Connection Monitoring and Pooling

  • Status: Accepted
  • Minimum Server Version: N/A


Drivers currently support a variety of options that allow users to configure connection pooling behavior. Users are confused by drivers supporting different subsets of these options. Additionally, drivers implement their connection pools differently, making it difficult to design cross-driver pool functionality. By unifying and codifying pooling options and behavior across all drivers, we will increase user comprehension and code base maintainability.

This specification does not apply to drivers that do not support multitasking.


The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.



A Connection (when linked) refers to the Connection type defined in the Connection Pool Members section of this specification. It does not refer to an actual TCP connection to an Endpoint. A Connection will attempt to create and wrap such a TCP connection over the course of its existence, but it is not equivalent to one nor does it wrap an active one at all times.

For the purposes of testing, a mocked Connection type could be used with the pool that never actually creates a TCP connection or performs any I/O.


For convenience, an Endpoint refers to either a mongod or mongos instance.


For convenience, a Thread refers to:

  • A shared-address-space process (a.k.a. a thread) in multi-threaded drivers
  • An Execution Frame / Continuation in asynchronous drivers
  • A goroutine in Go

Behavioral Description

Which Drivers this applies to

This specification is solely concerned with drivers that implement a connection pool. A driver SHOULD implement a connection pool, but is not required to.

Connection Pool Options

All drivers that implement a connection pool MUST implement and conform to the same MongoClient options. There can be slight deviation in naming to make the options idiomatic to the driver language.

Connection Pool Behaviors

All driver connection pools MUST provide an API that allows the driver to check out a connection, check in a connection back to the pool, and clear all connections in the pool. This API is for internal use only, and SHOULD NOT be documented as a public API.

Connection Pool Monitoring

All drivers that implement a connection pool MUST provide an API that allows users to subscribe to events emitted from the pool. Conceptually, event emission is instantaneous, i.e., one may talk about the instant an event is emitted, and represents the start of an activity of delivering the event to a subscribed user.

Detailed Design

Connection Pool Options

Drivers that implement a Connection Pool MUST support the following ConnectionPoolOptions:

interface ConnectionPoolOptions {
   *  The maximum number of Connections that may be associated
   *  with a pool at a given time. This includes in use and
   *  available connections.
   *  If specified, MUST be an integer >= 0.
   *  A value of 0 means there is no limit.
   *  Defaults to 100.
  maxPoolSize?: number;

   *  The minimum number of Connections that MUST exist at any moment
   *  in a single connection pool.
   *  If specified, MUST be an integer >= 0. If maxPoolSize is > 0
   *  then minPoolSize must be <= maxPoolSize
   *  Defaults to 0.
  minPoolSize?: number;

   *  The maximum amount of time a Connection should remain idle
   *  in the connection pool before being marked idle.
   *  If specified, MUST be a number >= 0.
   *  A value of 0 means there is no limit.
   *  Defaults to 0.
  maxIdleTimeMS?: number;

   *  The maximum number of Connections a Pool may be establishing concurrently.
   *  Establishment of a Connection is a part of its life cycle
   *  starting after a ConnectionCreatedEvent and ending before a ConnectionReadyEvent.
   *  If specified, MUST be a number > 0.
   *  Defaults to 2.
  maxConnecting?: number;

Additionally, Drivers that implement a Connection Pool MUST support the following ConnectionPoolOptions UNLESS that driver meets ALL of the following conditions:

interface ConnectionPoolOptions {
   *  NOTE: This option has been deprecated in favor of timeoutMS.
   *  The maximum amount of time a thread can wait for
   *  either an available non-perished connection (limited by `maxPoolSize`),
   *  or a pending connection (limited by `maxConnecting`).
   *  If specified, MUST be a number >= 0.
   *  A value of 0 means there is no limit.
   *  Defaults to 0.
  waitQueueTimeoutMS?: number;

These options MUST be specified at the MongoClient level, and SHOULD be named in a manner idiomatic to the driver's language. All connection pools created by a MongoClient MUST use the same ConnectionPoolOptions.

When parsing a mongodb connection string, a user MUST be able to specify these options using the default names specified above.

Deprecated Options

The following ConnectionPoolOptions are considered deprecated. They MUST NOT be implemented if they do not already exist in a driver, and they SHOULD be deprecated and removed from drivers that implement them as early as possible:

interface ConnectionPoolOptions {
   *  The maximum number of threads that can simultaneously wait
   *  for a Connection to become available.
  waitQueueSize?: number;

   *  An alternative way of setting waitQueueSize, it specifies
   *  the maximum number of threads that can wait per connection.
   *  waitQueueSize === waitQueueMultiple * maxPoolSize
  waitQueueMultiple?: number

Connection Pool Members


A driver-defined wrapper around a single TCP connection to an Endpoint. A Connection has the following properties:

  • Single Endpoint: A Connection MUST be associated with a single Endpoint. A Connection MUST NOT be associated with multiple Endpoints.
  • Single Lifetime: A Connection MUST NOT be used after it is closed.
  • Single Owner: A Connection MUST belong to exactly one Pool, and MUST NOT be shared across multiple pools
  • Single Track: A Connection MUST limit itself to one request / response at a time. A Connection MUST NOT multiplex/pipeline requests to an Endpoint.
  • Monotonically Increasing ID: A Connection MUST have an ID number associated with it. Connection IDs within a Pool MUST be assigned in order of creation, starting at 1 and increasing by 1 for each new Connection.
  • Valid Connection: A connection MUST NOT be checked out of the pool until it has successfully and fully completed a MongoDB Handshake and Authentication as specified in the Handshake, OP_COMPRESSED, and Authentication specifications.
  • Perishable: it is possible for a Connection to become Perished. A Connection is considered perished if any of the following are true:
    • Stale: The Connection 's generation does not match the generation of the parent pool
    • Idle: The Connection is currently "available" (as defined below) and has been for longer than maxIdleTimeMS.
    • Errored: The Connection has experienced an error that indicates it is no longer recommended for use. Examples include, but are not limited to:
      • Network Error
      • Network Timeout
      • Endpoint closing the connection
      • Driver-Side Timeout
      • Wire-Protocol Error
interface Connection {
   *  An id number associated with the Connection
  id: number;

