to avoid generating JSON strings longer than will be emitted, such that
the complexity is O(N) where N = <max document length>
, rather than N = <actual document length>
Standard Naming in Structured Log Messages
Driver specifications typically allow for language-appropriate naming variations, e.g. using snakecase or camelcase to name a property. However, for log messages, drivers doing structured logging MUST use the exact names and casing specified for the names of fields included in messages. This will be easier for our support team since the names will be consistent across languages, and will simplify writing language-agnostic tooling to search through and parse structured logs.
Including Timestamps in Log Messages
Drivers MAY add timestamps to their log messages if one will not be added automatically by the logging framework(s) they use.
Supporting Both Programmatic and Environment Variable Configuration
If a driver supports configuration via both environment variables and programmatically via API, programmatic configuration MUST take precedence over environment variables. Drivers supporting both forms of configuration MUST document this behavior and MUST provide an example of how users can implement custom logic to allow an environment variable to override a programmatic default, so that users who prefer the opposite behavior have a way to achieve it.
Test Plan
Tests for logging behavior are defined in each corresponding specification. The unified test runner specification has support for specifying logging expectations in tests.
Motivation for Change
A common complaint from our support team is that they don't know how to easily get debugging information from drivers. Some drivers provide debug logging, but others do not. For drivers that do provide it, the log messages produced and the mechanisms for enabling debug logging are inconsistent.
Although users can implement their own debug logging support via existing driver events (SDAM, APM, etc), this requires code changes. It is often difficult to quickly implement and deploy such changes in production at the time they are needed, and to remove the changes afterward. Additionally, there are useful scenarios to log that do not correspond to existing events. Standardizing on debug log messages that drivers produce and how to enable/configure logging will provide TSEs, CEs, and MongoDB users an easier way to get debugging information out of our drivers, facilitate support of drivers for our internal teams, and improve our documentation around troubleshooting.
Design Rationale
Truncation of large documents
Why have an option?
We considered a number of approaches for dealing with documents of potentially very large size in log messages, e.g. command documents, including 1) always logging the full document, 2) only logging documents with the potential to be large when the user opts in, and 3) truncating large documents by default, but allowing the user to adjust the maximum length logged. We chose the third option as we felt it struck the best balance between concerns around readability and usability of log messages. In the case where data is sufficiently small, the default behavior will show the user the full data. In the case where data is large, the user will receive a readable message with truncated data, but have the option to see more or all of the data.
Why are the units for max document length flexible?
String APIs vary across languages, and not all drivers will be able to easily and efficiently truncate strings in the same exact manner. The important thing is that the option exists and that its default value is reasonable, and for all possible unit choices (byte, code point, code unit, or grapheme) we felt 1000 was a reasonable default. See here for a helpful primer on related Unicode concepts.
Why do we implement naive truncation rather than truncating the JSON so it is still valid?
Designing and implementing a truncation algorithm for JSON that outputs valid JSON, but fits in as much of the original JSON as possible, would be non-trivial. The server team wrote an entire separate truncation design document when they implemented this for their log messages. This is more of a necessity for the server where the entire log message is JSON, but we don't know if parsing the documents included in log messages is something that users will actually need to do. Furthermore, any users who want parseable documents have an escape hatch to do so: they can set the max document length to a very large value. If we hear of use cases in the future for parsing the documents in log messages, we could make an additive change to this specification to permit a smarter truncation algorithm.
Structured versus Unstructured Logging
The MongoDB server produces structured logs as of 4.4, so it seems natural that MongoDB drivers might too. However, structured logging is not idiomatic or common in some language ecosystems, so we have chosen not to require it.
Omitting Null Values from Log Messages
We considered alternatives such as allowing, or requiring, drivers to explicitly include null values in log messages.
While this might make it easier to identify cases where a value is unexpectedly null, we decided against it because
there are a number of values that will often be null, or even always be null for certain applications (e.g. serviceId
when not connected to a load-balanced topology) and their inclusion may confuse users and lead them to think the null
value is meaningful. Additionally, always including null values would increase the size of log messages. The omission of
null values is left to the drivers' discretion for any driver-specific logs not covered by common specification
Invalid Values of Environment Variables
For drivers supporting configuration via environment variables, the spec requires that if an environment variable is set to an invalid value the driver behaves as if the value were not specified at all, and optionally warns the user but does not throw an error. We considered the following alternatives:
Drivers could be required to throw an exception if a value is invalid: This was rejected because of concerns around the implications for environments/applications where multiple versions of the driver or multiple drivers may be present and where the validation logic may not match, meaning a value considered valid for one driver/version might not be by another. Additionally, there is no obvious place to throw an exception from about invalid environment variables;
constructors would be one possibility, but not all languages will support per-client configuration so throwing there regarding an environment variable might be surprising to users.Note that these same concerns do not apply to logging options that are specified via driver API: there is no risk of such options propagating to other drivers/driver versions present, and drivers can report exceptions at the point the options are specified, either globally or per-client. Therefore, drivers MUST validate programmatic logging options in a manner consistent with how they validate all other programmatic options, and if possible SHOULD prefer to throw exceptions for invalid configuration.
Drivers could be required to log a warning if a value is invalid: While drivers MAY do this, requiring it was rejected because depending on the language/framework log messages may not be a viable way to communicate a warning: if a language's default behavior is to log nothing, or only log messages at a more severe level than
, the user will not actually receive the message unless it is logged at a level and component they have successfully enabled.
Programmatic Configuration Taking Precedence
We chose to have programmatic configuration win out over environment variables because:
- This allows applications built atop drivers (e.g. mongosh) to fully control the driver's logging behavior by setting options for it programmatically.
- This is consistent with how many drivers treat options specified both in a connection string and programmatically: programmatic options win out.
- It is straightforward for users to override this behavior (by writing logic to read in environment variables and override programmatic defaults), but if we went with the opposite default, it would be more complicated for users to override: not all languages will necessarily have an easy way to override/unset an environment variable from within application code.
Backwards Compatibility
This specification takes the stance that the contents of log messages (both structured and unstructured) are not covered by semantic versioning, but that logging components are, since changing the name of a component or removing a component altogether has the potential to break user logging configuration and cause users to silently miss log messages.
As a result, any drivers that already support logging should be free to update the messages they log to match those defined in various specifications. However, drivers should take care to avoid removing or renaming existing logging components except in major version releases.
Since this specification defines no particular API, drivers are free to keep any existing programmatic APIs they have for configuring logging. If such APIs are incompatible with the logging specification requirements (for example, the driver defines its own set of log levels in a public type, which do not match the spec-defined levels), changes to match the specification should be staged in via semantic versioning.
Reference Implementation
Links to be added once Rust and C# implementations have been merged.
Security Implication
Drivers must take care to avoid exposing sensitive information (e.g. authentication credentials) in log messages. It will be up to each individual specification that defines log messages to define which information should be redacted and add tests confirming its redaction.
Future work
Additional Log Components
Additional log components may be added as logging is added to more specifications.
Preventing Recursion When Using MongoDB as a Log Sink
If a user chooses to store log messages produced by a driver in MongoDB, it may be possible for them to end up recursing infinitely if each write to store a log message generates additional log messages. This has historically not been an issue in drivers that already produce log messages, or with the command monitoring API, but if users start to run into this issue, we could try to address it at the specification level by e.g. requiring drivers to support disabling logging on individual clients or for particular namespaces.
2024-03-06: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2022-11-16: Add policy on severity level for log messages corresponding to driver exceptions.
2022-11-11: Clarify that guidance around null values only strictly applies to spec-defined log messages.
2022-10-26: Allow drivers to add timestamps to log messages.
2022-11-10: Clarify driver-specific null omission.
2022-12-29: Fix typo in trace log level example
2023-01-04: Elaborate on treatment of invalid values of environment variables. Permit drivers to omit direct support for logging to file so long as they provide a straightforward way for users to consume the log messages programmatically and write to a file themselves. Require that programmatic configuration take precedence over environment variables.
Connection Monitoring and Pooling
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
Drivers currently support a variety of options that allow users to configure connection pooling behavior. Users are confused by drivers supporting different subsets of these options. Additionally, drivers implement their connection pools differently, making it difficult to design cross-driver pool functionality. By unifying and codifying pooling options and behavior across all drivers, we will increase user comprehension and code base maintainability.
This specification does not apply to drivers that do not support multitasking.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
A Connection (when linked) refers to the Connection
type defined in the
Connection Pool Members section of this specification. It does not refer to an actual TCP
connection to an Endpoint. A Connection
will attempt to create and wrap such a TCP connection over the course of its
existence, but it is not equivalent to one nor does it wrap an active one at all times.
For the purposes of testing, a mocked Connection
type could be used with the pool that never actually creates a TCP
connection or performs any I/O.
For convenience, an Endpoint refers to either a mongod or mongos instance.
For convenience, a Thread refers to:
- A shared-address-space process (a.k.a. a thread) in multi-threaded drivers
- An Execution Frame / Continuation in asynchronous drivers
- A goroutine in Go
Behavioral Description
Which Drivers this applies to
This specification is solely concerned with drivers that implement a connection pool. A driver SHOULD implement a connection pool, but is not required to.
Connection Pool Options
All drivers that implement a connection pool MUST implement and conform to the same MongoClient options. There can be slight deviation in naming to make the options idiomatic to the driver language.
Connection Pool Behaviors
All driver connection pools MUST provide an API that allows the driver to check out a connection, check in a connection back to the pool, and clear all connections in the pool. This API is for internal use only, and SHOULD NOT be documented as a public API.
Connection Pool Monitoring
All drivers that implement a connection pool MUST provide an API that allows users to subscribe to events emitted from the pool. Conceptually, event emission is instantaneous, i.e., one may talk about the instant an event is emitted, and represents the start of an activity of delivering the event to a subscribed user.
Detailed Design
Connection Pool Options
Drivers that implement a Connection Pool MUST support the following ConnectionPoolOptions:
interface ConnectionPoolOptions {
* The maximum number of Connections that may be associated
* with a pool at a given time. This includes in use and
* available connections.
* If specified, MUST be an integer >= 0.
* A value of 0 means there is no limit.
* Defaults to 100.
maxPoolSize?: number;
* The minimum number of Connections that MUST exist at any moment
* in a single connection pool.
* If specified, MUST be an integer >= 0. If maxPoolSize is > 0
* then minPoolSize must be <= maxPoolSize
* Defaults to 0.
minPoolSize?: number;
* The maximum amount of time a Connection should remain idle
* in the connection pool before being marked idle.
* If specified, MUST be a number >= 0.
* A value of 0 means there is no limit.
* Defaults to 0.
maxIdleTimeMS?: number;
* The maximum number of Connections a Pool may be establishing concurrently.
* Establishment of a Connection is a part of its life cycle
* starting after a ConnectionCreatedEvent and ending before a ConnectionReadyEvent.
* If specified, MUST be a number > 0.
* Defaults to 2.
maxConnecting?: number;
Additionally, Drivers that implement a Connection Pool MUST support the following ConnectionPoolOptions UNLESS that driver meets ALL of the following conditions:
- The driver/language currently has an idiomatic timeout mechanism implemented
- The timeout mechanism conforms to the aggressive requirement of timing out a thread in the WaitQueue
interface ConnectionPoolOptions {
* NOTE: This option has been deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
* The maximum amount of time a thread can wait for
* either an available non-perished connection (limited by `maxPoolSize`),
* or a pending connection (limited by `maxConnecting`).
* If specified, MUST be a number >= 0.
* A value of 0 means there is no limit.
* Defaults to 0.
waitQueueTimeoutMS?: number;
These options MUST be specified at the MongoClient level, and SHOULD be named in a manner idiomatic to the driver's language. All connection pools created by a MongoClient MUST use the same ConnectionPoolOptions.
When parsing a mongodb connection string, a user MUST be able to specify these options using the default names specified above.
Deprecated Options
The following ConnectionPoolOptions are considered deprecated. They MUST NOT be implemented if they do not already exist in a driver, and they SHOULD be deprecated and removed from drivers that implement them as early as possible:
interface ConnectionPoolOptions {
* The maximum number of threads that can simultaneously wait
* for a Connection to become available.
waitQueueSize?: number;
* An alternative way of setting waitQueueSize, it specifies
* the maximum number of threads that can wait per connection.
* waitQueueSize === waitQueueMultiple * maxPoolSize
waitQueueMultiple?: number
Connection Pool Members
A driver-defined wrapper around a single TCP connection to an Endpoint. A Connection has the following properties:
- Single Endpoint: A Connection MUST be associated with a single Endpoint. A Connection MUST NOT be associated with multiple Endpoints.
- Single Lifetime: A Connection MUST NOT be used after it is closed.
- Single Owner: A Connection MUST belong to exactly one Pool, and MUST NOT be shared across multiple pools
- Single Track: A Connection MUST limit itself to one request / response at a time. A Connection MUST NOT multiplex/pipeline requests to an Endpoint.
- Monotonically Increasing ID: A Connection MUST have an ID number associated with it. Connection IDs within a Pool MUST be assigned in order of creation, starting at 1 and increasing by 1 for each new Connection.
- Valid Connection: A connection MUST NOT be checked out of the pool until it has successfully and fully completed a MongoDB Handshake and Authentication as specified in the Handshake, OP_COMPRESSED, and Authentication specifications.
- Perishable: it is possible for a Connection to become Perished. A Connection is
considered perished if any of the following are true:
- Stale: The Connection 's generation does not match the generation of the parent pool
- Idle: The Connection is currently "available" (as defined below) and has been for longer than maxIdleTimeMS.
- Errored: The Connection has experienced an error that indicates it is no longer recommended for
use. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Network Error
- Network Timeout
- Endpoint closing the connection
- Driver-Side Timeout
- Wire-Protocol Error
interface Connection {
* An id number associated with the Connection
id: number;
* The address of the pool that owns this Connection
address: string;
* An integer representing the "generation" of the pool
* when this Connection was created.
generation: number;
* The current state of the Connection.
* Possible values are the following:
* - "pending": The Connection has been created but has not yet been established. Contributes to
* totalConnectionCount and pendingConnectionCount.
* - "available": The Connection has been established and is waiting in the pool to be checked
* out. Contributes to both totalConnectionCount and availableConnectionCount.
* - "in use": The Connection has been established, checked out from the pool, and has yet
* to be checked back in. Contributes to totalConnectionCount.
* - "closed": The Connection has had its socket closed and cannot be used for any future
* operations. Does not contribute to any connection counts.
* Note: this field is mainly used for the purposes of describing state
* in this specification. It is not required that drivers
* actually include this field in their implementations of Connection.
state: "pending" | "available" | "in use" | "closed";
A concept that represents pending requests for Connections. When a thread requests a Connection from a Pool, the thread enters the Pool's WaitQueue. A thread stays in the WaitQueue until it either receives a Connection or times out. A WaitQueue has the following traits:
- Thread-Safe: When multiple threads attempt to enter or exit a WaitQueue, they do so in a thread-safe manner.
- Ordered/fair: When Connections are made available, they SHOULD be issued out to threads in the order that the threads entered the WaitQueue. If this is behavior poses too much of an implementation burden, then at the very least threads that have entered the queue more recently MUST NOT be intentionally prioritized over those that entered it earlier.
- Timeout aggressively: Members of a WaitQueue MUST timeout if they are enqueued for longer than the computed timeout and MUST leave the WaitQueue immediately in this case.
The implementation details of a WaitQueue are left to the driver. Example implementations include:
- A fair Semaphore
- A Queue of callbacks
Connection Pool
A driver-defined entity that encapsulates all non-monitoring Connections associated with a single Endpoint. The pool has the following properties:
- Thread Safe: All Pool behaviors MUST be thread safe.
- Not Fork-Safe: A Pool is explicitly not fork-safe. If a Pool detects that is it being used by a forked process, it MUST immediately clear itself and update its pid
- Single Owner: A Pool MUST be associated with exactly one Endpoint, and MUST NOT be shared between Endpoints.
- Emit Events and Log Messages: A Pool MUST emit pool events and log messages when dictated by this spec (see Connection Pool Monitoring). Users MUST be able to subscribe to emitted events and log messages in a manner idiomatic to their language and driver.
- Closeable: A Pool MUST be able to be manually closed. When a Pool is closed, the following behaviors change:
- Checking in a Connection to the Pool automatically closes the Connection
- Attempting to check out a Connection from the Pool results in an Error
- Clearable: A Pool MUST be able to be cleared. Clearing the pool marks all pooled and checked out Connections as stale and lazily closes them as they are checkedIn or encountered in checkOut. Additionally, all requests are evicted from the WaitQueue and return errors that are considered non-timeout network errors.
- Pausable: A Pool MUST be able to be paused and resumed. A Pool is paused automatically when it is cleared, and it
can be resumed by being marked as "ready". While the Pool is paused, it exhibits the following behaviors:
- Attempting to check out a Connection from the Pool results in a non-timeout network error
- Connections are not created in the background to satisfy minPoolSize
- Capped: a pool is capped if maxPoolSize is set to a non-zero value. If a pool is capped, then its total number of Connections (including available and in use) MUST NOT exceed maxPoolSize
- Rate-limited: A Pool MUST limit the number of Connections being established concurrently via the maxConnecting pool option.
interface ConnectionPool {
* The Queue of threads waiting for a Connection to be available
waitQueue: WaitQueue;
* A generation number representing the SDAM generation of the pool.
generation: number;
* A map representing the various generation numbers for various services
* when in load balancer mode.
serviceGenerations: Map<ObjectId, [number, number]>;
* The state of the pool.
* Possible values are the following:
* - "paused": The initial state of the pool. Connections may not be checked out nor can they
* be established in the background to satisfy minPoolSize. Clearing a pool
* transitions it to this state.
* - "ready": The healthy state of the pool. It can service checkOut requests and create
* connections in the background. The pool can be set to this state via the
* ready() method.
* - "closed": The pool is destroyed. No more Connections may ever be checked out nor any
* created in the background. The pool can be set to this state via the close()
* method. The pool cannot transition to any other state after being closed.
state: "paused" | "ready" | "closed";
// Any of the following connection counts may be computed rather than
// actually stored on the pool.
* An integer expressing how many total Connections
* ("pending" + "available" + "in use") the pool currently has
totalConnectionCount: number;
* An integer expressing how many Connections are currently
* available in the pool.
availableConnectionCount: number;
* An integer expressing how many Connections are currently
* being established.
pendingConnectionCount: number;
* Returns a Connection for use
checkOut(): Connection;
* Check in a Connection back to the Connection pool
checkIn(connection: Connection): void;
* Mark all current Connections as stale, clear the WaitQueue, and mark the pool as "paused".
* No connections may be checked out or created in this pool until ready() is called again.
* interruptInUseConnections specifies whether the pool will force interrupt "in use" connections as part of the clear.
* Default false.
clear(interruptInUseConnections: Optional<Boolean>): void;
* Mark the pool as "ready", allowing checkOuts to resume and connections to be created in the background.
* A pool can only transition from "paused" to "ready". A "closed" pool
* cannot be marked as "ready" via this method.
ready(): void;
* Marks the pool as "closed", preventing the pool from creating and returning new Connections
close(): void;
Connection Pool Behaviors
Creating a Connection Pool
This specification does not define how a pool is to be created, leaving it up to the driver. Creation of a connection pool is generally an implementation detail of the driver, i.e., is not a part of the public API of the driver. The SDAM specification defines when the driver should create connection pools.
When a pool is created, its state MUST initially be set to "paused". Even if minPoolSize is set, the pool MUST NOT begin being populated with Connections until it has been marked as "ready". SDAM will mark the pool as "ready" on each successful check. See Connection Pool Management section in the SDAM specification for more information.
set generation to 0
set state to "paused"
emit PoolCreatedEvent and equivalent log message
Closing a Connection Pool
When a pool is closed, it MUST first close all available Connections in that pool. This results in the following behavior changes:
- In use Connections MUST be closed when they are checked in to the closed pool.
- Attempting to check out a Connection MUST result in an error.
mark pool as "closed"
for connection in availableConnections:
close connection
emit PoolClosedEvent and equivalent log message
Marking a Connection Pool as Ready
Connection Pools start off as "paused", and they are marked as "ready" by monitors after they perform successful server checks. Once a pool is "ready", it can start checking out Connections and populating them in the background.
If the pool is already "ready" when this method is invoked, then this method MUST immediately return and MUST NOT emit a PoolReadyEvent.
mark pool as "ready"
emit PoolReadyEvent and equivalent log message
allow background thread to create connections
Note that the PoolReadyEvent MUST be emitted before the background thread is allowed to resume creating new connections, and it must be the case that no observer is able to observe actions of the background thread related to creating new connections before observing the PoolReadyEvent event.
Creating a Connection (Internal Implementation)
When creating a Connection, the initial Connection is in a "pending" state. This only creates a "virtual" Connection, and performs no I/O.
connection = new Connection()
increment totalConnectionCount
increment pendingConnectionCount
set connection state to "pending"
tConnectionCreated = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCreatedEvent and equivalent log message
return connection
Establishing a Connection (Internal Implementation)
Before a Connection can be marked as either "available" or "in use", it must be established. This process involves performing the initial handshake, handling OP_COMPRESSED, and performing authentication.
connect connection via TCP / TLS
perform connection handshake
perform connection authentication
tConnectionReady = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionReadyEvent(duration = tConnectionReady - tConnectionCreated) and equivalent log message
return connection
except error:
close connection
throw error # Propagate error in manner idiomatic to language.
Closing a Connection (Internal Implementation)
When a Connection is closed, it MUST first be marked as "closed", removing it from being counted as "available" or "in use". Once that is complete, the Connection can perform whatever teardown is necessary to close its underlying socket. The Driver SHOULD perform this teardown in a non-blocking manner, such as via the use of a background thread or async I/O.
original state = connection state
set connection state to "closed"
if original state is "available":
decrement availableConnectionCount
else if original state is "pending":
decrement pendingConnectionCount
decrement totalConnectionCount
emit ConnectionClosedEvent and equivalent log message
# The following can happen at a later time (i.e. in background
# thread) or via non-blocking I/O.
Marking a Connection as Available (Internal Implementation)
A Connection is "available" if it is able to be checked out. A Connection MUST NOT be marked as "available" until it has been established. The pool MUST keep track of the number of currently available Connections.
increment availableConnectionCount
set connection state to "available"
add connection to availableConnections
Populating the Pool with a Connection (Internal Implementation)
"Populating" the pool involves preemptively creating and establishing a Connection which is marked as "available" for use in future operations.
Populating the pool MUST NOT block any application threads. For example, it could be performed on a background thread or via the use of non-blocking/async I/O. Populating the pool MUST NOT be performed unless the pool is "ready".
If an error is encountered while populating a connection, it MUST be handled via the SDAM machinery according to the Application Errors section in the SDAM specification.
If minPoolSize is set, the Connection Pool MUST be populated until it has at least minPoolSize total Connections. This MUST occur only while the pool is "ready". If the pool implements a background thread, it can be used for this. If the pool does not implement a background thread, the checkOut method is responsible for ensuring this requirement is met.
When populating the Pool, pendingConnectionCount has to be decremented after establishing a Connection similarly to how it is done in Checking Out a Connection to signal that another Connection is allowed to be established. Such a signal MUST become observable to any Thread after the action that marks the established Connection as "available" becomes observable to the Thread. Informally, this order guarantees that no Thread tries to start establishing a Connection when there is an "available" Connection established as a result of populating the Pool.
wait until pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting and pool is "ready"
create connection
establish connection
mark connection as available
except error:
# Defer error handling to SDAM.
Checking Out a Connection
A Pool MUST have a method that allows the driver to check out a Connection. Checking out a Connection involves submitting a request to the WaitQueue and, once that request reaches the front of the queue, having the Pool find or create a Connection to fulfill that request. Requests MUST be subject to a timeout which is computed per the rules in Client Side Operations Timeout: Server Selection.
To service a request for a Connection, the Pool MUST first iterate over the list of available Connections, searching for a non-perished one to be returned. If a perished Connection is encountered, such a Connection MUST be closed (as described in Closing a Connection) and the iteration of available Connections MUST continue until either a non-perished available Connection is found or the list of available Connections is exhausted.
If the list is exhausted, the total number of Connections is less than maxPoolSize, and pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting, the pool MUST create a Connection, establish it, mark it as "in use" and return it. If totalConnectionCount == maxPoolSize or pendingConnectionCount == maxConnecting, then the pool MUST wait to service the request until neither of those two conditions are met or until a Connection becomes available, re-entering the checkOut loop in either case. This waiting MUST NOT prevent Connections from being checked into the pool. Additionally, the Pool MUST NOT service any newer checkOut requests before fulfilling the original one which could not be fulfilled. For drivers that implement the WaitQueue via a fair semaphore, a condition variable may also be needed to meet this requirement. Waiting on the condition variable SHOULD also be limited by the WaitQueueTimeout, if the driver supports one and it was specified by the user.
If the pool is "closed" or "paused", any attempt to check out a Connection MUST throw an Error. The error thrown as a result of the pool being "paused" MUST be considered a retryable error and MUST NOT be an error that marks the SDAM state unknown.
If the pool does not implement a background thread, the checkOut method is responsible for ensuring that the pool is populated with at least minPoolSize Connections.
A Connection MUST NOT be checked out until it is established. In addition, the Pool MUST NOT prevent other threads from checking out Connections while establishing a Connection.
Before a given Connection is returned from checkOut, it must be marked as "in use", and the pool's availableConnectionCount MUST be decremented.
connection = Null
tConnectionCheckOutStarted = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent and equivalent log message
enter WaitQueue
wait until at top of wait queue
# Note that in a lock-based implementation of the wait queue would
# only allow one thread in the following block at a time
while connection is Null:
if a connection is available:
while connection is Null and a connection is available:
connection = next available connection
if connection is perished:
close connection
connection = Null
else if totalConnectionCount < maxPoolSize:
if pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting:
connection = create connection
# this waiting MUST NOT prevent other threads from checking Connections
# back in to the pool.
wait until pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting or a connection is available
except pool is "closed":
tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="poolClosed", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
throw PoolClosedError
except pool is "paused":
tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="connectionError", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
throw PoolClearedError
except timeout:
tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="timeout", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
throw WaitQueueTimeoutError
# This must be done in all drivers
leave wait queue
# If the Connection has not been established yet (TCP, TLS,
# handshake, compression, and auth), it must be established
# before it is returned.
# This MUST NOT block other threads from acquiring connections.
if connection state is "pending":
establish connection
except connection establishment error:
tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="connectionError", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
decrement totalConnectionCount
decrement pendingConnectionCount
decrement availableConnectionCount
set connection state to "in use"
# If there is no background thread, the pool MUST ensure that
# there are at least minPoolSize total connections.
do asynchronously:
while totalConnectionCount < minPoolSize:
populate the pool with a connection
tConnectionCheckedOut = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckedOutEvent(duration = tConnectionCheckedOut - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
return connection
Checking In a Connection
A Pool MUST have a method of allowing the driver to check in a Connection. The driver MUST NOT be allowed to check in a Connection to a Pool that did not create that Connection, and MUST throw an Error if this is attempted.
When the Connection is checked in, it MUST be closed if any of the following are true:
- The Connection is perished.
- The pool has been closed.
Otherwise, the Connection is marked as available.
emit ConnectionCheckedInEvent and equivalent log message
if connection is perished OR pool is closed:
close connection
mark connection as available
Clearing a Connection Pool
Clearing the pool involves different steps depending on whether the pool is in load balanced mode or not. The traditional / non-load balanced clearing behavior MUST NOT be used by pools in load balanced mode, and the load balanced pool clearing behavior MUST NOT be used in non-load balanced pools.
Clearing a non-load balanced pool
A Pool MUST have a method of clearing all Connections when instructed. Rather than iterating through every Connection, this method should simply increment the generation of the Pool, implicitly marking all current Connections as stale. It should also transition the pool's state to "paused" to halt the creation of new connections until it is marked as "ready" again. The checkOut and checkIn algorithms will handle clearing out stale Connections. If a user is subscribed to Connection Monitoring events and/or connection log messages, a PoolClearedEvent and log message MUST be emitted after incrementing the generation / marking the pool as "paused". If the pool is already "paused" when it is cleared, then the pool MUST NOT emit a PoolCleared event or log message.
As part of clearing the pool, the WaitQueue MUST also be cleared, meaning all requests in the WaitQueue MUST fail with errors indicating that the pool was cleared while the checkOut was being performed. The error returned as a result of the pool being cleared MUST be considered a retryable error and MUST NOT be an error that marks the SDAM state unknown. Clearing the WaitQueue MUST happen eagerly so that any operations waiting on Connections can retry as soon as possible. The pool MUST NOT rely on WaitQueueTimeoutMS to clear requests from the WaitQueue.
