FaaS Automated Testing

  • Status:
  • Minimum Server Version: 3.6


This specification is about the ability for drivers to automate tests for "Functions as a Service" from continuous integration.


The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.




"Function as a Service", such as AWS Lambda.

Implementing Automated FaaS Tests

AWS Lambda

This section describes the required setup of an AWS Lambda function and the steps needed to automate the deployment and execution of the function in Evergreen.

Local Execution

For the initial local setup the following are required:

  • The docker daemon running on the local machine.

AWS access MUST be configured, either through $HOME/.aws/credentials or with the following environment variables:

  • AWS_REGION - Set to us-east-1
  • MONGODB_URI - The local MongoDB instance
Project Initialization

Create the new project via SAM and follow the prompts:

sam init

For the template, select "AWS Quick Start Template".

Which template source would you like to use?
  1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
  2 - Custom Template Location
Choice: 1

For the quick start template, select "Hello World Example".

Choose an AWS Quick Start application template
  1 - Hello World Example
  2 - Multi-step workflow
  3 - Serverless API
  4 - Scheduled task
  5 - Standalone function
  6 - Data processing
  7 - Infrastructure event management
  8 - Hello World Example With Powertools
  9 - Serverless Connector Hello World Example
  10 - Multi-step workflow with Connectors
  11 - Lambda EFS example
  12 - DynamoDB Example
  13 - Machine Learning
Template: 1

When prompted for language if the driver language is not Python, select "N".

Use the most popular runtime and package type? (Python and zip) [y/N]: n

Then select the runtime for your driver:

Which runtime would you like to use?
  1 - aot.dotnet7 (provided.al2)
  2 - dotnet6
  3 - dotnet5.0
  4 - dotnetcore3.1
  5 - go1.x
  6 - go (provided.al2)
  7 - graalvm.java11 (provided.al2)
  8 - graalvm.java17 (provided.al2)
  9 - java11
  10 - java8.al2
  11 - java8
  12 - nodejs18.x
  13 - nodejs16.x
  14 - nodejs14.x
  15 - nodejs12.x
  16 - python3.9
  17 - python3.8
  18 - python3.7
  19 - ruby2.7
  20 - rust (provided.al2)
Runtime: 12

Select Zip package type:

What package type would you like to use?
  1 - Zip
  2 - Image
Package type: 1

Then follow the remaining prompts for the driver language to finish setup. Drivers MAY choose to also enable X-Ray tracing and CloudWatch Application Insights during these next steps.

NOTE - If the driver wants to skip prompts in the setup it can provide defaults to the sam init command. Example:

sam init --name my-hello-world-app \
    --app-template "hello-world" \
    --runtime go1.x \
    --package-type Zip
Function Setup

In the newly created project directory modify the template.yaml file:

Change default timeout to 30 seconds:

    Timeout: 30

Add a root parameter for the MongoDB connection string:

    Type: String
    Description: The MongoDB connection string.

Replace all instances in the template.yaml of HelloWorld with MongoDB and then modify the root Resources config to add the MONGODB_URI env variable reference and change the CodeUri to mongodb/ : Then rename the hello-world directory to mongodb. Do not change the Handler and Runtime properties.

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: mongodb/
          MONGODB_URI: !Ref MongoDbUri

If the generated template contains Resources.Events.CatchAll.Properties.Path then change it to /mongodb and if it also contains Resources.Handler modify that to mongodb as well.

        Path: /mongodb
  Handler: mongodb

If possible, install the current driver under test into the lambda environment, to avoid having to release the driver in order to test features or catch regressions. See docs on https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-function-zip.html for how to create a .zip file deployment with dependencies.

Start the local MongoDB instance. If using Docker Desktop on MacOS, set MONGODB_URI=mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017 in order for the function to be able to access the host port.

Run the function locally from the same directory where the template.yaml resides:

sam build
sam local invoke --parameter-overrides "MongoDbUri=${MONGODB_URI}"

NOTE "" in the MONGODB_URI MUST be replaced with "host.docker.internal" to test a local MongoDB deployment. If "host.docker.internal" does not work (can occur on M1 machines), drivers MAY choose to use a [bridged docker container](https://docs.docker.com/network/bridge/) to test locally.