   *  The address of the pool that owns this Connection
  address: string;

   *  An integer representing the "generation" of the pool
   *  when this Connection was created.
  generation: number;

   * The current state of the Connection.
   * Possible values are the following:
   *   - "pending":       The Connection has been created but has not yet been established. Contributes to
   *                      totalConnectionCount and pendingConnectionCount.
   *   - "available":     The Connection has been established and is waiting in the pool to be checked
   *                      out. Contributes to both totalConnectionCount and availableConnectionCount.
   *   - "in use":        The Connection has been established, checked out from the pool, and has yet
   *                      to be checked back in. Contributes to totalConnectionCount.
   *   - "closed":        The Connection has had its socket closed and cannot be used for any future
   *                      operations. Does not contribute to any connection counts.
   * Note: this field is mainly used for the purposes of describing state
   * in this specification. It is not required that drivers
   * actually include this field in their implementations of Connection.
  state: "pending" | "available" | "in use" | "closed";


A concept that represents pending requests for Connections. When a thread requests a Connection from a Pool, the thread enters the Pool's WaitQueue. A thread stays in the WaitQueue until it either receives a Connection or times out. A WaitQueue has the following traits:

  • Thread-Safe: When multiple threads attempt to enter or exit a WaitQueue, they do so in a thread-safe manner.
  • Ordered/fair: When Connections are made available, they SHOULD be issued out to threads in the order that the threads entered the WaitQueue. If this is behavior poses too much of an implementation burden, then at the very least threads that have entered the queue more recently MUST NOT be intentionally prioritized over those that entered it earlier.
  • Timeout aggressively: Members of a WaitQueue MUST timeout if they are enqueued for longer than the computed timeout and MUST leave the WaitQueue immediately in this case.

The implementation details of a WaitQueue are left to the driver. Example implementations include:

  • A fair Semaphore
  • A Queue of callbacks

Connection Pool

A driver-defined entity that encapsulates all non-monitoring Connections associated with a single Endpoint. The pool has the following properties:

  • Thread Safe: All Pool behaviors MUST be thread safe.
  • Not Fork-Safe: A Pool is explicitly not fork-safe. If a Pool detects that is it being used by a forked process, it MUST immediately clear itself and update its pid
  • Single Owner: A Pool MUST be associated with exactly one Endpoint, and MUST NOT be shared between Endpoints.
  • Emit Events and Log Messages: A Pool MUST emit pool events and log messages when dictated by this spec (see Connection Pool Monitoring). Users MUST be able to subscribe to emitted events and log messages in a manner idiomatic to their language and driver.
  • Closeable: A Pool MUST be able to be manually closed. When a Pool is closed, the following behaviors change:
  • Clearable: A Pool MUST be able to be cleared. Clearing the pool marks all pooled and checked out Connections as stale and lazily closes them as they are checkedIn or encountered in checkOut. Additionally, all requests are evicted from the WaitQueue and return errors that are considered non-timeout network errors.
  • Pausable: A Pool MUST be able to be paused and resumed. A Pool is paused automatically when it is cleared, and it can be resumed by being marked as "ready". While the Pool is paused, it exhibits the following behaviors:
    • Attempting to check out a Connection from the Pool results in a non-timeout network error
    • Connections are not created in the background to satisfy minPoolSize
  • Capped: a pool is capped if maxPoolSize is set to a non-zero value. If a pool is capped, then its total number of Connections (including available and in use) MUST NOT exceed maxPoolSize
  • Rate-limited: A Pool MUST limit the number of Connections being established concurrently via the maxConnecting pool option.
interface ConnectionPool {
   *  The Queue of threads waiting for a Connection to be available
  waitQueue: WaitQueue;

   *  A generation number representing the SDAM generation of the pool.
  generation: number;

   * A map representing the various generation numbers for various services
   * when in load balancer mode.
  serviceGenerations: Map<ObjectId, [number, number]>;

   * The state of the pool.
   * Possible values are the following:
   *   - "paused":        The initial state of the pool. Connections may not be checked out nor can they
   *                      be established in the background to satisfy minPoolSize. Clearing a pool
   *                      transitions it to this state.
   *   - "ready":         The healthy state of the pool. It can service checkOut requests and create
   *                      connections in the background. The pool can be set to this state via the
   *                      ready() method.
   *   - "closed":        The pool is destroyed. No more Connections may ever be checked out nor any
   *                      created in the background. The pool can be set to this state via the close()
   *                      method. The pool cannot transition to any other state after being closed.
  state: "paused" | "ready" | "closed";

  // Any of the following connection counts may be computed rather than
  // actually stored on the pool.