The clearing method MUST provide the option to interrupt any in-use connections as part of the clearing (henceforth referred to as the interruptInUseConnections flag in this specification). "Interrupting a Connection" is defined as canceling whatever task the Connection is currently performing and marking the Connection as perished (e.g. by closing its underlying socket). The interrupting of these Connections MUST be performed as soon as possible but MUST NOT block the pool or prevent it from processing further requests. If the pool has a background thread, and it is responsible for interrupting in-use connections, its next run MUST be scheduled as soon as possible.
The pool MUST only interrupt in-use Connections whose generation is less than or equal to the generation of the pool at
the moment of the clear (before the increment) that used the interruptInUseConnections flag. Any operations that have
their Connections interrupted in this way MUST fail with a retryable error. If possible, the error SHOULD be a
PoolClearedError with the following message: "Connection to <pool address> interrupted due to server monitor timeout"
Clearing a load balanced pool
A Pool MUST also have a method of clearing all Connections for a specific serviceId
for use when in
load balancer mode. This method increments the generation of the pool for that specific serviceId
in the generation
map. A PoolClearedEvent and log message MUST be emitted after incrementing the generation. Note that this method MUST
NOT transition the pool to the "paused" state and MUST NOT clear the WaitQueue.
Load Balancer Mode
For load-balanced deployments, pools MUST maintain a map from serviceId
to a tuple of (generation, connection count)
where the connection count refers to the total number of connections that exist for a specific serviceId
. The pool
MUST remove the entry for a serviceId
once the connection count reaches 0. Once the MongoDB handshake is done, the
connection MUST get the generation number that applies to its serviceId
from the map and update the map to increment
the connection count for this serviceId
See the Load Balancer Specification for details.
A Connection is explicitly not fork-safe. The proper behavior in the case of a fork is to ResetAfterFork by:
- clear all Connection Pools in the child process
- closing all Connections in the child-process.
Drivers that support forking MUST document that Connections to an Endpoint are not fork-safe, and document the proper way to ResetAfterFork in the driver.
Drivers MAY aggressively ResetAfterFork if the driver detects it has been forked.
Optional Behaviors
The following features of a Connection Pool SHOULD be implemented if they make sense in the driver and driver's language.
Background Thread
A Pool SHOULD have a background Thread that is responsible for monitoring the state of all available Connections. This background thread SHOULD
- Populate Connections to ensure that the pool always satisfies minPoolSize.
- Remove and close perished available Connections including "in use" connections if
option was set to true in the most recent pool clear. - Apply timeouts to connection establishment per Client Side Operations Timeout: Background Connection Pooling.
A pool SHOULD allow immediate scheduling of the next background thread iteration after a clear is performed.
Conceptually, the aforementioned activities are organized into sequential Background Thread Runs. A Run MUST do as much work as readily available and then end instead of waiting for more work. For example, instead of waiting for pendingConnectionCount to become less than maxConnecting when satisfying minPoolSize, a Run MUST either proceed with the rest of its duties, e.g., closing available perished connections, or end.
The duration of intervals between the end of one Run and the beginning of the next Run is not specified, but the Test Format and Runner Specification may restrict this duration, or introduce other restrictions to facilitate testing.
A Pool SHOULD implement a scoped resource management mechanism idiomatic to their language to prevent Connections from not being checked in. Examples include Python's "with" statement and C#'s "using" statement. If implemented, drivers SHOULD use this method as the default method of checking out and checking in Connections.
Connection Pool Monitoring
All drivers that implement a connection pool MUST provide an API that allows users to subscribe to events emitted from the pool. If a user subscribes to Connection Monitoring events, these events MUST be emitted when specified in "Connection Pool Behaviors". Events SHOULD be created and subscribed to in a manner idiomatic to their language and driver.
See the Load Balancer Specification for details on the serviceId
* Emitted when a Connection Pool is created
interface PoolCreatedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* Any non-default pool options that were set on this Connection Pool.
options: {...}
* Emitted when a Connection Pool is marked as ready.
interface PoolReadyEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* Emitted when a Connection Pool is cleared
interface PoolClearedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The service id for which the pool was cleared for in load balancing mode.
* See load balancer specification for more information about this field.
serviceId: Optional<ObjectId>;
* A flag whether the pool forced interrupting "in use" connections as part of the clear.
interruptInUseConnections: Optional<Boolean>;
* Emitted when a Connection Pool is closed
interface PoolClosedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* Emitted when a Connection Pool creates a Connection object.
* NOTE: This does not mean that the Connection is ready for use.
interface ConnectionCreatedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The ID of the Connection
connectionId: int64;
* Emitted when a Connection has finished its setup, and is now ready to use
interface ConnectionReadyEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The ID of the Connection
connectionId: int64;
* The time it took to establish the connection.
* In accordance with the definition of establishment of a connection
* specified by `ConnectionPoolOptions.maxConnecting`,
* it is the time elapsed between emitting a `ConnectionCreatedEvent`
* and emitting this event as part of the same checking out.
* Naturally, when establishing a connection is part of checking out,
* this duration is not greater than
* `ConnectionCheckedOutEvent`/`ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent.duration`.
* A driver MAY choose the type idiomatic to the driver.
* If the type chosen does not convey units, e.g., `int64`,
* then the driver MAY include units in the name, e.g., `durationMS`.
duration: Duration;
* Emitted when a Connection Pool closes a Connection
interface ConnectionClosedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The ID of the Connection
connectionId: int64;
* A reason explaining why this Connection was closed.
* Can be implemented as a string or enum.
* Current valid values are:
* - "stale": The pool was cleared, making the Connection no longer valid
* - "idle": The Connection became stale by being available for too long
* - "error": The Connection experienced an error, making it no longer valid
* - "poolClosed": The pool was closed, making the Connection no longer valid
reason: string|Enum;
* Emitted when the driver starts attempting to check out a Connection
interface ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting
* to connect to.
address: string;
* Emitted when the driver's attempt to check out a Connection fails
interface ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* A reason explaining why Connection check out failed.
* Can be implemented as a string or enum.
* Current valid values are:
* - "poolClosed": The pool was previously closed, and cannot provide new Connections
* - "timeout": The Connection check out attempt exceeded the specified timeout
* - "connectionError": The Connection check out attempt experienced an error while setting up a new Connection
reason: string|Enum;
* See `ConnectionCheckedOutEvent.duration`.
duration: Duration;
* Emitted when the driver successfully checks out a Connection
interface ConnectionCheckedOutEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The ID of the Connection
connectionId: int64;
* The time it took to check out the connection.
* More specifically, the time elapsed between
* emitting a `ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent`
* and emitting this event as part of the same checking out.
* Naturally, if a new connection was not created (`ConnectionCreatedEvent`)
* and established (`ConnectionReadyEvent`) as part of checking out,
* this duration is usually
* not greater than `ConnectionPoolOptions.waitQueueTimeoutMS`,
* but MAY occasionally be greater than that,
* because a driver does not provide hard real-time guarantees.
* A driver MAY choose the type idiomatic to the driver.
* If the type chosen does not convey units, e.g., `int64`,
* then the driver MAY include units in the name, e.g., `durationMS`.
duration: Duration;
* Emitted when the driver checks in a Connection back to the Connection Pool
interface ConnectionCheckedInEvent {
* The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
address: string;
* The ID of the Connection
connectionId: int64;
Connection Pool Logging
Please refer to the logging specification for details on logging implementations in general, including log levels, log components, handling of null values in log messages, and structured versus unstructured logging.
Drivers MUST support logging of connection pool information via the following types of log messages. These messages MUST
be logged at Debug
level and use the connection
log component. These messages MUST be emitted when specified in
"Connection Pool Behaviors".
The log messages are intended to match the information contained in the events above. Drivers MAY implement connection logging support via an event subscriber if it is convenient to do so.
The types used in the structured message definitions below are demonstrative, and drivers MAY use similar types instead so long as the information is present (e.g. a double instead of an integer, or a string instead of an integer if the structured logging framework does not support numeric types).
Common Fields
All connection log messages MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
serverHost | String | the hostname, IP address, or Unix domain socket path for the endpoint the pool is for. |
serverPort | Int | The port for the endpoint the pool is for. Optional; not present for Unix domain sockets. When the user does not specify a port and the default (27017) is used, the driver SHOULD include it here. |
Pool Created Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection pool created" |
maxIdleTimeMS | Int | The maxIdleTimeMS value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the user specified a value. |
minPoolSize | Int | The minPoolSize value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the user specified a value. |
maxPoolSize | Int | The maxPoolSize value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the user specified a value. |
maxConnecting | Int | The maxConnecting value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value. |
waitQueueTimeoutMS | Int | The waitQueueTimeoutMS value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value. |
waitQueueSize | Int | The waitQueueSize value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value. |
waitQueueMultiple | Int | The waitQueueMultiple value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection pool created for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} using options maxIdleTimeMS={{maxIdleTimeMS}}, minPoolSize={{minPoolSize}}, maxPoolSize={{maxPoolSize}}, maxConnecting={{maxConnecting}}, waitQueueTimeoutMS={{waitQueueTimeoutMS}}, waitQueueSize={{waitQueueSize}}, waitQueueMultiple={{waitQueueMultiple}}
Pool Ready Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection pool ready" |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection pool ready for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}
Pool Cleared Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection pool cleared" |
serviceId | String | The hex string representation of the service ID which the pool was cleared for. Optional; only present in load balanced mode. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection pool for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} cleared for serviceId {{serviceId}}
Pool Closed Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection pool closed" |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection pool closed for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}
Connection Created Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection created" |
driverConnectionId | Int64 | The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection created: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}
Connection Ready Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection ready" |
driverConnectionId | Int64 | The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection. |
durationMS | Int32/Int64/Double | ConnectionReadyEvent.duration converted to milliseconds. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection ready: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}, established in={{durationMS}} ms
Connection Closed Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection closed" |
driverConnectionId | Int64 | The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in a Connection. |
reason | String | A string describing the reason the connection was closed. The following strings MUST be used for each possible reason as defined in Events above: - Stale: "Connection became stale because the pool was cleared - Idle: "Connection has been available but unused for longer than the configured max idle time" - Error: "An error occurred while using the connection" - Pool closed: "Connection pool was closed" |
error | Flexible | If reason is Error , the associated error.The type and format of this value is flexible; see the logging specification for details on representing errors in log messages. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection closed: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}. Reason: {{reason}}. Error: {{error}}
Connection Checkout Started Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection checkout started" |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Checkout started for connection to {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}
Connection Checkout Failed Message
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection checkout failed" |
reason | String | A string describing the reason checkout. The following strings MUST be used for each possible reason as defined in Events above: - Timeout: "Wait queue timeout elapsed without a connection becoming available" - ConnectionError: "An error occurred while trying to establish a new connection" - Pool closed: "Connection pool was closed" |
error | Flexible | If reason is ConnectionError , the associated error. The type and format of this value is flexible; see the logging specification for details on representing errors in log messages. |
durationMS | Int32/Int64/Double | ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent.duration converted to milliseconds. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Checkout failed for connection to {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}. Reason: {{reason}}. Error: {{error}}. Duration: {{durationMS}} ms
Connection Checked Out
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection checked out" |
driverConnectionId | Int64 | The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection. |
durationMS | Int32/Int64/Double | ConnectionCheckedOutEvent.duration converted to milliseconds. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection checked out: address={serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}, duration={{durationMS}} ms
Connection Checked In
In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:
Key | Suggested Type | Value |
message | String | "Connection checked in" |
driverConnectionId | Int64 | The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection. |
The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:
Connection checked in: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}
Connection Pool Errors
A connection pool throws errors in specific circumstances. These Errors MUST be emitted by the pool. Errors SHOULD be created and dispatched in a manner idiomatic to the Driver and Language.
* Thrown when the driver attempts to check out a
* Connection from a closed Connection Pool
interface PoolClosedError {
message: 'Attempted to check out a Connection from closed connection pool';
address: <pool address>;
* Thrown when the driver attempts to check out a
* Connection from a paused Connection Pool
interface PoolClearedError extends RetryableError {
message: 'Connection pool for <pool address> was cleared because another operation failed with: <original error which cleared the pool>';
address: <pool address>;
* Thrown when a driver times out when attempting to check out
* a Connection from a Pool
interface WaitQueueTimeoutError {
message: 'Timed out while checking out a Connection from connection pool';
address: <pool address>;
Test Plan
See tests/README
Design Rationale
Why do we set minPoolSize across all members of a replicaSet, when most traffic will be against a Primary?
Currently, we are attempting to codify our current pooling behavior with minimal changes, and minPoolSize is currently uniform across all members of a replicaSet. This has the benefit of offsetting connection swarming during a Primary Step-Down, which will be further addressed in our Advanced Pooling Behaviors.
Why do we have separate ConnectionCreated and ConnectionReady events, but only one ConnectionClosed event?
ConnectionCreated and ConnectionReady each involve different state changes in the pool.
- ConnectionCreated adds a new "pending" Connection, meaning the totalConnectionCount and pendingConnectionCount increase by one
- ConnectionReady establishes that the Connection is ready for use, meaning the availableConnectionCount increases by one
ConnectionClosed indicates that the Connection is no longer a member of the pool, decrementing totalConnectionCount and potentially availableConnectionCount. After this point, the Connection is no longer a part of the pool. Further hypothetical events would not indicate a change to the state of the pool, so they are not specified here.
Why are waitQueueSize and waitQueueMultiple deprecated?
These options were originally only implemented in three drivers (Java, C#, and Python), and provided little value. While these fields would allow for faster diagnosis of issues in the connection pool, they would not actually prevent an error from occurring.
Additionally, these options have the effect of prioritizing newer requests over older requests, which is not necessarily the behavior that users want. For example, consider a situation when a WaitQueue is full, and a request for Connection gets rejected. Then a spot opens in the WaitQueue, and a newer request gets accepted. One may say that the newer request was prioritized over the older one, which violates the fairness recommendation that the WaitQueue normally adheres to.
Because of these issues, it does not make sense to go against driver mantras and provide an additional knob. We may eventually pursue an alternative configuration to address wait queue size in Advanced Pooling Behaviors.
Users that wish to have this functionality can achieve similar results by utilizing other methods to limit concurrency.
Examples include implementing either a thread pool or an operation queue with a capped size in the user application.
Drivers that need to deprecate waitQueueSize
and/or waitQueueMultiple
SHOULD refer users to these examples.
Why is waitQueueTimeoutMS optional for some drivers?
We are anticipating eventually introducing a single client-side timeout mechanism, making us hesitant to introduce another granular timeout control. Therefore, if a driver/language already has an idiomatic way to implement their timeouts, they should leverage that mechanism over implementing waitQueueTimeoutMS.
Why must populating the pool require the use of a background thread or async I/O?
Without the use of a background thread, the pool is populated with enough connections to satisfy minPoolSize during checkOut. Connections are established as part of populating the pool though, so if Connection establishment were done in a blocking fashion, the first operations after a clearing of the pool would experience unacceptably high latency, especially for larger values of minPoolSize. Thus, populating the pool must occur on a background thread (which is acceptable to block) or via the usage of non-blocking (async) I/O.
Why should closing a connection be non-blocking?
Because idle and perished Connections are cleaned up as part of checkOut, performing blocking I/O while closing such Connections would block application threads, introducing unnecessary latency. Once a Connection is marked as "closed", it will not be checked out again, so ensuring the socket is torn down does not need to happen immediately and can happen at a later time, either via async I/O or a background thread.
Why can the pool be paused?
The distinction between the "paused" state and the "ready" state allows the pool to determine whether or not the endpoint it is associated with is available or not. This enables the following behaviors:
- The pool can halt the creation of background connection establishments until the endpoint becomes available again. Without the "paused" state, the pool would have no way of determining when to begin establishing background connections again, so it would just continually attempt, and often fail, to create connections until minPoolSize was satisfied, even after repeated failures. This could unnecessarily waste resources both server and driver side.
- The pool can evict requests that enter the WaitQueue after the pool was cleared but before the server was in a known state again. Such requests can occur when a server is selected at the same time as it becomes marked as Unknown in highly concurrent workloads. Without the "paused" state, the pool would attempt to service these requests, since it would assume they were routed to the pool because its endpoint was available, not because of a race between SDAM and Server Selection. These requests would then likely fail with potentially high latency, again wasting resources both server and driver side.
Why not emit PoolCleared events and log messages when clearing a paused pool?
If a pool is already paused when it is cleared, that means it was previously cleared and no new connections have been created since then. Thus, clearing the pool in this case is essentially a no-op, so there is no need to notify any listeners that it has occurred. The generation is still incremented, however, to ensure future errors that caused the duplicate clear will stop attempting to clear the pool again. This situation is possible if the pool is cleared by the background thread after it encounters an error establishing a connection, but the ServerDescription for the endpoint was not updated accordingly yet.
Why does the pool need to support interrupting in use connections as part of its clear logic?
If a SDAM monitor has observed a network timeout, we assume that all connections including "in use" connections are no longer healthy. In some cases connections will fail to detect the network timeout fast enough. For example, a server request can hang at the OS level in TCP retry loop up for 17 minutes before failing. Therefore these connections MUST be proactively interrupted in the case of a server monitor network timeout. Requesting an immediate background thread run will speed up this process.
Why don't we configure TCP_USER_TIMEOUT?
Ideally, a reasonable TCP_USER_TIMEOUT can help with detecting stale connections as an alternative to
in Clear. Unfortunately this approach is platform dependent and not each driver allows
easily configuring it. For example, C# driver can configure this socket option on linux only with target frameworks
higher or equal to .net 5.0. On macOS, there is no straight equivalent for this option, it's possible that we can find
some equivalent configuration, but this configuration will also require target frameworks higher than or equal to .net
5.0. The advantage of using Background Thread to manage perished connections is that it will work regardless of
environment setup.
Backwards Compatibility
As mentioned in Deprecated Options, some drivers currently implement the options waitQueueSize
and/or waitQueueMultiple
. These options will need to be deprecated and phased out of the drivers that have implemented
Reference Implementations
- JAVA (JAVA-3079)
- RUBY (RUBY-1560)
Future Development
This specification does not dictate how SDAM Monitoring connections are managed. SDAM specifies that "A monitor SHOULD NOT use the client's regular Connection pool". Some possible solutions for this include:
- Having each Endpoint representation in the driver create and manage a separate dedicated Connection for monitoring purposes
- Having each Endpoint representation in the driver maintain a separate pool of maxPoolSize 1 for monitoring purposes.
- Having each Pool maintain a dedicated Connection for monitoring purposes, with an API to expose that Connection.
Advanced Pooling Behaviors
This spec does not address all advanced pooling behaviors like predictive pooling or aggressive Connection creation. Future work may address this.
Add support for OP_MSG exhaustAllowed
Exhaust Cursors may require changes to how we close Connections in the future, specifically to add a way to close and remove from its pool a Connection which has unread exhaust messages.
2025-01-22: Clarify durationMS in logs may be Int32/Int64/Double.
2024-11-27: Relaxed the WaitQueue fairness requirement.
2024-11-01: Fixed race condition in pool-checkout-returned-connection-maxConnecting.yml test.
2024-01-23: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2019-06-06: Add "connectionError" as a valid reason for ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent
2020-09-03: Clarify Connection states and definition. Require the use of a background thread and/or async I/O. Add tests to ensure ConnectionReadyEvents are fired after ConnectionCreatedEvents.
2020-09-24: Introduce maxConnecting requirement
2020-12-17: Introduce "paused" and "ready" states. Clear WaitQueue on pool clear.
2021-01-12: Clarify "clear" method behavior in load balancer mode.
2021-01-19: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout specification.
2021-04-12: Adding in behaviour for load balancer mode.
2021-06-02: Formalize the behavior of a Background Thread.
2021-11-08: Make maxConnecting configurable.
2022-04-05: Preemptively cancel in progress operations when SDAM heartbeats timeout.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2022-10-14: Add connection pool log messages and associated tests.
2023-04-17: Fix duplicate logging test description.
2023-08-04: Add durations to connection pool events.
2023-10-04: Commit to the currently specified requirements regarding durations in events.
Unified Test Format
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
- Current Schema Version: 1.19.0
This project defines a unified schema for YAML and JSON specification tests, which run operations against a MongoDB deployment. By conforming various spec tests to a single schema, drivers can implement a single test runner to execute acceptance tests for multiple specifications, thereby reducing maintenance of existing specs and implementation time for new specifications.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
This document tends to use "SHOULD" more frequently than other specifications, but mainly in the context of providing guidance on writing test files. This is discussed in more detail in Design Rationale.
This test format can be used to define tests for the following specifications:
- Change Streams
- Command Logging and Monitoring
- GridFS
- Retryable Reads
- Retryable Writes
- Sessions
- Transactions
- Convenient API for Transactions
- Server Discovery and Monitoring
This is not an exhaustive list. Specifications that are known to not be supported by this format may be discussed under Future Work.
Entity Any object or value that is indexed by a unique name and stored in the Entity Map. This will typically be a driver object (e.g. client, session) defined in createEntities but may also be a saved operation result. A exhaustive list of supported types is presented in Supported Entity Types. Entities are referenced by name throughout the test file (e.g. Entity Test Operations).
Internal MongoClient A MongoClient created specifically for use with internal test operations, such as inserting collection data before a test, performing special assertions during a test, or asserting collection data after a test.
Iterable This term is used by various specifications as the return type for operations that return a sequence of
items, which may be iterated. For example, the CRUD spec uses this as the return value for find
and permit API
flexibility rather than stipulate that a cursor object be returned directly.
Server Compatibility
The unified test format is intended to only run against enterprise servers. Additionally, many tests make use of
Server Fail Points, so servers MUST be launched with the enableTestCommands
parameter enabled.
Schema Version
This specification and the Test Format follow semantic versioning. The version is primarily used to validate test files with a JSON schema and also allow test runners to determine whether a particular test file is supported.
New tests files SHOULD always be written using the latest major version of this specification; however, test files SHOULD be conservative in the minor version they specify (as noted in schemaVersion).
JSON Schema Validation
Each major or minor version that changes the Test Format SHALL have a corresponding JSON schema. When a
new schema file is introduced, any existing schema files MUST remain in place since they may be needed for validation.
For example: if an additive change is made to version 1.0 of the spec, the schema-1.0.json
file will be copied to
and modified accordingly. A new or existing test file using schemaVersion "1.0"
would then be expected to validate against both schema files. Schema version bumps MUST be noted in the
A particular minor version MUST be capable of validating any and all test files in that major version series up to and
including the minor version. For example, schema-2.1.json
should validate test files with
schemaVersion "2.0" and "2.1", but would not be expected to validate files specifying "1.0", "2.2", or
The JSON schema MUST remain consistent with the Test Format section. If and when a new major version is introduced, the Breaking Changes section MUST be updated.
Ajv MAY be used to programmatically validate both YAML and JSON files using the JSON schema. The JSON schema MUST NOT use syntax that is unsupported by this tool, which bears mentioning because there are multiple versions of the JSON schema specification.
Test Runner Support
Each test file defines a schemaVersion, which test runners will use to determine compatibility (i.e. whether and how the test file will be interpreted). Test files are considered compatible with a test runner if their schemaVersion is less than or equal to a supported version in the test runner, given the same major version component. For example:
- A test runner supporting version 1.5.1 could execute test files with versions 1.0 and 1.5 but not 1.6 and 2.0.
- A test runner supporting version 2.1 could execute test files with versions 2.0 and 2.1 but not 1.0 and 1.5.
- A test runner supporting both versions 1.5.1 and 2.0 could execute test files with versions 1.4, 1.5, and 2.0, but not 1.6, 2.1, or 3.0.
- A test runner supporting version 2.0.1 could execute test files with versions 2.0 and 2.0.1 but not 2.0.2 or 2.1. This example is provided for completeness, but test files SHOULD NOT need to refer to patch versions (as previously mentioned).
Test runners MUST NOT process incompatible files and MUST raise an error if they encounter an incompatible file (as discussed in Executing a Test File). Test runners MAY support multiple schema versions (as demonstrated in the example above).
Impact of Spec Changes on Schema Version
Backwards-breaking changes SHALL warrant a new major version. These changes include, but are not limited to:
- Subtractive changes, such as removing a field, operation, or type of supported entity or event
- Changing an existing field from optional to required
- Introducing a new, required field in the test format
- Significant changes to test file execution (not BC)
Backwards-compatible changes SHALL warrant a new minor version. These changes include, but are not limited to:
- Additive changes, such as a introducing a new Special Test Operations or type of supported entity or event
- Changing an existing field from required to optional
- Introducing a new, optional field in the test format
- Minor changes to test file execution (BC)
Small fixes and internal spec changes (e.g. grammar, adding clarifying text to the spec) MAY warrant a new patch version; however, patch versions SHOULD NOT alter the structure of the test format and thus SHOULD NOT be relevant to test files (as noted in schemaVersion).
Entity Map
The entity map indexes arbitrary objects and values by unique names, so that they can be referenced from test constructs (e.g. operation.object). To ensure each test is executed in isolation, test runners MUST NOT share entity maps between tests. Most entities will be driver objects created by the createEntities directive during test setup, but the entity map may also be modified during test execution via the operation.saveResultAsEntity directive.
Test runners MAY choose to implement the entity map in a fashion most suited to their language, but implementations MUST enforce both uniqueness of entity names and referential integrity when fetching an entity. Test runners MUST raise an error if an attempt is made to store an entity with a name that already exists in the map and MUST raise an error if an entity is not found for a name or is found but has an unexpected type.
Test runners MUST provide a mechanism to retrieve entities from the entity map prior to the clearing of the entity map,
as discussed in Executing a Test. There MUST be a way to retrieve an entity by its name (for
example, to support retrieving the iteration count stored by the storeIterationsAsEntity
Test runners MAY restrict access to driver objects (e.g. MongoClient, ChangeStream) and only allow access to BSON types (see: Supported Entity Types). This restriction may be necessary if the test runner needs to ensure driver objects in its entity map are properly freed/destroyed between tests.
The entity map MUST be implemented in a way that allows for safe concurrent access, since a test may include multiple thread entities that all need to access the map concurrently. See entity_thread for more information on test runner threads.
Consider the following examples:
# Error due to a duplicate name (client0 was already defined)
- client: { id: client0 }
- client: { id: client0 }
# Error due to a missing entity (client1 is undefined)
- client: { id: client0 }
- session: { id: session0, client: client1 }
# Error due to an unexpected entity type (session instead of client)
- client: { id: client0 }
- session: { id: session0, client: client0 }
- session: { id: session1, client: session0 }
Supported Entity Types
Test runners MUST support the following types of entities:
- MongoClient. See entity_client and Client Operations.
- ClientEncryption. See entity_clientEncryption and ClientEncryption Operations.
- Database. See entity_database and Database Operations.
- Collection. See entity_collection and Collection Operations
- ClientSession. See entity_session and Session Operations.
- GridFS Bucket. See entity_bucket and Bucket Operations.
ChangeStream. Change stream entities are special in that they are not defined in createEntities but are instead created by using operation.saveResultAsEntity with a client_createChangeStream, database_createChangeStream, or collection_createChangeStream operation.
Test files SHOULD NOT use a
operation to create a change stream, as the implementation of that method may vary among drivers. For example, some implementations ofwatch
immediately executeaggregate
and construct the server-side cursor, while others may deferaggregate
until the change stream object is iterated.See Cursor Operations for a list of operations.
FindCursor. These entities are not defined in createEntities but are instead created by using operation.saveResultAsEntity with a collection_createFindCursor operation.
See Cursor Operations for a list of operations.
CommandCursor. These entities are not defined in createEntities but are instead created by using operation.saveResultAsEntity with a createCommandCursor operation.
See Cursor Operations for a list of operations.
Event list. See storeEventsAsEntities. The event list MUST store BSON documents. The type of the list itself is not prescribed by this specification. Test runner MAY use a BSON array or a thread-safe list data structure to implement the event list.
All known BSON types and/or equivalent language types for the target driver. For the present version of the spec, the following BSON types are known: 0x01-0x13, 0x7F, 0xFF.
Tests SHOULD NOT utilize deprecated types (e.g. 0x0E: Symbol), since they may not be supported by all drivers and could yield runtime errors (e.g. while loading a test file with an Extended JSON parser).
