Snapshot Reads Specification

  • Status: Accepted
  • Minimum Server Version: 5.0


Version 5.0 of the server introduces support for read concern level "snapshot" (non-speculative) for read commands outside of transactions, including on secondaries. This spec builds upon the Sessions Specification to define how an application requests "snapshot" level read concern and how a driver interacts with the server to implement snapshot reads.



The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


The driver object representing a client session and the operations that can be performed on it.

The root object of a driver's API. MAY be named differently in some drivers.

The driver object representing a collection and the operations that can be performed on it. MAY be named differently in some drivers.

The driver object representing a database and the operations that can be performed on it. MAY be named differently in some drivers.

The driver object representing a server session.

A session is an abstract concept that represents a set of sequential operations executed by an application that are related in some way. This specification defines how sessions are used to implement snapshot reads.

Snapshot reads
Reads with read concern level snapshot that occur outside of transactions on both the primary and secondary nodes, including in sharded clusters. Snapshots reads are majority committed reads.

Snapshot timestamp
Snapshot timestamp, representing timestamp of the first supported read operation (i.e. find/aggregate/distinct) in the session. The server creates a cursor in response to a snapshot find/aggregate command and reports atClusterTime within the cursor field in the response. For the distinct command the server adds a top-level atClusterTime field to the response. The atClusterTime field represents the timestamp of the read and is guaranteed to be majority committed.


An application requests snapshot reads by creating a ClientSession with options that specify that snapshot reads are desired. An application then passes the session as an argument to methods in the MongoDatabase and MongoCollection classes. Read operations (find/aggregate/distinct) performed against that session will be read from the same snapshot.

High level summary of the API changes for snapshot reads

Snapshot reads are built on top of client sessions.

Applications will start a new client session for snapshot reads like this:

options = new SessionOptions(snapshot = true);
session = client.startSession(options);

All read operations performed using this session will be read from the same snapshot.

If no value is provided for snapshot a value of false is implied. There are no MongoDatabase, MongoClient, or MongoCollection API changes.

SessionOptions changes

SessionOptions change summary

class SessionOptions {
    Optional<bool> snapshot;

    // other options defined by other specs

In order to support snapshot reads a new property named snapshot is added to SessionOptions. Applications set snapshot when starting a client session to indicate whether they want snapshot reads. All read operations performed using that client session will share the same snapshot.

Each new member is documented below.


Applications set snapshot when starting a session to indicate whether they want snapshot reads.

Note that the snapshot property is optional. The default value of this property is false.

Snapshot reads and causal consistency are mutually exclusive. Therefore if snapshot is set to true, causalConsistency must be false. Client MUST throw an error if both snapshot and causalConsistency are set to true. Snapshot reads are supported on both primaries and secondaries.

ClientSession changes

Transactions are not allowed with snapshot sessions. Calling session.startTransaction(options) on a snapshot session MUST raise an error.

ReadConcern changes

snapshot added to ReadConcernLevel enumeration.

Server Commands

There are no new server commands related to snapshot reads. Instead, snapshot reads are implemented by:

  1. Saving the atClusterTime returned by 5.0+ servers for the first find/aggregate/distinct operation in a private snapshotTime property of the ClientSession object. Drivers MUST save atClusterTime in the ClientSession object.
  2. Passing that snapshotTime in the atClusterTime field of the readConcern field for subsequent snapshot read operations (i.e. find/aggregate/distinct commands).

Server Command Responses

For find/aggregate commands the server returns atClusterTime within the cursor field of the response.

    ok : 1 or 0,
    ... // the rest of the command reply
    cursor : {
        ... // the rest of the cursor reply
        atClusterTime : <BsonTimestamp>

For distinct commands the server returns atClusterTime as a top-level field in the response.

    ok : 1 or 0,
    ... // the rest of the command reply
    atClusterTime : <BsonTimestamp>

The atClusterTime timestamp MUST be stored in the ClientSession to later be passed as the atClusterTime field of the readConcern with a snapshot level in subsequent read operations.

Server Errors

  1. The server may reply to read commands with a SnapshotTooOld(239) error if the client's atClusterTime value is not available in the server's history.
  2. The server will return InvalidOptions(72) error if both atClusterTime and afterClusterTime options are set to true.
  3. The server will return InvalidOptions(72) error if the command does not support readConcern.level "snapshot".

Snapshot Read Commands

For snapshot reads the driver MUST first obtain atClusterTime from the server response of a find/aggregate/distinct command, by specifying readConcern with snapshot level field, and store it as snapshotTime in the ClientSession object.

    find : <string>, // or other read command
    ... // the rest of the command parameters
    readConcern :
        level : "snapshot"

For subsequent reads in the same session, the driver MUST send the snapshotTime saved in the ClientSession as the value of the atClusterTime field of the readConcern with a snapshot level:

    find : <string>, // or other read command
    ... // the rest of the command parameters
    readConcern :
        level : "snapshot",
        atClusterTime : <BsonTimestamp>

Lists of commands that support snapshot reads:

  1. find
  2. aggregate
  3. distinct

Sending readConcern to the server on all commands

Drivers MUST set the readConcern level and atClusterTime fields (as outlined above) on all commands in a snapshot session, including commands that do not accept a readConcern (e.g. insert, update). This ensures that the server will return an error for invalid operations, such as writes, within a session configured for snapshot reads.

Requires MongoDB 5.0+

Snapshot reads require MongoDB 5.0+. When the connected server's maxWireVersion is less than 13, drivers MUST throw an exception with the message "Snapshot reads require MongoDB 5.0 or later".


To support snapshot reads. Only supported with server version 5.0+ or newer.

Design Rationale

The goal is to modify the driver API as little as possible so that existing programs that don't need snapshot reads don't have to be changed. This goal is met by defining a SessionOptions field that applications use to start a ClientSession that can be used for snapshot reads. Alternative explicit approach of obtaining atClusterTime from cursor object and passing it to read concern object was considered initially. A session-based approach was chosen as it aligns better with the existing API, and requires minimal API changes. Future extensibility for snapshot reads would be best served by a session-based approach, as no API changes will be required.

Backwards Compatibility

The API changes to support snapshot reads extend the existing API but do not introduce any backward breaking changes. Existing programs that don't use snapshot reads continue to compile and run correctly.

Reference Implementation

C# driver will provide the reference implementation. The corresponding ticket is CSHARP-3668.



  • 2024-05-08: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
  • 2021-06-15: Initial version.
  • 2021-06-28: Raise client side error on < 5.0.
  • 2021-06-29: Send readConcern with all snapshot session commands.
  • 2021-07-16: Grammar revisions. Change SHOULD to MUST for startTransaction error to comply with existing tests.
  • 2021-08-09: Updated client-side error spec tests to use correct syntax for test.expectEvents
  • 2022-10-05: Remove spec front matter