   *  An integer expressing how many total Connections
   *  ("pending" + "available" + "in use") the pool currently has
  totalConnectionCount: number;

   *  An integer expressing how many Connections are currently
   *  available in the pool.
  availableConnectionCount: number;

   *  An integer expressing how many Connections are currently
   *  being established.
  pendingConnectionCount: number;

   *  Returns a Connection for use
  checkOut(): Connection;

   *  Check in a Connection back to the Connection pool
  checkIn(connection: Connection): void;

   *  Mark all current Connections as stale, clear the WaitQueue, and mark the pool as "paused".
   *  No connections may be checked out or created in this pool until ready() is called again.
   *  interruptInUseConnections specifies whether the pool will force interrupt "in use" connections as part of the clear. 
   *  Default false.
  clear(interruptInUseConnections: Optional<Boolean>): void;

   *  Mark the pool as "ready", allowing checkOuts to resume and connections to be created in the background.
   *  A pool can only transition from "paused" to "ready". A "closed" pool
   *  cannot be marked as "ready" via this method.
  ready(): void;

   *  Marks the pool as "closed", preventing the pool from creating and returning new Connections
  close(): void;

Connection Pool Behaviors

Creating a Connection Pool

This specification does not define how a pool is to be created, leaving it up to the driver. Creation of a connection pool is generally an implementation detail of the driver, i.e., is not a part of the public API of the driver. The SDAM specification defines when the driver should create connection pools.

When a pool is created, its state MUST initially be set to "paused". Even if minPoolSize is set, the pool MUST NOT begin being populated with Connections until it has been marked as "ready". SDAM will mark the pool as "ready" on each successful check. See Connection Pool Management section in the SDAM specification for more information.

set generation to 0
set state to "paused"
emit PoolCreatedEvent and equivalent log message

Closing a Connection Pool

When a pool is closed, it MUST first close all available Connections in that pool. This results in the following behavior changes:

  • In use Connections MUST be closed when they are checked in to the closed pool.
  • Attempting to check out a Connection MUST result in an error.
mark pool as "closed"
for connection in availableConnections:
  close connection
emit PoolClosedEvent and equivalent log message

Marking a Connection Pool as Ready

Connection Pools start off as "paused", and they are marked as "ready" by monitors after they perform successful server checks. Once a pool is "ready", it can start checking out Connections and populating them in the background.

If the pool is already "ready" when this method is invoked, then this method MUST immediately return and MUST NOT emit a PoolReadyEvent.

mark pool as "ready"
emit PoolReadyEvent and equivalent log message
allow background thread to create connections

Note that the PoolReadyEvent MUST be emitted before the background thread is allowed to resume creating new connections, and it must be the case that no observer is able to observe actions of the background thread related to creating new connections before observing the PoolReadyEvent event.

Creating a Connection (Internal Implementation)

When creating a Connection, the initial Connection is in a "pending" state. This only creates a "virtual" Connection, and performs no I/O.

connection = new Connection()
increment totalConnectionCount
increment pendingConnectionCount
set connection state to "pending"
tConnectionCreated = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCreatedEvent and equivalent log message
return connection

Establishing a Connection (Internal Implementation)

Before a Connection can be marked as either "available" or "in use", it must be established. This process involves performing the initial handshake, handling OP_COMPRESSED, and performing authentication.

  connect connection via TCP / TLS
  perform connection handshake
  perform connection authentication
  tConnectionReady = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
  emit ConnectionReadyEvent(duration = tConnectionReady - tConnectionCreated) and equivalent log message
  return connection
except error:
  close connection
  throw error # Propagate error in manner idiomatic to language.

Closing a Connection (Internal Implementation)

When a Connection is closed, it MUST first be marked as "closed", removing it from being counted as "available" or "in use". Once that is complete, the Connection can perform whatever teardown is necessary to close its underlying socket. The Driver SHOULD perform this teardown in a non-blocking manner, such as via the use of a background thread or async I/O.

original state = connection state
set connection state to "closed"

if original state is "available":
  decrement availableConnectionCount
else if original state is "pending":
  decrement pendingConnectionCount

decrement totalConnectionCount
emit ConnectionClosedEvent and equivalent log message

# The following can happen at a later time (i.e. in background
# thread) or via non-blocking I/O.

Marking a Connection as Available (Internal Implementation)

A Connection is "available" if it is able to be checked out. A Connection MUST NOT be marked as "available" until it has been established. The pool MUST keep track of the number of currently available Connections.

increment availableConnectionCount
set connection state to "available"
add connection to availableConnections

Populating the Pool with a Connection (Internal Implementation)

"Populating" the pool involves preemptively creating and establishing a Connection which is marked as "available" for use in future operations.

Populating the pool MUST NOT block any application threads. For example, it could be performed on a background thread or via the use of non-blocking/async I/O. Populating the pool MUST NOT be performed unless the pool is "ready".

If an error is encountered while populating a connection, it MUST be handled via the SDAM machinery according to the Application Errors section in the SDAM specification.

If minPoolSize is set, the Connection Pool MUST be populated until it has at least minPoolSize total Connections. This MUST occur only while the pool is "ready". If the pool implements a background thread, it can be used for this. If the pool does not implement a background thread, the checkOut method is responsible for ensuring this requirement is met.

When populating the Pool, pendingConnectionCount has to be decremented after establishing a Connection similarly to how it is done in Checking Out a Connection to signal that another Connection is allowed to be established. Such a signal MUST become observable to any Thread after the action that marks the established Connection as "available" becomes observable to the Thread. Informally, this order guarantees that no Thread tries to start establishing a Connection when there is an "available" Connection established as a result of populating the Pool.

wait until pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting and pool is "ready"
create connection
  establish connection
  mark connection as available
except error:
  # Defer error handling to SDAM.