- Test runner thread. An entity representing a "thread" that can be used to concurrently execute operations. Thread entities MUST be able to run concurrently with the main test runner thread and other thread entities, but they do not have to be implemented as actual OS threads (e.g. they can be goroutines or async tasks). See entity_thread_object for more information on how they are created.
- TopologyDescription. An entity representing a client's TopologyDescription at a certain point in time. These entities are not defined in createEntities but are instead created via recordTopologyDescription test runner operations.
This is an exhaustive list of supported types for the entity map. Test runners MUST raise an error if an attempt is made to store an unsupported type in the entity map.
Adding new entity types (including known BSON types) to this list will require a minor version bump to the spec and schema version. Removing entity types will require a major version bump. See Impact of Spec Changes on Schema Version for more information.
Test Format
Each specification test file can define one or more tests, which inherit some top-level configuration (e.g. namespace, initial data). YAML and JSON test files are parsed as an object by the test runner. This section defines the top-level keys for that object and links to various sub-sections for definitions of nested structures (e.g. individual test, operation).
Although test runners are free to process YAML or JSON files, YAML is the canonical format for writing tests. YAML files may be converted to JSON using a tool such as js-yaml .
Top-level Fields
The top-level fields of a test file are as follows:
: Required string. The name of the test file.This SHOULD describe the common purpose of tests in this file and MAY refer to the filename (e.g. "updateOne-hint").
: Required string. Version of this specification with which the test file complies.Test files SHOULD be conservative when specifying a schema version. For example, if the latest schema version is 1.1 but the test file complies with schema version 1.0, the test file should specify 1.0.
Test runners will use this to determine compatibility (i.e. whether and how the test file will be interpreted). The format of this string is defined in Version String; however, test files SHOULD NOT need to refer to specific patch versions since patch-level changes SHOULD NOT alter the structure of the test format (as previously noted in Schema Version).
: Optional array of one or more runOnRequirement objects. List of server version and/or topology requirements for which the tests in this file can be run. If no requirements are met, the test runner MUST skip this test file.
: Optional array of one or more entity objects. List of entities (e.g. client, collection, session objects) that SHALL be created before each test case is executed.Test files SHOULD define entities in dependency order, such that all referenced entities (e.g. client) are defined before any of their dependent entities (e.g. database, session).
: Optional array of one or more collectionData objects. Data that will exist in collections before each test case is executed.
: Required array of one or more test objects. List of test cases to be executed independently of each other._yamlAnchors
: Optional object containing arbitrary data. This is only used to define anchors within the YAML files and MUST NOT be used by test runners.
A combination of server version and/or topology requirements for running the test(s).
The format of server version strings is defined in Version String. When comparing server version strings, each component SHALL be compared numerically. For example, "4.0.10" is greater than "4.0.9" and "3.6" and less than "4.2.0".
The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional string. The minimum server version (inclusive) required to successfully run the tests. If this field is omitted, there is no lower bound on the required server version. The format of this string is defined in Version String. -
: Optional string. The maximum server version (inclusive) against which the tests can be run successfully. If this field is omitted, there is no upper bound on the required server version. The format of this string is defined in Version String. -
: Optional array of one or more strings. Server topologies against which the tests can be run successfully. Valid topologies are "single", "replicaset", "sharded", "load-balanced", and "sharded-replicaset" (i.e. sharded cluster backed by replica sets). If this field is omitted, there is no topology requirement for the test.When matching a "sharded-replicaset" topology, test runners MUST ensure that all shards are backed by a replica set. The process for doing so is described in Determining if a Sharded Cluster Uses Replica Sets. When matching a "sharded" topology, test runners MUST accept any type of sharded cluster (i.e. "sharded" implies "sharded-replicaset", but not vice versa).
The "sharded-replicaset" topology type is deprecated. MongoDB 3.6+ requires that all shard servers be replica sets. Therefore, tests SHOULD use "sharded" instead of "sharded-replicaset" when targeting 3.6+ server versions in order to avoid unnecessary overhead.
Note: load balancers were introduced in MongoDB 5.0. Therefore, any sharded cluster behind a load balancer implicitly uses replica sets for its shards.
: Optional string. Whether or not the test should be run on Atlas Serverless instances. Valid values are "require", "forbid", and "allow". If "require", the test MUST only be run on Atlas Serverless instances. If "forbid", the test MUST NOT be run on Atlas Serverless instances. If omitted or "allow", this option has no effect.The test runner MUST be informed whether or not Atlas Serverless is being used in order to determine if this requirement is met (e.g. through an environment variable or configuration option).
Note: the Atlas Serverless proxy imitates mongos, so the test runner is not capable of determining if Atlas Serverless is in use by issuing commands such as
. Furthermore, connections to Atlas Serverless use a load balancer, so the topology will appear as "load-balanced". -
: Optional object of server parameters to check against. To check server parameters, drivers send a{ getParameter: 1, <parameter>: 1 }
command to the server using an internal MongoClient. Drivers MAY also choose to send a{ getParameter: '*' }
command and fetch all parameters at once. The result SHOULD be cached to avoid repeated calls to fetch the same parameter. Test runners MUST apply the rules specified in Flexible Numeric Comparisons when comparing values. If a server does not support a parameter, test runners MUST treat the comparison as not equal and skip the test. This includes errors that occur when fetching a single parameter usinggetParameter
: Optional boolean. If true, the tests MUST only run if authentication is enabled. If false, tests MUST NOT run if authentication is enabled. If this field is omitted, there is no authentication requirement. -
: Optional string. Specifies an authentication mechanism that the server needs to support for the test. If set, tests MUST only run if the given string matches (case-insensitive) one of the strings in the authenticationMechanisms server parameter. If this field is omitted, there is no authentication mechanism requirement. -
: Optional boolean. If true, the tests MUST only run if the driver and server support Client-Side Field Level Encryption. CSFLE is supported when all of the following are true:- Server version is 4.2.0 or higher
- Driver has libmongocrypt enabled
- At least one of crypt_shared and/or mongocryptd is available
If false, tests MUST NOT run if CSFLE is supported. If this field is omitted, there is no CSFLE requirement.
Test runners MAY evaluate these conditions in any order. For example, it may be more efficient to evaluate serverless
or auth
before communicating with a server to check its version.
An entity (e.g. client, collection, session object) that will be created in the Entity Map before each test is executed.
This object MUST contain exactly one top-level key that identifies the entity type and maps to a nested object,
which specifies a unique name for the entity (id
key) and any other parameters necessary for its construction. Tests
SHOULD use sequential names based on the entity type (e.g. "session0", "session1").
When defining an entity object in YAML, a node anchor SHOULD be created
on the entity's id
key. This anchor will allow the unique name to be referenced with an
alias node later in the file (e.g. from another entity or
operation object) and also leverage YAML's parser for reference validation.
The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional object. Defines a MongoClient object. In addition to the configuration defined below, test runners for drivers that implement connection pooling MUST track the number of connections checked out at any given time for the constructed MongoClient. This can be done using a single counter and CMAP events. EachConnectionCheckedOutEvent
should increment the counter and eachConnectionCheckedInEvent
should decrement it.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. Unique name for this entity. The YAML file SHOULD define a node anchor for this field ( &client0 client0
). -
: Optional object. Additional URI options to apply to the test suite's connection string that is used to create this client. Any keys in this object MUST override conflicting keys in the connection string.Documentation for supported options may be found in the URI Options spec, with one notable exception: if
is specified in this object, the key will map to an array of strings, each representing a tag set, since it is not feasible to define multiplereadPreferenceTags
keys in the object.Note also that when specifying
as true, the connection string used to instantiate a client MUST only have a single seed and MUST NOT specify thereplicaSet
option. See the URI Options spec for more information.Any field in
may be a $$placeholder document and the test runner MUST support replacing the placeholder document with values loaded from the test environment. For example:uriOptions: authMechanism: "MONGODB-OIDC" authMechanismProperties: ENVIRONMENT: { $$placeholder: 1 }
: Optional boolean. If true and the topology is a sharded cluster, the test runner MUST assert that this MongoClient connects to multiple mongos hosts (e.g. by inspecting the connection string). If false and the topology is a sharded cluster, the test runner MUST ensure that this MongoClient connects to only a single mongos host (e.g. by modifying the connection string).If this option is not specified and the topology is a sharded cluster, the test runner MUST NOT enforce any limit on the number of mongos hosts in the connection string and any tests using this client SHOULD NOT depend on a particular number of mongos hosts.
This option SHOULD be set to true in test files if the resulting entity is used to conduct transactions against a sharded cluster. This is advised because connecting to multiple mongos servers is necessary to test session pinning.
If the topology type is
and Atlas Serverless is not being used, the test runner MUST use one of the two load balancer URIs described in Initializing the Test Runner to configure the MongoClient. IfuseMultipleMongoses
is true or unset, the test runner MUST use the URI of the load balancer fronting multiple servers. Otherwise, the test runner MUST use the URI of the load balancer fronting a single server.If the topology type is
and Atlas Serverless is being used, this option has no effect. This is because provisioning an Atlas Serverless instance yields a single URI (i.e. a load balancer fronting a single Atlas Serverless proxy).This option has no effect for topologies that are not sharded or load balanced.
: Optional array of one or more strings. Types of events that can be observed for this client. Unspecified event types MUST be ignored by this client's event listeners and SHOULD NOT be included in test.expectEvents for this client.Supported types correspond to the top-level keys (strings) documented in expectedEvent and are as follows:
- commandStartedEvent
- commandSucceededEvent
- commandFailedEvent
- poolCreatedEvent
- poolReadyEvent
- poolClearedEvent
- poolClosedEvent
- connectionCreatedEvent
- connectionReadyEvent
- connectionClosedEvent
- connectionCheckOutStartedEvent
- connectionCheckOutFailedEvent
- connectionCheckedOutEvent
- connectionCheckedInEvent
- serverDescriptionChangedEvent
- serverHeartbeatStartedEvent
- serverHeartbeatSucceededEvent
- serverHeartbeatFailedEvent
- topologyDescriptionChangedEvent
: Optional array of one or more strings. Command names for which the test runner MUST ignore any observed command monitoring events. The command(s) will be ignored in addition toconfigureFailPoint
and any commands containing sensitive information (per the Command Logging and Monitoring spec) unlessobserveSensitiveCommands
is true.Test files SHOULD NOT use this option unless one or more command monitoring events are specified in observeEvents.
: Optional boolean. If true, events associated with sensitive commands (per the Command Logging and Monitoring spec) will be observed for this client. Note that the command and replies for such events will already have been redacted by the driver. If false or not specified, events for commands containing sensitive information MUST be ignored. Authentication SHOULD be disabled when this property is true, i.e. auth should be false for eachrunOnRequirement
. See rationale_observeSensitiveCommands.
: Optional array of one or more storeEventsAsEntity objects. Each object denotes an entity name and one or more events to be collected and stored in that entity. See storeEventsAsEntity for implementation details.Note: the implementation of
is wholly independent fromobserveEvents
.Example option value:
storeEventsAsEntities: - id: client0_events events: [PoolCreatedEvent, ConnectionCreatedEvent, CommandStartedEvent]
: Optional object where the key names are log components and the values are minimum log severity levels indicating which components to collect log messages for and what the minimum severity level of collected messages should be. Messages for unspecified components and/or with lower severity levels than those specified MUST be ignored by this client's log collector(s) and SHOULD NOT be included in test.expectLogMessages for this client.serverApi
: Optional serverApi object.
: Optional object corresponding to AutoEncryptionOpts with the following fields:kmsProviders
: The same as inclientEncryption
: The same as inclientEncryption
: Optional, a boolean to indicate whether or not auto encryption should be bypassed.schemaMap
: Optional object. Maps namespaces to CSFLE schemas.encryptedFieldsMap
: Optional object. Maps namespaces to QE schemas.extraOptions
: Optional object. Configuration options for the encryption library.bypassQueryAnalysis
: Optional. Disables analysis of outgoing commands. Defaults tofalse
: The same as inclientEncryption
: Optional object. Defines a ClientEncryption object.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. Unique name for this entity. The YAML file SHOULD define a node anchor for this field ( &clientEncryption0 clientEncryption0
). -
: Required document. A value corresponding to a ClientEncryptionOpts.Note: the
document is intentionally omitted from the test format. However, drivers MAY internally configure TLS options as needed to satisfy the requirements of configured KMS providers.The structure of this document is as follows:
: Required string. Client entity from which this ClientEncryption will be created. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for a client entity'sid
field (e.g.client: *client0
). -
: Required string. The database and collection to use as the key vault collection for this clientEncryption. The namespace takes the formdatabase.collection
(e.g.keyVaultNamespace: keyvault.datakeys
). -
: Required document. Drivers MUST NOT configure a KMS provider if it is not given. This is to permit testing conditions where a required KMS provider is not configured. If a KMS provider is given as an empty document (e.g.kmsProviders: { aws: {} }
), drivers MUST configure the KMS provider without credentials to permit testing conditions where KMS credentials are needed. If a KMS credentials field has a placeholder value (e.g.kmsProviders: { aws: { accessKeyId: { $$placeholder: 1 }, secretAccessKey: { $$placeholder: 1 } } }
), drivers MUST replace the field with credentials that satisfy the operations required by the unified test files. Drivers MAY load the credentials from the environment or a configuration file as needed to satisfy the requirements of the given KMS provider and tests. If a KMS credentials field is not given (e.g. the required fieldsecretAccessKey
is omitted in:kmsProviders: { aws: { accessKeyId: { $$placeholder: 1 } }
), drivers MUST NOT include the field during KMS configuration. This is to permit testing conditions where required KMS credentials fields are not provided. Otherwise, drivers MUST configure the KMS provider with the explicit value of KMS credentials field given in the test file (e.g.kmsProviders: { aws: { accessKeyId: abc, secretAccessKey: def } }
). This is to permit testing conditions where invalid KMS credentials are provided.Tests may also reference named KMS providers. KMS providers with the name
are expected to be configured exactly as the unnamed KMS providers. Theaws:name2
KMS provider andaws:name1
KMS providers deliberately use separate AWS accounts that do not have permission to the other's keys.See the Client-Side Encryption test README for instructions to obtain test credentials.
: Optional integer. The cache expiration time for data encryption keys.
: Optional object. Defines a Database object.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. Unique name for this entity. The YAML file SHOULD define a node anchor for this field ( &database0 database0
: Required string. Client entity from which this database will be created. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for a client entity'sid
field (e.g.client: *client0
: Required string. Database name. The YAML file SHOULD define a node anchor for this field (e.g.databaseName: &database0Name foo
: Optional collectionOrDatabaseOptions object.
: Optional object. Defines a Collection object.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. Unique name for this entity. The YAML file SHOULD define a node anchor for this field ( &collection0 collection0
: Required string. Database entity from which this collection will be created. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for a database entity'sid
field (e.g.database: *database0
: Required string. Collection name. The YAML file SHOULD define a node anchor for this field (e.g.collectionName: &collection0Name foo
: Optional collectionOrDatabaseOptions object.
: Optional object. Defines an explicit ClientSession object.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. Unique name for this entity. The YAML file SHOULD define a node anchor for this field ( &session0 session0
). -
: Required string. Client entity from which this session will be created. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for a client entity'sid
field (e.g.client: *client0
). -
: Optional object. Map of parameters to pass to MongoClient.startSession when creating the session. Supported options are defined in the following specifications:When specifying TransactionOptions for
, the transaction options MUST remain nested underdefaultTransactionOptions
and MUST NOT be flattened intosessionOptions
: Optional object. Defines a Bucket object, as defined in the GridFS spec.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. Unique name for this entity. The YAML file SHOULD define a node anchor for this field ( &bucket0 bucket0
: Required string. Database entity from which this bucket will be created. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for a database entity'sid
field (e.g.database: *database0
: Optional object. Additional options used to construct the bucket object. Supported options are defined in the GridFS specification. ThereadConcern
, andwriteConcern
options use the same structure as defined in Common Options.
: Optional object. Defines a test runner "thread". Once the "thread" has been created, it should be idle and waiting for operations to be dispatched to it later on by runOnThread operations.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. Unique name for this entity. The YAML file SHOULD define a node anchor for this field ( &thread0 thread0
A list of one or more events that will be observed on a client and collectively stored within an entity. This object is used within storeEventsAsEntities.
The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. Unique name for this
: Required array of one or more strings, which denote the events to be collected. Currently, only the following CMAP and command monitoring events MUST be supported:- PoolCreatedEvent
- PoolReadyEvent
- PoolClearedEvent
- PoolClosedEvent
- ConnectionCreatedEvent
- ConnectionReadyEvent
- ConnectionClosedEvent
- ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent
- ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent
- ConnectionCheckedOutEvent
- ConnectionCheckedInEvent
- CommandStartedEvent
- CommandSucceededEvent
- CommandFailedEvent
For the specified entity name, the test runner MUST create the respective entity with a type of "event list", as described in Supported Entity Types. If the entity already exists (such as from a previous storeEventsAsEntity object) the test runner MUST raise an error.
The test runner MUST set up an event subscriber for each event named. The event subscriber MUST serialize the events it receives into a document, using the documented properties of the event as field names, and append the document to the list stored in the specified entity. Additionally, the following fields MUST be stored with each event document:
: The name of the event (e.g.PoolCreatedEvent
). The name of the event MUST be the name used in the respective specification that defines the event in question.observedAt
: The time, as the floating-point number of seconds since the Unix epoch, when the event was observed by the test runner.
The test runner MAY omit the command
field for CommandStartedEvent and reply
field for CommandSucceededEvent.
If an event field in the driver is of a type that does not directly map to a BSON type (e.g. Exception
for the
field of CommandFailedEvent) the test runner MUST convert values of that field to one of the BSON types. For
example, a test runner MAY store the exception's error message string as the failure
field of CommandFailedEvent.
If the specification defining an event permits deviation in field names, such as connectionId
field for
CommandStartedEvent, the test runner SHOULD use the field names used in the specification when serializing events to
documents even if the respective field name is different in the driver's event object.
Declares an API version for a client entity.
The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. Test runners MUST fail if the given version string is not supported by the driver.Note: the format of this string is unrelated to Version String.
: Optional boolean. -
: Optional boolean.
See the Stable API spec for more details on these fields.
List of documents corresponding to the contents of a collection. This structure is used by both initialData and test.outcome, which insert and read documents, respectively.
The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. See commonOptions_collectionName.databaseName
: Required string. See commonOptions_databaseName.createOptions
: Optional object. When used in initialData, these options MUST be passed to the create command when creating the collection. Test files MUST NOT specifywriteConcern
in this options document as that could conflict with the use of themajority
write concern when the collection is created during test execution.documents
: Required array of objects. List of documents corresponding to the contents of the collection. This list may be empty.
Test case consisting of a sequence of operations to be executed.
The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. The name of the test.This SHOULD describe the purpose of this test (e.g. "insertOne is retried").
: Optional array of one or more runOnRequirement objects. List of server version and/or topology requirements for which this test can be run. If specified, these requirements are evaluated independently and in addition to any top-level runOnRequirements. If no requirements in this array are met, the test runner MUST skip this test.These requirements SHOULD be more restrictive than those specified in the top-level runOnRequirements (if any) and SHOULD NOT be more permissive. This is advised because both sets of requirements MUST be satisfied in order for a test to be executed and more permissive requirements at the test-level could be taken out of context on their own.
: Optional string. If set, the test will be skipped. The string SHOULD explain the reason for skipping the test (e.g. JIRA ticket).
: Required array of operation objects. List of operations to be executed for the test case.
: Optional array of one or more expectedEventsForClient objects. For one or more clients, a list of events that are expected to be observed in a particular order.If a driver only supports configuring event listeners globally (for all clients), the test runner SHOULD associate each observed event with a client in order to perform these assertions.
Tests SHOULD NOT specify multiple expectedEventsForClient objects for a single client entity with the same
field. For example, a test containing two expectedEventsForClient objects with theeventType
set tocmap
for both would either be redundant (if theevents
arrays were identical) or likely to fail (if theevents
arrays differed).
: Optional array of one or more expectedLogMessagesForClient objects. For one or more clients, a list of log messages that are expected to be observed in a particular order.If a driver only supports configuring log collectors globally (for all clients), the test runner SHOULD associate each observed message with a client in order to perform these assertions. One possible implementation is to add a test-only option to MongoClient which enables the client to store its entity name and add the entity name to each log message to enable filtering messages by client.
Tests SHOULD NOT specify multiple expectedLogMessagesForClient objects for a single client entity.
: Optional array of one or more collectionData objects. Data that is expected to exist in collections after each test case is executed.The list of documents herein SHOULD be sorted ascendingly by the
field to allow for deterministic comparisons. The procedure for asserting collection contents is discussed in Executing a Test.
An operation to be executed as part of the test.
The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string. Name of the operation (e.g. method) to perform on the object.
: Required string. Name of the object on which to perform the operation. This SHOULD correspond to either an entity name (for Entity Test Operations) or "testRunner" (for Special Test Operations). If the object is an entity, The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for itsid
field (e.g.object: *collection0
: Optional object. Map of parameter names and values for the operation. The structure of this object will vary based on the operation. See Entity Test Operations and Special Test Operations.The
parameter is handled specially (see commonOptions_session).
: Optional boolean. If true, both the error and result for the operation MUST be ignored.This field is mutually exclusive with expectResult, expectError, and saveResultAsEntity.
This field SHOULD NOT be used for Special Test Operations (i.e.
object: testRunner
: Optional expectedError object. One or more assertions for an error expected to be raised by the operation.This field is mutually exclusive with expectResult and saveResultAsEntity.
This field SHOULD NOT be used for Special Test Operations (i.e.
object: testRunner
: Optional mixed type. A value corresponding to the expected result of the operation. This field may be a scalar value, a single document, or an array of values. Test runners MUST follow the rules in Evaluating Matches when processing this assertion.This field is mutually exclusive with expectError.
This field SHOULD NOT be used for Special Test Operations (i.e.
object: testRunner
: Optional string. If specified, the actual result returned by the operation (if any) will be saved with this name in the Entity Map. The test runner MUST raise an error if the name is already in use or if the result does not comply with Supported Entity Types.This field is mutually exclusive with expectError.
This field SHOULD NOT be used for Special Test Operations (i.e.
object: testRunner
One or more assertions for an error/exception, which is expected to be raised by an executed operation. At least one key is required in this object.
The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional boolean. If true, the test runner MUST assert that an error was raised. This is primarily used when no other error assertions apply but the test still needs to assert an expected error. Test files MUST NOT specify false, as expectedError is only applicable when an operation is expected to raise an error. -
: Optional boolean. If true, the test runner MUST assert that the error originates from the client (i.e. it is not derived from a server response). If false, the test runner MUST assert that the error does not originate from the client.Client errors include, but are not limited to: parameter validation errors before a command is sent to the server; network errors.
: Optional boolean. If true, the test runner MUST assert that the error represents a timeout due to use of thetimeoutMS
option. If false, the test runner MUST assert that the error does not represent a timeout. -
: Optional string. A substring of the expected error message (e.g. "errmsg" field in a server error document). The test runner MUST assert that the error message contains this string using a case-insensitive match.See bulkWrite for special considerations for BulkWriteExceptions.
: Optional integer. The expected "code" field in the server-generated error response. The test runner MUST assert that the error includes a server-generated response whose "code" field equals this value. In the interest of readability, YAML files SHOULD use a comment to note the corresponding code name (e.g.errorCode: 26 # NamespaceNotFound
).Server error codes are defined in error_codes.yml.
Test files SHOULD NOT assert error codes for client errors, as specifications do not define standardized codes for client errors.
: Optional string. The expected "codeName" field in the server-generated error response. The test runner MUST assert that the error includes a server-generated response whose "codeName" field equals this value using a case-insensitive comparison.See bulkWrite for special considerations for BulkWriteExceptions.
Server error codes are defined in error_codes.yml.
Test files SHOULD NOT assert error codes for client errors, as specifications do not define standardized codes for client errors.
: Optional array of one or more strings. A list of error label strings that the error is expected to have. The test runner MUST assert that the error contains all of the specified labels (e.g. using thehasErrorLabel
method). -
: Optional array of one or more strings. A list of error label strings that the error is expected not to have. The test runner MUST assert that the error does not contain any of the specified labels (e.g. using thehasErrorLabel
method). -
: Optional document. The write errors expected to be present in the error. ThewriteErrors
document contains numeric keys representing the index of the write that failed andwriteError
object values. The test runner MUST assert that the error contains awriteError
for each index present inwriteErrors
and MUST assert that thewriteError
s match as root-level documents according to the rules in Evaluating Matches. The test runner MUST assert that the error does not contain any additionalwriteError
s. This field is only intended for use with the clientBulkWrite operation. -
: Optional array of one or more objects. An ordered list of write concern errors expected to be present in the error. The test runner MUST assert that eachwriteConcernError
in this list matches thewriteConcernError
present at the same index in the error's list ofwriteConcernError
s as a root-level document according to the rules in Evaluating Matches. The test runner MUST assert that the error does not contain any additionalwriteConcernErrors
s. This field is only intended for use with the clientBulkWrite operation.
: Optional document. A value corresponding to the expected server response. The test runner MUST assert that the error includes a server response that matches this value as a root-level document according to the rules in Evaluating Matches.Note that some drivers may not be able to evaluate
for write commands (i.e. insert, update, delete) and bulk write operations. For example, a BulkWriteException is derived from potentially multiple server responses and may not provide direct access to a single response. Tests SHOULD avoid usingerrorResponse
for such operations if possible; otherwise, affected drivers SHOULD skip such tests if necessary.
: Optional mixed type. This field follows the same rules as operation.expectResult and is only used in cases where the error includes a result (e.g. bulkWrite). If specified, the test runner MUST assert that the error includes a result and that it matches this value. If the result is optional (e.g. BulkWriteResult reported through thewriteResult
property of a BulkWriteException), this assertion SHOULD utilize the $$unsetOrMatches operator.
A list of events that are expected to be observed (in that order) for a client while executing operations.
The structure of each object is as follows:
: Required string. Client entity on which the events are expected to be observed. See commonOptions_client.eventType
: Optional string. Specifies the type of the monitor which captured the events. Valid values arecommand
for Command Monitoring events,cmap
for CMAP events, andsdam
for SDAM events. Defaults tocommand
: Required array of expectedEvent objects. List of events, which are expected to be observed (in this order) on the corresponding client while executing operations. If the array is empty, the test runner MUST assert that no events were observed on the client (excluding ignored events).ignoreExtraEvents
: Optional boolean. Specifies how theevents
array is matched against the observed events. Iffalse
, observed events after all specified events have matched MUST cause a test failure; iftrue
, observed events after all specified events have been matched MUST NOT cause a test failure. Defaults tofalse
An event (e.g. APM), which is expected to be observed while executing the test's operations.
This object MUST contain exactly one top-level key that identifies the event type and maps to a nested object, which contains one or more assertions for the event's properties.
Some event properties are omitted in the following structures because they cannot be reliably tested. Taking command
monitoring events as an example, requestId
and operationId
are nondeterministic and types for connectionId
can vary by implementation.
The events allowed in an expectedEvent
object depend on the value of eventType
in the corresponding
expectedEventsForClient object, which can have one of the following values:
or omitted: only the event types defined in expectedCommandEvent are allowed.cmap
: only the event types defined in expectedCmapEvent are allowed.sdam
: only the event types defined in expectedSdamEvent are allowed.
The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional object. Assertions for one or more CommandStartedEvent fields.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional document. A value corresponding to the expected command document. Test runners MUST follow the rules in Evaluating Matches when processing this assertion and match the value as a root-level document.commandName
: Optional string. Test runners MUST assert that the command name matches this value.databaseName
: Optional string. Test runners MUST assert that the database name matches this value. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for this value (e.g.databaseName: *database0Name
: Defined in hasServiceId.hasServerConnectionId
: Defined in hasServerConnectionId.
: Optional object. Assertions for one or more CommandSucceededEvent fields.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional document. A value corresponding to the expected reply document. Test runners MUST follow the rules in Evaluating Matches when processing this assertion and match the value as a root-level document.commandName
: Optional string. Test runners MUST assert that the command name matches this value.databaseName
: Optional string. Test runners MUST assert that the database name matches this value. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for this value (e.g.databaseName: *database0Name
: Defined in hasServiceId.hasServerConnectionId
: Defined in hasServerConnectionId.
: Optional object. Assertions for one or more CommandFailedEvent fields.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional string. Test runners MUST assert that the command name matches this value.databaseName
: Optional string. Test runners MUST assert that the database name matches this value. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for this value (e.g.databaseName: *database0Name
: Defined in hasServiceId.hasServerConnectionId
: Defined in hasServerConnectionId.
