1. Introduction
  2. Mantras
  3. Wire Version Feature List
  4. Specifications
  5. Serialization
    1. BSON
    2. BSON Binary Subtype 9: Vector
    3. ObjectId
    4. Decimal128
    5. UUID
    6. DBRef
    7. Extended JSON
  6. Communication
    1. OP_MSG
    2. Command Execution
    3. Connection String
    4. URI Options
    5. OCSP
    6. Initial Handshake
    7. Wire Compression
    8. SOCKS5
    9. Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery
  7. Connectivity
    1. Server Discovery and Monitoring
    2. Connection Monitoring and Pooling
    3. Load Balancer Support
  8. Authentication
  9. Availability
    1. Server Monitoring
    2. SRV Polling for mongos Discovery
    3. Server Selection
    4. Max Staleness
  10. Resilience
    1. Retryability
      1. Reads
      2. Writes
    2. CSOT
    3. Consistency
      1. Sessions
      2. Causal Consistency
      3. Snapshot Reads
      4. Transactions
      5. Convenient Transactions API
  11. Programmability
    1. Stable API
    2. Resource Management
      1. Databases
      2. Collections
      3. Indexes
    3. Data Management
      1. CRUD
      2. Collation
      3. Write Commands
      4. Bulk API
      5. Bulk Write
      6. R/W Concern
    4. Cursors
      1. Change Streams
      2. find/getMore/killCursors
    5. GridFS
  12. Security
    1. Client Side Encryption
    2. BSON Binary Subtype 6: Encrypted
  13. Observability
    1. Command Logging and Monitoring
    2. SDAM Logging and Monitoring
    3. Standardized Logging
    4. Connection Pool Logging
  14. Testability
    1. Unified Test Format
    2. Atlas Data Federation Testing
    3. Performance Benchmarking
    4. BSON Corpus
    5. Replication Event Resilience
    6. FAAS Automated Testing
    7. Atlas Serverless Testing