Checking Out a Connection

A Pool MUST have a method that allows the driver to check out a Connection. Checking out a Connection involves submitting a request to the WaitQueue and, once that request reaches the front of the queue, having the Pool find or create a Connection to fulfill that request. Requests MUST be subject to a timeout which is computed per the rules in Client Side Operations Timeout: Server Selection.

To service a request for a Connection, the Pool MUST first iterate over the list of available Connections, searching for a non-perished one to be returned. If a perished Connection is encountered, such a Connection MUST be closed (as described in Closing a Connection) and the iteration of available Connections MUST continue until either a non-perished available Connection is found or the list of available Connections is exhausted.

If the list is exhausted, the total number of Connections is less than maxPoolSize, and pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting, the pool MUST create a Connection, establish it, mark it as "in use" and return it. If totalConnectionCount == maxPoolSize or pendingConnectionCount == maxConnecting, then the pool MUST wait to service the request until neither of those two conditions are met or until a Connection becomes available, re-entering the checkOut loop in either case. This waiting MUST NOT prevent Connections from being checked into the pool. Additionally, the Pool MUST NOT service any newer checkOut requests before fulfilling the original one which could not be fulfilled. For drivers that implement the WaitQueue via a fair semaphore, a condition variable may also be needed to meet this requirement. Waiting on the condition variable SHOULD also be limited by the WaitQueueTimeout, if the driver supports one and it was specified by the user.

If the pool is "closed" or "paused", any attempt to check out a Connection MUST throw an Error. The error thrown as a result of the pool being "paused" MUST be considered a retryable error and MUST NOT be an error that marks the SDAM state unknown.

If the pool does not implement a background thread, the checkOut method is responsible for ensuring that the pool is populated with at least minPoolSize Connections.

A Connection MUST NOT be checked out until it is established. In addition, the Pool MUST NOT prevent other threads from checking out Connections while establishing a Connection.

Before a given Connection is returned from checkOut, it must be marked as "in use", and the pool's availableConnectionCount MUST be decremented.

connection = Null
tConnectionCheckOutStarted = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent and equivalent log message
  enter WaitQueue
  wait until at top of wait queue
  # Note that in a lock-based implementation of the wait queue would
  # only allow one thread in the following block at a time
  while connection is Null:
    if a connection is available:
      while connection is Null and a connection is available:
        connection = next available connection
        if connection is perished:
          close connection
          connection = Null
    else if totalConnectionCount < maxPoolSize:
      if pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting:
        connection = create connection
        # this waiting MUST NOT prevent other threads from checking Connections
        # back in to the pool.
        wait until pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting or a connection is available

except pool is "closed":
  tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
  emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="poolClosed", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
  throw PoolClosedError
except pool is "paused":
  tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
  emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="connectionError", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
  throw PoolClearedError
except timeout:
  tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
  emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="timeout", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
  throw WaitQueueTimeoutError
  # This must be done in all drivers
  leave wait queue

# If the Connection has not been established yet (TCP, TLS,
# handshake, compression, and auth), it must be established
# before it is returned.
# This MUST NOT block other threads from acquiring connections.
if connection state is "pending":
    establish connection
  except connection establishment error:
    tConnectionCheckOutFailed = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
    emit ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(reason="connectionError", duration = tConnectionCheckOutFailed - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
    decrement totalConnectionCount
    decrement pendingConnectionCount
    decrement availableConnectionCount
set connection state to "in use"

# If there is no background thread, the pool MUST ensure that
# there are at least minPoolSize total connections.
do asynchronously:
  while totalConnectionCount < minPoolSize:
    populate the pool with a connection

tConnectionCheckedOut = current instant (use a monotonic clock if possible)
emit ConnectionCheckedOutEvent(duration = tConnectionCheckedOut - tConnectionCheckOutStarted) and equivalent log message
return connection

Checking In a Connection

A Pool MUST have a method of allowing the driver to check in a Connection. The driver MUST NOT be allowed to check in a Connection to a Pool that did not create that Connection, and MUST throw an Error if this is attempted.

When the Connection is checked in, it MUST be closed if any of the following are true:

  • The Connection is perished.
  • The pool has been closed.

Otherwise, the Connection is marked as available.

emit ConnectionCheckedInEvent and equivalent log message
if connection is perished OR pool is closed:
  close connection
  mark connection as available

Clearing a Connection Pool

Clearing the pool involves different steps depending on whether the pool is in load balanced mode or not. The traditional / non-load balanced clearing behavior MUST NOT be used by pools in load balanced mode, and the load balanced pool clearing behavior MUST NOT be used in non-load balanced pools.

Clearing a non-load balanced pool

A Pool MUST have a method of clearing all Connections when instructed. Rather than iterating through every Connection, this method should simply increment the generation of the Pool, implicitly marking all current Connections as stale. It should also transition the pool's state to "paused" to halt the creation of new connections until it is marked as "ready" again. The checkOut and checkIn algorithms will handle clearing out stale Connections. If a user is subscribed to Connection Monitoring events and/or connection log messages, a PoolClearedEvent and log message MUST be emitted after incrementing the generation / marking the pool as "paused". If the pool is already "paused" when it is cleared, then the pool MUST NOT emit a PoolCleared event or log message.

As part of clearing the pool, the WaitQueue MUST also be cleared, meaning all requests in the WaitQueue MUST fail with errors indicating that the pool was cleared while the checkOut was being performed. The error returned as a result of the pool being cleared MUST be considered a retryable error and MUST NOT be an error that marks the SDAM state unknown. Clearing the WaitQueue MUST happen eagerly so that any operations waiting on Connections can retry as soon as possible. The pool MUST NOT rely on WaitQueueTimeoutMS to clear requests from the WaitQueue.