: Optional object. If present, this object MUST be an empty document as all fields in this event are non-deterministic.
: Optional object. If present, this object MUST be an empty document as all fields in this event are non-deterministic.
: Optional object. Assertions for one or more PoolClearedEvent fields.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Defined in hasServiceId.interruptInUseConnections
: Optional boolean. If specified, test runners MUST assert that the field is set and matches this value.
: Optional object. If present, this object MUST be an empty document as all fields in this event are non-deterministic.
: Optional object. If present, this object MUST be an empty document as all fields in this event are non-deterministic.
: Optional object. If present, this object MUST be an empty document as all fields in this event are non-deterministic.
: Optional object. Assertions for one or more ConnectionClosedEvent fields.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional string. Test runners MUST assert that the reason in the published event matches this value. Valid values for this field are defined in the CMAP spec.
: Optional object. If present, this object MUST be an empty document as all fields in this event are non-deterministic.
: Optional object. Assertions for one or more ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent fields.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional string. Test runners MUST assert that the reason in the published event matches this value. Valid values for this field are defined in the CMAP spec.
: Optional object. If present, this object MUST be an empty document as all fields in this event are non-deterministic.
: Optional object. If present, this object MUST be an empty document as all fields in this event are non-deterministic.
The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional object. Assertions for one or more ServerDescriptionChangedEvent fields.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional object. A value corresponding to the server description as it was before the change that triggered this event.newDescription
: Optional object. A value corresponding to the server description as it was after the change that triggered this event.
The structure of a server description object (which the
fields contain) is as follows:type
: Optional string. The type of the server in the description. Test runners MUST assert that the type in the published event matches this value. See SDAM: ServerType for a list of valid values.
: Optional object. Assertions for one or more ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent fields.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional boolean. If specified, test runners MUST assert that the field is set and matches this value.
: Optional object. Assertions for one or more ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent fields.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional boolean. If specified, test runners MUST assert that the field is set and matches this value.
: Optional object. Assertions for one or more ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent fields.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional boolean. If specified, test runners MUST assert that the field is set and matches this value.
: Optional object. Assertions for one TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent object.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional Object. A value corresponding to the topology description as it was before the change that triggered the event. -
: Optional Object. A value corresponding to the topology description as it is after the change that triggered the event.Test runners SHOULD ignore any other fields than the
fields.The structure of a topology description object (which the
fields contain is as follows:type
: Optional string. The type of the topology in the description. Test runners MUST assert that the type in the published event matches this value. See SDAM: TopologyType for a list of valid values.
Test runners SHOULD ignore any other fields present on the
fields of the capturedtopologyDescriptionChangedEvent
This field is an optional boolean that specifies whether or not the serviceId
field of an event is set. If true, test
runners MUST assert that the field is set and is a non-empty BSON ObjectId (i.e. all bytes of the ObjectId are not 0).
If false, test runners MUST assert that the field is not set or is an empty BSON ObjectId.
This field is an optional boolean that specifies whether or not the serverConnectionId
field of an event is set. If
true, test runners MUST assert that the field is set and is a positive Int32. If false, test runners MUST assert that
the field is not set, or, if the driver uses a nonpositive Int32 value to indicate the field being unset, MUST assert
that serverConnectionId
is a nonpositive Int32.
A list of log messages that are expected to be observed (in that order) for a client while executing operations.
The structure of each object is as follows:
: Required string. Client entity for which the messages are expected to be observed. See commonOptions_client.messages
: Required array of expectedLogMessage objects. List of messages, which are expected to be observed (in this order) on the corresponding client while executing operations. If the array is empty, the test runner MUST assert that no messages were observed on the client. The driver MUST assert that the messages produced are an exact match, i.e. that the expected and actual message counts are the same and that there are no extra messages emitted by the client during the test run. Note:ignoreMessages
may exclude log messages from this evaluation.ignoreMessages
: Optional array of expectedLogMessage objects. Unordered set of messages, which MUST be ignored on the corresponding client while executing operations. The test runner MUST exclude all log messages from observed messages that match any of the messages inignoreMessages
array beforemessages
evaluation. Matching rules used to match messages inignoreMessages
are identical to match rules used formessages
: Optional boolean. Specifies how themessages
array is matched against the observed logs. Iffalse
, observed logs after all specified logs have matched MUST cause a test failure; iftrue
, observed logs after all specified logs have been matched MUST NOT cause a test failure. Defaults tofalse
A log message which is expected to be observed while executing the test's operations.
The structure of each object is as follows:
: Required string. This MUST be one of the level names listed in log severity levels. This specifies the expected level for the log message and corresponds to the level used for the message in the specification that defines it. Note that since not all drivers will necessarily support all log levels, some driver may need to map the specified level to the corresponding driver-supported level. Test runners MUST assert that the actual level matches this value. -
: Required string. This MUST be one of the component names listed in components. This specifies the expected component for the log message. Note that since naming variations are permitted for components, some drivers may need to map this to a corresponding language-specific component name. Test runners MUST assert that the actual component matches this value. -
: Optional boolean. This field SHOULD only be specified when the log message data is expected to contain afailure
is present and its value istrue
, the test runner MUST assert that a failure is present and that the failure has been redacted according to the rules defined for error redaction in the command logging and monitoring specification.When
, the test runner MUST assert that a failure is present and that the failure has NOT been redacted.The exact form of these assertions and how thorough they are will vary based on the driver's chosen error representation in logs; e.g. drivers that use strings may only be able to assert on the presence/absence of substrings.
: Required object. Contains key-value pairs that are expected to be attached to the log message. Test runners MUST assert that the actual data contained in the log message matches the expected data, and MUST treat the log message data as a root-level document.A suggested implementation approach is to decode
as a BSON document and serialize the data attached to each log message to a BSON document, and match those documents.Note that for drivers that do not implement structured logging, this requires designing logging internals such that data is first gathered in a structured form (e.g. a document or hashmap) which can be intercepted for testing purposes.
Map of parameters used to construct a collection or database object.
The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional object. See commonOptions_readConcern.readPreference
: Optional object. See commonOptions_readPreference.timeoutMS
: Optional integer. See Client Side Operations Timeout.writeConcern
: Optional object. See commonOptions_writeConcern.
Common Options
This section defines the structure of common options that are referenced from various contexts in the test format. Comprehensive documentation for some of these types and their parameters may be found in the following specifications:
- Read and Write Concern.
- Server Selection: Read Preference.
- Server Discovery and Monitoring: TopologyDescription.
The structure of these common options is as follows:
: String. Collection name. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for a collection entity'scollectionName
field (e.g.collectionName: *collection0Name
: String. Database name. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for a database entity'sdatabaseName
field (e.g.databaseName: *database0Name
: Object. Map of parameters to construct a read concern.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string.
: Object. Map of parameters to construct a read preference.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Required string.tagSets
: Optional array of objects.maxStalenessSeconds
: Optional integer.hedge
: Optional object.
: String. Client entity name, which the test runner MUST resolve to a MongoClient object. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for a client entity'sid
field (e.g.client: *client0
: String. Session entity name, which the test runner MUST resolve to a ClientSession object. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for a session entity'sid
field (e.g.session: *session0
: Object. Map of parameters to construct a write concern.The structure of this object is as follows:
: Optional boolean.w
: Optional integer or string.wtimeoutMS
: Optional integer.
Version String
Version strings, which are used for schemaVersion and runOnRequirement, MUST conform to one of the following formats, where each component is a non-negative integer:
is assumed to be zero)<major>
are assumed to be zero)
Any component other than major
, minor
, and patch
MUST be discarded prior to comparing versions. This is necessary
to ensure that spec tests run on pre-release versions of the MongoDB server. As an example, when checking if a server
with the version 4.9.0-alpha4-271-g7d5cf02
passes the requirement for a test, only 4.9.0
is relevant for the
comparison. When reading the server version from the buildInfo
command reply, the three elements of the versionArray
field MUST be used, and all other fields MUST be discarded for this comparison.
Entity Test Operations
Entity operations correspond to an API method on a driver object. If operation.object refers to an entity name (e.g. "collection0") then is expected to reference an API method on that class.
Test files SHALL use camelCase when referring to API methods and parameters, even if the defining specifications use other forms (e.g. snake_case in GridFS). Test files SHOULD use the exact API method names defined in specifications for entity test operations. Test files MAY use a different descriptive name if a naming conflict occurs. For example, the name "clientBulkWrite" is used for the client-level bulk write operation to differentiate it from the collection-level bulk write operation.
This spec does not provide exhaustive documentation for all possible API methods that may appear in a test; however, the following sections discuss all supported entities and their operations in some level of detail. Special handling for certain operations is also discussed as needed.
Expressing Required and Optional Parameters
Some specifications group optional parameters for API methods under an options
parameter (e.g.
options: Optional<UpdateOptions>
in the CRUD spec); however, driver APIs vary in how they accept options (e.g.
Python's keyword/named arguments, session
as either an option or required parameter depending on whether a language
supports method overloading). Therefore, test files SHALL declare all required and optional parameters for an API method
directly within operation.arguments (e.g. upsert
for updateOne
is not nested under an
Special Handling for Arguments
If session
is specified in operation.arguments, it is defined according to
commonOptions_session. Test runners MUST resolve the session
argument to
session entity before passing it as a parameter to any API method.
If readConcern
, readPreference
, or writeConcern
are specified in operation.arguments, test
runners MUST interpret them according to the corresponding definition in Common Options and MUST
convert the value into the appropriate object before passing it as a parameter to any API method.
Converting Returned Model Objects to Documents
For operations that return a model object (e.g. BulkWriteResult
for bulkWrite
), the test runner MUST convert the
model object to a document when evaluating expectResult or
saveResultAsEntity. Similarly, for operations that may return iterables of model
objects (e.g. DatabaseInfo
for listDatabases
), the test runner MUST convert the iterable to an array of documents
when evaluating expectResult or saveResultAsEntity.
Iterating Returned Iterables
Unless otherwise stated by an operation below, test runners MUST fully iterate any iterable returned by an operation as part of that operation's execution. This is necessary to ensure consistent behavior among drivers, as discussed in collection_aggregate and find, and also ensures that error and event assertions can be evaluated consistently.
Client Operations
These operations and their arguments may be documented in the following specifications:
Client operations that require special handling or are not documented by an existing specification are described below.
Closes the client, i.e. close underlying connection pool(s) and cease monitoring the topology. For languages that rely
on built-in language mechanisms such as reference counting to automatically close/deinitialize clients once they go out
of scope, this may require implementing an abstraction to allow a client entity's underlying client to be set to null.
Because drivers do not consistently propagate errors encountered while closing a client, test files SHOULD NOT specify
expectResult or expectError for this operation. Test files SHOULD
NOT specify any operations for a client entity or any entity descended from it following a close
operation on it, as
driver behavior when an operation is attempted on a closed client or one of its descendant objects is not consistent.
Creates a cluster-level change stream and ensures that the server-side cursor has been created.
This operation proxies the client's watch
method and supports the same arguments and options. Test files SHOULD NOT
use the client's watch
operation directly for reasons discussed in ChangeStream. Test runners
MUST ensure that the server-side cursor is created (i.e. aggregate
is executed) as part of this operation and before
the resulting change stream might be saved with operation.saveResultAsEntity.
Test runners MUST NOT iterate the change stream when executing this operation and test files SHOULD NOT specify operation.expectResult for this operation.
These considerations only apply to the MongoClient.bulkWrite
method. See bulkWrite for special
considerations for MongoCollection.bulkWrite
The models
parameter for clientBulkWrite
is documented as a list of WriteModel interfaces. Each WriteModel
implementation (e.g. InsertOneModel) provides important context to the method, but that type information is not easily
expressed in YAML and JSON. To account for this, test files MUST nest each WriteModel object in a single-key object,
where the key identifies the request type (e.g. "insertOne") and its value is an object expressing the parameters, as in
the following example:
- insertOne:
document: { _id: 1, x: 1 }
- replaceOne:
filter: { _id: 2 }
replacement: { x: 2 }
upsert: true
- updateOne:
filter: { _id: 3 }
update: { $set: { x: 3 } }
upsert: true
- updateMany:
filter: { }
update: { $inc: { x: 1 } }
- deleteOne:
filter: { x: 2 }
- deleteMany:
filter: { x: { $gt: 2 } }
ordered: true
Because the insertResults
, updateResults
, and deleteResults
may be absent or empty in the BulkWriteResult
returned from a summary-only bulk write, the clientBulkWrite
operation SHOULD use the
$$unsetOrMatches operator for assertions on these fields when verboseResults
is not set to true.
This also applies to result objects defined in the expectedResult
field of expectedError.
The BulkWriteException
thrown by MongoClient.bulkWrite
contains an optional error
field that stores a top-level
error that occurred during the bulk write. Test runners MUST inspect the contents of this field when making assertions
based on the contents of the errorCode
and errorContains
fields in expectedError.
also contains writeErrors
and writeConcernErrors
fields that define the individual write errors
and write concern errors that occurred during the bulk write. Unified tests SHOULD use writeErrors
in expectedError
to assert on the contents of these fields. Test runners MUST NOT inspect the
contents of these fields when making assertions based on any other fields defined in expectedError
While operations typically raise an error or return a result, the MongoClient.bulkWrite
operation may report both
via the partialResult
property of a BulkWriteException
. In this case, the intermediary write result may be matched
with expectedError_expectResult
This operation SHOULD NOT be used in test files. See client_createChangeStream.
ClientEncryption Operations
These operations and their arguments may be documented in the following specifications:
Operations that require sending and receiving KMS requests to encrypt or decrypt data keys may require appropriate KMS
credentials to be loaded by the driver. Drivers MUST load appropriate KMS credentials (i.e. from the environment or a
configuration file) when prompted by a test providing a placeholder value in a corresponding kmsProviders
field as
described under entity.clientEncryption.
See the Client-Side Encryption test README for instructions to obtain test credentials.
Drivers MUST be running the mock KMS KMIP server when evaluating tests that require KMS requests to a KMIP KMS provider.
Drivers MAY enforce a unique index on keyAltNames
as described in the
Client Side Field Level Encryption spec
when running key management operations on the key vault collection. Although unified tests are written assuming the
existence of the unique index, no unified test currently requires its implementation for correctness (e.g. no unified
test currently attempts to create a data key with an existing keyAltName or add an existing keyAltName to a data key).
Database Operations
These operations and their arguments may be documented in the following specifications:
Database operations that require special handling or are not documented by an existing specification are described below.
When executing an aggregate
operation, the test runner MUST fully iterate the result. This will ensure consistent
behavior between drivers that eagerly create a server-side cursor and those that do so lazily when iteration begins.
Creates a database-level change stream and ensures that the server-side cursor has been created.
This operation proxies the database's watch
method and supports the same arguments and options. Test files SHOULD NOT
use the database's watch
operation directly for reasons discussed in ChangeStream. Test
runners MUST ensure that the server-side cursor is created (i.e. aggregate
is executed) as part of this operation and
before the resulting change stream might be saved with operation.saveResultAsEntity.
Test runners MUST NOT iterate the change stream when executing this operation and test files SHOULD NOT specify operation.expectResult for this operation.
When executing a listCollections
operation, the test runner MUST fully iterate the resulting cursor.
Generic command runner.
This method does not inherit a read preference (per the
Server Selection spec); however,
may be specified as an argument.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required document. The command to be executed.commandName
: Required string. The name of the command to run. This is used by languages that are unable preserve the order of keys in thecommand
argument when parsing YAML/JSON.readPreference
: Optional object. See commonOptions_readPreference.session
: Optional string. See commonOptions_session.
Generic cursor returning command runner.
This method does not inherit a read preference (per the
Server Selection spec); however,
may be specified as an argument.
This operation proxies the database's runCursorCommand
method and supports the same arguments and options (note:
handling for getMore
options may vary by driver implementation).
When executing the provided command, the test runner MUST fully iterate the cursor. This will ensure consistent behavior between drivers that eagerly create a server-side cursor and those that do so lazily when iteration begins.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required document. The command to be executed.commandName
: Required string. The name of the command to run. This is used by languages that are unable preserve the order of keys in thecommand
argument when parsing YAML/JSON.readPreference
: Optional object. See commonOptions_readPreference.session
: Optional string. See commonOptions_session.batchSize
: Optional positive integer value. Use this value to configure thebatchSize
option sent on subsequentgetMore
: Optional non-negative integer value. Use this value to configure themaxTimeMS
option sent on subsequentgetMore
: Optional BSON value. Use this value to configure thecomment
option sent on subsequentgetMore
: Optional string enum value, one of'tailable' | 'tailableAwait' | 'nonTailable'
. Use this value to configure the enum passed to thecursorType
: Optional string enum value, one of'iteration' | 'cursorLifetime'
. Use this value to configure the enum passed to thetimeoutMode
This operation proxies the database's runCursorCommand
method and supports the same arguments and options (note:
handling for getMore
options may vary by driver implementation). Test runners MUST ensure that the server-side cursor
is created (i.e. the command document has executed) as part of this operation and before the resulting cursor might be
saved with operation.saveResultAsEntity. Test runners for drivers that lazily execute
the command on the first iteration of the cursor MUST iterate the resulting cursor once. The result from this iteration
MUST be used as the result for the first iteration operation on the cursor.
Test runners MUST NOT iterate the resulting cursor when executing this operation and test files SHOULD NOT specify operation.expectResult for this operation.
This operation SHOULD NOT be used in test files. See database_createChangeStream.
Collection Operations
These operations and their arguments may be documented in the following specifications:
Collection operations that require special handling or are not documented by an existing specification are described below.
When executing an aggregate
operation, the test runner MUST fully iterate the result. This will ensure consistent
behavior between drivers that eagerly create a server-side cursor and those that do so lazily when iteration begins.
When evaluating the iterated result for expectResult, the number of actual and expected
documents MUST be equal and each document value within the expectResult
array MUST be matched as a root-level document
(for Evaluating Matches).
These considerations only apply to the MongoCollection.bulkWrite
method. See clientBulkWrite for
special considerations for MongoClient.bulkWrite
The requests
parameter for bulkWrite
is documented as a list of WriteModel interfaces. Each WriteModel
implementation (e.g. InsertOneModel) provides important context to the method, but that type information is not easily
expressed in YAML and JSON. To account for this, test files MUST nest each WriteModel object in a single-key object,
where the key identifies the request type (e.g. "insertOne") and its value is an object expressing the parameters, as in
the following example:
- insertOne:
document: { _id: 1, x: 1 }
- replaceOne:
filter: { _id: 2 }
replacement: { x: 2 }
upsert: true
- updateOne:
filter: { _id: 3 }
update: { $set: { x: 3 } }
upsert: true
- updateMany:
filter: { }
update: { $inc: { x: 1 } }
- deleteOne:
filter: { x: 2 }
- deleteMany:
filter: { x: { $gt: 2 } }
ordered: true
Because the insertedIds
field of BulkWriteResult is optional for drivers to implement, assertions for that field
SHOULD utilize the $$unsetOrMatches operator.
While operations typically raise an error or return a result, the bulkWrite
operation is unique in that it may
report both via the writeResult
property of a BulkWriteException. In this case, the intermediary write result may be
matched with expectedError_expectResult. Because writeResult
is optional for drivers to
implement, such assertions SHOULD utilize the $$unsetOrMatches operator.
Additionally, BulkWriteException is unique in that it aggregates one or more server errors in its writeConcernError
and writeErrors
properties. When test runners evaluate expectedError assertions for errorContains
and errorCodeName
, they MUST examine the aggregated errors and consider any match therein to satisfy the assertion(s).
Drivers that concatenate all write and write concern error messages into the BulkWriteException message MAY optimize the
check for errorContains
by examining the concatenated message. Drivers that expose code
but not codeName
BulkWriteException MAY translate the expected code name to a number (see:
error_codes.yml) and compare with code
instead, but MUST raise an error if the comparison cannot be attempted (e.g. code
is also not available, translation
Creates a collection-level change stream and ensures that the server-side cursor has been created.
This operation proxies the collection's watch
method and supports the same arguments and options. Test files SHOULD
NOT use the collection's watch
operation directly for reasons discussed in ChangeStream. Test
runners MUST ensure that the server-side cursor is created (i.e. aggregate
is executed) as part of this operation and
before the resulting change stream might be saved with operation.saveResultAsEntity.
Test runners MUST NOT iterate the change stream when executing this operation and test files SHOULD NOT specify operation.expectResult for this operation.
This operation proxies the collection's find
method and supports the same arguments and options. Test runners MUST
ensure that the server-side cursor is created (i.e. a find
command is executed) as part of this operation and before
the resulting cursor might be saved with operation.saveResultAsEntity. Test runners for
drivers that lazily execute the find
command on the first iteration of the cursor MUST iterate the resulting cursor
once. The result from this iteration MUST be used as the result for the first iteration operation on the cursor.
Test runners MUST NOT iterate the resulting cursor when executing this operation and test files SHOULD NOT specify operation.expectResult for this operation.
This operations proxies the collection's createSearchIndex
helper with the same arguments.
Each createSearchIndex
operation receives a
SearchIndexModel. If a driver has chosen to implement the
createSearchIndex(name: String, definition: Document)
overload of createSearchIndex
, then the SearchIndexModel
should be parsed by createSearchIndex
unified test runner helper and the correct arguments should be passed into the
driver's helper.
This operations proxies the collection's createSearchIndexes
helper with the same arguments.
This operation proxies the collection's dropSearchIndex
helper with the same arguments.
When executing a find
operation, the test runner MUST fully iterate the result. This will ensure consistent behavior
between drivers that eagerly create a server-side cursor and those that do so lazily when iteration begins.
When evaluating the iterated result for expectResult, the number of actual and expected
documents MUST be equal and each document value within the expectResult
array MUST be matched as a root-level document
(for Evaluating Matches).
findOneAndReplace and findOneAndUpdate
The returnDocument
option for findOneAndReplace
and findOneAndUpdate
is documented as an enum with possible values
"Before" and "After". Test files SHOULD express returnDocument
as a string and test runners MUST raise an error if its
value does not case-insensitively match either enum value.
When evaluating the result for expectResult, the document MUST be matched as a root-level document (for Evaluating Matches).
The CRUD spec documents insertMany
as returning a BulkWriteResult. Because the insertedIds
field of BulkWriteResult
is optional for drivers to implement, assertions for that field SHOULD utilize the $$unsetOrMatches
The CRUD spec documents insertOne
as returning an InsertOneResult; however, because all fields InsertOneResult are
optional drivers are permitted to forgo it entirely and have insertOne
return nothing (i.e. void method). Tests
asserting InsertOneResult SHOULD utilize the $$unsetOrMatches operator for both the result object
and any optional fields within, as in the following examples:
- name: insertOne
object: *collection0
document: { _id: 2 }
insertedId: { $$unsetOrMatches: 2 }
This operation proxies the collection's listSearchIndexes
helper and returns the result of the cursor as a list.
This operation proxies the collection's updateSearchIndex
helper with the same arguments.
This operation SHOULD NOT be used in test files. See collection_createChangeStream.
Session Operations
These operations and their arguments may be documented in the following specifications:
Session operations that require special handling or are not documented by an existing specification are described below.
The withTransaction
operation's callback
parameter is a function and not easily expressed in YAML/JSON. For ease of
testing, this parameter is expressed as an array of operation objects (analogous to
test.operations). Test runners MUST evaluate error and result assertions when executing these
operations in the callback.
Test runners MUST allow any errors from the callback operation(s) to propagate to withTransaction
, irrespective of
ignoreResultAndError or expectError. For example, if a
callback operation raises an error, it should be possible to assert that error at both the callback operation and
Bucket Operations
These operations and their arguments may be documented in the following specifications:
Bucket operations that require special handling or are not documented by an existing specification are described below.
download and downloadByName
These operations proxy the bucket's openDownloadStream
and openDownloadStreamByName
methods and support the same
parameters and options, but return a string containing the stream's contents instead of the stream itself. Test runners
MUST fully read the stream to yield the returned string. This is also necessary to ensure that any expected errors are
raised (e.g. missing chunks). Test files SHOULD use $$matchesHexBytes in
expectResult to assert the contents of the returned string.
downloadToStream and downloadToStreamByName
These operations SHOULD NOT be used in test files. See IO operations for GridFS streams in Future Work.
openDownloadStream and openDownloadStreamByName
These operations SHOULD NOT be used in test files. See download and downloadByName.
openUploadStream and openUploadStreamWithId
These operations SHOULD NOT be used in test files. See IO operations for GridFS streams in Future Work.
upload and uploadWithId
These operations proxy the bucket's uploadFromStream
and uploadFromStreamWithId
methods and support the same
parameters and options with one exception: the source
parameter is an object specifying hex bytes from which test
runners MUST construct a readable stream for the underlying methods. The structure of source
is as follows:
{ $$hexBytes: <string> }
The string MUST contain an even number of hexadecimal characters (case-insensitive) and MAY be empty. The test runner
MUST raise an error if the structure of source
or its string is malformed. The test runner MUST convert the string to
a byte sequence denoting the stream's readable data (if any). For example, "12ab" would denote a stream with two bytes:
"0x12" and "0xab".
uploadFromStream and uploadFromStreamWithId
These operations SHOULD NOT be used in test files. See upload and uploadWithId.
Cursor Operations
There are no defined APIs for change streams and cursors since the mechanisms for iteration may differ between
synchronous and asynchronous drivers. To account for this, this section explicitly defines the supported operations for
the ChangeStream
, FindCursor
, and CommandCursor
entity types.
Test runners MUST ensure that the iteration operations defined in this section will not inadvertently skip the first
document for a cursor. Albeit rare, this could happen if an operation were to blindly invoke next
(or equivalent) on a
cursor in a driver where newly created cursors are already positioned at their first element and the cursor had a
non-empty firstBatch
. Alternatively, some drivers may use a different iterator method for advancing a cursor to its
first position (e.g. rewind
in PHP).
Iterates the cursor until either a single document is returned or an error is raised. This operation takes no arguments. If expectResult is specified, it SHOULD be a single document and MUST be matched as a root-level document according to the rules in Evaluating Matches.
Some specification sections (e.g.
Iterating the Change Stream) caution drivers that
implement a blocking mode of iteration (e.g. asynchronous drivers) not to iterate the cursor unnecessarily, as doing so
could cause the test runner to block indefinitely. This should not be a concern for iterateUntilDocumentOrError
iteration only continues until either a document or error is encountered.
Performs a single iteration of the cursor. If the cursor's current batch is empty, one getMore
MUST be attempted to
get more results. This operation takes no arguments. If expectResult is specified, it SHOULD
be a single document.
Due to the non-deterministic nature of some cursor types (e.g. change streams on sharded clusters), test files SHOULD
only use this operation to perform command monitoring assertions on the getMore
command. Tests that perform assertions
about the result of iteration should use iterateUntilDocumentOrError instead.
Closes the cursor. Because drivers do not consistently propagate errors from the killCursors
command, test runners
MUST suppress all errors when closing the cursor. Test files SHOULD NOT specify expectResult
or expectError for this operation. To assert whether the killCursors
command succeeded or
failed, test files SHOULD use command monitoring assertions with
commandSucceededEvent and
commandFailedEvent events.
Special Test Operations
Certain operations do not correspond to API methods but instead represent special test operations (e.g. assertions). These operations are distinguished by operation.object having a value of "testRunner". The field will correspond to an operation defined below.
Special test operations return no result and are always expected to succeed. These operations SHOULD NOT be combined with expectError, expectResult, or saveResultAsEntity.
The failPoint
operation instructs the test runner to configure a fail point using a "primary" read preference using
the specified client entity (fail points are not configured using an internal MongoClient).
The following arguments are supported:
: Required document. TheconfigureFailPoint
command to be executed. -
: Required string. See commonOptions_client.The client entity SHOULD specify false for useMultipleMongoses if this operation could be executed on a sharded topology (according to runOnRequirements or test.runOnRequirements). This is advised because server selection rules for mongos could lead to unpredictable behavior if different servers were selected for configuring the fail point and executing subsequent operations.
When executing this operation, the test runner MUST keep a record of the fail point so that it can be disabled after the
test. The test runner MUST also ensure that the configureFailPoint
command is excluded from the list of observed
command monitoring events for this client (if applicable).
An example of this operation follows:
# Enable the fail point on the server selected with a primary read preference
- name: failPoint
object: testRunner
client: *client0
configureFailPoint: failCommand
mode: { times: 1 }
failCommands: ["insert"]
closeConnection: true
The targetedFailPoint
operation instructs the test runner to configure a fail point on a specific mongos.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required document. TheconfigureFailPoint
command to be executed. -
: Required string. See commonOptions_session.The client entity associated with this session SHOULD specify true for useMultipleMongoses. This is advised because targeted fail points are intended to test mongos pinning, which warrants multiple mongoses.
