- Introduction
- Mantras
- Wire Version Feature List
- Specifications
1. Serialization
- 1.1. BSON
- 1.2. BSON Binary Subtype 9: Vector
- 1.3. ObjectId
- 1.4. Decimal128
- 1.5. UUID
- 1.6. DBRef
- 1.7. Extended JSON
2. Communication
- 2.1. OP_MSG
- 2.2. Command Execution
- 2.3. Connection String
- 2.4. URI Options
- 2.5. OCSP
- 2.6. Initial Handshake
- 2.7. Wire Compression
- 2.8. SOCKS5
- 2.9. Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery
3. Connectivity
- 3.1. Server Discovery and Monitoring
- 3.2. Connection Monitoring and Pooling
- 3.3. Load Balancer Support
- 4. Authentication
5. Availability
- 5.1. Server Monitoring
- 5.2. SRV Polling for mongos Discovery
- 5.3. Server Selection
- 5.4. Max Staleness
6. Resilience
6.1. Retryability
- 6.1.1. Reads
- 6.1.2. Writes
- 6.2. CSOT
6.3. Consistency
- 6.3.1. Sessions
- 6.3.2. Causal Consistency
- 6.3.3. Snapshot Reads
- 6.3.4. Transactions
- 6.3.5. Convenient Transactions API
7. Programmability
- 7.1. Stable API
7.2. Resource Management
- 7.2.1. Databases
- 7.2.2. Collections
- 7.2.3. Indexes
7.3. Data Management
- 7.3.1. CRUD
- 7.3.2. Collation
- 7.3.3. Write Commands
- 7.3.4. Bulk API
- 7.3.5. Bulk Write
- 7.3.6. R/W Concern
7.4. Cursors
- 7.4.1. Change Streams
- 7.4.2. find/getMore/killCursors
- 7.5. GridFS
8. Security
- 8.1. Client Side Encryption
- 8.2. BSON Binary Subtype 6: Encrypted
9. Observability
- 9.1. Command Logging and Monitoring
- 9.2. SDAM Logging and Monitoring
- 9.3. Standardized Logging
- 9.4. Connection Pool Logging
10. Testability
- 10.1. Unified Test Format
- 10.2. Atlas Data Federation Testing
- 10.3. Performance Benchmarking
- 10.4. BSON Corpus
- 10.5. Replication Event Resilience
- 10.6. FAAS Automated Testing
- 10.7. Atlas Serverless Testing