The clearing method MUST provide the option to interrupt any in-use connections as part of the clearing (henceforth referred to as the interruptInUseConnections flag in this specification). "Interrupting a Connection" is defined as canceling whatever task the Connection is currently performing and marking the Connection as perished (e.g. by closing its underlying socket). The interrupting of these Connections MUST be performed as soon as possible but MUST NOT block the pool or prevent it from processing further requests. If the pool has a background thread, and it is responsible for interrupting in-use connections, its next run MUST be scheduled as soon as possible.

The pool MUST only interrupt in-use Connections whose generation is less than or equal to the generation of the pool at the moment of the clear (before the increment) that used the interruptInUseConnections flag. Any operations that have their Connections interrupted in this way MUST fail with a retryable error. If possible, the error SHOULD be a PoolClearedError with the following message: "Connection to <pool address> interrupted due to server monitor timeout".

Clearing a load balanced pool

A Pool MUST also have a method of clearing all Connections for a specific serviceId for use when in load balancer mode. This method increments the generation of the pool for that specific serviceId in the generation map. A PoolClearedEvent and log message MUST be emitted after incrementing the generation. Note that this method MUST NOT transition the pool to the "paused" state and MUST NOT clear the WaitQueue.

Load Balancer Mode

For load-balanced deployments, pools MUST maintain a map from serviceId to a tuple of (generation, connection count) where the connection count refers to the total number of connections that exist for a specific serviceId. The pool MUST remove the entry for a serviceId once the connection count reaches 0. Once the MongoDB handshake is done, the connection MUST get the generation number that applies to its serviceId from the map and update the map to increment the connection count for this serviceId.

See the Load Balancer Specification for details.


A Connection is explicitly not fork-safe. The proper behavior in the case of a fork is to ResetAfterFork by:

  • clear all Connection Pools in the child process
  • closing all Connections in the child-process.

Drivers that support forking MUST document that Connections to an Endpoint are not fork-safe, and document the proper way to ResetAfterFork in the driver.

Drivers MAY aggressively ResetAfterFork if the driver detects it has been forked.

Optional Behaviors

The following features of a Connection Pool SHOULD be implemented if they make sense in the driver and driver's language.

Background Thread

A Pool SHOULD have a background Thread that is responsible for monitoring the state of all available Connections. This background thread SHOULD

A pool SHOULD allow immediate scheduling of the next background thread iteration after a clear is performed.

Conceptually, the aforementioned activities are organized into sequential Background Thread Runs. A Run MUST do as much work as readily available and then end instead of waiting for more work. For example, instead of waiting for pendingConnectionCount to become less than maxConnecting when satisfying minPoolSize, a Run MUST either proceed with the rest of its duties, e.g., closing available perished connections, or end.

The duration of intervals between the end of one Run and the beginning of the next Run is not specified, but the Test Format and Runner Specification may restrict this duration, or introduce other restrictions to facilitate testing.


A Pool SHOULD implement a scoped resource management mechanism idiomatic to their language to prevent Connections from not being checked in. Examples include Python's "with" statement and C#'s "using" statement. If implemented, drivers SHOULD use this method as the default method of checking out and checking in Connections.

Connection Pool Monitoring

All drivers that implement a connection pool MUST provide an API that allows users to subscribe to events emitted from the pool. If a user subscribes to Connection Monitoring events, these events MUST be emitted when specified in "Connection Pool Behaviors". Events SHOULD be created and subscribed to in a manner idiomatic to their language and driver.


See the Load Balancer Specification for details on the serviceId field.

 *  Emitted when a Connection Pool is created
interface PoolCreatedEvent {
   *  The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
  address: string;

   *  Any non-default pool options that were set on this Connection Pool.
  options: {...}

 *  Emitted when a Connection Pool is marked as ready.
interface PoolReadyEvent {
   *  The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
  address: string;

 *  Emitted when a Connection Pool is cleared
interface PoolClearedEvent {
   *  The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
  address: string;

   * The service id for which the pool was cleared for in load balancing mode.
   * See load balancer specification for more information about this field.
  serviceId: Optional<ObjectId>;

   * A flag whether the pool forced interrupting "in use" connections as part of the clear.
  interruptInUseConnections: Optional<Boolean>;

 *  Emitted when a Connection Pool is closed
interface PoolClosedEvent {
   *  The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
  address: string;

 *  Emitted when a Connection Pool creates a Connection object.
 *  NOTE: This does not mean that the Connection is ready for use.
interface ConnectionCreatedEvent { 
   *  The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
  address: string;

   *  The ID of the Connection
  connectionId: int64;

 *  Emitted when a Connection has finished its setup, and is now ready to use
interface ConnectionReadyEvent {
   *  The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
  address: string;

   *  The ID of the Connection
  connectionId: int64;

   * The time it took to establish the connection.
   * In accordance with the definition of establishment of a connection
   * specified by `ConnectionPoolOptions.maxConnecting`,
   * it is the time elapsed between emitting a `ConnectionCreatedEvent`
   * and emitting this event as part of the same checking out.
   * Naturally, when establishing a connection is part of checking out,
   * this duration is not greater than
   * `ConnectionCheckedOutEvent`/`ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent.duration`.
   * A driver MAY choose the type idiomatic to the driver.
   * If the type chosen does not convey units, e.g., `int64`,
   * then the driver MAY include units in the name, e.g., `durationMS`.
  duration: Duration;