The mongos on which to set the fail point is determined by the session
argument (after resolution to a session
entity). Test runners MUST error if the session is not pinned to a mongos server at the time this operation is executed.
If the driver exposes an API to target a specific server for a command, the test runner SHOULD use the client entity
associated with the session to execute the configureFailPoint
command. In this case, the test runner MUST also ensure
that this command is excluded from the list of observed command monitoring events for this client (if applicable). If
such an API is not available, but the test runner creates an internal MongoClient for each mongos, the test runner
SHOULD use the internal MongoClient corresponding to the session's pinned server for this operation. Otherwise, test
runners MUST create a new MongoClient that is directly connected to the session's pinned server for this operation. The
new MongoClient instance MUST be closed once the command has finished executing.
A test utilizing targetedFailPoint
SHOULD NOT be permitted execute on a load balancer (according to
runOnRequirements or test.runOnRequirements). This is advised because
the configureFailPoint
command does not use the session directly, which means there is no guarantee that the load
balancer will direct the command to the intended mongos.
When executing this operation, the test runner MUST keep a record of both the fail point and pinned mongos server so that the fail point can be disabled on the same mongos server after the test.
An example of this operation follows:
# Enable the fail point on the mongos to which session0 is pinned
- name: targetedFailPoint
object: testRunner
session: *session0
configureFailPoint: failCommand
mode: { times: 1 }
failCommands: ["commitTransaction"]
closeConnection: true
Since mongos pinning only applies when multiple mongoses are used, tests SHOULD NOT use targetedFailPoint
unless the
session's MongoClient is configured with useMultipleMongoses: true
The assertSessionTransactionState
operation instructs the test runner to assert that the given session has a
particular transaction state.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_session.state
: Required string. Expected transaction state for the session. Possible values are as follows:none
, andaborted
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertSessionTransactionState
object: testRunner
session: *session0
state: in_progress
The assertSessionPinned
operation instructs the test runner to assert that the given session is pinned to a mongos
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_session.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertSessionPinned
object: testRunner
session: *session0
The assertSessionUnpinned
operation instructs the test runner to assert that the given session is not pinned to a
mongos server.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_session.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertSessionUnpinned
object: testRunner
session: *session0
The assertDifferentLsidOnLastTwoCommands
operation instructs the test runner to assert that the last two
CommandStartedEvents observed on the client have different lsid
fields. This assertion is primarily used to test that
dirty server sessions are discarded from the pool.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_client.The client entity SHOULD include "commandStartedEvent" in observeEvents.
The test runner MUST fail this assertion if fewer than two CommandStartedEvents have been observed on the client or if
either command does not include an lsid
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertDifferentLsidOnLastTwoCommands
object: testRunner
client: *client0
The assertSameLsidOnLastTwoCommands
operation instructs the test runner to assert that the last two
CommandStartedEvents observed on the client have identical lsid
fields. This assertion is primarily used to test that
non-dirty server sessions are not discarded from the pool.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_client.The client entity SHOULD include "commandStartedEvent" in observeEvents.
The test runner MUST fail this assertion if fewer than two CommandStartedEvents have been observed on the client or if
either command does not include an lsid
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertSameLsidOnLastTwoCommands
object: testRunner
client: *client0
The assertSessionDirty
operation instructs the test runner to assert that the given session is marked dirty.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_session.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertSessionDirty
object: testRunner
session: *session0
The assertSessionNotDirty
operation instructs the test runner to assert that the given session is not marked dirty.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_session.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertSessionNotDirty
object: testRunner
session: *session0
The assertCollectionExists
operation instructs the test runner to assert that the given collection exists in the
database. The test runner MUST use an internal MongoClient for this operation.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_collectionName.databaseName
: Required string. See commonOptions_databaseName.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertCollectionExists
object: testRunner
collectionName: *collection0Name
databaseName: *database0Name
Use a listCollections
command to check whether the collection exists. Note that it is currently not possible to run
from within a transaction.
The assertCollectionNotExists
operation instructs the test runner to assert that the given collection does not exist
in the database. The test runner MUST use an internal MongoClient for this operation.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_collectionName.databaseName
: Required string. See commonOptions_databaseName.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertCollectionNotExists
object: testRunner
collectionName: *collection0Name
databaseName: *database0Name
Use a listCollections
command to check whether the collection exists. Note that it is currently not possible to run
from within a transaction.
The assertIndexExists
operation instructs the test runner to assert that an index with the given name exists on the
collection. The test runner MUST use an internal MongoClient for this operation.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_collectionName.databaseName
: Required string. See commonOptions_databaseName.indexName
: Required string. Index name.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertIndexExists
object: testRunner
collectionName: *collection0Name
databaseName: *database0Name
indexName: t_1
Use a listIndexes
command to check whether the index exists. Note that it is currently not possible to run
from within a transaction.
The assertIndexNotExists
operation instructs the test runner to assert that an index with the given name does not
exist on the collection. The test runner MUST use an internal MongoClient for this operation.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_collectionName.databaseName
: Required string. See commonOptions_databaseName.indexName
: Required string. Index name.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertIndexNotExists
object: testRunner
collectionName: *collection0Name
databaseName: *database0Name
indexName: t_1
Use a listIndexes
command to check whether the index exists. Note that it is currently not possible to run
from within a transaction.
The createEntities
operation instructs the test runner to create the provided entities and store them in the current
test's Entity Map.
: Required array of one or more entity objects. As with the file-level createEntities directive, test files SHOULD declare entities in dependency order, such that all referenced entities are defined before any of their dependent entities.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: createEntities
object: testRunner
- client:
id: &client0 client0
- database:
id: &database0 database0
client: *client0
databaseName: &database0Name test
The loop
operation executes sub-operations in a loop.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required array of operation objects. List of operations (henceforth referred to as sub-operations) to run on each loop iteration. Each sub-operation must be a valid operation as described in Entity Test Operations.Sub-operations SHOULD NOT include the
operation.If, in the course of executing sub-operations, a sub-operation yields an error or failure, the test runner MUST NOT execute subsequent sub-operations in the same loop iteration. If
options are specified, the loop MUST store the error/failure accordingly and continue to the next iteration (i.e. the error/failure will not interrupt the test). If neitherstoreErrorsAsEntity
are specified, the loop MUST terminate and raise the error/failure (i.e. the error/failure will interrupt the test). -
: Optional string. If specified, the runner MUST capture errors arising during sub-operation execution and append a document with error information to the array stored in the specified entity.If this option is specified, the test runner MUST check the existence and the type of the entity with the specified name before executing the loop. If the entity does not exist, the test runner MUST create it with the type of BSON array. If the entity exists and is of type BSON array, the test runner MUST do nothing. If the entity exists and is of a different type, the test runner MUST raise an error.
If this option is specified and
is not, failures MUST also be captured and appended to the array.Documents appended to the array MUST contain the following fields:
: the textual description of the error encountered.time
: the number of (floating-point) seconds since the Unix epoch when the error was encountered.
: Optional string. If specified, the runner MUST capture failures arising during sub-operation execution and append a document with failure information to the array stored in the specified entity.If this option is specified, the test runner MUST check the existence and the type of the entity with the specified name before executing the loop. If the entity does not exist, the test runner MUST create it with the type of BSON array. If the entity exists and is of type BSON array, the test runner MUST do nothing. If the entity exists and is of a different type, the test runner MUST raise an error.
If this option is specified and
is not, errors MUST also be captured and appended to the array.Documents appended to the array MUST contain the following fields:
: the textual description of the failure encountered.time
: the number of (floating-point) seconds since the Unix epoch when the failure was encountered.
: Optional string. If specified, the runner MUST keep track of the number of sub-operations that completed successfully, and store that number in the specified entity. For example, if the loop contains two sub-operations, and they complete successfully, each loop execution would increment the number of successes by two.If the entity of the specified name already exists, the test runner MUST raise an error.
: Optional string. If specified, the runner MUST keep track of the number of iterations of the loop performed, and store that number in the specified entity. The number of loop iterations is counted irrespective of whether sub-operations within the iteration succeed or fail.If the entity of the specified name already exists, the test runner MUST raise an error.
A failure is when the result or outcome of an operation executed by the test runner differs from its expected outcome.
For example, an expectResult
assertion failing to match a BSON document or an expectError
assertion failing to match
an error message would be considered a failure. An error is any other type of error raised by the test runner. For
example, an unsupported operation or inability to resolve an entity name would be considered an error.
This specification permits the test runner to report some failures as errors and some errors as failures. When the test runner stores errors and failures as entities it MAY classify conditions as errors and failures in the same way as it would when used in the driver's test suite. This includes reporting all errors as failures or all failures as errors.
If the test runner does not distinguish errors and failures in its reporting, it MAY report both conditions under either category, but it MUST report any given condition in at most one category.
The following termination behavior MUST be implemented by the test runner:
- The test runner MUST provide a way to request termination of loops. This request will be made by the Atlas testing workload executor in response to receiving the termination signal from Astrolabe.
- When the termination request is received, the test runner MUST stop looping. If the test runner is looping when the termination request is received, the current loop iteration MUST complete to its natural conclusion (success or failure). If the test runner is not looping when the termination request is received, it MUST NOT start any new loop iterations in either the current test or subsequent tests for the lifetime of the test runner.
- The termination request MUST NOT affect non-loop operations, including any operations after the loop. The tests SHOULD NOT be written in such a way that the success or failure of operations that follow loops depends on how many loop iterations were performed.
- Receiving the termination request MUST NOT by itself be considered an error or a failure by the test runner.
The exact mechanism by which the workload executor requests termination of the loop in the test runner, including the respective API, is left to the driver.
Tests SHOULD NOT include multiple loop operations (nested or sequential).
An example of this operation follows:
- name: loop
object: testRunner
storeErrorsAsEntity: errors
storeFailuresAsEntity: failures
storeSuccessesAsEntity: successes
storeIterationsAsEntity: iterations
- name: find
object: *collection0
filter: { _id: { $gt: 1 }}
sort: { _id: 1 }
- _id: 2, x: 22
- _id: 3, x: 33
The assertNumberConnectionsCheckedOut
operation instructs the test runner to assert that the given number of
connections are currently checked out for the specified client entity. This operation only applies to drivers that
implement connection pooling and should be skipped for drivers that do not.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_client.connections
: Required integer. The number of connections expected to be checked out.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: assertNumberConnectionsCheckedOut
object: testRunner
client: *client0
connections: 1
The runOnThread
operation instructs the test runner to schedule an operation to be run on a given thread. The given
thread MUST begin executing the operation immediately. runOnThread
MUST NOT wait for the operation to complete. If any
of the operation's test assertions fail, the entire test case MUST fail as well.
When writing test cases that use runOnThread
, it's important to note that certain entities are not concurrency-safe
(e.g. sessions, cursors) and therefore SHOULD NOT be used in operations on multiple different threads entities.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. Thread entity on which this operation should be scheduled.operation
: Required operation object. The operation to schedule on the thread. This object must be a valid operation as described in Entity Test Operations.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: runOnThread
object: testRunner
thread: *thread0
name: insertOne
object: *collection0
document: { _id: 2 }
insertedId: { $$unsetOrMatches: 2 }
The waitForThread
operation instructs the test runner to notify the given thread that no more operations are
forthcoming, wait for it to complete its last operation, and assert that it exited without any errors.
If the waitForThread
operation is not satisfied after 10 seconds, this operation MUST cause a test failure.
The test.operations
list SHOULD contain a waitForThread
operation for each thread entity that the test creates.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. Thread entity that should be stopped and awaited for completion.
An example of this operation follows:
- name: waitForThread
object: testRunner
thread: *thread0
The waitForEvent
operation instructs the test runner to wait until the specified MongoClient has published a specific,
matching event a given number of times. Note that this includes any events published before the waitForEvent
If the waitForEvent
operation is not satisfied after 10 seconds, this operation MUST cause a test failure.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. Client entity whose events the runner will be waiting for.event
: Required expectedEvent object. The event which the test runner is waiting to be observed on the provided client. The assertions laid out in expectedEvent MUST be used to determine if an observed event matchesevent
SHOULD have an event type that was included in theclient
: Required integer. The number of matching events to wait for before resuming execution of subsequent operations.
For example, the following instructs the test runner to wait for at least one poolClearedEvent to be published:
- name: waitForEvent
object: testRunner
client: *client0
poolClearedEvent: {}
count: 1
The assertEventCount
operation instructs the test runner to assert the specified MongoClient has published a specific,
matching event a given number of times so far in the test.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. Client entity whose events the runner will be counting.event
: Required expectedEvent object. The event which the test runner will be counting on the provided client. The assertions laid out in expectedEvent MUST be used to determine if an observed event matchesevent
SHOULD have an event type that was included in theclient
: Required integer. The exact number of matching events thatclient
should have seen so far.
For example, the following instructs the test runner to assert that a single PoolClearedEvent was published:
- name: assertEventCount
object: testRunner
client: *client0
poolClearedEvent: {}
count: 1
The recordTopologyDescription
operation instructs the test runner to retrieve the specified MongoClient's current
TopologyDescription and store it in the Entity Map.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. Client entity whose TopologyDescription will be
: Required string. The name with which the TopologyDescription will be stored in the Entity Map.
For example:
- name: recordTopologyDescription
object: testRunner
client: *client0
id: &postInsertTopology postInsertTopology
The assertTopologyType
operation instructs the test runner to assert that the given
TopologyDescription has a particular TopologyType.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. TopologyDescription entity whose TopologyType will be inspected.topologyType
: Required string. Expected TopologyType for the TopologyDescription. See SDAM: TopologyType for a list of possible values.
For example:
- name: assertTopologyType
object: testRunner
topologyDescription: *postInsertTopology
topologyType: ReplicaSetWithPrimary
The waitForPrimaryChange
operation instructs the test runner to wait until the provided MongoClient discovers a
different primary from the one in the provided TopologyDescription. If the provided
TopologyDescription does not include a primary, then this operation will wait until the client discovers any primary.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required string. See commonOptions_client.The client entity MUST be the same one from which
was derived. Test runners do not need to verify this. -
: Required string. The name of a TopologyDescription entity which will be used to determine if the primary has changed or not. -
: Optional integer. The number of milliseconds to wait for the primary change before timing out and failing the test. If unspecified, a default timeout of 10 seconds MUST be used.
For example:
- name: waitForPrimaryChange
object: testRunner
client: *client0
priorTopologyDescription: *postInsertTopology
timeoutMS: 1000
The wait
operation instructs the test runner to sleep for a provided number of milliseconds.
The following arguments are supported:
: Required integer. The number of milliseconds for which the current test runner thread should sleep.
For example:
- name: wait
object: testRunner
ms: 1000
Special Placeholder Value
{ field: { $$placeholder: 1 } }
This special key-value pair can be used anywhere the value for a key might be specified in an test file. It is intended to act as a placeholder value in contexts where the test runner cannot provide a definite value or may be expected to replace the placeholder with a value that cannot be specified by the test file (e.g. KMS provider credentials). The test runner MUST raise an error if a placeholder value is used in an unexpected context or a replacement cannot be made.
An example of using this placeholder value follows:
accessKeyId: { $$placeholder: 1 }
privateAccessKey: { $$placeholder: 1 }
Note: the test runner is not required to validate the type or value of a $$placeholder
Evaluating Matches
Expected values in tests (e.g. operation.expectResult) are expressed as either relaxed or canonical Extended JSON.
The algorithm for matching expected and actual values is specified with the following pseudo-code:
function match (expected, actual):
if expected is a document:
// handle special operators (e.g. $$type)
if first and only key of expected starts with "$$":
execute any assertion(s) for the special operator
assert that actual is a document
for every key/value in expected:
// handle key-based operators (e.g. $$exists, $$unsetOrMatches)
if value is a document and its first and only key starts with "$$":
execute any assertion(s) for the special operator
continue to the next iteration unless actual value must be matched
assert that actual[key] exists
assert that actual[key] matches value
if expected is not the root document:
assert that actual does not contain additional keys
if expected is an array:
assert that actual is an array
assert that actual and expected have the same number of elements
for every index/value in expected:
assert that actual[index] matches value
// expected is neither a document nor array
assert that actual and expected are the same type, noting flexible numerics
assert that actual and expected are equal
The rules for comparing documents and arrays are discussed in more detail in subsequent sections. When comparing types other than documents and arrays, test runners MAY adopt any of the following approaches to compare expected and actual values, as long as they are consistent:
- Convert both values to relaxed or canonical Extended JSON and compare strings
- Convert both values to BSON, and compare bytes
- Convert both values to native representations, and compare accordingly
When comparing types that contain documents as internal properties (e.g. CodeWScope), the rules in Evaluating Matches do not apply and the documents MUST match exactly; however, test runners MUST permit variation in document key order or otherwise normalize the documents before comparison.
Flexible Numeric Comparisons
When comparing numeric types (excluding Decimal128), test runners MUST consider 32-bit, 64-bit, and floating point
numbers to be equal if their values are numerically equivalent. For example, an expected value of 1
would match an
actual value of 1.0
(e.g. ok
field in a server response) but would not match 1.5
Allowing Extra Fields in Root-level Documents
When matching root-level documents, test runners MUST permit the actual document to contain additional fields not present in the expected document.
For example, the following documents match:
expected: { x: 1 }
actual: { x: 1, y: 1 }
The inverse is not true. For example, the following documents do not match:
expected: { x: 1, y: 1 }
actual: { x: 1 }
Test runners MUST NOT permit additional fields in nested documents. For example, the following documents do not match:
expected: { x: { y: 1 } }
actual: { x: { y: 1, z: 1 } }
It may be helpful to think of expected documents as a form of query criteria. The intention behind this rule is that it
is not always feasible or relevant for a test to exhaustively specify all fields in an expected document (e.g. cluster
time in command
for CommandStartedEvent).
When the expected value is an array, test runners MUST differentiate between an array of values, which may be documents,
(e.g. distinct
) and an array of root-level documents derived from an iterable result (e.g. find
, aggregate
). For
example, the following array of documents would not match if returned by distinct
, but would match if returned via
(after iterating the cursor):
expected: [ { x: 1 }, { x: 2 } ]
actual: [ { x: 1, y: 1 }, { x: 2, y: 2 } ]
Examples of Root-level Documents
Contexts where one might encounter a root-level document include:
for CommandStartedEvent -
for CommandSucceededEvent -
expectResult for operations that return a document. Operations include:
- findOneAndDelete, findOneAndReplace, and findOneAndUpdate
- iterateUntilDocumentOrError
- iterateOnce
expectResult array elements for operations that return an iterable of documents. Operations include:
- aggregate
- find
- listCollections, listDatabases, and listIndexes
- listSearchIndexes
- runCursorCommand
object values for expectedError -
array elements for expectedError -
for expectedLogMessage
Document Key Order Variation
When matching documents, test runners MUST NOT require keys in the expected and actual document to appear in the same order. For example, the following documents would match:
expected: { x: 1, y: 1 }
actual: { y: 1, x: 1 }
Arrays Must Contain the Same Number of Elements
When comparing arrays, expected and actual values MUST contain the same number of elements. For example, the following
arrays corresponding to a distinct
operation result would not match:
expected: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
actual: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Special Operators for Matching Assertions
When matching expected and actual values, an equality comparison is not always sufficient. For instance, a test file
cannot anticipate what a session ID will be at runtime, but may still want to analyze the contents of an lsid
field in
a command document. To address this need, special operators can be used.
These operators are objects with a single key identifying the operator. Such keys are prefixed with $$
to ease in
detecting an operator (test runners need only inspect the first key of each object) and differentiate the object from
MongoDB query operators, which use a single $
prefix. The key will map to some value that influences the operator's
behavior (if applicable).
When examining the structure of an expected value during a comparison, test runners MUST check if the value is an object
whose first and only key starts with $$
and, if so, defer to the special logic defined in this section.
{ field: { $$exists: <boolean> } }
This operator can be used anywhere the value for a key might be specified in an expected document. If true, the test
runner MUST assert that the key exists in the actual document, irrespective of its value (e.g. a key with a null
would match). If false, the test runner MUST assert that the key does not exist in the actual document. This operator is
modeled after the $exists query operator.
An example of this operator checking for a field's presence follows:
getMore: { $$exists: true }
collection: *collectionName,
batchSize: 5
An example of this operator checking for a field's absence follows:
update: *collectionName
updates: [ { q: {}, u: { $set: { x: 1 } } } ]
ordered: true
writeConcern: { $$exists: false }
{ $$type: <string> }
{ $$type: [ <string>, <string>, ... ] }
This operator can be used anywhere a matched value is expected (including expectResult). The test runner MUST assert that the actual value exists and matches one of the expected types, which correspond to the documented string types for the $type query operator.
An example of this operator follows:
getMore: { $$type: [ "int", "long" ] }
collection: { $$type: "string" }
When the actual value is an array, test runners MUST NOT examine types of the array's elements. Only the type of actual field SHALL be checked. This is admittedly inconsistent with the behavior of the $type query operator, but there is presently no need for this behavior in tests.
Syntax, where entityName
is a string:
{ $$matchesEntity: <entityName> }
This operator can be used to reference a BSON entity anywhere a matched value is expected (including expectResult). If the BSON entity is defined in the current test's Entity Map, the test runner MUST fetch that entity and assert that the actual value matches the entity using the standard rules in Evaluating Matches; otherwise, the test runner MUST raise an error for an undefined or mistyped entity. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node for the entity name.
This operator does not influence whether or not an actual document value is considered a root-level document.
This operator is primarily used to assert identifiers for uploaded GridFS files.
An example of this operator follows:
object: *bucket0
name: upload
filename: "filename"
source: { $$hexBytes: "12AB" }
expectResult: { $$type: "objectId" }
saveResultAsEntity: &objectid0 "objectid0"
- object: *filesCollection
name: find
sort: { uploadDate: -1 }
limit: 1
- _id: { $$matchesEntity: *objectid0 }
Syntax, where hexBytes
is an even number of hexadecimal characters (case-insensitive) and MAY be empty:
{ $$matchesHexBytes: <hexBytes> }
This operator can be used anywhere a matched value is expected (including expectResult) and
the actual value is a string. The test runner MUST raise an error if the hexBytes
string is malformed. This operator
is primarily used to assert the results of download and downloadByName, which return
stream contents as a string.
{ $$unsetOrMatches: <anything> }
This operator can be used anywhere a matched value is expected (including expectResult), excluding an array element because Arrays Must Contain the Same Number of Elements. The test runner MUST assert that the actual value either does not exist or matches the expected value. Matching the expected value MUST use the standard rules in Evaluating Matches, which means that it may contain special operators.
This operator does not influence whether or not an actual document value is considered a root-level document.
This operator is primarily used to assert driver-optional fields from the CRUD spec (e.g. insertedId
InsertOneResult, writeResult
for BulkWriteException).
An example of this operator used for a result's field follows:
insertedId: { $$unsetOrMatches: 2 }
An example of this operator used for an entire result follows:
deletedCount: 0
insertedCount: 2
matchedCount: 0
modifiedCount: 0
upsertedCount: 0
upsertedIds: { }
{ $$sessionLsid: <sessionEntityName> }
This operator can be used anywhere a matched value is expected (including expectResult). If
the session entity is defined in the current test's Entity Map, the test runner MUST
assert that the actual value equals its logical session ID; otherwise, the test runner MUST raise an error for an
undefined or mistyped entity. The YAML file SHOULD use an alias node
for a session entity's id
field (e.g. session: *session0
An example of this operator follows:
ping: 1
lsid: { $$sessionLsid: *session0 }
{ $$lte: 5 }
This operator can be used anywhere a matched value is expected (including expectResult). The
test runner MUST assert that the actual value is less than or equal to the specified value. Test runners MUST also apply
the rules specified in Flexible Numeric Comparisons for this operator. For example, an
expected value of 1
would match an actual value of 1.0
and 0.0
but would not match 1.1
{ $$matchAsDocument: <anything> }
This operator may be used anywhere a matched value is expected (including expectResult) and the actual value is an extended JSON string. The test runner MUST parse the actual value into a BSON document and match it against the expected value.
Matching the expected value MUST use the standard rules in Evaluating Matches, which means that it may contain special operators. The actual value MUST NOT be considered a root-level document (i.e. extra fields are not permitted); however, $$matchAsRoot may be used to change that behavior.
This operator is primarily used to assert on extended JSON commands and command replies included in log messages.
This operator may be used anywhere a matched value is expected (including expectResult) and the expected and actual values are documents. The test runner MUST treat the actual value as a root-level document as described in Evaluating Matches and match it against the expected value.
Test Runner Implementation
The sections below describe instructions for instantiating the test runner, loading each test file, and executing each test within a test file. Test runners MUST NOT share state created by processing a test file with the processing of subsequent test files, and likewise for tests within a test file.
Initializing the Test Runner
The test runner MUST be configurable with a connection string (or equivalent configuration), which will be used to initialize any internal MongoClient(s) and any client entities (in combination with other URI options). This specification is not prescriptive about how this information is provided. For example, it may be read from an environment variable or configuration file.
Create a new MongoClient, which will be used for internal operations (e.g. processing initialData and test.outcome). This is referred to elsewhere in the specification as the internal MongoClient. If this MongoClient would connect multiple mongos nodes and the driver does not provide a way to target operations to specific servers, the test runner MAY construct internal MongoClients for each mongos.
Determine the server version and topology type using an internal MongoClient. This information will be used to evaluate any future runOnRequirement checks. Test environments SHOULD NOT use mixed version clusters, so it is not necessary to check multiple servers.
In addition to the aforementioned connection string, the test runner MUST also be configurable with two other connection
strings (or equivalent configuration) that point to TCP load balancers: one fronting multiple servers and one fronting a
single server. These will be used to initialize client entities when executing tests against a load balanced sharded
cluster. If the topology type is LoadBalanced
and Atlas Serverless is not being used, the test runner MUST error if
either of these URIs is not provided. When testing against other topology types or Atlas Serverless, these URIs SHOULD
NOT be provided and MUST be ignored if provided.
The test runner SHOULD terminate any open transactions (see: Terminating Open Transactions) using the internal MongoClient(s) before executing any tests.
Executing a Test File
The instructions in this section apply for each test file loaded by the test runner.
Test files, which may be YAML or JSON files, MUST be interpreted using an Extended JSON parser. The parser MUST accept relaxed and canonical Extended JSON (per Extended JSON: Parsers), as test files may use either.
Upon loading a file, the test runner MUST read the schemaVersion field and determine if the test file can be processed further. Test runners MAY support multiple versions and MUST NOT process incompatible files (as discussed in Test Runner Support). If a test file is incompatible, test runners MUST raise an error and MAY do so by reporting a test failure. Test runners MAY make an effort to infer the number of tests (and their descriptions) from an incompatible file and report a failure for each test.
If runOnRequirements is specified, the test runner MUST skip the test file unless one or more runOnRequirement objects are satisfied.
For each element in tests, follow the process in Executing a Test.
Executing a Test
The instructions in this section apply for each test occurring in a test file loaded by the test runner. After processing a test, test runners MUST reset any internal state that resulted from doing so. For example, the Entity Map created for one test MUST NOT be shared with another.
If at any point while executing this test an unexpected error is encountered or an assertion fails, the test runner MUST consider this test to have failed and SHOULD continue with the instructions in this section to ensure that the test environment is cleaned up (e.g. disable fail points, kill sessions) while also forgoing any additional assertions.
If test.skipReason is specified, the test runner MUST skip this test and MAY use the string value to log a message.
If test.runOnRequirements is specified, the test runner MUST skip the test unless one or more runOnRequirement objects are satisfied.
If initialData is specified, for each collectionData therein the test runner MUST set
up the collection. All setup operations MUST use the internal MongoClient and a "majority" write concern. The test
runner MUST first drop the collection. If a createOptions
document is present, the test runner MUST execute a create
command to create the collection with the specified options. The test runner MUST then insert the specified documents
(if any). If no documents are present and createOptions
is not set, the test runner MUST create the collection. If the
topology is sharded, the test runner SHOULD use a single mongos for handling initialData to avoid
possible runtime errors.
If the test might execute a transaction against a sharded deployment, the test runner MUST collect the latest cluster time from processing initialData. See MigrationConflict Errors on Sharded Clusters for more information.