Implementing the Function

Drivers MUST setup the function as would be done in their appropriate language. In the function implementation the driver MUST:

  • Create a MongoClient that points to MONGODB_URI.
  • Add listeners for the following monitoring events: ServerHeartbeatStarted, ServerHeartbeatFailed, CommandSucceeded, CommandFailed, ConnectionCreated, ConnectionClosed.
  • Drivers MUST perform a single insert and then a single delete of the inserted document to force write operations on the primary node.
  • Drivers MUST record the durations and counts of the heartbeats, the durations of the commands, as well as keep track of the number of open connections, and report this information in the function response as JSON.
  • Drivers MUST assert no ServerHeartbeat events contain the awaited=True flag to confirm that the streaming protocol is disabled (DRIVERS-2578).
Running in Continuous Integration

Running in CI requires Evergreen to be setup to assume the appropriate role in AWS and then execute the script in drivers-evergreen-tools with the required environment variables. An explanation of the required environment is as follows:

LAMBDA_AWS_ROLE_ARNThe role ARN to assume
TEST_LAMBDA_DIRECTORYThe lambda function directory
DRIVERS_TOOLSLocation of drivers-evergreen-tools
DRIVERS_ATLAS_LAMBDA_USERThe Atlas cluster user name
DRIVERS_ATLAS_LAMBDA_PASSWORDThe Atlas cluster user password
DRIVERS_ATLAS_GROUP_IDThe driver's Atlas group id
LAMBDA_STACK_NAMEThe driver's Lambda stack name
AWS_REGIONThe function AWS region
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDAssume role automatically sets this
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYAssume role automatically sets this
AWS_SESSION_TOKENAssume role automatically sets this

Supported Evergreen variants that have the AWS SAM CLI installed:

  • ubuntu2204
  • ubuntu1804
  • ubuntu1804-workstation
  • ubuntu2204-arm64
  • ubuntu2004-arm64
  • ubuntu1804-arm64
  • rhel90
  • rhel80
  • rhel84
  • rhel90-selinux
  • rhel80-selinux
  • rhel90-arm64
  • rhel82-arm64

This is an example task group in the Evergreen config that accomplishes this, using subprocess.exec to execute scripts that call the drivers-evergreen-tools functions inside of it for setup, teardown, and execution:

  - name: "test-aws-lambda-deployed"
      - func: "install dependencies"
      - command: ec2.assume_role
          role_arn: ${LAMBDA_AWS_ROLE_ARN}
          duration_seconds: 3600
      - command: subprocess.exec
          working_dir: src
          binary: bash
          add_expansions_to_env: true
            - ${DRIVERS_TOOLS}/.evergreen/aws_lambda/run-deployed-lambda-aws-tests.sh
            AWS_REGION: us-east-1
  - name: test_aws_lambda_task_group
      - func: fetch source
      - command: subprocess.exec
          working_dir: src
          binary: bash
          add_expansions_to_env: true
            - ${DRIVERS_TOOLS}/.evergreen/atlas/setup-atlas-cluster.sh
      - command: expansions.update
          file: src/atlas-expansion.yml
      - command: subprocess.exec
          working_dir: src
          binary: bash
          add_expansions_to_env: true
            - ${DRIVERS_TOOLS}/.evergreen/atlas/teardown-atlas-cluster.sh
    setup_group_can_fail_task: true
    setup_group_timeout_secs: 1800
      - test-aws-lambda-deployed

Drivers MUST run the function on a single variant in Evergreen, in order to not potentially hit the Atlas API rate limit. The variant itself MUST have the SAM CLI installed.

Description of the behaviour of run-deployed-lambda-aws-tests.sh:

  • Builds the Lambda function locally
  • Deploys the Lambda function to AWS.
  • Queries for the Lambda function ARN.
  • Invokes the Lambda function cold and frozen.
  • Initiates a primary failover of the cluster in Atlas.
  • Calls the frozen lambda function again.
  • Deletes the Lambda function.


  • 2024-02-27: Migrated from reStructuredText to Markdown.
  • 2023-08-21: Drivers MUST assert that the streaming protocol is disabled in the Lambda function.
  • 2023-08-17: Fixed URI typo, added host note, increase assume role duration.
  • 2023-06-22: Updated evergreen configuration to use task groups.
  • 2023-04-14: Added list of supported variants, added additional template config.