 *  Emitted when a Connection Pool closes a Connection
interface ConnectionClosedEvent {
   *  The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
  address: string;

   *  The ID of the Connection
  connectionId: int64;

   * A reason explaining why this Connection was closed.
   * Can be implemented as a string or enum.
   * Current valid values are:
   *   - "stale":           The pool was cleared, making the Connection no longer valid
   *   - "idle":            The Connection became stale by being available for too long
   *   - "error":           The Connection experienced an error, making it no longer valid
   *   - "poolClosed":      The pool was closed, making the Connection no longer valid
  reason: string|Enum;

 *  Emitted when the driver starts attempting to check out a Connection
interface ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent {
   * The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting
   * to connect to.
  address: string;

 *  Emitted when the driver's attempt to check out a Connection fails
interface ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent {
   *  The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
  address: string;

   *  A reason explaining why Connection check out failed.
   *  Can be implemented as a string or enum.
   *  Current valid values are:
   *   - "poolClosed":      The pool was previously closed, and cannot provide new Connections
   *   - "timeout":         The Connection check out attempt exceeded the specified timeout
   *   - "connectionError": The Connection check out attempt experienced an error while setting up a new Connection
  reason: string|Enum;

   * See `ConnectionCheckedOutEvent.duration`.
  duration: Duration;

 *  Emitted when the driver successfully checks out a Connection
interface ConnectionCheckedOutEvent {
   *  The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
  address: string;

   *  The ID of the Connection
  connectionId: int64;

   * The time it took to check out the connection.
   * More specifically, the time elapsed between
   * emitting a `ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent`
   * and emitting this event as part of the same checking out.
   * Naturally, if a new connection was not created (`ConnectionCreatedEvent`)
   * and established (`ConnectionReadyEvent`) as part of checking out,
   * this duration is usually
   * not greater than `ConnectionPoolOptions.waitQueueTimeoutMS`,
   * but MAY occasionally be greater than that,
   * because a driver does not provide hard real-time guarantees.
   * A driver MAY choose the type idiomatic to the driver.
   * If the type chosen does not convey units, e.g., `int64`,
   * then the driver MAY include units in the name, e.g., `durationMS`.
  duration: Duration;

 *  Emitted when the driver checks in a Connection back to the Connection Pool
interface ConnectionCheckedInEvent {
   * The ServerAddress of the Endpoint the pool is attempting to connect to.
  address: string;

   *  The ID of the Connection
  connectionId: int64;

Connection Pool Logging

Please refer to the logging specification for details on logging implementations in general, including log levels, log components, handling of null values in log messages, and structured versus unstructured logging.

Drivers MUST support logging of connection pool information via the following types of log messages. These messages MUST be logged at Debug level and use the connection log component. These messages MUST be emitted when specified in "Connection Pool Behaviors".

The log messages are intended to match the information contained in the events above. Drivers MAY implement connection logging support via an event subscriber if it is convenient to do so.

The types used in the structured message definitions below are demonstrative, and drivers MAY use similar types instead so long as the information is present (e.g. a double instead of an integer, or a string instead of an integer if the structured logging framework does not support numeric types).

Common Fields

All connection log messages MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
serverHostStringthe hostname, IP address, or Unix domain socket path for the endpoint the pool is for.
serverPortIntThe port for the endpoint the pool is for. Optional; not present for Unix domain sockets. When the user does not specify a port and the default (27017) is used, the driver SHOULD include it here.

Pool Created Message

In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
messageString"Connection pool created"
maxIdleTimeMSIntThe maxIdleTimeMS value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the user specified a value.
minPoolSizeIntThe minPoolSize value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the user specified a value.
maxPoolSizeIntThe maxPoolSize value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the user specified a value.
maxConnectingIntThe maxConnecting value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value.
waitQueueTimeoutMSIntThe waitQueueTimeoutMS value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value.
waitQueueSizeIntThe waitQueueSize value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value.
waitQueueMultipleIntThe waitQueueMultiple value for this pool. Optional; only required to include if the driver supports this option and the user specified a value.

The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:

Connection pool created for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} using options maxIdleTimeMS={{maxIdleTimeMS}}, minPoolSize={{minPoolSize}}, maxPoolSize={{maxPoolSize}}, maxConnecting={{maxConnecting}}, waitQueueTimeoutMS={{waitQueueTimeoutMS}}, waitQueueSize={{waitQueueSize}}, waitQueueMultiple={{waitQueueMultiple}}

Pool Ready Message

In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
messageString"Connection pool ready"

The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:

Connection pool ready for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}

Pool Cleared Message

In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
messageString"Connection pool cleared"
serviceIdStringThe hex string representation of the service ID which the pool was cleared for. Optional; only present in load balanced mode.

The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:

Connection pool for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}} cleared for serviceId {{serviceId}}

Pool Closed Message

In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
messageString"Connection pool closed"

The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:

Connection pool closed for {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}

Connection Created Message

In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
messageString"Connection created"
driverConnectionIdInt64The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection.

The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:

Connection created: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}

Connection Ready Message

In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
messageString"Connection ready"
driverConnectionIdInt64The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection.
durationMSInt32/Int64/DoubleConnectionReadyEvent.duration converted to milliseconds.