Create a new Entity Map that will be used for this test. If createEntities is
specified, the test runner MUST create each entity accordingly and add it to the map. If the topology is a
sharded cluster, the test runner MUST handle useMultipleMongoses accordingly if it
is specified for any client entities. If the topology type is LoadBalanced
, client entities MUST be initialized with
the appropriate load balancer connection string as discussed in
If the test might execute a transaction against a sharded deployment, the test runner MUST advance the cluster time of any session entities created during the test using the cluster time collected from processing initialData. See MigrationConflict Errors on Sharded Clusters for more information.
If the test might execute a distinct
command within a sharded transaction, for each target collection the test runner
SHOULD execute a non-transactional distinct
command on each mongos server using an internal MongoClient. See
StaleDbVersion Errors on Sharded Clusters for more information.
If the test might execute a configureFailPoint
command, for each target client the test runner MAY specify a reduced
value for heartbeatFrequencyMS
(and minHeartbeatFrequencyMS
if possible) to speed up SDAM recovery time and server
selection after a failure; however, test runners MUST NOT do so for any client that specifies heartbeatFrequencyMS
its uriOptions
For each client entity where observeEvents has been specified, the test runner MUST enable all event listeners necessary to collect the specified event types. Test runners MAY leave event listeners disabled for tests that do not assert events (i.e. tests that omit both test.expectEvents and special operations such as assertSameLsidOnLastTwoCommands).
For each client with command monitoring enabled, the test runner MUST ignore events for the following:
- Any command(s) specified in ignoreCommandMonitoringEvents.
- Any
commands executed for failPoint and targetedFailPoint operations. - Any commands containing sensitive information (per the
Command Logging and Monitoring spec)
unless observeSensitiveCommands is true. Note that drivers will redact
commands and replies for sensitive commands. For
and legacy hello, which are conditionally sensitive based on the presence of aspeculativeAuthenticate
field, the test runner may need to infer that the events are sensitive based on whether or not the command and reply documents are redacted (i.e. empty documents).
For each element in test.operations, follow the process in Executing an Operation. If an unexpected error is encountered or an assertion fails, the test runner MUST consider this test to have failed.
If any event listeners were enabled on any client entities, the test runner MUST now disable those event listeners.
If any fail points were configured, the test runner MUST now disable those fail points (on the same server) to avoid spurious failures in subsequent tests. For any fail points configured using targetedFailPoint, the test runner MUST disable the fail point on the same mongos server on which it was originally configured. See Disabling Fail Points for more information.
If test.expectEvents is specified, for each object therein the test runner MUST assert that the number and sequence of expected events match the number and sequence of actual events observed on the specified client. If the list of expected events is empty, the test runner MUST assert that no events were observed on the client. The process for matching events is described in expectedEvent.
If test.outcome is specified, for each collectionData therein the test runner MUST
assert that the collection contains exactly the expected data. The test runner MUST query each collection using the
internal MongoClient, an ascending sort order on the _id
field (i.e. { _id: 1 }
), a "primary" read preference, and a
"local" read concern. When comparing collection data, the rules in Evaluating Matches do not
apply and the documents MUST match exactly; however, test runners MUST permit variations in document key order or
otherwise normalize the documents before comparison. If the list of documents is empty, the test runner MUST assert that
the collection is empty.
Before clearing the entity map at the end of each test, the test runner MUST allow its entities to be accessed externally. The exact mechanism for facilitating this access is not prescribed by this specification, but drivers should be mindful of concurrency if applicable. As an example, the test runner MAY be configured with a callback method, which will be invoked at the end of each test and provided with the entity map (or an equivalent data structure). As previously discussed in Entity Map, test runners MAY restrict access to driver objects if necessary.
Clear the entity map for this test. For each ClientSession in the entity map, the test runner MUST end the session (e.g. call endSession). For each ChangeStream and FindCursor in the entity map, the test runner MUST close the cursor.
If the test started a transaction (i.e. executed a startTransaction
or withTransaction
operation), the test runner
MUST terminate any open transactions (see: Terminating Open Transactions).
Proceed to the subsequent test.
Executing an Operation
The instructions in this section apply for each operation occurring in a test contained within a test file loaded by the test runner.
If at any point while executing an operation an unexpected error is encountered or an assertion fails, the test runner MUST consider the parent test to have failed and proceed from Executing a Test accordingly.
If operation.object is "testRunner", this is a special operation. If is defined in Special Test Operations, the test runner MUST execute the operation accordingly and, if successful, proceed to the next operation in the test; otherwise, the test runner MUST raise an error for an undefined operation. The test runner MUST keep a record of any fail points configured by special operations so that they may be disabled after the current test.
If operation.object is not "testRunner", this is an entity operation. If
operation.object is defined in the current test's Entity Map, the test runner MUST
fetch that entity and note its type; otherwise, the test runner MUST raise an error for an undefined entity. If does not correspond to a known operation for the entity type (per
Entity Test Operations), the test runner MUST raise an error for an unsupported operation.
Test runners MAY skip tests that include operations that are intentionally unimplemented (e.g. listCollectionNames
Proceed with preparing the operation's arguments. If session
is specified in
operation.arguments, the test runner MUST resolve it to a session entity and MUST raise an error
if the name is undefined or maps to an unexpected type. If a key in operation.arguments does not
correspond to a known parameter/option for the operation, the test runner MUST raise an error for an unsupported
Before executing the operation, the test runner MUST be prepared to catch a potential error from the operation (e.g.
enter a try
block). Proceed with executing the operation and capture its result or error.
Note that some operations require special handling, as discussed in Entity Test Operations. For example, model objects may need to be converted to documents (before matching or saving in the entity map) and returned iterables may need to be fully iterated.
If operation.ignoreResultAndError is true, the test runner MUST NOT make any assertions regarding the result or error of the operation and MUST proceed to the subsequent operation.
If operation.expectError is specified, the test runner MUST assert that the operation yielded an error; otherwise, the test runner MUST assert that the operation did not yield an error. If an error was expected, the test runner MUST evaluate any assertions in expectedError accordingly.
If operation.expectResult is specified, the test MUST assert that it matches the actual result of the operation according to the rules outlined in Evaluating Matches.
If operation.saveResultAsEntity is specified, the test runner MUST store the result in the current test's entity map using the specified name. If the operation did not return a result or the result does not comply with Supported Entity Types then the test runner MUST raise an error.
After asserting the operation's error and/or result and optionally saving the result, proceed to the subsequent operation.
Special Procedures
This section describes some procedures that may be referenced from earlier sections.
Terminating Open Transactions
Open transactions can cause tests to block indiscriminately. When connected to MongoDB 3.6 or later, test runners SHOULD
terminate all open transactions at the start of a test suite and after each failed test by killing all sessions in the
cluster. Using the internal MongoClient(s), execute the killAllSessions
command on either the primary or, if connected
to a sharded cluster, each mongos server.
For example:
killAllSessions: []
The test runner MAY ignore the following command failures:
- Interrupted(11601) to work around SERVER-38335.
- Unauthorized(13) to work around SERVER-54216.
- CommandNotFound(59) if the command is executed on a pre-3.6 server
Note that Atlas, by design, does not allow database users to kill sessions belonging to other users. This makes it
impossible to guarantee that an existing transaction will not block test execution. To work around this, test runners
SHOULD either ignore Unauthorized(13) command failures or avoid calling killAllSessions
altogether when connected to
Atlas (e.g. by detecting
in the hostname or allowing the test runner to be configured externally).
Test runners MUST NOT execute killAllSessions
when connected to Atlas Data Lake.
MigrationConflict Errors on Sharded Clusters
Following SERVER-82353, drivers may encounter MigrationConflict errors when executing transactions on sharded clusters due to an outdated cluster time. For example:
Transaction fe0b9a7d-4b64-4e38-aad2-4c7dd5ab0c2b - 47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU= - - :1 was aborted on statement 0 due to: a non-retryable snapshot error :: caused by :: Encountered error from localhost:27217 during a transaction :: caused by :: Database transaction-tests has undergone a catalog change operation at time Timestamp(1708062645, 94) and no longer satisfies the requirements for the current transaction which requires Timestamp(1708062645, 93). Transaction will be aborted.
To work around this issue, a test runner MUST collect the latest cluster time from processing initialData, which is executed using the internal MongoClient, and use it to advance the cluster time of every session entity created during the test, by either createEntities or the special test operation). This will ensure that the cluster time is gossipped to any other mongo hosts that may be used to execute a transaction during the test.
Depending on the test runner implementation, the cluster time may be collected in various ways. For example:
- Execute a
command against the same mongos host used for initialData and read the$clusterTime
response field - Execute all operations for initialData using an explicit session and read its cluster time after the last operation.
This logic is only necessary for tests that might execute a transaction against a sharded deployment transaction (i.e.
test.operations includes startTransaction
or withTransaction
and the topology is sharded or
load-balanced). To ease the implementation, test runners MAY apply this logic to every test.
StaleDbVersion Errors on Sharded Clusters
When a shard receives its first command that contains a databaseVersion
, the shard returns a StaleDbVersion error and
mongos retries the operation. In a sharded transaction, mongos does not retry these operations and instead returns the
error to the client. For example:
Command distinct failed: Transaction aa09e296-472a-494f-8334-48d57ab530b6:1 was aborted on statement 0 due to: an error from cluster data placement change :: caused by :: got stale databaseVersion response from shard sh01 at host localhost:27217 :: caused by :: don't know dbVersion.
To work around this limitation, a test runners MUST execute a non-transactional distinct
command on each mongos server
before running any test that might execute distinct
within a transaction. To ease the implementation, test runners MAY
execute distinct
before every test.
Test runners can remove this workaround once SERVER-39704 is resolved,
after which point mongos should retry the operation transparently. The distinct
command is the only command allowed in
a sharded transaction that uses the databaseVersion
concept so it is the only command affected.
Server Fail Points
Many tests utilize the configureFailPoint
command to trigger server-side errors such as dropped connections or command
errors. Tests can configure fail points using the special failPoint or
targetedFailPoint operations.
This internal command is not documented in the MongoDB manual (pending DOCS-10784); however, there is scattered documentation available on the server wiki (The "failCommand" Fail Point) and employee blogs (e.g. Intro to Fail Points, Testing Network Errors With MongoDB). Documentation can also be gleaned from JIRA tickets (e.g. SERVER-35004, SERVER-35083). This specification does not aim to provide comprehensive documentation for all fail points available for driver testing, but some fail points are documented in Fail Points Commonly Used in Tests.
Configuring Fail Points
The configureFailPoint
command is executed on the admin
database and has the following structure:
configureFailPoint: <string>,
mode: <string|object>,
data: <object>
The value of configureFailPoint
is a string denoting the fail point to be configured (e.g. "failCommand").
The mode
option is a generic fail point option and may be assigned a string or object value. The string values
"alwaysOn" and "off" may be used to enable or disable the fail point, respectively. An object may be used to specify
either times
or skip
, which are mutually exclusive:
{ times: <integer> }
may be used to limit the number of times the fail point may trigger before transitioning to "off".{ skip: <integer> }
may be used to defer the first trigger of a fail point, after which it will transition to "alwaysOn".
The data
option is an object that may be used to specify any options that control the particular fail point's
In order to use configureFailPoint
, the undocumented enableTestCommands
server parameter must be enabled by either the
configuration file or command line option (e.g. --setParameter enableTestCommands=1
). It cannot be enabled at runtime
via the setParameter command). This parameter
should already be enabled for most configuration files in
Disabling Fail Points
A fail point may be disabled like so:
configureFailPoint: <string>,
mode: "off"
Fail Points Commonly Used in Tests
The failCommand
fail point allows the client to force the server to return an error for commands listed in the
field. Additionally, this fail point is documented in server wiki:
The failCommand Fail Point.
The failCommand
fail point was introduced in mongod 4.0.0
(SERVER-34551) and mongos 4.1.5
(SERVER-35518); however, the fail point was not usable for testing on
mongos until version 4.1.7 (SERVER-34943).
The failCommand
fail point may be configured like so:
configureFailPoint: "failCommand",
mode: <string|object>,
data: {
failCommands: [<string>, ...],
closeConnection: <boolean>,
errorCode: <integer>,
errorLabels: [<string>, ...],
writeConcernError: <object>,
appName: <string>,
blockConnection: <boolean>,
blockTimeMS: <integer>,
namespace: <string>,
supports the following data
options, which may be combined if desired:
: Required array of strings. Lists the command names to fail.closeConnection
: Optional boolean, which defaults tofalse
. Iftrue
, the command will not be executed, the connection will be closed, and the client will see a network error.errorCode
: Optional integer, which is unset by default. If set, the command will not be executed and the specified command error code will be returned as a command error.errorLabels
: Optional array of strings. If set, this list overrides the server's normal behavior for adding error labels. An empty array may be used to suppress the server from adding error labels to the response. New in server 4.3.1 (SERVER-43941).appName
: Optional string, which is unset by default. If set, the fail point will only apply to connections for MongoClients created with thisappname
. New in server 4.4.0-rc2 and backported to 4.2.9 (SERVER-47195).blockConnection
: Optional boolean, which defaults tofalse
. Iftrue
, the server should block the affected commands forblockTimeMS
. New in server 4.3.4 and backported to 4.2.9 (SERVER-41070).blockTimeMS
: Optional integer, which is required whenblockConnection
. The number of milliseconds for which the affected commands should be blocked. New in server 4.3.4 and backported to 4.2.9 (SERVER-41070).namespace
: Optional string. If set, the fail point will only trigger for commands on the specified namespace (e.g.db.coll
). New in server 4.3.1 and backported to 4.2.6 (SERVER-43011).
The onPrimaryTransactionalWrite
fail point allows the client to force a network error before the server would return a
write result to the client. The fail point also allows control whether the server will successfully commit the write via
its failBeforeCommitExceptionCode
option. Keep in mind that the fail point only triggers for transaction writes (i.e.
write commands including txnNumber
and lsid
The onPrimaryTransactionalWrite
fail point was introduced in mongod 3.6.0
(SERVER-29606) to facilitate testing of retryable writes. It is only
supported on mongod and cannot be used with sharded clusters.
supports the following data
: Optional boolean, which defaults totrue
. Iftrue
, the connection on which the write is executed will be closed before a result can be returned.failBeforeCommitExceptionCode
: Optional integer, which is unset by default. If set, the specified exception code will be thrown and the write will not be committed. If unset, the write will be allowed to commit.
Determining if a Sharded Cluster Uses Replica Sets
When connected to a mongos server, the test runner can query the
config.shards collection.
Each shard in the cluster is represented by a document in this collection. If the shard is backed by a single server,
the host
field will contain a single host. If the shard is backed by a replica set, the host
field contain the name
of the replica followed by a forward slash and a comma-delimited list of hosts.
Note: MongoDB 3.6+ requires that all shard servers be replica sets.
Design Rationale
This specification was primarily derived from the test formats used by the Transactions and CRUD specs, which have served models or other specs.
This specification commonly uses "SHOULD" when providing guidance on writing test files. While this may appear contradictory to the driver mantra preferring "MUST", it is intentional. Some of this guidance addresses style (e.g. adding comments, using YAML anchors) and cannot be enforced with a JSON schema. Other guidance needs to be purposefully ignored in order to test the test runner implementation (e.g. defining entities out of order to trigger runtime errors). The specification does prefer "MUST" in other contexts, such as discussing parts of the test file format that are enforceable by the JSON schema or the test runner implementation.
Why can't observeSensitiveCommands
be true when authentication is enabled?
When running against authentication-enabled clusters, the events observed by a client will always begin with
auth-related commands (e.g. authenticate
, saslStart
, saslContinue
) because the MongoClient will need to
authenticate a connection before issuing the first command in the test specification. Since the exact form of the
authentication command event will depend on whether authentication is enabled, as well as, the auth mechanism in use, it
is not possible to anticipate the command monitoring output and perform the appropriate assertions. Consequently, we
have restricted use of this property to situations where authentication is disabled on the server. This allows tests to
explicitly test sensitive commands via the runCommand
Breaking Changes
This section is reserved for future use. Any breaking changes to the test format SHOULD be described here in detail for historical reference, in addition to any shorter description that may be added to the Changelog.
Future Work
Assert expected log messages
When drivers support standardized logging, the test format may need to support assertions for messages expected to be
logged while executing operations. Since log messages are strings, this may require an operator to match regex patterns
within strings. Additionally, the test runner may need to support ignoring extra log output, similar to
Target failPoint by read preference
The failPoint operation currently uses a "primary" read preference. To date, no spec has needed behavior
to configure a fail point on a non-primary node. If the need does arise, failPoint can be enhanced to
support a readPreference
IO operations for GridFS streams
Original GridFS spec tests refer to "upload", "download", and "download_by_name" methods, which allow the tests to abstract stream IO and either upload a byte sequence or assert a downloaded byte sequence. These operations correspond to the download, downloadByName, upload, and uploadWithId Bucket Operations.
In order to support methods such as downloadToStream
, openUploadStream
, and openUploadStreamWithId
, test runners
would need to represent streams as entities and support IO operations to directly read from and write to a stream
entity. This may not be worth the added complexity if the existing operations provide adequate test coverage for GridFS
Incorporate referenced entity operations into the schema version
The Schema Version is not impacted by changes to operations defined in other specs and referenced in
Entity Test Operations
(e.g. find
for CRUD). The and
operation.arguments fields are loosely defined in the JSON schema as string and object types,
Ideally, all operations (and their arguments) would be enforced by the JSON schema and any changes to operations would
affect the schema version accordingly. For example, a new find
option would warrant a minor version bump both for the
CRUD spec and this spec and its schema.
As discussed in Executing an Operation, test runners MUST raise errors for unsupported operations and arguments. This is a concession until such time that better processes can be established for versioning other specs and collating spec changes developed in parallel or during the same release cycle.
2025-01-21: Schema version 1.23.
Support automatic encryption. Add
entity. -
2024-11-12: Schema version 1.22.
entity. -
2024-10-31: Test operations array may be empty.
2024-10-29: List more examples of root-level documents
2024-10-24: Document
option forfailCommand
fail point. -
2024-09-18: Note that
option was backported -
2024-05-08: Schema version 1.21.
field toexpectedError
for the client-level bulk write API. -
2024-04-15: Note that when
is set to true test runners should only provide a single seed. -
2024-03-25: Schema version 1.20.
assertions totopologyDescriptionChangedEvent
when checking events withexpectEvents
2024-03-11: Note that
should not be executed on Atlas Data Lake -
2024-02-27: Document
fail point, which is used in retryable writes tests. -
2024-02-23: Require test runners to gossip cluster time from internal MongoClient to each session entity.
2024-02-14: Clarify that errors raised from callback operations should always propagate to
. -
2024-02-12: Clarify that
should only be used whenuseMultipleMongoses
is true and not on load-balanced topologies. -
2024-02-06: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2024-01-17: Schema version 1.19.
and require thaturiOptions
supports placeholder documents. -
2024-01-11: Schema version 1.18.
Allow named KMS providers in
. Note location of Client-Side Encryption test credentials. -
2024-01-03: Document server version requirements for
options forfailCommand
fail point. -
2023-10-04: Schema version 1.17.
, andserverHeartbeatFailedEvent
for asserting on SDAM server heartbeat events. -
2023-09-25: Clarify that the UTR is intended to be run against enterprise servers.
2022-07-18: Schema version 1.16.
fields toexpectedLogMessagesForClient
section. -
should check for crypt_shared and/or mongocryptd. -
2023-06-13: Schema version 1.15.
field toCommandFailedEvent
. -
2023-05-26: Schema version 1.14.
. -
2023-05-17: Add
operations. AddedcommandCursor
entity type which can be used with existing cursor operations. -
2023-05-12: Deprecate "sharded-replicaset" topology type. Note that server 3.6+ requires replica sets for shards, which is also relevant to load balanced topologies.
2023-04-13: Remove
options fromrunCommand
operation. -
2023-02-24: Fix typo in the description of the
matching operator. -
2022-10-17: Add description of a
operation for client entities. -
2022-10-14: Schema version 1.13.
Add support for logging assertions via the
field for client entities, along with a new top-level fieldexpectLogMessages
objects. Add new special matching operators to enable command logging assertions,$$matchAsDocument
. -
2022-10-14: Schema version 1.12.
. -
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter, add "Current Schema Version" field, and reformat changelog. Add comment to remind editors to note schema version bumps in changelog updates (where applicable).
2022-09-02: Schema version 1.11.
field topoolClearedEvent
2022-07-28: Schema version 1.10.
Add support for
entities (runOnThread
), TopologyDescription entities (recordTopologyDescription
), testRunner event assertion operations (waitForEvent
), expected SDAM events, and thewait
operation. -
2022-07-27: Retroactively note schema version bumps in the changelog and require doing so for future changes.
2022-07-11: Update Future Work to reflect that support for ignoring extra observed events was added in schema version 1.7.
2022-06-16: Require server 4.2+ for
csfle: true
. -
2022-05-10: Add reference to Client Side Encryption spec under ClientEncryption Operations.
2022-04-27: Schema version 1.9.
field toinitialData
, introduced a newtimeoutMS
field incollectionOrDatabaseOptions
, and added anisTimeoutError
field toexpectedError
. Also introduced thecreateEntities
operation and$$lte
operator. -
2022-04-27: Schema version 1.8.
. -
2022-04-26: Add
entity and$$placeholder
syntax. -
2022-04-22: Revise
and "Initializing the Test Runner" for Atlas Serverless URIs using a load balancer fronting a single proxy. -
2022-03-01: Schema version 1.7.
field toexpectedEventsForClient
. -
2022-02-24: Rename Versioned API to Stable API
2021-08-30: Schema version 1.6.
field tocommandStartedEvent
. -
2021-08-30: Test runners may create an internal MongoClient for each mongos. Better clarify how internal MongoClients may be used. Clarify that drivers creating an internal MongoClient for each mongos should use those clients for
operations. -
2021-08-23: Allow
conditions to be evaluated in any order. -
2021-08-09: Updated all existing schema files to require at least one element in
if specified. -
2021-07-29: Note that events for sensitive commands will have redacted commands and replies when using
, and how that affects conditionally sensitive commands such ashello
and legacy hello. -
2021-07-01: Note that
should use$$unsetOrMatches
when the result is optional. -
2021-06-09: Schema version 1.5.
Added an
property to theclient
entity type. -
2021-05-17: Ensure old JSON schema files remain in place
2021-04-19: Schema version 1.4.
runOnRequirement. -
2021-04-12: Schema version 1.3.
Added a
entity type. Defined a set of cursor operations. Added anauth
property torunOnRequirements
and modified thetopologies
property to acceptload-balanced
. Added CMAP events to the possible event types forexpectedEvent
. AddassertNumberConnectionsCheckedOut
operation. AddignoreResultAndError
operation option. -
2021-04-08: List additional error codes that may be ignored when calling
and note that the command should not be called when connected to Atlas. -
2021-03-22: Split
into its own section. Note types forloop
operation arguments. Clarify howloop
iterations are counted forstoreIterationsAsEntity
. -
2021-03-10: Clarify that
field measures time in seconds forstoreEventsAsEntities
. -
2021-03-09: Clarify which components of a version string are relevant for comparisons.
2021-03-04: Change
from a map to an array ofstoreEventsAsEntity
objects. -
2021-03-01: Schema version 1.2.
option for client entities andloop
operation, which is needed for Atlas Driver Testing. -
2020-12-23: Clarify how JSON schema is renamed for new minor versions.
2020-11-06: Schema version 1.1.
option for client entities,_yamlAnchors
property to define values for later use in YAML tests, andserverParameters
property forrunOnRequirements
Atlas Data Lake Tests
The YAML and JSON files in this directory are platform-independent tests that drivers can use to assert compatibility with Atlas Data Lake. These tests utilize the Unified Test Format.
Several prose tests, which are not easily expressed in YAML, are also presented in this file. Those tests will need to be manually implemented by each driver.
Test Considerations
Running these integration tests will require a running mongohoused
with data available in its test.driverdata
collection. See the
ADL directory in drivers-evergreen-tools
and 10gen/mongohouse README for more information.
The test runner for Atlas Data Lake testing MUST NOT drop the collection and/or database under test. In contrast to most
other tests, which insert their own data fixtures into an empty collection, the data for these tests is specified in the
configuration file.
Additionally, the test runner MUST NOT execute killAllSessions
Terminating Open Transactions) when
connected to Atlas Data Lake.
Prose Tests
The following tests MUST be implemented to fully test compatibility with Atlas Data Lake.
1. Support for killCursors
Test that the driver properly constructs and issues a
killCursors command to Atlas Data Lake. For this
test, configure an APM listener on a client and execute a query on the test.driverdata
collection that will leave a
cursor open on the server (e.g. specify batchSize=2
for a query that would match 3+ documents). Drivers MAY iterate
the cursor if necessary to execute the initial find
command but MUST NOT iterate further to avoid executing a
Observe the CommandSucceededEvent event for the find
command and extract the cursor's ID and namespace from the
response document's
and cursor.ns
fields, respectively. Destroy the cursor object and observe a
CommandStartedEvent and CommandSucceededEvent for the killCursors
command. Assert that the cursor ID and target
namespace in the outgoing command match the values from the find
command's CommandSucceededEvent. When matching the
namespace, note that the killCursors
field will contain the collection name and the database may be inferred from
either the $db
field or accessed via the CommandStartedEvent directly. Finally, assert that the killCursors
CommandSucceededEvent indicates that the expected cursor was killed in the cursorsKilled
Note: this test assumes that drivers only issue a killCursors
command internally when destroying a cursor that may
still exist on the server. If a driver constructs and issues killCursors
commands in other ways (e.g. public API),
this test MUST be adapted to test all such code paths.
2. Connect without authentication
Test that the driver can establish a connection with Atlas Data Lake without authentication. For these tests, create a MongoClient using a valid connection string without auth credentials and execute a ping command.
3. Connect with authentication
Test that the driver can establish a connection with Atlas Data Lake with authentication. For these tests, create a MongoClient using a valid connection string with SCRAM-SHA-1 and credentials from the drivers-evergreen-tools ADL configuration and execute a ping command. Repeat this test using SCRAM-SHA-256.
2024-03-08: Convert legacy ADL tests to unified format. Convert test README from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2022-10-05: Add spec front matter
2020-07-15: Link to CRUD test runner implementation and note that the collection under test must not be dropped before each test.
Performance Benchmarking
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
This document describes a standard benchmarking suite for MongoDB drivers.
Name and purpose
Driver performance will be measured by the MongoDB Driver Performance Benchmark (AKA "DriverBench"). It will provide both "horizontal" insights into how individual language driver performance evolves over time and "vertical" insights into relative performance of different drivers.
We do expect substantial performance differences between language families (e.g. static vs. dynamic or compiled vs. virtual-machine-based). However we still expect "vertical" comparison within language families to expose outlier behavior that might be amenable to optimization.
Task Hierarchy
The benchmark consists of a number of micro-benchmarks tasks arranged into groups of increasing complexity. This allows us to better isolate areas within drivers that are faster or slower.
- BSON -- BSON encoding/decoding tasks, to explore BSON codec efficiency
- Single-Doc -- single-document insertion and query tasks, to explore basic wire protocol efficiency
- Multi-Doc -- multi-document insertion and query tasks, to explore batch-write and cursor chunking efficiency
- Parallel -- multi-process/thread ETL tasks, to explore concurrent operation efficiency
In addition to timing data, all micro-benchmark tasks will be measured in terms of "megabytes/second" (MB/s) of documents processed, with higher scores being better. (In this document, "megabyte" refers to the SI decimal unit, i.e. 1,000,000 bytes.) This makes cross-benchmark comparisons easier.
To avoid various types of measurement skew, tasks will be measured over numerous iterations. Each iteration will have a "scale" -- the number of similar operations performed -- that will vary by task. The final score for a task will be the median score of the iterations. Other quantiles will be recorded for diagnostic analysis.
Data sets
Data sets will vary by micro-benchmark. In some cases, they it will be a synthetically generated document inserted
repeatedly (with different _id
fields) to construct an overall corpus of documents. In other cases, data sets will be
synthetic line-delimited JSON files or mock binary files.
Composite scores
Micro-benchmark scores will be combined into a composite for each weight class ("BSONBench", "SingleBench", etc.) and for read and write operations ("ReadBench" and "WriteBench"). The read and write scores will be combined into an aggregate composite score ("DriverBench"). The compositing formula in the DriverBench uses simple averages with equal weighting.
DriverBench will have vX.Y versioning. Minor updates and clarifications will increment "Y" and should have little impact on score comparison. Major changes, such as changing score weights, MongoDB version tested against, or hardware used, will increment "X" to indicate that older version scores are unlikely to be comparable.