The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:

Connection ready: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}, established in={{durationMS}} ms

Connection Closed Message

In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
messageString"Connection closed"
driverConnectionIdInt64The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in a Connection.
reasonStringA string describing the reason the connection was closed. The following strings MUST be used for each possible reason as defined in Events above:
- Stale: "Connection became stale because the pool was cleared
- Idle: "Connection has been available but unused for longer than the configured max idle time"
- Error: "An error occurred while using the connection"
- Pool closed: "Connection pool was closed"
errorFlexibleIf reason is Error, the associated error.
The type and format of this value is flexible; see the logging specification for details on representing errors in log messages.

The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:

Connection closed: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}. Reason: {{reason}}. Error: {{error}}

Connection Checkout Started Message

In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
messageString"Connection checkout started"

The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:

Checkout started for connection to {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}

Connection Checkout Failed Message

In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
messageString"Connection checkout failed"
reasonStringA string describing the reason checkout. The following strings MUST be used for each possible reason as defined in Events above:
- Timeout: "Wait queue timeout elapsed without a connection becoming available"
- ConnectionError: "An error occurred while trying to establish a new connection"
- Pool closed: "Connection pool was closed"
errorFlexibleIf reason is ConnectionError, the associated error. The type and format of this value is flexible; see the logging specification for details on representing errors in log messages.
durationMSInt32/Int64/DoubleConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent.duration converted to milliseconds.

The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:

Checkout failed for connection to {{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}. Reason: {{reason}}. Error: {{error}}. Duration: {{durationMS}} ms

Connection Checked Out

In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
messageString"Connection checked out"
driverConnectionIdInt64The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection.
durationMSInt32/Int64/DoubleConnectionCheckedOutEvent.duration converted to milliseconds.

The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:

Connection checked out: address={serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}, duration={{durationMS}} ms

Connection Checked In

In addition to the common fields defined above, this message MUST contain the following key-value pairs:

KeySuggested TypeValue
messageString"Connection checked in"
driverConnectionIdInt64The driver-generated ID for the connection as defined in Connection.

The unstructured form SHOULD be as follows, using the values defined in the structured format above to fill in placeholders as appropriate:

Connection checked in: address={{serverHost}}:{{serverPort}}, driver-generated ID={{driverConnectionId}}

Connection Pool Errors

A connection pool throws errors in specific circumstances. These Errors MUST be emitted by the pool. Errors SHOULD be created and dispatched in a manner idiomatic to the Driver and Language.

 *  Thrown when the driver attempts to check out a
 *  Connection from a closed Connection Pool
interface PoolClosedError {
  message: 'Attempted to check out a Connection from closed connection pool';
  address: <pool address>;

 *  Thrown when the driver attempts to check out a
 *  Connection from a paused Connection Pool
interface PoolClearedError extends RetryableError {
  message: 'Connection pool for <pool address> was cleared because another operation failed with: <original error which cleared the pool>';
  address: <pool address>;

 *  Thrown when a driver times out when attempting to check out
 *  a Connection from a Pool
interface WaitQueueTimeoutError {
  message: 'Timed out while checking out a Connection from connection pool';
  address: <pool address>;

Test Plan

See tests/README

Design Rationale

Why do we set minPoolSize across all members of a replicaSet, when most traffic will be against a Primary?

Currently, we are attempting to codify our current pooling behavior with minimal changes, and minPoolSize is currently uniform across all members of a replicaSet. This has the benefit of offsetting connection swarming during a Primary Step-Down, which will be further addressed in our Advanced Pooling Behaviors.

Why do we have separate ConnectionCreated and ConnectionReady events, but only one ConnectionClosed event?

ConnectionCreated and ConnectionReady each involve different state changes in the pool.

  • ConnectionCreated adds a new "pending" Connection, meaning the totalConnectionCount and pendingConnectionCount increase by one
  • ConnectionReady establishes that the Connection is ready for use, meaning the availableConnectionCount increases by one

ConnectionClosed indicates that the Connection is no longer a member of the pool, decrementing totalConnectionCount and potentially availableConnectionCount. After this point, the Connection is no longer a part of the pool. Further hypothetical events would not indicate a change to the state of the pool, so they are not specified here.

Why are waitQueueSize and waitQueueMultiple deprecated?

These options were originally only implemented in three drivers (Java, C#, and Python), and provided little value. While these fields would allow for faster diagnosis of issues in the connection pool, they would not actually prevent an error from occurring.

Additionally, these options have the effect of prioritizing newer requests over older requests, which is not necessarily the behavior that users want. For example, consider a situation when a WaitQueue is full, and a request for Connection gets rejected. Then a spot opens in the WaitQueue, and a newer request gets accepted. One may say that the newer request was prioritized over the older one, which violates the fairness recommendation that the WaitQueue normally adheres to.

Because of these issues, it does not make sense to go against driver mantras and provide an additional knob. We may eventually pursue an alternative configuration to address wait queue size in Advanced Pooling Behaviors.

Users that wish to have this functionality can achieve similar results by utilizing other methods to limit concurrency. Examples include implementing either a thread pool or an operation queue with a capped size in the user application. Drivers that need to deprecate waitQueueSize and/or waitQueueMultiple SHOULD refer users to these examples.

Why is waitQueueTimeoutMS optional for some drivers?

We are anticipating eventually introducing a single client-side timeout mechanism, making us hesitant to introduce another granular timeout control. Therefore, if a driver/language already has an idiomatic way to implement their timeouts, they should leverage that mechanism over implementing waitQueueTimeoutMS.

Why must populating the pool require the use of a background thread or async I/O?

Without the use of a background thread, the pool is populated with enough connections to satisfy minPoolSize during checkOut. Connections are established as part of populating the pool though, so if Connection establishment were done in a blocking fashion, the first operations after a clearing of the pool would experience unacceptably high latency, especially for larger values of minPoolSize. Thus, populating the pool must occur on a background thread (which is acceptable to block) or via the usage of non-blocking (async) I/O.