Benchmark execution phases and measurement
All micro-benchmark tasks will be conducted via a number of iterations. Each iteration will be timed and will generally include a large number of individual driver operations.
We break up the measurement this way to better isolate the benchmark from external volatility. If we consider the problem of benchmarking an operation over many iterations, such as 100,000 document insertions, we want to avoid two extreme forms of measurement:
- measuring a single insertion 100,000 times -- in this case, the timing code is likely to be a greater proportion of executed code, which could routinely evict the insertion code from CPU caches or mislead a JIT optimizer and throw off results
- measuring 100,000 insertions one time -- in this case, the longer the timer runs, the higher the likelihood that an external event occurs that affects the time of the run
Therefore, we choose a middle ground:
- measuring the same 1000 insertions over 100 iterations -- each timing run includes enough operations that insertion code dominates timing code; unusual system events are likely to affect only a fraction of the 100 timing measurements
With 100 timings of inserting the same 1000 documents, we build up a statistical distribution of the operation timing, allowing a more robust estimate of performance than a single measurement. (In practice, the number of iterations could exceed 100, but 100 is a reasonable minimum goal.)
Because a timing distribution is bounded by zero on one side, taking the mean would allow large positive outlier measurements to skew the result substantially. Therefore, for the benchmark score, we use the median timing measurement, which is robust in the face of outliers.
Each benchmark is structured into discrete setup/execute/teardown phases. Phases are as follows, with specific details given in a subsequent section:
- setup -- (ONCE PER MICRO-BENCHMARK) something to do once before any benchmarking, e.g. construct a client object, load test data, insert data into a collection, etc.
- before task -- (ONCE PER ITERATION) something to do before every task iteration, e.g. drop a collection, or reload test data (if the test run modifies it), etc.
- do task -- (ONCE PER ITERATION) smallest amount of code necessary to execute the task; e.g. insert 1000 documents one by one into the database, or retrieve 1000 document of test data from the database, etc.
- after task -- (ONCE PER ITERATION) something to do after every task iteration (if necessary)
- teardown -- (ONCE PER MICRO-BENCHMARK) something done once after all benchmarking is complete (if necessary); e.g. drop the test database
The wall-clock execution time of each "do task" phase will be recorded. We use wall clock time to model user experience and as a lowest-common denominator across languages and threading models. Iteration timing should be done with a high-resolution monotonic timer (or best language approximation).
Unless otherwise specified, the number of iterations to measure per micro-benchmark is variable:
- iterations should loop for at least 1 minute cumulative execution time
- iterations should stop after 100 iterations or 5 minutes cumulative execution time, whichever is shorter
This balances measurement stability with a timing cap to ensure all micro-benchmarks can complete in a reasonable time. Languages with JIT compilers may do warm up iterations for which timings are discarded.
For each micro-benchmark, the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th, 98th and 99th percentiles will be recorded using the following algorithm:
- Given a 0-indexed array A of N iteration wall clock times
- Sort the array into ascending order (i.e. shortest time first)
- Let the index i for percentile p in the range [1,100] be defined as:
i = int(N * p / 100) - 1
N.B. This is the Nearest Rank algorithm, chosen for its utter simplicity given that it needs to be implemented identically across multiple languages for every driver.
The 50th percentile (i.e. the median) will be used for score composition. Other percentiles will be stored for visualizations and analysis (e.g. a "candlestick" chart showing benchmark volatility over time).
Each task will have defined for it an associated size in megabytes (MB). The score for micro-benchmark composition will be the task size in MB divided by the median wall clock time.
Micro-benchmark definitions
Datasets are available in the data
directory adjacent to this spec.
Note: The term "LDJSON" means "line-delimited JSON", which should be understood to mean a collection of UTF-8 encoded JSON documents (without embedded CR or LF characters), separated by a single LF character. (Some Internet definition of line-delimited JSON use CRLF delimiters, but this benchmark uses only LF.)
BSON micro-benchmarks
Datasets are in the extended_bson
BSON tests focus on BSON encoding and decoding; they are client-side only and do not involve any transmission of data to or from the benchmark server. When appropriate, data sets will be stored on disk as extended strict JSON. For drivers that don't support extended JSON, a BSON analogue will be provided as well.
BSON micro-benchmarks include:
- Flat BSON Encoding and Flat BSON Decoding -- shallow documents with only common BSON field types
- Deep BSON Encoding and Deep BSON Decoding -- deeply nested documents with only common BSON field types
- Full BSON Encoding and Full BSON Decoding -- shallow documents with all possible BSON field types
Flat BSON Encoding
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance encoding documents with top level key/value pairs involving the most commonly-used BSON types.
Dataset: The dataset, designated FLAT_BSON (ftnt4 Disk file flat_bson.json
), will be synthetically generated and
consist of an extended JSON document with a single _id
key with an object ID value plus 24 top level keys/value pairs
of the following types: string, Int32, Int64, Double, Boolean. (121 total key/value pairs) Keys will be random ASCII
strings of length 8. String data will be random ASCII strings of length 80.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (7531 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 75,310,000 bytes or 75.31 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Load the FLAT_BSON dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document types. For languages like C without a document type, the raw JSON string for each document should be used instead. |
Before task | n/a |
Do task | Encode the FLAT_BSON document to a BSON byte-string. Repeat this 10,000 times. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | n/a |
Flat BSON Decoding
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance decoding documents with top level key/value pairs involving the most commonly-used BSON types.
Dataset: The dataset, designated FLAT_BSON, will be synthetically generated and consist of an extended JSON document
with a single _id
key with an object ID value plus 24 top level keys/value pairs of each of the following types:
string, Int32, Int64, Double, Boolean. (121 total key/value pairs) Keys will be random ASCII strings of length 8. String
data will be random ASCII strings of length 80.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (7531 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 75,310,000 bytes or 75.31 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Load the FLAT_BSON dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document types. For languages like C without a document type, the raw JSON string for each document should be used instead. Encode it to a BSON byte-string. |
Before task | n/a |
Do task | Decode the BSON byte-string to a language-appropriate document type. Repeat this 10,000 times. For languages like C without a document type, decode to extended JSON instead. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | n/a |
Deep BSON Encoding
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance encoding documents with deeply nested key/value pairs involving subdocuments, strings, integers, doubles and booleans.
Dataset: The dataset, designated DEEP_BSON (disk file deep_bson.json
), will be synthetically generated and consist of
an extended JSON document representing a balanced binary tree of depth 6, with "left" and "right" keys at each level
containing a sub-document until the final level, which will contain a random ASCII string of length 8 (126 total
key/value pairs).
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (1964 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 19,640,000 bytes or 19.64 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Load the DEEP_BSON dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type. For languages like C without a document type, the raw JSON string for each document should be used instead. |
Before task | n/a |
Do task | Encode the DEEP_BSON document to a BSON byte-string. Repeat this 10,000 times. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | n/a |
Deep BSON Decoding
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance decoding documents with deeply nested key/value pairs involving subdocuments, strings, integers, doubles and booleans.
Dataset: The dataset, designated DEEP_BSON, will be synthetically generated and consist of an extended JSON document representing a balanced binary tree of depth 6, with "left" and "right" keys at each level containing a sub-document until the final level, which will contain a random ASCII string of length 8 (126 total key/value pairs).
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (1964 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 19,640,000 bytes or 19.64 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Load the DEEP_BSON dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document types. For languages like C without a document type, the raw JSON string for each document should be used instead. Encode it to a BSON byte-string. |
Before task | n/a |
Do task | Decode the BSON byte-string to a language-appropriate document type. Repeat this 10,000 times. For languages like C without a document type, decode to extended JSON instead. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | n/a |
Full BSON Encoding
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance encoding documents with top level key/value pairs involving the full range of BSON types.
Dataset: The dataset, designated FULL_BSON (disk file full_bson.json
), will be synthetically generated and consist of
an extended JSON document with a single _id
key with an object ID value plus 6 each of the following types: string,
double, Int64, Int32, boolean, minkey, maxkey, array, binary data, UTC datetime, regular expression, Javascript code,
Javascript code with context, and timestamp. (91 total keys.) Keys (other than _id
) will be random ASCII strings of
length 8. Strings values will be random ASCII strings with length 80.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (5734 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 57,340,000 bytes or 57.34 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Load the FULL_BSON dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type. For languages like C without a document type, the raw JSON string for each document should be used instead. |
Before task | n/a |
Do task | Encode the FULL_BSON document to a BSON byte-string. Repeat this 10,000 times. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | n/a |
Full BSON Decoding
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance decoding documents with top level key/value pairs involving the full range of BSON types.
Dataset: The dataset, designated FULL_BSON, will be synthetically generated and consist of an extended JSON document
with a single _id
key with an object ID value plus 6 each of the following types: string, double, Int64, Int32,
boolean, minkey, maxkey, array, binary data, UTC datetime, regular expression, Javascript code, Javascript code with
context, and timestamp. (91 total keys.) Keys (other than _id
) will be random ASCII strings of length 8. Strings
values will be random ASCII strings with length 80.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (5734 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 57,340,000 bytes or 57.34 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Load the FULL_BSON dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document types. For languages like C without a document type, the raw JSON string for each document should be used instead. Encode it to a BSON byte-string. |
Before task | n/a |
Do task | Decode the BSON byte-string to a language-appropriate document type. Repeat this 10,000 times. For languages like C without a document type, decode to extended JSON instead. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | n/a |
Single-Doc Benchmarks
Datasets are in the single_and_multi_document
Single-doc tests focus on single-document read and write operations. They are designed to give insights into the efficiency of the driver's implementation of the basic wire protocol.
The data will be stored as strict JSON with no extended types.
Single-doc micro-benchmarks include:
- Run command
- Find one by ID
- Small doc insertOne
- Large doc insertOne
Run command
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance sending a command to the database and reading a response.
Dataset: n/a
Dataset size: While there is no external dataset, for score calculation purposes use 130,000 bytes (10,000 x the size of a BSON {hello:true} command).
N.B. We use {hello:true} rather than {hello:1} to ensure a consistent command size.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Construct whatever language-appropriate objects (Database, etc.) would be required to send a command. |
Before task | n/a |
Do task | Run the command {hello:true} 10,000 times, reading (and discarding) the result each time. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | n/a |
Find one by ID
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance sending an indexed query to the database and reading a single document in response.
Dataset: The dataset, designated TWEET (disk file tweet.json
), consists of a sample tweet stored as strict JSON.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (1622 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 16,220,000 bytes or 16.22 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Load the TWEET document into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). Construct a Collection object for the corpus collection to use for querying. Insert the document 10,000 times to the perftest database in the corpus collection using sequential _id values. (1 to 10,000) |
Before task | n/a |
Do task | For each of the 10,000 sequential _id numbers, issue a find command for that _id on the corpus collection and retrieve the single-document result. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Small doc insertOne
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance inserting a single, small document to the database.
Dataset: The dataset, designated SMALL_DOC (disk file small_doc.json
), consists of a JSON document with an encoded
length of approximately 250 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (275 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 2,750,000 bytes or 2.75 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Load the SMALL_DOC dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). |
Before task | Drop the corpus collection. Create an empty corpus collection with the create command. Construct a Collection object for the corpus collection to use for insertion. |
Do task | Insert the document with the insertOne CRUD method. DO NOT manually add an _id field; leave it to the driver or database. Repeat this 10,000 times. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Large doc insertOne
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance inserting a single, large document to the database.
Dataset: The dataset, designated LARGE_DOC (disk file large_doc.json
), consists of a JSON document with an encoded
length of approximately 2,500,000 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (2,731,089 bytes) times 10 operations, which equals 27,310,890 bytes or 27.31 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Load the LARGE_DOC dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). |
Before task | Drop the corpus collection. Create an empty corpus collection with the create command. Construct a Collection object for the corpus collection to use for insertion. |
Do task | Insert the document with the insertOne CRUD method. DO NOT manually add an _id field; leave it to the driver or database. Repeat this 10 times. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Multi-Doc Benchmarks
Datasets are in the single_and_multi_document
Multi-doc benchmarks focus on multiple-document read and write operations. They are designed to give insight into the efficiency of the driver's implementation of bulk/batch operations such as bulk writes and cursor reads.
Multi-doc micro-benchmarks include:
- Find many and empty the cursor
- Small doc bulk insert
- Large doc bulk insert
- Small doc Collection BulkWrite insert
- Large doc Collection BulkWrite insert
- Small doc Client BulkWrite insert
- Large doc Client BulkWrite insert
- Small doc Client BulkWrite Mixed Operations
- Small doc Collection BulkWrite Mixed Operations
- GridFS upload
- GridFS download
Find many and empty the cursor
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance retrieving multiple documents from a query.
Dataset: The dataset, designated TWEET consists of a sample tweet stored as strict JSON.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (1622 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 16,220,000 bytes or 16.22 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Load the TWEET dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). Construct a Collection object for the corpus collection to use for querying. Insert the document 10,000 times to the perftest database in the corpus collection. (Let the driver generate _id s). |
Before task | n/a |
Do task | Issue a find command on the corpus collection with an empty filter expression. Retrieve (and discard) all documents from the cursor. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Small doc bulk insert
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance inserting multiple small documents to the database using insertMany
Dataset: The dataset, designated SMALL_DOC consists of a JSON document with an encoded length of approximately 250 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (275 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 2,750,000 bytes or 2.75 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Load the SMALL_DOC dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). |
Before task | Drop the corpus collection. Create an empty corpus collection with the create command. Construct a Collection object for the corpus collection to use for insertion. |
Do task | Do an ordered insertMany with 10,000 copies of the document. DO NOT manually add an _id field; leave it to the driver or database. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Large doc bulk insert
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance inserting multiple large documents to the database using insertMany
Dataset: The dataset, designated LARGE_DOC consists of a JSON document with an encoded length of approximately 2,500,000 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (2,731,089 bytes) times 10 operations, which equals 27,310,890 bytes or 27.31 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Load the LARGE_DOC dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). |
Before task | Drop the corpus collection. Create an empty corpus collection with the create command. Construct a Collection object for the corpus collection to use for insertion. |
Do task | Do an ordered insertMany with 10 copies of the document. DO NOT manually add an _id field; leave it to the driver or database. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Small doc Collection BulkWrite insert
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance inserting multiple small documents to the database using the
Dataset: The dataset, designated SMALL_DOC consists of a JSON document with an encoded length of approximately 250 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (275 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 2,750,000 bytes or 2.75 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Load the SMALL_DOC dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). Create a list of insert models for 10,000 copies of the document, allowing the driver or database to auto-assign the _id field. |
Before task | Drop the corpus collection. Create an empty corpus collection with the create command. Construct a Collection object for the corpus collection to use for insertion. |
Do task | Do an ordered Collection::bulkWrite with the list of insert models. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Large doc Collection BulkWrite insert
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance inserting multiple large documents to the database using the
Dataset: The dataset, designated LARGE_DOC consists of a JSON document with an encoded length of approximately 2,500,000 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (2,731,089 bytes) times 10 operations, which equals 27,310,890 bytes or 27.31 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Load the LARGE_DOC dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). Create a list of insert models for 10 copies of the document, allowing the driver or database to auto-assign the _id field. |
Before task | Drop the corpus collection. Create an empty corpus collection with the create command. Construct a Collection object for the corpus collection to use for insertion. |
Do task | Do an ordered Collection::bulkWrite with the list of insert models. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Small doc Client BulkWrite insert
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance inserting multiple small documents to the database using the
Dataset: The dataset, designated SMALL_DOC consists of a JSON document with an encoded length of approximately 250 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (275 bytes) times 10,000 operations, which equals 2,750,000 bytes or 2.75 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Load the SMALL_DOC dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). Create a list of insert models for 10,000 copies of the document in the same namespace ("perftest.corpus"), allowing the driver or database to auto-assign the _id field. |
Before task | Drop the corpus collection. Create an empty corpus collection with the create command. Construct a Collection object for the corpus collection to use for insertion. |
Do task | Do an ordered Client::bulkWrite with the list of insert models. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Large doc Client BulkWrite insert
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance inserting multiple large documents to the database using the
Dataset: The dataset, designated LARGE_DOC consists of a JSON document with an encoded length of approximately 2,500,000 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (2,731,089 bytes) times 10 operations, which equals 27,310,890 bytes or 27.31 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Load the LARGE_DOC dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). Create a list of insert models for 10 copies of the document in the same namespace ("perftest.corpus"), allowing the driver or database to auto-assign the _id field. |
Before task | Drop the corpus collection. Create an empty corpus collection with the create command. Construct a Collection object for the corpus collection to use for insertion. |
Do task | Do an ordered Client::bulkWrite with the list of insert models. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Small doc Client BulkWrite Mixed Operations
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance of a Client::bulkWrite
operation with small documents and mixed
operations (e.g. insert, replace and delete).
Dataset: The dataset, designated SMALL_DOC consists of a JSON document with an encoded length of approximately 250 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (275 bytes) times 20,000 operations (insert + replace), which equals 5,500,000 bytes or 5.5 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Load the SMALL_DOC dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). Create a list of 10 numbered collection names ( corpus_1 , corpus_2 , ...) Create a list of write models for 10,000 document copies. For each document (where i goes from 0 to 9,999), create three write models with the namespace set to the collection name found at index i % 10 in your collection names list: 1. An insert model. 2. A replace model (using an empty filter and a copy of the document). 3. A delete model (using an empty filter). Notes: - DO NOT manually add an _id field; leave it to the driver or database. You should have 30,000 write models in your list. |
Before task | Drop the perftest database, create it again and create the collections found in your numbered collection names list. |
Do task | Do an ordered Client::bulkWrite with the list of write models. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Small doc Collection BulkWrite Mixed Operations
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance of a Collection::bulkWrite
operation with small documents and mixed
operations (e.g. insert, replace and delete).
Dataset: The dataset, designated SMALL_DOC consists of a JSON document with an encoded length of approximately 250 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the single-document source file (275 bytes) times 20,000 operations (insert + replace), which equals 5,500,000 bytes or 5.5 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Load the SMALL_DOC dataset into memory as a language-appropriate document type (or JSON string for C). Create a list of write models for 10,000 copies of the document where for each copy of the document add the following models: 1. insert model. 2. replace model with a copy and using an empty filter. 3. delete model using empty filter. DO NOT manually add an _id field; leave it to the driver or database. You should have 30,000 write models in your list. |
Before task | Drop the corpus collection. Create an empty corpus collection with the create command. Construct a Collection object for the corpus collection to use for insertion. |
Do task | Do an ordered Collection::bulkWrite with the list of write models. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
GridFS upload
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance uploading a GridFS file from memory.
Dataset: The dataset, designated GRIDFS_LARGE (disk file gridfs_large.bin
), consists of a single file containing about
50 MB of random data. We use a large file to ensure multiple database round-trips even if chunks are are sent in
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the source file (52,428,800 bytes) times 1 operation or 52.43 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. rop the perftest database. Load the GRIDFS_LARGE file as a string or other language-appropriate type for binary octet data. |
Before task | Drop the default GridFS bucket. Insert a 1-byte file into the bucket. (This ensures the bucket collections and indices have been created.) Construct a GridFSBucket object to use for uploads. |
Do task | Upload the GRIDFS_LARGE data as a GridFS file. Use whatever upload API is most natural for each language (e.g. open_upload_stream(), write the data to the stream and close the stream). |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
GridFS download
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance downloading a GridFS file to memory.
Dataset: The dataset, designated GRIDFS_LARGE, consists of a single file containing about 50 MB of random data. We use a large file to ensure multiple database round-trips even if chunks are are sent in batches.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the size of the source file (52,428,800 bytes) times 1 operation or 52.43 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Upload the GRIDFS_LARGE file to the default gridFS bucket with the name "gridfstest". Record the _id of the uploaded file. |
Before task | Construct a GridFSBucket object to use for downloads. |
Do task | Download the "gridfstest" file by its _id . Use whatever download API is most natural for each language (e.g. open_download_stream(), read from the stream into a variable). Discard the downloaded data. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Datasets are in the parallel
Parallel tests simulate ETL operations from disk to database or vice-versa. They are designed to be implemented using a language's preferred approach to concurrency and thus stress how drivers handle concurrency. These intentionally involve overhead above and beyond the driver itself to simulate -- however loosely -- the sort of "real-world" pressures that a drivers would be under during concurrent operation.
They are intended for directional indication of which languages perform best for this sort of pseudo-real-world activity, but are not intended to represent real-world performance claims.
Drivers teams are expected to treat these as a competitive "shoot-out" to surface optimal ETL patterns for each language (e.g. multi-thread, multi-process, asynchronous I/O, etc.).
Parallel micro-benchmarks include:
- LDJSON multi-file import
- LDJSON multi-file export
- GridFS multi-file upload
- GridFS multi-file download
LDJSON multi-file import
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance importing documents from a set of LDJSON files.
Dataset: The dataset, designated LDJSON_MULTI (disk directory ldjson_multi
), consists of 100 LDJSON files, each
containing 5,000 JSON documents. Each document should be about 1000 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the total size of all source files: 565,000,000 bytes or 565 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. |
Before task | Drop the corpus collection. Create an empty corpus collection with the create command. |
Do task | Do an unordered insert of all 500,000 documents in the dataset into the corpus collection as fast as possible. Data must be loaded from disk during this phase. Concurrency is encouraged. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
LDJSON multi-file export
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance exporting documents to a set of LDJSON files.
Dataset: The dataset, designated LDJSON_MULTI, consists of 100 LDJSON files, each containing 5,000 JSON documents. Each document should be about 1000 bytes.
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the total size of all source files: 565,000,000 bytes or 565 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Drop the corpus collection. Do an unordered insert of all 500,000 documents in the dataset into the corpus collection. |
Before task | Construct whatever objects, threads, etc. are required for exporting the dataset. |
Do task | Dump all 500,000 documents in the dataset into 100 LDJSON files of 5,000 documents each as fast as possible. Data must be completely written/flushed to disk during this phase. Concurrency is encouraged. The order and distribution of documents across files does not need to match the original LDJSON_MULTI files. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
GridFS multi-file upload
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance uploading files from disk to GridFS.
Dataset: The dataset, designated GRIDFS_MULTI (disk directory gridfs_multi
), consists of 50 files, each of 5MB. This
file size corresponds roughly to the output of a (slightly dated) digital camera. Thus the task approximates uploading
50 "photos".
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the total size of all source files: 262,144,000 bytes or 262.144 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. |
Before task | Drop the default GridFS bucket in the perftest database. Construct a GridFSBucket object for the default bucket in perftest to use for uploads. Insert a 1-byte file into the bucket (to initialize indexes). |
Do task | Upload all 50 files in the GRIDFS_MULTI dataset (reading each from disk). Concurrency is encouraged. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
GridFS multi-file download
Summary: This benchmark tests driver performance downloading files from GridFS to disk.
Dataset: The dataset, designated GRIDFS_MULTI, consists of 50 files, each of 5MB. This file size corresponds roughly to the output of a (slightly dated) digital camera. Thus the task approximates downloading 50 "photos".
Dataset size: For score purposes, the dataset size for a task is the total size of all source files: 262,144,000 bytes or 262.144 MB.
Phase | Description |
Setup | Construct a MongoClient object. Drop the perftest database. Construct a temporary directory for holding downloads. Drop the default GridFS bucket in the perftest database. Upload the 50 file dataset to the default GridFS bucket in perftest . |
Before task | Delete all files in the temporary folder for downloads. Construct a GridFSBucket object to use for downloads from the default bucket in perftest . |
Do task | Download all 50 files in the GRIDFS_MULTI dataset, saving each to a file in the temporary folder for downloads. Data must be completely written/flushed to disk during this phase. Concurrency is encouraged. |
After task | n/a |
Teardown | Drop the perftest database. |
Composite score calculation
Every micro-benchmark has a score equal to the 50th percentile (median) of sampled timings, expressed as Megabytes (1,000,000 bytes) per second where the micro-benchmark "database size" given in each section above is divided by the 50th percentile of measured wall-clock times.
From these micro-benchmarks, the following composite scores must be calculated:
Composite Name | Compositing formula |
BSONBench | Average of all BSON micro-benchmarks |
SingleBench | Average of all Single-doc micro-benchmarks, except "Run Command" |
MultiBench | Average of all Multi-doc micro-benchmarks |
ParallelBench | Average of all Parallel micro-benchmarks |
ReadBench | Average of "Find one", "Find many and empty cursor", "GridFS download", "LDJSON multi-file export", and "GridFS multi-file download" microbenchmarks |
WriteBench | Average of "Small doc insertOne", "Large doc insertOne", "Small doc bulk insert", "Large doc bulk insert", "Small doc Collection BulkWrite insert", "Large doc Collection BulkWrite insert", "Small doc Client BulkWrite insert", "Large doc Client BulkWrite insert", "Small doc Client BulkWrite Mixed Operations", "Small doc Collection BulkWrite Mixed Operations", "GridFS upload", "LDJSON multi-file import", and "GridFS multi-file upload" micro-benchmarks |
DriverBench | Average of ReadBench and WriteBench |
At least for this first DriverBench version, scores are combined with simple averages. In addition, the BSONBench scores do not factor into the overall DriverBench scores, as encoding and decoding are inherent in all other tasks.
Benchmark platform, configuration and environments
Benchmark Client
TBD: spec Amazon instance size; describe in general terms how language clients will be run independently; same AWS zone as server
All operations must be run with write concern "w:1".
Benchmark Server
TBD: spec Amazon instance size; describe configuration (e.g. no auth, journal, pre-alloc sizes?, WT with compression to minimize disk I/O impact?); same AWS zone as client
Score Server
TBD: spec system to hold scores over time
TBD: generated datasets should be park in S3 or somewhere for retrieval by URL
2024-12-23: Add Client and Collection BulkWrite benchmarks
2024-01-22: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2021-04-06: Update run command test to use
command -
- Update corpus files to allow much greater compression of data
- Updated LDJSON corpus size to reflect revisions to the test data
- Published data files on GitHub and updated instructions on how to find datasets
- RunCommand and query benchmark can create collection objects during setup rather than before task. (No change on actual benchmark.)
- Clarify that
bulk insert
- Clarify that "create a collection" means using the
command - Add omitted "upload files" step to setup for GridFS multi-file download; also clarify that steps should be using the
default bucket in the
- Clarify that
- Rename benchmark names away from MMA/weight class names
- Split BSON encoding and decoding micro-benchmarks
- Rename BSON micro-benchmarks to better match dataset names
- Move "Run Command" micro-benchmark out of composite
- Reduced amount of data held in memory and sent to/from the server to decrease memory pressure and increase number of iterations in a reasonable time (e.g. file sizes and number of documents in certain datasets changed)
- Create empty collections/indexes during the
phase when appropriate - Updated data set sizes to account for changes in the source file structure/size
BSON Corpus
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
The official BSON specification does not include test data, so this pseudo-specification describes tests for BSON
encoding and decoding. It also includes tests for MongoDB's "Extended JSON" specification (hereafter abbreviated as
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Motivation for Change
To ensure correct operation, we want drivers to implement identical tests for important features. BSON (and extjson
are critical for correct operation and data exchange, but historically had no common test corpus. This
pseudo-specification provides such tests.
- Provide machine-readable test data files for BSON and
encoding and decoding. - Cover all current and historical BSON types.
- Define test data patterns for three cases:
- conversion/roundtrip,
- decode errors, and
- parse errors.
- Replace or extend the official BSON spec at
- Provide a formal specification for
The specification for BSON lives at The extjson
format specification is
Test Plan
This test plan describes a general approach for BSON testing. Future BSON specifications (such as for new types like Decimal128) may specialize or alter the approach described below.
Description of the BSON Corpus
This BSON test data corpus consists of a JSON file for each BSON type, plus a top.json
file for testing the overall,
enclosing document and a multi-type.json
file for testing a document with all BSON types. There is also a
that includes deprecated keys.