Why should closing a connection be non-blocking?

Because idle and perished Connections are cleaned up as part of checkOut, performing blocking I/O while closing such Connections would block application threads, introducing unnecessary latency. Once a Connection is marked as "closed", it will not be checked out again, so ensuring the socket is torn down does not need to happen immediately and can happen at a later time, either via async I/O or a background thread.

Why can the pool be paused?

The distinction between the "paused" state and the "ready" state allows the pool to determine whether or not the endpoint it is associated with is available or not. This enables the following behaviors:

  1. The pool can halt the creation of background connection establishments until the endpoint becomes available again. Without the "paused" state, the pool would have no way of determining when to begin establishing background connections again, so it would just continually attempt, and often fail, to create connections until minPoolSize was satisfied, even after repeated failures. This could unnecessarily waste resources both server and driver side.
  2. The pool can evict requests that enter the WaitQueue after the pool was cleared but before the server was in a known state again. Such requests can occur when a server is selected at the same time as it becomes marked as Unknown in highly concurrent workloads. Without the "paused" state, the pool would attempt to service these requests, since it would assume they were routed to the pool because its endpoint was available, not because of a race between SDAM and Server Selection. These requests would then likely fail with potentially high latency, again wasting resources both server and driver side.

Why not emit PoolCleared events and log messages when clearing a paused pool?

If a pool is already paused when it is cleared, that means it was previously cleared and no new connections have been created since then. Thus, clearing the pool in this case is essentially a no-op, so there is no need to notify any listeners that it has occurred. The generation is still incremented, however, to ensure future errors that caused the duplicate clear will stop attempting to clear the pool again. This situation is possible if the pool is cleared by the background thread after it encounters an error establishing a connection, but the ServerDescription for the endpoint was not updated accordingly yet.

Why does the pool need to support interrupting in use connections as part of its clear logic?

If a SDAM monitor has observed a network timeout, we assume that all connections including "in use" connections are no longer healthy. In some cases connections will fail to detect the network timeout fast enough. For example, a server request can hang at the OS level in TCP retry loop up for 17 minutes before failing. Therefore these connections MUST be proactively interrupted in the case of a server monitor network timeout. Requesting an immediate background thread run will speed up this process.

Why don't we configure TCP_USER_TIMEOUT?

Ideally, a reasonable TCP_USER_TIMEOUT can help with detecting stale connections as an alternative to interruptInUseConnections in Clear. Unfortunately this approach is platform dependent and not each driver allows easily configuring it. For example, C# driver can configure this socket option on linux only with target frameworks higher or equal to .net 5.0. On macOS, there is no straight equivalent for this option, it's possible that we can find some equivalent configuration, but this configuration will also require target frameworks higher than or equal to .net 5.0. The advantage of using Background Thread to manage perished connections is that it will work regardless of environment setup.

Backwards Compatibility

As mentioned in Deprecated Options, some drivers currently implement the options waitQueueSize and/or waitQueueMultiple. These options will need to be deprecated and phased out of the drivers that have implemented them.

Reference Implementations

  • JAVA (JAVA-3079)
  • RUBY (RUBY-1560)

Future Development


This specification does not dictate how SDAM Monitoring connections are managed. SDAM specifies that "A monitor SHOULD NOT use the client's regular Connection pool". Some possible solutions for this include:

  • Having each Endpoint representation in the driver create and manage a separate dedicated Connection for monitoring purposes
  • Having each Endpoint representation in the driver maintain a separate pool of maxPoolSize 1 for monitoring purposes.
  • Having each Pool maintain a dedicated Connection for monitoring purposes, with an API to expose that Connection.

Advanced Pooling Behaviors

This spec does not address all advanced pooling behaviors like predictive pooling or aggressive Connection creation. Future work may address this.

Add support for OP_MSG exhaustAllowed

Exhaust Cursors may require changes to how we close Connections in the future, specifically to add a way to close and remove from its pool a Connection which has unread exhaust messages.


  • 2025-01-22: Clarify durationMS in logs may be Int32/Int64/Double.

  • 2024-11-27: Relaxed the WaitQueue fairness requirement.

  • 2024-11-01: Fixed race condition in pool-checkout-returned-connection-maxConnecting.yml test.

  • 2024-01-23: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.

  • 2019-06-06: Add "connectionError" as a valid reason for ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent

  • 2020-09-03: Clarify Connection states and definition. Require the use of a background thread and/or async I/O. Add tests to ensure ConnectionReadyEvents are fired after ConnectionCreatedEvents.

  • 2020-09-24: Introduce maxConnecting requirement

  • 2020-12-17: Introduce "paused" and "ready" states. Clear WaitQueue on pool clear.

  • 2021-01-12: Clarify "clear" method behavior in load balancer mode.

  • 2021-01-19: Require that timeouts be applied per the client-side operations timeout specification.

  • 2021-04-12: Adding in behaviour for load balancer mode.

  • 2021-06-02: Formalize the behavior of a Background Thread.

  • 2021-11-08: Make maxConnecting configurable.

  • 2022-04-05: Preemptively cancel in progress operations when SDAM heartbeats timeout.

  • 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter and reformat changelog.

  • 2022-10-14: Add connection pool log messages and associated tests.

  • 2023-04-17: Fix duplicate logging test description.

  • 2023-08-04: Add durations to connection pool events.

  • 2023-10-04: Commit to the currently specified requirements regarding durations in events.