Top level keys
: human-readable description of what is in the filebson_type
: hex string of the first byte of a BSON element (e.g. "0x01" for type "double"); this will be the synthetic value "0x00" for "whole document" tests liketop.json
: (optional) name of a field in a single-BSON-typevalid
test case that contains the data type being tested.valid
(optional): an array of validity test cases (see below).decodeErrors
(optional): an array of decode error cases (see below).parseErrors
(optional): an array of type-specific parse error case (see below).deprecated
(optional): this field will be present (and true) if the BSON type has been deprecated (i.e. Symbol, Undefined and DBPointer)
Validity test case keys
Validity test cases include 'canonical' forms of BSON and Extended JSON that are deemed equivalent and may provide additional cases or metadata for additional assertions. For each case, keys include:
: human-readable test case label.canonical_bson
: an (uppercase) big-endian hex representation of a BSON byte string. Be sure to mangle the case as appropriate in any roundtrip tests.canonical_extjson
: a string containing a Canonical Extended JSON document. Because this is itself embedded as a string inside a JSON document, characters like quote and backslash are escaped.relaxed_extjson
: (optional) a string containing a Relaxed Extended JSON document. Because this is itself embedded as a string inside a JSON document, characters like quote and backslash are escaped.degenerate_bson
: (optional) an (uppercase) big-endian hex representation of a BSON byte string that is technically parseable, but not in compliance with the BSON spec. Be sure to mangle the case as appropriate in any roundtrip tests.degenerate_extjson
: (optional) a string containing an invalid form of Canonical Extended JSON that is still parseable according to type-specific rules. (For example, "1e100" instead of "1E+100".)converted_bson
: (optional) an (uppercase) big-endian hex representation of a BSON byte string. It may be present for deprecated types. It represents a possible conversion of the deprecated type to a non-deprecated type, e.g. symbol to string.converted_extjson
: (optional) a string containing a Canonical Extended JSON document. Because this is itself embedded as a string inside a JSON document, characters like quote and backslash are escaped. It may be present for deprecated types and is the Canonical Extended JSON representation ofconverted_bson
(optional) -- boolean; present (and true) iffcanonical_bson
can't be represented exactly with extended JSON (e.g. NaN with a payload).
Decode error case keys
Decode error cases provide an invalid BSON document or field that should result in an error. For each case, keys include:
: human-readable test case label.bson
: an (uppercase) big-endian hex representation of an invalid BSON string that should fail to decode correctly.
Parse error case keys
Parse error cases are type-specific and represent some input that can not be encoded to the bson_type
under test. For
each case, keys include:
: human-readable test case label.string
: a text or numeric representation of an input that can't be parsed to a valid value of the given type.
Extended JSON encoding, escaping and ordering
Because the canonical_extjson
and other Extended JSON fields are embedded in a JSON document, all their JSON
metacharacters are escaped. Control characters and non-ASCII codepoints are represented with \uXXXX
. Note that this
means that the corpus JSON will appear to have double-escaped characters \\uXXXX
. This is by design to ensure that the
Extended JSON fields remain printable ASCII without embedded null characters to ensure maximum portability to different
language JSON or extended JSON decoders.
There are legal differences in JSON representation that may complicate testing for particular codecs. The JSON in the corpus may not resemble the JSON generated by a codec, even though they represent the same data. Some known differences include:
- JSON only requires certain characters to be escaped but allows any character to be escaped.
- The JSON format is unordered and whitespace (outside of strings) is not significant.
Implementations using these tests MUST normalize JSON comparisons however necessary for effective comparison.
Language-specific differences
Some programming languages may not be able to represent or transmit all types accurately. In such cases, implementations SHOULD ignore (or modify) any tests which are not supported on that platform.
Testing validity
To test validity of a case in the valid
array, we consider up to five possible representations:
- Canonical BSON (denoted herein as "cB") -- fully valid, spec-compliant BSON
- Degenerate BSON (denoted herein as "dB") -- invalid but still parseable BSON (bad array keys, regex options out of order)
- Canonical Extended JSON (denoted herein as "cEJ") -- A string format based on the JSON standard that emphasizes type preservation at the expense of readability and interoperability.
- Degenerate Extended JSON (denoted herin as "dEJ") -- An invalid form of Canonical Extended JSON that is still parseable. (For example, "1e100" instead of "1E+100".)
- Relaxed Extended JSON (denoted herein as "rEJ") -- A string format based on the JSON standard that emphasizes readability and interoperability at the expense of type preservation.
Not all input types will exist for a given test case.
There are two forms of BSON/Extended JSON codecs: ones that have a language-native "intermediate" representation and ones that do not.
For a codec without an intermediate representation (i.e. one that translates directly from BSON to JSON or back), the following assertions MUST hold (function names are for clarity of illustration only):
- for cB input:
- bson_to_canonical_extended_json(cB) = cEJ
- bson_to_relaxed_extended_json(cB) = rEJ (if rEJ exists)
- for cEJ input:
- json_to_bson(cEJ) = cB (unless lossy)
- for dB input (if it exists):
- bson_to_canonical_extended_json(dB) = cEJ
- bson_to_relaxed_extended_json(dB) = rEJ (if rEJ exists)
- for dEJ input (if it exists):
- json_to_bson(dEJ) = cB (unless lossy)
- for rEJ input (if it exists):
- bson_to_relaxed_extended_json( json_to_bson(rEJ) ) = rEJ
For a codec that has a language-native representation, we want to test both conversion and round-tripping. For these codecs, the following assertions MUST hold (function names are for clarity of illustration only):
- for cB input:
- native_to_bson( bson_to_native(cB) ) = cB
- native_to_canonical_extended_json( bson_to_native(cB) ) = cEJ
- native_to_relaxed_extended_json( bson_to_native(cB) ) = rEJ (if rEJ exists)
- for cEJ input:
- native_to_canonical_extended_json( json_to_native(cEJ) ) = cEJ
- native_to_bson( json_to_native(cEJ) ) = cB (unless lossy)
- for dB input (if it exists):
- native_to_bson( bson_to_native(dB) ) = cB
- for dEJ input (if it exists):
- native_to_canonical_extended_json( json_to_native(dEJ) ) = cEJ
- native_to_bson( json_to_native(dEJ) ) = cB (unless lossy)
- for rEJ input (if it exists):
- native_to_relaxed_extended_json( json_to_native(rEJ) ) = rEJ
Implementations MAY test assertions in an implementation-specific manner.
Testing decode errors
The decodeErrors
cases represent BSON documents that are sufficiently incorrect that they can't be parsed even with
liberal interpretation of the BSON schema (e.g. reading arrays with invalid keys is possible, even though technically
invalid, so they are not decodeErrors
Drivers SHOULD test that each case results in a decoding error. Implementations MAY test assertions in an implementation-specific manner.
Testing parsing errors
The interpretation of parseErrors
is type-specific. The structure of test cases within parseErrors
is described in
Parse error case keys.
Drivers SHOULD test that each case results in a parsing error (e.g. parsing Extended JSON, constructing a language type). Implementations MAY test assertions in an implementation-specific manner.
Top-level Document (type 0x00)
For type "0x00" (i.e. top-level documents), the string
field contains input for an Extended JSON parser. Drivers MUST
parse the Extended JSON input using an Extended JSON parser and verify that doing so yields an error. Drivers that parse
Extended JSON into language types instead of directly to BSON MAY need to additionally convert the resulting language
type(s) to BSON to expect an error.
Drivers SHOULD also parse the Extended JSON input using a regular JSON parser (not an Extended JSON one) and verify the
input is parsed successfully. This serves to verify that the parseErrors
test cases are testing Extended JSON-specific
error conditions and that they do not have, for example, unintended syntax errors.
Note: due to the generic nature of these tests, they may also be used to test Extended JSON parsing errors for various BSON types appearing within a document.
Binary (type 0x05)
For type "0x05" (i.e. binary), the rules for handling parseErrors
are the same as those for
Top-level Document (type 0x00).
Decimal128 (type 0x13)
For type "0x13" (i.e. Decimal128), the string
field contains input for a Decimal128 parser that converts string input
to a binary Decimal128 value (e.g. Decimal128 constructor). Drivers MUST assert that these strings cannot be
successfully converted to a binary Decimal128 value and that parsing the string produces an error.
Deprecated types
The corpus files for deprecated types are provided for informational purposes. Implementations MAY ignore or modify them
to match legacy treatment of deprecated types. The converted_bson
and converted_extjson
fields MAY be used to test
conversion to a standard type or MAY be ignored.
Prose Tests
The following tests have not yet been automated, but MUST still be tested.
1. Prohibit null bytes in null-terminated strings when encoding BSON
The BSON spec uses null-terminated strings to represent document field names and regex components (i.e. pattern and flags/options). Drivers MUST assert that null bytes are prohibited in the following contexts when encoding BSON (i.e. creating raw BSON bytes or constructing BSON-specific type classes):
- Field name within a root document
- Field name within a sub-document
- Pattern for a regular expression
- Flags/options for a regular expression
Depending on how drivers implement BSON encoding, they MAY expect an error when constructing a type class (e.g. BSON Document or Regex class) or when encoding a language representation to BSON (e.g. converting a dictionary, which might allow null bytes in its keys, to raw BSON bytes).
Implementation Notes
A tool for visualizing BSON
The test directory includes a Perl script bsonview
, which will decompose and highlight elements of a BSON document. It
may be used like this:
echo "0900000010610005000000" | perl bsonview -x
Notes for certain types
Arrays can have degenerate BSON if the array indexes are not set as "0", "1", etc.
The only valid values are 0 and 1. Other non-zero numbers MUST be interpreted as errors rather than "true" values.
The Base64 encoded text in the extended JSON representation MUST be padded.
There are multiple ways to encode Unicode characters as a JSON document. Individual implementers may need to normalize provided and generated extended JSON before comparison.
NaN with payload can't be represented in extended JSON, so such conversions are lossy.
There is not yet a way to represent Inf, -Inf or NaN in extended JSON. Even if a $numberDouble
is added, it is
unlikely to support special values with payloads, so such doubles would be lossy when converted to extended JSON.
String representation of doubles is fairly unportable so it's hard to provide a single string that all platforms/languages will generate. Testers may need to normalize/modify the test cases.
There are multiple ways to encode Unicode characters as a JSON document. Individual implementers may need to normalize provided and generated extended JSON before comparison.
This type is deprecated. The provided converted form (converted_bson
) represents them as DBRef documents, but such
conversion is outside the scope of this spec.
This type is deprecated. The provided converted form converts these to strings, but such conversion is outside the scope of this spec.
This type is deprecated. The provided converted form converts these to Null, but such conversion is outside the scope of this spec.
Reference Implementation
The Java, C# and Perl drivers.
Design Rationale
Use of extjson
Testing conversion requires an "input" and an "output". With a BSON string as both input and output, we can only test that it roundtrips correctly --we can't test that the decoded value visible to the language is correct.
For example, a pathological encoder/decoder could invert Boolean true and false during decoding and encoding. The BSON would roundtrip but the program would see the wrong values.
Therefore, we need a separate, semantic description of the contents of a BSON string in a machine readable format. Fortunately, we already have extjson as a means of doing so. The extended JSON strings contained within the tests adhere to the Extended JSON Specification.
Repetition across cases
Some validity cases may result in duplicate assertions across cases, particularly if the degenerate_bson
field is
different in different cases, but the canonical_bson
field is the same. This is by design so that each case stands
alone and can be confirmed to be internally consistent via the assertions. This makes for easier and safer test case
2024-01-22: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
2023-06-14: Add decimal128 Extended JSON parse tests for clamped zeros with very large exponents.
2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.
2021-09-09: Clarify error expectation rules for
. -
2021-09-02: Add spec and prose tests for prohibiting null bytes in null-terminated strings within document field names and regular expressions. Clarify type-specific rules for
. -
2017-05-26: Revised to be consistent with Extended JSON spec 2.0: valid case fields have changed, as have the test assertions.
2017-01-23: Added
to test encoding and decoding all BSON types within the same document. Amended all extended JSON strings to adhere to the Extended JSON Specification. Modified the "Use of extjson" section of this specification to note that canonical extended JSON is now used. -
2016-11-14: Removed "invalid flags" BSON Regexp case.
2016-10-25: Added a "non-alphabetized flags" case to the BSON Regexp corpus file; decoders must be able to read non-alphabetized flags, but encoders must emit alphabetized flags. Added an "invalid flags" case to the BSON Regexp corpus file.
Connections Survive Primary Step Down Tests
These tests can be used to verify a driver's compliance with server discovery and monitoring requirements with respect to handling "not primary" and "node is shutting down" error responses from the server.
These tests apply only to replica set topologies.
Server Fail Point
See: Server Fail Point in the Transactions spec test suite.
Disabling Fail Point after Test Execution
After each test that configures a fail point, drivers should disable the failCommand
fail point to avoid spurious
failures in subsequent tests. The fail point may be disabled like so:
configureFailPoint: "failCommand",
mode: "off"
Consideration when using serverStatus
Drivers executing serverStatus for connection assertions MUST take its own connection into account when making their calculations. Those drivers SHOULD execute serverStatus using a separate client not under test.
Test setup
For each test, make sure the following steps have been completed before running the actual test:
- Create a
- Create a collection object from the
, usingstep-down
for the database and collection name. - Drop the test collection, using
"majority". - Execute the "create" command to recreate the collection, using
The driver should implement the following tests:
getMore Iteration
This test requires a replica set with server version 4.2 or higher.
Perform the following operations:
- Insert 5 documents into a collection with a majority write concern.
- Start a find operation on the collection with a batch size of 2, and retrieve the first batch of results.
- Send a
{replSetFreeze: 0}
command to any secondary and verify that the command succeeded. This command will unfreeze the secondary and ensure that it will be eligible to be elected immediately. - Send a
{replSetStepDown: 30, force: true}
command to the current primary and verify that the command succeeded. - Retrieve the next batch of results from the cursor obtained in the find operation, and verify that this operation succeeded.
- If the driver implements the CMAP specification, verify that no new PoolClearedEvent has been published. Otherwise verify that connections.totalCreated in serverStatus has not changed.
Not Primary - Keep Connection Pool
This test requires a replica set with server version 4.2 or higher.
- Set the following fail point:
{configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: {times: 1}, data: {failCommands: ["insert"], errorCode: 10107}}
- Execute an insert into the test collection of a
{test: 1}
document. - Verify that the insert failed with an operation failure with 10107 code.
- Execute an insert into the test collection of a
{test: 1}
document and verify that it succeeds. - If the driver implements the CMAP specification, verify that no new PoolClearedEvent has been published. Otherwise verify that connections.totalCreated in serverStatus has not changed.
Not Primary - Reset Connection Pool
This test requires a replica set with server version 4.0.
- Set the following fail point:
{configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: {times: 1}, data: {failCommands: ["insert"], errorCode: 10107}}
- Execute an insert into the test collection of a
{test: 1}
document. - Verify that the insert failed with an operation failure with 10107 code.
- If the driver implements the CMAP specification, verify that a PoolClearedEvent has been published
- Execute an insert into the test collection of a
{test: 1}
document and verify that it succeeds. - If the driver does NOT implement the CMAP specification, use the serverStatus command to verify connections.totalCreated has increased by 1.
Shutdown in progress - Reset Connection Pool
This test should be run on all server versions >= 4.0.
Perform the following operations on a client configured to NOT retry writes:
- Set the following fail point:
{configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: {times: 1}, data: {failCommands: ["insert"], errorCode: 91}}
- Execute an insert into the test collection of a
{test: 1}
document. - Verify that the insert failed with an operation failure with 91 code.
- If the driver implements the CMAP specification, verify that a PoolClearedEvent has been published
- Execute an insert into the test collection of a
{test: 1}
document and verify that it succeeds. - If the driver does NOT implement the CMAP specification, use the serverStatus command to verify connections.totalCreated has increased by 1.
Interrupted at shutdown - Reset Connection Pool
This test should be run on all server versions >= 4.0.
Perform the following operations on a client configured to NOT retry writes:
- Set the following fail point:
{configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: {times: 1}, data: {failCommands: ["insert"], errorCode: 11600}}
- Execute an insert into the test collection of a
{test: 1}
document. - Verify that the insert failed with an operation failure with 11600 code.
- If the driver implements the CMAP specification, verify that a PoolClearedEvent has been published
- Execute an insert into the test collection of a
{test: 1}
document and verify that it succeeds. - If the driver does NOT implement the CMAP specification, use the serverStatus command to verify connections.totalCreated has increased by 1.
Questions and Answers
Do we need to wait for re-election after the first test?
Since test setup requires creation of a collection, a primary must exist, so subsequent tests will block in server selection until a primary is available again.
Why do tests check for a successful insert operation in addition to checking that the pool was updated appropriately?
Ensuring that we can run a successful insert after the primary steps down and without needing to recreate the
serves to test the resiliency of drivers in the event of a failover/election. Even though checking for a
successful insert operation does not directly test functionality introduced in this specification, it is a
straightforward way to test driver resiliency against a live replica set undergoing an election. This testing
methodology is in contrast to the one adopted by the SDAM spec tests that rely entirely on mocking with no actual server
FaaS Automated Testing
- Status:
- Minimum Server Version: 3.6
This specification is about the ability for drivers to automate tests for "Functions as a Service" from continuous integration.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
"Function as a Service", such as AWS Lambda.
Implementing Automated FaaS Tests
AWS Lambda
This section describes the required setup of an AWS Lambda function and the steps needed to automate the deployment and execution of the function in Evergreen.
Local Execution
For the initial local setup the following are required:
- The docker daemon running on the local machine.
AWS access MUST be configured, either through $HOME/.aws/credentials
or with the following environment variables:
- Set to us-east-1MONGODB_URI
- The local MongoDB instance
Project Initialization
Create the new project via SAM and follow the prompts:
sam init
For the template, select "AWS Quick Start Template".
Which template source would you like to use?
1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
2 - Custom Template Location
Choice: 1
For the quick start template, select "Hello World Example".
Choose an AWS Quick Start application template
1 - Hello World Example
2 - Multi-step workflow
3 - Serverless API
4 - Scheduled task
5 - Standalone function
6 - Data processing
7 - Infrastructure event management
8 - Hello World Example With Powertools
9 - Serverless Connector Hello World Example
10 - Multi-step workflow with Connectors
11 - Lambda EFS example
12 - DynamoDB Example
13 - Machine Learning
Template: 1
When prompted for language if the driver language is not Python, select "N".
Use the most popular runtime and package type? (Python and zip) [y/N]: n
Then select the runtime for your driver:
Which runtime would you like to use?
1 - aot.dotnet7 (provided.al2)
2 - dotnet6
3 - dotnet5.0
4 - dotnetcore3.1
5 - go1.x
6 - go (provided.al2)
7 - graalvm.java11 (provided.al2)
8 - graalvm.java17 (provided.al2)
9 - java11
10 - java8.al2
11 - java8
12 - nodejs18.x
13 - nodejs16.x
14 - nodejs14.x
15 - nodejs12.x
16 - python3.9
17 - python3.8
18 - python3.7
19 - ruby2.7
20 - rust (provided.al2)
Runtime: 12
Select Zip package type:
What package type would you like to use?
1 - Zip
2 - Image
Package type: 1
Then follow the remaining prompts for the driver language to finish setup. Drivers MAY choose to also enable X-Ray tracing and CloudWatch Application Insights during these next steps.
NOTE - If the driver wants to skip prompts in the setup it can provide defaults to the sam init command. Example:
sam init --name my-hello-world-app \
--app-template "hello-world" \
--runtime go1.x \
--package-type Zip
Function Setup
In the newly created project directory modify the template.yaml file:
Change default timeout to 30 seconds:
Timeout: 30
Add a root parameter for the MongoDB connection string:
Type: String
Description: The MongoDB connection string.
Replace all instances in the template.yaml of HelloWorld
with MongoDB
and then modify the root Resources
config to
add the MONGODB_URI env variable reference and change the CodeUri
to mongodb/ : Then rename the hello-world
directory to mongodb
. Do not change the Handler
and Runtime
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
CodeUri: mongodb/
MONGODB_URI: !Ref MongoDbUri
If the generated template contains Resources.Events.CatchAll.Properties.Path then change it to /mongodb and if it also contains Resources.Handler modify that to mongodb as well.
Path: /mongodb
Handler: mongodb
If possible, install the current driver under test into the lambda environment, to avoid having to release the driver in order to test features or catch regressions. See docs on for how to create a .zip file deployment with dependencies.
Start the local MongoDB instance. If using Docker Desktop on MacOS, set
in order for the function to be able to access the host port.
Run the function locally from the same directory where the template.yaml resides:
sam build
sam local invoke --parameter-overrides "MongoDbUri=${MONGODB_URI}"
NOTE "" in the MONGODB_URI MUST be replaced with "host.docker.internal" to test a local MongoDB deployment. If "host.docker.internal" does not work (can occur on M1 machines), drivers MAY choose to use a bridged docker container to test locally.
Implementing the Function
Drivers MUST setup the function as would be done in their appropriate language. In the function implementation the driver MUST:
- Create a MongoClient that points to MONGODB_URI.
- Add listeners for the following monitoring events: ServerHeartbeatStarted, ServerHeartbeatFailed, CommandSucceeded, CommandFailed, ConnectionCreated, ConnectionClosed.
- Drivers MUST perform a single insert and then a single delete of the inserted document to force write operations on the primary node.
- Drivers MUST record the durations and counts of the heartbeats, the durations of the commands, as well as keep track of the number of open connections, and report this information in the function response as JSON.
- Drivers MUST assert no ServerHeartbeat events contain the
flag to confirm that the streaming protocol is disabled (DRIVERS-2578).
Running in Continuous Integration
Running in CI requires Evergreen to be setup to assume the appropriate role in AWS and then execute the script in drivers-evergreen-tools with the required environment variables. An explanation of the required environment is as follows:
Name | Description |
LAMBDA_AWS_ROLE_ARN | The role ARN to assume |
TEST_LAMBDA_DIRECTORY | The lambda function directory |
DRIVERS_TOOLS | Location of drivers-evergreen-tools |
DRIVERS_ATLAS_LAMBDA_USER | The Atlas cluster user name |
DRIVERS_ATLAS_LAMBDA_PASSWORD | The Atlas cluster user password |
DRIVERS_ATLAS_GROUP_ID | The driver's Atlas group id |
LAMBDA_STACK_NAME | The driver's Lambda stack name |
AWS_REGION | The function AWS region |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Assume role automatically sets this |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Assume role automatically sets this |
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN | Assume role automatically sets this |
Supported Evergreen variants that have the AWS SAM CLI installed:
- ubuntu2204
- ubuntu1804
- ubuntu1804-workstation
- ubuntu2204-arm64
- ubuntu2004-arm64
- ubuntu1804-arm64
- rhel90
- rhel80
- rhel84
- rhel90-selinux
- rhel80-selinux
- rhel90-arm64
- rhel82-arm64
This is an example task group in the Evergreen config that accomplishes this, using subprocess.exec to execute scripts that call the drivers-evergreen-tools functions inside of it for setup, teardown, and execution:
- name: "test-aws-lambda-deployed"
- func: "install dependencies"
- command: ec2.assume_role
role_arn: ${LAMBDA_AWS_ROLE_ARN}
duration_seconds: 3600
- command: subprocess.exec
working_dir: src
binary: bash
add_expansions_to_env: true
- ${DRIVERS_TOOLS}/.evergreen/aws_lambda/
AWS_REGION: us-east-1
- name: test_aws_lambda_task_group
- func: fetch source
- command: subprocess.exec
working_dir: src
binary: bash
add_expansions_to_env: true
- ${DRIVERS_TOOLS}/.evergreen/atlas/
- command: expansions.update
file: src/atlas-expansion.yml
- command: subprocess.exec
working_dir: src
binary: bash
add_expansions_to_env: true
- ${DRIVERS_TOOLS}/.evergreen/atlas/
setup_group_can_fail_task: true
setup_group_timeout_secs: 1800
- test-aws-lambda-deployed
Drivers MUST run the function on a single variant in Evergreen, in order to not potentially hit the Atlas API rate limit. The variant itself MUST have the SAM CLI installed.
Description of the behaviour of
- Builds the Lambda function locally
- Deploys the Lambda function to AWS.
- Queries for the Lambda function ARN.
- Invokes the Lambda function cold and frozen.
- Initiates a primary failover of the cluster in Atlas.
- Calls the frozen lambda function again.
- Deletes the Lambda function.
- 2024-02-27: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2023-08-21: Drivers MUST assert that the streaming protocol is disabled in the Lambda function.
- 2023-08-17: Fixed URI typo, added host note, increase assume role duration.
- 2023-06-22: Updated evergreen configuration to use task groups.
- 2023-04-14: Added list of supported variants, added additional template config.
Atlas Serverless Tests
- Status: Accepted
- Minimum Server Version: N/A
This file describes a subset of existing tests that drivers MUST use to assert compatibility with Atlas Serverless.
Serverless Configuration
These tests MUST be run against a live Atlas Serverless instance. A new instance MUST be created each time the test
suite is run, and that instance MUST be used for all of the tests required by this specification. Once the tests are
finished, the instance MUST be deleted regardless of the outcome of the tests. The
serverless directory in the drivers-evergreen-tools repository
contains scripts for creating and deleting Atlas Serverless instances, and the config.yml
contains an example
Evergreen configuration that uses them to run the tests. It can take up to 15 minutes or so to provision a new Atlas
Serverless instance, so it is recommended to create one manually via the scripts in drivers-evergreen-tools that can be
reused for the initial implementation of the tests before moving to Evergreen patches.
Drivers MUST use the
script in drivers-evergreen-tools
to create a new Atlas Serverless instance for Evergreen tasks. The script writes a
URI for the newly created instance to a YAML expansions file:
An SRV connection string to a load balancer fronting a single Atlas Serverless proxy.
The expansions.update
Evergreen command can be used to read this file and copy the URI into a SERVERLESS_URI
environment variable.
Test Runner Configuration
All tests MUST be run with wire protocol compression and authentication enabled.
In contrast to the Load Balancer testing, which has separate URIs for load
balancers fronting a single or multiple servers, there is only a single URI for Atlas Serverless testing (i.e.
already specifies loadBalanced=true
so drivers need not add that.
does not include authentication credentials. Drivers MUST specify a username and password (see:
Required Variables) when connecting to SERVERLESS_URI
to configure both internal clients and clients under test (as described in the
Unified Test Format spec).
Required Variables
Managing the Atlas Serverless instances and connecting to them requires a few variables to be specified. The variables marked "private" are confidential and MUST be specified as private Evergreen variables or used only in private Evergreen projects. If using a public Evergreen project, xtrace MUST be disabled when using these variables to help prevent accidental leaks.
: Contains the ID of the Atlas group dedicated to drivers testing of Atlas Serverless. The backing multi-tenant MongoDB (MTM) MUST have theSINGLE_TARGET_SERVERLESS_DEPLOYMENT
feature flag enabled (CLOUDP-117288).${SERVERLESS_API_PUBLIC_KEY}
: The public key required to use the Atlas API for managing Atlas Serverless instances.${SERVERLESS_API_PRIVATE_KEY}
: (private) The private key required to use the Atlas API for managing Atlas Serverless instances.${SERVERLESS_ATLAS_USER}
: (private) The SCRAM username used to authenticate to any Atlas Serverless instance created in the drivers testing Atlas group.${SERVERLESS_ATLAS_PASSWORD}
: (private) The SCRAM password used to authenticate to any Atlas Serverless instance created in the drivers testing Atlas group.
Existing Spec Tests
Unified spec tests from all specifications MUST be run against Atlas Serverless. Since schema version 1.4, unified tests
can specify Atlas Serverless compatibility in their runOnRequirements
Any prose and legacy spec tests defined in the following specifications MUST be included in a driver's Atlas Serverless testing suite:
- Load Balancer
- Retryable Reads
- Retryable Writes
- Sessions
- Transactions (excluding convenient API)
- Note: the killAllSessions command is not supported on Serverless, so the transactions tests may hang if an individual test leaves a transaction open when it finishes (CLOUDP-84298).
- Versioned/Stable API
- Client Side Encryption
- Drivers MUST test with a version of the
shared library that matches the MongoDB Server version running in Serverless. See Using crypt_shared.
- Drivers MUST test with a version of the
Note that the legacy JSON/YAML test formats for these specifications were updated to include a new runOnRequirement
specifically for Atlas Serverless testing. To ensure these requirements are enforced properly, the runner MUST be
informed that it is running against an Atlas Serverless instance through some indicator (e.g. an environment variable).
Note that since Atlas Serverless testing uses a load balancer fronting a single Atlas Serverless proxy, the connection
string cannot be modified for useMultipleMongoses
. Drivers SHOULD ignore useMultipleMongoses
for purposes of Atlas
Serverless testing.
Other Tests
Any other existing tests for cursor behavior that a driver may have implemented independently of any spec requirements SHOULD also be included in the driver's Atlas Serverless testing suite. Note that change streams are not supported by the proxy, so their spec and prose tests MUST be skipped.
- 2024-09-02: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
- 2022-10-05: Add spec front matter
- 2022-04-22: Testing uses a load balancer fronting a single proxy.
- 2021-08-25: Update tests for load balanced serverless instances.